HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-06, Page 5March 6th, 1913 .0 11 53 .51 11 0 01 15 3 Clinton •News -Record I �l'immerings.: Verily 1 reacher ag. r•alketh re - uch e . tty, empted 'own :uedey ave ,ip uring San ed. his le over nding ience ous r end iney)., „., telings rondered flectionate. °nee ad Mat old; There yed, ag ime le is tens, ompany, rith red, Fe e lads O tulens., weet u re hose hatch gardener ardener 15 1 not liar' lents rs 1 his h; looms ere, lee reliably ossip. c in - . • . . ,. the. streets late, have aniple his Wafering ' in slippery slid or skipped an exathple brought home esPeciaill' if to round Hall, in MI clothes anti been limey risings'. betti the past of ne Mean full length glanced steathily, if an. audience few (unfortunately 1) he hastily patts together, parcel, . then righted and proceeded ruffled. at the 'greeting of tlie two been, in their a tale those • is e sharp malicious little no home -of wherever ofitimes -Welcomed . and same In fart them .that .sheap-featured has wonderful be is not his head flowery face e r o u s flowery looks for them. and too, His seeds, -'which he aids them way, and more ; for he is indifferent efforts. But yes ! they are Trouble,' Hurt ',Feelings,- The name you have Does he your hoe? . ' • ' ' . ...-- . , , , „, . of Clinton con , given the 'eloquent , recope ,tor to, I 'fhee.sineer ..,, Who: • places" and as home from Church .in e ,serinori ,avbeld,K With tenfold real- ; we grac°11111Y . at- , the 'corner at the the dignity of ouit 'good hat.' There edown'-comings' and great and 'small; week, aerie one poor Proportioas measu- 'OR Vinegar Hill. about to , (lis- was present, but, for. the au-' -gathered his var. hoc.. daily pap_ (bread. for tea, l' him/self general- on ties way- .1115 His wife no doubt lack Of the ueuel ; and the ale: vest -buttons which esual place at neon. buttons • could have . • featurede. heady chap, who hay- his own spends .his he will be tolerated. with open people eevel in ' ;his so MUCh .iS he they become beady and malicious. powers, for when wanted by some, and reveals a ; liet there are e, Priclnes ' hrnearn if one would This, little man is a very successful sPeefiutY is Plant- invariably grow: in Ms own pee- then slips off and unlike most garden- as to the result his seeds grow; grow !; and. the Ruined Charac- Broken Hearts, of -this little man I guessed. It • is ever visit with you ? I . . . Hallett Township . A _company of friends • gathered • at the home --et Mn. herme Hili of Abe , - ard eon. on Monday' evening to bele , 'celebrate . the birthday of her /'Irrra" , ,. • .. er, • Mr .Richard Bailey. -The terming , wasvery pjeasantly , epent.; ;num and .singing, Mr. Beiley, who WAS. he excellenteepirits, paying esPacial ate. tention 'Co' that part of 'the',Peoginin, ' 4 ana assisted by his brother, Mr: John Bailey, . and Mr. Geo. Mann gaVe SeV- eral selections on the violin, kiOCOM" , . pained by Mrs' Jona Sailer- ma ...the '1'. , organ. Mr. . Hale, who was pre- sent, , also gave several phonograph. selections which were appreciated. Taffy and -other refreshments were • served and a most deriglals1 eves- ing was brought ' to a clew.. by ' giv- t three ' cheers for the happiness .nz and prosperity oi the host. Mr. 'Thos. O'Connor of Zurich. township,ailerlt8nday with friends in . this. 'I'l foeaving is the report of S. S. _.eleTte. 4, Ifullett, MX the month of - F'ebruary Examinations ,were on GramMar, Language, History, . Die- tati.on ' $ tellin GeographY, arid Corn- position. I Thogs'e Marked. * were ab- posi . sent tor 1 examination. Sr 1th -Warren Rogerson 78' Char'lie Sundercock 15, C.arleton .Roe" eg rson 67, - . , Jr. 4th.„--11.1oren_ce Cartwright 56, Sr. 3rd, --Lillie Connell 67. Sr. 2nd, -Willie Briggs 89, e tiler Ogbourne 84, 'Pohl Appleby 83. Kath- leen' Allen 81. ' , . ' Jr, 214 -Alfred White 68, Ralph Joseelyn 63*, Mary Cartwright '56; Cecil Cal:twright 5,3, George Addison 31. ' • ' Part 2nd: -Hazel. Rogerson, Lilian. Cartwright, Violet Addison, Milton Brown Daisy' Maylor. • ' e. 1st class A, --Olive Joscelym ..e B, -Leslie Knox. , - c __Elgin Jese6iyn. ' No. on 1oll-23, 'Average attend- awe 20. - , . . . ' Perfect attendance,-eWareen -, Roger- on Charlie Sundercock, Carleton ' em Rogerson; Kathleen- Allen; lerthur Ogbourne, Cecil Cartwright, Leslie Knox. 13eht spellers for month are :-- Sr. 4the-Charlie Sundercock. Sr, 2nd, -Willie Briggs, Jr. 2nd,-Ra1ph Joseelyn. Part 2nd, -Lillian Cartwright. • .,_ R. MacKenzie, Teacher., .Mr. David .1Ioggart' €1. • , who recen y sold , his lann on the 2nd eon. o`- ' - Tuckersinith, hap, now purchased. the ons -hundred -acre farm belonging to Mr. Chas. Rodgersee Lot 10 .0a. the r 9th con. known as the Warrick m homestead'. Itis i- s a ' fine 1 arm and, Well improyed. The purchase price was somewhere. in _ the neighhorbood of 56,000. Mr, Hoggart's son, Ohar- les, who has been -occupying the Tuck.ersmith fatm, will -take. posses-, sion of the new and is now - TOckersmitil Township . .. . , , Misses Nina and Irene TereYherrY left last -week for Toronto,. ; . . . . Miss :Ruth ' Switzer was the • guest' of Miss -Nan Woods' of. Seaforth Geer• , the. week -end .. .. ' , . Mr. Sanibel Carnochan's• house WaS botood to the ground while the fain. ity were atea church meeting on pie, day oeeeeig last. .. , ' , , Mrs. 'Fred Pepper, entertained a oneuelunbenege", of.. her ' °."'"i-e.nds ea Thursday . Mrs. J. manning. of •s•ebringville visite'd her parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. Crich, last week. . ' . - Mr. and Mrs, --Norman Hanna, who , silent the winter visiting the latter's , parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Switzer, returned' to their., bailie , at Vanguard, Sask., last week.. Mr: Hanna en- gaged Mn.Foster, to • help with the farm, work - mid he and Mrs, Fos - Inc acconipanied them home. Mr. Albert Pepper had :a wood ere recently and gave a party in' the- ev- main . at .which all the young, people enjoyed themselves: immensely. Mi. and Mrs, J. Stewart ' ef Goile- rich. treenship were :visiting friends in this township last week. ' r. anMrs, o e an o . , ea o a M d M d 1 d f S I tie visited in this vicinity last week. ' Mt. and Mrs.„ Frank Coleman are moving their household effects to the farm they recently ' putchased from . Mr-. Levi Stong. ' , BLAKE.. Qttiltini, bees . are the order oi the . • ." ' day'now. SEED OATS FOR 'SALE. -WHITE Tartar vatiety, A good oat to . . • ,. . , , yield and very. stiff in the straw. 'price . 50 cents per beetle'. Also, mixed for seed 55 cents.-- '1VANTED-AT THE A-TEXANDRA Marine and General HosPital, Crod- • . . , . ., . , , ranch, Vero, or four pupil, I1M SOS.- Apply 19 Miss Griffiths, Superin- tendent Goderiete ' 70-3 GOOD MORNING ! • Good, Morning I dear reader, How' does, your, sub, to The News•Record- read ? The label tejes the story, . . , grain , John Vodden; . Loridesbore P. 0: , , , , , ' FAleill FOR SALE :--TIlle LINDER, stetted offers for s,ale one hundlleef' .,ieusteete.. . iateitetshpei clao-tignetyea olafact4tiarsont,aveini: Part '01 Lots 25 and 26 on :the 17th Cou Goderich township one - •• ^ ' . mile . north . of Clinton, le mace _ school. : - the !arm . . from on . is a - frame barn 36x60: with good cern, ent wall, also a stone stable 25x 50 with hay loft above ; comfort - able -II room frame house; a nev et-failieg well and one acre of 'or- chard. Reason for , selling, . ill health.. For particulars apply, on. the. premises or addresse-Joseph Colclough, Clinton P. 0. -66 ,SEED GRAIN -A LIMITED teUAN- ttty of 0,A.C. No. 21 Isarley, at 60e .Also Bumper King seed, oats, 45c.' Phone 5 on, 168' MeKillop System. . -70;--3. . FAtflieMitol.^fiA210.11e•plAfirRsSans AdNe,sDiriDnOgIllfif,i,rSIA , --.Apply to • Loren Tyndall, Clinton Ps). ' ' ---,7 1 - HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO :RENT, corner, ' Frederielf ' and Dunlop , laborers or domestic help should . maker: ainalication to me at the emit-. ' s w• I'll PERSONSWHO TOO . E - wr. ` era' articles ,fron . the stable of r. . . . ., W. T. -Henry, Gravel Road, on the evening of Feb, .22nd, are requested to return same itninediatelY ad so streets lately occupied' by Mn.Mc- Murray.re , _ .. ,..... mTen, rooms, nala • all° 60 water. . itAcre ,of Med; . fallit . - trees, good. stable. -Apply to li. G. Thompson or at News -Record. ' ._53, est possible date • as first come are - . ' . , .' ... . , , first served and parties will soon hegi t arieiffe f • • 1 the I 'c bogin 1, °A. ..1.4 dtigx:'' einini(Ln4 oun r .- .. J. , D 0 ; .r . • . mmigration Agent. Clinton: -69 save trouble. -71-1. . . ' - ' HOUSE AND ,LOT FOR SALE.- CADET CONGA`ER'TejTh -1 I the Collegiate I stitu e undem e - e dPellPitIst o dir eption of Miss, May Rance are pre.- panne for a concert to be given en • - , . i the town hall on tne evening o Match 17-tli, The program. will con- sist of drills, plays, instrumeutal and vocal music.. Proceeds on be- AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements -Mr. Wesley . Mar- quis has instructed the undersigned to, sell by Oahe auction at Lot 29 ' .c n. ' H 11 tt ^ 0 a, al e , on Wednesday, March 12th, at 1.30, pan., the jot- iliolawrieng :iA he0aavy ColydeclailewobtrAomorgt f I t Spot • • : • ' horse 5 years old ; Clydesdale 111.: One of the best locations- in. town cornet • Prineess ' and William streets: . House contains 7_ ' toonis 00 ground 33°", 66°61'44 8°°r' ' ac'b finished, Herd ' and soft; . water. e acre land, fruit trees, etc.- For further, particulars. aPPIF to D S Cleft - 5. , i••••••••••••••••••••• is , : • • • : • • ee, E . L -NT- - • . ea re ' • • . • • se If you .were to ask for the : . loan of our little hatchet • • • • we Would .be compelled • • ' . • el. f0 tell you fit is Lent.' • • • ' - • • Arad we have a,full as • 0 • 1 sortment oi Fish on hand • • , • . • • : - -41..t.ESH HALIBUT • • - • •,-FRESH SEA SALMON lit : -FRESH SALMON TRO'T : 0 0 -FRESH SMELTS • • • • --FRESH HERRING : '41 . ' , • -FRESH WIIITE FISH se ''' • • • -FRESH. LETTTOE • • • ' • , • • .....,-• ' • wednesdays * • • • • • AND • • • 6 * Fridays ,• • • • • . ""''''''''' • half of the, Cadet Corps to provide uniforms. ALL Seats will be reserve ed and the plen of ttee: hall, will be, t Fair's on Friday, March 'open a . 7th. Admiesion 350e, - _ea ' - - iy,, rising ? sired by Bia,ek , Dani i Clydesdale filly . rising 1; by Black Band; Roadster gelding rising 3, be Missouri, chief.; fat. cow ; , milk cow to fresIxee in August ; -milk cow • to freshen in 'April ; 2 Hoe TO' RENT , OR FOR SALE -THE two-story brick house on Raglan street known as "The Maples," El- ectrie light and. waterworks. Two acree orchard, Stable, -D. - Can- 'elon. . NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN stein. grade heifers, supposed to be in calf ; Shorthorn grade heifer, . „ewe -- • that the co -partnership heretofore subsisting 'between the undersigned as Livery •Keepers, under -tlie firni name of H. Hill et. Co, .at Clinton day dissolved b Ont., has been this v . _ mutual consent. All debts due ;to the said partnership are •to be paid to Jacob Taylor at his office on or before the 31st say of sfipposed to be in calf • 3 steers , , gin2g 2. .years;fShorthornhull!mii rte. ingleg stere ,. Wyandotte hens ;, 2 Columbian Wyandotte cock- ere...." ; Massey -Harris binder, 6 -foot . cut with sheaf carrier and truck ' in. good repair; Deering mower, Massey -Harris 12 -hoe drill wil It grass 'Seeder ;attachment. ; Mac- DANCING CLASS EVERY TUES- .day Night in Town hall. Instrue- tion given from 7-9, Hall open to ill after nine for dancing. Parties welcome. Terms upon application. ' Under managernent of Miss M. elaneo. ' 66 • Marriages CHURCHILL - COLOLOUGH.e- - A t the residence of the• bride's par- outs, on March 3ril, by • the B. H. J. Condole Effie May, 70005. est datighter cif • Mr: and Mrs. ,. Roht. Colelough, ' of the Parr'. tine, '4°d°'eieh TawnsiiiP' t° Frank, Churehill of Clinton. ARMSTRONG - KENNEDY - In ' Clinton, • on March' eth, by the - , ' Reve.D. KeGrant, Gladys L. Kori. nedy, daughter of Mr. and Mts. . Donald k. Kennedy, to John .Ed- - gar Armstrong, of Wingham. . CANTELON-MILLER --In Olinten cni Feb. 26th, by the ReV. C. E. Jeakins, .Annie B., eldest claugh• ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, s. Mil- Mr of Clinton, to Wilber L. Can-. telon of .Moosejaw, Sat*. GEDDES-KNOX-In Toronto, on February 18th, by Rev. J. B. ' o er ng am, rec or o . Geo-. l'• tit i h ' t f St G rge's church, Godericli, Katharine Munroe Knox, eldest daughter of Mrs. C. M. 13urton; of •Detroit, to John Gamble Geddes, 'manager of the Union Bank; Gocierieh, • R3510 -COOPER -In London, by the Rev.' Re, Whiting, on February 19th, Annie Dottie Cooper, of ( ) Clinton, to James L. Reid, of Bay City, effich, • . Births -- CALDWELL-In Tu ekeremith on ' 1 to Mr - and Mrs. February 24t , . John Caldwell, a daughter. . DeathS B. OWNie-At Londesboro, on March 5111, Francis l3rown aged 87 . , years and 3 months. • . mryNRO--In Godericli, on February . 26tIr, James Munro, aged 78 years, 1 inenth and 23 days. NOBLE -In Egmondville, .on Feb. . 21st, Annie. Stephenson, wife of Mt, Joseph Noble, aged sa years, 6' months ad 9 days. FOWLER -In Galt, on Feb. 22nd, Tom Firomley. Fowler, former'Y of Clinton, aged 62- years. Mareh, who, is authorized to , gi•Ye- Pts for same. -Signed H. Hill, Ere,ecIiiill. Clinton,Feb. 25th, 1913. ' -71-le sey-lIarris steel rake, 12 feet wide, -Massey-I-Ian:is 'cultivator ; National eie‘e, eneee, „„,,,,, . eel, eer . gangr ows '4.- .'s e' c -t i -o -n7, '-n-e-a r't. 1 y' n'e.; ; 's -e ; r • harrows, 3 section's ; fanning mill • roller ; seedier ; pea harvester ' .. • ARM FOR SALE ESTATE OF 'Thomas • Beacom, deceased. The . Executors offer for immediate sale lot 30, Hayfield Concession, God. . "HAZEL KIRKE"-UNDER THEless.-For • direction of Miss B. May Rance, . . will be given under the auspaces of , Pu ,erich !per • buggy ; wagon; Bain wa- god box ; road cart; set double harness ; eet single. harness; set plow harness; sugar kettte ; ' grind , . Towns.hip, 76 acres mom or ^ terms apply to J. T. Harland or W. Brydore. --(IS. ' . : _ the Citizen's Band in. the town hall on the evening of April 3rd, instead of March 27th. In order to make the play a miccess we have gone to the expense of supplying the stage with new scenery and fittings. Mr. 'Phelan with his orchestra will give Rome good music during the perfor- mance and afso between acts. -70 stone ; new ladder ; ropes, slings, ear and p u 1 1 0 y s ; neckyoke and whiffietrees ; some bay, cattle chains, ete. Terms •- $5 and under cash. On over that amount 7 menthe - credit will be given on ;approved- joint notes. 3 Percent. . straight -off kr cash.- Wesley Marquis, -proprietor ;• 'nos. Guradry, FARM FOR SALE 'OR 70 rent. .•-• The undersigned offers to nt his fine ,ffor sale or re . . of about . 145 acres an Goderieh arm. , . d. . i Township on Lake Shore a join ng the village of. Hayfield. The farm ,is in a good latate of cultivation, well fenced and underdraieed and has good buildings. Good water - in • _ ' - - — • ; • W T ' • • • ; • 0 NEIL • ! .• "The Hub Grocery:" • ; • • . • ••• •••••,•• ••••••••••• so , . . .auctioneer. house and stables with. windmill ee, . wAYS OF • A WATCH• . .., The ways 01 a watch are past find- ing out, Don't try, If your watch. is lazy an wont• 't repair 7 d run, it 05 it for yeti, Ten to one you neglect- ed it. -let it get 'dirty,or it stops from lack of oil, Whatever ie. ;the- reason, don't delay; Delay costs money and of ten spoils the watch. We give Thorough examination and regulating free, atrything more costs ., as little as satilifactory work can be . done for, , , re 1...1 A. • J. IZIOG. JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. SSUER MARRIAGE LIOE•NSES. FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND part of Lbt 39,, Con. 9, • Goddrich township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and .good tillable land with the exception of IWO acres of bush and ten acres of orchard' con- , SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED end repairs kept on and, also ag- Ic eney for new machines. -A, Hoop- . er, Albert' street. • -.lie • r • , ' and' tank. 10. acres first class or- chard with other srnall fruits, 10 acres fallwheat, about 35 acres ., ready for. spring crop. . Telephone connectioa and Rural Mail Delivery for furthet partieulars Apply to taining apples, plums and cherries. . -D. C. Galbraith, Bayfteld P. 0. Farm in good condition being of Telephone 4 on 159, • -60-2 MISS . EMMA • LAVIS, • TEACHER • good clay loam, well fended and of Piano, is to take prepared pup- • , having an abundance of excellent ils for piano inetruction at eer • • water. On the premises are • two hoine ,corner Isaac and -Joseph HELP WANTED -PH E JACKSON barns one 58x30 with shed 25x10, street's. Inter,mediate Standing. • Mfg. Company -Hand. sewers and • ' all on stOnce foundation; • The oth- - • -66- operators. Steady work, Short er barn is 50x30 with shed 47160 hours, Well lighted • and ventilated Ilillsgreen . Mr. Jamcs Turner, an old and se- aected resident of the vicinity, Pas- M away on Wednesday of last , week t the age of eighty-one years. Mr. timer lied hem, in rather poor aalth for some -three or four years, Eating from 'the time when he suf. Ted A stroke of paralysis . from 'hick he had ,alever • fully reenv- Md. He has been able , to : team about the Meta°, however,' tut was'. enjoying a measure , of haltli, when -le contracted a cold ad other cOmplicetions set in which is we.ahezied !ramie leould not' With- and. The end 'came euddenly, while 3 was sitting in his chair. The - de- ,flSed 'Ins a' 11:ihiVC of 'Tyrone, Ire-' ad, an4 came 'to this country, With Is mother and other members of.the tinily in 1844: his father having ' in the old 'country. They holt- d en. the Front Road, on the firm ew owned by Treasurer Reid. Rut .f0v yeats later he purchased the' era on. the Parr Line, which' ever ler eceitinued toe be his home. Hise. ife, who was Miss Webster ef, Leek -Annie 3w, aisti. cefamily of six survive: Mrs.. oh ix MaNatighton of Teekerslnith, :rs. Frank Coleman, John and Web- ter Tigner,of.the immediate neigh- hrhood, ' and Ilirvey. and Annie at eine. Mrs, Isaac' Erratt of tht, abylon - Line, Stanley township, as is sister . and is now the only stir- iving member of The original Lam- y. • Mr,. Turner wies. a Pretrbyterian , religion and . ax. Conservative in sales.' . He was a man uk a quiet' ael kindly disposition, Much beloved 7 ' his own family and a large rcle of friends. The. funeral, which as very largely attended, took ape .11601.the .family residenee. r, On riday afternoon,. the services being )3111110te3,hY the .:POV. .Mr. Urquhart.! Listowele a . Midler pastor to hom he was gulch attached., assist,- 1 by the Rev. J. li'ichard•son: .The illbeareis were ; Messrs. 'James, . J. property meeting to it. Mr, and—Mrs, Rod- gets= intend going west to the vie- fixity 01„ Calgary, where 'they have large interests, and While- the neigh- bore regret to lose them from .the community they wish them succest M their new home. ' •- . . Report of S. S. No. 7, Hullett, for- February. ' Examined in reaeling, sPelling ar- itlunetic and Megielle. Total 300. Those marked with a * missed .one examination.. . 'Sr. ,ith,-Geo. Brown 224: , Jr. 4th,e-Jesiie MeVittie 170, Geo. Pollard 129. ' Sr, ard,-LoMe ' Herrington 154, Olive MeVittie 129. , ' e Jr. 3rd, -Annie pollard 155, Jos- eph Iloggaet 165, Lillian Tatablyn 122* Norman Sanderson 93.• ' Jr. 2nd-e•Exemined in reading spell- ing Geography , and ,arithnietic. Total 300, , . Laura Beacom 201. • Berta Sanderpon - 155. Janet InteVittie 104.* . Jr. 1t, -Harold Beaeone Best spellers for . the mouth : , Jessie • MeVittie, Olive' elleVittie, pollard, Laura elleacora. ' ' • - , ... ..-T.e. J. Waemann, Teacher., . Report of S. S. No. Inc Pen:" --- . , ruarY. • , • 40 " ClassEffie Jamieson, Lulu mann, Nemo' :mcmjehace Sr. 3r3,-elosephine ' Livingstone, Alan Farnham, Pletcher . Gibnings. Jr. 3r3, -Mabel Livingstone, -Aro- old Jamieson; Nora Mann, Eva Glatt. zier, Emma Ilea, Myrtle •Glauzier, Pearl Mann, Corti° Glauzier, • : .' Sr. 2nd -'-Alta Olauzier, Florence , Jamieson, Gerta Mann, Margaret . Mores, Mary G-ibbing Raymond Jam- 'Jason. : ' ' Jr. 20,-0ecil Farnham, Allison Dale,- Nona: . 'Dale, Percy . Tasker, . • , '. Charlie Mann. - 4 , Part 2nd, -George Hart, Leslie Tasker, Wm. Livingstone, - Part 1.st,-Joe Hart, Etta Wright. ,. • _, k nes F ritham 'Teacher g , a , and also a gravel house, Situated work rooms, Good pay. -Apply at R2 'le from school t mile from DRIVING HORSE FOR SALE, - Office, or to J. McLeod, Supt. -,. . one mi . ly , English church, I mite' from Meth- : four years old, also buggy good as . - °dist church 5 miles from Clinton ' new and set double harness. -Harry. I . , , 6 milth from Hayfield. Rural Tele- Hayes, Clinton. -67 FARM FOR SALE -The ,Exeoutor of phone connection. 'Also part of Lot • . the Southcorahe estate offers tor .36, Telephone Road, containing 50 : ."' sale 50 acres, being east half , of acres adjoining •school and miles WOOD WANTED. -200 cords of first loll 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is a tram Clinton, on which there aro class Wood cut 14, 16 and 18 Inches firseolass farm, well. watered and no buildings but containing a small long. -A, Forbes, Coal Yards. -63 improved and with good buildings. 'swamp making 11 an excellent pas- Also the undersigned Micas , for sale 'For titre farm. further particulars lot 26, eon, 6, Hullete, consisting ol apply on the Premises,, or addiess-e 100 acres. These farms may be . A ' • MI n y . ing Ton want done in the line of . Heating, Tin' Plumbing,. . sty thing or Metallic Work call. and ,get r• our prices. Jobbing . and Repairing done promptly. Skates sharpened while you wait ....eh.— • . Geo. A. Cooper Chilton, Ont. Phone boUght together or separately.- 7 on 155. . e -71. 11011SE FOR SALE ON ONTARIO Apply to . o , R J. S utheorabe ClIn. street,., eight rooms hard and soft ben p, 0, ' -.48 , water, -14 acre of land, Well lo- . Mrs. .--- BLAKE, ' . ' Mr. and Mrs: Shepherd of Goderich Township spent Sunday ,lasti with Mr. R.ihellnst°n• ' Mrs. A McDonald is s week A. Ibis . . ' nursing in Brucefield. AUCTION SALE 05' FARM STOCK • ated.-Apply to D. Connell. ' ' and Iraplements. The undersigeed -66. ' FARM FOR SALE ON TIIE CUT has instructed Mr. It, .Bossenbetryied • Line, Goderieh township .& mile to self by , public auction at lot 17, , . from • Holmesville, 4i. miles from Salible Line, Stanley township, at FOR SALE -3 DRAUGHT COLTS', centon, consisting of ao acres. , 1 o clock sheep, on Tuesday, March 1 rising 1, 1 rising 2 and • 1 rising The farm is in a good state of cut- 18th, the following: general . pair- 3 years, the lattet Iwo being well , tivation 'well watered by never- p,ose mare; in „foal , to ;Colonel, matebedie-Apply • to 'John Ilohnes Millng spring and well. Geed er- , - draught gelding, ,. rising 3 years, Huron Road, .. -2.1-7. chard. ,lituildings, all first class driving- horse; ff' years 'old, -newly --' I •. and In good repair. Owner desires ............—.. . ' COLONIST RATES' ' ON SALE DAILY Match 15th to April h5th inclusive • . From Clinton. to VANCOUVER, 11. C, VICTORIA, If; C. • SEATTLE, WASH. SPOKANE, WASH. _ - SARI' FRANCISCO, CAL: s - LOS ANGELES, CAL, ' • ' $46.75. • , SAN DIEGO, CAL, MEXICO CITY, ME2C. ' Proportionate low rates to other ' t • ' A .' ' Br't'sh Columbia Pons s in 1.Izona, • .1 1 . ,- California, Idaho, Mexico, Montana,drained Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington,. etc. From all stations in Ontario. Ask Grand Trunk Agents for full .t. 1 • • ,,, pal ice ars. . ' The Grand Trunk "Pacific Railway . is the shortest and quickest route bet,ween:' .Winnipeg-Sastateoli - Ed- monton, .' -" ' .. • ' '' • . I-TOME:SEEKERS' ' EXCERSIO S --- - - --- N' - ' lip Ararlite6a,- SaskatelteWan ' e • and. 'Alberta- '-' Each Tuesday March to October in- elusive via Chicago .and St. Paul Through :coaches and. penman Tour- jet sleeping 'Cars .win leave Toronto if ;ten. on above dates for eliTinni- peg, , ,, - . No "Change' of Cars , . WINNIP,EG and RETURN $35.00 EDMONTON and RETIJRN 513.00 Tickets good ,,for 60 days. Propor- ' tionate low rates to ,other points. ' .SET'fLERS' EXCURSIoNS . To Alberta and Saskateltewan March , Ilth : . • and eve,ry Tuesday thereafter, until Aprif 29th inclusive, from stations ' ' P t rboro Port Hope and in Ottano„ , e e , , , . Wet, , - . , ' • ' ':: , LOW RATES . Through Coaches arid .T'ourist sMepers te. Wineipeg :without change lowing Toronto II:00 p:m. on --above dates. : . ' ^ t , JOHN ItA-NSFORD ce SON ' Town Passenger and Ticket Agents, - - Phone 57. ' • ' A. O. PATTISON, , , Depot Ticket Agent. 'Phone' 311u... calved cow, 2 cows in: calf, , steer • to Wen owing .to ill Ifeelth. • Dar- nisi 3 'heifer- nising 3 2 t - lig. „•- rising , s ears - --e- SlivRTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. ' gain for quick sale. -W. Pickard, nising, rising,. 2, • 3 calves, , 50 .pullets, ,. ...9 grand young bulls from. eows - Holmesville. • -66 Rhode lel* Reds;-.140ssaY-Harris •that . we reserved at Our sale af- binder, 6 'cut; in :good '- , BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers ' Phone 74 -Mot .repair, ter the fire and sired by the en- . Mower, Massey- arra. seed drill, ported hull Best Boy. Prices rea- FARM FOR , SALE -THE UNDER- d Nexen 4Ifielt diamon harrow, 2. sonabie. Come and see theM.77 . signed offers for sale his fine farm walking "lows, scuffier,,, fanning Wm. Grainger & Stan, Londesbora. . 130 ' ' ;II i lag the mill, wagon, top -buggy, denhoeralt, of ebout acres a o ni , blob -sleigh, cutter, wagon box and -64-8 town' of Clinton. The fa•rna is in bee, jack, ea good state of cultivation and Ancient Order ' • ; ' of Foresters . , 0 . , ,r The ,onlyLegal Reserve Fraternal ociety doing business in Canada, . _____ Incorporated by special ,Aet of the fominion Parliament. _____ Full Government • Reserve inaiii%. • . on every Policy. , . --- Fixed , rates' and definite contraet with special privileges. , ----- Whole Life 10, 15, 20, 25' and 30, Pay, Life Policies and Endowmen . . , Comparison Invited. -- No Liaise in Rates, --- No Assessment, . • . :For further' particulars enquire et any member Of Coatrt,. Prosperity, or of '‘ . „.. . -,......... • , A. F..Cudmore, . SeCretary. • • spring seat-, gravel -hay g set IVO i set. has . good • buildings -brick house, ho rack, working harness FOR SALE_ 1 LARGE 6 OCTAVE bank barn driving house, pig pen, . single harnese, eight pair of hams ; -/ . . , , ti 1 , A r • , piano eased organ, as good a new, e P Y and collar, 28 -foot extensaon ladder s - tc-all com are ve new. met sell class young orchard containing all Will : set of, slinge tied ropes,. grain bags, • only in use 3 months. , , , . 11 f 't' stontboat, iron kettle, wire stret: cheap. Terms to suit purchaser,-- kinds of fruit, also sma rm. . ' Apply to Wesley W'alke'r. -61 The farm is well fenced and , well t " f t f •' d. cher, WI It 50 ee o rope, i pin shovels,forks', .,0 0. and is a very desirable stone t .4417 -quan- ...,... , , 'bitty. of stove wood, -daisy.- churn, , home. For further particulars newt Century washer, 3 "stoveS; woe'd ZOTTOE. TO CREDITORS -^" In apply Oh premises or address John. nnaimed ' - Cheer) h ' • 13 • ' th natter of th estate of Ro- range, (Good ase sitner . e 1 e Torrance, Clinton I', 0, . -'s0.- . , , , . , . . ' ' , bort of the Town- with, hoe au pipes, name case,,Marshalllate , Organ, ,43,.i. octave, several pieces . cf ' -ship of Goderick, yeoman, 'ileceas- furniture hoesehord artielee oil -Notice is hereby given ohn, W. and Chas., Reid,' Geo. . ... . . , eattie and Robert Stephensee. A- iongst those who attended the iun- ;al froM a distance were': Messrs. .obt. 'and James Webster of- Kin- !Ss,. Richard and Daiiiel .Webster and Is. Susan Webster of rucknow, ' and lessrs..• Albert Alton', Thos. Aruba-. )13 and Mrs,. Findlay of .Ashfield, ohs. Turner 68 Seaforth arid ' Mr, ad Mree S. Cluff of: Chiselterst. . , , LOndeirs Road. ' ' -- -- - Mr. John ' Wise is moving to his icomfortable home recently bought ' from, Mr. -McClaclierty of Clinton.' The neighborhood Is sorry to i-O.SO the Wise family, who have 'been POP- ulay here, „but we congratulate. them' neon . retiringftom the name are- uoue. labors OE 'the farm and trust they ' will enjoy life in town. and pursuant • ' ' Tli • to Sec 55' ' 'rim' 'Trustee ' Act - of too numetotrs to men ion. . ese . . „ .. . t' - wit' he nee..reServe as .tbc,,proptie- that all .persons having, claims ' tor has sold his,' farni.,' ' ;terms :.--- agabist the estate of "the said de-, r ‘,..—..---,------1 'All suing OE''.$5 aid:Under, cash, ' On ceased,..whii died on or abdut.ri" the .oven that ameht„ 8' months 'etedit 6th day 'of 'Ii'ebruary 1913 'a're'' Te -4. ywill be;''giVen. on approsied jeint quired to ',send by post prepaid to. • • '''4* . 1 at '''''.:, '14;,4-11:usstortir ' rot:videmissirtill 10111110111,- 1 • notes. 3 ' Percent. straight ,off for the .,endersigried executor.91,:,., their: -rit , „,,,.......- fl=___-.....- .' - .eaSli on credit, anieents,, Poultry solielltor ,on or before tline1.5.th clay case, 'Arch., Stirling, Drysdale, of Mareht1913 -their names' 'and., ad- Proprietor: E. Bossenberty, Alice (Meese§ : with: - full pahicUlats in • . trtmeet. ; , writieg of, their ,clarms, and state- 1 / ,%4, 5. 74 Kol,.•0: ..- / / tee .,,,,,,.... /ea ••"-• '••• ' ,A /, • ^- ee• tek . . , , , ... • merit .-. .of, +their accountS,:and • .the ... „ .. .. ,, . , :. .., .., 7. o.•7, MCKillop.Township The blatheskites who want to Mee the... -Whole Ixatrclen of, taxation ,on he latid and allow the man of iortgaged wee owns and lives in a 'alatial home tp , go entirelY free Kim all taxation, are, now being . „. , cord from. ' • ' , '' , '- . .. • tieorge ' Roe hall- bee ..hafiling' tali- er from down near McNaught's one Ay lest week. , ' , Henry : Beenervies. bee hem hauling ravel for the perpoge of building , a HO tiliS ' coining Season. , John Dougherty is going to ellintge • rid improve his barns and le eet- Ing material for that purpose. SflJDY .E Al' ROM ,, • ; , • 'Use your spare time and be- . come a geed ;Batakkeeeer,a; a • . Seenetg(rapher, j or leant' 'i;r7.• Draw and Design, or take • e course in story ' Writing or JoUretalisin and' quialikv. , to earn a gcod salary. We can give you just. the 'right .: :Course, ' Write us for 'Cate.- mitureee et. the- seem:it-MS, (if .: -,-,i,ny ) . - e • t held by 'Bern dul v.crified .,by WANTED, -- -MODERN HOUSE lo . , Y MIL '''-----.4L" ' - " o ,4'1•";". \ Armin. statutory 'declaration. And take . ' - ...i... • . rent y ' a o me ,. or sine . , , • . h l' t f A 1 f 11 : ; ' • ' " • notice, tiMt' ^after the said 15th tie . : A SINKING SOUND. . , famely.-Aedress ' Drawer 0, Ode . • : . • , Y . . , ' . . :-.7e • of ' March 19.13 the, said execetors meet be provided for the inainten- ton., P. •0. . , . : ' will proceed to, diseribeeeeehe as- ana of some plambing work. Its orx- ' have been had ••••••••• .. , H 'Stuciy OM ' e ,- • • Thou. sonde of ombitiouo young people ars being buittuOtod in their homes by our 'Homo Studs Dept. You may finish at Collette if you desire. Po? when - , Ex , ever you wish, Thirty Yeors . p_ mute. Largest trainers In Canada. , peter anloley. Pesltansalansaanzia,i; AYIITYL eng, rrVL for Partionlars. . . No viCATIoN ' GUNTON ausiNgeis coILLEoE CEO. SPOTTON.,, FREswapo 1 sets Of the said estate anioeg the ginal cenditioe meet • , , , in constant need of parties. entitled thereto, having. re- and it is always; ,, , , D B. tii/L'FIY FOR SALE. .-- SEE- -4' ---' . ' •• gard eerily -to the 'claims of which repairs. Why uot :use. , Manchurian No. 21, good bright they shall then have notice and the. OUR MODERN PLUMBING ? , seed., 70 cents per ,busheLee J . . . an. said . exenetarS will not be nettle Our work is of high order and re- Woon Coderich township Clinton , . .. • , , . : , , for said assets, ea any par ere-, pelts he" no e ,necessary tit t th ' ' ' 'II t b til . • • of the fairt cost has been aply re- of to ,,any person °I persons , , . • _ ' whose tiotice, shall not have Estimates do net cost much .elaim paid. . ^- • : ' . • '', . been received by them, or their 04 they will give you e e A I brit).- .n- TEACHER WANTED FOR- 'HOLM- said solicitor at -the Gime oi such eight ' , into our method. Either ' ' ' en- . • -ri ' • •Clinton, esville School dutaes to carom dist bution. Dated at Clinton, phone or call. ce ' After Easter. Applicatiene '-etext• 13th day of February 1913, -Francis , ' ' ing salary -• and expericece • received H. Po -Well, William G -len, executors. . THOS. .HANVKINS. ' up, to. Meech 15th. -re Glidden, W. DrydOne; Clinton Ont,, solicitor ,Seeteliary,`,ItolniesYille. '-'-'70-2. for ozeoOtors, • ' • ,.....69x3, " ' Phone 53, _ . tdvertiving in. The Apsillsoord pays.. logue. W, II. Shaw, Presideat, • Shares ' tloaoalli, Trattekt.