HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-13, Page 9q'
The Oftener You ITse
Better Yen
, A
•- Like it
BING LIST FO ll 1912-13
ews-Itoeoril and Mall and Empire. $1.50
almvs-Reeord and Globe 1.60
Newartecord and Family Remit and
Star with Premium .„ 1.76
News -Record and Witness .,..,....••• 1.77
Nows-Record and, Sun 1.76
\Nowa-Racer& and Free Press • 1.75
News-R000rd and Advertiser ..... •• • lag
News.Record• andToronto Saturday
Night , 3.26
, News -Record and Parxner's Advocate 2.25
News.Record and Farm and Dairy0.75
4 ewe -Record and Canadian Farm.,1.75
News -Record and Youth's Companion 6.26
News -Record and Canadian County.
. '
News -Record and The' Fruit Grower
and Faymor Newe-Record and The Canadian
Sportsman 3.00
News -Record land Mail and Empire., 4.28
News -Record and Globe .. 4.25
News -Record and News .... 2.30
Newe-Record and Star2.50
News-Reeord and World*' . '
, 3,26
News -Record and Morning FreePress .3.27
News -Record. and Evening Free Prone 2.75
News -Record an I Advertiser 3.07
News -Record and Poultry Review .... 1.25
News -Record and Lippincott's Maga-
News-Record nd Canada MonhlWinIpe y,
If what ,vou want is not in this list let
us know about it. aWao ean supply you at
lees than it would eclat you to send direct.
Di remitting please do so by Post -office
Order, Postal Note, Exprees Order 'or Reg.
istered letter and addrese,
Purelisher News -Record
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Land Regulations.
'Any person who is the sole head
of a family, or 'any male over 18
years old, inay homestead a quart-
er section of • available Dominion
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta. The applicant must ap-
pear in person r.'; the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency fey
the district. Entry by proxy
may be made at any agency, on cer-
tain conditions by father. mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
nionths' residence
'upon and cultivation of the land in
each of three years. A homestead,'
er may live within nine miles Of
.. his homeatead on a farm of at
least 80 acres solely owned and oc-
cupied by him or by his, father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or
sister. •
In certain districts a homestead-
er. in good standing may pre-empb
. a quarter -section alongside his
homestead: Price, 3.00 per acre.
• Duties.-Must--resido upon • the
homestead or • pre-emption six
months in each of six years from
date of homestead entry (including
the time required to earn home-
stead patent) and cultivate fifty
acres, extra. '
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may enter for
apurchased homestead in certain
districts. Price, 83.00.
Duties. -Must reside' six months'
in each of three years, cultivate
fifty acres and erect a house 'worth
Deputy of the Minister of the In-
N.B.--Unauthorized publication
of this ad-fertisement will not be
paid for.
Buyers From the United States and
the Canadian West.
A despatch ,froxit Guelph says :
Spirited bidding featured the an-
nual pure-bred bull sale under the
auspices of the Guelph...Fat Stock
Brown & McCullough, cattle
inchers at Great Falls, Montana,
weie the principal buyers. W. CI.
Edwards- & Company of Rockland
wore the largeet_sellers, with ten
extra fine bulls. A roan two-year-
old; "Clipper Prince," was the
highest, at $328, a record, being
purehased by...G. R. Rankin & Son,
flamieta, Manitoba. The Montana
ranch paid 'up to $240, taking six-
teen in all. The average was
as against $98 last; year.
Newfoundland has opened lieu,.
tie,tions. with the Imperial Govern-
ment.in regard to partieipaiting 101
Einpi:re 'defenee. 'The local dnties
on tea, sugar arid salted' meats are
also' to be removed.
Becatiee they act so, gently (no
purging or griping) yet so
are beet for the childree as well as
the; grown-ups, 25c, e box' at
your druggist's, .
National Drita.nod 01001110121, It Wade, Reeled
AstIttentet Catarrla
. •
• waeopuic 00110113 SP45211§..1Crt,'DUP,
ESTABLiestan 1870
A simple, 00000110 effective treatment for
ehial troubles, wftbout dosing the etoroaol, with
drugs. Used with oucceosfor thirtY VenrS.
The air carrying the eatIteptlo vapor, Inoplrod
t'vith every breath, maims breathing easy, soothes
the sore throat, and stops theCough, apiaries ...et( ei
nights. Creoolene Is ieveluniao to plothera with
young eighteen and a BOoN to sufferers from
Asthma. Send es 'Wandler deocripthrobooldet.
TABLETSfor the irritated
throat. They aro oirople,
effective and antiseptic.
Of your dradigot or from •
'80.100,00 otamps.
Vopo Crosoleno Co.
02 C‘rtlandi 51N.Y.
Lsonees mass
mammal. Cee. 4
riTHE STANDARD, Is the National
Weekly Newspaper a the Dominion
ef Canada. It is national in all its
It uses thd meet expensive -engrav-
ings, proenring the photographs frons
all over 1.11 world. (
Its articles are carefully selected and
its editorial policy- is thoroughly
A subscription to" The Standard
costs p.m per•year to any address ha
Ganada or Great Britain. _
• TRY IT FOR 1912'
montreal Standard Publishing Cd.s.
Limited. Publishers.
London 'Meters Take Old Winter
Enemy More Serionaly.
The common c•old is at last being
taken seriously, says the London
Daily Mirror,
Despite the fact that the cold
claims more victims yearly, proba-
bly, than any other disease, doc-
tors have frequently regarded it as
of minor importance. Now they ate
beginning to attempt to grapple
with the aggravating i.nfection,
The ,current number of the Hospi-
tal devotes a column article to
"Treatment of Acute Coryza." -in
other wrods, treatment of a cold in
the head.
The oommon cold in the head is
one of the minor ills of life to which
most people are liable (the writer
says). • Garel advises that at the
commencement such general treat-
ment as is productive of sweating
should be employed, as, for exam-
ple, mustard kot-baths, tincture of
aconite, Dover's powder, • or Min-
deru.s' spirit; and to arrest its pro-
gress he ,advises inhalation& of hot
water for five minutes at a time,
three or four times a day, after
painting the nasal mucous mem-
brane with two or three drops. of
-1 in 1,000 solution of adrenalin.
In the adult 1,-2,000 grain of atro-
pine sulphate, morning and even-
ing, will Check the excessive nasal
Hayein advises that a few drops
of the following mixture be poured
on Wetting - paper and the vapor in-
haled for a few seconds :-
0a.rbolic acid pure . 1 part
, , .
• Liquid ammonia, 1 part
Alcohol ......... . .... 2 parts
Distilled water 3 parts
Such inhalation should not be
a,bused, Vocalise they .May be pro-
ductive of aural eomplications.
A well-known London ,physicia$,
;discussing this sarticle, agreed that
eolds now 'receive more attention'.
"As- the article referred to
states," he said, "to treat a cold
successfully _it must be taken at the
very beginning. -
"I myself, believe in frequent
douching with salt water, or water
ivith which a little .glyc.othymeline
02 SOITIS similar light disinfectant Is
B,ubbing the nose between the
thumb and forefingel• and ,the use of
a, .s.nuff,consisting of equal parts of
camph.or and bismuth subnitrate is
also recommended ; I only used
such a snuff once, and did not caro
,"For tho purposes of the orcli-
,,nary,clotiche ti teaspo.onful of salt,
-with a'hottt five deeps of •enealyptu,s,
shoeld'be added too a pint Of water.
"If a more oulpIicate'1 remedy„is
nooessary, • ,bhe, following alkaline
lotion is useful :--Soditon biearbo-,
boraeic aid, eoinino01 salt and
some light antiseptic,"
VO/lowing the Receipt.
Urs, Walsh .took a bite ,of the
cake, and laid it clown hastily,
"Womb?" she said, "did yon fol-
low the receipt, or do as you usu-
'ally do and guess 7" •
(iSure, noun, I followed the re-
ceipt, only I put in six eggs in-
stead of lour, because two was had,
and I "Wanted to even 'cm up,"
ernptat ion
Hvelin o'reteinied to demur a little, but
ended by oa»t1ug. 31 wait 'wellher white,
Ede drooped .over her eyes, veiling their
. When she, found heigelf, Alit up in, the\
olitudo and .seelinoion oO ler own them-
ber,', the- gave full -vent to atho teriable
•thge and despair that waged Rath dead:-
ly war hi her heart. "Fate ifl graligir
amtinet ma,". the atoemed, "but I 'will
defY fate and ceuelttitle girL
"Gaynell in the, ofty and Percy Gran-
ville coming here' to' call upon the -girl
thorn . he rescued 01t the park-neyer
:deeanting it M the. ,Was there oyer such
an unamthuntable attraction' in fate be-
foreP They 'are Ilable to meet any day
---anY moment; explanations would fol-
low, and the old qove..would sway the
.heaats of . both, and-effid-he would break
with • me to wed hie old lora
• "Oh, no,. ,not" she , cried ' out wildly,
Proimiug her hands tightly over her tillT0)3-
Wog heart. and rocking herself to and
fro. "I will kill them first, love him
-I love Mini" she cried •fiercely, "and
she shall hot take him from me now,
when 2 have every chanceof winning
him. I am not safe while 'this Gay leeee."
That thought brought still another and
darker to her brain, so dazed with the
conflicting tortures of intense jealouey.
'For an hour or mere she• gazed out el
the open window at the starlit BUY;
gazed' without seeing aught but the beau -
'Will girlish face of Little GUY. • The
night deepened and darkened, spreading
its sable winga over the great city. ,
Ola cruel city -dark, jnyaterthue city -
where crime peepe forth with the setting
mu and, Stalks boldly abroa01 under the
dim. flickering light of the stars. '
"Anything could be done in a great
wicked city like thie," the voice Of the
deadly tempter,awhispered to Evelyn fit.,
love him the beat," tali) muttered;
hardening her heart. "Let nto think what
life would be worth to me without him,
and let that thought decide mg."
An hour, later, Evelyn, wrapped in a
Ionia, dark circular and heavily veiled,
stole quietly out of .the house, quite um
She.liaiIetl the nearest cab, .and, With' a
few' hurriedly whispered....words of direc-
tion to the drivet,, was soon whirling ram
idly over the streets of the city on her
total rrands •
"I will be bath before they hA
ave nne
to miss me," shemuttered, sinking •biielt
emptier the enthione.
The eab st,opped before one of the great
leading daillee, and Else St. Claire enter-
ed the office. The ,panere were on file for
a month back, and toward these the beau-
tiful. guilty girl made Iler Way.
She had read the account in that verp
eerier only a few days back, of a lovely
,Spanieh girl who had killed hor faithleqs
lover on the eve that he was to have been
wedded to 'another, by the use of a subtle
poisonous drug, whose power was almont
unknown to the modioal fraternity, aa its
presence in the human eystem could not
be traced. How this lover had met his
death OV011 experts could not define, until
this girl came to die, and confessed all
On her death -hod.
Long and diligently Evelyn searched the
file. Was fate conepiring against her
again? It was not there.
"Perhaps I can help you find the paper
you are xearchlug for„" said a keen -eyed,
leueant-faccel. .gentleman 'Rending ne,ar
."Thatilt You. I was lookipg for the
paper bearing date of the twentieth in-
stant; lt oontained a few society notes I
should have lilted to have soon,"
The accornmodating getitleman stopped
up to the clerkdesk.
Have you a paper of the twentieth?"
he said earelessly. "It seems to be miss.
Mg from the file."
As he 'make he exchanged a meamftig
look with the clerk, and immediately the
paper was named out.
Ole handed it to Evelyn with a low bow.
' "Thank you, sir," eho replied.
Although the gentleman etopped around
to the other side of tho room, he noted
with keen eyes whielp whiten oho was
The trail° that 0 ithered a moment'
round her lips ahowea him that the had
found what, she wanted.
"I shall be sure to remember the name
of the ilrug now," she told herself, paseing
out of tho office.
The next Student, the gentleman, who
wits none other than the famous detective
peeent Granville had at onee time en-
gaged to search for 'Little Gay, wag bend.
ing over the columns which hadattracted
the stylith young lady.
"Society notes. There's nothing of the
kind here." he muttered. "Ahha! he has
torn a bit from the paper, 3 nee."
Hastily securing another paper of the
same date, he turned to that partioulat,
column and found the article miaaing; the
had torn the name of a deadly drug from
the paper, together with a full derierip-
Mon of its effects on the hirman system.
Quick as thought the experienced detec-
tive whipped out his note -book and jotted
down the incident, together With a full
description of the datntY ,blonde.
"I wonder what mystery I've run afoul
of now," he soliloquized, haetily °Olin a
cab and ordering the driver to follow
closely the cab which had just turned the
corner. .
While the coach duelled on in pursuit of
the ono occupied by Evelyn, the Panama
detective, who wee alwa,ye prepared for
mime of emergency, hastily transformed
himself into quite a difeerent pereonage
from the reepeetable looking gentleman
who had entered the -coach,
Meanwhile, the .heire.se woe whirling
swiftly lip Broadway.
The cab . Mopped once more, this time
before a large drug -store, and Evelyn
alighted; with a firm seep she walked up
th tho counter sind called for the drug,
but here_ a etartling dilemma confronted
her; the clerk would not let her have it
without a written order from thine re-
eponsible physician. ,
The shock wag 'so great, the disappoint.
tnent eio keen. 'Evelyn paled to the very
ot her light gdld hair. •
;she must have the deadly drug at any
cost," she told herself. '
Evelyn looked at the young olerk; If
OM could but coax him to let her have
ExperienCed mothers say
Zam-Buk is best for chil-
dren's injuries and skin
troubles, because:
It is herbal -no poisc2ous
mineill coloring. '
It i antiseptic -prevents
cuts and 'burns faking the
wrong way.
It is soothing --ends pain
• It heals every time.
just as good for grown -
&)/d at ati ati)roa and
- 811e birnedalter blne,eyeS upon him 'say,
. "Oh,' if, You would''',but ;-iol01ke att exceP.
tion insthts,eeiee-forealle,, hie, I should be
verst math obliged," ''persieted Evelyn,
a The
voice, 'I want it'' so ,Muoh.,
The, cleek Ni.amoi
ue not Old nd moiety -keit -rt.
ed-ait the„.. Inerdes% teak he ever
done, refusing, thia etyliele 'young /lady. _
Ire tangled, furions'Y nfider the 100e "of
her bright, es'es, and was terribly eoe-
"If it wan my store, you ehould have it
111 e M11111'170," ,13.43 geld. ' "The proprietor
ie More than strict. I Mind refuse you, '
• Artful tears sued the lovely blire e3'ele
geeing up into hia own. •
"Why need you mention to the pro-
crietor, thenf' the. questioned .innoeent-
y; 'he need not ,know of it. You look
af0 kind and-ande•accemmodatiug, murals,'
you cannot -findeit in .your heart ,to re•
Inc Me. I-2 want it to touch up an old
She laid one little white hand on hie in
Iter intense eagerness, •and the thrilling,.
magical"' touoh of those fingere ma -de the
blood leap through the bashful young
elerk's yeine Mr& electric fire. '
"After all, she wanted it for moll a
harmless object," he told himeelf.
"Please let me have it," pleaded Eve-
lyn, her heart thrilling with exultatibn,
as she noticed he was wavering.
Ile was young and easily:influenced, as
many , a man has been before him, by the
alluring blandishments of , a 'beautiful
,girL He Was not proof against the
beauty'e bewitthing. glancee. .
'You will let me have' the drug, won't
your' persisted Evelyn,
And Searoely consoions of what he was
doing -white to the TOTY lipii-he obeyed.
-While they were talking. a feelde old
iaan had entered the atom. tottering up
quite close, th the haughty heiress.
'Want your' show -cases eleanedr" he in -
"I'm deaf," whined the old man; "if
the' latter went Art' the eases with a will
agillite,...lNigateliyiniapinocnicrzedk !Le' w I ear! lin "getvoice .0 it
I've' a .wife and nine childeen to Ruppert.
here quick, too."
the oases really did' need pollehing, and
you will give rae the job, nod your head:
get rikof the old man; for as it happened
The °leek nodded hes bead in assent to
the old man bad eaid he
was' deaf, Evelyn e-ttl not take the pre-
caution to, lower h .e voice in the least.
Al length. with 1,0:0 fatal drug In her
poeseasion. Evelyn Mt, the etore.,
,almoat think oho bow -Relied me,"
murmured the clerk, elleavene! what a
risk I run in letting hor have that deadly
drug --and by the Harry. I forgot to take
her name and addrees.' too; what if any-
thing ehould eome of and. a ehudder
passed over his frome. "Hello," he mut-
tered, with a _violent etart, "what hae be -
conn of the fellow who wae cleaning she
He glanced around In surprise -the old
man was gone,
.Ewv,,eeldy.n St. Claire regained her own room
In -the Remington mansion without being
Thefootmen who admitted 'her won -
dared „vaguely that Miss Gayaell's guest
should have gone out alone on the street,
espeoially at night, the being a, etran.
ger in the city, tho. Ire told Mile to Fan-
nY-Gay's maid -who had declared that
she fairly hated the &Irish blonde who
ordered her around as if 'slie Was nobody,
and hoped for goodnesa sake shewaen't
to remain long."
There was th be a 'brilliant reception at
the .Itemington mansien that night, but
Evelyn pleaded a Geyer° headache as an
excuse for not going to the drawing -room.
.4 tigerieh hate swept through Evelyn'a
very soul as her eyea rested upon Little
Gay as she came into her room for a
moment before going down to welcome
her (meets.
The girl's wondrousbeauty fairly took
her .breath away. The, dark eyee glowed
like midnight stars. The lovely, curlina
hair fell' about the little head'in a aheen
of shining gold; the peachy, dimpled
cbeeks were flushed like the heart of a
crimson flower, and the oreatuy tulle dress
she wore, gambolled here end there with
water -Mice, sot off the thvely arms and
slender, graceful neck to their advantage.
heightened by the necklace of gleaming
pearls the wore.
Evigetu St. Olaire bit her lip furiously
under the mask of a smile as she gazed
at the lovely vision before her.
"I ens so sorry you aro not able to
come down," said Gay, sympathetically.
"I will come in when it is over; and give
you a perfect account of it."
"Do," replied Evelyn, again veiling the
terrible -glitter in her eteel-blue eyes.
She watched the elender figure -out of
"Shine to.alght, IUY pretty Gay!" the
cried bitterly, 'ler you have to die ere
the day dawns. You wore uncommonly
pretty when you were only 11 111110 100M
girl in the Paosaie Cotton Mills -now you
are more beautiful than an hour,! It
would never do for you to meet my lover
again -he loved you once -he would adore
you now." and involuntarily her hand
crept to the fatal package ooncealed in
her bosom. ,
When Gay ea -me to her room that night,
Evelyn feigned sleep, and Gay quitted
the apartment with noiseless feet and
sought bee own boudoir. '• '
She oould have told Evelyn of two ear-
forent propagate she had received that
evening, and of two bitterly jealous rivals,
between whom a duel was Imminent, be.
010010 beautiful Little Stay had waltzed
twice with the one, end suog "Kathleen
Mavoureen" to the other.
Of touree, Gay gently refused them
both; still, each ofthem declared 'that be
would win her if his rival watt gentleniari-
ly enough to give him fair play and oeise
foreing his 7 attentions upori her, which
were certainly undesired.
One of these handsome youngfollowe
was Berry Ohesleigh of 2101000115, the
notIalitieric :liedn.hosthiortfg tzuung military cadet --
Gay wat thinking
as she sought her couch; it Wftfi of Percy
Granville, and She boll asleep wondering
when he would make the call he had
promised, and wondering how she Would
school her heart sufficiently to keep from
flinging herself in hig arms and urying
out, "Oh, my love, my love, / cannot meet
YO11 as a stranger! it Is -breaking my
heart. Love me again, I cannot live with.,
out you!"
Fanny, Gay's maid, ilad ,been engaged
in putting the pretty 'cream 'dress and all
of her things away; she turned the gas.
jet low, and Wt1.11 j1181, 8,B011t to quit the'
boudoir, whee ' the knob of the deer
turned with a low, subdued click, and
,fithLorueiglof inhowoanapeLiture' glided the white
•The Maid .otood among the eliadowe of
the window 'drapery and . wathlted her
oariouely; muttering to herself:
_ a`What ie she abbut, I wontrerf I'll eita,y
here and see."
For a moment Evelyn St. Claire -for it
was sho-paueed In the ceiRre of the bou-
doir; and caeting one quick, keen glance
about her, elle deteated the faint outithes
of UM elender, girlieli Mem' resting upon
the lace -draped eouch...
"Your, time has (mine, Gay Esterbrook,
or Gay Remington, whichever you inay
choose to call yourself," she muttered
clinching her jeweled bands deep into the
folds of her areee, se she glided owiftlY
toward the tenth with a devieish gleam
lu her steel -blue es'ee. _
Gay hav with her head reeting upon her
arm. No warning of theawful danger
that menaced her , flitted through her
If it had not been for her gentle,breath-
ing Litthi Gay would have looked like a
beautiful statue carved in marble.
lively), St. Claire gazod on the beautiful
face with Ilia intense sagoo0 a fiend,in.
, . •0
Yon 'lieve' arced nu; p,i4h again,
,girM' ella mattered, "Red nose you must'
Slie drew the alai from ha. Ooolcet and'
held it no for an blatant' thwardthe g100 -
id. I1 was of slightly -greenish hue, .50d,
seemed tooath a thane:tint ra.ye of, spark-;
litig"L"gue' 00 111'4, 16011changing te intr-
ohs and blue like the dame of a diamond.'
"Take tbat,aGay leeweee,,,,a," she him&
swiftly uneorking the yial and holding it
close to the unconeedous elooper'S nos-
trils. A pungent odor swept through the,
boudoir -one -breath of which had locked
ciao senses in .a etopoe •before oho could
One vein front the vial, amok' belathen
those crimeop li s, would produee inetant
cleettb, 1-1Y9Irlk • gla4trii las.Pl'ark harden'
for her dee ard Wotte-4ge in the voice
of jealoney urgcii her on as , she hesitat-
ed-WIStie Gey'e Young life we's at etalte, ,
‘Again the belliont powder fleshed in the
dim light, ,but , in, that thrilling moment
fl. 010.01101 arin hurled ' Evelyn fit , Mateo
back, and Fanny,' the Micheal swsta,
sprung between Evelyn ana her innocent
0* frillitY heirefor asserted itself, ' do . she 1
tt , ,that 'elie had ' planned ' what
found! herself so suddenly rand 'unexpetet.
, It Wa'
lis ,ilutteniement'thei7IM'..elitir heaver), of
she' should, do in it 'eaeoe of OrnOripilleY,;, if
eh& Were detected eateripa Gay's roam.,
'clulic,.n.ii-,plought elle executed her bold
cheno.,- She drew baoltewith a samiressed Scream
--pliYouiviiilfolantirienittnudt'..i'olpeativnpiri4.11e,r,xbotlnye.•weiydeeS.. in,
• '011, . where ' flia. Af," ehe' cried,' in pre-
tended bewilderment- "I'peay you' to, foe-
:give"me " she.' went on,. .wringing -her
Jeleelod0 'hands 'itnploringly,i together. ' 1
snuithnvO fallen into my habit .of eletp-
walking, I'm in somebodye • TOOM."• ,
By tho time the maid had turned on a
•:(71eVeelY as Evelyn had played, her.little
gairim she had get succeeded. in deceive
'TM not th be duped in that way, toles,"
elle retorted bluntly. 'V have heard of -
people walking' about in their sleep,' many
a, time betore," whispered the ,girl,
."but 3 have never heard of a
somnambulist doing what, you atteinpted
to do to -night," she 0added.
"Thy, whet ,dicl l' try th do," lot -owned
Evelyn. -turning iyhtte, still pretending
puzeted wonder. '
"You tried to mueder 'Mies 'OaY," re-
turned,' the girl sharply, "She would have
been IN corpse by now if I hadn't been
'Evelyn recoiled with a hearsecry,
elt 10 001001 elle 'atanunered. "If you
dareitecuse me of ouch a thing, girl, I
101111 MOAT upon my ,oath that it Whe you
who attempted to deetroy your young
heirese, and I Tllehed 1.1T to prevent you."
The faithful maid f ably gasped at the
depth and extent of this fair flend's
atrocioue wiakednees.
Evelyn saw lier advantage and followed
it up swiftly.
"Be wise, girl' make terms -with me;
say nothing of what has occurred to -night;
give' 100 youe written pledge you will not,
and I will pay you down a thousand (let-
tere cash."
The maid, Who bad never been able to
egrape twenty-five hard-earned dollars to.
gether in her whole life,' fairly gasped
at the stupendous offer of the great heir.
"I inean it," said Evelyn St. Claire;
"write a few words which I will dictate
and it , will earn for_ you a thousand
dollars' thelt."
There are women who B0000813 the .dead-
ly, magnetic fascination of a serpent over
their fellowereatures, and Evelyn was
one of thenr; ,he held the girl spoll-bOund
under her cool. keen eye&
A thousand dollars! Was ever such a
temptation offered it poor girl vvhe knew
so well the true value of .irioney
Who ca,n blame her that she wavered,
and that at' last; dearly as she loved poor
Gay, the promiee of so much gold for
simply writing a few. words and holding
her 'tongue, overcame her goruplee?
Evelyn St. Claire rapidly .wrote out Is
few lines, and the thoughtlese eriaid, too
dazed and dazzled by the heap of bills
on the t•able, took up the pen and signed
her n•ame to the document, without stop.
"ling to read it oyer.
.1Ieaven help her! she little dreamed
that she had signed a so-called confes-
sion, setting forth that she herself had
attempted to take thc. life of beautiful
Gay, and that the had been frustrated by
Miss St. Claire, a atteet in the house!
"Hal" thought' Evelyn St. Claire tel..'
innphantly, "hi the future, when thie girl
grows weary of keeping my secret. tide
will silence her 0'
She threw herself down into n cuthion-
ed chair by the window, and all through
the weary hours of the long night thought
over plots and plane against the life of
hapless Gay.
"The girl seems to bear a alumnae life,"
she muttered; "but my next attempt shall
not meet with such dire failure."
(To be continued.)
, -
Nature USes Geniuses and Then
. Dissolves Their Power.
Talent declines to appear 2111011 it
should. Robert Browning married
Elizabeth Barrett and the union
-predicted the birth of a supreme
artist, but nature refused to take
the hint,
The world could not, endure the
intolerable burden of a e,ontinuous
line of great men. If men like Cae-
sar, Napoleon and Cromwell had
furnished a posterity of likepower,
to remain permanent in human hie -
tory, where by this time 'would be
all the men of leaser breed. If
every great financier were able not
only to hand on his fortune but also
his .a.bility ,and his rapacity to bis
sons, capital punishment for busi,
toss success would; be theonly safe-
ty for society. We could not even
endure the permanence of great
men of genius. A coutini10.1.11 lino
of Shakespeares would by now have
•made England an intellectual
desert, as the Goalies Would have
desolated Germany- by genius too
great to he ,endured.
Nature kindly uses hcr great sons
for great talks and then dissolves
their . power in the .common oouioJ
group in order to make secur11 the
democracy of. life.
Forty years hi use, 20 years the
standard, prescribed and recom-
mended by physicians. For We,
inan's Aihnents, Dr. Martel',
Female Pills, at your druggist.
llig Firm Gives the Reason for the
Increase in Price.
A despatch from Quebec . says:
Pi:ice Brothers, Limited, the larg-
est lumber firm in Quebec, gave out
the statement on Friday that the
advance in the pripe of lumber has
been necessitated by the curtail-
ment of the cut (hie to the mild
open weather this winter to the
middle of ,February and to the
enormous demand for dry lumber
,from -the United Kingdom, where a
shortage is reported owing to the
mild winter in Russia, •
Hobble Skirts So Tight Wearers
Can Scarcely Walk.
A despatch from London eajts :
According to a London fashion ek-
Pert just_ returned from Pa,ris, the
dressmakers there are proposing
not merely to revive the•-• hobble
eltirt, but to make it tighter. This
London expert, 130131.5 -1 saw skirts
in Paris SO tight round the togs that
the' wearers we,ec setirce/y, able to
A GOO)) 1-1,A.BIT
Tea when you are tired,
particularly if it o
on a sealed lead package of Ceylon Tea is your
safeguard and guarantee.
"SALADA" mean i freshness, puritir, exquisite
• aroma, delightful flavor.
"SALADA" means purity, healthfulness, satis.
Graliaine-White Plans Hydro -Aero-
plane to Cross Atlantic.
Great interest in Claude Gra-
hame -White's project Nof ,erossing
the Atlantic by hydro -aeroplane is
being taken in aeronautical and
scientific circles, where the general
opinion is.that the feat will be See-
complished before long,'
. William Dartnoll, a well-known
engineer and member of tha Aero-
nautical Society, expresses oonfi-
'dence in kr. Grahame-White'e
ability te execute the task.
notice,'said Mr. Dartnell,
"that Grahanne-White is designing
a huge hydro -aeroplane in' which he
purposes to install .a power plant of
1,000 honsepOwer in four' units of
250 horsepower each. • He.. states
that the question of the'carriage o2
fuel' is a very important one., and
he isquite right,
"The distance to New York by
steamer is 3,100 nautical miles, and
to fly this, distance- at the rate of
100 miles an hour at average speed
would take:thirty-one hours, while
to prod -ilea 31,000 horsepower houra
of Work in propulsion with the ex-
isting types of engines would con-
sume no less than 700 pounds of
petrol an hour.
"This means that at the .start the
weight of fuel alone would amount
to 9.687 plus tons, but it should be
remembered that the machine
would get 700 ,pounds lighter every
hour on it9 voyage, so the speed fot
the same engine power would rise.
"As Mr. Grahame -White points
out, the maid difficulty will b•e.to
get the engines. So far a.s seen,
there are,st present -no types of en -
Sarsapari 1
Eradicates scrofula and all
other humors, cures all their
effects, makes the blood rich
and abundant, strengthens all
the vital organs. Take it.
There ie no "just -as -good" medicine,
Insist on having Hood's. Get it today.
,gine in thi.s country of 'which it cam
be truthfully stated that they wouldi
be capable of ,successfuliy a,ccom•
plishing a feat of this nature,
"A new type of engine is, how-
ever, now to be had for aeronauti-
cal work in which are embodied the
oharacteristics of the marine en-
gine, and will stand the load- right
through the voyage. Only 600 lbs,
of 21101 40,0 hour would be required,
and instead of starting with a fuel
weight of 9.687 plus iLOTIO it would
be only 6,91 tons.
"Drawings are out for, this en-
gin,e up to 260 horsepower at 900
revolutions a , minute, and the
weight per horsepower developed is
very low,'' • •
If, as is generally supposed, the
'question of the engine is the pivotal
point for a successful tran,satlantie
flight, Mr. Dartnell's 'statements,
shduldithey be proved exact, point
to the feat being accomplished at
DM earlier date than had been ex-
pected. •
If you would know the value of
money go a,nd try to borrow it.
the CLEANEST, SIMPLEST, end 515510 000105
DYE, ono can laty-Why you don't oven have to
Itnew whet KINDo? Cloth your Caddo aro mado
of. --Se hIlHteltes are Impossible.
Sent! for Tree Color Cart!, Story Booklet, hod
Booktet 6Am:results of Dyeing over other colors.
Mont. onl. Canada
S Mi71:-Pe41V°75t11,1,0,02e
..000! PETITGlisl you menet
' do better than semi Dr our
Sfintalbglto. Btld 800 ,that we
„„..,,„ tont:01.111 SR (i) OATH,
we beep a opiendel 010011 11011
1,1)1 be glad to send wunplee
1:,22...kerra a SONS, 124 King Stillest.
Tor, nth. Ont. Seed Mery luta t 1 8 1101 Jetta
Make Us Prove It
.We 'dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upon
your patronage. To get it we must havd your trust and confi.
dence. We make the following statements with a full under-
standing of what they mean to us. You are safe when you
believe in these statements.
For the Bowels of bowel ills and in a' short time
• usually make unneceesary the con-
,- If yOu only knew as much as we tinued use of physics and purgatives,
and those who have used them know thus tending to stop such unhealthy
about Rexall Orderliee, you would habits as may have been formed.
be as enthusiastic about recommend-
ing them as we are. They taste just
like candy. They act so easily and t, Make us Prove TMs
so pleasantly that the taking of them We do not ask you to take our
is a pleasure. word for this. We.want you to make
Even children like Rexall Ordere us prove it, and 55 no cost to you.
'lies; and you know that if a medi-
cine appeals to a child, it will appeal 0.13, Buy botrxseofthRmexa01.1c0e,rdoeiruli.eells
to grown-ups. •the whole box. Then, if you MO
. not thoroughly satisfied, host come
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ing you WO will return the inoney
you paid for them.
Doesn't that indicate that Rexall
Orderliee are at least worthy. of teal?
Doesn't it prove our faith 111 them?
Doesn't it merit your confidence?
Could any offer be more fair to you?
We particularly recommend Email
Orderlies for children, delicate and
aged pereone Rextill Orderlies come
in convenient vest-pocket size tin
boxes. 12 teblets,..10e; 60 tablets,
25e; 80 tablets, 60e.
CAUTION: Please bear ha mind that Rexall Orderlies are not sold by all drum -
gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Remit Storm.
You can buy Resell Orderlies in this community only ee• ---•
Without obligating you or question-
help chase gloom; dispel blues and
make you fool happy by their splen-
did tonic, cleansing. and strengthen-
• ing circa upon the bowels.-- ThoY
act to free the system - and keep it
free -from the distress and ill feeling
that naturally results from irregular
and' inactive bowels. , •
1 flexed Orderlies do this quietly;
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purging or M0008M0 looseness. They
act to overcome and remove the cause
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" There ia B Remit Store in nearly even, town 'and city in the United Staten, Canada and„.
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