HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-13, Page 4• Cod'er'ich Township Mr, .R.Oberil Nelsen IS moving aver 1o1 the lease Lille to the, itaipb. tatty Carni which he purchasedsome time ago, f heir neW neighbors ;will find the 'Nelson"laniily, kindly anti /respirable. MI 'George. Shepherd is. this Week fuovrng his holt,5cliold ollccts to alert 1lle and •n doing so had •to finale • rebuke -abouts via Clinton ow. !n to.. the , •north` and south' xosUs being blookod, a THE DEIIGHTS OF OWNING A PLAYER PIANO.' are row easily aceessii,le to ever'y .piano owoaf. VISIT 0011 PLAYER DEPARTMENT See how we would• make your present silent piano, a regardless of size, make or scale. Cost for Upright Player $250. Special pr ice. for Grand , Players. W. ' DOHERTY PiANO & QDCAN CO, :LIMITED Head Office and Factories CLINTON, _ CANADA. A Pretty Wedding DoWn. at- Fullarto i., A wedding in, which Nows-Record • readars; especially in Go'dorich • tiown- ship, will bei interested, . ,took place at Fullerton at half past five • yes- terday' attersn'oon, tylion, Miss Ada Valetta,. yotmgbst daughter of ".Mr; and Mrs.. Olivet -Harris? became the bride, of Mt • Wilbert Roy Lobil„.:eid est •son of -Mr: ani Mrs W. .13 Lobb. 'The ceremony was performed ,"by -the ' Rev; Dr' Fothergill of Fuilar ;ton to the'presence of about frffy' in vitede guests. •Phe bride :Was daintily gowned, in cream unarquisetto and carried a houquet of carnations. She also. worn the groom's gift, a pretty sunburst of pearls Miss, Ialsie Lobb, sister of the groom, played the wed- ding Music, The bride going away costume was:a handsome suit of 'blue with 'hat to m,ateh. -../kfter a honey. nwon •• 'trip to Buffalo and other po.nts'Mr ' and Mrs. Lobb will take up their residence on the 16th, Their many friends ofller hearty congratula tions' and best wishes for long life. .happiness. Clinloa News -Record Stanieg township Mri. Nelsen : R•eid :Was le Luck iiew •this 'week Mr; and ariL I•Iarnweli hape Men paying -farewell visits to frrendi; in ';Stanley. The' following is tlte'report S• :•No. 5, ",North,-F_taul'ey,for • the month off Iflbbruary, 1the ranks being in order of mei:it - 411,ll, Ruth IIousioa, • Harel Sparks, Martha McXlty rut S:r, 3rd, iohn' Watson, Clifford ,5"cotehlner, .,'tallSie Westlake, Mabel Foster, Walter: West= Jalte, Jr. 8r11, Allc0-5Umson, I dT1a Seetclnnor. Sr 2nd,—Elva Dewar, Rubsel Sparks Tv, 2nd, -Harold Scotehmer, Rov Scotchrber. 2nd,- Rosie Foster, Sam Meilwain,' Part 2nd,—.Annie Dewar, Bosste Watson. —lsIary MacDougall, Teacher, •Godeirich Township Mr. Robt_ 'Thompson, 51., who on Tuesday passed his seventy -Sixth 'birthday, has not teen en;oying the hest of health for softie weeks, but is now on the way to rcrovery., a fact which Ins many friends will be pleased to hear At Mr. W. H. Lobb's sale on Fri- day i - day week cows sold for from $50 to $85 the average price for riven- ty-two' cows being *65.,, They were said to be the hest lot of cows .. of- fered for sale in this township for some time, which .s ea s well forr Mr: Lobh's Judgment ra bay ing. Young cattle also brought good pric- es. Miss Lizzie Burnett has returned to Gcderich after a vacation • of 'a ,few weeks spent at her home. in the 7th coo..:. The 1'. Beacom estate, lot 30 in Bayfield bine, has been purchased by Mr. Thos. C'ronyn, Mr, Dan. Gliddon has again added to his. acreage by. the purchase of ,01 •Mr. Fred Leonard's farm. Mr. Gliddon is fully ries rving of all the success that has alt'nded hits of late years for his industry of the tvell•.applicd presevering kind. Mr. Leonard will move over to the IGtlt con. where he has bought Mr. Charles ,Lindsay's eighty -acre place, the purchase price being .38200. Ire gets possession. at once. Coderich township farriers are crowding over Clinton way, hI1,14,INlsn'Y ANC, -.DRESSMAKING PHONE No; 7S 118..ko - To .WEA ouch & Car. Couch '847 Co are pleased • to an noonce their Spring' apening Wed- nesday. and Wednesday evening March 19th 11113 from 8 •o'clock to 10:30. Early -Easter = Early Spring Early Opening \-'e,believe that we: have reason For staking favorable comments upon nor present display of•Millinery, Tailor made Sults, Long Coats, 'Skirts, Dresses, Blouses, Dress goons and Trim- mings: As we are showing the vomit exquisite and exclusive ,creations that this store has ever shown there is a marked dill`er enee in the effects over those shown dimingthe' [Jest season, both ' , in designs and .fabr los, We believe that a 'More representative collection. of model garments 1s not to be lotted tnywhere This is the Season of New Weaves. Before yogi select the materials, for•youl suit and dress you; slioul'd make a careful colnparason .of weaves aad colors. Our dress.= . goods include all Stan: dard Materials in all the usual•.and "proven colors, ' Many of thein exclusive]-yshcwn by this store,'. OUR DISPLAY 6 IS' UNIQUE AND COI'iPLETE Wanted— Good Smart: Office Girl. Kippeln 1814th Mrs. Ja,ries Moore: of- Goderich tis lied recently with Mr, aad Mrs. Ed. [Mundy, • ltev,• and MrS. Jewitt. were visit or's in Brussels recently. 'kb, and lVfr3 Robt. ilow.ard - and [artily of town and M. and Mrs.:: John Howard • of East Wawanosh,'' left Ibis weep far Edmonton, :: Alta; Mr.' Ted, Begley has gone'to •Tng-: lowdod to„ take .4,pob,tdOtt as baker. At a .recent nreeti.ng of 115 W. M. s: of theMetluidist church held at" the home of Mrs. Stackhouse, Mrs. D. Floody was presented with an address and a handsome piece 'ot sil- verware prior to her removal to the, west. 1Viiss Nary Butler visited in Luck now last week. Miss Hattie Cameron of Brumfield, the popular teacher of S. S. No, 7, Hay, fs laid' up with an attack of pleurisy. Miss Ross of Seaforth is supplying in her school A'I1 Foster and family are settled in Mr. Harvey's home on -the 2nd of :Stanley. Mr, Foster will tvork for Mr. Harvey this year: Mr. John Robinson, Who was Mr. tart c5''s right hand man Fast year, purposes going west to homestead: Mr. , Irwin of Clinton will preach Missionary sermons on the Varna circuit next _Sunday. Large numbers of logs have been. hauled 1(itely by Mr. Welsh's teams to his sawmill in Hensel"! from NIr. pied Fowler's bush 011 the 3rd con. of Stanley. Mrs. R. Morrison is home again after spending. nearlytwo t v .. ek with her cousin, Mrs. Gilbert Long of Toronto, who was recerff1 be- reaved in the death of her 'husband On Saturday afternoon Miss Jean Cochrane of Ililksgleen, and Mr Hugh Cameron of Saskatoon were quietl' married at the Manse by the Rev. ,7. Richardson. The happy coin ple left on the five o'clock train for Hamilton and Toronto where they will spend some time with friends, at returnuin here before leav- ing Cor their future home in Saska- then where the groom is a popular and prosperous contractor. Messrs, II. W. and, -J R. Cook of Clinton this week 'packed and shipped a carload of apples for 1VIr John Murdock. They consisted of 'Spies, Baldwins and Seeks and were two- tirirds number one. The Messrs. Cook say there are quite a few .good Miles vet awaiting' a niarket. Constance. miss Janet Campbell has bought the house and lot from Mrs James Cook iVo understand she intends oc- cupying It in the near future. Mr. Russel McIntosh of Toronto called on friends inthe vicinity last week. _ Mr, Adam'Nicholson paid a flying visit to Chatsworth: recently, Blake On Thursday of last week the re- sidence of MrJacob Kennel was completely destroyed by fire with all its. contents except a few articles of furniture .. which through heroic ef- forts were saved. Mrs. Kennel being away on a : visit for a few weeks. Mr. Kennel was staying with his brother-in-law, Nir. J. A. Manson, and on this day Which was cold and stormy ..he put on a fire to keep things' from freezing nand Zeit ft:.Soon after the house was discovered in flares but owing to the neighbors windows being., covered with frost it had made great headway before he- ing noticed and as a consequence could not be checked. BY heroic : ef- forts of the neighbors who were quickly summoned by ;phone a stable Only a: few feet oti was saved. • The couple are married only a few years and so 'everything furniture, clothing, ,rugs, •etc. was new iVhtch sympathy is felt for the family and the •gen-, erous neighbors are willingly help- ing .111eu1 out. There was a good in- surance nsurance but not sufficient to cover' the - entire :loss of horse and belong- ings. The family-are-1noving into Mr. P. Brennemaa's house. • n Nre. Leori•ti:d Shepherd of Gold ich" Township spent the. week -end at tile' home of Kr. R. Johnston.' Mr. V. T Douglas • purchased a' litre' horse in' the 'neightidln'boed of Men- the Public r' HAVE PURCl•IA513Dw'l'IIG GROCERY BUSINESS OAR - 11'1E43 O.N FOR SOME'13ME BY 13.'f ACOM -1C . 53 YTH AND . LATER 13Y W, .t1 SMYTI-1 AND SOIICI A SHARE OF THE TRA6)E 01?' t H E 'L•fROCE•RY.-BUYTNC} r irBLtr;,; My stock is fresh. and well -assorted and'1ny.priees'being on the "Live and Let • Live" ` •basis_ they will, I -feel sure, be satisfactory to purchasers, , CLOSE.; ATTEsN- TION- TO -BUSINESS, , FAIR -PRICES AND GOOD TREAT- MENT 110 MERIT YOUR PAT- RONAGE. E. E. IIUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET, LIVE GROCER. The Wall Paper Is At,.Haud. March i,3th 191131 MARCH TS : Lrt GOOD TIME TO But'. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS, YOU GET IT ON. SMALL, LOTS. I' YOU WANT SPECIAL VALUE IN NEW GOODS NOW I5 THE: TIME TO GET A LARGE, SELECTION. PAPER HANG- ERS ARE NOT BUSY NOW. WHICH IS WORTH AD-. Cooper Co. INTON Logs & Heading Wailted 1 1 ai h e st_price's , paid for Elm Basswood, Maple. Any wood bought. ' J W DOIIERTY PIANO & ORGAN co!, LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO. HIGHEST .PRICES PAiD FOR ALL GRADES OF TIrIBER. THE STAPETON SAW MILII WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL - FIND THIS OUT— IN ALL YOUR- TRA V111LS ROUND ABOUT THE BREAD THAT'S BEST WITH ANY MEAL— IS JUST THENE O AND ONLY REAL— MOTHER'S ® E R S BREAD i Better: 'Bread Could Not Be Made —THAT'S, WHAT YOU'LL' SAY WHEN Y'O1.J HAVE 'CRIED THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD BARTLIFF'S N . .1 PHONE NO AND HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. ,During the month of February we will place .on sale All Titles Furniture at. very reatl Redueed Priees It will -pay .you to inspect our large stock of up-to=date goods. Residence Phone 140 1 The Store of Quality Phone 28 W. 'Waiker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker I HE CLOSE OP SHOE SALE ! at Twitchell S Son's Store`raiA (STORE OPEN EVENINGS) Ever�t6iug at M�n�f�ctiirers Prices, �o���e avd uet Your Shire of the IIarains. ecials pair men's rubber boots, regular $4.50, - close up sale price pair children's sin m 1,11 shoes, regular $1.25 to $1.50, close up sale price $1..00 BOOTS,, SHOES, TRUNKS,; SUIT.• CASES, TELESCOPES., This sale at longest will only last three weeks. , & SON'S SALE.