HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-06, Page 711 NEti13-11ECORB
• ow0tecir5 os5 32iiil.end 111,4191Te• '$1'55'
• News -Record and Globe 1,60
2ew0-Bo9or1i end -PamilY Darold and .
•_ ' Star with, Premium 1-76
Newadtenord and Witness ' 1175
•News -Record" And Sun' , ,........, 1.75
•News-ltecord and 'Free 3.rese • 1275
News -Record 'and .advertiser 1,76
, 'Newaeord; and Woronto Satiredmr.
•Newallecord .Und i'Pertner's 'Xdvocais 295
''ite7v4Meeord'' Afld..1Parnt and bairY.,. 3.75.
News -Record and,. Chiludian Paria..„ 3.75
Newedteeord wed Youth'S CoMpanion 2.25'
News -Record 'and Canadian Country.
NeWs,liecord *The Pruit Grower
•'Noun -Record a tul Th'e Chonadi a n
• SPortsman. , • Lao
New's-Record land Atka anal 7'25
News-Behord and Globe .„... ,4.25
News -Record and Nowa 2,20
ews-Record end Star, ,....„,..., 2.311
_ows-Iteeord and World .,„ „ „ • ,3,26
roW2•Be0ord and Morning Free, Press 3,25
News.ltecorcl aud Evening Pres Press 2.76
News-Recerd aril Advertiser • 3,00
Newe.ffecord and Poultry Review .2 1.25
News -Record and Lippincoa's Maga.
ein;i4 " ' 3,26
and .. 'Canada -Mt
Winnipeg 1.40
18 what YOU want is not in this list let
us know about it. We can supply you at
less than It would cost YOU tO send direct.
In remitting please do Eio by Pos5.e-000e
Order, Postal Note. Express Order or Rog.
istered letter and address,
PUBIlSbee Net/es-Record
'Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
. Land Regulations.
'Any person who is the, sole head
of a family, or any inale over 18
years old, may. homestead a quart-
er section of available Dominion
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta. The applicant must ap-
pear in person a'.; the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for
the district. Entry by proxy
may be made at any agency., on cer-
tain conditions by father, mother,
on, „daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties.: ---Six months residence
upon an0 cultivation of the land in
each of tihree years, A homestead-
er may live within nine miles of
his homestead on a farm of at
least 80 acres solely owned and oc-
cupied by him or by his father,
- ,mother, son, daughter, brother or
In .certain districts a homesteivd-
- 4+ir in- good standing may pre-empt
a quarter -section alongside hi's
homestead. Price, 3.00 per aere:
1Dut9es."-Must reside ' upon • tho.
homestead or preeraption
months in each of siN:yeara from
• date qt. hemestead entry ,(including
• the time required to - earn home-
stead patent) and cultivate fifty
aereii,,,eXtf4. .. • ` •
A hornoeinacier who has,eklutuated
, his, hornest3Atl right -and cartnot ob.;
.tiain a pae-imption enter for
a, purchased lionestead 'in certain
..dietriets. Price, $1.0.0. , •
• 1)itties.--11111it resider'. ) months
in each. Of three yeati,,
fifty' acre e arid:erect 'a house -worth
$300.0. • • '
• W. W. CORY, ,
Deputy of the Minister of the In-
' terior.
N.B.--Unauthorized publication
•49fthis adeertisement , will ,not be
, , •,
Cousul at. Teneriffe 'Notifies Cuban
• Government.
A despatch 'from lIavana says
Cuba has established FL quarantine
against the Canary Islands as a re-
sult •cg a report received from the
Consul at. Teneriffe notifying the
Government that five deaths from
bubonic plague have oecurred
'there, Cuban sanitary officials be-
lieve that Cuba and Porto Rico
were infected last •summer through
ve.ssele from the Canaries.
THE STANDARD fa the* l'qational
Weekly NaWspaper• of the Dominion
kit Canada: '55 is national ha all RS
It -uses the meet' 'expensive 'engra1--
;in901,,epr0011ring the photographs from
. 1311 over the world. ,
• articleka re carefully selected and
Ito editorial: policy is -thoroughly,
A subscrlyilion t6 Thd Standard
costs $2.00 per year to any address 111
conada or Great 33r1taln.
„ , TRY. IT FOR:0912i
1V1�i1511e9t Standard Publishing COto
Limited, Publishers. -
Whooping cough'
315011011715 CATARRH COLDS
fisTAPf-iGHtect 1770 -
A airsple, safe and eftsetlys treatment for bpon•
05191 troubles, sPoklItuf Owls. Vsporlsed Ceesolese
stops 1110paroxysms of Whooping coog4011.0 11.11cv.
6,,o,'1901150Crupp,at once. Itls a BOO ,to soffetIers
Lan' AL,thms. The air aspryitip the antkopflovsper.
Inspired With every breath,' makes brenthis3 easP
soothes the sore throat:WU stops the coiotb,
mama Micas. 86 01 invaleatic 10 107711e,•0 with
youngeldnaca. Sd,,11 P0s1n1 for desesIptivo booklet.
TABLETS forthe Ireltsiod
throst. 71109 HIV simple,
effeetIvo and tintlseptio•
Of 90110 dem/gist 011 1,001
00, 100. 111 stantOs.
Vapo Cresolene Co.
62 Cortland! Bt., N.Y.
Leeman: Mlles Bending
Nontresl, Cho, 3
COMOrinlY 'caUWe ,PIMPI8ar..be1l.kIvee5
eozema' or Salt Ofeu'rn, P.'00thiA •other
foritr,of eruptionk hHt Sarrie,t,imes• throy.
X IP e 1141 i.t on Curr'ent,Account Aitionilted to 'eilet. In t4'.81'stefiikA n 0640 laY,
,. • , ,
287,991, With Currnt'Revenue of S1o,o42;000 "
despateli from. Terouto says; in 'tho
aceountb ter the -fiseal ,year ended
October 31, 191:2, v1iip25 were'presented" to
the I.,egislature on.',Wedtmeday, the total
rofenue for the year flour all ,sourcesila`
shown to lie $15,326,673,33, Or this amount',
810.042,000,68, represents current 'receipts,
•13,780;755;68 receipts 00 owPital ScOeunt,
'that is fro105 the sale of,stdok,•debentureS,
oto., and $1,603,916 99 te the. balance oar.,
ried over from 1,911. 'The 'ourrent expen-,
diture wee $10,287,991,59.
.The total revenue for 1911 was 816,407421.-
82, of which, 891770,803.90 was 'on current
account, 92,863,701.26 on consolidated fund'
and 83,1772789.66 balance oarfied ,forward
from the previous year. For that year'
there was a 498911 010 current aceount of
8249400.13. Per 1910 tlie figures are: Total
receipts, 816,769,119,30; current revenue,
28,891,001.68; capital account, 81,791,93043.
Por this year the surplus on 'current ad -
count was $3,484.69. ,
The chief items of revenue aro: Subsi-
dies freim. the, Dominion of Canada, 22,-
197,196.98; interest received from the Do.
1111111001 on trust fends 8149,011.08; lamb,
6011801,6and mines, 82,900,224; limier Been -
See, 8805,151i law 01117899, 8125,720; educa-
tion, $63,944; Provincial Seorotary-from
corporation fees, companies' returns, au-
toreobile licenses, marriage licenses, eta,
,4343,053; game and fleberiee, $133,354; sup.
plementany revenue (corDeration tax).
$898,031; 910118901011 ditty, $773,712; casual
revenue, 9166,339; insurance department,
foes, etc, 845,1214 nubile institutions, 8281..
244; 115)clro-electrie Power Commission /in.
terest), 8181,707. •••
In the expenditure column the larger
amounts are as follows: Civil govern.
ment, 8680,451; legislation, 8281,426; adman-
letration of justice, 8674,390; education,
81,963.251; Public, institutions maintenance,
41,313,969; colonization and immigration,
$106,227; agrieulture, $687,003;. hoapitais,
and eharities,. 8,111,1 0; repahnand main.
teltance, $133,479; Colonization ',Valhi, 9433,
623; charges „en 0 OWn lands: 8579,862; •
XTYdroereetrib , Power P000111,k81011, $1.79,,,
6941` hospitals •for, irisane, 4206,269; ,publie
,During the year tilw Province advanced .
"ter.'-the'rr. at7/5.-,0.2,RivilWay 'On 'capital no...!
°aunt 41,210,709, Out of the $5,000;000 vol.
ed 'tor the eievaieement et sew Ontario
leafs was expended $236,833. The, Govern-
ment's Contribution to the good -roads'
Scheme under',,which counties receive back
onethird of their exnenditure under the •
act UNIB 8244,688. On new Goveniment
Rouse 9194,642 was spent,:,, no new Pro-
vincial prison coat $274,965, and the final
restoration of the west wing of the 75711,).
01808 Buildings, 8161,179. The new north
wing that hao bebn added to the
ment Buildings, which Was oompleted
during' the year, required $228,882 out of
the 1912 revenue, and' 230,009 was advanced
on accoMit ot the new magma. The new
Hospital for the Insane at Whitby requir.
ed funds tO the extent of 8136,489.
During the year the Provincial Trea-
surer advanced to the Hydroelectric,
Power Commission iri respect of the Ni-
agara, transmission line and the Port Ar-
thur 'transmission line a total of 8479,316,
which is apart from the proportion which
the Province bears- for administration,
oto, which appears in another column as
5/70,684. • .
The amount reoelved from 'the T. A N.
0. Itaihvay for the year Is $5,000 less than
that from 1911, and 860,000 more than the
revenue for 1917
The succession ditties show consider-
able' falling off. Over $1,000,000 was re.
oelved for 1911, but even with the decreas-
ed amount the Provinoial Treasurer's es.
timate has boon somewhat exceeded.
10 koops Your "White Clothes" looking
just Hite New.
It does not Spot or•Streak the clothes
as there is no settling.
It Is the "Handiest Kind" to use.
It is Guaranteed to give Perfect Satis-
faction or money Cheerfully Reftinded.
and Prove It
"J -R Blue is much better for Yourself.
then toy other. , Miss A ent,ack.,
Thomson, Belmont, Man, -sabout
"3-51 Blue is an Hkcellent 6 monthe as It
Blue, Superior to other blues, es 'Hood
Blues." Mrs, Prank J. Size Washing;
Moore, Conn, Ont; alemdectured by
"3-H Blue Is the best The f
Blue lever used." Mrs. W. 153,11.4, 90,
Switzer, Brandon, Men. '
Opswil with
Accounts tri,et!a;
Interest La credited J'ANOAIRY.
APRIL. JULY one oCiroasst•
4 To....
Accounis- may be opened by.
stitd are • salsiect to *ale*
withdrawal. One Dollar 'opens an
accent -it.
The Unlon,,Trust
Company, Limited
remole B.1141 isg,
Oor. Bey aud lilehmond Ste., Toronto.
PAIDUP (Amu. $1,750,000
• Write for Booklet.
Will Fly' Canaditin __Flag in thc
• Northern lee Regions.
A. despatch from New York says:
Stefa,nsson, discoverer
of the blonde Bskirao made public
on Wednesday his Plans for the
four-year expedition which he
plans to lead to the Arctic next
May. During this time he hopes to
wipe off the 'nap much of the white
space indicating , the unexplored
regions of the Far Nortii. •Stefans-
son antr his companions -eight or
ten picked men of science -will sail
out of Iisquimault, 13. C., the lat-
ter'part of May or early in June on
the 147 -ton whaler Karluck, bar-
kentine riggetl, purchased for the
expedition by the Canadian Gov-
ernment. The Karluck now lies in
San Francisco harbor. During the
next ten days she wUl be .over-
hauled and sent to Esquimault,
where she will be fitted up as a
Government vessel, She will fly
the Canadian flag, as the entire
cost of the 'expedition is to be 'borne
by' the Canadian Governinent, and
will carry a crew 9,1 foutteen.
Forty.years in use, 20 Years the
standard,' 'prescribed and •reeene
mended by pilysielans. For W.
• 3 ,
manes Ailments, Dr. Iffertei's
Female Pills, 511 your druggist.
"I 31.311A.V.E."
rho E1<11105'e1'(4 Wife: Is: Bearing "(Pp
A aespateli from Wellington,
:New ZeaAancl, sa.ys: Lady liebert
If. Scott, widow of (he Antarctic ex-
plorer, arrived here on Thursday
or b.oard the Aorangi, ea which she
embarlted for the purpose of' eon -l-
ing to: New &aimed" to meet her
hualmaid on his return froin the
South Pole, T.atly Seott heard of
the terrible fate 110 had suffered
while she 'RIBS mid-ocea.n off,Fiji.'
As soon'as sho had recovered Prom,
the first shock ,sho Sftid : "I must be
brave, as my husband wealcl have
wished me to be," Her brether;
Liaub. Bruee, and Conineeneler Ed -
weed Evans, of the Britieb..INTaey,
who; b tight 'back the sad 'news
f.ront tits Antarctic, met Lady Scott
on the pier. , 'She appears 1.0 be
bearing up bravely ender 'Me OW -
loll WOW.
The modern practice among the
best posted and most progressive
horse owners and faerners is to clip
all horses in the' spring. It is done
on the theory that in their natural
state horses were not obliged to
work, so could shed the winter coat
in Comfort over a period of several
weeks. Since we oblige them to do
hard work on warm spring days,
the winter coat should be removed
for the.same rease_n that we lay off
our heavy winter garments.
Clipped horsee dry off rapidly,
hence they do not take cold as easily
nor are they as prone to be affected
with other ailments as unclipped
animals Nyhose longer hair holds
the perspiration for hours. Because
clipped horses dry off rapidly they
rest better, get more good from
their food and come out in the
morning refreshed and fit for
Since the advent of the hall.bear-
ing enelosed 'gear clipping ma-
chine, the work of , taking off the
winter coat is easy.- With the Ma-
chine a horse can be clipped all
over im half an hour, where's With',
the Old two -hand clipper it required
severil, hour to do it.
• -Dalin:nen also noey clip the COWil
all over two or three'. tinies a year.
The flanks and udders are clipped
every three' er teem Weeks, so if:is
• mese to clean the parts' .before
milking. Thi e means less opportu-
nity for dirt and other itnpurities
to get into the
'fleeces° Over February of Last
Fear $284,445.410.
• A despatch from Mentreal says,:
The returns of the Montreal Cue-
t°Ins. 11°149 l'cte. ,7eieru9e,,,1913,
'show 3e16 inerease ;aver -the comes-
von:ding peried of last yeiteef.$234,e
445.00., • •The detailed figures„are :
-$2,030,488 for February, 1913, and
$1,802,092.40 for February,- 1919.
The returns of the Montreal branch
of the .1,nland Revenue Department
for the pits.t month thew an in-
crease of $61,158.57 over the oor-
re,spontling period last year, the
figure.s being. $857,067.62 for Febru-
ary, 1913, as compared with 8794,-
891,05 for February, 1918,
Shipments Inereased 500 Pee Cent.
in "I`en Tears.
A ,despatch from St .Catharines
says: The convention. of Niegera
district ft:Mt-growers cloeed here on
Friday afternoon. The eetteert of
the industry is shown when it Wag
stated that the ehipmeres of fruit
from St. Catharines had illernaeed
500 per cent, in ten Years, Where
ten G
yea,re ago the rend Trnnk
carried only ten ca -re of fruit, 10,4
year they carried over bee care
This does not include ahipments by
eipress and other railway lineal
BM' steamers, W. H. luntene ad-
vised the growers to gio more into
apple -growing, and :sped the 'grow-
ers •segened to • have gone "peach
• BIN PILLS Drought Relief
Larder Lake, Ont., March 26th.
"I had been .,sufferittg for 00010 8(1118
with thy Kidneys and Urine. I was
constantly passing water, which Was
very scanty, \sometimes as many as
thirty.2101e7 a day, RacIftime the pain
was something awful, and no rel, at
rliearcl Of your clic pjIJ,S and
decideCto give them a trial at once.
I sent my chino fita miles to get them
and Lain pleased to inform you that in
less than six hours. I felt relief.
In two days, the' pain had'loft me
entirely. I took about half a box and
today I feet 58 well aa, ever and my
kidneys are acting quite natUral again.'
GIN S soothe the irritated
bladder -heal ,the sick, wesk, painful
kid ricy&-a rid strong hen both theseVital
Koney haek if they fail
sot% a hoe, 6 ,for $o,,pt 5191115710 21190
if you wri le National Dreg and CI: ethieal
(lo,, of eanatia Limited' Tortneo 839
1110h,ar'*•994P1Air•i1tqTilbri'1085 04,-8-P1
dor' genera*, .gebtlitY,„,:.witnotit'
• eanelAii aiOy hre9j1zln,g Pti5, 1:
£1113! "re ,exPel,led ,4334' Whale'
*0111 , 15 rboovated,,,stilerra•thened and
'Oet It teetee',floltCbs,aruggfata,
.eyerterhere.: 1.00, Deeeseonce Dollar.
• Di UTelffEI.L. 75
Canada, the Empire and the NVorle
In General Before Your
The Canadian Flax Mills Co. will
hav.e a plant at Guelph.
Vrovincial eupplementary esti-
mates call fOt. $1,039,522.00.
Hon. Martin Burrell says Ontario
lagged behind, in good roads.
Hamilton teachora in convention
resolved to ask for a pension sys-
Mm, •
Dr. Adam Shorrt, beton, the
Conunittee on Pensions, pointed out
beneficial &speak of eombines.
There are sixtee'n prisoners in
the new women's ward at Kingston
The emaller lakes of Manitoba
will be stocked with fish by the Do-
minion Government.
The Ontario beetieh of the Do-
minion Allianoe may finanee hotels
in local option distriets. _
Pilots testifying before the Royal
Commiesion at Quebec advocated a
training 'ship for apprentices.
The Legialaeure will be asked th
appoint a. commission to investigate
the cause of the high cost of living,
• City Engineer A. 0. Graydon of
London died unexpectedly, being
thought eveovering from a few
weeks' illness.
Sir Ian Hamilton, inspector of
overseas forces, will `inspect the
Canadian inite:, this eummer.
Lord Dundonald will be another
The President of the Quebec
Dairymen',, Athociation at Cowans-
villa recommended agricultural
cotirses in colleges for ministers of
the Gospel.
Afteir 'having lain in a cell for lour
daye without any medical assis-
tance, suspected of insanity but
lauffering from:typhoid fever Aekil
Marchtrium- died in ,Menteell
Greet Bri,taln. •
Sylvia Panibunet is eeriouo/y ill
in Holloway Jani»as the iosule`of 0,
hueger etrilthe ^1,
The Beitish, note th the United,
Stetes Goverpment for arbi-
tiatiOn on the' Panama eoile
male suffragist and two women
were deteeMel trying ,to burn the
Croquet Club houee at Roehamp-
Mobs attacked suffragette meet-
ings in Britain. The militants
made a reid on the telephone and
telegraph wires. • 3 -
The Associated Boards of Trade
ateLondoet adoptedresolutiona urg-
ing uniform Derniniori, insolvency
pare& post, extentnon of,'Gov-
ernment railways, and several other
matters. '
United States.
Paper miffs in Washington, and
Califoruioo have appealed to 'the
Treoeury Department to rescind its
order 'of some time ago admitting
paper trent British Columbia free
of elute,
There was desperate fighting in
the State of Coahuila, Mexico.
Turkey renewed its offer th cede
Adrianople and to, 'conclude peace.
Ex -President Dia* 3congrafela,ted
Huerta ,anci expressed a hope for
peace in Mexico. ,
The Freuch eabinet will consider
exteeding the active Bervice of sol-
diers, of all ernes from two to three
Roureenie hei accepted the' offer
of mecliatioe made by the powers ie
the boundary dispute with Bul-
, 4`.
Emperor Willeim el' Germany Loki,
• a Law Snit.
A de:spa:telt Prom Elbieg, Ger-
enany, says : Emperer Wiilin1On
Friday lost a law ^ ouib bthuglit
against ltine by a .tename falettee,
namect.So at, whom .he bested,, d;i-
8,reeent epeech :before the Gar-
bler: Agricultural Couneil • that Ile
had "Theown out beceese he' Was
no good" front a .e$011 of land he
rented from the teepee:is' estate at
Cedinen. The Pisteict Come de-
-eRalleatne..renperor was'not en-
titled to tertninarr4Ifli eese ef hie
tenant, which ruee mete' 991117-""
Clerk of the Bank of TO1'011tOju
NOR trea I A rreeted
A despatch front Montreal says:
Brown, rm erly assistant ac-
countant in the Board ot Trade
branch of the Bank of Toronto,
was, arrested here en WeducadaY,
charged with the theft, of $3,000,
Irewo,o bx•ouglit bc.fore Judge ILeot,
pleaded not guilty; and wa's re -
mantled for trial, Btown, who iS
quite a young man, 'blames betting
oa'reeee as the„ cause of ltis clowe-
fall. 110 198111115, liere a short time ago
from Toronto.
trices nt Cattle', 'Brain; chease:i.arie, ether,
Piaiduco at Nume and Ahoad.
'Toronto, March 4,—Marlit'n/,,a V-Imat • -
Igike Porto, No. 1,4,orthe119,"971,-25; NM 2,
960; No. 5, Nei -feed wheat, 651-00, .
loOtenta.tiLosit. li.,ea1-45gon.2, d99u,p0,70
r ofar
Ontario Ca-7IN
tsO, .2 White, .33 to 34o at
,PoucttY ,9401nt837O te• 385)'on' track., TO.
Manitoba Oats -No. 2 0. W, oats, 41140,
troOlt, by POits; No, 3 0. W., 45o; No.
1 food, 400 for prompt shipment.
' Corn-Amerioan No. 2 yellow, ail I8.11,
170; NO. 3, 66o to 661-2,,.
Pons -No. 2, 51.10 to 91.26, car lots out-
Buokwheat--No, 2, 62o to 63o.
Bye -No.' 2, 630 to 65o, nc,mixtaW
Rolled Oat -Por bag of 90 pounds, $2.15;
nor barrel, 14.65, wholceale, Wind6or to
139,110Y -000d malting barley, onteide,
590 6,0 65c.
2331llf8051-3I8,nitoba bran, $19.50 to 520,
in bags, traok, Toronto; shorta. $21 te
5122.50; Ontario bran, $19 to 920 in bags;
shorts. 521.52.
Manitoba- Flour-Firat patents, 58.30 in
jute bags; second Datitnts, 54.00 tn jute
bage; strong bakers', 54.50 in Jute bags.
In cotton hags, ten cents more per bar -
Ontario Flour -Winter wheat flour, 90
per cent, patents, 53.95 to 54,05.
Country Produce.
Ecce -Gold -storage eggs, 18c to 20e, In
cage lots;* fresh egge aro selling at Ole;
strictly new -laid at 28c.
Cheese -Twins, new, 14 3-4 to 150, end
Urge, new, at 14 1-2o; old. cheese, twine.
150 to 151-20; large, 160.
Hutter-Creamery printe, 3/ to 320; do.,
solids, 29 to 30o; • dairy prints, 25 to 270;
laferior (bakers), 22 to 23c.
Itoney--Buckwheat, 90 pound hi tins and
06 in barrels,: etrainerl clover honey, 121-2o
rt Pound in 60 -pound tins, 158-40 in 10 -pound
tins; 13c in 6 -pound tins; comb honey, No.
i, $2.60 tier dozen; extra, 83 per dozen; No.
2, $2.40 per dozen.
Poultry -Live ',chickens, wholesale, 125 to
13c per pound; fowl, 1110 to lie: ducks, 13e
to 140; live turkeys, 15o to 17c; geese, 90
to /0o. Dreseed pouftry, 2o to 3o above
live quotations, excepting dressed turkeys,
at 20o to Mo.
Beans -Primes, 82.50 and 0.60 for heed -
• Potatoes -Ontario potatoes, 800 per bag;
Car lots, no; New Brunswicks, 90o to 95e
per bag out of store; 80c in oar lots.
Spanish. Onions, -Por case, 8240 to $3.90.
• Lard -Tubs, 541.40 and pails 14 1.00.
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats - P,olls-
,Smoked, 143-40 to 190; hulas, medium, 170
bo 171-2,,; heavy, 161.2e to 100; breakfast
bacon'081-20 to 19e; long clear bacon,
tone and eases, 241-2o to 143-4e; backs
(01ain), 211.30; backs (yeomen% no.
Green Meats -Out of pickle, le less than
smoked. .
• Pork -Short out. 826 to 820 per barrel;
moss pork, 821.90 to 822.00. '
Lard -Tierces, 131-4,,; tubs, 141.4o; pall,
141-00. `
Baled Hay and Straw.
Baled Hay -No. 1, 112 to 112.60; No. 2,
89 to MO; No. 3, $0 to $9. Baled straw,
99 to $9.60.
Montreal Markets.
3fo71roal, blarcb 4.--Corn-American No.
2 yellow, '61165o. Oate--Oanadian western,
No. 2, 411-24 to 420; do., No. 3 401-2e
410; extra No. 1 feed. 41 to 41140; -No.
1o101- whl5e. 30,e; No.'21Ottal White; 37c; No.
4 loosil white. 36e, Birley -Manitoba. teed,
62* to 540; malting, 730 to 76oi Buckwheat
-No. 2, Mc to 670„ P1our-Manitoba spring
wheat patenta, firsts, $5.40; seconds, $4.90;,
atroug. bakers*, $4.70; winter •patent&
ehol0s. 1516: -straight' rollori. 14.86 to 14.-
90; straight rollers.. bags,. $2,26 to 18.30.
Ro1leosts•ABrirrele. $4.35; boon. VS
12.05."i3ran•-•120; shorts. 1122i.
1S3. 'muffle. 130 to. $36.,,, Ray --No. I, pea
ton,, 08.11 1019, 41.60 No 113.. iMese-Ftnest
riiietorno. 13o1 -await pasterns. 111-40 to
158-45), Buttor-Oholtest croateory. 888.3,
te 290; emceed', 24* to 260. Bego-Presh;
290 to 30e; ee50cted.-23o to Met No, 1 Mock,
lie to 20c; No, 2 stock, 16o to 160. Pota-
toes -Per bag, ear lots, 60o to 750.
• United States Markets.
Minneapolis, March 4. --Wheat, May,
8�5.05); July, 901-4c to" 90 3-tia September.
900 to 40 3.41oT- No. .1 hiirdiis 69 7-110; No. 1
northern; 863-8., to 08 3-8e; No. 2 northern.
903-00 te 563.10: Corn -No. '3 yellow, 441.4.,
to 441.20,' Oato-No:- 3 whito. 390.00 to
693.4�. Rye No. 2, 64e to 561-06, Bran,
117.50 to $18100. Flour unchanged. ,
• Duluth, March . 4.-Wifeat No. 1 hard,
860.00 881.25; No, 1 northern, 870 to 671-2o;
No. 2 northern, 03c to 831-2o; May. 690 to
595-90' asked ; July, 903-0., bid; Sopteniber.
903•90 bid.
• 4.1vs• Stook Mark/sta. ' •
Montreal, 3faroh 45o -A Low choice steers
sold at 316.76, b,ut tho bulk of the trading
wee done In ciattlo ranging from $6 tb
96.50, while the lower grades moved slow-
ly from that down to 84.60 per 100 lbs.
Beet cows, 86.76, and the poorer oneo $3.;
26 to 86.50, whtle bulls 9 sold from 83.26 to
85.24. Sheep sold at from 94.50 to 85.25 and
Iambs' at from 87,60 to $7.75 per 100 lbs.,
while calves brought front 83 to 812 each.
AS 50 size and quality, Selected lotsof
hogs, 89.00 to $10 Dor 100 lbs., weighed off
Voronto, March 4.-Choiee butchers
brought from 96.60 to 86,75; medium hutch.
ere, 95,26 to 85.60, 8040 012181011, $4 to $5.
Butcher bulls from 93 to 95.25, and butcher
COWS, 54.76 to, 51.55 for the best, und
down to 83 for inferior stook. Canners, 11
to 52.60, and cutters 92,50 t.o 83.50. Peed.
ere from $5,25 to $6,60, and feeding bulls
82,73 to $4,25. Stockers, $4 to $5.26, and
yearlings 93 to 83.50. Milkers and ePrina-
Gi'aTv 840 10
970, 00001141033
a;g1g4t1.19.2r angcnigyn
to sass for common rough stook. Light
6,00.e8, $6 to 17, mut heavy ewes 90 to $6.
1.atitliNi 45,50 to 80.50. Fed and watered hors
went at 99.50, and hogs f.o.b. at $9,16.
The farmer who raises objections
is sure of a, large ceop. '
Row- a' eAki-'
The ,People are the 'Best Jutlges of
merit in theloilg (ut'. That'e lefty.
Comfort Seat) oetsees,,ith rivals..
Sir William Meredith In His Report Puts the Blame
on the Management
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Sir William Meredith's report as
Royal Commissioner appointed to
investigate 'the affairs of the Far-
mers' Bank- and the relations of the
forer Minister of Finance, Hon.
W, S. Fielding, and the Treasury
'Board thereto, w,aa tabled in the
Commons on Wednesday afternocn
by lion. W. T. White. The enn-
elusions reached in the report may
be briefly summarized as follows:-
The wlaole blame for the failure of
the bank, involving a net ltiss 80
the depositors, of $1,806,437, is
ascribed to the recklessness and
fraud of those entriisted with the
management of the bank. In so far
as the Treasury Board is concerned
the Commissioner finds- that there
is no geound-..for imputing any im-
proper motives to the 3 ex -Finance
Minister or his colleagues, 'and the
most that can properly be charged
against' them is "an ere:keel judg-
ment:" This error of judgment,lay
in accepting the repeated assuranc-
es of Travers as to the correctness
of the sworn statements Of ' the
bank' e affairs without making a suf-
ficiently Searching inquiry a,s to the
truth of the allegations made by 3
Sir E,dmund Oster, Mr. David Hee- •
derson, M.P., and others.
Sir William says that if the bank
had been prudently and benestly
managed there is no reason wiry it
should not have succeeded, despite •
the irregularities 013 the part of
Travers and his misconduct in con-
nection with the application for the
certificate. This would seem to bi-
dicate that the shareholders' and ,
depositors will not have much to go
on in their :demand for reinaburse-
ment from the Government.
Both Mr, Peter Ityan and the late
Hon. Col. 'Matheson, Previncial
Treasurer, are exonerated of any
culpability in the matter. In re-
gard to, the latter the report finds
that the Provincial Treasurer, in
meltite'cleposibi in -the, bank; adted
with nothing in view but the pub-
lic interest. ,
Premier Borden Says Government Would Be -Dere..
• lict in Duty- If It Did Not Enquire Into It
A elespatelt from Ottawa says
The Governinent 'has under consid-
eration the sending of a represen-
tative fo New York to investigate
Dr, Friedmann's cure for tubercu-
losis, and it possiiiie that they
may invite him to visit -Canoela.
This statement was made by the
Premier in- rePly te,Mr. A. K. Mao-
whe moved the adjournment
of the siting on Thursday foi the
Phrpose of +discussing the subjeet.
Mr. MacLean said that even if only
:partially effective Dr, Friedmann's
cure would be a great blessing to
the human race. The United States
Government bad sent a surgeon of
its Government service to welcome
the German p.hysician on his al,
Mr. MacLean suggested that
Canada should .end qualifi,d
physician to coefer with Friedmann
and pomibly invite' hint to visit -
Cailacia, to give dmuonstrations
ceraral point. , i
Mr. Borden answered that the
subject had already been under
consideration. He would imagine
that ite offectiyenes1 pr, Fried- '
enannes remedyewould require •-a;"
:good deili of 3tinie th demonstrateit;
and 0, visit to New Yerk migg itiot•
have very practical results. He 'did
not know whether Dr. Friedin.anri
would have time to visit Canada.
181 a,ny 02,00 the Government would
give the suggestion " its best coe-
sideration. There wee no differenc
n ae
of opinios to the desira.bility of
a full test of the remedy; and any
Government which. <1±C1not take
eveey reaso.nehle athp investi.
gate would be derelict it: its duty,
Means It Will Be Seareity on Tables
ot Poorer Claslses.
Meat 'Prices, with the exce.ption 01
beef, have a
ve advanced sharply agin,
after having remained nearly e,ta-
tionary since. October. Ost-ober
prices were ranch higher than these
of Oottrbe'r of 1911, and any advanee
over them means that a oonsider-
able portion of the poorer cla,sses
..4/will eat less meat an& eat it le's
• Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Testicle of the
peace and station master at Welling-
ton, ,on the I, Ry., Says: "Four
yeara ago 0 1011 011 a freight truck, sue
1aining a bad.cet on the front .of my'
leg. • I thought this WO1Ild heal, but
_Instead It developed Into a bad ulcer,
and later Into a. form of eczema w,hIch
Spread very rapidly and also started,
on the ether leg. Both logs became
90 'swollen and 151-5 .02571 2 could only
go abont my ;work • by having them
"J .consulteti two doctors, and tr)ed,
all' the salves,, enheente aud lotions I
imarri oe bet lestetel of getting better
got worse,
. .
1*1100 ovheis '15o8 m'
first 'box of Zsin.ffnk. ,(Sieatly to nay es-
lightehae first box gave me relief, 1 00);
tinned to apply it tothe sores, and clay by
day they got better; 1 eouid nee that. itt
hot 1 had , got hold of Om *thing which
would dare mo, end in the end it did,
"55 is now over a year slime ;?;a4n-55ific
worked a moo in my ease, and there has
hoen.,no ratuan of" the eczema."
Paroly heebel ineem osition, Zam-5111j5
is ei sure cure ,fcir sIl skin_diseavos cold
eorosl ehapped bands, tilbers; blood-pOlson.
ing,, vamoose 'sorsa, plias, ring tips ra,
inflamed pilfolicti,, cuts, barna 'and bruises,
'Att.dreggists And stereo ooll at '50,3, 67071 09
pont'free',frotd'Zittm-141B Co., TOrente, for
, f ell
„Tha,mittnber of animals avalable
for slaughter in Germany '13 to -day
much lower than it was a year ago,
and lower also than it was in 1907.
There aro reductions in hogs and
neat cattle compared to 015 year age
,ranging from 5 16± 167 per cent., ac-
cording to the 10c9b14ty, and in sotile
places the reductions in the num-
bers of sheep amount to 35 -per cont.
:Buyers paid the farmers abont '14
cents a pound for 'live, 1-i0515 in
nary, 1911. This triontiv they are
paying about 15,2 tents.
Tile Balkan War Ik Nearly at an
A despetch from Lencion E81y0
The Daily Telegraph claims special
inform:elem. regaeding the 'llurco-
Balkam sieuetion, ie which ih in Said
.peace is nearer than at any
time &ince the beginning• ol th,e
erpaisttee on December 6, ,kt,akey
entraiit her eaitse
couditiona Lir -14, the pe were, 'who
treat thready ;7.44 'Ow anie'5'
N 0 YE I) MAlI 0 NE.
Sit Wm. Navel Poi:steno-
' tee, Res l'assed Away. ,
'A elespa,tell from, London says :
Sir William 11, 'White, forme,rle
chief conetrubtor of the Drieisti
Navy, died en. Thursday efterneen
in Si liael hero as the reshit of a
, btyChe el apoplexy,
Canadian Paeille Railroad Asks for
- Tenders.
A despatch fvom Vancoitver says:
X. G. Sullivan chief engineer, of
western lines the Canadian Pa-
cific Railroad, announced on Thurs-
day that tenders, were 'being called,
to close April 15, for a great tun-
nel 28,000 feat long to cut through
tho Iteger's Pa,ss 1..
For Loss of Hair
We.will pay for what you use if
e93" flair Tonic does not
promote the geowth of your hair.
in all our experience with hair
tonics the one that has done 01005. 50
gam our confidence is Recall "93"
Hair Tonio. We have such well:
feunded faith in it that we want
you to try it at our risk. If it does
not satisfy you In every particular,
we will pay Co,' what Yon use to the
extent, of a 30 day treatment.
If Rexall "93" flair TODie does
pot remove dandruff, relieve scalp
irritation, stop the hair front falling
• and promote a new growth'. of hair,
some back to its and ask us 50 return
the monoyyou paid for it, and we will
promptly hand it back to you. You
don't sign anyth1ng, promise any-
thing, hring anything back, or le any
way obligate yourself, Isn't *17,71 10,5'?
Doesn't it stand to reason that we
would not make such a liberal offer
if we did not truly believe -that
Revolt -53" Hair Tonic w,11 do all
we claim. for it-- that it wilt do all
DUCI MOTO than any other rentedsre
• m allortel fboar','ametidelaYrtehaillTletthoCrj°1m110gea
merits of tho things 'We, sell. Cus-
tomers toll hs of their success. Thor°
re, satiss.ad
..t sers T0of
• ,allmTne.10:aany*inila:ropar Bon we 6011.1•
• Sntrea::e:: ofrtxi.03:10io;i:t:dyl:0u:i1
You can buy Regn "981 Har 10:
this amurtunity only at our Store;
Li; i7; 1401-13/IE§.
Oilmen The ea Store Ontario
'Marl is I; Resell State in nearly every town
and city to Um United States, Canada and
Cireat britAin. Tho r0 in ti difforetit ItexelV '
`Remedy for nearly ovary ordinal y human ill -
ouch especially designed for the particular ill
for which ;610 reoenirosudod.
Tito Recoil Stores are America's Orcateot
Dino Storm;