HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-03, Page 2G D. 1\tcTACGART M. D. MeTAGG'ART McTaggart Bros. -11ANTiEllS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED IL T. RANCE -- -.- NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE' AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT . OFFICE, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan Block --CLINTON CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn., L.R.O.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW - OFFICE - RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. ' Office and residence: 2 doors west of the 'Commercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. r. A. AXON - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D.S.; To. ronto. Bayfield' on Mondays from May to December. - TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going East, 7.25 a. m 3.07 p. m. 5.15 p. m. Going West, 11.07 a. m. 1.25 p. m. 6.40 p. rn. 11.28 p. tn. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV : Going South, 7.50 a. m 4.23 p. m. Going North, 11.00 a. m. 6.35 p. m. 14 • • OVER es YEARS' EXPERFENCE TRADE MARES DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a attach and deseription may solcaty ascertain our °pluton free whether on Invention to nrotabiyeateiltable. tionsetrietreonlidentird. tiANlipt on Potent" wiVa'ni =7; trolUmArliArtl:ot:AM :sedated/se, without charge, lu the Rtnerican A handsomely illustrated weekly. ;Largest alb. curiumn or any selentilla joumol. 'Mons dor Canada, Se.eS a year, poefage prepaid. 'ilold, by all newsdealer'. • . MUNN & emear"admi' New York Brooch 00100. u2a F Sif..Washinuton. 0.0.,. LIPPINCOTT "MAGAZIOt A FAmn.v LIBRARY The Best in CuTrent ilterelete -12 COG PL;TE NOVELS YEARLY .1111 ANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TliviCLIf TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COPY. NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUM3R COMPLETE IN rrect.s. If we had otir lives to live over it would enable us to make our rills - :takes easier. Bran, Short.s and Flour Fronf the pest, Mills at the lowest possible price:, WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, 'PEAS and BAR- LEY, also.HAY for Baling, Ford & McLeod THEBEST GOAL IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DE- LIVERY, SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT ROW - LAND'S , HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT- • TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the Cbunty of Huron. - Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction • guaranteed., D. N. WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO • Licensed Auctioneer 'for the County of Huron • Correspondence promptly answered. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed Immediate arrangenaents for Sale Dates may be made by calling at The .News -Record Office, or on Frank ,Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. THOIIIAS BROWN Licensed Auctioneer for the Colin - ties of 'Huron and Perth Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sale Dates at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 97, Seaforth. Charges moderate and satisfaction. guaranteed ' The oKlllop Illutual Fio Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured - OFFICERS -- J. B. MCLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderich P.O.; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. • - Directors F. McGregor, Seaforth John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harlock; John lienuewies, Brodbagen •, James Evans, I3eechwood ; M. McEven, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hinch- ley, Seaforth ; William • Chesney, Enmondville; J. W. Yea, Holmes- ville. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co.'Clin- ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goclerich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will he promptly attended to on ap- plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post - Offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub- lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denote.d on the label. Advertising Rates - Transient ad. vertisernents, 10 cents ,per non- pareil line for first insertion and :3 cents per line for each subse- quent insertion. Small advertise- ments not to ' exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in- sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pub- lication must, as a ,guarantee of good faith, be aecompanied by the name of the writer'. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Pro.pHetor. -Every Woman_ 13 interested and should know about tho wonderful •SPInY DouctIs Ank your drugglet for It. If he cannot supply the MARVEL. aceept , other, but send etnmlo for Illus. trated book--scated. It gives NI, 1" Just 1 what you need after a hard day's work -A Refroshinocup of Goes Farthest for the Money, tIme7zattratrAottoatostorgrzsortamisksokammoiiiema When ldlen Feel Themselves a Part of That Which Is Nothing ilore Than Illechanisn-i The song of trust said aspiration has been hushed in ,many hearts these days by the changing condi- tions of religious belief. • When some man believed in an infallible church or • in an infallibM book or in some system of doctrine implicit- ly accepted, faith was easy and he found himself singing. But the study of history and of science, of literature and of philosophy, has Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cure many common aliments ivhich are very different, but which ail arise from the same cause -a system clogged with impurities. The Pills cause the bowels to move regularly, strengthen aruketimulate the kidueys and Cpeii bft the pores of the skill. These organs immediately throw off the accumulated impurities, and Bili- �useess,Indigestton, Liver Complaint, Kidney Troubles, Headaches, Rheum- atism and similar ailments vanish. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills 45 Save Doctors' Bills Forty years in Ilse, 20. years the standard, prescribed and recom- mended by physi el ans. For Woman's Ailthents, Or. Marters Female Pills, at your druggist. JUST A LITTLE MENTHOLINE On Your Lips - "CHAPS GONE" It quickly heals Cracked hands Cold Sores Chilblains An immediate remedy for Cold in Head and Headache Yon „can get it at The Rexall Store •W. S. R. IDLES, P.M.% Manufacturing Chemist • ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 21/2, in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. changed all this for the, man of ,in- telligence. He cair-no longer take Itis faith upon the authority of an- other. He feels impelled to work out his owntheological salvation With fear and.,trembling. And be- camsethe tisk is hard he often feels that he cannot sing the Lord's song in this strange land. Not only changes in theological belief but a changed attitude in re- „flard to man's moral freedom has a tendency to ilileri,913 the song. "Heredity and environment have us bound hand and foot," men are saying. Man does not as he choos- es, but as he must. Whatever it had to be and whatever will be, will be, whether we like it or not. This gloomy, pessimisic determinism is not confined to the dark closets of a- few philosophers; it is boldly preached from the housetops and On tlie Street Corners. And the song of aspiration has been silenced in other hearts by the changing and advancing ideals in the world of industry. It is being insisted upon; mari fashion, that fortunes shall be won as, wellas spent or given away ,by methods which harmonize with the higher ideals of life. It was a clever para-. phrase which said: "A new coin - Comfort Your Stomach 'We pay for this treatment if It fails to promptly relieve Indiges- tion and Dyspepsia. Rerall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles because they con- , lain the proper proportion of Pepsin and Bismuth and the necessary car- minatives that help nature to supply the elements the absence of which - in the gastric juices causes indiges- tion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rowell Dys- pepsia Tablets in your vest pocket, or Imp them- in your room. Take one after each heavy meal andProve our assertion that they will keep indi- gestion from b,othering you. We Icnow 'what Rezall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they'tvill do. We guarantee; them te,relieve' indi- gestion and dySpepaia, or to refund your money, if they fail to do so. Doesn't it stand to reason that'Ave would& t meanie this money risk were we not certsla Roxall Dyspepsia Tablets will satisfy yell? 'Three tares, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 51.00. You can buy Email Dyspepsia Tablets '10 this community only at our store: W. S. R. HOLMES. Clinton 271e Store ()Mario There is Renal! Store in nearly every town mid city in the linked States, Canada anti Great Britain. There is a different Remit Remedy for nearly yvery ordinary human eaeh especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended, • The Retail Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores egEFRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The best practical training school in Ontario. Three de- partments -Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy. All courses are thorough and prac- tical. Teachers are experienced and graduates aro placed in positions. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. -Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A 1VIcLACIILAN, Principal. Better than' Christmas is again over, and as we start into 1913 we wish to thank our patrons for their liberal patronage, and 'to intimate that our stock will always be so kept up-to-date that you will have a feeling, of satisfaction in dealing with us. CtDUNTE, Sondra, Agents for Cauatio, JEWE.-LER and ISSUER 9 mandment give I unto you that ye .remember the' week day to keep..it holy," It seems impossible tb many people to rceoneih3 Christian ,etks with the present economic condi- '°p;pdp,v wl,lich we are Compelled. „o .E,Iind because they .are an - willing, to sing on Sunday what they do. not , see, their way dear to prac- tice-' on .Mond, they declare :their inability to sing the Lord's song in such a strange land. What shall we say itt the face of it all'? The task of keeping the faith and of .i3.inging the song of trust hat become undouktedly 'a different and a harder task. The'aangecl re- ligious.beliefS f the people, the new psychology Making ' this human na- ture cif ours seem a inore Comple'x affair, the eincrgence of more ex- acting ideals -in the' world of indus- try will of .necessity Modify the Song. But, all, this need not, it must not, drown it. The finer discrimination. in matters of belief; the -deep'er sense Of all that is involved in alit mysterionS thing we call personal. ity:, and the moral heroism demand- ed in undertaking to make the six days of labor as holy as the seVenth day hf reel and Nvorship,_ all this will 'only serve to bring Out new notes and finer accents in the song of the higher .life. , , . The difficulty and vastness of the undertaking will -serve to make the "ssttack" of the singers more sharply defined and will add rich - nes and impressiveness to the final volume of praise rising from the lips of men devoted to this bolder eriterprise. The song of aspiration will be sung in this changed land and the music of it will help to make ,it the Lard's land. It will be sUng from throats attuned to these richer harmonies and from hearts inspired by the wider vision of possible achievement. Thus through the joy and fellow- ship of this broader service men will enter more deeply into that form of satisfaction worthy to be called the joy of their Lord." - Rev. Charles It. Brown. OF MARRIAGE LICENSES , THE SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY • INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL G. K6;4/ '4.00WrOR( THEbLUE PACKAdt , C tAlkErULTOn SEE THAT LAB ' ,PACK ACC ;1 S BLUE. NO OTHER COLOR EVER USED ON ROYAL YE ST REMEMBER THE COLOR BLUE E.tALG I LLETT Litt . TORONTO-ONT. Lesson I.-Jaeob and.Esau.-Gen, 25. 27-34; 27. 1-45. Golden text, Isa. 30. 18. The narrative intervening be- tween the lesson for March 13 and this one records the death and burial 'of Sarah and of Abraham, the bef.rothal and marriage of Isaac and Rebekah, the birth' of Esau and Jacob and the descendants cif Isl.), mae/. The longer passage aSsigned far to -day's study. includes the ac - o cunt cif Esan's Sale 'of his birth- right to Jacob,- Isaaes increaSing prosperity and the marriage of Esau 'to.-tzlo Hittite women, who were "a grief •Of mind ;unto Isaac and Rebekah." Then in the open- ing 'verses of tali...lesson-chapter are given (1) the request of Isaac to his oldest son to prepare for him a meal preparatory to receiving the solemn parental blessing and (2) the plotting of Rebekah to secure that blessing rather for her favor- ite, Jacob. The reading of the en- tire chapter 'is eseential. Verse 22. Jacob went near unto Isaac -to set at rest his father's suspicions concerning his identity. Felt him -To discover whether his hands were indeed those of Esan. Isaac was almost blind and no longer trusted his sense of hear; ing; but his sense of touch was less impaired. The hands of Esau-Efairy and rougher than Jacob' s. Rebekah had taken "garments of Esau her elder son, and put them upon Jacob her younger son ; and she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hand, and Upon the smooth of his neck" (vs. 15 and 10, 23, Bu he blessed him -Not 'im- mediately, but after first partak- ing of the savory meal which Re- bekah had prepared for the occa- sion. 24. am -The -writer of the her - ratite does not pass judgment nor comment in any way upon the false- hood; he. simply records the fact. 25. Venison -The dish requested of Esau (v. 3). 27, The smell of his raiment - The odor of the huntsman's garb, the smell of the field blessed of Je- hovah with vegetation and game. The poem that follows reflects not se much the personal history of Jacob as the fortunes of the nation Israel, and these at a time when Israel was already in possession of the Promised' land, especially dur- ing the pros,perous days of David and Solomon. 28. The dew of heaven -Of the ait- most importance to crops in the land of sparse rainfall. 29. Peoples . . nations . brethren -The deseends,nts 9f Ish- mael and Esau, Ishma,elites' and Edomites, as well as other neigh- boring trilies, descended from Abra- ham and from Lot. •The vividness'and consistency of the ,early prophetic portraits of. Esau and Jacob faver a :personal interpretation, but there', is'inuch evidence to show that they repre- , , Sept more, than: mere Individuals. . . Roth Jacob and.Esau are clear - types of the twe nations which • were regarded - their immediate descendants. Eau' S portrait is true to the character of the Edo - mites. Living on the borders of Callaan, they largely retained their earm early noadic, ioyin r.g habats, de- pending los' existence upon the scanty ,products of the wilderness and the plunder which • they ex- torted or stole from passing cara- vans."-Heores and Crises of Early Hebrew History, p.' 105. 30. Made an end. of blessing - Brought the solemn act of blessing 31. He also made savory food-- Entirely unsuspecting the wrong niGIIITTCOMPANYIIMITIP ill..., a. 7.4T•ono.. that had been perpetrated upon him,• . 33. Troubled very exceedingly - In utter fear and astonishment. He shall be blessed -The mere utterance of the solemn parental blessing, even though spoken under misapprehension and obtained by deception, was regarded as final and irrevocable. 34. The, exceeding great and bit- ter cry of Esau was characteristic of his ingenuous and impulsive na- ture. The blessing given 'to Esau at his earnest request follows in verses 39 and 40. Like the blessing given. to Jacob, it reflects the for- tunes of his later descendants after they are become a nation. 'BRIQUETTES OF SAWDUST. New Ifidustry Being Operated With Success Germany. A new industry may be success- fully ' combined with the planing mills'that of making of the saw- dust briquettes to be used for firing under the boilers thus consider- ably decreasing the. cost of the fuel to the mill owner. This is being very advantageously clone in Ger- may. The sawcinst isautomatically. gathered andconveyed to a, place - near the presses. From hero it is. carried over a heated belt conveyor to a drying -room. This has a cyl- indrical revolving drum about two. feet in diameter and 30 feet long. In this drum the sawdust is partial- ly dried, the piteh contained in AEI. wood 4s softened, acting hereafter as a binder. From here the saw- dust'is conveyed over an incline to. the after -dryer of the same shape as the firet dryer which forms a part. of the press, Silence of Chinese Bride. Would you like it if you could talk to no one for three days1 Yet that is the fate of the Chinese giri who is married. For three nights after the marriage the Chinese bride. veiled, must stay awake and listen to the banterings, the teasings end jokes of some girl friendwho is, there just on purpose to make her laugh, cry, or anything else that. will cause a ,sound. But the Chi- nese bride must not aMow her .voice to escape. her. She must show, by. staying .silent' those three nights,. that she will be a quiet wife. is a New Record for the Edison Phonograph It is not only proof against injury, but will never be worn out by constant playing But the most wonderful thing about the Blue Am- berol is its perfect tone and - the lifelike quality of its reproduction. In this respect alone it is superior to any other phonograph • record you can buy. You imist hear.a Blue Amberol to appreciate its true worth. Your Edison dealer will play some for you on an Edison Phonograph. Ask him today. • Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at W,4126..T_zaiK1S3EZ, 4‘t., "14.94'2 ALE--- STOUT LAGER puRE- PALATABLE - NUTRITIOUS --- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE Ann SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE mem, OPTION --Residents in the local option districts ,can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA grAINAlgtecafoiAinelivINAMMIX. >V414-4.4.`en*fr '91N ...taivaraaaasaafixa • EXCURSIONS .To Manitoba, Saskatchewa ; Alberta • Winnipeg and Return - $35.00. Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, For settlers travel - March. to October inclusive Edit-tont= and Return 43.00 SPECIAL TRAINS REGULAR TRAINS Return Lilifit tWo months. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS HOliSESEERERS Other points in proportion MARCH AM APRIL Through Colouist Will leave Toronto an with live stock without live stoctc Each TUESDAY 10.20 pm. Deily 10.20 p.m. and effects. should use SETTLERS and Tourist Sleepers Settlers and families Leaving Toronto on ell erctusions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped rates through local agent. COLORIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS uipped with bedding, eau be neared at No chars for Berths Home Scelkers' Trains Leave. Toronto 10.20 pan during March. April, september .raad, Oc ober, and at 2 p.m. and 10.20 pan. during lia:ay Juno, July and August. Through Tretin,s Toronto to Winnipeg owl West Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District rassenger. Agent, Toronto , , iro..taxamrco.,....,,McmcnneterArdaarmamicM1112.1EIL JACKSON, AGENT, CLINTON