HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-06, Page 8News -Record March 6th, 1913. *•O••••••♦•••/••N•••♦.*N•♦.••♦•♦r♦t♦•N•♦• • VE HAVE Now finished our Stock -Taking and in doing so have thrown out a lot of Remnant Bode and Broken Lines which must not be 'carried into anethei hnsiness year. These we phtce ON SALE ON SATURDAY AT "A13O13T "HALF PRIDE, ALSO 'WONDERFUL Reductions in ail lines,of WinteeGoods, A few Ladies and Children's Mantles at about HALF PRICE, e>r�'s Ordered Clothing_ Do you like -Fine Clothes Z•; Olathes that are different from the ordinaryy, If so come in and let 'tie show you how you may w;MGR,e;MGR,G.1iADE TAILORED Clothes 2 MADE TO YOUR MEASUllE in you! own style from thoroughly shrunk Imported TWEEDS and WORSTEDS and at very little more than Ready -Made Olothes cost. • PRICES OF SUITS • Frem $15 to $'25.- • 25. Small Profits. _ More Business. Z SMALL. U 1.1/ 1 1 S E E �. MORE Z;. Q PROFITS BROS.:.BUSINESS" Z • t•••••••••♦N•N••••••••♦••••••••••••••+••••4 Our Selling Out Sale Continues Guard Against Colds by wearing Warm Footwear We have a. large stock of Overshoes and Moccasins from the best makers which we are selling at. prices That tempt buyers, and men 'who work out of doors will appreciate the good quality of our Heavy Buckle and_Lace Rub- bers..: Twitchell. CLINTON, ONTARIO WILL EITHER SELL OR RENT ,THE STORE 1 Jackson's Shoes For 1913 - as in previous years will excel in values,: in qualities and in quantities when you want the best:that is possible in 'shoe making, see FRED. JACKSON SPRING 1913 ieje gas . win wns....tat„tmlat -. $T W t5yn WTS STANBABD FASHION BOOK showing Spring Styles Price 20c at the counter loo extra by mail, You can select any Standard Mattern FREE with every copy pnrchus- •N•••6H'••••""""••••••N•�N••••�••••••••••• ' 11 Our ., to Pleaso Back Brills " C�sto�ae�s1 1 Furniture Buyers at this store itvariably comes I back when they, want more' and bring their friends 2 with them, _ To Use Our. Furniture is to prove that it is ; ; as good as it looks and that is baying a whole lot,` iSubstantial- Furniture can be' bought here 1 now at money saving prices. . Why not' secure what •. Z,pieces you need now while prices are so favorable. • I Atkinson &.Dunfordt' 1•• 1 2 Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors Phone '11)4` LHo fly 127 NIGHT AND Si.NDAY CALLS-- P`HOI1 16 W. B. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest Always the Best Mr. T. A. Grelg went to Toronto en Tuesday. Mi. Harry Twitchell is in Detroit this week, Miss Eva Rapson visited Blyth irf ends last week. Mrs. Heriot of St. Mary's is the guest of her sii;ter, Mrs. John Wiseman. Mr, W. Greig of Toronto and Mayor Greig of Seaforth wero in town ,on Monday. Major Moore of . Toronto was - in town over the week -end, the guest ••'df his •mother, Mrs. E. Moore. Miss Florence C3ninghame returned the beginning of the week after a fortnight's visit in Toronto. Mr:, 0r McMillian of Walled, Lake, Mich., web the guest last week 'of his cousin; Mrs. •Robert Pearson. Mrs. •J.•Pp• Clark and Master Arthur, returned', tb Toronto on Saturday atter--spending a week.wrth friends in town Mr John otlest returued, from Tor•- onto�..iast weeks after s icne�ing, a rrnonth'rm'a hospttal there' and' -is lookitie fine and dt'.again Mrs,, E. G: MoTag art,, and little°yon Mark, of Blytlr were;thrl &tiest5',idf the lady is mother, Mrs: ,Thompson :.of. Albert street,. last week. Mrs- I•lenderson -o£ Scatortb And her guest, Mrs. l3ausiaugh .of Winnipeg, were -the guests of 11rs T. Jackson, Jr., on Monday. Mr. Ben Churchill, with his, two sons J. G,: and Frank and. their 1i ryes, left. Monday for Duncan, 14. C.; where they intend •to• locate Miss Dorothy Cantelon;roturned on. Friday after a couple. of months spent with her sister, Mrs. 'Weath- cuwax„of Orillia, and with,'&oroiito ',friends, Miss Ross Levis has taken a'posi-. tion at Galt' for 'the ' millinery sea- son and -.went/ ;directly to that town from the openings of Toronto this week, `` ; ' Messrs. W. J. Paisley G. McLennan, G. D. Roberton, A. J. Tyndall, Dr. Shaw and, others from town at- tended the Liberal convention "in Goderich on Monday Rev, Mr, MacMillan `of Toronto was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Gunn a couple of days the beginning of the week, having come up to address the Travel Club on Monday even • ing. Mr. Harry Shepherd, who has been engaged in railway construction work in the west, has been visiting his motlier,' Mrs. James Shepherd of Townshend street, during the past week, Mr. W. J. Mitchell of The Neto%-Rc- cord is in - Washington, D. - C., this week, having gone down to he present at the inauguration core monies in , connection with the as- taming of - the chief executive's chair by President Woodrow WiI- Miss Marjory Agnew and her two little, brothers left for Toronto 'ea Friday and meeting their mother there the family proceeded to their. home at Medicine Hat, Alta.,,Mrs. Agnew and family have spent the past couple of months the guests of Clinton,- Blyth, Wingham and Toronto friends. Messrs, Chas. and Will Twitchell and Ernie Graham left on Monday for the west, the former two to ' te- turn to Edmonton, where they' have been located for some time, hav- ing spent a couple of monthsvac- ation at their home in town, the latter being booked for Rosti ern,. :Sask., where he has a brother. • Mr. "Isaiah Bailey "of Thedford, a cousin of Mrs. Byard Hill, ucc9mr partied_ by Capb.,,0ieo, `M. Yast,` of the S. A,_at that plane,, Spent Wed- nesday and •Thursdayof last .woe% the guests of Mr, and Fred. J. Hill of town." Mr, Bailey is a Free Methodist and on Wednesday. even- ing several •en'oyed the old time prayer meeting which he conduct ed, Mr. Ed. Male of Seaforth was in town 'Monday, being on his way home, with his w:fe and little daughter, from a visit to his father, Mr, John Mole of Auburn, who has been suffering from an at- tack of apoplexy, butt who is ral- •f•� lying slowly. Mr. Mole drove bp. to Aubnan on Saturlay'but did not end' the return journey very plea- sant owing is Monday's storm. Are you a News -Record subscriber ?` A'1' TIIE IUEN'S STORE FORiO DAYS ONLY Uen's and Bose' Ready Made Ciotkhig Hen's Finisishings, Gals and Caps AT COST AND LESS WE are making alterations and changes at our men's store this month that require a cleaning up of our entire stock of men's and boys' clothing, men's furnishings, hats and caps, furs, etc. Our intentions will be announced later. Fr:day.tbis stole will be closed all day to enable us to mark down all lines. SALE STARTS SAT- URDAY MORNING. Come, bring your purse as all sales are for cash. We positively guaranteeyoua sav- ing of from 25 to 50 percent, on, all goods purchased. honey back if not satisfied with your purchase. $2.50 A4EN.'S ,STIFF. HATS $1.50 "Men's black;' pearl'and brown stiff liats--Waferlete;' ffttWell, Christie and • Featherweight brands. ' Well' `known for wearing quality,all. ',sizes ' and shapes, -regular $2.59' for 81 50. MP.l\'S.6APS, AT MS`'T;il1 11 -LESS ' Men's and boys' cloth caps in'tho newest styles in' Winter and summer qualities, all sizer;- aft follows : . Reg, 500 for 39e Reg. 75c for 59c ` ` • Reg. 1.00 fOT 79c Reg. 1.25 for 92c 'leg. 1.50 for 1.12 BRACES MARKED DOWN. l[en's and boys' braces -President Police, narrow and wide wobb •Reg. lac for 08e Reg. 15c for ,10c Reg. 25c for 15c . ,,Reg, 50c :,tor ,.390. - $1.00 MEN'S SHIRTS 79o. Men's soft front negligee; shirts, •' nineteen hundred and ' thirteen .. pat- terns and colorings,ourspecial at 81.00, Alteration sale price 79c. MEN'S LINEN CODLA93SK- 5c. • Men's 'white linen collars,, three 'Wild four 'ply; size's 12 to 18, regular . 15 and 200;' Alteration sale. price 5e... MEN'S STIFF SHIRTS 75c. ' Mea 'ssti5"ftouted shirts in alt the pettiest colorings and Styles, 'sizes 14:i to 18, 'regular $1:.00 up to $1.50, . all at one price during this sale 75c. $1.25 MEN'S SHIRTS 98e.- Men's soft front negligee shirts . -in all the new colorings, narrow and wide stripes, ,sizes 141 to 18, regular $1.25,: Alteration sale prices 98c. 50e- ,MEN'S TIES 39e, Men's four-in-hand 'flowing end •• and puff ties in all the newest shadeb and designs. Your: choice of our (=- tire stock, regular .500, sa1e. pnee 390. 25c MEN'S TIES 19,q. . ... ,. ten's four-fi hand and Windsor. and,Teck ties in all the newest_ shap.,R, es and colorings, regular 25e lor;•19c, MEN'S WORKING ,SHIRTS ' Men's heavy and light. working shirts with collars ,attachable in all, the up-to-date colorings as. follows Reg. 50c for 39c Reg. 75c for 59c Reg. 1.00 for 79c' Reg. 1.25 for 92c Reg, 1.50 for 1.12 Boys' 'Clofhhig at Cost and Less. BOYS' two and three piece clothing in blue serge, fancy tweed and cheviot in all the most up-to-date colorings and styles, ages 5 to 15c. During the alteration sale we give you your choice of entire stock at 25 percent. off, 25e RUBBER COLLARS 2 FOR 25c. Men's and boys' rubber collars, bright and dull finish, sizes 12 to 1.8, regular 25c, sale price 2 for 25e. SWEATER COATS Men's and 'boys' sweater coats iv plain and two tone colors in all the popular shades as follows : Reg. $1.00 sale price $ .79 Reg. h,25 sale price .92 Reg. 1.60 sale price 1.112 Reg; 2.00 salc,pricc 1.25 Reg. 2,50 sale price 1.79, Reg. 5 price 2.25 bale 3.00u a PC1 Reg 3.50 sale price 2.75 Reg 4.00 sale price 13.25 Reg. 5,00' sale price 3.79 25c MEN'S. SOX 1.9e.,, Men's black cashmere and heavy wool box in light and dark grey, all sixes, regular 25c, sale price 19c, UMBRELLAS Men's umbrellas with fancy and plain handles, patent runners, steel' frame, close ,ribs, reduced as fol - bows : Reg. $100 sale price $ .70 Reg. 1.25 sale price .92 Reg. 1.50 sale price 1.12 Reg. 2.00 sale price 1,.25, Reg. 2.50 sale price 1.79 Reg. 3.00 sale price 2.25 Reg. 4.00 sale price 3,25 Reg, 5;00 sale price 3.79 WINTER UNDERWEAR. Men's and boys' winter underwear Stanfield s, Turnbull's, Penman's, wolsey's, Ellis', ''l,inunernay's, eto. all sizes; prices reduced as' follows : .• Reg. 1. .50 sale price $ .39 fleg. .75 wale price' ,59 Reg. 1.00 sale price .79 Reg. 1.25 bale.pripo, .92 Iteg. 1.50 sale price 1.12 Reg, 1.75 sale price 1,29 Reg. 2.00 sale price 1.59 MEN'S GLOVES. Men's gloves for both winter and summer wear, heavy and light weight all sizes and colors, reduced to the lowest notch. Investigate. SUMMER UNDERWEAR Men's and boys' summer under- wear in Balbrigg and fine wool, all sizes, prices reduced as follows • Reg. $ .25 sale price $ ,19 Reg, ,50 sale price .39 Reg, .75 sale price ..59 Reg. 1.00 sale price .79 BOYS' ODD PANTS 5.0c. Boys' odd knickers made from good quality fancy tweeds, all 'sizes, regular 75c and $1.00 for 50c. MI]N'S FUR COATS. Men's coon, black, dog and gallo- way fur coats at cost. 22 Men's dark and Uen'S Waterpioot Coats light gray cravenette waterproof overcoats sizes 36 to 40 only, regular $10.00, alteration sale price $5,00. This sale will continue for tin days only when all goods will go haciz to normal prices.