HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-13, Page 511 11 13 01 31 11 51 1.1 arch Ofli,A9I Ilint,Ora• Ne*ifsallieor • , P;ite$1 0'11111 "• ' a- "'" - - • ''44011.-g ...till/HVarleabk ,u.r4 - 'Or OM aallai'''.-nistfiaiRCITs lie,' eat,.' ielio0i", ' 'reVedts' ldhlren'''..gathereti, le hall' hems lie alien:ins f the allarke,ning., erstandingAn ''ell'ie'r''s,,lag-broYA'v'. tic litye, tea;cher 4i.r•of !going na little , beginner at ,he '•wished ii o'clock- al's.; roOnn-tlie nts --trem red minierala de- first roenn, growth.- tage .has been vidences of Letfc' ' has 'grown, hat; , the , aetionand aided and soon fistoiy, Geography :0011a apparently lecial form - little- A '‘, Wags" tRoc!,°Iioti'Vfe.:17)11eie':e.Sy''bil!tne,PalitP17-;• -,to he the on r it. simple by of Intereatieg 'own 2nre :try,: fsit:,`, -ta' .''-fiVer.'.,tlitee'71klirldted, ' thete,;kfer five day' reolird, brlatelleet the',•childrelle. and- scheol,'. • earnestay• . school aid, 'f,0 Mecca big letters" tha'black we pass We finci,,the reached,. on the, board. more addition and by we are etc, has decorating Ida- the cite -0;4 no , - oreaaS Oa '.1'siblic, :Iiire'`and Or the'Weele art...evidence , and ' un .•lerma. ao.,•••le"ae " all ' for I heard ,r,enlark stayed in, till the planet.- of All a,spir`-. and col-' ;•board- of . along noting, spelling ' for. there' are Aritla- complicated and sub- Grail -creak is in a maze of ' ' ' Each taken some . its walls, ' a t ed Led ' prey -rend y a • 're- ,g-,,v(W:prl'aili . alleged!, iiregalaritiesdri $lika.J.hlui's "Ward,' "and ''it wns, Ior thia• ,the'ciatirt,WaS lieletarn'Eriday';,, ' • „.. ,,.., : ., .. , ... , . ... •'-alY. 1, ' MacItterSon' ' the town. clerk Was. illfe' ffrat Witineas 1 and. stilted that ' dlehnd Iatit the ,hallets; and 'paperS'in ' 'thole -, tespeetive '. 'beires, • and 'Placed 11101 ",-;-lit a - dell ,' at, , the 'rear •ot, , the' hall, .111M2/teYS'ef ' each rherc lreing ,lift : 'hali'giltg• 'IQ. , the box and one 'Pheilla ;Io.olt-oriairioleli,hy,.,:the'•reibastable,-..„.: was': iidd:', to-, hick, thd',,cult ,g10.0t,, Although there wore ,,,pjace,s „.for limy .paaleelca.,, „ . , . I , , . . , , ,. , time „for ,,, .seaerm, years ;to ' paV.,,,.• the ' ''69,'19SZObs.' away in ti:11110'tr'kire' usialdirlgilli;ailils'e.: a'PLW4,t".1.3. :open, daY And aught. , • :" ,- - constable fit• Welsh upon .hei*g. ex- 'aligned- stated he • ''''"' deu1g .dalf:dutY. at• tile tiale 01-1110 oleetions and tile foilowieg week7. so that there .' - Was 'no night watchman for Several days. '. DePutY •returning officer' .'1. 0'. - Me' ' Math ,' Poll Clerlr' H.' Alexander , ,,d a.... Scrutineers 0, , Street: and ' 'W:.' '00,0h'.. Cane,. • Were ail eXamined. and ' crosS- hile , none of hese eXamined,. ana,, ,wt 7 , odicia•ls. , :were charged 'with. • any wrongdoing, • the court .stated, that they should have been moge careful in •the manner of counting: the bal- lots- 'All, had agreed,. however:, that. the original return ma local option, as given by the deputy, Was cor- ' ' ' arna,., . , . ,. , ,,••••• • ' ' ' • -a• ' ''' :.•_. , •.';- ,.,. • . 'PM PreebytdrW1.54.are: ;Prepatii4 .-te held' a:grand, inbilea,, the",'S•llitietli an- , . . . ,. _ . - ,- „ , ,,,,„.„,i, .„,,„,. 4g. a• inVeisarY oi •theila ' ea , , : ,b . , . . , conallegation, , on. , p il .., lak • Sp ma services will . be 1,1°id. and ait"'"Will'•be , a' tinle ,M. \t111.1.a.14111119Sg.,.alid- veleiglagt'. -... ;VIE; Rad; Mes,'.„ J. ..1..a,_ y Harnyvell left . °a 'Tuesday •:fer:the West: They -Willa1,4 Settle'. illion.,••*eir.,beineatead ,fa •$asy.,,, ateheWan'•for,ther'eninnierand 'il'. :Mae,' he -Will "Petnirli leg Alm ••Wintet,.. ' l' • , • owing, to the , State .of-_tlia reads' • la,1 .Seuclay at, .was impossible 101 , gr. ',Irwin.; . :61 minion t6,:;3e,,"'paesent tePie' cPurieta, cii-11 0111.11ysistliQiieflonrYdn$eetrialrrivsi'e'0e- s!!.''ill,aist: Varna, Goshen and Kipper) Methodist 'churches next Si-inday., ' -..,,`-' ... Th? Omit Oita congregation of 'St. John's church spent a • pleasant. , irv: ening 'art' 'the home of Mr. and Mrs, John- areafaughtou .00 prid'ae iaat Whed they -gathered there -o exPress.: their 'apPreciation of .M.re, MeN,arigli• ton's serviceS , as ,Orgaiiiit in., , the • ehurcli"and. to 1100500*, her., with a T well filled .purse, he °Veiling ' 'Passed away in music, and social ' chat, and • Proved to lie 1 very eatoyable' one. : , Miss Marjorie Armstronghas gone to Seaforth 10..1°am:dress making: • MifiS Margaret Reid is Spending a feW days; with her sister, Mrs. Will Cuilmore in CliritOn. " wAs.Tub=_'.,0.00.D',..'SMART 00,10CII_, . ..,. , „ . „ „. . ,.. , "'7 kitl,t41011q4; 641 CO. , ', ...". ' ---72.• ' ' ''', ..:;. ' ';',•,' ,-,''..'.",' • ','. , ' strEniptes '; ,sAr • , ' • ANDS,'- • ''' , ' ' ' - ' "••• ' ' ' . , „ _ , ,p„ OF L', SEWING MACI-IINEfa . REPAIRED ' .09illity.. of, I-luron • 'be; wit,: By 'vile. ' and • t(rjrairs-lcept on hanffl 'also' ag- , tue of',.." Wilt of- 1 len Proems issued ency for new machines. -••,A. Hoop - •••,, .,0 ..i. ,i$' '0,105 ,y s eunty .4,ourt, , er, Albert etreet.' , , • , -,..0 Ont.' f a- lvi ,..• 'I; , o ' . . ' .- - ' - the.-coluity Di Lanark ,and tp toe ' ., ' ' ' ” ' ' directe ',delivered ' . ' • ' ' ' , - - • • etio•04,0•••••••044rovirfritor ,•.' ..- ' ' • • , , SPEC . ,rb.. " ' IAL' ,• • . , . .. 10 0 ,,, ,117., wish , especially .r.. ...• .• ' ir;D; '' . c11r8et .. y6tit , atfeii:: ':.;;0 .404 'this. wesict'0 out pew '41* ,', PrOakftifft Food, ' ,' , , 4 • : ., , a•-, . , ,.. • ' .. , •, . , . 4 , ''' Post. Tavern' '• • • , Special,' -:- .:. • mThe' , fileW'est Made . i -i . ,11; ,•• , • . , . • • , -' • , Made out of, Wheat, • • • ,' - C '" .` • ori, Rice antiSalt all I: 'Skilfully Blended. : 0.. . :- - .' ., ..k, .. ' ., „,, , , : ., _a., it. ..' . .• - . ' --",: - . , ir iSda111.1/ffettlieel- speciaTh7 • . , .., • *: '. . e• foi an, d' 'sold' by . • • •• - • , ••' ',".'..•,•• '''' ''"': ' '1' • ., •••• '•• , • ' . - ,ti „.L. ,,,lim - . ,..,,... • ,-, NSU„of , • . . •-,.. ; ,, „ , , .., ,, •. , , , . . • "ee - am'ece ana cattle agaldst ' death. laa.' accident 6e, clieeeee, • an .. '.0aluable • live stock TS' beiliff la 'otect ': '..•'d' , ' fa," vda ' '; ii. rainier. : . 'R-ea:Mialb6e- ' mid . ,,s -.4, ile,,„. ,0,..9.,,M,C114asic.etti.,,,Etell,:t.!..• ,,,, ',,C.:a.,Il'"' - f-a'sfde;lea, ,lai '1.:,fte; Y,,',,'"'! .1,17,- ' , ,.. a , -, ' . ' ,, . -,' .. , • and against, the, ----• - ' ". • ' ,' - '' • a : , ,,, Lancia arkki'l•entaineats 'of :David ' :-...1'.• ' - , ' , ' ,' , , .' .' 45Cla.1:NYt;eal:n'tl:'''!"t1-..t9'''''nII-Pleeas'i!1-'tSl•ln9E4'Pl'al '.il-'1!-Pd6vte'' "TEDA' 6.AvI'S.. 1.1‘'94 ' SAijr.-7°WIIT'rlril ar ar, ariety. A good et , 0 ' tsiefe4.ercifglt.1,4' ttr'titeloi.::iianij'elex,e.ttl.i,"Letil ,.-'4',Q1-"_1' p.kitefedeaair, .eYoenrtYs•spilialtr '''hinsuil;iehl! -1'''-rAaiN;,*. quitY of,-iedomPtIon:,: 0E. ii.o.,, abs)11e . 'idiXed gVilin• .• fof, 'scetl,' 50 'eelits"..--• ' Maatred DaviTM, -Carter, in to,. and „ ,' John 'Voilden,.: 1., ondashorn p; ' 0, ', , ;out 0 llie following lair s, nn - , pre Phono 5 oti 168• M • oP $.,, • . ghey's S'arveY„. situate,c,13,'Cirf%.' ,M,c' Call ' ; . , , , , , ., .., • . - • .. a1.06..n,:,RrEnoNnaTett'T.n. oCtOtm,,Alx,F.00eRnTiAtila.a1a7.0.,,tS'01606.V.b ';'' ',,liel'cf ' "'and sofi -water ; ;11•' acre ; or land - I' ' t' l' '' iitai0, liiida, cliat6ii.,; .. apply _.......„ , ' :: ,• - 1'4 , •• lreirig la the Village of Illyth, in • • the Cohnty .., of Huron; and , pr,svin_ • WAN'PED-AT' THE - AT EXANDRA'• • olivailo.. W111911' Lands • auo - merino , and 'Geneva( liespital, ;God_ ' :Tenements 1 ihafl 'oiler -or SalP, 6i1icii, threOor rout pupil ' nurses -' at nry !Office, in. the Court tease,' APPir to lVtiss Giaffiths, • .Siiperin,„ ' in ,the , TO)vn ot 'COderielri On Tao-; tendeat, gaederjeh, : , , • ' ,' 70_4 . day the 'Tutilty-Nhath day, of Ap-; • • ' I. 111, 13 at tite hour on twelvo of. • , , . ' - , ' To,. 11ENT-SiX 'Ilf?bmillc }LOUSE ', on 00 801,0 i.treet, now • occupied by . • ' ,Mr,' ', l'OrraY. '.'llifc.ir•rian• :P1Issessi°11, ' ' P - at, . , , , er. r. , . -7,... • • ' ' ''. • - ' , . the 0104, Noon. E l-',. Reana.1.-., , . „ ,• ,. ShetillHuron, Sheriff's Office, FARM LABORERS AND DOMES- Goderieh, •TanuarY 23rd,' 1913., ' . tic. ' help- ,persond - desiring ,falarn ;•-72-4. laborers - 'or; doraestic help should ' make application to me at .the earli-', . .' _ . . , '1,i411.ia 'r0" REN 1.' -t OVER , COLIN- • te,r's 'JewelerY Store: 'Seated.: for hall or suitable for living roman.' 61.50 per montli.-aApply F. J..Hill, efint9a, Phone .7.7; . -72 est possible date (la first eorne are , „., , first served and parties will soon tiao begin to , arrive from the , Old •aakila - Country . -A, J. Grigg,' Dominion, MAIL CON T'RACT. Immigration agent, Clinton, •-' 69 ' • • :.•:„. • • it' r * • W. Ti 0 NEIL . ir , . '. • • .6, "The Hub Grocery." • •;•••••••••••••i•••••••: WAN,TEll - A MODERATELY .siz.. . 'cid house asvii,h about .an acre of land and good stable. -Apply to W. J. Paisley • or at News -Record . of_ flee. . . -am Sealed Tenders addressed to the „Pestraaater Cieneral, will be, received HOUSE ' AND LOT' FOR S'ALE..- at Ottawa until Mien, on Frida 1', One of the best locations in town the 18th April, 1913 for the cony WrinlInianiirsl. once 'of His Majesty's IVIalls on e3ci- scotrreneetj:s. Pliroinueseesscontaajnnds '7 • ProPosed Contract for four .years on ground iloor, second - (Moe. not telviithetneensttirenoeisurnpebra;INV.ELkd eaRchailw.waly, .1.11nisaheercel. banHda,rd and soft water. fruit trees, etc . - Station and six tunes per week For further •particulars apart, to over rural Mail Route from Seatotth D. S. Chill. ---69; ' (North Ea•st) (-Beechwood way). Oa- ' ky pictures of birds, flowers,, or post irds of Placea far and -near. No lou.bt each picture dr post card has 'een the subject of some instructive ittle talk between the teacher and be students making school life roader and more interesting' than he day when the three R's were con- dered sufficient. The Principal's r= furnishes' a libarary where are ithered books of interest trot alone D the teacher, hut would prove val. ebbe reading for parents as well. O sigh as we pass along, and see- ktly avish' that we were young once ore. But alas'! a grey hair or so ad an oqcasional stiff back are for- ble reminders of the accumulation , years. .•_.. -- ' Four minutes Walk brIngs us to the ollegiate Institut.° with its staff of x teachars and seine one hendred. . .. _ id ffftY .stridents,, croweing Tee ' ailding to capacity. Here the stud- nts are prepared for the .University, 30 junior teachers and ' Where also here is offered. a Comthercial Cour- • ; but,this is no place for the dos ission of academic work. Suffice ,it r Sal,' that if' ithe stu-dents , vandering home in groups of two and hree after School. limits \rah their . aoks under . their arms, 'discussing' ;hoot topics, but realized how fartuna be they. were to be so situatedand • , • ow' reatlythey were envied by . g.' . hose to whom the -opportunity nev- r came, they would oppreciate their Ivantages to the uttermost. Again Again, there is- the Business . Cola ge on the corner -Of Main and On•-• - irio Streets, with its toll. call of• ty your people prenaring 1 for ' the isiness world. To many this' in- ,itution is a name ouly ; but a riS- , to .the school and the goarial prin- pal tvould, I• am sure, be a revel e- on. There are two class rooms, a •pewriter room and the priucipal'a• 'ace. There, each 'day big conuner- al transactions transactions are carried on be- Veen Misiness firms and the bank, hich" are managed `by the pupils eking their work practical and ins preparing them to meet more kadily the piobleins that will con- ont them in the big krutworld: .. rh S, at a rough '. guess we have '-'-11 . & • 'ithin our town' liniits at least -fiVe . „ . . . , daily' The sensation of the. day was the evidence • given by 0. B. Stantion, of T'arculte. a Palmr and handwriting expert, who made a careful °gamin- ellen of the ballets with strong glasses .and gave evidence to the ef- feet that 11. at ballots 'were und'oubted- I)" tampered with and the crosses which had been placed opposite the space for the by-laW rubbed out and aaether cross put opposite a- gainst, and also . that the new crosses Were clearly the work of one hand: kfe was 'of the opinion that the two ballots which were. marked 'both for and against had crosser which hull- cated '-that they were not • both made ..hy the one person, he suggest- ed that if •these ballots. were photo- graphed and•enlarged it would be - • ' varY clear to all as to , the erasing.. He had . , no hestation is saying that enough ballots had been changed to account for the difference in the ' returns ' • ' • . Mr. Proudfoot argued that tare court, should hold that on the' eVid- ence produced that the• original re- tarn should .be accepted and this by-• law declared carried. He also stat- ed that - li he had been allowed to do so he would have presented .., eel, , davits from the votera in. the • . ward ho had .yoted; far local option • and ' nwas now peepated to • call thdin , tif ecessaryb It does not even 'need he eye of an expert. to show that the ballots hail been tampered with. Mr. Iiaverson said the 01150 rested upon whether the deputra. read out the result or each ballot _correct- ly as evidently there was' se -.much ... Coo...donee in,. him that:little • er • no eare had been :taken to- see that 1 had ' - •• redone Ms part correctly. me 1:(. rd 1 thio testimony-'• . ' ' fg"a e( le.of expeitn mostly as a joke, but in this ' case there was no doubt that eer.tain bar. iota had been changed but the ex- .t ' 1 '-' pm was unable to state men and. hew these changes had taken place. Judge 14011 said to deliberately terfere with .the will of the people, by changing ballots, was a detestable crime and lie would like to ,oe the . , ' : • Government conduct all illVeStiga- tioxi la „ ,a,, , • ' ... 'tdiourned the court to - 'Parch „ : . . •. ;• - , ••• •••• .• 22 , Coder 01 , . ' I ' 1 I. ' . Ma‘rriages I,OBB-I-IARRIS-At the home of the bride's parents, on Marolr ' 12th, by the Rev. Dr. Fothergill', Ada Maletta, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Harris; ' of Fullerton, to - Wilbert Rey Lobb, eldest, ... son ' Of Mr. and Mi -8. kW. H. Lobb of Goderieh - Township: . 'STONE-KERNICK-At the . resid-, ence of the bride's parents, on March 5th, by Rev. Mr. MeAllis- ' ter, Edward Stone of Usborne to- ;Eunice Kennek, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kerniek, Exeter North. ' . KIEKI311-SCOTT-At tile residence - "of.„. the bride's brother, . John • S. Scott, . on March 3rdf by Rev. 4. A., Ferguson, H.,E1..Kirkby, of - BelgraVe, to Annie II. Scott .. of ' East' Wawcalosh. . . • DRENNAN - 111M1ONALD - At the • residence of the bride's parents, . Goderich, on March 5th, by Rev , • Geo. -15. Ross, • Jas. EL 'Drennan . . arid Etta Mctonald, daughter oi Captain John McDonald, Britan-• Ilia Road. ' Births' .. . .. . , AleTAGG:VR,T=in Elinfon, on !Wirral, . 9th, to •Major ana„.„Mrs.. M. D. ' MeTaggart,: a daughter. FERGUSON-A,t Fergns, on March 10th, to Dr. John and Mrs, E'er- gusoir, '( foriperly Miss Aggie Per - ter) • of Kincardine, a daughter, RS -In li'vet'er 1VI •ch 4 .h SANDE , , on a t to_ Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Sanders, a daughter. - " ' 1 -In -In Exeter -on March 4th - 1 Mrs John -Temkin a to Mr. an( . •I , 6 • on alcil,WAIN-Li. Goderieh' township ' on Match 4th to Mr: •and • Mrs Get). MCIlwain, a sea.. '. • BEATTIE-In Sefflorth on March ard to Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Beattie, a daughter. Deaths FERG-In-Irr Colborne, • on "March 5th,,, William L. Ferguson, aged ..7a .yeare and 2 • imonths, MacPLIERSON -4. In -Wingliam, on • March -3rd, Mary MacPherson ag- . HOUSE FOR SALE -ON THE 0011-• nor of , Rattenbury' street west and Shipley street. Seven roomed house soft , water and town waterworka. ' This corner , contains' excellent grounds and a number of fruit trees. If not , sold immediately could he• rented 11:18 the owner and eccupant,-A. EL Goodwinpea 141 Clinton, .Ont. -72 ....., .. , WAYS OF A WATCH. ..... • ' The ways or a wet& are past find- - ing °at' Don't 'try, If your watch, is lazy and wont run' 1 t us repair . ' '. 0 it for youTen t•o one you negl ed it.-- . ect- let it get dirty,or. it stops nt frolack of oil. alliat•ever is the . reason,' don't delay •; Delay. costs, money andoften spoils the , watch.. . • . • kve give thorough examination and regulating_ free, anything more costs .. .. • IIS little as satwfactory work can be done for, • .A. J. _GRIGG . JEtVELI,E'R, AND OPTICIAN. • . SSUER- MAI111T AGE LICENSES. tario from the Postmaster -General's Pleasure. . ' ' DANC. ING CLASS EVERar •TUK'S- Printed, notices containing fru:- ther informatica as lo . .eonditioas Night ' I e: daytion given Townfrionm79. hall.Hal open -of proposed Contract may be seen - . . ' all after nine for dancing. Parties and blank forms of 'Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of St. \vein° m' me Ters upon application - ' Coluinban and -Seaforth, Beechwood . Under management of Miss • M. : 60 and at the Office of the Post Office,Rance. , . • Inspector, at London. Post Offlee . ' NATIONA.I,- -FERTILIZER' - THE : best used by farmers. Gave good reaults last year and farmers are Ordering again this year. Order now before it is all gona Large ' or small . quantities -Frank W Evans, a (dation, Ont. Phone 101; - ' . --‘119. . . . -,—.-: Depamtnient, Mail Service Branch, ., , . Ottawa, 4th March 1913. FARM -1( OR SALE OR 'I 0 G. a ANDERSON. • rent. -- Tha undersigned offers ' Super intendeet, for sale or to rent his at,• , . „.....72-3. farm of about 145 acres in Goderiell . TtliTvilysillliagiP ' LiLkyelleSldh°. re oa itinni it e°Iolf oirnangl Thedi v 'tate 01 0 u FOR SALE -A LARGE 6 OCTAVE is in a good ; , ' piano . cased , organ, as good. as new, well fenceid. and undertained and has only in use 3 months. Will . •soll good bur dingnst.. 'Goo .„ nater a ,rii cheap. Terms to suit purchaser.- house „ and ables aittth vin mil k 10 acres first, class, or- 'Apply to 'Wesley Walker. . -61 and tan .. . chard with other small fruits,. 10 "HAZEL ICIRICE"-UNDER' THE directfon of Miss B, May Rnee, . will be given under the auspices of., the Citizen's Band in the town hall on the ' 1 April 3 d • t it evening o . r , ins ea of March. 27th. In order to - mirk° tlie play a. success we have gone to th, 4x,pens, of supplying .th, stage .. with new ecenery and fittings. Mr. pheia, with hi, 0„eii„tvw will give some good music -during the perfor- manca and also between acts. -70 acres fall 10,11cat, about 3.5 acres ' ' ' . ' ready for spring crop. Telephone- FARM FOR .SALE -LOT 40 AND fu Part of Lot" 39, Can. 9, Goderich narticulars Apply to itconnection and Rural Mail Deliveryher 11011711811 lp, e01181Stleg of 107 acres, tor • .,• - . : - - all cleared arid good tillable land -D, (.. Galbraith,. Bayffeld P, O. Telephone 4 on 159. -69-2, with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard con- • • g • riytiiing You want dorm in the:line of , Plumbing, Heating, Tin a sty thing or Metallic Work call and get ` our prices, Jobbing and Repairing done promptly. Skates sharpened . - arpened while you wait BYAM &SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7 . 1 ' a tuning apple's, plums and cherries: • Farm , in good condition being- of 11ECP WANTED -TI JACKSON good clay loam, . well fenced and Mfg. Compa.ny-Hand sewers and having an abundance of excellent operators, Steady work, Short • water. On the premise.s are two hours, Well lighted and ventilated barns, one .58x30 with shed 25x_tO, work rooms. Good pay. -Apply at alt .on stone foundation. The oth- Office, or to J• McLeod, SuPt, --a-• er bak,ar is 50x30 with shed 47x30 AUCTION SALE OF F A.R1I '- TOC K. . - • ' • The undersigned has received ' in- structions from Mr. Chas. I,ovett to sell by public auction on Lot 9, con.' 17 ' Goderich Townshi Base:.a • , I), Line, Wednesday, March 26th, corn- meneing at 1 p.m.` the following. : 1 heavy draught nia,re 6 years in foal to McBcan, 1 heavy draught; mare 5 years hi foal to Mellean, 1 heavy draught mare 3 years in, foal to McBean, I heavy draught horse rising 2 years, 1 heavy draught colt sired by • Gartly McBean, 1 draught colt sired by Rakerfield 1 . • , calved in December n fresh 00w . - con, 1 cow due to calve at time , of sale, 1 heifer 3 -years old dile the iast Of April, 1 CQW due• the ' last Of 'April, ' 1 farretv cow, 4 'fat steers, .5 ,steers 'rising 2 years 'old, 1 heifer 'rising 2 years old, .3 steers rising 1 Year, 2 !leiter Fish* 1 year, 2 young calves,' 1 COW to farrow -1st. of May, 9 well bred ox- ford CWCS, 1, democrat°, 1 cutter, 1 verity . plow No. 12 • (new) 1 ) bl ' ' ' G•ob ex, 1 turkey hen, . 3 geese about 50 hens. 1 washii% maeldhe . and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -All purchases - .- - . d - oi. $10 and ue,r pash, ,on over that amount '10.„moutlis credit oh ' ' ' • hing - v d • purchasers illUill5 , appro e . joint 'notes._ a percent. off for' cash on credit amounts Th 4 f t ' ' --il ' -a" steers cash or 30..days. Chas. Loy- ' ett Pronrietor T 01indre A kie- ' • . ' ' - ' ' tioneer. ' ... ---• and also a gravel house. Situated ' one mile from school a. mile from FARM. FOR S.A.LE-The Executor .o! English church, 1 mile from Meth.- the Southcomio estate offers for odist church, 5 miles from. Clinton, ' sale 50 acres, being east halt of 6 mild; from 131311e13, Rural Tele- lob 28, con. 6, Hullett. TM:, is a phone connection. Also part of I,ot firsi-class farm, well watered and 36, Telephone Road,' containing 50 improved and with good buildings. acres adjoining school and 4 miles Also tie undersigned offars for'sale Clinton, „ „ , from on winen there are lot -29, con. 6, Hullete, consisting of no buildiags but. containing a small 100 acres. These farms may be p making an exec eat pas- bought together or separately.- swamit II ture farm. Ear further particulars Apply, to R. J. Southcombu, Min- applv. n the premises, or. address- to p. 0. , .._gg Gee, A% ae'epet raanton; (mt.* phone sjugy . • AT II 0 M [ Use your -spare time and be- . come a . good Bookkeeper, or a 8t• _,._,_ enwapher, ) or learn tot Draw and -Design, or take, a course in Story Writing or Journalism and qui.14 to earn a good salary. We can • . . • give you . jest tbe right Course. . SVrite us for •Cata- 1°guck W. H-. SilaW, President. . Skaav's • Schools, Toronto. . Judie& students attendant . . . ion' educational institutions : and if e were to add to. that all who are keeiving instructiodin music and' or other of , • - ' 1 the arts what a rowing our town could give ! The moving picture show. has . St. Helen's ' • ' - Mrs. `Janieb Ramage has sold her fifty -acre •farin to Mr_ Wm. .1. Miran for $2100. • • -. . ,. . JACKSON -In East Wawanosh, 04 ararcli 1st, Margaret •Jan e Pat- - terson, Wife Of 'Thomas II. :Tack- son, aged 27 years and 4 morale,. 7 on jra'a, -71. FARM' FOR SALE1 ON THE CUT ' -.:tinting FARM FOR SALE :-T115 'UNBAR - • • , • : . signed oilers for sale one hundred acres of as good land as there is - , - in. the County of FIuron, being -part ' of Lots 25 and 26 on the 17th Con., Gederich township, one • . , , nule north of Clinton, 11 miles - ' • from school. Oa the farm. is il• . frame barn 36x60 with good cent • t 11. 1 ' t - tahl 25x en rya ,. a se a s one s e wi h , lay. o a etc , (gnu or - 50 't I 1 ft li - ' f t• Line Goderieh township a mile fro.ra' liohne.s. r:illc, 4-1a, miles- from Olintoii, consisting of 80 acres. The farm is in a good state a cut- itivation, well avatered by never- eine.. spring and well, Good or- oliare, Buildings all first class -- i d • 0 de • aria n r,00 repair, Owner sires tc, 8,11 • owing to ill health. Bar- . . -• I° * ' 1 1 W P' le (1 gain or sorer sa e.-- . le ,ar , 1 66 14q•inins'ville. - - .,. , • • rowriAn popularity vithin the last Iv years_ and is now f requently in- :oduced into the schools and lecture ronas in an educational waa. •• The ttest innovation has been• the 'talk- kg moving pictures' lately produced y,...Edisbn, which is now running' ' in' 'OW' YOrk ; but which he' says'is not atlases Edna Nina and Emma Woods attendeCI ilk wedding 1000D- t• - --- '• lon of. ffIr. and ".Mrs. Neil rlamplrell af Kinloss on Wednesday of bit ‘,...,..i, • • ' • ' - - a -..s.1\7-lis:s (.1hrisey Miller and Miss A ii- n. , . . • " • re Rutiterford of .Winghatn. spent the 5160 -1,114.81 tlieir..respective ,homes. Mr John Miller, jr., NOTICE .-,AS WE: HAVE IiISPOS- .. ed of our boot nd Shoe Business o a ' all, accounts ilue es must be set- tied not -later. than the 1st of 'Apa ril," iffay • be paid at the store. -'-J. Twitehell & Son, - -72. • et perfected to his entire satisfae- ion, Think of the value of: this in cation to ,the next gencration,---to reserve and reproduce the riictures ad Voices of famous 'people . in; the ea,s to come. How we would ' an- - , of Chatham viaited his mother recently. : '' the last; meeting of the Women's: Fastitute was lield. it the home of lVfrs. Arch Anderson and writ \Yell ,, . , ' . - - ttendod. • .. - •_ POTATOES lat FXPEC`P,- OUR car of potatoes Bairn New Ontario t d •• S I • • be seen at ' o a3 . . amp es ma3, our store. -Jas. Steep & Co. -72, able- 11 room: frame house, a nev er-failing. well .and one acre Of or- chard Reason •for selling) iff ' • health, For pattmulars apply on• the premises lot address -Joseph Colelough, Clinton P. 0. , -66 • ..,,,• ' UNDER. FA.Rin FOR •SALE-Til.E -pied offers for sale his•fine farm el . . th of about 130 acrirs adjoining .e ' ' t The farm is in town of Um on, , a good state of cultivation and ' -buildinga-brick house, • Ancient Order . _ . • . . • . of Foresters. . • The only Legal ReSerie Fraternal . • t • doingbusiness'' C h 4 •• ocie 3. 111 a,a a. . .... ,, . • Incorporated' by special Act of the .. , • , . . iorninion 'Parliament. • • ri or e nmen , °serve main - IP 11' G -• t - t R * • ' allied on every' policy: „ .. . Fixed rates and 'definite contract : . nth special" privileges. --..: Whole 'Life 10,• 15, 20, 25 and -.30. , . Day, Life Policies mid Endowinent, Comparison Invited. • ry sitting before a film token when ur forefathers were elearing the for- sI Or fighting beats and 8001005, on be Very sp,ot ou whieb Clinton is uilt." Perhaps we should. have seen • file.. of • Indians go liy, or Maybe -the -ming.; • .., , ' , . Port Albert. ' . . . • . . , . • „ ., , • • ' '' - Mr.' Frank Oliver lef t last week, ' ' k•01,: Fort William tor, resaine work on a ; ,. .. he i,s eniplefed -on. ••• f'OR S 1I E ' A. HP' A.VY lin• ilTGHT• ' • ' • ' " - '- - ----' - -- - - geldingarising three years -Apply tok Fraok 'W. Powell ,Clintoa la O. ,• • , , ! . ' . -7 2 • • • .. . , ' - . • • NTE MODERN 1-101ISE 'PO WA,. •D .-r- - . : • • , . • . tont -lie- l''t • of 1pril fOr small --- - " - ' -- ' -- ....• . . .- ..., . faintly -a -Address • Drawer II A bre • .• — ., • , ' . - ton.i P. 0: i " - • • ' • -70' • ' .- . ' . UCTION - ' LP' OF --'• Ili STOC " A i SA .., a All It. d I 1 b TI 1 • 1 an nip emen s, ie tuu ersignec 1:' ' ens e n e'LLY 1 ' t t d 111 R B b " to sell by public auction at Mt 17, ' SaOhle Line, •Stanley township, at . , 1 ' 1 1- 1 • ) T i dr., March 1St! th " fellow'ng • 'gene • '1 pur pose mare in foal to Colonel, ' , • ising • yea. , Arauglat gelding, r" '' 3 ears d '' ' ' • Id ewt, . has, good ' bank, barn driving house. pig pen, - ' ' • ' ' t etc -all comparatively new. A firs alt class young orchard containiag, a • .- - ''t ' ' 1- siitill 'fruits kinds of, fru) a so . . .„,..le .• . • '-. • ' , - . ' 11 ii farm is well fenoed . and rye • • • , a ..• • hi ' dtained and. is a very desire e IP '''. urthar ' atticulars home, , ot i P. ,., , urenrises or address' John alld'Y en • - .. ,.. e forratice, Clinton: P'. CY. _3 '• • . ., , he head of family lei nd •little ones alone in 11110 Ito took 1.1w te,am ver . the rough trail Ito .;Cloderich implies if the boats were : not 110 might have, beeirobliged'to 0 Halni ItOn for the- daily Me thing these moving pietureanev- r would hare) teVealed and " 'ink . Teas ; nor would. oath' ne5 have echoed witli ' I, wife the forest- and Matted' ,',Ilee• ' for yunithig :. go nacesaitiea. '" • ' that; is, the talking gossip,. • -the),.bridge. !, Me.' ' Stephen 'Tout and - his sister, ' ' ' Nelllek, ef. ..Kinearillae, .visited . r PMI's I -I I -I, a r • ' .- Y • ' . ' Iffr,s,, Ali, • Smale. ie home,. Nom a sojourn in Detroi,t. , „; . .. ;. ' ' Miss, :thee Ruddick left,' last • week for Montreal ' - • • • • ' ' • ' • . Mr. • and Mrs. W. G. Murray of 0 1 ich ,- ent Sunday week i ' li -01-er . aP • . i . . . n t e village avitir friends. .• , • . , The last . meeting .01 tlm Woman's Otilld Was.' lull it at , the home' ot• Mrs.. James late,Whinney .okr,'D.100.(111y week.• ` • - ' • • ' • ' . . • I k" • '. a • E VSTE'll VIA LOW 1. 1ES ,1 011 2 . , " i' \i• C All WAY SYS- 1, It .., . ,, '8 will 1.10 iSS led ' at Sin le , -Ticket 1 . g F0re. . for . round trip betw.efin all stations in Canada' east 'of Port Ar-, thur also to Detroit and Port Hut - • ra Fails - on, MOIL, Buffalo, Niaga . „, Black Rock and Sus elision. Bridge . 1) . t\i: Y . • " • ' 't 1 - 3 ,Clood going. March 20, 2, 32, ..„ 2. Etna' 24' valid teturning up. to and including. Wednesday, •111areb 26, 1212- Full _p,a,rticuiars and ticicets. from - ...e,,, . , ... ,. , .. . SEED BARLI.5Y, • FOR SALE. -- ' • • • ,. ' ','. Mankeharian No'••• 21. goo(1' bright seed. 70 ' cents -Per bushel.-- John . . .. . - . . Woon, - -Graderich township, Clinton • p . . .. ., 1 L ... ,...,,,i • 0, ' • . ‘-f. . riving, a yeais o ., n ,k horser calved cow,, 2 cows in calf, ste•er rising 8 heifer' rising 3, :2 steers ' • 'r' in • 2 '3 calvea 50 pullets IS g , ' ' , ' , . , , ,, , Rhode Island Reds MaTsey-Harris . binder 6 -foot 'Cut in good repair , , .. L . . ,. , IWowert Massey -Harris seed • drill, , ,Noxon 'disc diamond liarrow,, 2 , • waising - I) ows Loeffler, • fann ng .. ., , .., , . - .. top bi013,-, A 1 ta-...• - ,....._ , "I'. a -1 • . 4,1.. .1 , ... ... ' r- ,,. • , a, , , , , NikiN .. 1 •• II • . - ,...-. • • ' .t.. ai'E'D Crt kIN7 A 'LIMITED GU 1.NT - -1 • r ' l• - , •'. • , .. ' r I ,_ titv of, 0 A C No 21 'barley It ecie - ....' - '' " . . % . ' ' . Also Bumper' Kin seed oats, 45e, :. , , . .. ., , . g . • . , , . -Apply to ,Loren T,yndall,' Clintori ' -74 - • --,--- No Raise ..in Rates, . • -- No Assessment. . For further • particulars enquire of any 'member, of Court Prosperity, or ot • ••-,-* .. . Cudmorc., , . • . • Secretary . _ ... , ___,„..,..;_r_a ' . ' ,.. • ,...,- ... i, ' ..... . , , . k ' T AVIS ' TEacara•rri, IllISS- 11110,1M- . . - , \ , of Piano - is prepared to take 'pup- , . '' , ' • a .- - . ra - - s •'..,•''' '• ' • • ilt for piano in tine -non at Ler . , • home, : a Conner_ Isdoe 'and Joseph '. s.treetS, • Intettnediate -$tanding. , - • '. . ..46..„ • troll, wagon, democrat ,.-.. , , . • ,,,. .. 6., , . ... , ,b)oh-sleigh,• cutter), wagon 'box' mai . - .. , „, . ., spring seat, gravel aox, has lack, - . - • .- . ho rack set worlcin harness, set g , g. siegle 'harness, eight pair of homes collar, 28,foot exterisioa ladder aet . grain ba s , stone boat, • mon kettle,, wire 0;1.0 ' ' ',"0 feet '• " r' re ' • rind eher, ;With J et 01 , g to't 1 is f ' 6 quail s' 1 e a rov or s e tity qf stove Wood,. daisy . chtun, newl•C'enhttry 'Washer,' 3` stOyes, wood .ranee ' (C•ood Cheer) base burner ' " ' '' - . with het ' . alt pipes, Piano ..caso, . . . .0,ren, tia• octave, several• pieces of furniture and . household' • ar 1 s e. . '''' ' t'el too nrimetous to, mention. ,k Thu° . will lie Ito .reserite As the hroprie- tor has sold his farm. Terms •..- , . All stuns Of 85 and ander cash, Oa over that amout 8 months credit . , , . , ,m . v d . joint will , be ,given on apPro e 1 • ' '• ' t notes, 3 percent. straight -off or cash. on...credit amounts, :Poultry,. 'cash.. Arch. Stirling, ' Drysdale, , Pre:milder. 'R. P,osseuberry " Atte- ' if• n ' ' • , ' - _ A P.3"il • _.,.,... , ... .. ..... • •N. . ... ... • • l GOOD SIGN • 1- - We thought it . might be well to re • ' 'ability t d .11,'' ina•nd you about0511 o o a sorts Of 'tinning, and repairing. At little. matters just what kind of • ' A TINNING J011 . . , you. rua,y have we can do the work s,atisfacterify, and save you many, a . . pen„y, tee.. , , , . • . • . . , • . Syrup season will soon be hete. How abinit , your pails and pans, e pail; ma e a yout or et. Band a"d t • d • also sap pans Call arid get my pric- '; ' ' es before buying. . , • THOS 'HAWKINS • -. a ' , ''' Phone 53. a 4 11 John Rititaford ....Y., Son, town . Ticket A,gents, 'Phone 57, or A. O. Pattlson, • ' . • - , • • . • . Mr, and' Mrs..' J. B.- Stewart have Station Tiact Agent. Phone 35a., : • ' • ,.• . • • NOW, What Will • • ' .Iii , Honour Say ?. • - The veil of. mysteri. in emir etion , , _ .;.,.. lirith' the local option by-law was itted }eat Friday when 0 'R Stan- don, of Toronte, an expert,. gave ev- .dence to the effect 'that several Of bhe ballo.to had • been tampered .. with rnd ballots: ' which,.Were originally' marked for, the bylaw had been chan- kadbto ;appear' as -against , the by , . •-. . 1•41r. - . ' ' ' ' . . judge Holt, of Goderich; had ad-, rouriied" the ceurt "-until to -day ' arid , . . . , , . , James .11averson. took ,charge of, Ilm • '' ' . " ' • ' ' *se . for' the 'hOtellfeeperS and • was assisted. by ' Gerrie*, of ' Goderieh,„'W. Prounfoot, 'IC.C.,. Appeared. for - the legal, • PlItion 'peciple.. A inandamas had ,been..se,citied from the high count , , , , . . , . ordetittg :the county jiidge to too the . . ineved baek-' f tom. the fatin and are . agai4 ocou•pying their 'old home on, Eing skteet. • - M • 1.V SI • • • ' t 't is. • . , . inray .b1 De roi - has been visiting her Mother Mrs, . N. S1 ' • • i• t '.. ' '-' Mr. Will 'Buchanan 'left fast; ' 'week with a .enr of horaes •"fee "the west , . Among the lot was the' prize. win- ning mare iiillerest. batty • G.artley. • •• Misd 'Ma'belle G. , Dmigala daughter 01 M •'. 'and ilIti Wm Dougall 'ot' P. . 1,0 . a ' v ' „ -,arY _ wnship, was inlirrie, on 1,. ed- nesdae of last week to Mr ' ,Milne It Bantife • p • ' ' ' r young. b ' I .. ' • .,, ._ , Ar 1. ogresm e, us ,riesa ,initru'ot town - ' - . ' ' '' ' • ' ' . ' ' . • ' -There are. said to he thirty or More • eases of smallpox-. in land ., the 'huSiness and sceial •life• of . - . the itowir is 'so Pnralyzeck that ' a 'dead' ea • '1•' ; 1 li d i • 1 ' t 115 , q. Ian. nate las , a . . ct. ie. pu ': ' ' ' ' ' ' • .. ',_ ,. . . • • ' ' ' ' ,,..a., • 'LI 0 ' • , - 'under '• GOOD * ' ' ' ' lir.,thea'0hol__r•'.,cda,- • , • ' ICIC nn ' L ,-- ;' • • Circle' '' ' : - ' al a ' . ' the ' •.,' • S . . -1e, , - - 'S '-, ''' auspice'. on ' . ' March First ', • - . „ + t the - Metho.dist . , • the-,-- , FRIDA ' " ." 21st. ",' • . Church, of the evening ' . ' . - ,, • • ' C ,r4 ,14, ' 'Mission' of ' • . : .. • c. -i'04,e,'•,7°, fp tr• a 10,11, . - • . . i , ,22,a• 'IL . . ' ' . . h. '• ' ' ••••. F 0 DRIVING' , riartsE F R • aL -,, . , . . . . , 0. , ;tout • years old, also. buggy good .a. new and set double harneas.,-Ilarry - ' Hayes . Clinton, . --,67 . ' , ' on Home -S bay . Thousands . . ,of moint,lour, youug people are-heing instructed' in their homes by . our HonieStady Dept. You May finish ' at Celle if aou desire, Pa when- Fte . . , Y ' e'lieo.smiiNbo.t. tigfitiZrclarfilg; . Enter arty do-ys. Positions guara,ureed. at •ilito• h •tr ti. 1 you w s . save oa2 an earn h i t r t 1 ' W i e you earn Wri o 'or pat iou nrsr , , .Ne VACATIoN CLINTON BUSINESS ,COLLECE , CEO. SPOTTON, PRESIDEliT , • ... • ' ' imimm•inummitornowinizatilt • . - HOUSE FOR SALE ON -ONTARIO street 'eight •roorne hard and soft , _ . . water, . 1.1. acre of land. Well . lac- ' a. . . • .. , ' a,toc1.-_ pply to Mrs. D... Connell. , (- • . ' -..66, • - - . . ..„ .. •• , , , , k E•-• - DRA -HT 00 TS P0A." -AL . 3 .. , , LTG. „ L i ' 1 risiag.-14. r risiag,-.2 and krising • 'ff years,' ,the," latter' tire" being .Well matched-t-,•ApPly • to John HOlnies klUxon 'Road. . . --.51.,