HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-13, Page 1_ No 1772 -34th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; MARCH 1391.1913 CLINTON SPRING FAIR is the BEST Live Stock Show in estern Ontario. THE HOME PAPER On Thursday, April 3r Easter Jewelery at Hellyar's We have a good selection of Bracelets, Crosses,Pendants, Brooches, and Rings. We have also a beautiful Selection of watch ,bracelets, all of good quality. You will find Our prices compare favor- ably with what you will pay anywhere for goods of this quality. W. Y. Yiellqar fewelet anct Optician Clinton 1 The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 • • Capital Paid-up 11,500.000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 Total Assets 175,000,000 325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted. , R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. 1 Molsons Bank• 1 Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 HEAD 95'FICE MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed. at highest current rate on stuns of 31 and upward from date ot deposit. Joint accounts allowed. BRANCITITS AND ADENTS ALL °war, CANADA AND ADENTS ALL OVER; TIM WORLD. A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS. - TRANSACTED.' • C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. EASTER ,041.1111111 We've made great preparations for Your Easter Outfitting we've the best of everything. Me ruk that e'betybody must appear in something neV on Easter Sunday is be- coming more firmly established each year, If you want to appear in a New -Zitit for Easter get your order in early. OUR TAILORING DEPA.RTMENT is in full swing Suits Made to Your Measure $22 to $28 Trougers Made to Your Measure $5 to $7.50 • HATS AND HABERDASHERY A ne-w .Ea.stet 7ie and hal every man and boy muSt have ! We've ail the new and correct spring blocks in stiff and soft Hats. $1.00—$1.5"0—$2.50—$3.50 EXCLUSIV.E. NECK WEAR • 25C -35C -=50c -75'C - 01.00 2HE BES9 GLOVES JN NEW SHADES' . CHOICE SHIRV'S AND HOSIERY'', ECG. Big bargains in glen s and Boys overcoats, It will pay you Uell to buy one for next winter, 601 Furnishers "To ken Who Care." 1 HE LOCAL 141AR1ET Wheat 92e. - Peas 90c to $1 00. Oats 30c to 34e. Barley lje to 50es Butter 21 c to 22e. 1.3ggs 20e to 21e, Live. Hogs $9.10. RESIDE ON RAGLAN, ST. Mr, Morris, who recently came to towri, to accept a position in the piano factory, has rented from Mre D, Cantelon the house on Raglan street recently occupied by Mr. Harry Cantelon. D. C. is having the. place modernized for the new tenant. . THE SCOTT ACT FOR HURON. A meeting of representative Tem- perance people will be held in Clin- ton en March 201,11 tckbonsider prim- arty- a vote on the Canada Temper- ance Act, rather better kdown asithe Scott Act, over the whole county. Such a irote will, the Temperance people are confident, make Huron one big dry spot. ENGAG,E1VIENT ANNOLINCED. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman Se- bringville, announce the engagement of their daughtet. Violette, th Mr. John Moon of Toronto. PUemar- riage will take place quietly in the early spring. Mr. Moon is a for- mer Arnett- boy and is well known in Clinton : ' PAPER CHANGES HANDS. • Mr. W. R. Veale, who; has publish- ed the Seaforth News for' the past four years, Ilas purchased the Ingersoll Tribune. The News is a bright weekly and has prospered under Mr. Veale's management. , As soon as convenient arrangements can be made Mr. Veale will assume control of his new bus- iness. ONT. ST. cjitiRcii. Rev. Geo, W. Sperling of , West China preached exceedingly interest- ing; senneofts on Sunday in the inter- ests of the Young People's Forward Movement for Missions. Next Sunday evening the pastor, the Rev. S. J. Allin, will preach the third discourse in the series on "Temptibioni" 'Satan's Tempting offer of a Kingdom:" ROY. Mr. Allin will give an address on "St. Patrick" to .the League 011 Tuesday evening next. REMOVES TO AYLMER. Prof, W. Glenn Campbell has am' cepted a: position as organist of Trinity church, Aylmer, and leaves to assume his new duties early, in Ap- ril. Aylmer is Mr. Clampbell'S old home and the. last issue 'of the Ex - 'press, .published in that town has the following reference to him : "Mr. W. 'Glenn Campbe}.1 cit ,Clinton has been engaged • as organist -at Trinity church .• and will commence his 'duties ,after Easter; He *ill be a fine acquisition to' Musical circles in Aylmer, and will be given a core dial welcome back to his -old home' tOwn by many friends." ONT. ST. CHURCH. The Rev. Mr. Snarling addressed the League 'on' Monday evening gn mg a very interesting and vivid frt. ture of the life of the missionaries and of the work they are accomplishing in the Celestial Empire. Mr. SParling has a wholesome admiration for the Chinese people and believes that a great fnture awaits them- as a na- tion. The pastor, Rev. Mr, Allin, occupied the chair and very cordially welcomed the members of the Wesley League, which had been invited over to hear the address.- Rev. Mr. Greene, in behalf of' the visitors, 'ex- pressed his Pleasure and interest in hearing Mr. Sperling's talk. Mr, 1 Allin sang by request, 'The Ninety and Nine" and Miss Greene also ren- dered a -solo very nicely during the evening. - "THE TEMPLE OF FAME". .The Ladies of the Ontario street church presented The Temple of Fame," in the town hall on Thurs- day evening and it Proved to be quite a success. The stage was au - ranged as conveniently as possible to accommodate those taking part, with thrones for the Goddess and Queen Mary at either side. Over thirty ladiesetook part, a couple being un- able to attend. 'Besides these there were five maidens 'who accompanied Miss IFernlee Allin, as "Miriam," seven little flower girls and a crown bearer, anirthe two dainty wee daughters of Mrs. ;Stevens, who re- presented '`Mother" v,4io Was finally crowned. A couple of pages also took part, half a' doe - en handsome guardsunder Lieut. Towne aria "Ike," the irrepressible. All took their parts well, some ex- ceptionally well, considering the fact, that the whole affair was gotten up in a comparatively shirt time: lVfiss Ranee took the part of the Geddes very prettily. Miss Allin as °Mir- iam" with her group of maidens sang the soiig of Miriam, very sweet- ly, going through a pretty drill the while ; Miss Grant as "Mrs. Parting- ton," was very fetching, and Miss Eamt as "Helen of Troy" was ex- ceedingly good . I3ut space forbids mention being made of all, suffice it to say that all acquitted themselves creditably'. Mrs. Treleaven was ace cornpaniste and Mr, 13, J. 0 ibbings acted as 'herald. The ladies real- ized a nice little stun item the pro- ceeds. SOME MORE'11()CKEY. The "Fats" and the ','Leans" bad an exciting game "of liockefIn the rink on Friday evening Whick, again eesultnil ,in a) victory for the jermer in a score of 1-0. TImre was a large - number of interested spectators and much merrinient was excited by the match. The teams were made up of much the sanie material ae last, time ST. PAUL'S C'I-ItiRCH • The rector, • Rev. C. E. Jeakins will preach on Sunday ntiorning next on "The Tziumph of the Cross," and in the evening 'from the words, ''I am the way, the truth and the life." Next week being Holy Week thitre Will be service each evening at eight o'clock, when the rector will give a series of addresses on the "Seven lett words," • WILLIS CHURCH. The , Girl's &lb entertained the members "of the Young Men's Club in the • lecture ,room on Monday even- ing. Mr. Yates, • president of the Youlag Men' r; Club, was asked to pre- side for the program, which consist- ed of a peper • on ,''Berrnuda" by Mrs. D. K. Grant, another on 'Mex- ico" by Miss E. 'Cliidley, and solos by Miss Vera Lobb, Mr, H. Rayeer and Dr. Gandier, all ot which made a very instructive and pleasing pro- gram. • At its conchisian the young • ladies served e very dainty and ap- petizing lunch, which was also en- joyed, and a pleasant hour was spent in ...social •intercourse. •4 LITTLE LOCALS, Principal Boit& 'saw a robin •on Tuesday morning. Dr. Field paid 'a visit to Clinton Public sehoo • ,Vednesday and Thursday of, last week. A meeting to organize a baseball club for the coming season will be held in the town hall next Monday eVening. Mr. C. B. Hale bas taken an an - agency , for the insurance of live stock • and !lee placed his card oD page five. " The Messrs, Freinlin have purchas- ed the cottage on the corner of Frederick and Dunlop streets from Mr. R. 'G. •Plimpton of Goclerich township. WESLEY Cl I CACI I. Sunday \vas observed as anniver- sary • Sunday and'the Rev. W. H. Harvey of London preached very ac- ceptably both morning and • even- ing to good congregations. The full choir rendereif special music, being assisted in the evening by Mr. Jam - 'es Doherty. The trustees had asked for an offering of $300 to wipe off the indebtedness still remaining • on the shed and though no canvass was made, the matter being left entirely to the free will of the people, the amount was practically all contribut- ed. The League was invited to Ontario street League on Monday evening to hear the address by Rev. Mr. Snar- ling. • The W. M. S. are meeting this, • af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Moore. • Rev, Mr. Winans cf. Nile will preach next Sunday, morning and ev- ening, when the pastor will be • con- ducting anniversary services in God - °rich. The L. '1'. We intend giving a "Seven" • social in the school room on the eveuing of Good Friday. CLINTON SPRING FAIR. • t From present indications the Clin- ton Spring Fair, set for Thursday, April 3rd, will be one of the best that has yet been held. Thete are naany fine horses and cattle in this and the adjacent counties this year and the general expression of opinioa is that many of these will be seen in Clinton on April 3rd. Many good prizes are offered for Clydesdale Shire, Pereheron, Roadster and Haek: ney stallions, 'as well as heavy ,draft, agricultural and general pur- pose horses, tagether with Short- horn'Hereford, Polled Angus, dairy and fat cattle. This Fair is known throughout Western Ontario as one of the best Spring Fairs held, Thir- teen special prizes are offered in gold coin and in addition the As- sociation will also give thirty dol- lars in gold for a counties competi- tion, open to the counties_ of Huron; Perth, Bruce ' and Middlesex, for the beet three heavy draft horses, stal- lions barted, shown in halter, not necessarily the property or anlr' one man but must be OWSOd in the coun- ty represented. Not more than two entries from any one county 'and two counties trust be represented to make a competition. The first two entries reemived accepted, but entries must be in the hands of the secret- ary -not later than Saturday March 29011. Send for a prize list- and re- serve April ard for the Clinton Spring Fair. „ Personals Mrt. James - Twitchell is 'in Toronto Miss Carrie Waitet is in •Belgrave this week nursing a patient. Mr s1 W. Marlowe of Goderieh Visited Clinton relatives on Saturday. Mr. Jelin Parker of Stratford is in town this week visiting frler4lc.' Miss Marion Gime entertained, a num- bel of her young friends 'yesterday; 'evening. , Miss -Jean Chidley imturnefi; yesterday atter a three weeks' Visit with Toronto friends. ; Mra. W. Roes has been confined to . the house with an attack of grippe during the past week, Mr. C. J Wallis left yesterday for Inc west, sending on 6, carload of horses the day previous. . Mrs. Thoe. Hawkins, and Children left on Tuesday for a month's vis- it with Hamilton friends. Messrs. • 'Wilfotd Ratz and John, Thorne of Mitchell visited at Mr, J. F. Wasnaann's•over the week -end'. - MTS. Woodman of Boston wit the ' guest of her sister, Mrs. J. S. Evans, for a few days last weelc. Miss Tessie Crooks has taken a pos- ition in Barrie, going up to the Northern town the end of the week'. Mr. ;and Mrs. James Doig, who have been visiting friends in Toronto for several weeks, returned home Tues- day. Miss Jean- MacBain of Toronto spent a' few days last week the guest of her friend, Miss Edna Penneba.kee, of town. Miss 'Claire Lindsay of , Toronto is spending a few weeks at her home in town, that of Mr. _and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay of Huron street, il B. Kennedy teok a bad tirn this week hut his numerous fri- ends will 'rejoice to learn that _ he has since considerably improved. Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Hunnilord have taken 1001Rs in the Hotel Norman - dM bleak. Me. Hunniford is the new proprietor of ,the grocery corner • Ontario street. Messrs. Harry Boit:ridge and L. 11. Brown of . _St. Thomas are in town, having taken over the selling of the shoe stock of J. 'rwitehell & Son, which they purposedoing in short order. Mrs, Osborne and Mts. Mifflin and the latter's two little daughtere have returned from a visit with friends at Nilo and arc spending a few days with Mrs. Osborne's fath- er, Mr. Thos. Sheppard, 'They leave for their home- at Merlin on Friday accompanied by Miss Catha- rine Sheppard of Nile Dates Monday, Match 17th—Cadet Come cert in the town hall, auspices C. 0. Friday, March 21st—Saered Concert in Ontario street church. „ Thursday, March 27th, Dramatic Thursday, „April 3r0 — Dramatic Recital in Wesley church, In the town hall, under napices of • Citiezdenne'ssdBandi • lvay,pril ltrh, Kerry,• Gow lin the town hall under atispiee,s of StJoseph's church. • Letter Boxes: For Clinton. Twelve letter boxes have arrived from Ottawa and will be placed this week at various marts of the town to better the postal facilities of the oitieens. Mail placed in these boxes will be gathered several times daily. The Borden' Government is certain- ly endeavoring — as witness these 'street boxes and rural maid routes— to make the postal service of the greatest possible come:at:nee and value to•' the people and no 'doubt its efforts will be appreciated, Hayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dewar enter- tained the members of the St. An- drew's church choir and a few fri- ends on Feiday evening, when a Most enjoyable social time was spent. ,"Wanst • more agin'"rhe Presbyter- ians invite you to spend •the evening of Monday, March 17th, with them at their annual Irish social, which will be given by the congregation of St. Andrew ls church on the evening of St. Patrick's 'Day. A; splendid pro- gram has beenarranged chnsisting of Irish solos, choruses, readings, re- citations, etc. •Mrs. McGuire of Seaforth will assist in the program. Admission only twenty cents, Miss Ferguson and Harold Pollock spent the,. week -end the guests of Mn and Mrs. 'Geo, Dewar of the Sauble Line. •' Miss Ina Fowlie, second daubliter of Mr. and Mrs. James Fowlie of the village, was united in marriage to Mr. • John Worsell of Gull Laec'e, Sask., at London on Saturday last. Miss 13. P.avell of Breweter is the guest of Mrs, George C,astle this week. Inspecter ToM of Goderich paid OUT school a visit on Monday ivir John Ferguson and Inc sorts, cot. J.1Fergitsoa and Wiliam Per. guton, and daughter, Miss Norah Ferguson attended •the fureral of his brother, William_ Ferguson, at Smith's 11111, on Monday. IVItiss Fanny Osmond ; is visiting fri- ends in Colborne Township this week. • Mr. II. Darren is visiting friends at Lucknow this Week, • Constance Mr. Will 3JaIi returned' to Highgate on 'Aionday to resuine Inc duties M the Molsons' Bank there after hie severe illness. , and Mrs. Woods spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mri. Thos. , • •• Pollard. ' Mn. and Mrs, Love of Walton spent Sunday with their deaghter,...Mrs; Ed. 13ritton. Mrs. Jas. Proctor hese ;arrived home after spending the winter with her son in Leedon. HQ1.121eSVille John 13„reiley of Orillia visited his uncle, Mr. A. .1: Courtice,' ' -and other friends hereabouts last- Week.. 1V1r. Brailey says they haiT had sleighing in the pretty little nor- thern town since Christmas. Rev. P., J... McCormiCk preached hi Aside St., Methodist 'church, London, an Sun•daY, his work here being tak- en by the Rev. Mn, Greene of 'Clin- ton le the morning mid Mr. Lim - burner of Goderich in the evening. The C1ommittee , are Worlcine. hard making arrangements for the, old boy's re -union, ; Mr. Wm. -Jenkins has had the in is -t - fortune to lose a .valuable drivel, On going to the stable on Sunday mottling he was surprised to find that a three -tined hay fork- had pier- ced its body. to their full length, the handle being broken off The fork was removed and the wound dressed and Jos: a time it was; tlioughit the ariimal might recover but inflamation .eetting in it was found necessaty to shoot it to put it out of pain. Willis friends are very sorry for his loss, the driv- er being one of his best and a beaut- iful animal. Mite, Fred Leonard has told his keeetnadjelning the village; Mn. Dan - id Gliddon being the purchaser. Mr.' Leonard has bought Mr. Chas, Linde say's farm on, the 1001 for $0200. ' The oyster supper given by. the WOrrien's Institute was held at the home of Mr. Ezra Pickard on the eut line and a good time was enjoy- ed. Sunday's rain and Monday and Tuesday's sunshine have taken qfl nearly all the snow causing floods a- long tlm roadwaYs. Mn. -Geo,. Shepherd, who purchased a house •frons Mn. Ed Levis last fall has new moved in and is a resident of the village. We heaktily welcome George and his family totout burg. Eggs ere coming in quite plenti- fully and arrangements are being. made for, the season's gathering on a larger scale than ever, , Mr. Edward of Fullerton has taken up his abode on the Nelson Yeo farm recently purchased from Mt:.10. E. 'Matheson of Clinton. Londesboro. • • Mr. A. \Weymouth spent Tuesday in !London, 1 Mn, and Mrs. 1). Moody and son of Myth spent a few days this week with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Drogden, Mn, 'Moody left yesterday for Battleford, Sask. Mr. A. A. Brunscion of Soverign, Sask., • spent a week at his berme hete,- leaving Wednesday to resume his duties as C. I'. R. agent, at Sov- ereign. • • Mn. Win. Grantham entertained a few of his friends on Thursday even- ing. - '1'lle Young Men's Class of the. Methodist Sunday school will ,,enter- tain the members of the Young Lad- ies' class on Friday evening of this week in the church. Mr. L. Howsers with his wife and - family are visiting the former's sis- ter, 'Mrs. D. Mountain. . Miss Bina Kirk left last week - for St. Thomas. •' Rev. Mn. Justice of the British Col- umbia ;mission field preached at Burns and Knox churches on Sunday last. Rev, Mn. Fraser will conduct sere vices next Sunday. Mrs 5,. Lear • of , the Village 'Celebrates het seventy-eight birthday on Thursday, (today). Mrs. Lear des her own house work and is en- joining remarkable health for ono of her age.- - Mr. Robt, Gibbs of Seafoeth spent a few- days at his home here recent - Mr. Wm1 Weymouth entertained a few friends on Friday evening :est week. • MFrancis Brown died whi'e sit- • ting in his, chair on Wednesday of last Nyeek. • IIe had reached the age 1 of • eighty-seven . years and three months. He had been in his usual health and only day before had gone out and assisted his .in in unload- ing is load of wood,' Lip to about seven years ago Mr. Brown had liv- ed on his farm just west of the vil- lage when he retired and had resided in Londesboro ever since. He was a staunch Methodist and a man of few words but his life counted for much. IVirs, Brown died shortly after May- ing the fame A family of two sons and five daughters SUTViVe : Moses and Ephriam, ulio live in the viein• . ity, Keeiah and Martha at home, and Gee.- Bennie end MIs. A. Wat- son • of London, and another daugh- ter who resides. in 'British Ooliunbia. • All were present at the funeral on ' Satinday exCept the last vented, The funeral_ was very largely attended as Mr. Brown had a very larg,e eirele of friends. Interment was made in Londesboro cemetery'. • 'rim pall- bearers were : 1VIessrs. James and Snell, W, Grey, W, Lee and_Wm, itnci John Brown. Relatives were pre- sent Omni Nile, _,1uburn, Blytli and Clinton, • The Women's Institute intend hold- ing their annual pie social , in the Temperance House halt on Thursday • evening of next week. Lunch will be _served in the dining room of the temperance house from six o'clock to eight after which the program will be given, consisting 01 dialogues, re. eitations, vocal and instrumental, music etc. • Do not forget the date Married -Sixty Years. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Cole. On Friday , last Mn, and Mrs. Chas. Cole, of whom the above photo is a good 'likeness, celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of •their; marriage. 're- but few comes such a privilege end ;it is but fitting that due mention should be made of the event. This worthy couple, who ,are •aged eight -two and ‚seventy-eight respec- tively, are enjoying, good health and Iran present indications bid' fair to spend another decade here together. Mrs. Cole, whose Maiden name was Elizabeth Churchill', was a native of London, England, her father, who Was a school teacher, bringing his family to Canada and settling M Huron county. Mr: Cole is a native ; born Canadian having been born in the township of Chinguacousy, Peel County, the family later settling in 1C1 oderich township. •1 They were married in Holmesville sixty years • ago by the Rev. Mi. Peel, a Methodist minister, and went to reside on a farm on the Me con. of Goderich township. Later they left the farm and for a time conducted the old Royal Hotel on Ontario street, the building only re- cently having beexr pulled down • and I replaced by a garage. Again return- ing to farm life they lived tor ser- eral years on the llth cou. of Gode- ' rich township, but for the past six On seven years they have resided just north of town with their only son William Cole, and his family, Besides this one son they have four daughters : Mrs. 'I'. C'. Doherty of ' London,. Mrs. T. D. Johnton of town, Mrs. A. Cole of Wayne'Mich., • and. Mrs. Guy Hicks of Goclerich town- ship. There are alto fourteen 'grand- children. Mn, Cole is the sole surviver of his own original family but Mrs. Cole has two sisters; Mrs. James Lind- say of Goderich township, and Mrs. Loft of town. In politics IYIr. Cole is a staunch Conservative ansi.. until recent years was an active inembier of the Orange order. They are both 1adherants of the Methodist church. ,1 Mrs. Cole is remarkably active' fdr ; a woman of her years. ' It is a com- mon occurance for her to walk from her own home at the north _of the , town to that of her daughter, Mrs, Johnson,' at almost the extreme • south, and last week she made a vis- it to the House of Refuge, walking both ways. She has had many an interesting adventure, one of which was .the falling into the Gulf of pt. • Lawlence when corning to Canada as ' a child, , andbeing fished otit with ' sreat difficulty, 1 The family fully appreciate the un- ique imPortance attaching to a dia- • mond wedding anniversary, but as it was impossible for all the members te be present at 'this season the gathering is being arranged for July next, when it is hoped that all the ' children and grandchildren will be • present. 1 The News -Record adds its congrat- • ulations Slid trusts that Mr, and . Mrs. Cole will yet see many happy anniversaries of March 7th • Surnmerhill. Mn. Chas. Lovett has rented his i'arrn to his eon Albert and purpotes In theinrourseciointhn,u of nrifew omantlidSO s morys: Lovett are the best of neighbors and the whole community 'will regret • their moving. Mn. Albert Levett had thought eomewhat of going west but finally decided that he could get just ,u,good financial restilts arid have more of the comforts of life on the old homestead, ' Mn, and Mrs. T. Dunbar 'of Clintoe spent• week -end at the home of Alt. and Mrs. Geo, Burnett. LondonRoad. Mr. G. 13. Hanley is attending the Grand/ Orange Lodge at Windsor this week, Mr, Itobt, Hunter has 'purchased fift,y acres of land from Mr. . Alex. Timis which gives him the nice sized farm of one hundred acres. Miss May McCartney of Goderich is visiting this week with her aunt, Pars. G. 13, Hanley. 1 Rev. D, IC, Grant, pastor af Wil - 110 church, Clinton, will address the League on Monday evening next at piece. the home of Mr. Frank Grant,