The Clinton News Record, 1913-03-13, Page 10News -Record March, 13fh, t91 WEDNESDAY EVENING, THURSDAYand SATURDAY 'MARCH' ll9- 20-22. You are cordially invited) to attend. MISS M. CANTELON irift ���� SPRING 19.13 STRNIA110 FASHION BOOK showing Spring Styles 'Price 20c at the counter loo extra by mail. You drat select atty,Standard Pattern FREE with every copy purchas- ed. W.D.FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1•N•N•sN••MMN••r• ,•N••1 •••NAI t•h•••: 1 Save From 25!o 50 percelil; WE 'HAVE Now finished our Stock -Taking and in doingeo have thrown out a lot of Remnant Ends and Broken Lines which must not be carriedinto anotbei business year. These we place ON SALE ON SATURDAY AT ABOUT HALF PRICE, ALSO WONDERFUL Reductions in all lines of Winter Goods, A few Ladies and Children's Mantlee at about HALF PRICE. Men's Ordered Clothing ' Do you like Fine Clothes Clothes that are different from the ordinary. If so come in and let us show you how you may wear HIGH GRADE TAILORED Clothes MADE TO tMEASUREin your style e shrunk 'Imported TWEEDS and WOSTEDS and at little thoroughly or than Ready -Made Clothes Cost. PRICES OF SUITS Frem $1. to $25. Profits: More Small t Business. • • S SMALL PLUM$TEEL PROFITS B �O S. MORE BUSINESS 1 ••N•ra•••••••••*MN*•••/N411O411•N14NNNN� M11111111.111, .1101•111•1110.111•MILAta••••• 1 Jaekson's j Shoes For 1913 as in previous years will excel in values, in dualities and in quantities when you want the best;that is possible in shoe- making, see FRED. JACKSON. 1 6r,unlnM1171itf01eununytntu6liitii1114 ` 4lit.. Mrs.Leech of Goderich was the guest of Miss Rudd over the weekend. - Mr. A. H. F. Williams of Burford is tho_guest o, his aunt, Mrs; John Holmes of the Hugon Road .. Miss Bessie Weston of the Bayfield Road has returned to town to re- sume lir' position as milliner. Mr. "Ted" Cook left on Monday to take a position in the action de- partment of the Goderich organ factory. Miss Carrie Shipley has been quite i11 during the past week but it is hoped that she will speedily take a turn for the better. Mr. Thos. Jenkins of Woodlands Farm, Huron Road, has been quite ill for the past few weeks and • is recovering very slowly. Mrs. Brooks of Crystal City, Man., • and Mrs. Hamden of Exeter visited for a. few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harland. Miss• Hattie Belcher of Godcrich was the guest last week of the Misses Levis and on Thursday took part in the "Tesple of Fame," Mr. A. Scotchnter of Albert street is ill and his friends are anxious concerning him:• It is hoped that he may Sega take a turn for the better.. Mr. Ray Cantelon, son of the fipple King, has accepted a position as teacher at Osage, Sask. He has passed the Saskatchewan Normal exams, Miss Jan Ross has taken a position in Stewart Tiros' millinery estab- ment; Scafotth, where Miss Spark, well known In Clinton, is head mil- liner.' Miss Laura Wilkin visited friends in }Jensall last week prior to resent- ing her position in the millinery department of Ilodgens' Bros., Goderich Rev. W.H Harvey el London, who preached anniversary sermons in Wesley church on Sunday, was the guest while in town of M. and Mrs. H. B. Chant. Mrs, S. Rogers of Lloydminster, Sask., who with ,her husband has hben spending the winter in the east, for the most part at Mount Forest, spent the week -end with her broth- er, Mr. Arthur Cook of town. '• Mrs. Norman Rankin and little daughter of Calgary, Alberta, aro visiting the : lady's mother, Mrs. Wm, Simpson of town. Mrs. Ran- kin has just returned front a visit' with her husband's peopie-fn Mon- treal, . Mr. RalphTiplady has removed from his farm on the Base Line to the • house 011 Queen street recently leased from Mr. J. B. Little:' Clin- ton bids them welcome and trusts their sojourn in bown may be plea- sant. ldr• Phil Senn of 13rantford. arrived Monday evening, coming up to see his old and close, friend, Mr. D. B. Kennedy, who has been seriously ec y ill. Mr. Senn is well and very favorably known by many of our citizens. Mr. Norman Pym, who for several weeks was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. John Holmes, Huron Road, has. returned to .Vancouver. Since he last belt that city Mr. Pym vis- ited Australia and his old hone in En land, Mr. James McRae leaves shorTy. to take a position in the organ fac- tory at Word tock . If this means the removal of Mr. and Mrs, Mc- Rae Irc(n town it will be matter for regret as they are good citizens itind have a large circle of friends who would be sorry to see them go. Rev. Mr. ;Sparling, who conducted services in the Ontario. Street cliurch' on Sunday last with his wile and . two little ones were guests tor 'a few days. of the Misses. Southcombe. They hate been • spending their furlough at. St. Mary's and intend returning, to China next summer. Mr.' John 14'olmes returned on Sat- - grday ¢sett a ten -days' visit in London:'DPtreit anti ether points. He spent the terra+er part of the time with tris nephew. Dr. Holmes of Tietrnit. Tt ,.eras thirty years '"sine his last'vitt to that city so he ngied a wnnderfut change, which h.an ninat rand In the past teenier, yPsrs. Or an, or since the manufacture of ante nobilits, began.; 46.••fW4I••N1114f0•Ni•O••HNMM•N• •••N'•MIN HH• Our dim to Please Briggs ^Gustomers Back . Furniture Buyers at this store invariably come bask when they waut more and bring their friends i with them. To Use Our Furniture is to; prove that it is as good.as it looks and that is saying a whole lot, ' ,S•ubsta•ntiaf Furniture can be bought here now`at money saving prices. Why not secure what pieces you reed now while falces are so favorable.., . Atkinson &Dun%�d Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors Phone 104, PHONE .127 ---NIGHT AND STrNDAY CALLS- PHONE 16 ••••••••••••••••••4• NAbssr•Na••••NK•w•N••Na•N•, i 1 Are you a News -Record subscriber ? 1 IMMO AT T I E iUE\'S STOIEE r' oR io n�Ys orrL lien's and .Boys'.. Ready Made Clothing Men's Fflhiilshiiigs, Hats and Caps AT COST AND LESS WE are making alterations and changes at'our men's store this month that require a cleaning up of our entire stock of men's and boys' clothing, men's furnishings, hats and caps, furs, etc. Otir intentions will be announced later. Friday this stole will be closed all day to enable us to mark down all lines. SALE STARTS SAT- URDAY MORNING. Come, bring your pulse as all sales are for cash. We positively guarantee you a sav- ing awing of from 25 to 50 percent, on all goods purchased. Money back if not satisfied with your purchase. $2.50 MEN'S STIFF HATS $1,50 Men's blaok, pearl and brown still hats-Waferlete, Fitwoll, Christie and Featherweight brands. Well known for wearing quality, all sizes and shapes; regular $2.50 for $1.50. MEN'S CAPS AT COST AND LESS Men's and boys' cloth caps in the newest styles in winter and summer dualities, all sizes, ab follows-: Reg. 50c for 390 Reg. 75c for 590 Reg. 1.00 for 790 Reg. 1.25 for 920 Reg, 1.50 for 1,12 1311ACES MARKED DOWN. Men's and boys' braces -President Police, narrow and wide webb : Reg, 100 for 08e Reg, 15c for 100 • Reg. 25c for lee Reg. 50c for 090 $1.00 MEN'S SHIRTS 790. Men's soft front negligee shirts, nineteen hundred and thirteen pat- terns and colorings, our special at $1.00, Alteration sale price 79c. MEN'S LINEN COLLARS 5c. &Ion's white linen collars, three and four ply, size's 12 to 13, regular 15 and 20c, Alteration sale price 5e, MEN'S STIFF SHIRTS 75e. Men's still fronted shirts in all the newest colorings and styles, sixes 141 to 18, regular $11.00 up to $1,50, all at one price during this sale 75c. 91,25 MEN'S SHIRTS .08c. Men's soft front negligee shirts in all the new colorings, narrow and wide stripes, sizes 141 to 18, regular $1.25, Alteration sale prices 98c. 50c MEN'S TIES 39c. Men's four-in-hand flowing end and puff ties lei all the newest shadeb and designs. Your choice of our en- tire stock, regular 50e, sale price 39e• 25c MEN'S TIES 19a. Men's four-in-hand,: and Windsor and 'Peck ties in all the newest chap, es and colorings, regular 25c for 19e, MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS Men's heavy and light working shirts with collars attachable .in all the up-to-date colorings as follows : Reg. 500 for 39c Reg. 75c for 59e Reg. 1.00 for 79c Reg. 1.25 for 92c Reg, 1.50 for 1.12 Boys' Clothing at Cost and Less., BUYS' two and three piece clothing in blue serge, fancy tweed and cheviot in all the most up-to-date colorings and styles, ages 5 to 15c. Daring the alteration sale we give you your choice of entire stock at 25 percent. off, 25e RUBBER COLLARS 2 FOR 250. Men's and boys' rubber collars, bright, and dull finish, sizes 19 to 18, regular 25e, sale price 2 for 25c. ' • 'SWEATER : COATS. Men's dnd boys' sweater coats in plain and two tone colors in all the popular shades as follows : Reg. $1.00 sale price $ .79 Reg. L.25 sale price .92 Reg, 1.50 sale price Liu Reg. 2,00 sale price 1,25 Reg. 2.50 sale price 1.79 Reg, 3:00 vale price 2.25 Reg, 3.50 sale price 2,75 - Reg. 1.00 sale price 3.25 Reg. 5.00 sale price 3.79 25c MEN'S SOX 19c. Men's black casiurcre and heavy. wool. sox in light and dark grey, all sizes, regular 25c, sale price 19c. UMBRELLAS Men's umbrellas with fancy and plain handles, patent runners, steel frame, close ribs, reduced ae fol- lows: - Reg. $1.00 sale price $..79 Reg. 125' sale price .92 Reg. 1.50 sale price 1.12 Reg. 2.00 sale price 1.29 Reg. 2.50 sale price 1,79 Reg. 3,00 sale price 2.25 )Reg. 4.00 sale price 3.25 Reg. 5.00 sale price 3.79 WINTER UNpERWEAIt,' Men's and boys' winter underwear -Stanfield 's, Tu rub all's Pen man 'S Wolsey's, Ellis'; /,immernay's, etc. - all sizes, prices reduced as follows : Reg. 1 ,50 sale price $ .39 Reg. .75 sale price • .59 Reg. 1.00 sale price .79 Reg 1.25 kale pripe .92 Reg 1 50 sale price 1.12 Reg, 1.75 sale price 1.29 Reg. 2.00 sale price 1.59 MEN'S GLOVES. Men's gloves for both winter and. summer wear, heavy and light weight all sizes and colors, '.roduce,d to the lowest notch. Investigate. SUMMER UNDERWEAR Men's and boys' summer, under- wear in Balbrigg and fine wool, alt sizes, prices reduced as follows Reg. $ .25 sale price $ .19 Reg. .50 sale price .39 Reg, .75 sale price- .59 Reg. 1.00 sale price .79 130YS' ODD PANTS 50e. Boys' odd knickers made from good quality fancy tweeds, ail 'sines, regular 75c and $1,00 for 500. MEN'S P1371 COATS. Men's 'coon, black, dog and gallo- w+ay fur coat's at cost. 1 lei 's Waterproof Coats greycravenette waterproof overcoats, sizes 36 to 40 only, regular $10.00,"alteration sale 22 Men's dark and light p . price: $5,00. bark to normal prices, sale will continue, for ten days only when all goods ill __. fi r:, don,