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Clinton, March 13th, 1913
G oderiac h
Mr. Frank McPherson was I:, tow; Mr.. and Mrs. W. C. Pridbam spentfor a few days `renewing old friend- a IOW days. in Toronto last week.
ships before returning to the west,
• Miss Agnew . of Wingham visited
Mrs. Jas. McMurchio recently.
The Wingham Curling Club sre.
holding a local bonspiel in the rink
Clerk Lane was in Toronto last
week attending the Good Roads Con- this week; Mrs. J. Roulston of Olivet has
vention.. - been the .guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Dr. and Mrs. Sloan felt last week Mr. Chas. Treble, who has been 1`••
iehaxd Solomon.
for South Porcupine, where he has spending the winter with his pax- Miss Houghton is making an ex -
accepted a position as manager of a entsin town, has gone to his new tensive-stay in Seaforth..
mine. home at Watrous, Sask. Dr, H. E. Tambiyn and Mr. W. A.
Mrs. E. G. McTaggart and little Mr. Gamble Geddes local mana er Campbell attended the Masonic
son visited the lady's mother' in of the Union Bank, was married gin Grand Lodge in Toronto last week.
y'Mr Hamilton Mack, whohasbeen
Clinton .last week. Toronto on Wednesday week to: Miss with Mr. Alex, Young For some time,
Messrs, R, M. McI{ay, Wm: John- I{atharine Munroe Knox of Detroit. has :gond to Swift •Current, `cask:,
ston E. G. McTaggart, B. Bainton, They will take up residence in town. where he intends to locate.
W. Logan, I. Brown, W. Moore, Dr. The Presbytery of Huron met in Mrs. J.W. Pattison of Port Elgin
McTaggart and Dr. Milne were some Knox church Monday and Tuesday of has been visiting with relatives and
of those from here who attended the 'last week. Rev. D. C. McGregor ad -
friends in town.
automobile' show in Toronto last dressed the Mdnday evening .meeting Mr.and Mrs. T. S. Brandon of
week, on the call for workers in the out -_Reston, Man., have been visiting fri-
The funeral of the late James Mc- lying portions of Canada. The next ends in Wingham and vicinity.
Gee, who died at Great Falls, Mon- meeting will be held in Clinton in Mr. Watson an.of
tans,. took place on Wednesday May. • Morr]s have gone to Jewett thead wfamily
from the home of his . parents, Last Thursday morning Mr. T.
will locate at Shellbrook, Sask.,
Mr, and Mrs, Robert` McGee M. Johnston of Taylor's Corners de will Mr. Jewett's brothers reside.
of Con. 1, East Wawanosh. The de -o livered'a hog to Mr. Andrews of town wheMessrs. A. M. Crawford, Chas.
ceased was a. native of Auburn but which weighed G80 pounds for which
Mitchell, David Fortune and Mr. S fe
had resided in the west ter . some he was paid the tidy sum of $47.25' wart of Luolcnowho attended the
rears, latterly at Great Falls, Mon -or seven and a half cents per pound. curling bonspiols at St. Paul and
tana, On learning of his illness his ( At a special meeting of the ladies urlin Winnipeg, returned last wool and re -
Father started to go to him but was , of Si. George's Church the question porta pleasant Cure,
stopped by.a message saying ..that he of women being allowed to vote at
was dead and the remains were being • church vestry meetings was bought
forwarded. His death was a great up. After a lengthy discussion, in
shock . to the family who were not which several ladies expressed them -
aware that he was ill. Besides his selves in favor of the right to have
parbnts'' he is survived by his wife
and ono brother.
a voice in church matters, it was Mrs. P. Lennon, who has been vis -
put to a vote and was defeated. iting Mr. and Mrs. J. Devereux for
Another motion to the effect that some weeks, left last week for her
all ladies not having any male re- home at Calgary,.
presentatives.in the family should be At the recent meeting of the quar-
terly board of the Methodist church
the Rev. A. W. Baker was given a
unanimous invitation to remain for
the third year.
Mrs. Allen Bond and little daugh-
ter left for their home in. Winn]peg
last week after spending some lime
in town the lady's oar ItM,
Mr. and Mrs. *:.mos Beattie.
Bishop Fallen ,.F London was iA
town last week and conducted ser-
vices in St. James' ,church on Sun-
Mrs. Joseph Noble of E'gmondville
died last week at the age of eighty-
one years. She was a native of
Glasgow, Scotland, and came to this
country in 1881➢. Her husband and a
family of fotir daughters and one son
en>3adl allowed to vote was carried by a
Mr. Weston Horn left last week vote of 17 to 10.
with a car of onions for Winnipeg. Copies of the decision or the lad -
Mrs., F. A, Sellery is steadily hn. les will be sent to the synod of the
proving after her serious illness. Diocese of Huron.
Mr, Frank Blatehrord,'who has
been very 111, is now. improving.
Miss Kathleen Blapk'ali returned to
her home in Bothwell' last week aiter
a visit in town with Miss Hattie Mc-
Mall delivery boxes are being re-
ceived here and the new .route out of
Hensall will shortly be 'opened.
The following': officers. were elected
by the Citizens' Bandat a recent
meeting ;
Hon. President, H. Selden.
President; J. W. Ortweiir•
Vico, James Bonthron, Jr.
Patrons, N. P. Warrener, W. J.
Perkins, F, Farquhar, F. 0. Car-
lin- and A. Scruton,
° Mascot,. Earl Miller;
»rum 'Maior, S. Ramie.
Leader, M. Ronnie.
Secretary, M. W. Ortwein.
Rev.. and Mrs. Barker were visiting
Walleeeburg friends last week.
Mrs, A. McLennan is visiting in
London and 'Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Sparks of Port
Elgin were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Mole last week, the ladies being
Mrs. T. Jackson of Clinton and
Mrs, J. T. Clark of Toronto were
guests sof Mr. and Mrs: J. ••0. Greig
one day last week.
Mr. 'James Carlin of the Huron
Road inteeds shortly taking up his
residence in town.
Mayor Greig was in Toronto last
week in connection with the Huron
Publicity scheme,
Messrs. It Johnston and J. Thirsk
each purchased two cows in Zurich
on Satutrday at Mr, A. Brisson's