HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-27, Page 2.;• " 'II., • • • ; •.• •r• -••••r,, ,•• .• .. ' 0. 15:: meTikc46Allt .• :, ; it: D:.MeTAGGART.' ' ..' • - . -,, ., . -.),,, - -.... .,. -..' . ' • , . • i '. . . :, ‘. ,., -, - • - ,. . 1110Tagg:art.--.Bto& L.. ,... ' . . . . , ; ; , . • •• '' • ,,' ' • ".' '• ,' . ' . . . ' .,. • ' ., • ' ', ' ',.4t'(.;,'Iyr, 0 ''. : .' ' ' ' ..'• - -8 '"`•'..t.'' ' ' '. ' '.' : , - . . . '' and. - '' .-.'. , '_ . . . y .--; ., , .__:_.., t: .•,..,.., ' - . ' '''' 1- . Foal the ' no4 ' Mins' • ; • . •- . . ' • • ./ • , ' ' ' ' ' , '' , . : 410, sillier; ,P„1le.9n. .' .- .' ' ' '0' ' t'S' . . .' ' ', • k.'" - • ,..- ' lour ', ._ • ,'.. 7 • , ` •• ', . .. ' .,. , ,,.,,,..., -.-.. at the" loWegt''. n' ' : ' . . ; ' , . 4, ' ; ' '11Idittelos:VV-rOttig.? • ," If they aM }Mir are in danger, When • ' through •weakness..oe ' diftease the ' r kidneys fail to filter 'thit'ininaritiee, • 'In.,. .,. from thehloodetmablec°Pleaatenniti , , • taokadhe, •Rheuniatistit; Sciatic,•., ..• .•,Gravel,Diabetes,'Gallntonetinndthan ,: deadly Bright.nnDiseaier'titg.sciine2 Of ..:!. ' '. ng ssens •fintissitheveutfsofnefoot. ;pins. contain. ' •':'• a (.'inest'ne,ffective ' dial-all:n:1 which. .! • , etrengthanal and .`:Stinnilatie the . lcidneys se, thatther, de their, Werk Tryti: TH • ; ... • lilki,tott,vrio.N.4.11. '•• - , .. ' ''•" •. ' ' '.' '" ',LeSSOn. .• ,, •,, ,. ,'•''•••'...- 'S . " '; ,.,,, ,,. .1',, nn ' ".. •• • ' ; .• .:XTIL.-The ,, Inn ."'•'•'. 1L,t""unv!°V! ' CH 4,- . .,,, .. ,,. , ,- , .,_,, . , 'MAAILati'Ziti",;',•••• ' .' n ' ' ',.. ,- n n l'-flod nnn,'... ,I. . •'. ..."°`Pen,.. , , : ; 01. STUDY ' - :' .. ,, ', ,Ii„.jillii.solst,., ,, ,,, , .'. %-..- -•:n•••:•EgYpt1,-,•-nWhai...'eatised. nn nn • ' ' ,-,- :;•‘'tif . ..1.010' rn. •••';',,. '4. ',. '.• - ' n....4 s plIn" h ne• ' . ' rdla 1'. in . ,ari ratan 'to Ged ?•.: Fair. what pniniose ''''''0 ' 44 4 -1' '4. '1' -Id raostle,ii.VIIL•412,ram. and tof,-• zow..,.4..innlie,,,r.,,nalth,.,efi.Anram., niid, Lot increase while 'they "Were in Strife be- . branallimk, rt watinbest, for nthenn -ta' do,.? ...Wliatldintlie ,effer. Inotli Why• did •'‘ Lot iehooSe• i -lie 4 Cities •of,.•,-Iiim' Ptelli.?.. ;Where. ditsi Ar,AM Make his. rAbrajkartz.--Vor : what , did' .Abrani earnestly wish? , What. did. God nromise ..,,,, ,,,,, ,, nn. '''`-n --------- --..:"'"' n" ' n'n'e.nc an !.'• How. was, hin race. to . ,alfect -the world'? when e th - .te ,• 1 . ' - ' • e ' 7 le. e7 • 'mace their. horde? How did God change itbSaires Mime? •What clid the •.ehano..ef neme.,eignify , '' Letion '''X: -The Deslinietion .,0f, so.dom., (Teinorance Le.s0.0).,.., Why did and,destney Sodom 7 whom, aid ne forewa,..n. af sodenye doom? What,• did Abralrain de -When he heard of ' this l 1 . Why did ills 'ilea f°01;e1°?' clo- wi'Lit? c'itlly' did Ilvien°*fiL'peeill'' How was Seclom destroyed 7 • :What became of Lot's •wife 1' XI.-The .-e Test of Abra- ham's Fa:t11,-How old was Abra- ham when Isaac was born? Mint had been promised to him concern- Mg Isaac? What suprenie test of his faith did God Make?' ; Where did •Abrahain 'take Isaac for ancri- flee?' What cptestion did Isaac ask on the way? Howdid Abrahain answer? How did God „provide a sacrifice? What was God's real purpose in moving Abrahain to of- fez. up Isaac? • '' ' - Lesson XII. -The Empty. Tnnib. (Paster Lesson), - For what did Jesus's womenfriends go to the Easter • tomb on morning? Why had this' errand been delayed „se long? Whom did -they find at the tomb? What did the angel bed them do? Who lingered.tear the tomb? Who a,peared to her there? How did Jesus maken hinagelf known to her 7 What did the disciples think when Mary told them whom she had seen? . • q. •,, . . -s.i • sinn•••,......i- -•,,-.,•.' ; s•-•-, nn..-..,n,nn•innV4n-n:',..nn sinn,,,,..nn,nsnnnins,,,,„sins. • • ', , IT SATISFIES' , ., .. ,. ..,, ., . 111„ 1, 1., 1.,,il?ilS; .i4. i.) 0 4:°P1e7 ' , '' '', ' WOkth your while -to tegt. it . ; '." '; ' 4 • ,;- - . • '' •'•'• ' ' ' • ' . •. • . ; ..' ••,,,O,,C, ' n...n.gm....egfitftfnegorgssionszii2n5fingson. ",`""7" ky..• ; tr, .: -,',„ ," .. . . • : . ' ':, • ; :, is :. ..•.:.. • , ....,, . , . ,. , ,•i• , .,,, 4,,4-x,,, '-•.,, '•,, 4." d'. ' ', , I', 't -Ace'••• f.‘ ti! IQrarr.- +w KPie,4 #. . . . . - - • .... - th6bleg. . - • , an nienoinssn'nenv,•4 • -,. , • , : ' . •,, . ". ' " - ' '7'* thoronhly and weli A GENERAL ,BANKI.NG BUSI- NOTES wv PAY -,,THE ITIGICE&I` PRICE' ' ' ...• •• . ,- - • - • • ;• min Root Pills.. ' . • 'QUESTIONS FOR PUPILS.. ..n - .. ..•.. ..',. . . -. , ...f... ', n.„ LbSsen .I.snThe Creation, .- Nan) NESS •,;,,TRANSACTED. • . • - .. - • •• .. - , • • 1;)co.r,INT-tt.,:bilAti'S ISSUED. ,,,,,,, 1. ' , • . DE- . LEYn.' also' HAY'. for Baling% , ' • • . ' ' . ' , ' -., ' . .- • • ' .For•ty years in :its°, 20 *care the es e ribea Oa, tee0i11- lived before the .Werl. d,was 'created? How did', God• C]5�° the universe? • Flotv many nitages oln eneantien wera ' --- ,, er,..k.% , ,, . • n- . ,i .• ' • • cd s.,. isn ..„4", ,n, • 'la . . ' • ._.,,,Inqk,... '4,.' 1'44 ... :,- Awn& ..-- no ' , - -'• . . 4 .,,.,;.. g' V ni .. ; I. ' '''t . .. Ati;rhiP--"''''''' .0 i,..,,t• • - P A,-,..,„,„ „ , ' ,,; , .J n„ , • - - • -t. f: ' .. • , . ,..:4 4 I s '••• ' , .4 , A. lf,. ._. ..• ,'•''' ') ,„ , .,. be' ;44, n'i , , i.'.i• • . . ?,•': 4., ,,A- ,i4sTEREST• .ALLOWED ON . • ' 11.0,prrs, . pAr.x. ,NOTES 'PUB,- • .• • . • . , .. . ; 2 -' ' . ,. , ...._.',,st,,,(bnitaril, , . • . , ..,• .. • ,, n Ford '& •McLeoct :remal,pins,..at . -dicl, pF mendet1 In y , p Ity s i e i a !is. ' ,Eor Woman's Ailmente, Bin Martel' Your tbniggis:t. ... there 7' 'What Wee :the first' thing, God 'created? 'What' Was the, work of the sixth day of reatio1,1 7 What' God pas, of everything, he „ere._ . . ,. ated 7 What did God' do when Vie. . --'' -- II. T. ItANCE - , - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- . 'ANCER FINANCIA.L REAL ' ESTATE AND • EIRE INSTJR- , . ANCE AGENT. ' REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE• s COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT opine.% • CLINTON. ' . : , - ' .' ': ' ' . n IF COAL LIVERY, SUPPLY , , . YOU , • .' WANT AND FRO , . , ' . ', :. . . • ' ' . • • : , THE BEST •PROMPT DE- SECURE YOUR . . ._ M US. - • A. rt..JUST"-r7L . • ' . ; . . - r , JUSTEll• i-.'1.naann,,,,511.1,,adice .'-. i: ., , . . .' ' ' A :/ 1 ' ' ' ' On Your Lips- . .. "OHAPE " - . GONE • .r It . . creation was finished? • ' . Lesson II:=Mani 'the Crown of s Oreation,-In . whoe image was 7 i ofv-rv' Jaitat _cl_c.1.• Geocli.M.,71,: m in ly n h di I h b e Tfi into man's nostrils rWhere'clid God- place the first man? What did God give -man to do omhe giveLesson 7 Whdid i him for a helpmeet? What were , God's intentions for man? . Lesson III.-Man'S First 'Sin. :-,-- What Was the only prohibitkn God gave Akiate? Why did God give him . , • '' ninn15' 4' ...., sls nni • n ,.. n, "ty 4 'its J% - :OP, . '4 . - .• , . §: .,. •:,-,s ‘-'" ...,„ ,.....,-'4,,,'" 4 ni n , nh•en .4 : ,r,,,, • , OVER 13 MILLIONS OF Is 4 4 7 ; i,.., s ' t 4 i., z : •'• i , . 1 • ... n . . . • Start that savings account this .1 'Week,, Start where you know yottr savings will be safe -with acorn- pany that has a reserve fund 'equal to its paid-up captal. Start with a company incorporated in 5864 -that has already paid over five '' million dollars of interest to depositors and debenture -holders Call or write us to -day. Iscorporated 1861 • 29 ........, . 44; , ..- it,ir -k - ---- 41 .: 4,fe,04.,' .s. ;71 6.,, 1. $.5'. ( 7.. . . .1 fe , 1,, 9.,,,,I,...,,,,,,I • 4-- ow 4 Scivings co., Condor? at7d St. -Tho maw. • W. BRYDONE,' ----- BARRISTER, SOLipiTort, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. ORDERS LEFT AT ROW- LAND'S HARDW ARE • STORE PROMPTLY AT ' ,., TENDED TO. . . quickly heals -. , Cracked hands , ' Cold Sores , Chilblains .• any, Prohibition? Who tempted Eve to .do the forbidden thing? How did she "cause Adam to sin? How did they feel wrn hen had sinned? How did they try Ones- cape from God?• How did God pun- Ofilee- Sloan Block --CLINTON .. J. STEVENSON V. , , , . . ish themf What hopeful prophecy did he give' them? • . . Lesson IV. -Cain and Abel. -Who . were Cain and Abel? What were CILARLES B. IIALR, ' . Conveyancer, Notary Public, • . Commissioner, Etc. • REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer 'of Marriage Licenses , .- . . . GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Iluron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be for 'Sales Date at The . 1 . An linmediate remedy for Cold in Head . and ' Headache * . their ,occupations 1 What saerifices •/ did they offer to the Lord ? Why did God'accept• Abel's' and reject Cain's? How did Cain feel toward Abel because of this? What did Cain do to Abel? . How did God punish Cain ? How did he protect him from the revenge of his fellow HURON STREET, - CLINTON made News -Record, Clinton; or by calling Phone 13 on 157. You can get it at - Men. Lesson•V.-The Flood. ---Who was , • • DRS. GUNN & GAND,IER Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. The Rexall Store Noah? Ainong what kind of peo- ple did he live 7 What did 'God de- termine to do to these people 7 How ' ' • , , MR BIRREEL. S WII. • Many are the stories told of Rt. Hon. Mr. Birrell. His Wit is irre- pressible. When things were going badly with his Education bill, he a bishop, who said to him, "I am. afraid your bill is dead." "Yes, it may be, my loed," was Mr. 131r - rell's answer, "but I believe in the resurrection of the dead." At the. hoeeClprlOibmiinn oj %weed: , hadthe beentimeswtnn lfrom visit of King Edward to Ireland was nearly due, and it was part of ' Dr. W. Gunn, ,L.R.C.P., L.R. • . C.S., Edin. Dr. T. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. D. N. WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO' Licensed Auctioneer W. S., R. HOLMES, P.M.B. ,. Manufacturing Chemist did God plan to save Noah? Whom did Noah take into the ark? What happened when Noah had entered the ark? How long did it rain ? ASSES " ''' • - "-"------ T" • ,. II ---.. T S In E A C ITT I m an, is c 1.1 ‘../ .... i•m. pLE Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night, calls at residence, Rattenhury St.; or at Hospital. for lite County of Ruronmet Correspondence promptly answered. Charges moderate and satisfaction ALL* KINDS OF - . COAL, WOOD, What became of the earth's inhabi-, tants? Lesson VI.-God's'Covenant with Noalt.-How long did Noah remain . . , DR. J. W. SIIAW • • ' .. -OFFICE- RATTENEURy ST. EAST, guaranteed Immediate arrangements for Sale Dates may he made by calling at The News -Record Office, or on Frank Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. . ' TILE. BRICK . TO ORDER. • in the ark? How did he know when it was safe to leave the ark? What• did be do as soon as he came out of the ank? What did God give Noah to do? What promise did he make Noah? What was the token The Language of Our Saviour Is Always of the. Comtnon place Character , 'All of this e,ovenant? Jesus saith, Peace be unto you.- John XX. 19. This was the common salutation of the Jews and meant no more to them than "Geed morning" ei. Gucci et ening means to vs. From the lips of Jesus it meant all that implied, and this was a characteristic of His life, th put; a . • to tl 1 1 meamng in ie c•on monp .s.ce. , His .days were just like those of to w•erh for aanYlibvuindgY. anduponirhom the sup - port ofsa family •depends. His life was full of routine andlet places. His teachin'' is reincenlii....1kIrbIlly.7 simple. His figures of speech are Of the commonest kind, and when He instituted His seeramente He use.d most commonplace thiligs - water and bread and wine., His . very name was an ordmary one.- A great deal of our lives is conn monplace, with little or nothing that is sensational or spectacular. The same routine of basiness on' home work awaits us to -morrow - Morning, and a number of to rows ahead. w e plan great things, but routine keeps us from carrying. out our denigns. The tendency of our modern industrial life M all to increase this and to make machines of us. What; shall we do? The ex - ample of Jesus is the answer -put heart a.nci meaning into the coin - monplace. So few do it that tho• field is large. A choir tvill strive. after an anthem and neglect the sinning of a hymn. Like Micawber, men will 't f tl '• • t t ' up,..,:md nNeVtalenleyr ang e inn, pass the things. ft,0111SIthedo .07pino ae, t,, uln) but 111vIthfietn tIr anil,SreiN;esS, It takes years of service and appli- cation te win a bi.ittle. BIM thie is the way to success. He that is faithful in that which is least is is faithfin also in much' and he that , is imjust. in the least is unjust also in much." To put this meaning in- to the linindrum 'of lire and to en - Courage US in it was a reason of Jesus' cominn.-s-Rev. William 16. -. Horn. -.CLINTON TIIOIRAS BROWN kinds of Coal en hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL . Lesson VII. -The Call of,Abram. -Where liaci Abram bee ri born? ni ,. .1 ell! irf r '''',' . ' , Jil d: ,, ,. -' . ...,. • 0'. .4 •,,,, . ' r _ , r , j .,er, 4.4,, ,,' fr OA . , ,.*,,,, '' • ' i n' •,,,,,.. ' •. ,...4. t 0,,, '.,some ,i2.' „, , 44 . , ',,,,,,, ,p,A,•4,... infll nenssinnin .,, r ev, , 4,41. ,,,... , . . , . . ., k 1;- "og •• '" ' t. "VI' • 4, ir a 4fik''' e J IP vt, . p• 10 PA nin." 1 - on ,I,i'ly..,,. ,. 'words l', ' ''' . „4, is, 1 ri , ' ''' 1 , , , ovi.• 4,,,,,, .4 , . o7 811. C. W. TROIIIIPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Licensed _Auctioneer for the Coun- . ties of Huron and Perth correspondence promptly answered. STOVE ,,, CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD Where did fie emigrate with his fa- titer Terah? What did God call him to do when Terah died'? Where did Abraham Whom did he Special attention given to dis- Eye, Ear, Nose IMmediate arrangements can be ' for Sale Dates at The 2,1/, in., 3 in.. and 4 in. Tile of the • Best go? . take wit15 him I Where' did tliey eases of the and Throat, made News -Record, Clinton, or by Quality. . . Eyes carefully examined ancl suit. able glasses prescribed. ' Office art(' residence : 2 doors west of th.e Commercial Hotel, Huron St. • calling Phone .97, Seaforth.,, Charges moderate and satisfaction " • guaranteed AlltilUll FOPI3Fs A en apposite the G. T. R. Station. ' - Phone 52. 11 AND . CAME TO 'CANADA FOUN9 A.TURE .. -- -- New York Engineer Praises OH. P. A. AXON . - DENTIST -- Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.C.D.S„ Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To- route. ' Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. . The IgeKillop Pilutual FIN illS1111ance Comilally Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured - OFFICERS - J. B, McLean, President. Seaforth P.O.;Connolly, Vice-Presi- dent, Goderich P.O.; T. E. Hays, Secretary-Treas:urer, Seaforth P.O. . - Directors - D.F.McGregor, Seaforth; John ,. CENTRAL // . 64,),4: 00,, . , STRATFORD. O'NT. -- _ The ,be•st practical traininn n school in Ontario. Three de- ; partments-C.Ommenanal, Short- hanil and Telegraphy. All courses are thorongh prac- Canada's GIN PILLS. , You never eau tell when you are going to have a kidney attack. It may be during a visit, on a journey, -any time. ‘fitiiiisi 7.0i sue, .1,1t,11gnscit. o . 1 IT i ev 3e,. areoi Li ax,yits. slip irito your travellingl3ag. Splendid for Kidney and Bladder Troubles,' Rheumatism and Ltunbago. 29 Broadway, New York. at Victoria,-B.C. last September. Your re,"I., bought Some of your GIN PILLS nedy I a.d, at 6o years of age, to give perfect relief from the ICidney and Madder Teoubles incident to one of my Rt. lion. Augustine lligrell. , b' ' Mr. Birrell s duty, as Irish Secre- ' ' Miry; to wallc backwards as the lung advanced, and to carry the bin. sword of state. Walking back'- wards is not 'one 'of Mr. Eirrell's accomplishments, and he looked forward to the occasion with pebuli- ar emotion, When, therefore, the horrorl'stricken ' officials announced the dinappearance of the regalia, Mr, Binrell replied, G-ood heav- ens; I hope they remembered the Sw.°Dcl''' • Grieve, Winthrop; William Rim); Constance; John 'Watt, Harlock; .and , tical. Teachers are experienced nnean'On • , . - Not As Other Men. It. is a great misfortune to any- one to conceive and cherish the idea that he. is not as ,nther men are- that he is of finer einy Lind. of nu.,. porion order of nature, and re- quires •certain' dispensations of life ' and a particular ordering of events in relation -to himself to enable, him , • ca.us. e, if a large . p.roportion, or. even all with whom he comes in 'N'atact wen c So persuaded, it 1•"•011.1c1 .-0 isolatc him in an almos- phere of .selfishness that his better nature w'"Id be absolutely stifled. and 'clwavfe'd• anti in ill' kl•lin(1.--if that immortal part of us which is our natter nature earl die. ll. .., ,.• : . A i , .E1•• •• •ti . , ' A ' ,110141. ' • l'' • - .-1% John Bentiewies, Brodhagen •, James EV0411S, Beechwood ; M. MeEven, and gradustes are placed in We individual -5 -,:›-:.., _ - TI3IE TABLII - Trains will arrive ab and depart from Clinton Station as follows: - BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: G oing East, 7.35 a.'m. 11 11 3.07 p. m.. . , 6.15 p. m. West, 1 1.07 Clinton P.O. • - Af-g°11ts -.- Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hineb• le,v, Seaforth •. William Chesney Holmes'' Eamonclville; J. W. Yeo,. . v511e• Any money to he paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co,, Olin- ton or at Cult's GreeerY", Goderich , . Parties desirous to effect insur. po•sitions. give attention and students may enter , at any t'ime, ! ,.. , WI ite for our • . flee catalogue at 01180, , • D. A. lfeLACHLAN, , , • ' principal. '.-3.--e 1 . • age. I urgently recommend GIN PILI8 to friends as being the one thing that does ine good." E. G. WOODFoRa . H,EAL inE, 13,,TNG oy ro,,,Lucli.. ' - - . „ i One Pillage el the Ladle and ,lair s • What 1°11 t'l et' The real, origin of the word "pot- luck" is nnirtionm to most of the people who ns,e. it, no Limoges, . Frall'aei hi:Meyer, one runs into, pot- luck it'sel,f' . 1.'1.'4' cer.1.4131.1.c0Trie.r. of, that, qtramt city of joatling noofs there IS Stall tuscr.pgai,ed, n10011 as lf iii 0 ghetto a saraeen p.opuktion: -. probably a remnant of the WaVe Of Saracens that siVent over ,Europehudr nedsnal years ago. Here they tive, in tItei•i• crooked, na.rrOW str•eets, following, old cust-oms hand- 'ecl down from generation to, genera- tion. 'aliere are many butcher shops in the quarter, arid outside of each steasna a great pot of ,soup aver a glowing brazier. In each pot stands a ladle as ancient as the pot. When a customer camas with a, . 'invented. penn•y, in goes the ladle arid -comes tip full of savory broth and °hanks of meat ockls and ends, that the , h.beher Ilan had lent over. And what ,com,..es 'lip:the enStarner'has•ta. • Ono -con- imagine. how arix-. iouisty the 'hungry urchin • OT the t1 '• of ' • 1 t : e the inex-, fira:kle la,c le wind how a .Pr•ettY glra w , om - ri, d f hutch.er'..8 boil. '.. 1 . . . , .., -,, • At any . into to, bake potmen, ' 1 • d means. to take w iat yon getam,.,15,tay bind whether the p4 is in Li- „,,i,gu .0r.jzi the flub of' the man nyho eagerly, -innites a friend of , :his youth 't,,,atuuk„r,, , ,' .. ' ' ". ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ':•;- . ' ' ' - • • - • , - oLooh•-hAre, :,nbw,' iliiIOtcL''' Said ,,, ,fatilinit; to lite little son,' who ;ryas naughty, „"lf ',you .clon't • say .your P„ii'aytieorn's,r:oi\,,vtoritol to:, too ' Leaven.- • 8c)bbecl 1'116 11')7:ri ill want tn go with' von •and 111.0 fhe r • . • to endure this mortal: pilgrimage at . all. It ,is ..a,,np.,sfortnne, first, be,- cause itis •thincuit, to provide a suffi- tient number of per:Sen8 Of thiti con- viction to ensure the •cleeire,d com-, fort of his .life; and, secondly, be- ' - , The average man takes five and a - half pounds of food and drink each ,clay, which amounts to nearly one ton of solid and liquid nourishment annually: Going a. m, 1.25.p. in. Linea or transact other business ...,, . _., ...... .. ....„.-.. It is worth a tripacrosst.he Continent nt id 0,40 p. m. n , di ' in. I] 23 p, LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV : Going South, 7.50 a. m, n n ' • • 4.23 will be promptly attended to on ap- 1. ' i n tonv o the above officers p mat o a , f addressed to their respective post- offices. . Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. ' , Could Alford It. , ' . "my dear,' • my salary has been raised," ' "Geed. Nen g 0011 start in being , to find GIN PILLS and to be cured of Kidney ,aud Bladder Troble. .But donq wait till yon are sixty, before you ;'learn by experience the great good GIN . PILLS will do yon. 14 you have the • first signs,. swollen joints or ankles, Fain In tile hack, blaelt sPentI's floati.,q , :.N., . . . . , .4.,, „, , , ,, ,.., .. ...,, ,„ . ni knnilin , , • _ , • . , , , -' , . : .. . .• , • ' . that will . • • - - In .. ' en, ' tliu : ill in • ' , - - • •--ta r.,;COrd that roalL'es ,'• • 1 ' ,, ' „s- • way t,...1.1..DeSt"...801.1.1.10.-7p.t.-oati.c.ing • • a . 1 . 1 ri ft e n ew reco ;.• 11,0t only has,greatet of any .---,....-- tgir,„,•.4 . 7 yykt AT,N, .„,.. ,, .. s, iik, .1 NJ 0, -,-4 ..,,, 4,,,, , .'. ertt..a, f . n ..sin„ .,•.:%• -n,;',0' ,,, S. nn.s.,. . n ••• . 1 ",..,'"Ar , A ,. in . ".i - , '74 t It .., r c ts,tia E 1. • i 141L/F2'' VIT ' ‘slecord , . . ' rekindle all of ,your first . . '• your Edison Phonograph , . , . your Edison Phonograph far ...Ind 1 , .' • •• -, instrument that can be d s 'lc 11 1: 1 B1 - A b • 1 It 1 t , a cc t:le no m eto . , vointhe and, decided_ly the finest tone record on the mark -et, but p. m. Going North, a. . . extravagant," . , ---- in front of the eyes, take GIN PILLS •11.00 in, 635 P' m' , , Plintort -Nevis-Record 4,,,,,• . ' . . "What busineS5 are yon engaged , • at once. They will free you of•these 9 III toms of Kidney and Bladder • • Y, P - _ Trouble. box-6for • q. '71,,e-'', OliEti 06 EX PER l'••••,,nnenennisinennn4nonf. , - !EARS' ,„ / ENC.*: .1 CLINTON, - ONTARIO • ,Terms af subscription -$1 per year, in advance ; M..50 may be charged in V' ' •• CO2.lecting..".. "Collecthilg, what?" , Ile living bho Wol,n olve Me' ' • .,. 5oc. a 2.50. nample • free by nrinnig atonal mg .aia Chemical Co. of Canada, Lunded, Toronto. . • 153 'r , ' 4 Anyone.seudiem i,,,ZIA'Anril'Fiary•tisitilit'iinie LITIrclole.ti!)5,i,gadpiaeunorlforiltigZirarelgIta jil -A .. • ' le?e,tVertelfcisriZiang si't •': .0:,,,:k;,-4,t'v-i::' Tnaon.Meiriss Dxsiorkis COPYRIGHTS s : : &C. ' 4: corm -claim,- -, .if not so paid: No 'paper drn isce' tinued until all a,rrears .are paid, unless at the option of the pub:. , lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. . • ,• , ' - , . •, •AdVerfiSing Rates '- Transient ad• , vertisereents, -1.0 • cents per non- ' hue for first , , - ..._ i .11' ,11114 calk , to. .. -etter ttl.-.'1n '' , • . . . l''rctects taw.. tneausa Atari. 8, oo.seceire ' v,i notice, Wibbout charge, lathe , anntnonifinn lininsinpinntAtli ; ..,„.........,,,, J talliMI 2144110. - . . . . A handsomely ,fflustrated "moldy. lArggst eh, eillatim,ilf Any, silleittilib JiltmAl. terms for Canaeta, Pail a year, piletAge prepaid. ISottl by alVatarmlnalet,il..., . . ifiliNti x. wold, Jay, , , . CO i • " New York ' jermeji.nn.,,...n.sy,nnwv,„„nni,,o. .,,, . . .. '--,--,-------,---:-.---'---,--------.-.=. ' -,,:•••••;.'•, •',.' •." , ••.; • ••• .. , ' pareil insertion and 3 eents per litie for , s .. each subse. (Pent insertion. Saudi advertise: 'ments pot' to' exceed ono inch; "such as "Lest,"' "Stra,yecl," or , "Stolen," etc inserted once for • , 35 cents, and each subsequent in. sea tion 10 c,ents. .. • . Co•rem.unications jete'ncled. for 'Plib• elicatio, ma,.t, as , gua.raet, (.4 ' , • Christmas -is acrain ovet• and as We start into 0 , ,.. , • . 19. 13. we w,is, h to .tbanr1K. en,r p, a,...trons tot::tueir . • ' ' '' , ••,take. .. libel a :,:patt onage, an ,; to In 'una 'e.,.,that our OIONTRLY. . . A FAmtLY mAdAzina • 'LIBRARY . - ' good, faith, be accompanied by th,c• ' . * W• 3.. M. ITC'10T-'14 ' ' Editor and ProPrieter. _ ' • .stock will alwa s. h6 ,Si;-.) 'kept up-to-date that , ' --: . " y. on will '. have, .. a' ;feeling ' of satisfaction in ' ! ' ' '''. ; ' . ' - • ' ' '• • ' ,' , . ' . desilincy witii. us, . . , .. r .. ..,. ., o phonograph . Is practically unbreakable and will never wear , out. Go to yoUr F,clison dealer today and , , ., ..• , ,, , ,, „ „ , ' asl<.,,, him 0 .pi,ay, some, ot tnese wonderful ' Blue "Inhere! I eehrds. . Thera take t em hotne tb ke.e. p '111c1 play the rest o your life . , -:Tiheisin A. Edilca, Inc.. 100 Lalteoldo Mo., Or.anoe, N.1, U.-0, Complete line of Edison PhonoOraplic and Records will be , ..,..,..,,,,,. .,...7 ,,,,.....,..7.,i • , w.,:te \view -,6% at kr-Ms ' ."''' ' '' ;". ." • " ' -----,-,--- ) ,La A. --"' found at ill:Beet In, Current literature: ' 4* r'- ' hi". ‘ g,' ' ' .... ....MK .2TE ...NE Lt,ir :,E...11L11 ' , . , MANY SHORT STORIES AND .•:„FAMEFip ON TIMELY TOPICS -- -, '' 'tki N.. ' Vail ' hi B - • • . • , ' , . -lila , ...kabout ' - .,.. iBizaorostatt mid shouldknow , ' • • , , , '1,,i1 '''' &..,Mategs,1 whir,4". 1,tnil .." • '. ..,,A. 2f.t. • NCCUE '''''';,,,- irgs-, .; titir0 Mira' EFC6-Zargf.g 1'TIP leessynssenns-44nnresenesgsnenmsninsr, ,„. ...: - - ' ' n • • - n - 1210ItiLIG, • -' *.`rit,,. .-7 .. . . ''.--,t-Ra.- , • fi, , ,,,_,„---4 • .• , ' ' 5IT.9111,e.- '40gfigrtif4r1s, ' ''`':. ,-;,.,., the MARYisf.,, accept no ' '4,,„ , . sitt ' '02ier; but.s.ond stamp Or illus. ' ' t" - - . _ , , • , _,, .7. - . a " , . ' . ' .,,,,, , " , , trued hook -Bested,- It giveo full' ' • 7 ,,,,,,„,,H, ,,„,„„(,,,., , • ,,,.; - ,,.,. ,,,,,,„-ti,,,. particulars end directIonstaraissino ,, - ... , ' a'o1ido,1:graditatie; many a mom would. ' ' °sperm Anctits.for Cailodu,' ' r' ' ' -.I EINZ, LER ,ihd....1,5su-E.,,,ii'op .mAgRi Ad E • Lic,8'N-5iRs minglamisninnWnLinntinn : .. •ss. in. r - n71100 4,A,1. WEZAVZOTIMMEZZEMSZESM ' • . •