HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-27, Page 8News -Record March 27th, 1913.- i 0 11111111.111 IMINIMIMMINEMINIMMININIMPair lcifIE HERBY READY with the finest line of Shoes and Oxfords for every- body that it has ever been our pleasure to show, READY to serve you carefully and satisfactorily. READY withthe best values is town:: READY to show you; FRED. JACKSON 1 OUR SPECIALS FOR ALL NEXT WEEK House Cleaning Ngcessiiies Sherwin -William paints Ftoorlac 15e to $1 00 Japalae 15c to 90 Campbell's Varnish stains 15e to 1 00 Enamels 25e to 50 Aluminum paints25c to 1 00 Furniture varnish 200 to 1 50 Floor paint all shad's35c to 05 Liquid veneer .25c to 50 Flempol the new fur- niture_polish . 25e Brassie metal polish .20c to 25 Putz cream " wets- .15c to 25 Stove polish all,kinds - Doors mats 75e to 2 00 - Carpet beaters 15e Brass curtain rods .05e to 1 00 Clothes pins Dusthnne W. W. brushes.... 20e to $1 50 Paint brushes „ 05e to 2 00 Scrub brushes 05c to 25 Muresco wall finish Jellstone Jat.k hammers and tacks ' Stepladders ,.,,.85c to 1 25 Improved curtain stretcher 1 35 . Bonnie washing machine. 5 50 Ideal .. 8 00 Counor ball-bearing . , 0 50 Excello motor washer .... 17 00 Clothes lines ..... ...10c to 50 Clothes wringers..3.30 to 5 50 Another lot of the old reliable Brantford rubber rooting on the way —leave your order now to secure it. Harland gyros. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. •ffmaawaosainn....iumma. x SPECIAL PACES ON i € HU$ & LACE OIIBTBINS j • 1 BOOTS and SHOES 1 House cleaning time will soon be here ! Are you going to need anew rug or a pair or two of lace cilrtains ? If so, it will pay ate offering in these lines. yoaio-see what we g.. Sce our special tapestry rug at $10. We would, like to show von our new ginghams,.new prints, new dress goods, new sbirtings, corsets, etc., as. we are showing some beautiful neiv,patterns and some wonderful•ealues in these goods. ' I 1 •Ve are ehn tn a larger rsn a and better values, for spring than we bave ever shownhe ore. You can save money by buy- ing u -in your shoes here. SMALL MORE U NIS�''EL L BUSINE S PROFITSPLUMSTEEL 5 _ OS. �� B,R ♦NNNN♦NN♦♦N•♦N♦N♦ 1 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••....................... 1 Our lel to Please . 1 • • S SCuStorners BockBp�n g i Furniture Buyers at: this store invariably come back when they want more and bring their, friends with them; • y� To Use Our Furniture is to`.P rove that it is ; aslotisbaying .a whole good as it looks and that d , y g • Substantial antial Furniture can be bought ht he*e .. • • now at money saving prices, Why not secure what • Spfecyou need now while prices are -so 'favorable. es �Atkinson.D.unford 1 r Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors . . Phone 104 PHONE 127 —NIGHT AND SUNDAY CALLS— PHONE 16 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• N♦♦ •Nv Are you a News -Record subscriber ? 1> WO MOS nI10cry 51Fn9AD N/�Epf lint dI1.9IP89IY rn1[5 SPRING 1913 STANDARD FASHION BOOK showing- , Spring howing- Spring Styles Price 20c at the counter 10o.extra by mail, You canselect any Standard Pattern FREE, witb every copy purchas- ed. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest Always the Best r pll I ' lflfi�m IInUIIIUIlaI,111111111111U11,,,�� Mr. H. Brown was in 'retest() for t to ,holiday time. Dr and Mrs. Axon were in Detroit over the vacation time. " Mr. A. J. .Holloway was in' Sarnia during the holiday time. Mr. Mowat Chowan of Ailsa Craig was home over the holiday. Mr. Geo. Levis was with Chatham friends for a few days this week. Mr. J. Van Durster of Ilensall spent Taster with MVlr. and Mrs. J. " E. Match. Rev. Father Hogan was in London last week attending the Holy Week services. Miss Sadie Campbell of Galt was the guest over the week -end of Mrs. J. G. Chowan: Mr. Roy Grigg of the Bank of Mon- treal staff, Goderich, was home over Sunday. Mr. L, Fair of the Royal Bank, St, Catharines, spent a few' days In town during. Easter week. Mr: Harry Kellar of Toronto was at the parental home in town over the week -end, that . of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keller. Mrs' J. Emmerton and son of I3er- vie were guests ovet the vacation time of Mr, and Mrs. John Emmet - ton of town. Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Quaid of Port Albert were guests Friday and Monday of Mr. and Mrs• John Sehocnhals. Mr. J. E. Henry, principal of the Wallaceburg Public schools, is spending the Easter vacation at his home in town. Mr. L. J. 4'asinann, who has been teaching near Blyth since Septem- ber, is spending the Easter van - tion at his home in town, IVirs. A. 0. Pattison is just now in the hospital,' having undergone an operation, but it is hoped that her. recovery will now be speedy. Mrs. Easom, accompanied by her daughters, Misses Maggie and Min- nie„ spent the Easter vacation with another daughter, Mrs, Albert Kemp of London. Mr. W. J. Cantelon, who has been spending the wintermonths at his 'home in town, that of Reeve and Mrs. Cant lon leaves f r his home- stead me -stead near Maple Creek, Sask., on. Friday. Mrs, R. Carter of Hamilton was in town over the week -end, the guest of her son, Mr. Harry Carter, Vic- toria street. S}ie was accompan- ied' -by .her grandson, Delbert !lig- gins, a chorister of St: Mark's church. Capt. and Mrs. Chamber`s of Port Huron were in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs• W. T. O'Neil, a couple of hours on Monday on their way from Goderich where they had been attending .the funeral of the for mer's sister, the late Mrs. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. n W. 8. Downs returned on Tuesday from Tavistock where they were guests over Plaster of the 1atter sbrother �ccI . S3. 5t c - en son. Mrs, Down,s assisted inthe Easter musical services in her oroth r s church, rendering a solo at the evening service. Mr. J. L. Courticc has been confined to itis bed through illnes9 for sonic weeks and there is little improve- ment in his condition evens yet. His _friends miss his cheery pre- sence in his usual haunts and are hoping that with the advent of the warmer weather, if not before, he will be restored to his wonted health and activity. Mr. Geo. Mason of Wingham was a delegate to the Temperance conven- tion- held in Clinton on Thursday last and --made a fighting speech which aroused the gathering to •a high pitcli of enthusiasm. In- the course Of his remarks he said : am the son of an hotelkeeper' and in Sty' young days "tended>;bar my ,self, but I hate” the traffic as I do the devil.'!' The last convention 'attend byMr, � h 1 edMason as E d Was in. the old Rattenbury street' church in 1883 when it was decid- ed' to begin the campaign in favor of the Scott Act which, resulted in thatmeasure becing carried over the county on October. 30th the fol- lowing, year by •a. majority of 1600. Mt. Mason is quite confident that. the vote will be .erlually as emptied - to in its favor 'next October, or -whenever the contest, takes place. IOW Chihlren's and Misses Giughufl Dresscs We hove just passed into stock a -complete range of children's and misses new spring and summer ging ;haul dresses, made from Andersen's gipghamin two tone plain shades, checks, plaids and stripes, very daintily made and trimmed in the very' newest New Ynrkmodels, These are very pretty and reasonably priced at from'' $1,00 up. Ladies' SIip.on ll�nse Dresses Ladies' new patent slip-on house dresses, This line is an American patent and controlled by us. Made from good quality gingham in seasonable colors, Can be worn over any"kind of dress, easy to put 00, splendid style, at $2.00. Let You.r Sult Ile. Tailor As in the past, this season we are leaving no stone unturned to make clothing for men that is unsurpassed in -workmanship, style and finish, Order now when our stock is at its height, tweed suits from $20 up, worsted suits from $22 up, Bell Warp serges and cheviots from $25 up, New Department-Iloys' Clothing. .37.x_, 0 • VE have just opened up a new department for boys' clothing at the men's store, Here yon will find a most complete assortment of boys' suits, coats and odd bloomers at prices that will surprise you; considering' the quality and workmanship. It is our intention to serve the boys as well,if not better than eyer. Come, bring your boys to us for their spring suits. St. Paul's Church A marked contrastn t was presented on Sunday last between the dullness of the weather outside the church and the brightness and beauty with - !in, The church was in festive array for the great Taster festival and 'presented ...a most tasteful appear- ance, with its decoration of lilies, !carnations, roses arid other choice eeltubowers and plants. A striking fee - 1 ture re was a large floral cross over i the Holy Table, the bowers hiding a number of tiny electric lamps, which at the evening services glowed with APLEASANT PARTY. a soft �' radiance presenting a beauty 1 if tit effect. A very jolly party was held at the The services of the day commenced home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson with the Holy Communion at half on Monday evening when guests from past , eight in the morning. Holy 1Wingham, Blyth, Mitchell, Logan, 1 and otherpoints tonumber of the b Communion was also celebrated at e the eleven o'clock service, when , by (about one hundred, were present. fax the largest number o£.,eummun�TheLogauau orchestra was hand t o icatts on recrd partook. Large music and a very pleasant congregations were present at ell the, 'services is- spite of the*-fnciemency of the weather arui the offertory was about $265, being in excess -of. that The, great ' damage ...done by the. of last Easter Day The h�;r, It d windstorm recently throughout the most efficiently by Miss. Ma"Bent- country proves. that -windstorm in- lay, organist, sang really excellently' issuance is as necessary as fire in - and with true devotional feeling, surance and Mr. 0•11. Hale, who• - is Solos by Mrs, .Pauli and Miss May District Agent for the Canada Wea- Rance, with a duett by the Misses thcr 'insurance Co., expects • to in - Gladys and Rota Plcrmtn added to crease hisbusinessgreatly in that the sweetness o1'.the Easter praise. line as windstorm insurance will be As a fitting C:ose to the service of wanted, the day the choir sang the Halle- lujah Chorus with, marked effect. The LITTLE LOCALS. Easter music will, be. repea• ted next Mr. A. II. Goodwin has disposed of Sunday, his cottage on Rattenbury street to At the children's service held in Mr, Chas, Hellyar, who will get pos- hto offering t e afternoon'tkte Lenten off g session very shortly. Mrs. A. J. McMurray have Mr:and s being $28. The rector gave a short M More Locals !Miss Clara Sipes of Plattsville is the .guest this week of Miss Mar, ton Irwin. THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 92c. Peas 90e to $1.00. Oats 30c to 34c. Barley 15c to Hc.. Butter 22c to Zsc. Eggs 19c to 20e. Live Hogs $9.25• evening was spent. WINDSTORM INSURANCE. missions was presented, the amount becomecomfortably i settled in their< address ; to the little ones and young peopple new items on Alpert street, the one The annual vestry meeting was held recently occupied by lir. and Mrs. Albert Morrell, on Monday evening, therector pre- siding. After opening prayers the rector read; his report givingla resume of the work during the past yeagr. Mr. H'. Torr Rance presented a very encouraging financial statement which was not complete owing to the finan-' Th'e W. C. T. U. meets at Mrs. Wallis' Friday afternoon. • A PRESENTATION. A number of: intimate' friends of Master Gordon, Campbell assembled clal year ending on April 30th. A at the home of. Elmer Paisley on strong committee was appointed to Wednesday, - afternoon '- and after formulate plans for' the proposed ex- spending some time in amusements tension to the Sunday,s%hool and they presented their little playmate vestry. The following officers were with an engraved sterling silver elected: spoon with the 'following address : itedtor's Warden;; H. Torr Rance. Dear Gordon,—It was with deepest People's Warden, James Dunford: regret we learned of your departure Lay , Delegates, C. E. Dowding, from 'among us. We will pnliss our John Ransford, little. playmate very much, and wish ' Substitutes, W. Jackson, W John- in'asligMmeasure to express ress _our son.-• affection for you by asking you to Vestry, Clerk,/:J, McLeod. ' accept this little gift' is remembtahee WI t you •' will Sidesmen, • R, Johnson, J. • Clarke of us ;all. We,fuei •ass eyed 3 0 t son, J. .McLeod,' H. Bartlifi, T. make many kind friends in your now Graelis, F. Herman, S. Bailey, home and hope you .will always keep F. Bawden, T. Hawkins, ' C. a warm corner. in your heart : for Draper, le, Evans and A. Law- the <Clinton chums you are leaving, — see, • Signed, Fred Fowler, Eliner Paisley, Auditors, J. McLeod, H, E. Paull. Kenneth Roberton, Howard Mulhol- The meeting ad;'ourned to May 5th land,_ Arthur Hessian; Harry Ball, to transact further business and re- Geo. Turner. Tea was served, the ceivo the complete financial state- table bein beautifully decorated menu, with. Easter i4oveities: • The News From Londesboro Miss 0. F. Brigham of Highgate was home over the holiday. Miss 3.. Jamieson of Toronto, who has been home for a week past on account of illness, has now quite re covered and will shortly return to the city. Miss Rose 'Lyon visited at Luck- now this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Hamlin of Detroit and Mrs. Macdonald of London were guests of their sister, Mrs, John Lasham for a few days. We are pleased to report Mrs. Lash= able to be about again. Mr. Chas Gooier of Port Colborne spent a fewdays at his home he_r c. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Longman and family, f o London visited the tor- mer's father t over Sunday. Messrs. James, Insley, Wm. Biles and L. Tamblyn spout the holiday time with Leamington and Comber friends: Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Lee visited their son Wesley at Port Colbgrne overs Send a9• Miss Laving Brignan: left on Tues- day, £or a visit in Toronto and- s, Woodstock, Misses 1•. Lyon and I...Mains of London spent Sunday at their res- pective homes here: Mr. Honey spent Easter at his' home in Southampton. • Mrs. H. Moon and Mrs. R. ("aid. - well spent the blaster vacation with. - Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Cole of Water. loo. They also attended the mat:- riage of Mr. John Moon of Toronto. which took place at` Sehringville out. Wednesday; Miss Roe' of Fordwioh and Mr, and blrs. V. L.Merritt of Londont:. W. spen- a few days with Mrs. W. G, Coombs. Miss L. Young of Brantford One the holiday. at her home here. Miss Young leaves text week for Regina, Sask., where she has secured a pase ition as ',teacher in a Business Cols lege. Mrs. Joseph Lyon of the 13th con. is we regret to report, quite itI It is hoped that she will soon be— gin to amend. Mrs. J. H. Ostcrhout and children were in London during the holiday time, - The funeral services of the Late John IS Lee. were ,conducted, at his late residence' on Frida Y last s by the Rev. J. H. osterhout. Interment took place in Londesboro cemetery. The storm of Friday last did a vast • amount of damage in this locality. The belfry was blown front' thio Methodist church • here and various barns were unroofed and otherwise - damaged. Mullett Township M3•• 10• .J. Tighe, teacher, Ilenni- c ott is home for the holidays. Mr. Wm. McCool's barn was part- ly unroofed on Friday last and same with 'Mr. Dan John 's. The by T o buildings of J. Cartwright, Amos Cartwright, Henry Adams and others were also damaged. Card of Thanks—I wish to thank tii,y neighbors and friends for their kinds ass • to me dur se, my will's ill- ness and death. 4V. Ii. IIesx. Personals Master Charlie Cantelon was the guest of Bruccfield friends over !taster, Mr, Jamcg McRae of Woodstock spent the holiday with his family 'in town• Mr. ,John Wan£esS : of Varna was' among delegates dele gates to the Scott Act convention held in Wesley church last Thursday. Mr. Wanless has always been a• staunch temper- ance advocate and during that troublous period when the Scott. Act was law .4n this county it. fell to his lot as one of Her Mar jesty's Justices of the Peace, to assist in its enforcement. Prom all accounts the J.P. oe constable, who tried to do his duty in con- nection therewith had some un- pleasant experiences., Passing of Mrs. William H. Hesk. After a long illness Mrs. W. k1. Hesk of Ilullett passed away o n Sat- urday urday last.. For some time it wan knoxn that she could not recover but firm -In her faith' of a better land beyond the grave she awaited the end with calm resignation. Mrs. Hosk is survived by her sorrowing husband, her mother, Mrs. Mogg- ridge of Clinton, one sister, Mrs. Chas. Manning of Londesboro, and two brothers, Herbert of that town- ship and Edgar of Clinton.- The fun- eral took place on Monday( altos boon to Clinton cemetery, the ser, vices being conducted by the fam- ily pastor, the Rev. J, H. Oster - bout. The pallbearers were 'Char- les• Weymouth, ' Cliatres Stewart:, Charles Dexter, Edward Dexter, Thomas' A.danis end; William; Stevens; Among the relatives Prom'a"distanee who attendek was Mr. George; fink of Toronto - Millen Township Mrs. si. S. Kunkel returned to Niagara Fall's on Wednesday after a: visit if••sevgrai days at the parental home, Mr, arra Mrs. Ed. Crawford ,s. Mr. George Hesk, who was up to attend the funeral of his, sister-in- law, the late Mrs. W. II: ]Iesk, re- turned to Toronto on Wednesday.