HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-13, Page 2M'- r • G. D. 'McTAGGART . 1 M. D. McTAGGART McTaggart Brose�. `•--11ANKI R S 'A' GENERAL BBANIiING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED', DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED"' ON DE- POSITS. 'SALE ,NOTES PUR- CIIA SED. - IL T. RA N CE; - - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND : FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT-..,: TNG 14 FIRE' INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON.' W. 13IIr!)ONEi BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office---: Sloan Block-CLINTON CIIAELES.11. HALE, • Conveyancer,`Notary Public, s Commissioner, Etc. , REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses a, HURON STREET, _- CLINTON flits. 'GUNN & G_ANDIEIt Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. _ Dr. J. C. Gaudier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. • DTI. i. w. sn2tw -OFFICE RATTENBURY ST.• EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. W. TUOFIPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC.. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully' examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of. the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. F. A. AXON -q DENTIST - Specialist in Croivn and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago; and .R.C.D.S., To ronto. Bayfield on Mondays from. May to December. �1L-Wt _Y .,:yRA't- . . - TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH. DIV Going East, Going West, CI (4 1( LONDON, HURON Going South, n te, Going' North, rr (4 7.35 a. m. 3,07 p. m. 6.15 p. m. 11.07 a. m. 1.25 p:' m. 8.90 p. m. 11.28 p. m. &BRUCEDIV 7,50 a. m. 4.23 p. m.; 11.00 a. m, 6.3Cy, p. m. OVER 86 YEARS' EXPERIENCE' .I TRADE Manes ' DE9,GNe COPYRIGHTS ace. • Anyone sending a sketch and desoi•)ption may .quickly nseertnlir our 081810* free whether un btvontl,n Is probably potQptable. COenet mete tleneatrtetly,olllldoiulal• n2N050011 on Puccini sent free. (Adult ogenoy, for eaonCilla a tteete. Patents taken through• 5111844 la Co: teeolve !vestal notice, without Charge, lu tho ifsierKan,1 A handsomely illustrated • weekly. Largest,, air- iliati r,any feCtlee JonnaL, Tenstor moans $17r, a :year, potato prepaid. sold•,py MilN19 s&e01,3,"BmadwY, Ileal$' i gra nrnnCe Oatoe. 62a S st..1Vaehlnaton. n.• MONTalta'f MA¢iAZ1191E A FAM/1.1r ;LrtaRARy Th® Best In Current Literature 12 Comes re ail ow: as }EARLY MANY SHOPIT.SSTORIES R'Nf7 PAPERS -ON TIMELYTOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR; 25 CTE. A COPY NO CONTIN•UED STORIES '- EVERY NUMBED COMPLETE Ihl ITSELF. YryS^ltRr>n•Tcanvr+•'!m'.�m,.a..-,�,•sias',.�YL•,,,�' six titer --:Anel how .slid. yens find lire beef, sir i Customer ---Ohl I moved a)otato, and there it war P ran, Shorts and Flour From the Best Mills at the slowest. possible price., WE PAY THE HIGHEST .PRICE • for OATS, PEAS and EAR - LEY, also H -AY for. Baling. Ford & McLeod T,HE: BESI GOAL IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DE- LIVERY, SECURE .YOUR SUPPLY FROM ITS. ORDERS LEFT AT ROW- LAND'S HARDWARE • STORE PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON GEORGE ELLIOTT • Licensed Auctioneer for the. County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Chargee. moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. D. N. WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Charges moderato and satisfaction guaranteed Immediate' arrangements for Sale Dates may be made by calling at The News -Record Office, ' or on Frank Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. °- THOMAS BROWN Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- ties of Huron and Perth Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sale Dates at The News -Record, Clinton, or by , calling Phone 97, Seaforth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed Tho McKillop Mutual Firc Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Property ,. only Insured OFFICERS- - J. 13, McLean, President. Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderich P.O, ; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth 'P.O. Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harlock John. Beunewies, Brodhagen • James Evans, Beechwood ; M.' Maven, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hineh• ley, Seaforth; William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. ville. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clin- ton, or at Caitt's Grocery, Goderich Patties desirous to effect.insur- ance or -transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap- plication to any, of the abpve officers addressed to their respective post offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1.50;'may:be charged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub- lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates a-• Transient ad. vertiseuaents, 10 cents per non- pareil line for first insertion and. 3.cents per line for each eubee- (pent insertion. Small advertise, merits not to exceed one inch, such as !'Lost," `(Strayed," - or. ",Stolen," etc., inserted once for 55' cents, and each subsequent in- sertion 10 cents. , Colman n ica cans intended for pub. 1 1111on must, as (1 guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer.` W. J, MITCHELL, Editor arid. Proprietor. 'Every GIYAOR is in -forested and should know 844,111110 wondorfnl Marvel 14410116g Spray Ask your druggist for it. Iry Ire cannot supply' the 711dILVIl1., accept no . other, ,but, send etninpp for 111n6- traled' bowl; --scaled,' I1 '^fives fall parttenlnrs'and ti reettoiie`invaluable' Slick Heaeiaches are not caused by anything wrong in the head, but by, constipation, bilious. ness and indigestion, Headache pqwders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure°:them, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way,by removing ti`le'`constipetion or sick stomach which caused them. ' Dr. Morse's Indian, Root Pills Are purely vege- table, free from ‘any harmful drug, safe and sine. When you ,feel the Iteadathe coming take • Drs Morse's �� Indian ` Root Pills ' Forty years in use, 20 years the stai;ldard, prescribed and reeonl- meetled sly :physicians. For Wonray's 'Ailments, Ar. Maitcl's Female Pills, at,Your druggist. JUST A LITTLE ME .. N��OLIE On Your Lips-'- "C1-1APS, GONE" It quickly heals Cracked 'hands Cold Sores. Chilblains An immediate remedy for Cold in. Head and Headache You can get it at The Rexall Store W. S, R. NOLMES, P.M.R. Manufacturing Chemist ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE ' CANNEL COAL FURNACE, COKE BLACKSMITHS' WOOD 2% ins, 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORRES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. The beat practical training school in Ontario. Three de- partments-Coiniuercial, Short. hand and !Telegraphy. Ail courses are thorough and prac- tical. Teachers' are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and .students may enter ab' any time. Write for our ' free catalogue at once. D. A. MeL ACHLAN, Principal. Can't Spare Time. Excited 'Boy' -Come on quick! The oulcl man is batiu' the ould wo- man again. Policeman -Why don't she come herself, ' if i$he wants to make a com- plaint, or have him arrested? Excited Boy -She's too busy. She's got him down and she's bumpin' his head on the floor. THE SUNDAY SCN'DDL STUDY sof Hagar' end her e'ene Iehm el, tint gether with Abraham's covenant with Abimelech et Beersheba, re- INTEEN,ATIIaNAL • LESSON,. pelted in, chapter;':21, ;Prepare the MARCH 16, way` for -lie account of the great. Leet of Abraham's faith and loyalty to Jehovah. Iihstan XL-Tlre test of Abraham's Verse 1. After these things - Pho faith,\G'cn •22. I.tO Golden' l longer e0JauVn ofs Abraham in 'the land of'the Philistines, reported in text,- Hes. ` 6. 6. the ,preceding chapter. God did prove Abraham-Put- Follov�ing the account of'the de- ting •him;to a severe -test of obed-I str'uetiara of Soda ld Gomorrah, cape and faith. the biblical narrative (Gan. 19. 30- And said -Verse 3 would 'seem to 38) records' the birth of •sons, to the imply a dream or night.vision. daughters cal Lot, Moab, ancestor. 2.Thy son, thine only eon, whom of the Mp,abites, and Ben-amn1 ;thou lovest-After the rejection of - "father of the children of Arnruon. . Ishmael, , Isaac alone remained to Chapter 20' contains the account of Abraham, and'the' emphasis .upon Abraml's sojourn in the land o£ then' relationship ' to' each other as Gereu' to the south, and his deal- father'and 'only son is intended to ings with Abimelech, upon Whom he, indicate in advance the• severity of practiced the same' deceit with re- the demand about.to.bo ntado> geed to Sarah, his wife, as earlier' The land/ of Mo'riah-The name he had practiced , on the king of later given to the -hill on which the Egypt (compare Gen. 12. 10-20). The temple at Jerusalem was built. The Septuagint, or ear lles t Greek yes sion of the Old Testament, how- ever, substitutes the , adjective "lofty-" (mountain) for the : proper .noun Moriah in, this passage, while the Vulgate, the earliest La- tin translation,-lias the noun `ivies ion," This 'would seem to indicate that the proper noun- itself was in- serted later, Fallowing either the Septuagint or the "Vulgate reading, the two oldest which have been pre served to' us, the :command was simply `to proceed into the -moun- tainous country, probably to the north, and to offer a. burnt -offering iupon one of .the MMountains. which Jehovah himself was to designate. 3: Rpse early in the morning.- Suggesting, -as' already indicated, that . the communisation from ..Je- hovah was received in a dream or vision. • Two of his young men -Servants. Cleve the wood -Or, as we would say, split the wood. • 4.. On the third day-. . the place afar off -The place selected must, therefore, have been three days' journey from Beersheba. The ex- act distance would vary with- cir- • cumstances. If we are to think of the vicinity of Jerusalem, it maybe estimated that the journey from Beersheba would, after Oriental fashion, have occupied from sev- enteen to twenty hours' continuous traveling, a ,distance which might be con\reniently divided into three days. - .5. We will Worship, and come again -Doubtless Abraham still cherished the faint hope that in some way his son might be spared or restored to him. 6. Took in his' hand the fire -The method by which the ancient Israc- -lites secured fire is'nowhere ex- plained, though •a reference in the Book of Maccabees speaks of "fir- ing stones and taking are Out- of them" (2 Maccabees 10. 3), from which' it may be inferred that fire was obtained by striking stones to- gether. Here, however, it, seems that Abraham had carried the burn, ing embers with him, keeping the fire burning ' all the way. ° 7. Where is the lamb for the burnt -offering? -The boy was quick to observe that while all the acces- sories of the sacrifice had been 'carefully provided, the offering it- self. had apparently been over- looked. 8. God will : provide -Hebrew, God ' will see for -himself, or, as we would say, "see to the matter him - HERE IS- GOOD ADVICE TO TAKE It will help those who have Kidney and Bladder Trouble. There are other "old enemies " aiinilar to the one mentioned iu this testimonial, kidney 'and Bladder . Troubles are always enemies to good health. As soon as you start to take GIN PILLS these ' ailments begin to disappear. It is the sauce in cases of Lumbago, Sciatica and like complaints. This letter illustrates the benefit of GIN PILLS. Winnipeg, Jan. 6th. "I have been a sufferer from Lumbago forsouleyearspastand during;Christmas week had :a very acute attack `• which confined me to the house. About the latter part of A ril, T met your Mr. Hill and mentioned my complaint to him. He advised me' to -take GIN PII,LS. I have been taking them at intervals during the early part of the present winter, and up to date have had no return of ,toy old trouble -in ' fact, I, feel better than I have for years and think that my old enemy has v_atiished for good and all." 'IL A. JUKES. 152 see, a box --6. for $2.410 -money back if not satisfied. Sample free by writing National Drng and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, ROYAL_ PURPLE Stick & Poultry Specifics FREEWe will] se..d absolutely free, for the ¢siting; postpaid, one of our large 69 -page books (with . in- sert), on the common diseases of stock and poultry. . Tello how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and . mares, miich cows. pelves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in summer. It contains 360 recommends Rahn all over Canada, from people who hove used our goods. No farmer should be without it. You can fatten ' cattle and hogs in a month's less time by using ' our Royal Purple Stock Specific. than you could possibly do without it, thereby saving n mouth's feed nnd,lubor and the cost to you will not be. more than $1,00 for Big pigs 0s $1.00 for one steer. It will keen your horses in'ahow condition with' ordinary feed.' If you have a :Poor, miserable -look- ing animal on your place . try 1t on tins one first and BCC the marvellous result which will Self .." Here,Marc, as in verse 5, there be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase is a suggestion of hope to which' the milk flow three to live lbs PCS COW per gg p day, while being - ted in the lbs. A' 60e . the father: was still clinging. gac1n1 a will last a caw or horse 70 days. l 9. The place which' God had told ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC him. of=No name is mentioned, for will make your hens lay just na well in the winter as In the summer, and will .keep them the reason that it Was this event free from disease. These goods are pure and -which gave'to the . place its name. unadulterated. we do not use any cheap filler to make a large package, entirely .different Compare verse 14. - from any on the market at the present time. 1 Bound Isaac his son -There is no Royal Purple Stock Specific, see neap,: four suggestion of resistenee•:on. the part 50e. pekgs., in an air -tight tin, for' 01.50. I.of the boy. The custom of human royal Purple . Poultry Specific, 25c - and 600 - pclags.. and 881.60 air -tight tins that hold sacrifice was. doubtless not unfamil- tour 50* pekgs- lar to slim,. since . surrounding pso- Royal Purple Lice Killer, . 26c and 60e tins; les commonly practiced it at this 30' by mail P Roynl:Purplc salt Cure, 26e and 500 tins : 900 time. The underlying idea ofsuchby mail' sacrifices was the surrender of that Royal- Purple Sweat Liniment, 600 bottle : 600 by mail. which vas of highest value to the BoysiI Pvrple,'Cough Cure, hoe tin : sec. by'fieity., Under -th.e later kings, Royal Purple Disinfe,tant, 20c and 500 tins, 1 especially"Ahaz and Manasseh, the . Royal Purple Roup cure, 26c" tins : 96c by. custom. still existed in parts of. mail, Royal Purple Worn Powder, 20C tine i. 90e by 31166,11 (compare 2 Kings 16. a; 21. mail. - 6; 23. 10: ; Jet'. 7. 3I ; 19. 5 ; Ezell, Manufactured only by 1136\1.66,11 18- 20; 23. 37; Isa. 57. 8). The TbeW.A. lenkinsMfg.Cow Deuteronomic law, however, etrenu Lundon,anada' Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may . be obtained from Ford & McLeod, Flour and Feed; W. S. R. Hoimes, Drug s, Clin- ton. ter ver Christmas is again over, and as we start.into 1913 we wish to thank our patrons for their liberal at 1 acf e a Lo lc _ e, , and to�� intimate that our 1 0 stock n'ill alwa' s be so kept up-to-date • �� l that you `mill' have 'a- feelilig of'satisfaction in dealing with us: vv. R & •I~ 'MARRIAGI�, LICENSES tela-•log-'tNr7,Yrdsatl2.s6J7 OSllY D.,'Windabr.On(:, JEWELER arid IAS•UE■S f9euurar A�•�uts fpr Uauada, r ously forbade the practice (Dent, 12. 31 ; 18. 10), while the prophets also strongly condemned it (Mie, 11, And the angel of Jehovah celled unto hint -Abraham recogniz- es the ve.ice, whether audible or heard only in the inmost' reeessea of his soul, as the voice of divine command, Itis made clear to him that while the absolute trust and obedience involved in such a sac- rifice is desired of' God, yet God does not require the sacrifice it - 1 12. Lay not thy hand upon the lad -The sacredness' of lhumen life eeecerves a new -end great emphasis in, this command.. ` o' 1 1.3. Abraham lifted up his eyes-- FOS yes-For a time he haat been altogether absoabed in his 03511 trymg.experi- ence and struggle. Now 'that the probation was ended and the strain. of snspepse and fear over, 'Itis eyes saw what they had not seen' before,, a ram caught in the thicket by his Lorne, Offered h'i_i3I up fol, a burnt -offer-., ing• in the stead' of 1118 sour -.Incl: with double gratitude for the •pre- servation• of the child's life,,; Sunday to. Iwn(1.0We lilac. Among • 'Mlle. • Well-to-do •''classes Sunday rn "L,ondon has become an almost universally,mecoguizad 11o1i- day liithont and reg'lldl whatev,or, to tate church. s;e{wipes wllgch far-. Melly it was a. str ct:eiuly ito•;attend: Motoring, wa k end' visits, 7 g01:frag., the 1( ,.curs,, hof heel and bridge pea.'- tics n bad weather have almost en- tirely superseded that 0305 -almost universal visit to same place of woJ'sirip; at lcast mace on Sunday, A GOOD HABIT Tea when ` you are- tired particularly if it's Gilles- farthest,` for the. merle* 4E 105 xrtlr tag, ' : 841 va ., ¢wa St rr7 Ulf a °alar Surely you can spare a dollar or two from your pay envelope this week. Open a savings account and get 3% interest, payable half -yearly. Keep up the saving habit and you will soon have $loo -or more, when you can buy our debentures and get 4% on your money. Issued for $too and upwards. Terms one to five' years.' Do this with a safe and well-known company --with' theonlyloan com- pany In Canada having a reserve fund equal to its paid-up capital. Incorporated 1864. lel,/ tM£oww ane Savings Co. London and St. Thomas., Over 13 Million In Assets • SO BANK* CLERIC GETS 3 YEARS. Stole $31,000 Front the Bank of Uochelaga. A desptiteh from Montreal says:, Henri Legace, a ledger -keeper, formerly employed by the Bank of Hochelaga, was on Thureday morn- ing sentenced by Judge Bazin to three years in the penitentiary for the theft of some thirty thousand dollars of the bank's money. Le- gace invented a system of running a false account in his own hank, to which he transferred money from several large accounts in the Hoch- elaga Bank. He then opened up an account in a branch office of the City and 'District Savings Bank ander the name of Amyot and transferred the money in the false account to it, site;'wards drawing a cheque on the Asllyot account. The police recovered,. some $20,000 of the money. - • DEATH OF MRS. SHELTER. Was 88 Peru's of Ago, and 'Rad Ne- ver - Seen it Train. A despatch front ]3erlin, Ont., ;says: Mrs. Christian Shelter died' at the Hoarse of Refuge on Friday in -her 88th year, She was born in Germany; coming with her husband when 18 years of age. .The woman was .a ohasacter in Wilmot Town- ship, where she made her home Un- til a few months ago. During her 70'years' residence hero, although in good health, she had never been a mile away ,from ,her Thome,- nor had ,she ever seen a train during her life, • MAINE AND MASSACHUSETTS. The Two States Refuse to Extend Franchise 10 Women. A despatch from Boston says; The cause of woman suffrage -re- ceived a setback in two New Eng- land Legislatures on Wednesday. After several hearings, at which the question was debated in a spir- ited manner by prominent men and women, a committee in the Massa- chusetts Legislature voted to re- port "leave, to withdraw" on a' bill providing for a referendum on a constitutional- amendment, wllicil would eliminate the word "male" from the provision defining the, qualifications of a voter, Six mem- bers of the committee voted against suffrage, three for it and two were not recorded. A similar bill vas killed in the Maine House by a vote of eighty-nine to fifty-three, after it had been passed by the Senate. 7:NGI.ISR SONGBIRDS. Ou Their Way Froin England to British Columbia. A despatch from London says: Five hundred English song birds, including larks, goldfinches, lin- nets, tits and robins, selected by the .Agent -General for British Colum- bia, -were despatched on Tuesday from London to Victoria, B.C., where they will.be let loose to build nests in the forests of Vancouver Island, An attendant, who is an expert whistler, will travel with the birds to keep them in song. AT OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. Isis Majesty Ring, George Wore a Crown. A despatch from London says: King George, ab the opening of Parliament on Monday' revived the custom- of .the Sovereign wearing his crown on ruch occasions. The ,late 'Queen' Victoria discontinued the ct5eetom because the clown was too heavy .for her Bead. ` Wminr enjoyment of _a flllonepgrapht depends not oanlyo t List,!' iiumber of selections.d &t pends eh -the gorality of each Tisch b o Aute Arraberol Record was invented on the quality idea. It produces ,the most clean cut, lifelike and beautiful tone you ever heard. It will never wear out and indifferent handling of itor dropping it 011 the floor won't break it. It as'constant 111 its ability to please. A>,4 Your Edison dealer will Jbe glad to play Blue Amberol Records for you. Thomas A. tdison,.1»o ,150 Laloo,ide Ave„ Orenso, N. J., U. S' A. A complete litre of L"' -iron Phonographs and Records will be found at ‘.74.!- ..i > + n7u,M�dousq ,. - altIM ^.P"'wT.,w.A 717:70,: :,, 614Walir,;c'15,52,====2