HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-27, Page 6Anaemic Mothers
!lore is Relief!
You Can Enrich Your Worn-out
lood and 'Quichliti Renew
Your Health "With ' •
Hamilton's Pills,
Sufferer of Twenty Years Statee Dr.
Hamilton's Pilis aro a Real CUro.
I can't remember any titne during the
Past twenty years when my heaA wasn't
aching. If I bent over, dark specks Would
er/Ine before my oyes, and it 'monied as
if all the blood in my body wanted to
rush to my head." Thus opens the letter
of Mrs. -Enoch S. Spry, a Putnam P.C.,
and. continuing her interesting statement
she save: "Work or exertion made MY
heart beat terrible. and going upstairs
caused euch shortness of breath that it
fairly frightened. ,no. I toll YOu how
feel to.day and you can understand what
a great oure Dr. Hamilton'e Pills ligve
Temle. 1 fool strong enough now to work
like a man, as for going up stairs on the
run, It doesn't bother me at all. I eat and
sleep as any well person ought, and as
for dizziness which used to frighten me so
' much, it has entirely disappeared. Dr.
'Hamilton's Pills are a ivonderful Medi.
eine. They helped Me, and I know every
womafl. that uses them will have comfort
and good health. Refuse anything offered
YOU lnstead ot Dr. Hamilton's Pills of
Mandrake and Butternut, 25o. per box at
druggieti3 and storekeepers, or the Ca-
tarrhosone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Hilag•
stem Canada.
Prince's Estate Found to be Rich
With Deposits. •
The Londen Daily Chronicle's
Bombay correspondent states that a
romantic discovery of mineral
wealth on a vae-t scale is reported
from an area covering 1,200 square
miles in the Delbhum district,
about 150 miles frora Calcutta,. Ex-
tensive •depesits of gold, copper,
coal, iron, asbeetos, mica, and man-
ganese are said to have been
The estate of Prince- Malomed
"Buktear Shah, who died a month
ago, is in the hands of sun official,
receiver, who engaged an expert
geologist, Phillip Billingshurst, of
Vanceuver, to survey the property
and vazertnin •its value. Mr, Bil-
• lingsburst asserts that the estate
• posseeses immense quantities of
irosi ore, some millions of tons aver-
aging b,etween 45 and 70 per cent,
of metal. Several important gold
fin,cle are also reported. ,
The expert clise,overed m Santhali
woman, reputed -to be 110 years old,
(terming a, competence by working
free gold in a secret place she dis-
covered fifteen years ago, She was
induced to cliselose the Goitres of
her wealth by a present of a silk
shawl and a few rupees, and the ex -
Pert, sinking a trial shaft, found
quartz yielding. ISO ounces of gold
to the toil. He says there are rich
leaders and stringers of a,uriferous
quartz .which leould yield fabulous
amounas and concludes:
"1 Was on what is potentially; one
of, the 'world's greatest gold fields,
and ib w.ue 'w.:th great regret that I
had to leave so much ground unex-
Thinks -Swearing All Right
Providing the provocation equals the of-
fence. of Tons a stepping on Smiths oorns,
Par hotter to One Putnam's 'Corn Extras.
tor; -it does mire corns and warte in ono
day without pain. Try “Putnam'a," free
from acidn, and pal/does, price 25. at all
Before and A,ftei.
Stella ---I take my hushaed, along
to choose a hat,
Bella—I take my hat along to
choose a husband,
On Arms and ,Legs. 'Caused Running -
Soros. 'Would Tear Himself Till
.They Bled, Like Open Wounds,
tuticuraSoap and Ointmenteured.
53 Stewart St:: Toronte. Ontario.--
"Whon ray baby was nine months old IM
bad a lot of pimples come on Ide arms and
lege which used to come
to a hood, Shen break' and
causerunningso. They
were 'bright red erMta,
which Itched and fawned
_so .badly that ho would
tear Ithnselflill he made
them bleed arid they were
all like open wounds.
TIlsY Were on Ids face
and arms so bad that I
did not like to take lika
I out. Ire conld not sleet)
or rest anywhere. I tried
'E'everal things at home 'and Jots of different
things,people used to advise, me, but he
did not set a bit better.
"I bathed cacti place in warm Water and
, Cutioura Soap and then I put some of me.
Outioura Ointment'on and bound them up
In soft rags andhe elopt bettor that night
than ho bad for three weeks,' and ho „
did not scratch; hinkelf onoe that night.
1451 that for throe days, night and morn.
Mg, W130U ,5.50 noticed the sores wore get-
ting drier andhealing, so I bOught a
, Take of Cutioura Soap and a box of Cuti-
cura Ointment, and after a week and a few
days there was not a blemish on him.",
(Signed) Mrs, F. West, Feb. 29, 1012,
. Calque Soap and Onticura Clettnent are
sold by druggists and deiders everywhere.
Fora liberal. free sample of each, with
book, send post card to potter Drug &Chem.
cote, Dept. SOD, Boston, U, O. A.
Became the Wife of the Right Rev.
Thomas ThurloW Palatine.
A lady residing at Lymington,
England,.. was, in want of a little
giii,to weed her garden, and sent
her footman to the w-orkhouse. to
•eeleat a -little pauper girl for the
purpose, John brought back a tiny
chart, about eight' or nine years of
age and pointed ,out her taeks. The
eirig in tones of n-bere than common
sweetness. •The lady's window WAS -
open, ancrshe was struck with the
voice. The little ,songetress, was
sent for to the laaly'e apartment,
and sles wale mueli pleased with the
intelligence of the ehiltl, and 'took
steps to MentiOgYe the little maiden
-from the workhouse to her own
'kitchen. '
After a, ohort time the lady pro-
poeed to her husban,c1 'that they
should adopt the waif as their own
daughter, Every attentioe was
given to the education of Miss Bere-,
for that was her name, and she be-
came a highly accomplished young
lady. Hee humility and modesty
never forsook hes., Shortly after a
young vicar Visited the house. He
became very fond of Miss Bore, and
offered her his hared and heart, but
as he had nothing more than
small living to offer her they agreed
to wait a while. After a, year he
returned with the (title of "very
reverend" to Ms name. There was
new no obstacle in the way, so the
pair were united, and lived many
yeare respected, beloved, and es-
teemed,by all around them.
The death of her husbitzed, who
bad been eleCted to a, bishopric,
severed the happy' -connection. The
lady survived her husband some
steers,a,nd at last the-iittle warb-
ling Naney Bere, the orphan of
Lymington Workhouse, now the la-
mente•d widow of the Right Rev.
Thomas Thurlow Palatine, Bishop
of Durham, quitted this life, to. join
her bekvecl partner in a better
To Peed Children mid Get Good
e,hsklpets 'to work, aud began
There are more nervous persons
made so by undigested food lying
in the stomach than the average
individual would suppose.
If food reinains undigested in the
stomach, it. begins to ferment, set
up gas and a large portion is thus
converted into poison. •
That's whys. imperfectly digested
food may, and often does, cause ir-
ritation of the nerves and stupor
of the mind—brain and nerves are
reelly poisoned,
"My daughter had complained
for some time of a distressed feel-
ingin the stomach, after eating,
which set me thinking that her diet
was not right," writes an anxious
and intelligent mother.
"She had been fond of cereals,
but had never tried Grape -Nuts,
From reading the account of this
predigested food, it seemed reason-
able to try Grape -Nuts for her
case. -
"The results were really 'wonder-
ful, The little brain that 'Seemed
at times unable to do its work, took
on neW life and vigor. Every morn.
ing, now, before going to school,
she .eats the crisp. little inorsele and
is now completely and entirely well,
she seems -to have a new lease on
life—no more distress in the sto.
mac,h, nor headache, but sound and
well everyway." Name given by
Canadian Post= Co., Windsor,
Ont. Read -"The Road to Well-
ville," in pkgs,
"There's. 6,, Reason." ,
Ever read. the above letter? A new one
appears from 'time to time, They are
genuine, true, and full of human interest,
Its Knowledge Jealously G 'larded
" From Europeans.
The lives of 100,000 persons, ac-
cording to popular belief, depend
upon the "Sacred. Lake of Lite," in
southerai Nigeria. The first white
Mall to look upon it are 3, Aine,ury
Talbot, a District Commissieee-rs
and Mr, Eakins'news of whose dis-
coVery has' jaabeen received.
It was through an earlier visit to
the "Lake of the Dead" that the
existenceof the "Lake of Life" was
revealed, amd one afternoon Mr,
Talbot and Mr, Eakin, aecompa,nied
by Mrs, Talbot and her sister, set
out ±0 ma:leaver to locate it. ilith-
erto the knowledge of the lak.e had
hem kept 'a jealously guarded
cret from all Eurcipeans, and not
even the natives, with the excep-
tion of the high priests, had been
allowed to epproach the sacred wa-
ter—the dwelling place of the great -
ebb deity of the Ibibio6, whose chief
town is lkot Oho. ' .
Access to.the like was through a
saere.d grove so cunningly, contrived
that a stranger might tame within it
few yards, yet never tincl the holy
pool. Mr. 'Talbot ant.1 his party
found that the Water was fell of
great fieh, on the welfa,re of which,
according -410, legend, •depeatis the
fife thf thelbibiO troie.(The fish ware
SO tame, that they :fed from, the
hand of the reigeing high piIieSts
the 'only. motive 'human allo,wed, to
look upon the water,
. It is ,specially sacred as the dwell-
ingeslace of the most pow-erful deity
--the Great Mother—Isu-Ma (the,
Fate of Love), whe-se symbol is a
hely -reek facing•the entrance. Near
by the travellers' fennel a Second
peel, in the centre <if whieh is a
palm tree, near wbich in the water
are stationed a felleAlz &girl and a
boy, who bear the name of the god,-
dess, es they were grente-d to the
"8110 is cr-lreot P•013wer to praYer.
Clinnsy Pas:titer.
"I thought," lie remarked, "yon
'said yall 'tepid tlaiacing."
• `So did;" :bane -Um reply; "bat
I didn't sey Jwanfacl to botramPidd
to death, did I rt
Many Reasons Why
Liquid Cough Mixtures
Can't CU° Bronchitis
Rat the"Ilfealing Fumes Of Catarrh''
Oiolita1117.11eh- ariaAreathailt tO ilke,
- 'Il'in'thest OC,OO8IO:0'' 4i, 'J40; ni000'.,
laftoliOs triog. ilmoie'letilit aAa
' ,Siiretidnre: • . ' ,,
EfsEY ' '00aliduh: 41I4dlir
411....t1sroat.;. and': aliefit'at.
: .086triiStrl
Wkidh SOW 41#00ft th0 bmagsing Marano
in tho. oheat. and lunge, .attaoks the iron5
bile tut 'the sonide, peperees the aeries oi
disease, 'and curit,. the apment thorough:
ly, And Pile Esedieins ieNatarrhozono."'
•The• baleamie 'reVor. ilaiXee
With the WrOnAllr, 'deacon& through the
thimitolovin the broneltial tUben,' and 'am
allY reaidiell' the deepest,' aar cells in the
lungs. ; Allparte are .);bothed w,ith rich,
sure, medicinal eeeenoes whereee with. a
syrup the affected parte could not be
reached, and bent would ,result through'
beimithing the stomach with.' drugs.
'"I have been a ehrenle sufferer from
catarrh in the nose 'atid throat for 'otter
eight years, f Minh I have spent. tour
hundred dollars trying to got relief. I
have spent hut' six dollare on Catarrh.
ozone, and have been completely cured,
and, in faot, have been well for soma
time. gatarrhozone is. the only medicine
I have been able to find that would not
only give temporary relief but wtil always
.oUres permanently. • Yours nincerely,
(Signed) WILLIAM . RAGAN, Brockville,
For absolute, permanent cure, 'two Da:
tarrhotono.. Two months' outfit coots
$1.001 emaller size, 50o„ at all storokeela
ors and druggists, or The, Catarrhozone
Company, Buffalo, N. Y. and Eingston,
Animal With n Perfeet Sense of
M. Poineare, the mow president
of the republic, has .9, cat, to which
he.is greatly attached, 'and he has,
just given to the world an appre-
ciation of its virtues, says the Paeie
correepondent of the London Daily
"This cat," he eays, "is gifted
with a .strange and 'complex person-
ality. Voluptitous and epicurean,
treacherous and -cunning, wayward
and ferocious, 'authoritative to the
point of tyranny, it has, you ob-
serve, nothing but faults, but these
faults, 'which in any °thee eat wouM
he absolutely insupportable, be-
come in the'case of this cat, by the
manner in which he uses them,
qualities of the highest value.
"He, has a perfect -sense of hu-
mor, and lon,ows 'meetly the value
of a Weil -timed joke, His tact is
wonderful; It can end .a, difficult
situation in the most gracious a.nd
natural manacle I have hever seen
this cat embarrassed, nee guilty of
a 'faux pas.' With astonishing
celerity lie will choeso between two
solutions of amtestiert, loog only the
betthr from his own point of view
as suiting his interests, . but the
more .elegant ,ned agreeable, and -
the one most likely todraw appro-
val upon himself.
"Flattery is another thing this
at excele in • net that obvious. and
direct varidy wallah embarrasses
and offends sensitive people, but
that variety which caresses exqui-
sitely 011eti amour propre. He me -
ver disobeyo his master unles,s the
latter is not preeent or unless he is
engage,d in soneo absorbing task.
Then- he will go and sit wricre he
has been tokl not to, Dell' the radi-
ator. Diseavered, he emiles gen-
tly and runstiever to- me, looking at
rae as though to ca -y, 'Oh, yes; I
was there right enough, bet merely
for the inebant. I 'wished only to
'warns my feet, y.au understsvnd,
berianse it, is ,a little cold this even-
ing. But I didn't stay there—the
best proof of which is that I am
here now. But why do you look at
me like that? Anger, gOal knew, ie.
tapital fault. Come, let us- be
good friends and enjoy ourselves!'
"Tam he always starts off to
amuse me. He jumps all over me
and all over the Toon, with every
comic ,antic it ie possible to think of.
It is impossible to resist him; you
are simply disarmed and eenquer-
Not a Complaint.
There is a good deal of complaint
because people don't walk more,
but,it doesn't come hem the head
it litre° family with shoes to buy.
1 0
"The Family Friend fim. A() years.", A never
failing relief for CTOUP and Whopping Cough.
- After uelnan hho taken. a charier;
sontetimee ha,ppens that be Nvould
he, only too' glad_ of -a chance to
Put it back,
kilnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
Minootit Malinger,
• f •clon't know howete refase a.
girl employment,.. 1.hate to send
em away feeling downcast,"
"I always send 'em away smiling.
Tell 'em -frankly they're so geed -
looking they might -disturb the of-
fice ,
A Womatiair Devotion to Iler Chilli
Resillted, ,111 .ne.t• Ha:14A. ‘.
-In. a. fith— esoilatt'd)
hamlet Sg1it. es'TO ling widow whose
husband ,ha41:liecl-a. few moeths be-
fore, leasing her with asi infant a-
rfew. mentlis .-oki. Her 'IMMO WaS
'NAOS from the tiearoot doc-
`thes• abodte •Which lay geroseeSome
,,Heittlittle. on'etteek .an4r
,net vslisp n1UEh o ,War14'
; 8,
" f 18 '
gear,' inrtiertlei" aiditis*"the• heavy
*0141c1hietra, ta hiseinet
leg the littleontteross the ehills
and •see the doctor-'personallya
Telling her neighbors -of .her in-
tention, she set ot on h sharp but
dry, frosty Morning, ' When cross-
ing the hills the sky became over-
cast,' and then the snow 'began to
fall, slowly .at first, but gradually
inereasing to a blizzard. She kept
on her, way, Struggling hard, though'
strength, and her burden was prole-
ing too much for her in the face of
such a items. '
-.Anxiety now began to be felt
anitingst her neighbere; and they
resolved to ferns a Search party to
'ascertain, as te her safety? After
a few hems' trudging oyer the hills
they. found the little -one lying
sound asleep in it cleft in a rock,
being kept warm by some ,of his
mother's garments, and sheltered
from the falling snow. ,A•mile or
two -farther on they came upon the
mother, with the snow lying as a
covering upon her. Her struggles
were over at last; she had taken
all her garments 'off except one,
and•had gene on in the hope of get-
ting help, but lad perished in the
winter's bleat.
Ti Ease Tight Chest
And Cure a Cold
'4ub 011 Nerviline
No Remedy Half So Effieient.
"1 didn't hays ,to softer long with a
sore, wheezy chest. I had a mighty bad
cold -it hold me like a oleo, but I knew
what 50 do...,. I took half a teaspoon-
ful of Nervilino inhotwater and rubbed
my neck and chest every half hour dur-
ing the evening. You would hardly
credit the way Nerviline loosed up that
tight cheat, enablad mo to breathe like a
froo man, gaas mo comfort in a few
This is the experience of S. P. Durand,
a well known resident of Bingen's Car.
nen. In thousands of homes Nervilino
is used *very day. If a littlo (Mild has
a sick atom:tell, just a few drops will
suffice. If there Is any bowel disorder or
diarrhoea, only a hmall doss, is required.
Inwardly or outavarclly, wherever there is
Pain or inflammation, Nerviline 5.5151 at.
wayo relieve quickest and cure stmest of
any remedy known. Family size, W.;
small bottle Bic,, at all stoaelcoopens and
druggiete, or Tho Catarrhozone Co., Bur.
falo, N. Y. ,
Have a Respect for Numbers and
Appreciate Colors.
A largo proportion of clog stories
are like fish, Stories, and require to
be thoroughly ealted. To such cate-
gory one may be excused for con-
signing a .story that appeared
good -deal in public print a couple
of years since to the effect that as
dog need for 'sheep failed to locate
them till provided with a, glimpse
through as telescope. But for those
who might wish to speculate on the
powers of the farm dog the follow-
ing anthentio etories will provide
suitable food for reflection. At any
rate, it must be 'asked, Can Boone
dogs count or place. value. on num-
bers . •
The hero of the first instarica be-
longed to a arriallholder, and justi-
fied his existence by fetching three
milk *owe from among as umber of
grazing bullocks twice a day. The
dog never failed to select the cows
from the, oases and bring them to
the houseo. But one (lett one of the
cows hadlte be detained la the cow -
house, and the ethees put to graze
as asualt The deg went to perform
the customary duty of selecting the
three cows, but, though he took a
little -longer than usual, he, was
eventually seen to single outs the
accustomed quota of throo, but his
deito ceousist of two
That tetory provee netaing if it
doet not brovs•that some dogs have
turiotrIPtoecilt adhetti-
hiCiclent mlist gem rise to the' tau -
mise that dogs appreciate eolors.
In this carte the dog was an ex -
sheep dog, and Me duties wero
Ier to She mnalTholder's dog, only
he had four cows to deal with in
place of three, The colors of the,
cows were variegated, but one cow
was of a, hue termed dim, The dog
w,as an adept'at his trerk, but one
day he was presented with a,
similar ±0 the former, The dun
eow had to' be "beat in" on. this'
opmeieri, and the three taheresput
to Pasture.- 'When milking 'time,
eame aroued the diog was gent for
his charges, and did net lose niuch
tittle about it, for he came back
direct with three cows and a big
drat heifer.'
'ISSUE 13—'13.
Mr, Kitson—"I suppose you think
that a man ,never deceives his
vile!" Miss Kidder—"Oh, leo
Why, it would be impossible for the)
average man to get a Wife ...if he
didn't deceive her,'?
Milte--"Olve a korioundrum fur
yez to-neight, Biddy, if ,ft rnau
bort' in Oirelancl, lives in England,
Sri' doles en Glasgae phwat is le ?"
"A karpee, to • b' skure." Mike
(with an Aar of annoyance)— 'Leh,
toinebodyte b'n telling yezt'
Neer Binnawle,k Woman Tells How
She Was Reaened Pram 111 Ifealth,
the, Twin Remedies?. Dodd!se
Kidney Pills, and: Dtidd'r Dyse
peeilda"Talilets. '
Negutue, , Allah' P. O., N. B.,•
Mar. 24 (Special).—Mrs.' Joseph G. -
Savoy, a well-known resident of this
place, whose ill -health. has been a
matter of much concern to her
friends, is telling of the cure she
found for all her troubles in Decld's
Kidney Pills and Dodcro Dyspepsia
"My health is fine now," Mrs.
Savoy says, in an interview. "The
pains are gone from my side and
back, and when I go to be,d I can
sleep. Before I started' using
Dodd's Kidney Pills and Dodd's
Dyspepsia Tablets 1. eould not -eat
anything heavy, such as meat, but
now I can eat practically what I
please 'with no ill effects."
Mrs. Savoy Wall a generally
run-down condition, and her cure
came about by using the natural
remedies. Dodd's Kidney Pills
cured and invigorated her- kidneys,
thus purifying her bleed and im-
proving the circulation.'
Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets insured
proper digestion of her food, thus
furnishing the body with the nu-
trition it required. Women with
healthy kidneys and sound diges-
tion can afford to laugh at the
minor ills of life.
Germany Addicted to Devices That
Save Time and Money.
Germany might almost be called
"the land of the automat." Auto-
matic devices of all kinds are popu-
lar andatre mad for 1,000 purposes.
At all pest-officee/stemps and post,
cards are (sold by automatic ma-
chines, at therailway stations plat-
form (tickets, and sulnuban tickets
are sold by automats; automat
restaurants, whesi one ea,n securott
glass of beer, wine or limier, as
-sandwich, square meal, eup of cof-
fee, chocolate, etc, by dropping, a
coin in the slot, abound every-
where. Every city of 15,000 CT 20,-
000 population and over has from
100 to sev.eral hundred eu,ch res-
Al: 'railway stations automats sell
chocolate'candy,' picture post-
eards, antl -even a little kit of "first
ald to the injured," containing a
few drops of palu-killer, bendages,
-needle, thread, etc. Ten pfennigs
in a slot opens- the door of toilet
compartments, delivering at towel
or picee of of soap. A -coin in a
slot obtains a cigar, a tune from a
mechanical music box, a pair of
sheets -brings a. collar -button, a
visiting tetra, name plate for suit-
case, tells one's fortune or weight,
Between Five and Six Million Acres
of Land Will Be Served.
An Australian eorrespondent has
described the new Burrinjunk Dam
in New South Wales. It is the
secend largest clam in the world—
second only to the .A,seotian Dam;
and although -not yet finished it has
already came into, use. It is set
between two granite mountains
that rise from opposite sides of the
Murriunbiclgee River. Forty-five
miles of the river are held back by
thes great wall in the neck of a
gorgeeand when the dam had risen
to its full height el 240tfeet the en-
clesed lake will be half as large
again as Sydney Harbor. TWa.
hundred smiles farther down the
river, at )3orembed, another great
lverk, is contemplated. When the
eonabined ,sys.tent is complete be-
tween five and ,six million acres tvill
be eerved. Vast tracts of the so-
called barren • Mad of 'Australia
coulchbe made te blossom if irrige,-
tion were as ecientific ae isa ,s-ome
American Sibetes. "Immigration
and irrigation',is the motto- fat'
Auttralia. The director of Austral-
ian Immigration announces that
irrigated farms are now available
fer farmers in the Murrumbidgee
Valley, irrigated, by the Burrinjuak
Dam. The New South Waleo Gov-
ernmentwill. -give assistance in
house-buileling, fencing, grading
and Seeding to a limited number of
British ia_riners.
itngui B14111(1111.3'
OINTMENT falls to curgoany ease of Itch.
Tour druggist will refund money It PAZO
13..lee6daoln.g or yrotruding Piles
Lives of great Men alay remind
tis that it is sometimes better to
remain obscure.
MInard's Liniment cures carget in COWL
Kitty—"Why are you CO glum,
dear ?" Marie --"Jack made an aw-
ful threat last eight when I re-
jected him." Kitty-55Whatl To
shoot bimself ?" Marie—' 'Olt, worse.,
than that, He said heal never pro -
peas to me again,"
isj the bowels le an'afisolute west
say for good health, finless the
'waste matter from the food which
collects there is got rid of at least
011at a day, it decays and poisoni the
whole body, causing biliousness, "
gestion and sick headaches. Atta
end other harsh mineral' purgatives
irritate the delicate lining of the
bowels. Dr. Morse's Indiari Root
Pills—entireli vegetable--regtlate
On bowels effectively, without Weak-
ening, sickenga
ing or ping. Use
Du-.. Horse's ts
Indian Root PIIs
Per Ceirt.
e Of This. Compound Will
, •depend on. any powder in this olosa• of Diseages. Give to
.• breed Snares in tinuen 'of Distemper. Boeltiet.. "Okftenseer, Ca.usee, Cure and
Pz6763419u*" fres. ''Dr.olfOlutn se)! BP0hP'.?...0afilh• • '
genie -M -00a liestirieleat ts 0oshen,'1,d
IlP120011(01/ „I
Catarrhal. Fever and; /nfivreztia,.. tinder 'thin' InforcoodOe.
Given' on the 11c:reefs Tongtierit :United With llse iluide eS
, the Aulimentary. oadel, thrown lute the Blood. pageee.throushi
, the Glande',Itnd :enfold the.Gofme D'IsealIS' AsseliiteiT Isd
d Afire for Breed Maree, Batt. Gets and all. otltere, o not
t Pays:.
Hoopla; Mules [Ind Cows. They, ewe
'healthier end reader bettor service.
When the beavyooat tbat 150545 the
iret 41,5 lo reatored, they
arereoreeselly treat Maui; look better
-tot room good front their food and
ert_INAteY in every ally, insist on
"'7The Stewart •
, • Ball Bearing
Clipping Machine
10 form easier, 011530108550 084 closer
and steps /theca longer than -any
etIter. Calare aro all Ilk, hard,led
501 405008054 ',Welber.They 055 FMCS,
tooted one. 500 run ln oil:
55015304. 150e' 012975
little friotion.11ttlerantr.
Rae mixt.% of neer style oney tanning
flexible shaft and the celebrated
Ittowart Cagle tension °Honing hoed,
highest (rade. gat ono Imo your radop
every cenelinte guaranteed to please.
693 La Salle Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.
Write tor eoragleta nap catalogue allowing World's
largest and most modern Ilea of horse clIppine and
uniabines, mailed free on request.
Most Beautiful Seenery on the
'From 121hicontimi I Sailed down
the broad,. mhjestic flood 'of the
Saguenay'an the wonder and' silence
that the first European traveller
must have felt when he ascended it,
writes Beckles' Wilson. The rail-
way has been extended as far as
Ha Ha )3ay, where rounding Cape
West wo made our first stop to ad-
mire that delightful sheet of water,
which runs seven•milea inland. But
in Cape Eteinity and Cape Trinity
the culmination .of the scenerY lie:
perhaps in sheer majesty the mil-
mination of all scenery on this con-
tinent. 31Iountaino and precipices
higher there may be, but my eyes
have never rested en anything ST
awe-inspiring as the stern promon-
tory of Cape Trinity, lifting its
sombre mass nearly two thousand'
feet in three Successive heights
from the gentle waters of a little
bate Grey and serene'at the base,
mysterious in mid -height; witia cav-
ernous shadows where areas of rock
have fallen and where the bald
eagle builds its nest, and then far
apwa,rd, just as Cape Trinitt; seems
about to 'melt into the pale grey
of the sky,the radiance of the set-
ting sun crowning ite triple brows
with gold,
Is t,he most delicate- fabric in the
world, You may, cease it pernme
ent harnr by using poisonous min-
eral eintments Lor the' little rashes
and eruptions that every baby suf-
fers from occasionally. Don't take
any chances. Use Zam-Buk, the
baby -los best balm,
Zara-Bulc is made from fine her-
bal extrecbs, and is free from any
harmful poisonous coloring matter.
Like the grasses and the flowera,
nature has colored it green. It is
nature's OW11 healer I
Just pub a little Zam-Buk on
baby's skin, and see how soon
it is absorbed, shelving con -
elusively that the pores of the skin
are greedy for it.
Use nothing but Zam-Buk for
baby's skin troubles and wash with
Zam-Beek Soap.
All druggists and stores sell at
500. • box, or post free -hem Znan-
Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Be -
fuse harmful substitutes and imi-
If you have dyspepsia, try e con-
bietious troatreent of hand -made la-
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta
"That's a heavy burden you have
gat; my lassie," said a gentleman.
'It's no' a kurden," replied the
girl; "it's tay wee brither."
To CURE A 001.13 IN ONE DAY ,
Take LAXATIVE BROM° Quinine Tablek.
Druggists refund money it It falls to cure
8. W, GROVE'S el:nature is on each box,
"Would you mind making a noise
like a frog, uncle'?" "And why,"
said the uncle, with an amused
smile, "why, Tommy, .(do yon desire
me to make a noise like a frog?"
"Became," replied 'the urelein,
'whenever T ,ask daddy to buy me
anything he always says, 'Wait till
your uncle croaks.' "
Wrs NToriy_111,,e,,,er_linre Eye Remedy'
r racuisted Eyelids btu t " 000`:'
ye gip .46, it tor Red, 'Wolr.d1C,Iii7tigts9"1"17.
3.10,:ggio,,00nztX.Tilists-not cYatent
1,,th.t2tho Yeblio
naeli Package. .kluulifItti 1,200.0k.
mItyuorLflealtiyoirt'R0-sedintsniellic?..M.Fac, firdra=le°,
Ate eel avg,i'xivo 50r
A man is apt to be suspicious of
a pretty girl who talks only 'corn -
mon sense,
Minard's Liniment Gunk Distemper,
Last -Frost Fah: on '.1111ti155es,
The, Thames, England, was last
frozen, over le January of the year
1814, when the tee was se firmly fro -
hen that it wart coon secure fey
footing, and thousands availed
themselves of an •opportunity which
had n.ot occurred for a century, So
thick was the lee at Cfreenhithe that
booths were erected fee refeeala
Inept( Between T-Pcmiaoxi end Black-
friars Beticlge swings and games- of
tha,zand velo match n eyidenee;
sheep was roasted andsold at so
much a pieta; Musicians and dance
en were there, and altegether the
ecen,e had the eppearance of as
Gr oc.nwich fair,
Thar Are Guaranteed
Why take chances in buying a pair
of gives when you can get a:positive
guarantee baoked by Canada's,
largest eloVa foolery in the
11.B.K.Pinto Shell Gloves
,made from specially tanned horse-
hide. Guaranteed wet proof, wind
proof, steam and heat proof. Send
for illustrations.
Canada's Expert Glove and 111t1 Makers, ,
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
with Throe Ilousee: large neer Barn.
Dust bo gold quick. Price te very low.
lldanitebn, Alberta and Saskatchewan
that ean be bought. worth the money for
quick sale.
B. farms Isa different sections ot Ontario
on my MIL If you want a farm coneule
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
Prame house, number of outbuild-
ings. Owner anyloua 50 . sell, going to
Northwest. The Western Real Estate Ex.
change, London, Ont.
itreyperIgnirraoz:i.aetssgili:. terms oasy.
ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue.
Album. only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp
Coro on ay., l'aronro.
.11., Rapt *lase colonies of Bees. partly
Italian, in Eight frame Langotroth Rives.
Delivery in May. IL E. Ifoltermann,
Brantford, Ontario, Canada,. ,
internal end external, cured iv th.
out rale by our home treatment. Write
us before too lain. Dr. Beliman Modica/
Co.. LlmItecl, Collinewood, Ont,
der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gram!.
Lumbago and kindred ailments posItivell
cared with the now German ilemedy.
"Sanol," price .51.50. Another new remeda
for Elabetefettellitusand sure cure, k
"Senolk Anti -Diabetes." Prlee 52.00 from
dm:artists or direct. Tbe Banat lde
luring Company et Canada,
WinnIneg. Mon.
and all kinds of houss hclglegs, aloe
Write to tri about yours, Gold Modallst
CRITISH At/MMUS DY ONO 00., SOX s33.PontreAl
/r.— Maypole Soap
Gives rich, even
colors, tree beim
streaks and absolut-
elyfast. Does not
stainhands or kettles
24 colors, will give
any shade, Colors
10c, black 15c, at
your dealer's ot
poet - paid %vial
booklet "How to
Dye" from
No Walking for Him.
"What walk in life has your son
adopted I"
'No walk at all ; he's in the auto
Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast
Via Chicago and North Western Railway.
On sale daily, March 15t51 M April 1511, In.
elusive, from all points itt Ca,nada to Los
Angeles, San Prunclaco, Portland, Salt
Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vancettvor,
Nelson, Roseland, and -many other points.
Through tourist sleepersand free reclin.
ing chair cars from Chicago. Variable
roMeo. Liberat stop over,. For full Ito
formation na to rates, routee and Morn -
tare, write or call en D. Bei:nett, Gen-
eral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Economical Host—"Alice, net
play some popular song that our
guests can all join in singing. They
are doing .nothing but eat and •
Marion' Bridge. C. B., May 30, '02.
I have handled MINARD'S LINIMENT
during the past year. It is always the
first 'Liniment asked for here, end unnuee-
tiouably tho beet seller of all the differ.
'eat lands of Liniment I handle.
One Good Thing.
"Success is very difficult to at -
tate. •
"True enough.'l
"FortUnately-when a man does
attain sudoess his entire family can
go through life lia,ngiag .onto his
29 Broadway, Nevi Vork.
"I bought some of your GIN riLis
at Victoria, B.C. last September. Vow
rethedy I find, at do years of age. to
give perfect relief frost the
Bladder Troubles Ile:leant to one of my
age, Ioltgesstiyr000flsnlelsA GIN PILLS
frienc14 as being the one tbing that
does am good 'i• G' WOODFORD.
500, a box, fot$2,so, Motley back
if OM PDA8 fail, • Sample free if you
write National Drug and Chemical CO.
of Canada iiiinited Toronto. 1St