HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-27, Page 7A' WALL 011,
One year's sales of Comfort Soar, means
.. *enough soap,to,boild a Wall IF.; feet high
AND so. MILESLQN5. Tbink oflt I
Enough to colnpletely surround the City '
HMG UST FO 3 1912-13.
Nowt -Record atui _Mail and Empire.
Nows-Rocord and. Globe ,.....•... •
News -Record and Family Herald and
Star with Premium ....• • ..••••••
Nevis.licoord and Witness
News -Record and Suu ..........
Newa-Reaord and Pree Press
News -Record and Advertiser
News -Record and Toronto Saturday
. 3.26
News-ltecord and 'Parmor's •Advocato 2.26
,,..„News -Record and Farm and Dairy... 1.76
$/oNews-Record and Canadian ?arm6.75
News4tecord and Youth's Companion 2.25
News -Record and Canadian C.,ountry.
News -Record and Tile Pruii Grower
News -Record and - Tbe 'Canadian
Sportsman . 3.00
News -Record and Mail and Empire,4 26
News-Rneord and Globe .• 4.25
News -Record and 'News 2.30
News -Record and Star .... 2.30
News -Record and World •%,. • • •3.28
News-Reoortr and Morning Pree Press 3.76
News -Record ,,,and Evening Free Press 2.75
News -Record mil Advertiser 3.00
News-Reeord and Poultry Review .... 1.23
News -Record and Lippincott's Maga-
zIn News-lterora and 'Canada ifonthiY,
Winnipeg A,
If what you want is not in this list let
us know about it. .We can supply you at
less than it would_ easty011 to send direct.
In remitting miens° do so by P;st-olliee
Order, Postal Not, Bxpress Order or Reg.
istered letter and address.
• .
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Land Regulations.
Any person who is the sole head
of a family,, or 0.1137 male over 18
years old, ;nay homestead a quart -
el, section of available 'Dominion
la.nd in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta. The applicant must ap-
pear in person. re the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for
the district. Entry, by proxy
may be Made at any agency, on cer-
tain conditions by father, mother,
son, daeghter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties. -Six months residence
upon and cultivation of the land in
eath of three years. A homestead-
er •may live within nine miles of,
his. homestead on a, farm of at
least BO acre:, solely owned and Oc-
cupied by him, sir 'by his father,,
mother, son, daughter, brother or
In certain districts a homestead-
er in good standing may pre-empt
a • 'cm arter-seeti on alongside his
homestead: Price, 3.00 per acre.
Duties.---Musti, reside Aeon the
homestead •• or pre-enntion six
months in each of sixeyears from
date of homestead entry (including
the, time required to 'earn home
stead patent) and cultivate fifty
;sores extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted
hisloomestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may enter for
a, purchased homestead in certain
districtle • Price, $3.00. ,
Duties. ---Must reside sie months
in each of three years, cultivate
fifty eaves and erect a house worth
$300.CO. ,
Deptsty of the Ministerof the In-
• terior.
N. B Unauth o sized p u bl icati on
of thiS athertitement will not be
paid for,
. .
Resigned on Wednesdity Afte
Twenty Years' Sarvite •,
A despatch froon , Paris says ;
Leuis Lepine, .the popular pre -
feet, • of -Paris police hes resign-
ed office &nee twenty years' ser-
vice, inteeimpted 'only by an 'ale.
ejeells senee of two years, when he served
s Governor-Germeal of Algeria
from 1897 to 1879. M. Le)eine is es
yeaes ,of ege. He eervedethrough
tholtraeco-German Was in 1870
a. sergeant -major in the fcirtress of
. . . ,
„ kee slow, • 'White Clothes" looldn
1,11Le tlii, Spot or ',Streatt the eictliag
as 1ere 5 no settling. ,
It Is the "Handiest land" to use. • '
Otto Guaranteed to give Perfect Satis
faction or money Cheerfully Refunded,
and Provo it
.J .. P. Blue is mod, better for Yonreoll.
'than anY ether", Miss A so
lh'"°" 13°Imant' Mau' age.lasi s ckbout
' -,t.a aioe is ops...eimot 0 nientlis, as it
Blue, Superior to other blnes as Coed
macs," Mrs. Prank J. S120 Washings
Moore, Coon, Oct. manufseisred bY
I.3 -ti Tilne Is the best .vhoJeimane-
Blue I ever used." Mrs, W. . tigs,!•,,iert co,
SYdt-wr, Brandon, Mao, '. $1,,,,i,el,0h OK
7rHE Si•ANDARD la thd National
Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion
io4 Canada, It is national in all its
It uses the most expensive engrav-
thgs, procuring the photographs from
all over the world.
Its articles are carefully selected and
its editorial policy is thoroughly,
A. subscription to The Standard
costs $Z00 per year to any .addresS In
Canada or Great Britain.
, TRY, IT, FOR 1912!
Montreal Standard Publishing Clie
Limited, Publishers.
Whooping Cough
7a1700marten sem
A simple, safe and effective treattnent for bron-
chial troubles, avoiding drug,.
stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough and relloVes
Spasmodic Croup atoneo, his a 20014 to sufferers
frOM Anti.. The all. carrying the hntiseptia vapor,
inspired with every breath, mattes breathing easy
soothes the sore throakand stops thecough, assuring
restful nights. It is invaluable to mothers with
5'0005 children. Seed postal for descriptive booklet.
TABLETS forthe irritated
throat. They are simple,
effective and antiseptic.
Of your druggist cv front
US, 100. 00 stamps.
Vapo Cresolene Co.
62 Cortland/St.. N.Y.
Leming 111101 Building
Montreal. Can. g
TIIE (IL0,13 Si IN A
Canada, the Empireand the World.
(11 General Belore Youe
Cats ask.
The 'T., II. end B. 'will double
Os ack about, la nil .'o WeSt of Wel-
The Montreal Hunt Club'ta-
b.le.$ aalii kennels were. burned; loss,
ICingston harbor was clearest of
'1000 by the wind ,on Friday, the earli-
est openieg in twenty years.
, judge Ma,cboth declitrecl the Len -
don township 1o1 option by-law in- ,
valid, lacking two-fifths Of a vote to
After being out three hours the
jury in the Love murder q:,,r1 at
Owen Sound on Friday returned a
verdict of guilty.
Wm. Astings. Toronto, and Thos.
Peterbere', C.P.R. tele-
graph linemen, were instantly kill-
ed 137 31 T., H. & 33. engine at Ham-
ilton on Wednesday.
James Sherlock„ . a fire depart-
mentdriver for 25 years in Inger-
soll, was seized with paralysis while
exercising his team, and died short-
ly, af terwards.
A six thousand egg incubator jest
opeeed in Morrisburg marks a for-
ward Moveinent, in tho. development
of the egg and poultry business in
Eastern Ontario. •
A retired clergyman in London
has garnisheed the wages of a Cana-
dian 'Pacific Railway brakeman,
whose home is in London, to collect
his• fee for marrying him.
J. 0, Hill & Sons, Lleydminster,
Saskatchewan, have been awarded
the Colorado $1,000 trophy for the
best bushel of oats shown at the
National Corn Exposition held at
Columbia, 5,0.
Hon. J. D. Hazen, Minister of
Marine and Fieheries, has gone to
Washington to eonfer with the new
Democratic Administration regard-
ing ratification. of a treaty over
fisheries in boundary wetees.
Dossing the debate on the draft
Address in. the P.E.I. I.;egislature,
Hon. Charles Dalton, the island's
Millionaire "fox king," intimated
that the Government intends to in-
troduee .measures to qive further
protection to the black fox indus-
Campbell'sVarnish Stain
'the best and most durable finish for
-Floors, Furniture &Woodwork
There is nothing like it 13 colors
Made by Carpenter -Merton Co., Boston',
Present 53,31 Coupon at dealer's store and re.
• eeive one of dr. cemphell Broom Holdms free,
Now Perfected --
Best .43upab
Mitibigan's Oldest Resilient Died on
A despatch from, Sarnia says :
Mrs. Atery Daly, aged one himcired'
and eleven, St, Clair County's old-
est resident, died at the home of her
son, one mile West of Emmett, near
Port Huron, on the anniveesary ef
her birth, on Teeerlay evenieg,
Death fellowe,d ,an illness of three
weeks. Mrs, Daly Wab born in Ire-
land. When but a 'child she met
Napoleon Bonaparte when he was
in lois supremacy.. • Until the end
she recalled the,Baftle of Waterloo,
and often naere,ted with interest
thrilling incidents of the engage-
ment. After the Battle of Weterloo
and while still 'a young girl else
ineved to
Was a Recently Lannehed German
desbeech from Karlsruhe, Ger-
meny, says : Another German mili-
tary dirigible of the rigid Zeppelin
type wass destroyed -near here on
Wedn,esday. lt, Was the Tec'entlY
launched ;airship intended as a
substitute for the antiquated Z 1.
,The brolte in two while,
landieg during a sthrei on the avia-
Li-cm groused, ii..-civtruohnlerit of sol-
diers:Was holding the balloon down,
but couldkeep only the rear end op
the ground, and ,blae strong wind
buffeted the about'in•eech
a mariner that she broke in halves.
Tbe and CoOdo.
jloYstsrso dlYttlf:randTotT 00 mnclo 0"
Discovery of an Alleged 'Plot to
Assassinate Min.
A despatch. from Mexicio City
says : Mexico City is seethieg with
excitement: 'through the discovery
of an alleged plot by malcontents ie
the Palace Guard to assassinate
President Huerta. Not far from
the, discovery of this plot came the
announc.ement that the city authori-
ties at 1VIolterey had agreed to sur-
render that city to .Governer Car-
ransas, leader ef the, "Independee-
cia." party of the north, whose
force.s are now said to, be marching
south. Three nridenbers of the
Guard who protested. their inno-
cence, were arrested 'and teken to
prieon, where soon afterwards, it
wan reported, they had been killed
"while trying to escape."
The London, Ont., Canadian
Club has` extended an invitation to
Lloyd George to address thesehob
in the autumn.
On the gnestion of peeportional
representation the French Govern-
ment was 'voted out by the. Senate.,
Benclits attacked a bank reessen-
g'er at Hermosa, Spain, and blinded
hill .with pepper, after which they
letbbed him of $10,000.
A Joliy
Good Day
A Good Breakfast
Try a dish of
to -morrow morning.
These sweet, thin bits
made from Indian Corn
are cooked. toasted and
sealed in tight packages
without the touch of
man hand.
They: reach you fresh
and crisp -ready to eat
from the package by add-
ing cream or milk and
sprinkling of sugar. if de-
Toasties are a jolly good
dish --
. pe mans
Made by Pero Food Feetoyies of
. ,
Canadian Postern cereal Co., Ltd..
Windisor. Ontario.
Mr. J. E. Arsdnault, a Justice of
the Peace, and station master at
Wellington, on the Prince Edward
Island Railway, says:
"Four years ago I slipped in the
station and fell ,on a freight truck,
sustaining a bad cut on the front of
eay leg,: I thought this would heal,
but instead of doing so it developed
into a bad ulcer, and later izito a form
of eczetaa which spread very rapidly
and also started On the other leg.
Both legs became so swollen and sore
that I could only go about my work
by having them bandaged. My doctor
said 03 must stop work and lay up.
"After six months of this trouble
I consulted another doctor but with
no better result. I tried alethe salves,
liniments and lotions I heard of, but
instead of getting better I got worse,
" This was ray condition when I got
my first box of Zam-Buk. Greatly to,
my delight that first box gave me re-
lief. I continued to apply it 'to the
sores, and day by day they got better.
I could see that at last I had got hold
of something which. would -cure me,
and in the end it did.
" It is novr over a year since Zara.
Buk worked a cure in rny case, .and
there has been no return of the
Such is the nature of the great cures
which Zam-Buk is daily effecting,
Purely herbal in composition, this
great balm is a sure cure for all skin
diseases, cold sores, chapped hands,
frost bite, ulcers, blood -poisoning, vari-
cose sores, piles, scalp sores, ring -
Worm, inflated patches, cuts, burns and
bruises. All druggists and stores sell
at 50c.- box, or post free from Zam-Buk
Co., upon ree*eipt of price,
Esculor, Eyrono-Lo GIST.
To Investigate Outbreak 'of Cut-
worm in Southern Alberta. -
A des.patch from Ottawa, says;
The Government has secured the
services of 33. H. Strickland, an
English entomologist, th condust
an investigation into an outbreak
of cutworm in Southern Alberta. A
new variety of this pest destroyed
from 30,000 to 40,000 acres of grain
in. Southern Alberta la,st, year, be-
sides doing 50716010 damage to gar-
den and root crops. Mr. Strickland
enters the service of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture as a permanent
sifficial and will go West next
month. He is a man of much dis-
tinction in his line and lately re-
fused an offer of the position of
Government Entomologist in Cey-
lon. ,
Forty years in use, 20 years the
standard, prescribed and recom-
mended by physicians. For Wo•
man's Ailments,
Female Pills, at your druggist.
Private Seeretary to the King; who
will Soon retire.
, • ---
Careless:1cm in llandling a Loaded
A despatch from Kingston says :
Nernla Richards, aged '12 years,,
at -the Hotel Diea as a result of be-
ing a,ccidentally shot while she was
visiting oe Corrigan Street. It ap-
pears that she was sitting see a
chair in the dining -room, when
without warning a .52-cillibre re-
volver, picked up by the hostess to
show her visitor, Went off end the
bullet entered the child'e lime" She
is expected to, reeover.,, .
mew Crosfi
A despatch from St., Ceitharines
says : Damage to thoextent of sev-
eral thousand diallers was caused
hole. on Friday by a. Violent wisl,d-
storm. Telegraph &eel telephone
poles were blown down, seriously
interrupting eoramuniostion arid
putting the lines out ofi commission
entirely. The roof of the Garden
City Paper Mill and those of Sev-
eral, snosiller .weve blown
eff; 'chimneys were serneved, ,esed
havoc worked it eeverel orcheeds.
The big erase on the sif.eeple of Sis.,
Catharines Roman Cathelic Charelo
Was also 'brought, dOwn.
Who was assassinated at, Salonika.
Prices Of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other
Produce at Homo and Abroad.
Breadstutts. '
Toronto, March 26.-3P1ya1' -90 per cont.
patenos, 53.85 to $3.95, Montreal or To-
mato freights. Martitobaw--Ptrot patente,
in :lute bags, $5.20; second patents, m Jute
$bia.6gue: $4.60; strong bakers', in Jute bags.,
Manitoba Wheaf-No. 1 Northern. 911.20,
*ant 91,21.1a.g , bBuayy plloOritt: ; NO, .1 101 950 ; No . 3
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white and red
wheat, 95 to 94e, outside, and sprouted, 75
to 88e. •
Oats-O:,tario.oats, 33 to 34e, outside, and
at 370, on track, Toronto. Western (An-
nan oats, 40 140 tor Na 5 aud oho for No.
Paas --$ $1.05, outside,
icy-Forty-eig11. barley of good
quality, 52 to 530, outside. Peed, 49 to 50c.
Corn -No. American corn, a6 1-2e, all -
• Rye -No. 2 at 60 to 620, outside.
Buckwheat -No. 2 at 52 to 530, outside.
Bran -Manitoba bran, 520 to $20.be, /0
bars, Toronto freight. Shorts, $a 1,9
9.12.18. ,
Country Produce.
Butter -Dairy prints, choice, 25 to 260;
do.. tubs, 23 to 2,,e; inferior, 26 to Olo;
creamery, 31 to 310 for rolls, and /to for
Nggs-New-laid, 23e per dozen, in case
O505e0e-14 1.2e for/large, and 14 3-4c for
Beans-ltand-picked, MN per bushel;
Proust, $1.25, iu a Jobbing way.
Honey -Extracted, in tins, 111-2 to 13e
Par lb. for No. 1, wholesale; combo, $2.50
to 53 por dozen for No. 1 mud $140
NO. 1.
'Poultry -Chickens, 10 to 09,1 per lb..; fowl
13 to 14e; ducks, 11 to 19e per lb.; geese,
17 to 100; turkeys, 20 to Ole. Live poulteY,
about 2c lower than the above,
Potatoee-Good Ontario stock, 65e per
bag, on traek, and Delawares at 75c per
bag. on track,
Bacon -Long lear, 141-1 to 14 3-4e per
Ib., in case lots. Pork -Short cut, $26 to
$27; do., mess, 521.60 to 4/. Hams -Medi -
Um to light,. 18 to 18 1-4e; heavy, 161-1 to
17e; rolls, 113 1-2e; brealuast bacon, 19 to
19 1.10 ; b,t0ts, 21e.
Lard-,Pierues, 141-40:; Labs, 141-20; pails,
14 6-40.
Baled Way and Straw.
Baled Ilay-No. 1 at $11.75 to $12.00, on
track, Toronto; No. 2, $30.50 to $11. Mixed
hay is quoted at 59.10 to $10,
Baled Straw -58.50 to $9, on track, To-
montreal markets.
Montreal, March 25. -Corn - American
No. 2 yellow, 000.2<,. Outs-Cartadian
Western, No. 2, 411.2 to 42e; Canadian
1Vestern, No. 3. 40 to 40 1-20; extra No. I
feed, 401.2 to 410; No. 2 loetil white, 19e;
No. 3 local white, 37e; No. 4 loual white,
36e. Barley -Man, Med. 51 to 53c; malting,
73 to 75c. Buckwheitt-No. 2, 55 to 68e.
Mont. -Man. spring wheat patents, firsts,
$5.40; seconds, 54,90; 010000 bakers , $4.70;
Winter patents, choice, $5,25; straight rol-
lers, $4.85 to $4.90; straight rollers, bags.
$2.20 to $2.35. Rolled oate, barrels, $4.35:
bags, 90 lbs., $2.05. Bran, $20. Shorts, .522.
Middlings, 515, Moulllie. $30 to $33. flay,
No. 2, nor ton, ear lots, $11.50 to $12.58.
Oheese, finest westerns, 13c; finest oast.
erne, 121.4 to 103'4s, Ratterehoicest
creamery, 201.2 to 30e; seconds, 25 to 27e.
Bags, fresh, 25 to 200; selected, 18 to 20c;
No. 1 stook, 16 to 17e; No. 2 stock, 14 to
15c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 55 TO
67 1-2c.
United, States glarkets.
Minneapolis, March 25. -Close. --0', herit-
May 85c; Only 511.40; September, 077.0
to 88e. CriSh-No. 1 hard, 851.01, No, 1
Northern, 831.1 to 85o; No. 2 Northern,
521-4 to 82 3.4.e. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 470.
Oats -No. 3 white, 283-4 to 29 1-4e, Rye -
No. 2, 53 to 550. Bran, $16 50 to $17.00.
Flour prices unchanged.
Duluth, March 25. -Wheat -No. 1 hard,
0478 to 853 -So; No, 1 Northern, 037-0 to
543-0<,; Ma 97, 88 7-80 bid; July, B7 3-8o bid;
September, .880 bid,
Live Stook Markets,
Toronto, March 25. -Cattle -Choice hutch.
$6,50 to $6.80; good medium, $5.80 te
55.75; common, $6 to $5,25;•0017S ' $4.75 to
55.50; Mille, 53 to $5.25; can»ors, '52 to 52.-
50, $3.26 to 53.76, Calvee-Good veal, 3,920
$0.05• common, $3 to $3.25, Stockers and
Peeders--Steers, 700 to 1,006 pounds. $2.-
75 to $4.26; yearlings, .$3.10 to .4,50. 11111s-
or5 and Springors-From $50 to $72. Sheep
and Lambs -Light ewes, 56 to 57.25; linavy,
55 to .56; lambs. $0.05 to $10; 1111.003, $4,10 to
$6. Rogs-59.60 to $9.65, fed and watered,
and $9.20 to $9.50 f.o.b. .
Montreal, March 25.-Thore were no ox.
tint steers on the Marhot, and trade was
dull at about the 5010,0,' rates, quality
considered. Prime beeves, 63.4 to ; medi.
uni, 5 to ,„,6-.1.2; common. 33.4 10.:0, Cows,
505 to $70. Sheep; 6 to 612; lambs, 71.4 to
7 1-2; spring lambs, $6 to 58 moil... Ross,
10 1-4 to 10 1-2.
Will .Be United States. Aintoassailor
to Great Britein.
A despatch from Waehillgt.0/1.
says: Chas. W. Eliot, President.
emeritus of Harva,rd University,
has been deckled upon by President
M.rileon Anabaseador to Great
Britain. Close friendS: of the Peesi-
dent on Thereclay night telegraphed
Mr. Eliot uongr aitulaihing -him and
urging him to accept,
. .
nyNA.wr!rx Ex1i..,01)E1),
TwoItalians Allied at :Woodstock,
, Hrunswiek:
A despateli from .Wood,stecks N.
B..; Saes .TWo .ettaliense Angelo
'SPagre.Pi and nolnele Iterkatkls were
blown' sto' Pisees by, dynainete' 001
Wed.rlesdair,. The-- p7031' Were Werir-
ing• 'en' the quelsee .itrid;/ :;Johis
Psailwae , •.eoeseruction. isboute six
miles from hereSeind,. it is thought,
upset a2ean sef'• dYnezeite inste.:'Sefire
ovey which they svere4listeiving-ethe
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, end heats
Die throat 0011 03108 n 20 Cent
Medicine for the load
Is Needed Now
Because the unhealthful modes of living during the
winter have made the blood impnre, causing loss of
appetite and that tired feeling, as well as the sores
and eruptions that occur at thi$ time.
Be sure to talce-Hood's Sarsaparilla this spring.
It combines the great curative principles of roots,
barks and herbo, so as to raise them to their highest
efficiency in the treatment of all blood limners, blood
diseases and run-down conditions.
Get Ho'od's Sarsaparilla today., All druggists.
Wires Down, Buildings Unroofed, and flatly Narrow'
Escapes Frotn, Injury.
A despatch. from Terointo says:
This city.' was in Abe throes on Fri-
day of the. fierceet equinoctial gale
that has visited this latitude in
years. From the south-west and
west a fifty -mile wind razed
throughout the clay. Numerous
buildings'in course of construction
were clerna,ged. Shacks were over-
turned, and reefs were lifted off in
the outskirts .of the city. Trees
were -np-rooted. Awnings were
ripped from etore-feents. Windows
were sma,shed. Signs . were torn
from their hangings. Telephone
electric light wires weee broken in
all parts of the eity, and the emer-
gency repair gangs of these public
utility companies were kept on the
run all day. The lake, and even the
bay, was piled into billows by the
tremendous vush, of the wind. • On
the streets it was with extreme dif-
ficulty that pedestrians boiold inak-e
00 3161es an Hour.
A despateh frem Hamilton says :
Hamilton knows after its experi-
ence on Friday something of the
terrors of an equinoctial gahe. FROM
One C'el.00k till a tato huer in the
evening a, hurricane blew' through
this city, carrying loevoc end suffer-
ing in its wake. It is difficult to
estimate the d.arnage done. No one
suffered to eny alarming extent,
but the number of those affected
ill be n the hundreds. A conser-
vative estimate is $100,000. in the
morning it rained, and just before
neon a very -warm breeze sprang
up. In an hour this WaS followed
by a perfect hurricane. The velo-
city of the wind ost1d .2104i hive
been less than SO miles an honr.
Donne at G uelp h.
A despaboh from Guelph eays:
Thousands ot dollars' worth of dam-
age was cloue hero on Friday by the
worst tornado in' the history of
Guelph. The vain teme down ie
l torrents all the forenoon, eccom-
I ponied by a mild wind, but itheut
noon the wind inereased in velocity
le an alarming extent, and contine ,
tied al/ the Afternoon. The rain
ste.pped about 1 oselock. B,eporta
from all parts of the City and out
in the country tell of damage -to
property. Telephone and telegraph
wires are clown in the country, bad-
ly crippling the servioe. Many tele-
phones in the city are out of eem- •
Chatham School Wrecked.
A despatch from Chatham says: 1 ,
Aserrifio windstorm passed over
this district on Friday and thou- .
sands .of dollars' woebh of damage
has been done. The Central School
in Chatham was badly wrecked. A
hugechimney WaS blown dawn,
crashing over the roof of a corner
tower. The top of the tower was
blown off and landed on the -street,
The chimney crashed through the
building and completely demolished
roem on the, third floor and an-
other on the second floor, R. S.
Dunlop, the *niter, was in the
buildieg at the time but escaped.
Houses Hazed at Loudon.
A despatch from London says:
Several -thousands .of &liars daro,
age were done by a, very destructive
gale that swept over London and
district all day oe Friday, razing
houses, stripping buildiegs
chimneys and causing an infinite
amount of damage of a more or less
serious nature.
At Ingersoll.
A despatch from Ingersoll says:
Reports from .surrounding districts
tell of considerable damage from
the high wind that prevailed for
several hours on Friday. At times
the wind attained eyelonie 371011011 -
tans, and, although details teem
the outlying distriets are very mea-
gre owing to interruptions inSthe
telephone service, it is unsleesto,o,c1
that several barns hare been blown
dOwn and much damage caused to •
other p 0 riper ty. Throughout the
town oonsidera.ble damage has re-
The.. -Rsy L xative
In justice to yourself you should try Rexall Orderlies, - your
money back if you don't like them. They are a candy con.
lection that really do give easy relief from constipation.
1. Good health le largely dependent
upon the bowele. When they become
sluggish the waste material that is
thrciirn off by 'the vat= acoutnu-
lates. This condition generates
poisons, whieli circulate throughout
the body, tending to create coated
tongue, bad breath, headache, dull
brain action, nervousness, biliousness
Avoid harsh cathartic* and physics.
They give but temporary relief.
They of ten aggravate the real trouble.
They aro particularly bad for chil-
dren, delicate or aged persons.
I (X\„, Otraeribei044
Cornd.in tablet form; taste just like
candy and aro noted for their eaSY,
soothing action upon the bowels.
They, don't purge, gripe, cause
nausea, looseness, nor the inconven-
iences attendant upon the use of
‚purgatives. Their action is so pleas-
ant that thdlaking of Reicall Order-
lies almost becomes a desire instead
Children like Rexell Orderlies.
They are ideal for aged or delicate
' persons aa well as for the most robust.
They not toward relieving 000813705
tion, and also to overcome its cause
and to make' unneoessary the fro.
quont use of la_xatives. They serve
to tone anti strengtheu the nerves
and muscles of the bowels and asso-
ciate organs ur glands.
Make Us Prove It
Wo guarantee to refund evety
penny paid as for ltexall Ordorlies
they do not give entire satisfaction.
We ask no promises and we iu no
way obligate you. Your room word
is sufficient for tts.to promptly and
cheerfully 'refund the money.
Doesn't that prove that Resell
Orderlies must bo right? You must
know we would not dare make snail
a promise unless 170 were poeitively
certain that Roxall Orderlies will do
all we claim for them Thorois no
money risk attaahod to a trial of
Rexiill Orderlies, and in justice to
yourself, you should not licaitate to
test them.
Bixall Orderlies come in conven-
ient vect-pooket size tin boxes. 12 ,
tablets, 10e; 80. tablets, 25e; 80
tablets, 80e,
; CAUTION; Please bear ia mind 'that Ilexall Orderlies are uot sold by ail drug.
gists. You can buy Remit Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores.
You can buy 'Resell Orderlies in this community only 0,1. 001 store:
... •
W. S. it. F1OL
Clinton The.;‘'itS.tiC min Store
There is n. Resell Store in nearly every town Rild eRy M tho United States, Clans&d
Olivet Britain. There is a different Remit Remedy for nearly every ottlinery human D-
esch especially designed for the particular ill for widen it la racommended,
The Rexell Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores
To Manitoba Saskatchewan Mberta
Low Round Trip Rates, each Tuesday,
df March te October inclusive
. ' rdiatnlolinPteogrlaanddRiteetuturnrn : S4353.100
_ Other points In profs:alien
Return.Limit.two months, '
. TOURIST suraoma °Ana
Oil Mt excursions. Comfortable bertbs, fully
For settlers travel-
ling with live stock
win leave Toronto
/0.20 p.m.
Settlersand fuloilies
1 17500,000 105 stock
Leaving TOrv,41
10,20 p.m, 0110
Through Colonist
and TOurist.Elecp'ers
equipped witin bedding, can be secured 1,.
moderate rates through local agent.
No oboist. "or Berths
HOMO geekers, Trains Leave Toronto 10.90 pen during Mara „
' April, September and .0cto3er, and at 2 sloe. and.
10.20 pan. detring May, June, 41-4 stnitAneetet.
'1'brendh, Trams Torotato to Winnipeg anal Wosi
Full particulars from any C.P:I2 .Agent or write ISI. G. kfurelise
District Passenger Agent, Toronto