HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-27, Page 4Clinton News -Record March 27th„9I3 Seaforth I Seaforth. HOlnlesville, • i Mr. Jack Paul at. Osgood° Hall r On t sd ' and Wednesday , ice , Tle a3 RK y. Toronto,- was a bo'sidav visitor in glazed; the trees i' buildings, oto., as well as malong the, roads -unsafe for travel: The majority of people will welcome gentle spring' With open arms. Mrs, S. . Wl tor UtCrtaincd liar Sunday- school class of young lathes, y on Tuesday afternoon, .when a most en•oyable titre jwas spent:. Tne :terrificgale-last left devasta- tion in its trail. The, platform at the station eastward was llltete bod- ily onto 'the track;• the train ' bands being under the necessity of ,relnovitrg the..deli is before they could Proceed Fortunately little damage was done to the bufldfngs ,in the Village, though !fences and orchards suffered badly.. ,'Throughout Go/tench town- ship many barns and windinils were partially destroyed. The W, M. S. of the Methodist church :field their annual thankolier- ing services on Sunday, when ` the Pastor preached especially' to young ttotnen. His sermon was full of practical and spiritual thought and was listened to with much interest, :.- The The telephone system has been most unsatisfactory for some days, owing to having been put mit of gear by the big blow. We trust that it will came all right in time, however. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Bonder was the scene of a happy gathering on 'Thursday evening last, when he- teeen seventy and eighty of the men}- hews of the school section congregat- ed' there, to say.•faeweli to -Miss Mac\'icar, who was oSliged owing to ill health to resign her position as teacher, alter a very successful term, When the company was comtorj;ably. settled Mr. A, J, Courticc read an address to Miss MeeVirar and Mr. 1). Gliddon, ou behalf of the pupils and friends, )`Presented her with a handsome gold watch and rob, Miss Mac icar was completely taken , by surprise, the whole affair having been so quietly arranged that she had been kept entirely in the dark as to the kind intentions of her friends. She, however, made a• very suitable reply 4`hanking than for their kind- ness to her, not only at this 'part - Heeler time, but during her entire stay ,among thein. Then followed a very pleasing program, consisting cd a speech .by the Rev, Mr. Cm - midi, readings, reciitatinns and sing- ing by the young people of the neighborhood, and a very ,dainty lunch was served by the ladies Al- together it was a most enjoyable evening. - The regret felt at Miss MacVicar's resignation is very gen- 1 eral. k allowing 'is the address ; gen- 1 'Dear Miss Mad/leer :—As you are about to remove from our commun- ity we, your pupils and friends, have thought it well to present you with some tangible expression of our ap- preciation of your kindly greetings and exemplary character while you have been with us. We all regret the circumstances under which you feel compelled to resign as teacher of our school and we sincerely trust that your health may be speedily re- stored. Asa slight token of 'our respect and esteem we beg you to accept this gold watch and fob, and while its hands may indi- cate the flight of time, we trust its i f face .will serve torecall memories e 0 the pleasant :relations between tea cher, pupils and friends of Hol anesville school—Signed on behalf of the school—Daniel Glidden, F. G. Ford, George Mair; Trustees." Mrs. ,T II. llroadfoot acid :'tt s May have returned.frpm anoraendrd. visit in 'Toronto. Mrs. :Met, etre and Miss 0, traheis were at their old home at Full,trlon last Week, when a family re -union` was held prier to the departure for the west of AIr. Fred Francis, tvho has spent the 'wittier at honte. town. +. ' Mrs.. I+`care and Mtss Ffelcti leave this 'took for: their new home in the west. : They will, be ,;,inch missed here. 'h N.w.-Record leads for Town and Township News. THE DELIGHTS Of A PLAYER PIANO OWNING are no .v easily acaes.ible_to every 1)111f0 owner. ViSIT HSI PRIER DEPARTMENT See how we would Inane your present silel,t piano a player, regardless of size, maks or scale, Cost for Upright Player $250. Special price for Grand Players. t DOHERTY PIANO & ORGAN CO, LIMITED Heacl Office and Factories CLINTON, CANADA. hicrr.INREY AND DrtisssatAicive PHONE No, 78 RISA f) ( a•n WEAR Couch & Co. NEW SPRING MILLINERY. In our inom (second floor) ynu will find your spring hilt. Our, utfificery ie just a hit prettier :end smarter•. It has that stylish alt' and ' exclusive duality which most it you well dressed ladies are so fond of, and yet the pt ices are ler j reasonable. Misses' and Children's Millinery. The latest collection -of smart huts fon misses and children are shown at this eture, Cone and choose while the assortment Is good. New Spring Suits Always in. the lead in showing the New Things first. 11 the manufacturer hate a new style in 'a ladies' snit, 0041 oe skirt we ant the first to have it. in Clintou. Weare showing, over thirty different styles, Oome and choose from the latest and you will find Conch As Co's suits are distinctive, $12 10 to $25 00. New Spring Coats 'Already, we display the latest,'. styles in ladies' and misses' spring coats., We show herewith one of omni many good numbers and,' would be ple' fed to have you come and in - NEW SPRING RAINCOATS Our new rain coats are now on di§play fit the latest styles in grey, tan and black from $6 50 to $18 00, Goderich Township The Lobb Quartette consisting of Messrs. Clifford and Fred Lobb and Misses Els:e and Vera Lobb, with Miss' -Flossie Pearson as pianist, gave the program at a concert held in Bethel church on the Fullarton Circuit on Wednesday evening of this week. Tito .News -Record leads for Town and •Township News Huron County. is Going Dry, Clinton, March 20,—'she entire. County of •Fhuron will go dry with one vote if the electors indorse the action df the county convention which met Here to -day, Huron is one of the largest counties in the pro- vince with 26 municipalities and 14 of these will after the first of May be dry either by local option oe the Duncan Act, and the campaign committee brought in their report to -day that decided that it would be a hopeless, task to -secure tonal op- tion under the three-fifths clause in the remaining 12 places mostly vil- lages and towns, Goderioh, Wingham:, Seaforth, 'Exeter, Blyth and Brussels being among the number, and they therefore recommended the adoption of the Canada Temperace Apt in its new form. The delegates were almost unanim- ors for the campaign to be brought in at once ore: the 'understanding that the law'�'would^'receive the same rigid enforcement that the Whitney Government has promised for the Ontario Ligour. Act, The date ' of the election cannot be set at present but it must be sometime before Dec- ember in order to take effect May, 1914. .,. The committee: on law enforcement drew the attention- of the convention, to the fact that the License Aet was' not• being enforced as ZVe11 as should be expected, especially was this • the case in,North•L,uron, and the, pro- vincial,secretary is to be asked ::to look into the matter'. A resolution was passed indorsing the action of the Dominion Alliance in. regttedtin. the Government to el- iminate the sale of bottled liquors by hotels. ' The following officers were elected President, F. Buchanan. Wingham ; vienspresidents, A. T. Cooper, Clin- ton i R. P Watson, Brucefield ; W, A10.. Carr, Blyth ; treasurer, Rev, 1, Greene, Clinton; secretary, J. A, Bayfield. The many lady friends of Mrs. John Worsell,;met atthe homer:: of father, Mr. Janes Fowlie on Sat- urday evening and surprised her with a linen shower. Miss Conley. , oC St. (.loners was the < guest of Mrs, H. Darrali' over the iIdastcrtide Mrs' a' re' l London L av nee Lok. c of T, n Spent; the Easter vacation at , his hone in the vihaga, Mr,: James , Cameron of Toronto spent Easter holidays under :tthwpar ental: roof. Mrs. Pater (lampbell>'an, d son, Mas ter Duncan, of Mafeking spent the Easter vacation • in the village,' '• Mr.- and' Mrs: James' McDonald of Godelioh are ;visiting their son, Mr. Daniel McDonald, Miss Linklater, principal ' of the 13ayfield Public , school, spent the Easter vacation at her Bonne at Dun top•, Mrs. F. A. ,Edwards and daughter, Miss Ploy, spent a fent days this week with London friends, Mrs. ,lames Ferguson and son, Mas- ter •Jim, spent the holidays with friends at Belgrave. Mrs. A. E. Erwin spent Easter week with friends at .Torontof Mr; Douglas Sheppard of the, Ster- ling I3anlc spent the holiday in Tor- onto. Miss 'Edith Spackman of Toronto was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Speakman, during the holiday time. Miss Ada and itIes, James Liouatt of London spent the Easter vacation at their home in the, village. ilMrs. John Tippet spent':13astet wcek with friends 01 London. Miss Norah Ferguson was in Wind- sor and Detroit over the holiday. Mrs. (Dr.) -Smith spent the boli day in Toronto. 1Vliss Lottic'Sterling of the Public school staff, Port Elgin, spent the ,holidays with .her mother in the vil- lage. g Mr. Wm. Campbell and daughter, Miss Eva, of 'Iorocto were the 1 guests of the formers sisters, the Misses 'Campbell of Bayfield, over the week -end. ` Mr. Russel Love spent the holiday at his h cmc at 'Ethel. Mrs. E Sander of Berlin was the guest of her, parents, 1'lr. and Mrs. II. W. tExwin, over the. holiday time. Coderich Township ' Miss _Florence Makins spent the Eastertide a,t, her Lome in Stanley toWihlp, 11'Ir.isand Mrs. Wilbert R. Lobb are expected to return from their honey- moon trip on Friday of this week. . Masters Kenneth and Boyd Taylor of Blyth have been spending the Eas- ter vacation with .their grandparents, 5Ir. and Mrs. John Middleton: the young people of St, James' church are preparing a play, "A (Iodates, Pair of Specta:aes" which will he given in the school room on the CV - ening of April 8th. 'This play was giveu by the western 'University in January and is said to have been a great success. Keep it in mind. Mr, Cecil Millar went to Bruce field to Continence his duties the be- ginning of the week. Miss Olive Gray of •Godcricii spent Sunday with her parents, Mrs Geo, Connell who un•ierwent' a serious operation in the Clinton hospital :recently, 'is now mending rapidly her many friends will he glad. to hear. Goderich Township The township all Over,: suffered Pretty much • the same as a section in the centre where the damage was'. about as follows ; A piece flew. off Fred Ford's roof and his silo went down On the Coats' place one barn blown almost to pieces and the oth- er damaged. Part ' of the roof of, ,John • IJons rse '. b• wwentet 1 Ys" barn . •The '. windmills ' of- N. W.:Prewartha . and ' Ed. Miller' were blown down' .1. W. Yea's windmill was smashed. Part of; the -roof .at the Webster barn was blown off. George Proctor, Peter Macdougall, Joha Gardener, ;Sterling McPhail and many Bothers have ` had to buy shingles to repair the dam- age caused by the big blow, • Idr. H. II. Cantelon, has, been in Coderieh serving on the jury. Mr. Jack C+liddon, who has spent the past • winter at the parental home, lett on Monday for Yellow- grass, Sask. He was accompanied by Mr. Roy. Cantelon, who goes to. Moosejaw, Stanley Township Miss Maggie Clarke of Berlin is spending the Easter holidays under. the parental root. ' 1PIiss Olive Pollock of Stratford is spendinga few days at the home of her father, Mr. Wm, Pollock, Miss .Eva Stinson 10 at present on the sick list, Misses Mabel Clarke and • Pearl Taylor of Seaforth are each at their respective homes for the holidays. Mn Harvey Reid is spending the holidays at Windsor. lMr. and Mrs, Wm. Pollock gave a party to theit friends in honor of Miss Olive' Pollock on Friday evening last. Miss • Stella Ra h well' of London t n spent Easter Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rathwell. Mr. Fred. Davison paid a visit to GoshenLine friends lastweek. He intends leaving for the west on Thursday of this week. Mr. -Robt. Talbot has disposed of his farm to 11r. Charles •Shgeenan.' Mr. Rainey Armstrong left for the west last week. Miss 1;. Stevens, teacher of No. 5 spent the holidays in London and: Toronto: , Mr. R. Stephenson has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peniound cele- brated their Golden Wedding •on March 12th. They 'were shrro:m•ied by their family of three sons 'and one daughter, also grandchildren and other relatives, ivbo united to maim the celebration one of unalloyed pleasure. Among' the many gifts which were showered upon them were a couple of easy chairs, presents of gold and messages of congratulatlou from many outside points, Guests were present from Olt Springs, l;ic- eter, London, Grey, Scafo,rth and Mrs. Allan Macdonald and Miss )it- ta Cole of Godericl, spent the East eetide' at the parental home. Mr. Geo. Millar visited his brother in Harristcn during Paster. week. Hullett Township A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Annie McCallum of Mullett on March 19th, when : her daughter Miss Ellen, seat united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Albert G. Sanderson of Morris, by Rev. SV, D. Turner, • The happy cou- ple will take up their residence on the groom's farm, a short distance north of Blyth. Mr,' and Mrs, William Weymouth visited Wingham and Brussels fri- ends during the holidays. • Mr. Fred Lawson, Toronto, has been visiting at the parental home near. Surnmerhilh ' Mr, Bert Irwin, who Is engaged as a teacher in Welland County is spendin• his vacation. here. Mr. Irwin's genial disposition has won many friends for him, who are pleas- ed to see him home again, and wish hint continued success .and prosper- ity. This Town is Gowing Dry. Clinton, Ylar�cli 22,—'Judge Holt finally disposed of thel Clinton local option by-law case to -day by report- ing that the by-law had received the required sixty -per 'cent, and should now be given the third reading by the Town Council. , The judger field that sortie ' persons lath tampered with the ballots in 'St. John's ward by erasing the cross in favor -of loc- al 'option and placing crosses against` local option. There were 14 ballots which expert: Stanton said were changed and the judge allowed 13 of these -'as it was very ap9parent the crosses added had' been wade liy the one person, while one ballot which 9)ad, been marked for Focal option annd.,also, had the word "yes" above the word against was not allowed, The final vete as 'reported by the judge was 327 for the by-law" and 216 against, which leaves a margin of three totes over the three-fifths necessary to carry the by-law. Counsel for the local option party held that the original returns which gave a majority of _nine for local option should have been accepted but the .judge decided otherwise. The costs of the ,case are assessed against the hotelkepler ins whose name the ease was entered, , The a1i Paper is Ai Hand. MAIIC1i IS I' GOOD TIME TO BUY, He YOU WANT. BARGAINS, 'YOU GET IT ON SMIALL LOTS: IF YOU WANT SPECIAL VALUE IN NEW GOODS NOW I5 THE TIME •',TO GET A LARGE SELECTION. PAPER ARE NOT BUSY NOW, WHICH iS WORTH AD= VANTA(1 E. ooper Co. CLI TON Lister Gasoline Engines No lsettef' :on the markets and the best for use ou the farm for pumping, chopping, ere, The Lister Lighting3 Plant will light your house and barn and do it well at small emit: Meiotte Cream Separators hake no superior. VV. • H. LOBO, Agent Clinton P.O. irucefield. Miss Mary Walker has -taken a position with ,the R. Simpson Co:, Toronto,. Titr,. ,john ,Watt of Clinton was the guest o, his aunt; Mrs. T. Simpson, last week. Among thse, who spent the 7astar vacation at their homes here were noticed the following : Mr. Will. Swan of Toronto University ; Mr, and Mrs, George Turner :of Drayton'; 114r, Jack Rattenbury, Hamilton Mrs and Mrs. R, T, "Dunlop and lit- tle son of 7strich ;,'`Mr. and - Mrs. Veil Yellowleos and daughter, [{bleu, of Bowrnanville ; Mr, and Mrs. Jack G(rginget, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvert, Ilerton.. Miss Gerrie Kaiser of T-lensail was the guest of her brother, .Mr, ,lack Kaiser, last week, CORER Sure Live and Let Live. GROCERIES FRESH ARRIVING DAILEY. 111LITS—Bananas, Oranges, Lent - ons, Grape Fruit, Marmalade, Pine Apples, also Green Apples, FISH—Finnan paddies, Fresh Water, Herring, Trout, Cod Fish and Smoked Herring, FRESH FOR SATURDAY -1 -Lettuce Celery, (green Onions, Tomatoes, Cabbage. FIIGFI'EST MARKET PRICE' FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. UUN-NIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. SEE ,HAZEL KIRKE. Clinton,in the Town Hall, (.1 ihursday evening, ', p A ril'3rd. Brucefield Ms. and Mr's. Hugh Cameron left g for their home in the west on Tues- day. Mr. I Jack Kaiser, who has been laid off with 0 severe attack of siatiea, t4 ablc,,to be around again, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ',Pattison spent the week -end in Clinton; Mr: John ICetchin has purchased Mrs. Riseberry's house. - Mrs. Rise - berry intends going,wcst in ..the spring; Mr '1V,,n,. Scott, our genial mer- chant, speot the holiday season in Toronto, Montreal and other. points. 1,000 Broilers %Vafleg. each week during June, July, August To obtain these we are selling the Famous. Prairie State Incubators On the Ca,sY payment plan. EGGS AND POULTRY TAKEN FOR SAMZS. Four good horses wanted for Montreal by April 1st. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON. 11iR. TREWARTHA, W51. JENKINS, WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'T,L FIND THIS OUT— IN ALL YOUR TRAVELS ROUND. ABOUT THE BREAD THAT'S BUST WITH ANY MEAL— IS JUST TFIE ONE AND ONLY REAL— MOTHER'S BREAD - - Better Bread Could. Not Be Made THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU HAVE 'i'14IED THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD BARTLIFF'S PHONE NO, l ANI) FIAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR NOME EVERY DAY. 1 HOUSE !CLEANIN,G TIME 15 now rt hand and we are prepared with the beet selected, stock or furniture and house furnishings we have' ever. had, and th Is store has the reputation of carrying the best select- ed stork nutside of a city, Our spring stock of rugs has ar- •rived: i, rd to be fair to yourself and do us justice, come in and r"uspare our selection and prices with any stock or cat- alogue house, We.will meet any of their prices, and go one better. All our t inoleum will be sold at 50e per square yard un- til further u„t.ice, A shipment oil our special rattan ehairs at $4 will be here about April .1st, See our go:carts and baby carriages from 5175 to $20,, Our special Comet mattress at 9;5 50 is a winner, a new shiptnentlms just arrived, also Japanese rugs and matting will be bore April 1st, the best stock we have ever had, The Store of Quality: . Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone. 140 i tiriinr Cmnrrr nn r 1 Ull-IUI 1 tidlll.� Iti111 4.1 V JII ViIIIM 1 Please remember that the three flats of this Big Store are packed with house furnishings specially selected for their beauty, comfort and wearing qualities. There are no better goods made than ours, no lower prices than ours. Fancy White Reds, $3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00 WovW. _Sprin2,50, 3,00, 4.00, 5,00 Sanitary Mattresses $3.5Q, 375, 4.00, .5.00. Brusselsen Carirepet $'1gs.00 and. $1 2 .25 per yard All Wool Carpet 65e, 77c. acid $1.00 Union Carpet 25e, ; 35e, 45c and 50c Cork Linoleum 45c and 50 per single yard Rugs and,window shades in many colors and sizes. Drop in at any time. J. H. CHELLEW, Estate NG