HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-13, Page 3Is Your Back
1 of AChes
, - -
All Day. Long?
That Sta.b-like Pain . in the
. is Sure, indication of
' Kidney' Trouble. •
., ,-
)17(0011. ANI) INSANITY-
reoine.. i„ollii.ed to wor:y., IltuFit
Brace 'Up Aid Stop at.
. , , •
' ,.Everybody hae. 'mend the self-:
justification of the, extremist that
"It 'takes a; sznart. man to be a
023,2ik.,, ' ' suppor't 02 - thio view
eomeo fr,m.anyexpelt.ln, mental hy;
gmae, who d0olares -thittg":P6rs°na
who become- insane worry, them-
selve,s• into insanity, and you nrast
haw; brains to worry"Mere is
prebably as' mach or as litpe foun-
dation for the one saying as ,for the
Other. There. axe instances that fit
each but no more than ono swallow
makes a summer can one smart ina,n
who turns crank or ,one man with
brains who worries himself 'into in-
;Per Cages of Exhartstion and NerVI3
• -- as' - , • --- ,...
:Wealines-II°W 5. JerenlY FuUnd
Relief when 193 Cured. his laditegs.
. , - ' ,
. Sententyne, , „Alta.,. March 1 0, -
, • 1
(Special). -That the natural remedy
. . . . -
1 or exhaus.tion and nerve weakness
is one -that will give gobd. circula-
tion and pure blood carrying nutri-
tion to all parts of .blie body, is
in the 8. Jer-
. ,
os T
_ .
. ,
. •
: ,
._ .
In a spee,oh Aft Edinburgh on Nov.
29, 1879; the late. it. Hon W. E.
Gladstone made the-followirig pre-
diction:regarding ,the ''Cliinesal of
. , . . .... -: -
the territory 1n the 13alkang :
r‘i .wish to avail myself of this
'occasion for the purpose of clearly
putting and 'clearly answering one
question Of vast. imPortance• Who
l'a it that ought to possess, who • is
it that ought tofmay, those rich
anfehti•l' wi•-",
d e countries nch are
known lie eomprising what is eelled
the Belleau Peninsula.?
"It seent tb b 41.,,, A th t -Lb,-
, $ e bree. .a.i ...-
tim,e hais come, that the hour is
aheut to etrike 'if it has not struck
. a , - .
Irethity, when all away of Turlush
a , n .
power over those fejr provinces
f'ciennas;o'leifncia.wWe'reho'D.'nillY-tenby, ie
, +
have the ,suoce,esion .to Turkey ?
, . the bottom ol my heart, and
hf 11 ' ' f
with the u.eet conviction c my'
, , ,_. „. ,,, t _ .,
ulloorsuatrotrug 1 W.lai give yon toe
t ep o. &vet) y vi la 1. am per -eat y
, 1 --, ' 1 ' 'h• 1 1 f 1
certain will awaken a free, a ieen-
o 8 lath.° in your
el 00,0„.,„s',„'. geseileaeThif .e,,,,liel „log, ; e soot oe
'''°''''''''''..,, ----oo' !"-...--g,-,---',-- , - '-On ,--•_
page to .nues.a.a... ID as not to page 'DO
Atmbria.. it i,8 net to pass to 'Di ng-
Land, under, 'whatoger naine of
Ainglo-Terkish ' C.onventiosi or anf-
'thing cage It IS to pas.s to the Poo=
, •
pie 0 • ose coin les, o OSO who
th ' ictr• •• t th
have i habited the f • 1 •
.t. • 1:1-e. ' ' te 10101S'eMN fr Imacill. 7 long
Z.: j ,4„, ..° .1°. r°
te of civalizateen• when
id,„‘Erlio.,...,eeelbeg.. ,..,• ce. ; non
--- .2- ""-----'1....-.YY 0.• goganail, eon'
quest .spresel likei a wild.wave over
that portion of the earth, and bur -
ied glint civilizatien under its .oe.er-
whelining force." _
A Safe Inves ent
. '' Yielding Good Returns
In 1VIontreal bricks aro sold , for cash, and all the brick
mataufacturers , together aro enable to supply the demand.
" ,
The demand is, steadily increasing,
Contractors find the shortage 'a serious •ha.ndicap, and •
would gladly buy 2,000,000 more bricks a week at present
prices, which:yield $4.00 net profit lier thousand to the
brickmakers. We already have one contrect booked for
21,000,000 nearly. for three years at $10 par 1,000. The
Domestic Brick Plant supplying sob 000 a 1 '11 11
,.0 , . , , „ , wee. c will r se
32,000,000 bri ks this year, with provision to increase to
75,000,000,' and meke $128,-000 net ,,lyrrofit, which is over
, eight times rtlie Preference stock dividend.. With this the
company Will pay 7% per annum- on 'the $200,000 Prefer- '
ence Stack and could, 'pay 30% per anneal:ton the Common
Stock•,antl carry ovei,. $70,000 to reserve, which we guar-
antes will be done after the third year. You eaa readily
eee that it would pay you to invest, in
.. ,
which is 'managed by a strong Board of reputable Mont-
real business men. ,
_.. A -small block of Domestic Preference Shares at Par
carrying a bonue of, 461 of -.Common Shares is. now -offer:eel
for tale, The Company is canitalized at $606,000, $200,000
Preference and $300,000 Gammon, of which $152,000 is
fesued, and o -ware 198, arpents Of land •at" Laprairie, Pro- .'.
- •
vinee of Quebec. $600- will give you, five preferen-co shares
and two. ceimnon shares. The Preference Shares guarantee
on -your money, and the dividend oh the Comonen
Shares will greatly increase your income.
. _
You Mtn have a plan and proepectus on request.
.' Year.- Subscription may be telegraphed at -our expense, or
a letter .simply stating ;that so many Sha,res are subscribed
• .
f•ar and enclosing cheque will be euffiment. e Subject to
prior sale,your certific-ates -will-be forwarded- the day we
.ranceive the letter encleseing your ononey,
-- . %
There is no watered stock in this enterp,rise.
IL C. Bellew Syndicate Register d
.. $ e •
• Suite 23, II St. &wren:tent St., Montreal
i 00 e 1 0 Raw eat, rand
L k d L'k 11 M Itched '
, •
Burned So Badly Could, Not Rest
Night or Pay. Antis Sdre from
Wrist Id Elbow. Cutleura Soap'
and Ointment Completely Cured..
Lower Dlandford, Nova Scotia.--.° Three
year; ago I, became ^ . -
a...tibia, 1, ith sore arias
,.., a........ rash. my 0,,ms looked, like
rawineat and itehe.d and ,burned'eo badly
2 could nob rest- night or day. When 1
eeratched limy. became awfully sore. Au
long as the, weather .was 'Warm it didn't
nhi9mtl109,srt muneb0QOar.,mabulach, . bmuyt lanrmweintw.e,erreit .70:
, from the wrist to elbow. .
"I used several cures win. ch were mem-
men e ,. _o, me u w ou any avail.
e d't b t ith t 'X
a w how I could get a saniple of °talcum
a, . . . .. ,.. .
Soap and Ointment which I did. I ueed
the sam les and found an im . me t
WhenevePr I applied the CittiSuraPrOp?heitmennt;
the Itching and burning , ceased. I got a
full-sized box of Outictua Ointment and a
cake of Cuticura Soap aadmily used about),
,half when it disappeared And stride then
have not been troubled. That was six .
momms.ano. °talcum soap smanintnient
completely eured.me." (signed) mim•Eiria
E ZInck Mar. 7 191. " '
' '' ' ' -' '
Cuticula Soa ) and Ointmen
1 . t do so much
ads red rough kiss,.
for pimples,- blackhef
' .-
ifte. iiiinng,haaeitlyshealnnse,aclahnadrnastIff, dry,:in al nd
namgwith 'ill% anger-endans. ithar f81:.
almost criminal not to use them. A single'
cake of Cuticura Soap• and bos.of Cuticura
Ointment aro often sufficient When,all else
bas 'failed. Sold overyithere Liberal
sample of each Mailed free. with 32-p. Side
Book. `. Address post 'card Potter Drug &
Chem. Corp.. Dept. 48D,IBeston, IL S. A.'
/ .1b ,,...)
, 1,.. ''...„-...... '",
' '
sanity estahhsh 'that therefore no- again proved ease of
.1 ur era 1 , smart men .emy, a well-known resident of this
cessari y a li s are 1
and all lunatics ha.v.e brains. Place'
Nevertheless, stripped of its hye ,, "For over -two years 1 ,suffered
i attacks of exhaustion and
perbole, thiS export's -warning from . ,. „ _ ,
i ness air, Jeremy
again•et worry. as ,a preliminary to ITIve triedN,vn.ewi . . foods y
. •
ineanity needs no elaboration, and euebee' . .". many nerve
his itclvice that When ...things g, and tonics but meet • admit that
Dodd's Kidney- Pills have ben.efit-
Mrs. Anna Rodriguez writes as follows
from her home in Valencia: 'Tor a 1011 g
time X sugorcd 'with, failing strength and
taughig heathwhes-. my ec;ndit.i,,,h. grew
steadily worse, .my -limbs. became bloated
atu shaky, I was 'sallow and thin,, felt
rheumatie nains, Ilizqineci` and chills. I•
unioriunately didn't 'tisPeet 'my kidneys
and was 'nearly . dead- when I discovered
the true cause of my anfferings. / i•ead
so mubh about the wonderful health and
farength • that comes to all who use Dr.
Itarantonn Pills ' that. •,I felt euro they
would help me. Stich blessings of health
and comfort I got trom Dr. Hamilton's
Pills I can't describe. They speedily put
mo right, and their steady use keeps me
aotivo, energetic, strong and happy. 1
strongly urna. others to. regulate, and tone
their system with Dr. nattinten's Outs
a! Mandrake and Butternut." '
, No ,greater_linerlielne 'exist's ;than Dr.
Namilton's Pills. for the
. , cure of indigos-
atm, constipatiou flatulence liver blad•
' ' • '
der and lridnetir trouble?' Reftise substi•
tutSs. 21c. per bey or Eve boxes for $1:00,
at all. druiggiste Mill storekeepers,- or post-
Paid by the, Claarrhozone C.6, -Buffalo.
wrong cue eheuld -say "I. should '
about it: ted me more than anything else 1
worry" and forget all..
while just as exaggerated, - lug ig" ever- usecl, - . ,
b , ', .
*f eti trth -, c 'il ,ain more than ,graleful for
-"MI . • ' • ' • ' • • what Decid's Kidney Pills have done
Onealthe tritest thugs ever sain , , ,, ,.. ,
ha en,s• 'el• me• •
was that the worst neVar pp .
e mug o
More persons, are . driven' int- men- Nerve •Weakneas and xl ' ti n
used b im ure blood I El-
tal and physical eollap.se.by worry- are 'Ca' 3:, P ..,
pure bl od is caused b diseased
ing ver what never hap.pena than e,. ..., , i. ; y4.t. .1:
those who worry becimee things kidneys railing SO strain ...II \Vases)
have actually gone wrong. ' when matter of the body out of the
!hinge do do wrong the -roan or,the bleed, .The natural remedy ig to
WO th . tl ' g` ' .11 cure. the -kidney's. Dedd's 'Kidney
meal WOr ally fin is Cella y .,„
Pins nave yet to find a case of
too busy trying to get ou from un- ,
' t t f
Kinney disease the cannot cure
deg to have time to waste in worry.- .- ., - ' 7 '
ing. Worrying never helps any, ----,--a...-----
0.13.ci always hinders. • • BRITISH AND GERMAN SHIPS.
. The person wha ;says "But I can't • .
help it" needs t,o brace himself a•nd c • • • ' • .
ThoSe Which
omparative Cost of ,
force himself to help it. It's a Tacn-
Have 'Been Lately 11 .
tal diseage, jitst as-this'expert eaYs,MU
and it should be topped before it The competition in the building of
becomes chthnic. But do not sup- warships continues with unabated
pose that because you worry it is energy in spite of the growing anx-
h • b ' • ' • ' ' ''.
evidence of t eposeession-of rams. 'sty to which et gives rise; bug in
It is more likely to be the reverse. thig ociunti•y, at least, it is accepted
- . . with a large measure of komposure,
, .
Old Folks' Coughs
Permanently Cured
. -
The Pubilin. Is Loud in Its Praise of the
Modern Direct Breathing Cure.
Elderly people take cold easily. mance
young folio. they .Teeover elewlY, it ever'
That iewhy so many people past middle
life die - of pneumonia. Even though
Pneumonia, doee not develop and kill.
coughs certainly weaken all elderly pee-
eg. • '
c ' h. ougSyrups seldom do much good be-
cause they Upset digestion. Any druggist
or doctor knowa that a Pouch more effee-
tive treatment is "CATARIBIOZONE,"
which heals and soothes the irritated' Bur-
faces of the throat. '
In uaing Caterrhozone you do not take
medicine into the etontech-Y011 simply
.reathe into the throat, nose and lungs
rich piney balsamic vapor, so full of heal-
Ing power that colds, catarrh and boon-
chino disappear aimoot instantly.
"at eixt 43i lit ears of age I can tee.
, Y a g .,
illy that I am never troubled with coughs
. or colds." writes J. E. Pilgrim, of Xing.
eton. They used to be the bain of my
1-f nd tl" t b f I it,
i e, a la was e oro Use Catarrh.
c'ez.-9''''' which was recommended to Me by
L. Proms), druggist. To use Catarrh.
ozone le „Riot like being in an immens •
pine Waft. Tho balsiunle vapor of Ca.
tarrhosono. is .like a tonic, it is so stimu•
lating . to the breathing organe, so Rooth.
lug to sore spots, so full of power to drive
out colds and consestion. X. will always
atarrhorono as a
use and recomtnend 0 .
preventive and cure for coughs, colds.
bronchitis, throat irritation' and catarrh.
(Signed) "2. E. PILGRIM."
e Inhaler in your pm.
k0A Catarrhozen .
t or puree cochlea you to stop a coldOTOS,
with the first sneeze. Largo size costs
si.00 and . supplies treatment for two
reontbst, small size, 60e. t trial size 25e.;
all storekeepers and druggists, or The
.arthosone Coe Buffalo,. -.-N, Y., and
Kingston, Canada. .
Nor .e •
ir gran S a
o Roofs, Are as Tight
. RS OtherSi• •
The 1.6g .cabins of rural Norway•
are built of heavy Pine logs, hewed
square, and of equal sizegfreen end
to end. They are ,„ueually, stained
op oiled; and their rielogellowish or
brownish coler is in. haminony with
almost 'any • sur•roundings Their
' •
roofs are sodded -a circumstance
that adds pictu•resquenese to the
general effect: , .„„
"I have come across rode -that
were a riot of wild pansies," says
a writer in the Craftsman, "and 1
have seen wonderful roofs where
wild rosea hung over the cages er
a, daisy.. roof, the effeet of Wiese'
white, ,etax-like &Weise toppiag the
. .,
dark brown etructure,. was .exqui-
eitedy picturesque. -
-"Some roofs produce onlypas-
ture rass and • r '
g , the tory urea in
Norwegian folk -le -re that a lazy
man led his caw on the 'roof -the
built agai alb a
(obi n. was hno - hill -In-
stead of takin'g her to the pasture.
I have no doubt that the stery is
true, for I have often seen a couple
of white kidlets gamboling on the
;telt green housetops. : while Atha
mother *tat, grave ana -ruminative,
•was tethered to the chimney. , .
. "Sed roofs are. jnat as water -tight
as' others, if they are laid cerrectly.
A board roof is first laid upon a
house, , and this is covered, with a
layer of birch bark. On top- of this
comes a layer of sod with the grass
turned down h r ieht a
tote roof. TI
rather thick layer of earth, il
-finally another layer of sod, this
time with "the grass up; The- result
is a most exquisite and.poetical cov-
ering for :the house.' ) •
games FOR SALE.
• .‘__-
English Naturalist Insists That the
N, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street.
N. Y., and • Ringstini, Canada. , '
' - •
because it rs -seen to be inevitable,-
STRENGTH. gays Engineering. There is cer-
, . .
041'1011 IS 14Ialigned. .
Speaking at a Royal Colonial So-
gn. oon eT0012 FARM OF NO ACIRSS
en- with Three Houses: large Bank Barn.
Must be sold quick. Price is very tow.
Why is a fast 'young fedi like a
steamboat'? ' ' Because she never
Iser.goes ahead' without a swell after
• • ' .
- - . tainly here less hesitancy and more
il if11011$ Overloading the Stomach. gencral, aoceptarice of the eituation
• lly than there W)3,8 SOMO time ago. It
The business man, especia , . . . •
needs food in the morning that will is interestrago if not gratifying, tb-
not overload the stomach; but give reflect on the fast that the cost of
• -
may,. meeting, James Buckland
..- • • . • • '
gave same interesting de tails of
bird habits. - .
L7 Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan
that can be bought. Worth the money for
quick sale.
' MInard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta.
mental vigor for the day. . this heavy task imposed upon Bri-
tni • •
n as hghter than in other coun-
That much -maligned bird, the
African ostrich, was at le,St rescued
'from ignominy, The world has been
a farms in different emotions of Ontario
Inc.onmy list. If you want a Mimi consult
Her husband grunted, being in a
reactionary mood. "Pd like to
know," • he said, "what , women
have ever done tor the feeble-
minded'?" "They usually marry
them, dear," replied the wife sweet-
ly. '
Much depends on the start a man
gets each day, as to how he may tries. The two European Countries
expect to accomplish -the work on which are. building most extensive-
hand: ' .... ly are 'Britain and .GermanY, and.
. He can't be alert, with a heavy, the figures published in the• new
fried -meat -and -potatoes breakfast German Navy estimates afford
requiring' a lot of vital energy in di- .means ;of comparing the cost of the
gesting-• it. . latest Ships. Those figuresotoo, are
'11 wider significam
tried to of BM ce, as they
mistaken all these.years in thinking
that it buries its head' in the sand
H. n W. DAWSON Toronto.
beoguse it is a fool -believing that
betel's° it is unseeing 15 15 unseen.
On the dentrary, says Mr. Buck-
land it buries its head be011.1.1.
I 3.'ey
when it does so, its hotly resembles
&I and ten nem in a -thriving village
in Western Ontario. Will exchange for
farm in Saskatchewan. Alberta or On.
toxic,. The Western Real Estate
London, on,.Exchange,
• A Western business man
may be- accepted, also as in- some
the ant hills whicheurrount it, and
"--- Tr M 1 E 11` d '
when y urne ye eine y
•. nOsantae-rnageo-eotteuttete
yo u. zavor.4.4,Nvo..k,watory.Kyois and
nen'tZt ra °liar. *AZT: jegm0k-
Eyes io„,... bE...Ookillota-nota..tatent
mimeo manta In Successful rhrol.
N ea d attgargellitoorgirLI,Tnitr
are 10o 135100 VI:, TeX.
Muslim 'Eye Remedy CO.. chrome
find some -food combination that
. d • measure indicative of the cost of
would not overloa the atom h n
leg 1 eh' b 'lel'
m ui ing work g ,
the morning, but that Would pro- enerally in the
. two countries. We admit the dim-
duce eriergy, . .....
culty of ensuring reliability in sueh
Be writes : .
."For years I was unable to find coraparison.s, as variants enter Into
a breakfast food that had nutrition the problem; but it is possible to
to Sustain business man arrive at -such a degree of definite-
thus it esc-apes, observation.'•
' - .
A most respectable bird was the
, tent, and Air. Ituckland
Indian a•dju
that if he for the
0 ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue,
Al_um, only Seven Ceuta. Marks Stamp
Conine ny', Toronto.
suggested put up
Athenaeum he would most certain -
ly be elected. He was most severe
and correct in his conduete but
when he...d.anced it reminded them
of nothing go math as Charley's
ausib, ' i ' . ' •
1 t, having had'us little too much
at Christmas, trying -to do a cake-
" '
walk, . •
;EA Babers and iLivei Men In towns oniter
"u tBea %tit -
to population1rte rbgr''ll'oew 100001'.
Hard poont"-Cost, Easy Terme, etc: Cate.
Thames of tables for Homo and Club free.
If you have a table ask for our stipple
catalogue. Brunswiek-Balke•Collender oom-
limey, Toronto.
enough a
his nese as to indicate, without ques-
4.--- .
Th•ore is 'nothing that rriekes up
the sum of human life in "Which the
woman's side. should not be' put as
well as the men's.
without overloading stomach,
causing indigestion and kindred titan. of grave error, the general con!.
ailments. • elusion that the British Admiralty
"Being a very busy and also a are gettingetheir •ships of,.the. line
at a much less rice than is aid by
very . nervous man I decided to - P P
But the German naval authorities. •
-. • • ,
Tne. cassowary was another Mal-
,ve llous
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money 10 18 fella to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S eignatura is on eaoh box.
give up breakfast altogether..
luckily I was induced to try Grape- The figures applicable te the Ger-
Nitta. • man .' battle -cruisers Goeben and
‘,.... Se dlitz ma be comparedwith
stance that morning I have been 7- y.w
ea new man; can -work - those for the Lion and the Princess
• ' k without tir
Royale The designs, of eounse, di!-
. , . was
bird. Its appetite
enormous Mr Buokland saidthat
,' , ' . . . . ,
he once rect one 'with bananas, but
it.. winners and layers --$1 and $1.75 per
2. Bert. :Winner, Preston.
he got tired long before the bird
did. They all heard the song of
The caesoWary •
On the ;plains •of Tienbentoo, .
)...-/ the north shore of Lake Erie, ,.25 se-
looted kinds; Black Cap Raspberries and
Evergreens. Pree catalogue. • Lakeview
rridt Farm, Grovesend, Otit. (This ad-
vertisement appears hat once).
. ;--
A sound thinker, however, usu.-
ally does his thinking in silence,
mg, my head is clear and my nerves
s meg an gum , ler, . The British sheps. are certain-
"I find: four teaspoonfuls of ly larger, have greater speed, a,nd
as to their armament it may at least
• * '
ktinard's Liniment Cures Caegot in Cows.
Grape -Nuts with one of sugar and
be said that the offensive over of
a email .qua,ntity of cold milk, is . . , P .
the 'British is inferior to
_______.a -
. . ......._ ,
Frederic lIarrison's Golden Rules
of Health..
-. ,ones,
Five 'golden rules' of health were
given recently by Mr. . Frederic
Harrison, author, critio, biblio- -
Idle ex - professor, b ... t h• '
p . , . pro essor, arils er, is
toriam, traveller. and amateur gar-
den,,,, i -nn
- 3 on his e ghty rot birthday
the other day, celebrated . at - his
. -
home at Hawlchumt; Ken -be Eng-
' • •
(1) Abstain from tobacco, spirits,
, an a SuAs
made -dishes • d 11 eh dreadful
things.. • I am satisfied' with a, little
!At ,d, mutton and rice pudding.
. (2) Rise' ram a meal with an ap-
• • • •
petite. I . believe people. eat too
- .
mlteh. '
, . ..„,., ,, . ,
l.8) Wallt.every day for two hours.
This, Lem going te, do'as goon as I
get through •'a, pile of letter's and
.i. i
eesgra,ms from Floreltee and.Rome.
I am too told. to play at teems, and
golf is toe 'slog'. • -
. (4) Sleep 'eight hours. ' People
cannot GleeI tl 1
p who smoke manse veg
black ha the fa.ce t t ' 1 d
, , ea oo ELMO 1 an
•• . . ,- - , ,
have not walke.d enough
. (5) More important than all -be
content with what yon have get.
Take thin.ga.quietly,
, .., ,
. . ,
A Racking .Cough
nd Sore Throat'
A .
. , •
Cured In Five Hours
• , '
- '
Use the proper Reinedy and Colds
and Sore'Arent Dislunear. .
' '' ' * '''''-• *
. gee . •
e, . , . -
;1 1 t evening,"
When' i came hom . Rt 3 .
writes Mr. Thiimas E. Jarvis, °I Was all
used up with cold and a racking cough,
I felt eiek all over, My wife rubbed .mY
throat and chest every hour. and made
me gargle , viith Verviline and water. I
Was soon warmed up and made comfort-
able with the Nerviline, and the -chilly
seflisation passed away. t , 0 ,
tor five hours' treatment, I was pati-
a'all ell. I therefore rite at onee
°. Y W ,I.)W YOU.i. '
ta , order that it may o public y known
that Nerviline will kmxik out a bad- cold
gOh, a f ct. that Narddin.;, tail a. ,
• • '''' . .. 'cl-t/9'•.1)
a tight chest; ,will relieve that sore,
wheezy feeling, will knock
a few ho.urs.. .,It ck out ,,e, cold in
penetrates deeP17,
draws out the congestion, cures minis -V.
ly. Get a large family' ,size bottle, SOO,;.;
small sfze, 250., at all storekeepers and
druggists or The Catarrhozone. Co., Buf•
, . :
,swallowed up a missiona,ry,
His beads and prayer and hymn-
b.00k, too.
In ,fact big th it't
, g ae was, • .e appe 1 e
u . internal and external, -cured with.
out vain by our 'home treatment., Write
Co..ars before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical,
I Imit ti Celli *.d Otit
; e . armee . . •
' • • ' '
Mother --"Edith you mustn't be
conceited." • Editik-•"I'm not. . I,
don't, think I'm nearly .as sweet
and pretty as people, say I am when
. -
Pin net listeniagi" •
delicious as the cereal pert of the ships not
that of the German vessels: These
morning meal, and invigorates me latter cost -the firat named 22,206,
for the day's businees!' . N )11
- a e• 0 0 Cl thother ' d 3 t -
'Yen is Canadian Postuni Co • II , an ' e an , a er, veg-
131 Y ' " sel 23 234 000 The cost of the Lion:
Windion Ont. Read the little book, ei , ; . - . .
"The Bead to Wellville;"-in pkgs. was :g2,068,000, a-nd of the Princess
of the cas,sewary, he, appeered to
draw the line all missionaries.'
The.lord of Australian birds the
. • 2
emu was the most -shamelessly hen -
pecked bird in ereation. When
Mils. Emu Avid laid . she
•no.. - , n . . - her -.-eggs,
1 rt. mr. Emu to sit upon them,
t '
1-11- der st Kidney trouble, Gravel.
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
Fared, yith the flair • German Remedy,
'Rana price $1.60. Another new remedy
for Diabetes•Mellitua, . and sure cure, ie
"ganol's Anti -Diabetes:" Priem $2.00 from
druggists. or direct. , The ..Sanol Mann f ao.
erring company of Canada. Litaited.
whiniece, Mae.
- .
"There's a Reason." , Royal 22,013,886. _ We have there-
Ever read the above letter? . A now one ' fore,. a clear gain of quite eight per
appears from timo to -time. They are. cent, in favor of the 'British ships;
genuine, -true, and full Ef human Interest. without 'cl ' ' th diff '
consi ertng e teeenee
- . .
, . -----4,--.... , in design. The German. cruisers
have a length of 610X, feet, and' a
'ANCIENT HIGHWAYS. 'displacement of 22,600 tons ;the Bi-
. - .
• bah ships have a length of 660 feet,
The Carthaginians Understood the and d. 1 • f 4,,
a . laP &cement 0 20,330 •e-'118.
. Tang of Good Roids. , There ,should thus be a considerable
differeime in favor of the German
• , Savage man • built enothing that . , ._ . '
can be called a road: When he was ships, for in •hall eon•struction ill-
hungry he sought food' ha the 'for- cre„ase in length involves higher ex-
tests, or in the latreams and lakes; penditure in ' construction and in
and Analiv.inadd for himself definite armor protection. Again, the de,
' '
trails, These trails ,becarao at la,s,t' eigned power of each of the German .
,the first roads. °Mr, L. W. Page, in cruisers is 62,000.horsepower, 'with.
``Tioads Paths and Bridges,'1 tells The Lord, Provost's committee of ,
. ee„d in Edinburgh Town Council has de-
of the stone -surfaced roads
cided to re 'o nd thd O il to .
Egypt, burit thousands a, Male
a' 111 ti b t' t •
- a van ng ,a, on , only re urning
' now and • then to add to the num- !Wolf See;+s FeEtielefILEANce
b , - , • S -or-
'ml • lb , 05 Ell
11. nest Work in Canada. Gold Medalist
. •
o. BOX, 233, mONTBPAL
Figg-Does his
your grocer sell. .
Just a nute Sufferers from
kepleit by the barrel'? ' Mt
' protruding or
regg--Well, they come in bar- bleeding pilot
. can be cured bY using. nature's own re.
retls but What he. sells them by is
, ,. . mody-no Medleino-no operation. - This
-RIO, top. myer. • - ioniser, does not profess to cure internal.
• ___se piles, but is a certain cure for prethtiding
• ailea. Discovery, was made by siifferer or
CURES 20 years' standing, who is now • quite wel1.1
Fun instructions on receipt, .of 81.00. •
, ronto.
'COUGHS WM._B. ogung, 294 Berkeley. St., To
e"---rv- .
aypo e soap
2A4Bifi(WAS i#OkKEIPAiNift.
c......„....,. . , .... ,_.,7.-. •. ,._ ,_ ...,. .
. .
Mr. J.E. rsenault, a justice of
,of years , ,, ,
au, /11,,Taslive., 11,thite blocim, : in purchase .the estate et. .Dorseer- -just
sorne. A 8;CeS ten ,fe,ei .thiele, Tt.,,,,,,,, „plume 'Hill, for the sum . Of $85 ,3000. ,--.
Over sucli a inbStantial read as *lig as a site for a zoo, -
Used g_______. •
.14 , .
A young man abodt t,o bemarriedDYEING
asked his father how he 'got en so
well With his wife. The Old man con-
sidered, a moment or two, and then
he saiel :- 'It's like- this, John. If
• •
your wife is a good woman, let„her
have her own way, and if shdis a
bad one she'll .take it." . ,
*atbesanddyeset .. if
. one operation, giv- ' .,... ,.
oe reeetegn n.re
Y^ - 1,
' dean, brigh1, fast ., isatt.'l '
colars.Dyes tenon, ' tasi.
' wed, sifit or
, lYfes.'. -0°9. Cn ii)
will we any 3hade.
. ii '
'Colors 1.0c,• black -.
the Peace, and station master , at
that the•Stonee in the construe-
Wellington . on the Prince Edward
Islatid Raiiiviy, says: - • •
Lion of She great Pyrsonicle were .
teuled. • - ', •
its land
. Doing Their Smug.
., , . .
"De wust thing anthme-
.. . ,. _ . about,. .
tic " said Uncle Eben "is dat a
' ' ' • ' '
whole lot o' folks gits de idea dat
any kind o' figgerin' is all right if'
(ley kb finish up -wif .a.. number dat.
h dollark • f t 1 't "
as a mar in ron, o i .
• -
"Four years ago I slipped In the
station and tell on a freight truck,
a bed- cut on the •front of
Egypt, net othe only pole- .. A
sessing relic% of - early, poad-build- ".Ttte Family Fr:end for 40 years. . never.
falling relief for Croup and Whoopmg Cough.
ing. Babylon, the .oiey'..4f hanging • . , • . .„,e, ... • . , .
sny .leg. 'I thought this. *mid heal,
Inn instead of nloiag e6 it• developed
into a bad ulcer, and later into a forra
of eczema which spread Very rapidly
and also started on the other, leg,
Both legs, became , so swolien and sore
I could only go about my work
gardens end'grettt 'Walls •-ati a ve r3f- Ki d H Pried' L d "Abe
- a Y- ' 0 P°:ir
oarly a e eve ope. ,
e, a . iit. , s 0- 0 man I -"Don't-yeu. krio-w that pea Will
of civilization; riend„Poiniramiae lta find a, clrunkerd'.s. grave?" W e
- a'''.
, great., qlreen, , was, an entinisiastic- gle's-"No, 'madam; I expect' to' bethat
road7builele,r.e. It ie at this period cremated." • '
^,t.hat we find- what is Probebly the •corn
' o_ ' .
, , , _ B ' NECK
No death. is more certain than the end,
'comes to every offender , treated by
e -- -
Putnam's Corn Extractor. out -comes the
.or. Warta, root, and branch. Tapia on
"Putnant's", only, it's the best, free from
acids And p.ianlece. Price ,25e., at all deal. ,Minard's
eete • ..
15c.at your &Aces
or postpld with h'It.
let 'Hose to Dye' 105
' .- '
Irom F. L. RgNEDIDT & CO. Kostrsal,
Ill refund money iffPAyi
mr,,,,,trucciat fail,
tee, ihreitroifit104 itt4 eoerr;reoUucil'ilie0 l'ilitti
i 1..04 days.,. -60e, .
. - .,
by having them bandaged. 'My doctor
said I must Stop work and lay up,
"After six Months of. this trouble
g consulted another doctor, but with
no better result I tried all the salves
liniments ond lotioner- t heard of, but
instead of getting , better I got; worse.
. "This was my ,cOnditian when I g4t
my first box of Sam-Balc. Greatly to
my delight that. first box gave me re-'
I' contMued to apply it to. the
first isSO.Of .atone ia bridge -building. ' Minard's Liniment cures Diphtluiria.
The .t•wo portions of the city were . ---
mined by a 'bridge' iter oss •the Fu • "I never heard Of but one perfect
,, ," , , - . e . acrose ' ' - g o • • Johnnie, •
.This wonderful bridge was limy, said J ortrpne, pensive y, as •-•
bUilt ..:-.4 large stone blocks, joine-d s -at in the corner doing p.ena.rice.
with platee of lead....' • . "And who was that!" asked, mam-
.4.-t that period, 'mere, than two. ma, "Papatchert ,he was little,"
thousand years before Clhrist, aa- was the answer. And silence reign-
phalt, was used instead of mortar in: ed for the 'space of five minutee..
Linlinent Co., Limited. , -.
Nave used M1NABD'S ' LINIMENT, for
Croup; found nothing equal to it; sure EtASY
.. , ,
Sept. e , .
Rawkshaw. N. B., Sept 1 t 1905 ..
-e.--',,V,..-4..".. • -
,.. \
, c
-...„ ',1 •,e
e, .
Some men walla rat i r run .or
office than- earn a deeent living
. $1), .
New Religion in Russia.
A new religion has juet• bees
ed in Russia by Iliod, the,
fa,m.ette vagrant' clis-s,enter. The,
catechism fo-r the new •sect Iliedor
has clieclosed tor a le -w el his follow-
ers in the &Sart of , riorishenag
The main principles of the doctrine'
a platonic leve that ehall ex-
tend' to all 'peoples, irrespective of
• lit c nr. i •
race or ,nattona, 3, a coin an stag
life for all believ,ers„ free marriage
and free diverce,, and a ;service. con-
, -
,sistingeof hymns to be• sung to rea-
gun, fre.e.clom, the eayth,. water ancr
' • h • ..
fores. Special, ohdays age ai.-..
ranged te, do. h.orior to Buddha, 0,on-
filcius, Mehemet, e T.oleigy eene -
, "'"
°heist. Seven holidays a year are
get aside in honor of Christ.
- ,
Ellnard'Liniment Gomm Distemr.
s pe
- . .
/ Spring Signs
.. ! ,, - ..
- It is a happy..Sign,of spring. . ,
• Wbee one can hear. a robin sing;
But . it' s Pe sever' sign, some say;
• an la,
To, hear a street hand-oig ,n v
- -*
sorps, an d day by day' they got better.
I could see that at last I had got hold.,
of something which would cure me,
and in the end, it did.
4' it is now over a Year-sfnee ,Zam-
link worked a cure 4n my ,case, and
there has .b.een no return of t e
-- -k
.Ouchis the nature of -the great cares
which sannsuk is daily effecting.
Finely herbal in composition, , this.
great balm 'is a:eure cure for all grin,
diseases, cold Sores, ehapped hand's,'
frost bite, ulcers, blood -poisoning, vont-
cose -sores, _plies,. scalp soreg, ring
irilated patches cuts burns and
' ' d ii`ores sell
bruises, All ,diuggists .an t
at 600, 'box,'or pest free from Zara-Buk
Co,„ npon recelninne Price. '
con-structing the vast •wells round
the city. Commerce flourished, and,
great highways radiated' to all t116 ,
principalcities of the then .1cnown
- world. .. It,. is said that a, •highway
400 'miles long, 'and pa,Ved. With
1.)•k t" . 1.'•f ' lilt
ric se in a mar •ar o asp e, um,
.. .
connected Nineveh and Babylon
. - , ,
' It -was left to, the .C.arthaginiang
to ,becume in,strueters to.'the world
in the art. of road -building. .Car-
t.fiage is given the Credit of havidg
de 6
mon trated to the world the stra-
, .. , a • - ' 1 f '-''
ape an, economic va ne o . ini-
P roved .roads. But for ne splendid
system of highway.s, which perreit,
, ,
ted an ease' meanie '"gf. conimuniese
el -.$
......--,,,,,.."...:‘ .,
ao, • -. .• ,c.
, -
1 0 g c.
1 49; FIE
Chinese Logic. •
' - • ins ance o Ns a s ems
to us the tope,yturvy way of doing
things in China is told, aceording
i‘; fb.,, Washington Star, by Bishop
1.,..wi$ of Foochow. ,
A gentleman 'entered a Chinese
5 .ehas toe He
;mu , 9 • . , Sound,
to his amazement, that five Pounds
of a certain tea rsost twe.dollars and
/obeli, WhereaS 'ten 'peim•cfs' of -the
b • a ' t, - d .11, 1
same tan co,s ,seven • a ars anc
SIOWArt nom..
Tarns abslormilps faster
loge; Wm any other.
cat Prom flOyfl kleel bar,
oa and ,00e 02. Has
- one4zravr donloi,
. 693 La sait Kilo;
r viritator free new aatalor;
,, llbrso clipping ana 0,10,0505ring
, edV; •
.•.• ,
clipping Iii-ohine
awl olom and stayosintro
Goats aro all elo hard
onolosod, protect- pgticE
nix foot of now .
Ovary nmollino,gbaraateod.
/an"' sigittion..L.
bf moot modern
Atto of
--- - - -
. • ' r
' •
. ,
Bocauie Ho Took GI N PILLS
Mr. H. A. Jukes of Winnipegshop
"1 have,been alufferer f rola Lumbago'
for in '' • ' -
so e years past, .Ienet your Mr.
Hill And he advised nie to take GM
FILLS. 1 have' been taking them at
intervals during the early part of•the
' '. -
present winter, and up-to-date have had
no return of my old trouble -in fact I'
feel better than I have, for years, and
think that thy old enemy has vanished
for ' 'a 1.alt." - - -
gpo and '
enoc. a box, ,Gfor $2.50. Sampio f ./
you write National Drug and Chemical
Cd, of Canada, Limited', Toronio. rao
hall.' ' • • •
a ,.' • , , „ e
",%1•-vr,,zI.,- --, ^',,,t- .-,• -E, • rqf 0,
' ''''' ' - ''''' '''''''''" ''''
-The gentleman peateseen et 'Mose
peices, hid the shopkeepen insisted
k'14,, 4., ' •
'"•-- they were perfebbly logicel.
As he put it :
. "More buy, more rich -more rich,
inere can Pay."
. ,
Knew Whitt Was ;Coming,
"That's a had:void -you have.''
"-os, new go ahead , and tell Mto.
your favorite. remedy."
Mother says she's ee 'that she
can't wash -the dishes unless ene of
the girls is Playing the piaho at the
time. . ' . •
.....1;* . I i
tion -with all parts, el her domains;
• • , - .
she never could have reached the
heightgishe 'attain e.d,. in corn '
23 THO 7
- . .-..
. ......- - ....g.
inertia 00 war: *- ' El). 4. , ISSUE 11-13.