HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-27, Page 511
March 27th, 1913
, 4
Cinton News -Record
' . . : .
• ' ' '
The ' holidays , have come and gone
aatn. Stray members 'of' the family
ave sped lionie, joined in the, ...,as
er rejoicings and then, as quickly
ped hack to their busy lives. atgaii.7,
.ome of us to whom the cone e
. customary, indulged . mir desires
?r , variety 'and went. to the 1-.';tY.
.Mere there, was evidences of. Eas- !week,
•.:0-. on alt sides. Such. displays l
vindoWs gaily decorated ha all ' the,
alaky of Easter bonlets, Easter.,
owns, Easter . novelties ; and the
enured , and one thingo' which • make
Miss Edith Williams spent .'llie
Easter vacation in,' Torento.
ter,MIsilrs. Webi.19•IierJ ilsm NtisiiitIT 1Z-r•-•(11-ianigli"
• Rey, Alfred Drown, pastor of
North -street- church, has received an
• .. . • '
invitatum to become pastor of the
largest ' Methodist church in King-
sten, • Ire Imo' accepted subjeet to the
Will of the stationing committee... '
'The funeral of the late Mrs. John
A. •'• Naftel, who died in Toronto,.
took place in GOderieli.. on Friday
Rev. J. B.' rotlieriiilia7M; fee-
it.i°,1gc toilfe•Sst-rv'Gic.oeol.fle's elnirell,; !.011(1.1, 0:t-
mis.s. , T...1.,zzie . Jehus..on has retuned ,
alter. , spending .the winter dt Elk
. . -
Lake. - .
'Mrs. Weiteameier of Minnesota, for-
merly Miss Isle, , nes :been visiting.
friein•dsille°dreeaatir oil' Mr, Abraham. Leh-
Irian 'Zurich, lost. one of its oldest
and inost respected citizens, fie lied
reached the age ,of eighty years, His
wife and .a • family of six survive,.
Rey. Mr. 'Rupp , and family left last
week for their mew home near Pia-
eon, Mich.. - ,
Mr. A. I). . Dibbern of Litchfield,
North ,Dakota, whose' lather formerly
lived- in the section, vitited friends
and relatives 'in toWn and vicinitY
mrre.erileltiko''‘,;sigueo'y'd. Enos for • Toon'
,aird Toamiship News.
direction of Miss B. ,, May :Reuel
will be given under the ouSInees of
the Citiien's Band iti the town hall
IT °InAporrcler3, 3rd,inshtleaahile
(3.1n mt,a,evelive2n7h:-.
the play a success we have gene to •
the expense of= supplying the stage •
with new, scenery . and fittings. Mr.
Phelan with his orchestra will give
some -,good music during the perior-•
mance Mid,. also between. acts. -70i
.,hust used by fenu.ers. Gave good
'results lost year, and farmers are
• • Order'
ordering again this year.
lisnotal 1 ici°i11:aritli•tiess ••IFI rgaZe: WI'arlevanotr
•, or o
,cnintoo, ont„ phone tel. . , -69.
. - . . -
VOW . 40 :1'
I,ot .
part of 39, Con9, Goderien
township, consisting. of•.107 acres
all cleared and ,00d tillable land
6 .
etxecne patciroens 9off olliN•reel inared" sc 0.1E1°1-
lbviii.s•LI111 the exception
taining apples, Plums and cherries.
Faun in good condition .being of'
good clay loam, well fenced and
having an abundance oE excellent
water, On the premises are two
barns one 58x30 with shed 25910,
all on stone foundation. The .oth-
.er barn is 50x80 with' shed 47x30
also a gravel house Situated
and a • '
one mile - from school .,), mile from
English church, 1 Mile from Meth-
-odist church, 5 miles from Clinton,
6 mire.-,%, from Bayfield. Rural ,fr'ele-
Phone connectioe. Alto part of Lot
36, Telephone Road, containing 50
acres adjoining school 'and 4 miles
ir'om Clinton, on which there are
no building's but containing a smell
swamp making it fin excellent pas-
.._ . - .
tuie laim. For further particulars
apply On 1110 promises, or address-
0.7 e00,, 155.AA. Cooper Clinton, Ont: Phone
- -71.
• **its** 00000000000000000
• . ' •
• .
• Buy Sugar •
1:• ' •
Wh PIA : ehP-A :
a . _ -.— __ ._,..,p..
•o ••
• Our first car Redpatb's •
.. will arrive next,.
• sugar
•• week, Order early and ••
* ., . .
o get . in on the bottom •
. - ..
• price. •
• • , *
• . . •
: i o0 lbs. Redaatb's t
v tea Granulated $4.90. :
a •
' ,• •
61 C sh-limited time :
• a ,*
• Not more than 6 sacks to •
; — ' •
. one customer. •
..4-' Thi' is the cheapest we •
; *
o haVO sold sugar in two •
• years.
, 1
• .
d • a - • 1
-Sealed Ten ers &tressed° -to li ie
Postilla,ster. Genaral, will - b oceiyeo
at Ottawa . until .N.000, en ,Friday„
Q0.18111 Aar)]. 1913 for the convey-
aline °f • His Majesty's Ma11.a °11 a
proposed Contract for four years
eighteen times per weok each way,
tween St. Columban and ' Railway
Station and six • times per week
over rural IVIail Route from Seaford'
, .
(North EaSt) (Beechwood :way). On-
tpairc.ia°.sufere°.m the Pastalaste.r General's
primed votices contami, lig in r.,
ther information as 16o conditions
of- proposed Contract may be seen
and blank forms of Tender 'Moy be
colitiainheci at the sPeoasttorafficBe-eoect hwo,Sotd.
°cluniat ale•and•
on Office Of the Post Office.
Inspector -at. London. Post °Mee'
. .. Mali , . .
Department, Service Branca,
Ottaw,a, Ith Mareh 1913. •
- Superintendent
. -72-3.
•••• _.•. ,
'on 11'rederick street, eight' teams,.
Verandah,, large- gellar, hard and
soft water in house. .. Half acre
c'f laad• Pc's'scssaal give'''. April
lst.-Apply to Mrs, 'Geo. Hanley,
-Princess St. _73
, the heart of iv:pion ;- mid of.
Ts sunicierit fittraction to the op.,
osite sex, • so that there •is always
one a•dmiring gromiS in evidence.
he, on the other side, tliere is the
usy city man or woman, to whom the
:oiling sprino recalls pictiires of the
, , ,
auntry and old aSSOelat1011,S. A
-ozonic week...end invitation comeSo
rid then are laid aside cores, wor-
Les, and resnonsiliilities. The . noisy
ammercial world with its 'glamor
rid rea.tlessness is left behind and
happy three or four (lays are pn-
,iyed . in. some peaceful rurality,
ow it is over, Our lives have ie-
treed to their ordinary, tenor ; and
ie long term . comes -longer 'than
&nal this yearbefore summer . brings
t. rest and change, is ahead a us,
At the rate time is toying the pie-
ic season wilt soon, be here', and
guarantee a great many minds
ave already slipped into the future
ad have •. foreseen in. some manlier
ow. the vacation will be spent6 We
a need' some inspiration to - which
)• look forward ; and theSe bright
mts-,-licilidays, gatherings, congen-
il spirits, and the anticipation. . of
Tell -help alcaig the daily trail. ;
Mow ' the loft ear Of :Old mau Weao
ler must have burnt the last week 1.
re always ,knevo we could discuss
itii if all else were • exhausted,., He
Lust either, ..have been feeling• neg-
oted, or 'perchance have vrislied - to
ive the 'reputation of some poor
, Miss Nina Grahatii, .daughter ' of
Mr, Geo, 'Graham of town, has grad-
uated with honors' :from the New
Yorlc. hospital • where she ' has been •
tiairiln ,
g as a nurse.
The 'funeral of the late Mrs. Tar-
sons, widow of, the late Captain par- .;
sOns, took place -from St. Ereorge's
church on Sunday. '. Tlie 1 deceased
lady; Was in her 'sixty-sixth year,
She leaves- a -family of tw•ca sons and
one darighter : I -Tarry manager .•of. the '
Bank of Commerce at Aralkerville,
Lionel mane f tl G (1 •' 11 el
, ger o le o euc -
eyator, and Marion, a member of' the.
teaehing staff off the Victoria school
here. The pallbearers were : Judge
I-Iolt, Mat. Zeiger, Capt. Sheppard,
D. Mattel, 0. Lee and R. O. Hayes. -
Theotorin on Friday did a great
amount of damage in the country
surroueding Goderich. , Barns. were
unroofed and windmills Were cont-
pletely demolished, Between ;Ben -Mill-
er and, Carlow' Wm, Wa'Iters, Geo.
Bear, 'Mex., Robertson, and.. Alex.
Young ; 'oat; the 'roofs fihm ,their
barns, and' ori the Lake Shore:- Road,
north, Jas. McMann'o; John. Far-'
rish's and Wm. Reger's barns Were
partially de•stroyed. '
While enleavoring to close a'• barn !Th,r,
door during the „gale Mr. M. Pfrim-
met of Benmiller was thiosyn back- ,
wards striking , the building and
breaking three ribs and otherwise in
kiting iiim„ii. -
.. '
, '
PHOENIX--CLUFF .- lo St. pool's
u c . m , 1
here!, !olden, on arch 25t1 ,
by the Rev. W. T. Cluff of Stoat-
• ford assisted by ,' .tiev. C. E. lea.-
- Ions, Mary Elizabeth, (Mollie)
. youngest .dau,,gliter ' of Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Cleft, to Nicholas Albert
,Phoenix of Hamilton.. - .
on bi dMarch 12111, by Rev. g Dr:
MI' e ge, Milton 5, 'Naylor, el
' East Wawanosh to Della Iiiggins,•
' datighter ' of Mr. TM's. Higgins, of
Wroxeter.. • .
.. Births-
r•--- •' •
FIENT/EHSG-N--At wingliairl. ' Juno-
ton, . on March 16th, to Mr• -and
Mts. W. J. Henderson, a son.
GIBSON-In Witigham, on March
- 151E10 Mr. and Mrs. James Gib-
sea, a daughter. . . , ,' ,
WEBSTE.R-In Exetet oa March
13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Web-
• se,.a ;son.
' -
- ranee of our father James Shep-
' herd h , • t his'
late , w.tly passe awha
. rem ?nee, Toivris e. , street,
Clinton on March 29th 1912.-
, . •
The Family. •
To RENT._ cotopoRTABLE oEor,
, ,
en roomed cottage on . Isaac street.
Hard and sofa watt ; .1, acre of
land, For particulars apply to-
Miss Rudd Clinton • • 772_
; ••
.. •
: •
• -------•
,. . _. . _
ter's Jewelery store. Seated for
hall or suitable for living rooms.
$1.50 per' month. -Apply F, J.14,11,
Clintoti, Phone 77. -.. _72
- . . .
County ca. Huron, to not : .By vi-
the of Writ of Fiert Facies issued
out of Hie Majesty's County Court
' '• "
of the County of Lanark. and to me
Oitected-and delivered against the
• . , ' - •
Lands and 'tenements of David J.
Carter at the suit' cf The Frost
& Wood Compaiiy Limited. I have
seized and taken in Execution, All
o __,...—e. -7,--- •
• . . ; *.
6 IL .
•• w T ORE :
•- •
• • , o
• "The flub Grocery." • 41
4. . •
o ell so •••••••••••••••••••
, .
red Angus Bull, nine nnintlis old.
• Weighs about 850 lOunds.- W,
Wheatley. ' • -73
' ' '
the right, title, interest, and e-
quity of redemption, of the above
nam,ed David -j. Carler, in to , and
, , ,
out of the following 'ardor and pre-
mise Viz .Lot 2 Block 0. McCall -
, '
• 1 • . . . . . • •
ghey s Savoy, , situate lying, and
being - in tbe. Village -of Blyth, • in
hi ai h, r •H d p , .
m otui 3 o uron, an mem-
as, of Onterio.. Which Lands and
Tenements I Shall offer or Sale
- .,
at my !Office, in the Court House,
• tile T n f God Joh Tues -
oi, le ow o er , on
, the Tw n - -Niet , ' f -ard -
c ty o h day o . _ P
ril 1913 at the hour ci twelv of
' ' e .
the clock, Noon. R 11. IteysiScle,
Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's Office,
Goderich, January 23rd, 1913.
7o 4
' •
ihTghoehwtay sDo0nr'ta• wtrayt.ChIfaryeouopswt flaitedh.-'
Is lazy and wont run, let us repair
it for you. Ten to one' you neglect -
ed it. -let it get dirty,or it stops
from look of oilWhatever is the
reason, don't delay • Delay costs
delay; Delay
money and often spoils the watch.
• • •
We give thorough exannnation and
regulating free, anything More costs
as -little as satibfaetory work can be
done • for •
signed offers for sale One hundred
acres , of as good land as there is
'n the County • of Huron - being
1 . , •
part of .Lots 25 -and 26 on the
17.1)11 Corr Goderich township one
o . ;
mile north of Clmton, 11, miles
from school. On the farm is a
frame bar 36x60 with good cern,
ecu wall, also a stone stable 25x
50 with hay loft above; comfort-
able 11 room frame house a nev
E -1- ii ' E 0
er- ai ing we and one acre o irli
chard. Reason • for selling,
health. For particulars • apply on
the premises or address -Joseph
Colelough, Clinton P. 0. .,„ -66
ed • of our boot and Shoe Businest
. all ;account/a due us must be• - set-
tled .not later than the 1st of Ap-'
ril. May be paid, at the store. -J.•
Vivi tchell & Son, -.72.
draught fillies, one rising 1
. . , . _ , , ,
year, one rising 2 and one lasing
3 , .-. . • Johna
3 ears- Apply to Holme ,
Huron Road. '. ,
. --6''•
reature who was the unconscious
bject of gossip aud he took • lost
'riday'S Method" of bringing himself
) the trent. At any rate lie ' sue-
3eded in getting himself • talked
out. He apparently breught his
Mire force of summer zephrs, win-,
ir blasts, . spring breezes, and fall
inds :to Ilia aid, Travelling through
te air was very. popular with the
himneys, roofs, shingles and leaves,
hile many hats parted, company
ith their owners in their affibitions
o soar'. In fact to anyone high
lough to look „down, quite a res-
actable display of millinery would
we been seen, eddying •through the
M. 'The leaves had the merries,t
,atidest 'time of all. They raced and
lased, whirled whizzed,
HESK-Io Mullett on Mar. 22nd,
'' .-Mrs. W. 11. Meski• ages' 40 years,
• HeriSall , 4 months alltl 23 days, _ •
MILLA11-In Clinton, on Mare . t ,
Mr. Case. Tro er of To ' t • h 1•I'll
TOIl 0 V1S- -
• Alfred Millar, aged •53 yews and
d I • d heref •
i te rien s for a of, days
monhs. - •
last week. 10 m t ' -
Mrs, Hugh • • ALLAN -1n Clinten, on Match 21sto
Mr. and airs. Hugn .111clhartm, who • .
Martha ..Willison, widow. of the have hem, visiting friends in the east '
for a couple of months, have - - late !George Allan, igeci 80 years.
re McVITTIE-In Morris township, on
turned . to Winnipeg. PI -
Mrs. II. Ingramg. •
and family leave. March 18th, John MeVittle, in
his 78th year. - - .
this. week of London where Mr. In-
WATIDERS-In Colboene township,
r n• h b n for s' • l'ttl ti
g aMisslaDsoraeeSherritt"aloetuirnede iraes't on March 191111, Sophia-. Ann, eld-
est daugnter of Wm. Walters, in
week to her duties in conneetimi
with Victoria liospital, London al- • her 27011 year. - -
ter '`a. vacat' t 1 ' • ARMSTRONG -In Morris, on March
ion a. her • mime • in
town. ' • 11th, Edward.; Armstrong, aged 66
• yeare and 10 months.
-,o-, • MORROW7In Wingham, Mareff
and repairs kept on hand, also ag-'
ency • for new machines, -A. Hoop-
_ .
er, Albert street. -70
ht rooms bard arid soft
street, eig ,
- seater, -A- acre of land. Well loc-
- d
ated.-Apply to Mrs, D. Connell.
• ,
Wednesday, 0
. I NI 1- .
THE L„,, April -
Town Hall
it, ,
Th'greatest 1'1 ' 1
' 'th high Wit
'I" arkling wi . ,
.1•• and humOr.
One Of the best locations in toWn
. corner Princess and William
streets. • House contains 7 rooms
on ground door, second floor not
finished Hard and. soft water.
4. '
land fruit trees,
• _e •
R ing
. •
.,, '
rent by, rot of April, for small
famlly.-Address Drawer 13, ('lin-
• -
. ton; P. 0. 70.
., acre etc. -
. . I
For further' particulars apply to
D. S. Cleft. -69,
. . .
. •
• • ' •
912 1 1 2 d d 3 d
-tan 1 ••••won s , n an rDramas,
cockerel, 1st and ' 2nd pullet,'
1st and 2nd hen, lst cock.
At GOderich 1913, won 1 1st
• • • •
t' t 1 t d 2 d
and 3rd pu e ., s an n ,
hen, 2n9 cock, 3rd cockerel, .Pen
1-Pullett mating. °This pen is •
to +reduce exhibition pullets
e 3 1 P 2- Pe
eggs$3 per 5. en same as a
1. Pen 3 -Cockerel• mating, This pen
Is headed . by an exhibition Pringle
cockerel and mated 'to. produce ex-
hibition cockerels. Pullets • in
this. pen are excellent layers. Eggs
Artill$2 per 15; Pen 4 -Mullets in this
pen are barred to skirt,. good color
yellow legs and beak, aro good
1 - tl ' i h d• d by i ten lb
cock, frorn stock 'winch- won the -
egg laying competition in Manitoba. •
Eggs • $1. per 15. I guarantee a
good hatch or replace your order
free of charge -H. A. Hovey, Clire'
tea, -74.
day Night in Town hall. Instruc-
thin given from 7-9. Hall open to
all after nine tot dancing. Parties
.• .
• . REGAL.
and gambled,
1 giddy circles until one wondered
it might be Some new version of
se ',turkey trot' or merely, a hilar-.
;us merry making amongst the with-
red relics of last seasoit's contribu-
cm. •
Some of .tlie tlirifty and conseien-
bouse wives were picturing, os
• - 15111, Hannah Oalc„ relict of . theASBESTOS
Winghant late William Morrow, aged 71,
.. years and 4 Months. ,
Miss Georgie. Forbes has gone to
. . . ' - . COOK -In Stratford, =Feb. 19th, Wil-
Winnipeg to train as a nurse. •
• • . ham Medley Hayter, Infant sou
Mrs, W. 0. Patterson was in New f Mn.mated
. e, iand Mrs. Medley Cook, ag-
York last week.
• , . . ed .3 months.
Mr. and Mrs, •Sherriff and Miss
Cora left last week for 'Star, i.n13r,
k .
f ed o * o ;
U d '
Undei' auspices o St. Jo„epu s.
welcome. Terms upon applicotion',
TJaider _management of Miss M.
Rance. 66
Call on phone for our prices.
• ----do-6--
Prices 35 and 50 cents.
___ ,_ . _ d and
company an sewers a
Sanitary Plumbers ,Pliono Ti
10 Iriles increased, what would be
:waled if 'their' roofs blew off. To
link that they had left that bundle
I old books mattered over the floor
L.' the attic 1. Pictures of cast oft
Sask , whore they intend to Melte •
or, I • ' west for 1 ROOMERS • WANTED -APPLY TO
Mr. Herb., Sherrill has been west fot
some time, Mrs. W. A. Mason,' Princess • St..
West •
A mee mg o a ro o (lb -44-
t a t' • f the •••L c ss •01
recently held the following 'officers
• Friday
Fair's0 n.
at in r .
ing, April 4th,
. ____
See the account of play at St.
as on arc i t 1.
Thom M' 1 17 1
.operators. Steady work, Short
hours, .Well lighted and ventilated
work rooms. Good pay. -Apply at
- o
' Office, or to J. McLeod, Supt. -,.2.
othine, old furniture, odds and
ids of former, glory huddled into a
' tur . lea ed into
aterogeneous mix t P
mit minds. . They' had intended
rause cleaning it next week too 1 -
If Mrs. B. next door 'is • blown Mto
le air and 'passes over my hciuse
. were elected : Mon. President, Dr. .
"" ennedy, President, G. G. Vanston„, ,
1st- Vice„ B. Doyle, 2nd Vice, 060, ants preferred, - Mrs. R. A. Gov-
Spotton, Treaserer, Ed. Nash, ' Sec- . ier, Rattenbury, St. East, 3 min-
Leta , C IP M L n Manager, 0!. • des walk from Collegiate. -74.
-- -13 ' C. o c oa , onager, . ,
Vanwiek. They intend entering n •
. .. . ..
Line, Goderich township -I: mue
from Holmesyille, 4.h. miles from
Clinton consisting of 80 acres,
The farm is in a good state of cut-.
tivation, well watered by never-
failing spring and well. Good or-
. . .
chard.. Buildings ., all. first class
and in good repair. Owner desires
to sell owing to 111 health. Bar-
. , _ . .
gam for quick sale. -w. Preicard,
Molmeaville, -9-5
. Use • t' d
your spare Imo an be -
come a .good, Book.keeper, or a
Stenotirapher, $ • or learn tol
Draw and -Design or take a
. ,
course ill Story Writing or
Journalism and gushily to
earn a good salary. We' can '
give you • just „ the right
course. Write us, for Cats- .
W.11. Shaw, President,Wjdie
i-n-M]:',alraol-G„,•• •
."--"•-•-'-' - •
Barley , - 0. A. C. No. 21
Re • teil Banner
Oats - . genera
' Beans - Choice White Field
Good Hard Stock of strong Vitality
and Germinating Power.
Red Clover . '---Steele Brigg's
, ,
, ...-Govt. .. .
rnottiO• ' .--Steele Brigg's
Ti , ,
. —Govt. Standard
. Seed Corn Later
be will see the dust in the corner,
horror 1" And Mrs. house wife A.'s
. ,
team. in the C. L. A. this year.
axiety increased. ' - -
But midnight brought peace to .the
Littering tonlitions, and Mt the
• • . . In good c,ondition for moving.-
s -Record Office.' --71.
C. C. I. Term Report Al/Ply . at New , .
• •
0 ,...., ,
Stock. -The undersigned has. re-
calved instructions to *sill by pub-
. .
lic auction a . . 1 , o iv-
t II 11•11 S.= Co' L'
F Id A il 4 t
ery Clinton on r ay, , pr a
, • • ,
12 30 p.m. sharp,. the follovqi
. _logue,
1 pair dapple greys, 6 and. 9 years
old 15-3hands,, high, one. of the
finest back pairs in Ontario, 1
foal . to
black. mare, 9...years, in i
Red McKeriy. . .black mate,. 9 years
15-3 • heeds, a beauty, 1 brown
hoose, 6 years, a grand family
horse, 1 bay matcO 6 year, • a
grave family raare, 1 bay horse, :6
years„ long distance road horse, -1
bay, 7 and .8 . ears- • a good
. Y ,
' livery pair, 1 bay mare, 3 years,
no better driver, 1 ,brown horse, • 8
years, a great long .distanee horse,
1 boormare, 5 yeas, a fast road.
mare, .1 chestnut marc,' 10 yeart,
extra ' well bred and a very fast
pacer. 'Phese horses are all in
the pink of condition and there is
• . f f .
no better lot to be Man . in any
one harm .2 carnal' wagons ,with
• ' t • 3 t ' 1 •-,
top; I., extension. ep, sea cc cat
nage, ;rubber tires new last ••fall, -
1. extension top 3 -seated carriage .
1 canopy top 3 -seated coinage,
, - 1. :wagonette, canopy top, seat ' 9
passengers,. .1. extonsion surrey,
1_ en•- sure 2 rubber , tire
, or • . Y, . , , .
_.,Slandhope buaguet, open, 1 lubber.
• tire top buggy, ..6 steel tire toli
.„. , 0 ..
1 delivery wagon, 2 -pair
, . . ,
catriall, sleighs, 1 3 -seated sleigha
, ,,
eig 1, 7 et-
1" 2• seated sl • Icutters, 3 •
-. . ,,,..A
tra poles, 1 set double teara har-
. .
• lieSS 1 set double brass hack hai-
mis, - .
/less, ., se dou n cameo 1m:floss
1 t br • .' 11 l' ' '
1 Set double Mild Mettle careiagn
' .' - • •• ,
haraess,, 3 set double light driving
: Se, lass sunny lame ,
harness, 1 ' t b • • • ' 1 AS
11 setsingle harnese, 14 string
bells . 2 .extra, set homes and frac-
et '''t Very heavy • set hames and
-' - ol ' '' b Rugs,, <1_ 1
-traces, lo goo., 10 es, ugs„ ( us-
tors .and whips, Clipping machine,
2 lozen new Office Mont:
, • blankets, •
t tstable• t' • 1 (4 od 'r
u •e,. • u inse s., o pat
black hearse net,s. Other, articres
too numeroita VC) Mention. -Every
tl • ' ' -• ' ' • •
uno willpositively be sold as the,
lease bas expired and, we are ming
out of businets. Terms : 'All'
,, , _ . .,
sums ef $10 and uhdei, cash , on
over that amount .6 monOhs credit ,•'rho
on appro ,e . o . , PcI-
v d joint ' notes r •7 pet
cent, per araimn oft for cash. Auc-
'•',(3.•' flnal all ca-
ionem. ,k, ecisiorl ma n
es. -'--Thos Gundry, Auctioneer,
act aveek we have all been talking
bout Old Man ;Weather, and COuet-
iel and ;bemoaning our damages. •
March winds and 'April showers,
Soon bring lVfay flowers, ,
• .Jan - March 1913 -
• , =.
Names of pupils Who -obtained fifty '
-, : . . SILO FOR SALE --..- N.EARLY NEW '
nk •
percent. or. oyer i the wee ly ex, am- being up only two years, 13x26.-
' Mations,. . ' - . ' . , Apply to George Sturdy, Lot, ,
Form „1,-E. Sanderson 74.9, .J. . h•
20,- con. 8, Goderich towns. ip. .
73.8, A. Petrie 73.5, A. Town- • -711-2.
shend 71.9, E. Cunningham 89.3, 4'.
Pennebaker 61I9, II.' Cantelon ''
• .
. .
• Shaw's Schools, -Toronto, .
signed -offers for ,sale pis . fine farm
.tictes- ad'ointo the
of about 130- I g
- •
ton of Clinteno The faros is in
a good state of cultivation and
has good buildings--briOk , house,
bank barn driving honse, pig pen,
' ti 1 w. A first
etc -all compara ve y ne
.. . .
d containing 11
-class young etcher a
kinds of fruit, also small fruits.
The farm is well fenced and, well
'. drained and is a very desirable
, • . . -. ,
home nor fuithei particulais
- • . - -
apply on premises or address John
Torrance; Clinton P. O. _63
Ancient Order
. ,
of Foresters.
The ., only I,egal Reserve Fraternal
ociety doing business in Canada,
Incorporated by special Act of the
. .
)(minion parliament.
, _
, . , ,
F1111 Government Reserve main-
, .
allied on every policy.
P. Edwards 63, II, "Eilty 71.3.," ,..m. .• . ,. - , - , ..
LanSing'61.2, C• Cook 60.8, 'Z..-0.hig- POTATOES HAVE '...1.11.111 v ED. -
ajo 60,7- 0 Ifiall• 60.3, A Gia,in Two Carloads and several varieties.
, Also Ontario .grown potatoes for
get 59..5 A. Nediger 59. C. 'Whit-
on. hand, fresh and sweet.
Wingham •
, amine samples.. --
more 58.5, A. Shanahan 5/1.3, F. seed. Call and ex ..
ep Oc Co• - , --72.
Copp 58.1, I. Sinclair 57.8, M. j611105 Eto - ,
Smillie 56.7, , C. Canteloir 56.4, .D.
, . . ------ .
, Telephone 64 '• The Elevator.
Miss kloreace IVfaxwell, who has
min visiting Mrs. Thos. Forbes in
own has returned to her home in
Viuniaeg. •
Mr, Joseph .Gibson has been taking
veatment at Preston Springs Inc 1118
-- = • •
ealth. -
. •
Shipley 56.2, H. Stewart 5O.2, 13. , j
Rowdhn 54.8„ G. Beaton 53.5, E. 'WANTED -, _ t
Miller 53.2, A. Glazier .93.I,, 1-, , ed. house with about half -acre o
Churchill 53.1, V. Reynolds 52.8, C. land and good stable. --Apply. to W.
2 7 E Carter 51 5 N J. or at News -Record Of-
Johnston 5 . , . .. N. r Paisley_
Sparks 51..2, E. McAllister 50.3. - ice. -72
Form 2,-E. Manning 80,• 3, . Mid.
' • -M
' , . ,
_ U •
• .
' WANTS.' .
. , .
We have now completed oim re-
• ' ' t Pr '
modelling , of the .Chri on i. oui
Mill, known for so many years
, . os Fair's Mill, 'We aulled out
. .
all the old machinery and implac-
• ed it by the latbst and •mosi;
improved mochinery so that there
-'s flow not a more up-to-date
oi. , , . ,
our mill in Ontario.
, , , , ,•
. -
Mr. James Taylor has returned 'to
is home at Owenville, Mich., after
"t with Mr W. J. Howkon of
... visi wi . .
-(›wil • '
I Mrs. Perrie were- in
Rev. D. am .. . •
,ondon last week... ,
OVIrs S. J. Bityrows of Southamp-
t k 11 1 • • .1 ' 1 • •
'on' spent a wee . W1 1 1(-1 , 110 4 li,l.
n town, Mr. Roy Stephens. '
Miss Lillian Baer .of ,Iretlibridge
,pent a few clays vecently ,with 1VIrs,
Eames McKie ...
Miss Della .Higgins daughter- of
;Ir. an , - • .buggies
d 1VIrs Thos Higgins- of
Vroxeter, was ma.rried in.. Wiegimie
di March 121h to Mr. Milton Roy
- lor of East Wawanosh, mr: rind
say •
firs. Naylor will. reside in East Wa-
' '
vempen. • . .,
' M Elliott 74 8 Mc- -
dleton" 7,7.3, M. .. . .. M. ,
Taggart 71.1., O. Cole 74, Jo,Smith AUCTIoN SALE OF 40 HEAD OP
73.8, ... 1M. Davidson 70,9, J. , Morris stock at Holmesville on Tuesday,
70.5, I' Moffatt 67•8 P . Potter th • 1 li• 1- 1. ...1. t 1'30 'clo 1-
• ' ' ' ' e s o i' ind a .' ° c''
67.5, .S. Smillie 07.5, V: Thompson the following.: 10 milch cows, 10
67.2, V. Evans ' 66.9, A. Hoare 67.2, yonng farrow cows in good con-
•E ' ri .e.,69 3 s . • -.- - • . 3 head
E. Wasmann 66=-2, . NV 6 • .. , . . (Idiom and fit fo,r passers,
_ , ,
Henry 65.7 V. Hearn 65,. V. Car- • of young cattle, 15 young calVes
hut 64 7 1 Roberton 64 3 0- Bea-
, , • , . - . , • 1 to 3 weeks old-, 1 well matched*
RodaWay 62.8 M, .0ook
com 63,. H. . . , . a , , . ,
te. M. (-1 draft colts rising 2 • years
82.5, IT. Harland 61.7, W. Melton 'sired by Myth Ben, 1 'extra • fine
EL 0, W. Cal dwell; 61, C. Hoare 60,7, -brood sow and 10 young pigs. All
• • , • • , ,. , ic grass ea f• V, 1 1e e c
0 McGill 60 6 C 1.•mcOool 60;1 E. • . ti ttl. ;'11 1 f d fre of
Brisson 00, C, Harland 59.2,, • Milton charge until April 1.5111, if desired.-
Cool- 58 7 S Agnew 58.5 19, Jam- . T • s' 1 • nths credit on -fpnioveti
d ; • ; , , ,• . 01111 ,. • 1110 ..
ieson 58.3, G. Hudie 57, J.. Smillie 55-• joint notes or 6 percent,. per an-
5, T. Collins 55,3, M. IVItIne 54,1, pl. num, for cash. -Geo. Holland, Pre, ,_
Powell 54 . R.. Rennie, 53.5 A. Dewar •• tor, T Conery, Auc -io
• , ., .. , , ,.. , . i V ear
11 .
53. 11? 4( . 0 oil] er 52.8, air. Mar 32.t, II, •Jue ' ' ' -
, ,, , ., s
gab ISO
--; - -
— -- AO
. rates and definite contract
iith special privileges.
Whole Life 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30.
,ay Life Policies and Endowment.
Comparison: Invited.
14141 -i-E7
... d
9 ff li
4.\ '''
•., - .
oe•Oo. ••
, o. -
1 I t b w 11 to re
thought i mig i• e e • •,
No 'Assessment,
' . For fertter particulars enquire of
any Member . of Court . Prosperity, or
A. F. Cudmore,
e • will o vas ing an
W '11alsod .' V d
chopping for the farming corn
- • -
nounity and have on hand.
—Family Flout
—Manitoba Floor
-4-Pastry 'F1'our
' ----Graham Flour'
. . , ,
—Breakfast Food ,
= o -Whole Wheat Flour for Cakes
, ,
—Westet n Cats
'7 -Screenings, , •
o. ___
' ' ,
Clinton Miller,
' '
Wingham suftered-severly from the
;term of Friday. The new mount-
ng and machine shop of the Weato,
on Foundry .00. was, lifted bodily by
;he wind and crashed into the new
oarehouse, causing a • loss of • pro-,
;ably $10,000. Walker and Cleggrli
kiw 52 1 qi. Rathwell 52 C. Itisqy 51-
Sh • , . ; . ,
9 P Wheatley 51.1 R. Chowen. 50.3 , ., , • , __ ___
, , P. , ,
M Holmes 50.1. • FO.II SALE -2 G001) BARRED
. , ,„,„
Rock . e°Ckercic and 0(10 71113--
N (- t t
Porill 3,--E. 0 raY 77.7,,. • , 'nue ' • , combe Brownleghorn Inc sale,. at
75.7, 0, Nicholson ' 73, R. Beacom. ,
„ a. bargain -Apply, to II. A. Hovey,'
72.5, fi• walker 70-4-; W. l'4°C-41:eg''-- clinton,. ,
• -7'1'
68,7, . J. Wylie '68,1,.; le. Disown, 60.7,
0'. Draper 66.2, M. Reynolds 63.1., .
We .
mind about our ability M do all
sorts of tinning and repairing. , It
little. matters just what kind of '
o.,‘,....T.INNING JOB
yOu roar have, we can do the • work
satisfactorily, and save you many, „
. . , .
penny, . too. a
, , t
season' will soon be here.
How about your coils and Caps,
Hand maile Tails made to, your ordar.
also. Sop, pans, Call and get my •prico
es -before .buying.
, .
Phone 53.
comougoommoommom ,
A 'I' II 0 M E
' 'Thous ' • '
ands of anabitsous young neon.°
Idre fast preparing in their. own homes •
, te occupy lucrative positiona as shined.. •
raphors, bookkeepers; telegraphers. •
.,covii servants., lir fact every sphere of
113Adzstr/girgi7i joy.,:eliettgisidiafhon,rt
einem. Enier college anY finat Indiv-
Adual inatruotion,, Expert teachers.
, • Thirty years' experience. Largest train.
ers in Canada: Seven colleges. Special
course for teachers. '
Affiliated With Cominercial Educa•
tors' Association ot Canada, Slimmer •
School al. famous Spotton Business•
College, Louden. ,
- cLiertON etueINE6s coLLEcE
,vas badly -damaged, maohincry and
arniture . being ' almost a comple, te
oss. „Tile roof was tore from. Ben=
' -tord
Jett's pinning ..mill and the. top, s
destroyed The tower of the
Ire hall was razed. The large -cern-
evaporating building •• was
I) 'Barr 63. R. .1 -Tatiana 62.7 L. •
• . .Syrup'
' - - ' - ' POR SALE 'h. 1-IFAVY DRAU
Ford 61 7 M McAllister o9.7 • X. ' . --
• . - , . . - . -• , , - / a .
. . ' ';'• hrng rising three years -Apply to
Reid. 58.7; • II, • MeCrostae 58.2, V. ge 4
o e . • a • • '. ;woo ,,m, :me_ Frank W. Powell, Cliatoo P, O. ,
Lob ae,„6. A , (meet .. , , , , _
- ,-,.
Gowan 554 5, Leitch 55,2' ff.,. For- 7°
. , , , ,'
rest H. Pantelon,- 53.5, W. Me-
ant apple
torn from the Union ..Factory and ,
d at the racecourse
the gran stand, , , ,,
was destroyed. lVfaity harns a
irons -es in the vicinity were ruined,,
among 'them the tine new house 4.-7,?.f
Mr. Wm. Currie which was recently.
!atilt at a •••e'ost of i;4000, . -
Naughton 53, D. Copp ad. , , ,
• Form 4,-Patt I; Faculty -H. w Do , ,, .. . , . . ,
. ,
Mr 64, , . . Canada 111SUrallee 00. 'will insure
11 -1) 'Id' • •t d ' d
. Part 2, .Faculty -E. Wondsei 73.6, a in rags agents , amage one
I if' d 66 8 I. -Glen 65•2 b • windstorms. ' 11:federate rates,
D. B ate i or .,., . . ; , Y , .
t Oh I*11t'
Tierney no -premien no e.- ar es . Hale.
Honor Matriculat . . , . . , 1. to
03.7; M. Sb1PleY 61.5; - District Agent: ' (1, in On.
„ ,
.a.„._ . ,
An advt. in The News -Record
. brings good results. •
,,,,,_,„_,,,,„oo,,,,,o• _
•o -o • _ .....
Sole , aids, in The .ixews-rcecord
bring buyers, •
, . Peesident.. Principal.