HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-06, Page 4rr..rL7ry-...1r issisassseminemonescsisiss Clinton News -Record March 6th I913 LONDON ROAD 2dr. Lawrence Stephenson and Itlia race visited their . sister., iVlrs. Wheeler ofl ,cndon this week, Miss ''Ida Walkinshaw of (lila Lon have been visiting her aunt, airs. 'McKnight. LONDON ROAD. Rev.N. J. Ailin of Ontario church, Clinton, addressed,the League at the home' of Mr. '0, L3, I-Ianley` on Tues- day evening, his „talk being much a-. preciated. The Misses_Aliin` sang, thus adding to:; the pleasure of the 1 evening. • THE DELIGHTS OF. OINNING- 1- PLAYER PIANO are now easily ac2essible to every Itjano o:suer. VISIT OUR PLAYER DEPARTMENT See how we would make your present silent piano a player, regardless of 41zµ mm,ke or Seale,.. Cost •for Upright Player $250. Special price for Grand 'Players. W. DOHERTY PIANO & ORGAN CO. tiMITED Read Office and Factories CLINTON, CANADA. 1 MILLINJ DitlssMAKlsm In Ladies' styles 130.50. •+- ta111111aasw`wii RV ' Rz,•ADY Arm PRONE N0, 78 ro 'WEAR Couch & Co. FIRST NEW `.. �1 dt Just raincoats would Ladies' �� to PEEP SPRING and and.coats • Decidedly not too strongly, been an entire what has been cutaway: effect • inch length coats one side. Buttons RS -wings. New colorings $ wish exeluaiveness, Come Earl `1. New 1•Vhen we view es suits rho one ! of no3elty styles, ; giving exchisiveness features of this ;I .�_ Special in raincoats. hand this week 3 dozen in fawn only; rubber be good valve for 10,00, AT THE STYLES'. Misses' suits for '13. different, expresses the new In the separate coats transformation in the styles shownfor ms'ny seasons. is charmingly, suited to the which are fastened well ate :a prominent feature new cloths inn!! sizes, Feature After Another the display of Ladies' thing that appeals to us is many pretty ideas in and individuality are early showing of spring models, ' 1 y1 nil A Misses' 'and Po lined newest // Saturday• features there front Mellow di5 to over in trim- if and Miss- the vari'y finishing, notable sal % 1:1 lit 01 /��jj %' / has : 98 to you, i'y n 1 . Millinery dept. opened March 1st. Openings will be announced .later, Gcderich Township • A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Colelough of the Parr Line on Mon- daymorning last when their young- est g est',daughter,,Effie May, became the Y. bride of Mr, Frank Churchill of Clin- ton;; The ceremony • was performed by the Rev, 1;I. J.'Conilell of BayfieII, only the immediate relatives and fri- ends' of the two families being pre- sent, After the ceremony and con- gratulations `a stimptuous wedding luncheon was partaken of and in the afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Churchill left for. their future home at Dun= can, B. C. The many friends of the young couple join heartily ` in good wishes for their future 'prosperity and happiness. The following is the report for the Montle of February, dor S. S. No, 0,,> Goderich 'Tower -hip, based, on weekly examination; and class work. Names in :order of merit .Jr, 5th, -Willard Gray. Sr. 4th, --Bert Findlay, Hattie Cs inion, Sadie 'Cook, Roy Connell, Jr. 4th,-T,ola Hudie, Loyde Miller .Einma Connell, 011ie Cole, Sr, 3rd, -Edythe Sterling, 'Tont Hudie, Irene Harrison. Jr. 3rd, -Bruce Grigg, Winnifred Nelson, Charlie Cooper, Earl Cooper, Blanche Nelson,: Jean Cook. Sr. 2nd, -Rota Harrison, John Os rout. Jr. 2nd, -Alfred Jiiidie, Willie Ster- ling, Gladstone Grigg, Cecil Connell. Sr, 1st, -Ila Grigg, Wilbur Nelson. Jr. 1st, -Charlie Harrison, Harold Connell. Honor Ro11,-Irene Harrison, Lola Mudie, Rota Harrison Edythe Ster- 1in • • Nelson, li✓nuna red , else g, 11 i nnLi 'Connell, Mattie Ostrom Earl Cooper', Gladstone Grigg Charlie Cooper. Edythe Peddles, 'feather. Miss Lindsay of Toronto spent last week with het •cousin, Miss Nellie Hicks. Mr- and Mrs. Wilber C'antelon are spending a few clays at the grooms parental -home before 'caving for Moosejaw: Miss Hattie Middleton lett on Mon- day for Toronto where she will vis- it friends for a time Miss Irene Miller, a recent grad- uate of Clinton- Bus'ness College, is visiting her brother and sister in Toronto. Miss Lizzie Burnett entertained a number 'o:- her friends one evening last week, Games and music wore indulged in until the wee sma' 'oors, when all departed for home having spent a very pleasant evening. w' 's 1 report or S. The following utg i the p t S. No, 10, for the month of Febru- ary din, -Lulu Elliott, Florence Whit- more, May Thompson, Alfred Mc- Gregor, Leslie Stirling, Sr. 3rd,-Liufan Hutchings, George Green, Fred Hanley, Edna Miller, Earl Switzer. Jr, 3rt1, Brown Stewart, ,Millie Thompson. Sr. 2nd, -Eddie Hutchings, John Ellwood, Raymond Whitmore, Ruby Iiannant, (absent.) Jr, 2nd, -Viola Hutchings, Prod Ellwood, 1st -Carman Mili'cr, Stewart Mid- dleton,, Russel Hannant (absent.) -M. J. Keys, Teacher. Holmesv111e. The Old Boys' Re -union committee will meet in the basement of the Methodist church on, Friday evening, when the chairman, Mr. N. W. ` Tre- wartha, will preside. Mr. Benjamin McCormick -of Trow- bridge, brother of the Rev, R. J. McCormick, has been visiting for. a few days at the parsonage. Mr, Wm. Jenkins, who has been engaged as lineman with the Tele- phone Company for some time past, has been engaged as superintendent. of the incubatclr selling and poultry buying department of the Gunn, Langlois Co., here and starts'immed- iately. , ilfr;" Geo, Mair' takes ' Mr. Jenkins' place with the Telephone Co; On March 10th, which will be the, culminating" day in connection With the missionary campaign, the Rev.. W. J. Baird of Mitchell wilt preach and ,the contributions ;*111 be receiv ed, Mr, Baird will. preach at Eben- ezer in_ the afternoon. On .Saturday evening last a very pleasant surprise social was held: in the church lecture room in honor of Mrs. W. Pickard,, who recently re- tired from the position of organist of the church. There was a rarge gathering 'and Mrs, Pickard was pre- sented with a' beautiful set of pearl handled knives and forks and a purse of money. Mr, Elford Yeo read the address and Mr. 'Howard Trewartha made tate presentation. ,Coniplimently addresses followed and gifts of hand- some hymn books were also given to Mr. W. Pickard who .hasacted so oral years; and to Mr. Thos, Potter, efficiently ah choir conductor for sev- who is the senior member of the choir and :one of its most faithful members. ..An excellent lunch was ,afterwards served by the ladies and everyone evidently enjoyed a very. happy evening, ROD AND GUN.- Red and Gen for -March, pplilished'' by W J. 7;aylor, 'Limited, Wood- stock Ont isoutt wide a vari d and entertaining list of .eotrten'ts 'which include the following. "After Cari- bou'with,,,the Utchekatis' .by R. J. Fraser , ',Old tinada-A. visit to the Gaspe , Peninsula", by Madge Mac- beth ; "Up. the Waverley Road" by Paul A a W. Wallace ; "A Piscatorial: Pilgrimage of Port Arthur Spor's• niei!" by L. W. Bingay; "An ,' Has - tern Haack Fox Ranch" -ahother of the series "Small Fur Bearers and How to Take Them" by George J. Thiessen ; , an- Installnment of "'i Canoe Trip in 1k54," and ether .artic-, les of outdoor, life both, East and West. The issue is attractively ill-. ustrated xnd should be read 1)3r all sportsmen and lovers •of outdoor life Stanep Township Lautotlot Clark has returned from visiting friends at Wingham and Ripley.. - Mr., and Mrs. I1erb. II arlton of Stephen township visited over the week -end at Mr. Win, Rathwell's and with other friends, , • Mr. John Pollock and his sister 13ertha of La liivtere, ,Man., who have been visiting friends an i,he i ic- inity for. some time, left for their hgm,e in the west on 'Thursday last, A. number from around here deliver- ed horses to Mr, Robt. Penhale of Bayfield on Saturday last and he left with a car for the west on 11/Imlay,, Mr. John Mc0linohey of the Jth hen Line bought a bunch of good cattle from Mr. Geo, "Johnston for which he paid a good round .sum. The township of Stanley is all ready- for rural mail delivery, 'lie route$ being, satisfactorily laid' out and a large ,.number of subscribers having been secured. A number Irons aroundhere took in the 'ban',tuet at the Methodist church, Bayfield, on Thursday even- ing and alt report having had a good time Mr. Samos Reid assisted by Mr, Geo. ,Johnston of the Paw Line have been threshing clover and crushing grain in this neighborhood during the past week, The genial "Jimmty" thinks this hat.;been a fine winter for moving about. The following report chows' the re- lative standing of the ,pupils of Ci. S. 5. No. 9, Stanley for February. 4th, -Lorne Manson, Alberta Fin- lay, Clara Zapfe. • ' 5 r. 3rd, -Abraham Zapfe, Willie Manson 'Edgie Finlay. Jrf 3rd, --John Moyer, Lillie Mey- ers, Lydia Gingerich. - Sr, 2nd,' -Ada Meyers, Laura Ocsch, Sarah Erb. • Jr, 2nd, -Harvey Moyer, John Ocsch, Carl MpOlinchy, Part 2nd,. Eleanor Meyers, Eddie Bechler, Ruth Schrag. Past 1st, -Eva Zaple, Allan .Doug- las, Gordon Schrag. - -0-. S. -Howard, Teacher. The following is the February; Monthly report of 5. S. No. 14,• Stanley. Names are in order of merit nth, -,J. T. Jarrot, 11, A. Fisher, W McBcalh, Sr 4th, -L. l:. Wasmann, Anna hood and J. As Hood. -Jr, 4111, -,-Anna Fisher, Louisa, 0. Mce.lymont, Cecil Johnston. 3rd, -Bella Collins, .Maggie Cooper, Tillie Nigh, Sr ind,-Harold Rathwell, Norman Hood and Grace Cooper. Jr. 2ntl,Ella Fisher, Willie Mar - very, V. McClymont. 2ad Part -;Agnes Nigh, F. Par- sons. 1st. Part C, purvey, Sylvester Nigh, Loretta Sutton. The best spellers in the monthly, spelling matches were :- 5th, -and Sr. 4th, -L. Wasmann. Jr. 4th, -Anna, Fisher, 3rd, -Bella Collins. Sr. 2nd, -Harold Rathweli, Jr. 2nd, Pearl Fisher. Report of S. S, No. 3, Stanley, for the month of February', names being in order of merit : 5th, -Eunice Reid. Sr. 4th, Jessie McGee, Ninian Heard, Russel Taylor, Samuel Law- rason. Jr. 4th, -Ruby Taylor. Sr. 2nd, -Garnet Taylor, Jr., 2nd, -Wilmer Reid, Gertrude McGee,' Willie McGee. Part 2nd, -Fern Taylor. Sr. lst,-Arthur rude, Clifford Clarke, Peter McGee. Jr. Jist,-Wilber Chuter, -E. M. Stinson, Teacher. Holmesvllle Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Acheson and Mr. Will Pickard left this week for the west, utter rappers FOR POUND PRINTS, OF THE BEST PARCHMENT .PAPER, MAKE YOUR BUTTER LOOK BETTER AND THUS GET YOU THE DES'S PRICE GOING, The maker's name printed on the wrapper is a goodad- vertisement but you can got them without, just' as you please. , iiia - con get what you want at' the office of. T H i NEWS -RECORD.. SEED OATS We have a quantity of choice, white Banner Seed Oat's, weighing about 40' pounds per bushel for quick sale at 60o, per bushel. These' Oats are an extra fine sample of ,bright, clean, Oats, We will send samples s t o a uY one re- quiringSeedOats, Dont delay in etina sample. Write to either of the undersigned, .las, rIcCooi,J. L. Awde, Londesboro, Wingham Varna Mr. and Mrs, 3, E. iarnweil have shipped .their household effects uo'the' ,vest and tliey .leave next week thent- selves, M,r. and.; Mrs. `Flarnwell are, good 'citizens whom Varna eau 01 afford .;to lose, but their many fri- ends aro wishing them Health and prosperity he their new. Home, A very harpy' gathering' of the,Vai na . Methodist church choir and a mmmb_er of the members, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratb- well of the Goshen Line, Stanley, on Tuesday evening when an address of appreciation was read by Miss . Ellie Snowden. and a well-filled purse was presented by Mrs, Mcelymont • ;to. their=, daughter, Miss Edith; in recog- nition of her faithful performance of the arduous -duties as organist - of the • church for somee years. Miss. Rathwellin a few well chosen' words expressedher heartiest thanks for the kindness shown by the address and the gif 1. Mr, Rathwell also cordially wel- comed the friendb to his home giving then the freedom of it for the ev- ening and also referred to the con- sideration shown his daughter, An- other plcabant surprise was sprung when Mr,' Hartwell, in behalf of the choir, read a brief address to Mrs, Wilber ,Epps and Miss Rathwell pies ented her with a silver Kerry spoon and cold creat fork, as a slight tok- en of their appreciation of her kind- ness in assisting them as alto sing- er. Mrs. Epps made a suitable re- ply. The remaindgr of the evening was given cp• to social enjoyment and passed so pleasantly that the hour was late when the party finally roke up. Following are the addres 5s : ie - "Miss$ Edith Rathwell, Organist Methodist Church, Varna. --Dear Fri- end :-We, the members of the choir and congregation, desire ntosi, Fsnc(r- ely to express our appreciation of your services as, organist for a num- ber of years, in which you have freely and at considerable Sacrifice, considering especially the distance of your hone from Varna, given very faithfully and continuously our aid !faithfully make the musical part t-1 the church services as profitable as pos- sible, and we take great pleasure in presenting youwith this purse and its contents as a small token of our esteem for you. Signed on behalf of the congregation, and choir -Mrs., .James.MeClyrnont, Eifm Snowden." "Mrs. W. Epps. -Dear Friead : We, the members, of the Methodist church choir, wish to express you our ti ess to F grateful recognition. of your reach - of the church service, and, now on ness to assist us in the musical part the eve of your departure we desire you to accept this small token of our appreciation, and we pray that God's richest blessing may accom- pany you to your new home.-, Edith Ratnwell, J. E. Irarnwell," TQC Wall Paper Is Ai HauiL MARCH 18 X' GOOD TIME TO BUY. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS, YOU GET IT ON SMALL LOTS, IF -YOU WA -NT SPECIAL VALUE -IN NEW GOODS NOW 13 THE TIME TO. GPT A LARGE': SELECTION. PAPER HANG- ERS ARE NOT BUSY NOW' WHICH IS WORTH AD- VANTAGE. Cooper Co. CI:INTON Lester Gasoline Engines No better on • the market, and the best far use oil the farm for pumping, chopping, etc, The Lister Lighting Plaint will light your house, and .barn and ' a o It well at email cost Melotte Cres'm' Separators have no superior. , W. •i#.. LOBE, , Agent Clinton P.O. Varna. Mrs,. ,Ferguson of Godorieir'was the guest of her son, Mr.) .J. H. i3arn- well during the past week. Mr, J. A. Irwin or Clinton . will pre,aen missionary sermons on this circuit on Sunday' next, Messrs. Robt. and James 1Vcbste. James r of -Lucicnow_-vi§itedMr. and'Mrs, Janies-Ilcid and other;friends'in The vicinity during The past week...: They came down to be present at the fun- eral ' of the late ',James Turner of I3illsgreen on. Friday last. Varna Mr.. and Mrs. Wilber Epps, who h have resided ere fm• a num ,htr of• 1 years, have decided to mace their home in California and will leave immediately. Indeed Mrs. Epps leaves at one, •fox Grand Rapids,' , whore, site will ,visit friends for a time be- fore going on to ''her new home. Much regret is expeeirsed at their de - The News -Record leads for Town and Township News. A BASKET OF IRISH COBBLERS Jas. ANOTHER CARLOAD of POTATOES WILL ARRIVE FOR U.S NEXT WEEK. Steep & Companyr m- �n Dogs 6/. 'leading Wanted I HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL GRADES OF TIr1BER. THE STAPETON SAW MILL 1 098 Wanted ! Highest prices paid for Elm, Basswood, Maple. Any wood bought. L DOHERTY PIANO & ORGAN CO,, LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO. WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL . FIND TI1IS OUT -- IN ALL YOUR TRAVELS ROUND .11301111, - THE BREAD THAT'S REST WITH ANT MEAL - IS JUST THE 01.191. AND ON 1.1' .RE AL- MOTHE BREAD Better Bread Could Not "Be Made -THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU HAVE TRIED THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S, BRE -AD BARTLIFF'B PHONE NO, 1. AND HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. During the month of February we will place on sale T All Lines Furniture :at year greatly ed • a ucePry cps it will pay you' to inspect ..our large stock Of up-to-date goods, w.-" Walkei Furniture Dealer and Undertaker The Store of Quality, Phone 28 Residence Phone 140