The Clinton News Record, 1913-03-06, Page 3ifforollsilloaltit''Restereti
to' Rit11-11avil Ylomaa
SPenlet1 to liave Lost all Ambition,
, ,
Was, Pale and Anaemic.
VVoinierftel, Reinniniy, When .
' PlaMIlton's PIGS' Were Used., ,
wos never actually al.ek,
writes Mrs. Nernian La, Pierre,
•',wife of a :well-known • resideat of'
Lithenienc, "ye 1 nevci COuld get
strong like other woonien. I ate
etteR-enough, but soinehaw rich and
' -red blood I 'could never make.
When. I anairied 1 tech .& great
-feriae in • my hbersekeePing, • but it
kept me ;tired all the time. Mrs.
• 'Lev1unce3 my neighbor. looked well
oeshe told Me her health .haol been
'made hp by Dr. Heaulton't
I ouly thought of pills aa a physic,
hitt no* I knowthat Dr. flainil-
ton'a Pills, are mood for they quick-
ened my stoma,ch, liver and bowels
—made one otonter and stranger,
gave me such color in my cheeks as
I never had bare. 1 sindeaoly be-
lieve Dr. Hamilton's Pills shookl
used by every woma,n—that's
w y Write this letter."
No medicine invigorates and re-
news` health and epirits like Dr.
Hamiltdd'a Pills, 25C, per box, five
for,$1.00, Mali druggists and store-
keepere, or postpaid from the Ca-
tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and
Kingston, Ont.
Government Labor Bureaus Protect
Their Homes._
The German state or municipality
ieloes a vital interest in and even
orosumes responsibility for the man
out of work. It does this not in the
spirit of charity or philanthropy,
but in self pzetervatiop. •
Every broken home is a rift in the
state which spells ultimate peril.
Every :industrial: municipality in
Germany of any Magnitude has a
Dentlicipaa labor exchange., 'Nation-
ally they are combined into a
"Union of German Labor Ex-
changes." There are nearly 500.
This practically abolitheS the pri-
vate labor a:gencies - . •
With capable men at the head of
these exchanges and in cepa-nand
of their various departments; the
labor market of • the country is
studied with mathenfatical exact-
ness. The MELO who hae worked for
yeaam in acerta•in indattry and is
Suddenly thrown oat of: work notur-
ally has an outlook limited the
industry he was employed in. ,The
ttaryted, heads., of , the mitnicip el la-
bor exclmoge in his city,however,
knew exactly the national market
in his particular industry. Inotead
el allowipg the man to drift.. for
months until he has found Work and
bas his home broken efe in the
meantime, the municipal labor ex -
'change cenies toe his .assistance and
finds -Work for him in the shorteit
time possible. "•
The .agricultural maoket it
studied as much att the tocluatrial
market, and no- nian, is allowed to
remain idle in the eity. while . there
, is work fer bora in the 'emintry.
Where a mon has to go a distance
from his home in search' of' a job
reduced transpoetation is frequent-
ly given hien.
Unemployment calmed hy othe
sudden depression in inclastry
• dealt with. by. state or nip oicipal
authorities: The Municipality or
state keepe the necessary ,public
• works for fast ..suell 'aeosons. Em-
ployment on these public work,s is
limited to residents, and 'married
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlenien,--Theoclore Donde,s custo.
aim. of mite, Was completely cured of
rlieuinnt,iein after Ave yeare of suffering,
by the Indicious use of MINARD'S. LINI-
The above facts eon be verified by writ-
ing to him, to the Parish Priest or any, of
his neighbors., •
A, COTO), Merchant. -
St, Isidore, Que., 12 May, '91. .
Truth by At:eh-IMO. •
The bett definition of a deflect-
, gogne wili always remain with that
' little girl of seven, who said "A
cleott ogue is a vessel containing
' beelrand other liquids."
Proved of Great Value to Me"'
• There is only one explenatton for the
umbers of eutlinsidstic letters that we
, receive praising Na-Drit-oe Dyspepsia
eblets, alidthat, is that ,thee tablet
.'6eitain1y do cure any kind ,cif store:Mb'
• Hare is a typical letter .from 'Miss
taita Armsworthy; ('auto,
"It is with pleesnrel*rite to inform
yon that yono ,Na-Dre-Coo Dyirpepsia
Tablets havo proved of groat yalec to •
nte. 1 tried remedy after remedy but
Without any lasting good. Having heard
f our tablets curing such cases as
eui'ne I decided to give them a fair trial.
'They proved satisfactory in uty-cete."
The .rema tkcible sileoese of Na,l)r,treeet.,
Dyepepeia frablets. is su 11 a success as
can, only ,coine to an , honest rethedy,
ceinpottlided accordiug to an, excepfioo-
Ally, good -fortnilla, from Pure ingre-
dients, by etopert ehetuists„,. 11 yotteree
to:Misled With your' stomach` Jost- ask.
y r gg iet -about N.:a-15re- to/
Dyspepsia Tablets, cbuipouudedbO.ttie
National Drug and ',Chemical Co. Of,
Canada', lArnited, ft,t41 ,Sold'.03tottillOt15
the oca, •142
In• japan the' Male Workers Ire
• Oittntuubered 2 to 1.
• Jape:eat inner life containe quite
fie many problems', as that of any
other eouretry. One of the R30A
ISOrip11,3 is the relation ofteapital and
labor, and herein, *onion takes an
important part, ' -•
•In no other eountry in the
world)" .seere X. D. Witelploy iithe
Century allagaziee, ''does a large
percentage of women patticipate in
wage . earning, In" , the United
Statee for every eighty-six male
vvage earrtens there are fourteen fe-
male. In Great'Beitain it is eeven-
ty-five, in Goemany eighty to twen-
ty, in Italy •seventy-oeight to twenty-
two while hi Japan there are near-
ly tjwice as many women as Dien on
the pay -rolls of the country.
"Lois the testimony of all large
employers that the women are the
backbone of the country.
The employment of women and
children is the secret of the 4:xon-
petitive pdwer of the japalneso tex-
tile and a -thee light' handicraft in-
duttriee, and it is for this reason
that the poesible ,operation of a law
'enfoocing sanitary provisions, -and
even the comnaoa decencies of hu-
manity, in factory life viewed
with alarm by the manutooterers
in their necessarily ,strenuous com-
petition for foreign trade:.
"The new law limits bouts Of em-
ployment, 'forbids the use of chil-
dren under eertain ages and the
employthent of ovemeirat night and
M dangerous occupations. It can
be anderetroodetherefore, whence
comes the delay in even promulgat-
ing a law which takes. effect fifteen
years after itsaprornulgation. The
meneyed, classee and the "inter-
ests" neces.sarily control at legisla-
tive body like 'the Japanese Diet,
many members of ,which are elected
by a most amazing and open sys-
tem Of corruption and vdte buying,
st ,system which puts to shame in itG
effrontery the worst days of w,ard
polities in ally gang -ridden city in
the United States."
Head Bookkeeper Must be
the chief bookkeeper in a large
business helm@ in one of our great
Western cities speaks of the harn
coffee did for bins. (Tea is just as
injurious because it eontains•caf-
leine, the same drug found in cof-
"My wife and I drank our first
dup of Pestum a little over two
yeaes Ago and we have used it ever
since, to the entire exchtsion of tea
and coffee. It happened in this
way :
"'About 'three and a half years
ago 1 had an 'attack of pneumonia/
which left a memento in the theme
of dyspepsio, or rather, to speak
more correctly, neuralgia of the
otornach. My :cup of, cheer' had
always b'oieri coffee or 'Mao -but
mine contioced, after a time, that
they aggravated my stomach
-trouble. •"`" I happened to mention
the mutter to my grocer one day
and he 7suggested that I give Pos-
t= a trial.
"Next day it came, but the cook
made the mistake of net boiling it
sufficiently, and we diol not like it
much. This, was, however, soon
remedied, and uo* we like it so
rnuch that we will never change
back. Postum, being a food bever-
age Mateo(' of a drug, has been the
means of banishing my stomach,
trouble, I verily believe, for I am
a well man to -day and.have used no
medicine. .
I "My work as. chief bookkeeper in
our Co.'s branch house here is of
a yery confining nature. During
my coffee -drinking days I was sub-
ject to nervousness and 'the blues.'
These „have left rne since I began
using Pootum, and I cao consci-
entiously, recommendit to those
whose work confines 'them to long
hours of severe mental exertion."
Name given by Canadian Pestum
Coo Windsor, Ont.
"There's a.reasen," and it is ex-
plained in the: little book, "The
Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new one
appears front time to time, •' They are
genuine, true, and full of human Interest.
Many a man who is sure he is
right hasn't energy enough to go
Your druggiet will refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure any ease of Itch-
ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protrading Piles in
to 14 days. 60e. •
Why Pungent Vegetable, Is So
Beneficial. -
Dr. Minchin of Dublin ,has dis-
cevered that garlic lo of great 'Cm.,Itie
in treating the -.dreaded -"tv:Iiibe
• Hedeclaret that garlic to not only
of vralhe raftei,,other treattleenti. hae
failed„ • but that it is highly -.aka-.
ciout in, all cases Where the feet,
hands and.tointe hato been affected,
and thahaMputtatien hoe, in a num-
b,er of eases,- been aye/id:eel by the
simple nee of garlic. It is also re-
'eellnutended that. bbs, oartoeht - eat
garlic.; row, at,,•,leaSt once .ra -
• AS as perhaps the
prcfeacion boa • clue,stioned Dr,
Mitiebin'a • discovery; but ,fitother
inye,stigatiehta seem to tally cerifiemis,
his findings. • The' ocientifie name
tor the active peinemle of gorlic
allod .sulphide, which is a powerful
gotten:a:le,. For hi rectoon) people
Whe are io•the:eattorti of eating gar,
1ic,amerfar is tubject to any icikin
of tobeeculosi,s than theSe who re,
frotaathe odorous vegetable:
treatment" it Pot de -
:sip*. to Supplant :the outdoor
treatment fetethe two compleineolt
'eaelt! oleo. 'Garbo it tthe opecifie
leo. the, ,olisease and iliving,,gut of.
clor bt the treatmeet.---•Lenclon
Suffered for Three Year Front
, Rheumatism, Headache, Palpita-
tion and., BOiglit'e Disease —
Dodd's Kidney. Pills Cureeller
Kidneys and Made Her Well.
Huberdean, Argenteuil ' Co,,
Que., March 3 (Special).—"I ani
always glad to tell of my cure, be -
cone° I sympathize with other e who
may be suffering at I did." So says
Dame Joseph Mayer'well known
and highly respected here.
"For three years I was a very
sick wornran. Rhetnnatiem, head-
ache, palpitation of the heart and
Bright's disease were my succes-
sion of troubles,. bat Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills cured them all. I need
twenty-four boxes to complete my
cure, but they certainly made me
"I will never be without Dodd's
Kidney Pills in the house."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Dame
Mayer's ills because they are all
caused by diseosed kidneys. Dodd's
Kidney Pills alweys cure diseased
kidneys, and with • cured kidneys
straining the seeds of disease out
of the blood, the rheumatism,
Bright's disease, headache and pal-
pitation of the heart are bound to
disappear. •
You never heard 'of a case of kid -
hey disease that Dodd's Kidney
Pills would not cure.
Her Majesty Possesses a Burial
Ground for Her Animals. .
In her garden at Marlborough
House theoe is touching, evidence
of Queen Alexanclea's, rove for
dumb animals. -
At Sandringham one used to field
such evidenee in the large variety
of deg,s that visithos were permitted
to zee, and in the unusual thought-
fulness displayed in the treatment
of the hors& and ponies, e,specially
those exclusively used by her Ma-
jesty and her daughter.
But, the Morlborough House gar-
den contains a more direcb illuotra-
tion ef this trait in Qocen Alexan-
dra,',s ammeter,' for it possesses a
burial ground•of 'some of her four -
legged favorites. It may be that
Vizi-tore to the mansion have not in
every case seen the littic cemetery,
which is not visible from any of the
entranc,es or windows.
To find it one fellows a curving
walk half Way round the gaecten,
and there under tall trees, on neat-
ly cut and earefully 'watered turf,
elm discovers feur tiny grovestones.
The scene is to fresh cold fair thal
at first the presence of ,,a burial
ground is .oliffieult to realize, but
the, inscriptions. on .the 'stones), and
the eare with whieh mots is Pres
vented from growing in the eh -early
carved letters, prove that it is not
only a cemetery, but one on. which
affection ie still bestowed. '
Five pets of Queen Alexandra lie
beneath. What they were: and
when. they died is told with preci-
sion in every eztee, but tOt.e. (me
which posseeses the largest stone
(the height being "abeut eighteen
inches) beats a most striking in-
scription •with the heading "'Poor
Little Boxer,"
The stone beams no: date, nor doeo
it name the eadier; 'as ho evidently
v -as, whom 'Boxer aecompanied to
way, but the truth io that the mas-
ter was the" Duke of Connaught,
who took his four -footed friend
themigh the. Egyptian eampaign of
thirty yeamsago, mid afterward
gave him to the Princess of Wales,
now Queen Alexandra.
As to the other 'stones, tEe most
repent is exceptional inasmuch as
it records the death not of a dog,
but of a :rabbit, these being the
woods cut on, it.; "Benny, the fovor-
ito rabbit of '11.R.H. the Priace,st
ofWales, died June 8, 1881."
When thio grave was, Mode tOyelve
yeort had-paosed• oirtoe the royal
mistress of Marlborough Reuse had
been Moved to do honor to a dumb
pet. Then the epitaph, was, "Tiny,
the favorite dog of H.R.Ii the Prin-
eeSe ,of Wales, die,c1 Mora, 16, 1880,
aged eighteen morotbs,"
The Death Warrant Delivered
No defence eon be offered when yoii ap.
ply Putnam's to a 5019 corti-the offender
hei to Alia. Nothing so 'certain to Quickly
Mire 'corns an Putnern'e Corn anir Wart
Extractor; try Putuara'e, it's free from
'acids, and paiulees. 25e. bottles sold by
all dealers.
Sound judgment is usually noiee-
filinard's Liniment Ceres Distemper.
'frilling Exceptions.
"Doe t your wife evdr change her
• mi`i-PIO:11131; on some uhinor motters,"
replied Mr. Meekton, after careful
thought. "I -believe I recoil that
she OTIee expressed au intention to
love, honor and obey, or something
like that.''
Lit; o
Burst -ancr,Forrned Ugly' Scabs.
Burning, the Itching; Had to
• Go Without Shaving for 'Weeksi'
Used, Cuticura,Soap and Oint:
• ment. Skin Perfectly Cigar. .'
,181 Mee -St.; ,Toronto, Ont. -e- "I was
troubled, with facial eczema, for nearly .ten.
Years. 'The first signs Were pimples break-
ing garb Std Ghcn bursting and forming nasty
ngly scabs around my chin. Very often tho
sensationyas that of burning, then itching
to that I seratched thereore. I bad to go
without shiving for weelm at a time.
tided eshilY Patent roinediee but did not find
a permanent eine. Every spying anis fall
the distals appeared at its worst: 3 lome-
times got rid 0( 11 fora fow months, then it
reterned as bad as over. '
rAboet six months ago / received a &am-
ple of Cuticurs. Soap' and"Ointment and
found great relief after .11 few applications.
I purchased two bOxes 01 Cuticura. Ointment
and some Cuticuin Soap and u.sed thorn ns
directed and now any skin is perfectly clear.
can shave with pleasure.", (Signed) Wm.
Macl3ean, play"27, 1912. -
Not only are Cuticura Soap and Ointments
most valuable in the treatment of' oczemai
and other distressing eruptione of skin and
scalp, but; no other emollients do so much
fer pimples, blackheads, red, rough sltins.
itching, scaly scalps, dandruCP, dry. thin and
'falling hair,' chapped banda,and shapeless
nails, nor do it so economically. A. single
cake of Cuticura Soap (25c.) and box a
Outicura Ointment (50c.) aro Often sufficient
'when all else has failed. Soldhy druggists
and dealers throughout tlie worhi... Liberal
sample:, of each mailed free, with 32-p, Skin
Don't. Address post card Potter Drug Se
Chem. Corp., Dept. 330, Boeton, IT, S. A.
Street Vendors Raise Bedlam of
In analysis of61111611:treet noises of
Pekin has. bee..n made: by &ores-
pondent of an American newspaper
and ought to be useful when the
anti -noise crusade reaehet the
The great Cause of confusion he
finds is the various street vendors,
each of whom is •armed with a noise -
producing instrument btewhich be
advertises his trade,. The barber
has two prongs of teel through
which he draws a spike and thus
makes a leud whir. The seller of
sweetmeats holds in his right hand
two brass .cupe which he jangles
together, The buyer of old clothes
taps a small drum with a bit of
bamboo) .getting by this combine,
tier: a plank, plunk, that attracto
trade. The ena.n , who has wicker
baskets to sell beats halt a gourd
with a drumstick, the clothes seller
swinge a drum. which has tw,a bits
of metal attached to it by strings,
tho toy dealer- strikes a braes gong
of a peculiarly penetrating tone,
the knife grieader claps three blocks
of iron together, and the ,seller of
charcoal annettneesehis.
'it repeated tap, tap on a block of
The watchman introolutes a little
variety. He is armed with a weed -
en drum, which he taps in different
measure , to mark , the different
hours of the night,
Ease That Sore Joint
Nerviline, Will Do It
The Champien Clog and Pedestal
Dancer of Caoada Tells How
to Keep in Trina
Few men in his profeaSion are better
known than Mr. The/alas Hogan, of 27
Fortification lane, Montreal. who writes: -
"To 'limber up a, stiff joint, to remove
every sense of noroness front tired
=melee I can tell you nothing comparee
with Nerviline. t ie really a wonderful
liniment, and I usie it continually, simPlY
because r find it keeps the tnuecloe and
Joints supple tiaid entirely free from Onin
and stiffness. I earnestly reeommend
Norylline to every Doreen that requires to
uso a strong, penetrating, pain.subduing
For Rheumatism Nerviline is -a won-
der; for Sciatica it turtle \limn otherti
fail; for Lumbago, stiffness an.d eolcl, no.
thing surpasses it. Keep Nerviline
handy -We Toed to take inward/Y,
etroys htternal pains (illicitly, and •te Wet
as good for outward aonlieation. Large
family size bottle, 500.; omen size, 25e, trt
olI storekeepere arid druggists/or The
Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Another Mystery Explained.
A woman frequently chaugeo her
mind. That's why she is oble to
give a person a piece *tit, and still
aliaya have enough left over for
he next One.
• Low Colonist Rates to Paelfie-aeast
Via Mileage arid North Western RallwaY.
On stile daily. March 15th to April, 15th
inclueive, from all points in Canada to
Los Angeles. San Pranaiseb, ,Portlanci,
Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Van-
conver, Neleon, Roseland, and tnany other
Debits. Through Tourist eleepere aud
free reclining eintir ears from Chicago.
Variable routes, Liberal stop overe; For
information as to rates, routes and
literature, write or alai on B. H. Bennett,
General Agent, 46 Yong°, Street, Toronto,
.StibStanee Obtainea, From Paper
Treated with Zitte Chloride.
When paper vitlp,is-treated with
:eine Chkoricle. ,,there reetirltva•
coos, Mass. Sodium chloride (or
Ordinary :rtable salt) is added to
-thio. The mats i then tlicrroughli,
rinsed' with alcohol, and is finally
submitted te the action, Of a ptees
WilOSO platform bristles With a
mor.n.b•er of fine anetellic points or
1P.f.OjeetiOnS. These penetrate the
mast, forming tubes , like, thaoe. in
adi ordinary factrjoe •speogo tknewn,
"eartalloutes,!',, ,
The bla,c1c,t1irio oh:tele-led is ef ro
.Spengy IcionOstency paid it tbettairfo
eol-abla and ttniilicgebi i water.
ie sin,POth and Pleotaht to,- the,
t‘otteh, and is not ettosotible
otrofaation: voiy
emploYntelit" ofelbe cellulose "to
'ALFONSO'S itEuilli..
Concerti Felt' About Rlog, One of
'Whooe Lungc4 Is Affected.
A correspondent Of the Manches-
• ter Guafaians while declaiing that
rumors ±11'regaaal, to
• Kinc; Alionso'o }malt/ maY be exag-
gerated :says they are ceitainJy not,
without foundation. Ile did, not in-
herit a reboot. constitution from h•is
father, who diecl Of eonsumption six
'months before the birth of the pre -
„sent King. s
Hit inothee'e eere resulted in an
increase of the strength of a.he
young monarch, but nothing could
Make him a •otreng anau: Hie stobV-
ing shouldera and trailing gait tall
their „own steeie,e, The expression
hisoface is often of ,such ghastly
weariness that his )subjects are now
forbidden to take snap slmt pis-
tureo” of hint and the pollee vigor-
ously confiscate all cameras.. .
It is oreclibly reported that one of
th,e King's lungs is oerieusly
French palmist has made a
"reading" of King Alfonso's hancl
from an itiked impres,sion, and the
result is far from being a happy
one. She declares that the line of
the heart is almost ab.sent, which
indicates ,sensualiity and cruelty.
The head line ohowe brain trouble,
which will de,velop in middle lite,
while on the life line is marked a
:seriousbat not fatal illness when
about 30 years, of age.
Every Weak Throat
Quickly Strengthened
And Bronchitis Cured
Grand ReSults Follow the Direct
Breathing Remedy, Which Cures
Without Drugging.
The country M fairly wild over tho
Wonderful recovery that throat sufferern
are 7nakiug every day with Cittarrhozone.
From ocean to ocean come lettem telling
Of rapid cures -and cures when the com-
plaint wee chronie and Mug standing. It's
a brand new principle upon which Oa-
tarrhorone works -not a eine() dose of
medicine to take -nothing to upset 'the
Stoma& 01, peon digestion.
You can breathe through the Catarrh -
ozone Inhaler medicated air that is full
of healing, soothing balsams, full ok
piney antieeptio ensences that resemble
the air of the pine :%vooats in the Adiron.
clacks, The pluey %moor has n truly
marvelous notion on weak throats. It
brings strength and health to the broil.
stope that hooking, irritating
cough, prevents hoarseness and difficult
breathing. Yon can't find anything for
weak -throated ecople on earth more
beneficial than Cetarrhozono, It meame
heaven on earth to the man that has held
bronehitis, catarrh or throat irritatioot.
realize thie the firet time you
-use Warr/Lorene, which is a ecientine
preparation specially designed for (W-
earies of the nose, throat end bronchial
tubde. • Get the large Ow, ft lasts two
months, costs 11.00; medium Mee, We;
sample siee, 25e, All storekeepers and
druggiete, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buf-
falo N Y and Kingston, Canada.
Death -Rate of Mfdt1I Ago.
Dr. Arthur Newshohne, chief
medical officer of the Local Cloomm-
ment Board of England, -says that
in spite of a -marked ,.reduction in
the general death -rate, duo to• im-
proved ,social and .sanftary oonoli-
Mons, the death -rate among Eng-
lishmen between the ogee of forty-
five and eixty-five is increasing.
Doctor Newsh.ame thielcs that the
cause of this increase is the move-
ment of the people to the cities,
with the, consequent change from
-agricultural to industrial putsuito.
The English Mechanic and World
of Science, oh the ether hand, be-
lieves that the difference between
the present deoth-rote and earlier
ones merely reflects the toll of the
'feebler lives that improved hygiene
and advancing Tnedieal science had
eaved in infancy and youth.
:When. Your Eyes Need Care
Try Merino Sem Remboy. No Sreartiug-Peole
rine—aets Quickly. Try it tor Rea, Weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Illus.
Mated took 10 Package, Murine is
compounded by our OeulletS--not a ',Patent Med-
telae”-- but used In etthooSattil Physicians! Prac-
tied er thenY years,' Now dpaleatod to the Pub-
i!istuTlt 01051;10 b4algegiteliteAgg'02.4T5.117`6::
'twine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Truth may also be a joy forever,
but it is oeldom a thing of beauty.
oniy one "BROM() QUININE"
"The men of the present genera-
tion are not what they used to be."
"Indeed, no ; they useci to be
b - "
Thai is LAXATIVE ounoto Ounorreo,
Look tor the siguature of E. WJ GROVE.
Cures a Cold in Ons Day. Cures Grip M
Two Days. 250.
• Every girl bas an idea thot she is
not like ether girls—and she isn't.
,Mlnard's Liniment Cures Olphtnerkt.
13i11—"Why are you so certain
lhat'Jones is a truthful man." 'Will
—"He had a black eye one day and
wheo'l ntked ham how he got -it he
told me, that- a than lift him,"
SaMOle feet) lf Yeti Write - notional oreo
& comiloal Co..' of Canada,, Llepited,
Gan be hantnan,vory,ealkily. The sick are cured, and all othet's
in 9arne. no matter how "extolled," '..kbpt front tette*
thi diemose by tieing SPOHN'il Licit.411DISTEMPER OUR '
, Give on Lila oonaue or in feedActa On the blood and expel. 1
genas of. ell ;orals of distemper, • Beetremedy ever anoopf
Mr mares. in 'foal. 10rUggists 'And liarnesti dealers; Our free '
)30oldec gly0B, everything; Largest selling ramie remedy 10 .t
'exietence-15, years. Distributors -ALL WROLEEIALIF 2111170* ,t
GISTS. 8 POH N 000teaa 00..- ,Chomisto ,and Aliteteriolopet le • 1 A.
Thr Soul of a Piartoisthe
Action. Insist on the
Piano Action
BOILER8 New and Second.
e 4,... •
hand, for heating
1 and power purposes. TANKS AND
.SMOKE STACKS. .Afpants for Paiute.
Mut Ventilating 3tild Mating Systeini.
Enillnes and Shipbuildere
Just a Minute SOVolfitri2eCiret
can be oured by using natbuireee'dsbolgn
medy-no tnediffine-no operation. This
remedy dm not protein; to cure internal
piles, but ie a certain cure for protruding
pilee. Discovery was made by eufferer of
20 years' etanding, who is now quite well,
Pull inetruetions on receipt of 81.00.
WM. B. OXLEY, 294 Berkeley St., Toronto.
and faded Suits would look better dyed. It
no agent of cure in your town, write direst
to Montreal, Box 33. Gold Medaliet,
British AmerIcers 17:voing Cc,.
'Noisemakers F„Ifkl,;
and Sleigh Rides 515
puzziee ekes, 'necks
Special priees to dealers
„log Noire Dame St. West, MONTREAL
it Pays
ft.., Moles and Cows. They aro
healthier and render better surto.
Whoa the heavy mat that holds tha
wet ewout and dirt le removed, they
are more easily kept olean.look bettor
—not more 5000from thoir food end
aro hotter in every way. Insist on
b'"1"The Stewart
Dail Soaring
',turns easier. clips raster and (donor
. and etuyo sharp longer than any
other. Gears arc all ilth.bani Wad
000 5000, solid steel bar. Innen
They' ere enclosed, pro. et.
tooted and run in on; 1,9
littio trietIon.littlowear.
Rao sikIeet etnewstylocapyrunning
flexible shalt and the celebrated
Btewart single tension alleging liced,
highest grade. eut ono from yes: dollerr
everynsachino guaranteed 10151s5,0.
502 La Salle Ave; .cmicACO, ILL.
'(5,5(0 (05 complete new catalogue showing world's
largest and most modern lino o horse clipping and
sheen cheering machines...ailed 0000 00 thelleat.
- Slant:Mot Evidence.
"Yoe drank too much plinth Ott
that reception yesterday."
"Who .saw me drink•too muchl"
"It wasn't necessary to total up.
When I came in you were holding
' animated conversation with the
piano lamp."
mina/ore Liniment Cures Colds; Eta,
Ancients Had Severe Punishments
, • for Food. Adulterators.
Complaint -4 about ths inferior
quality of food, the adulteration of
food, the high prices and the cheat-
ing weights have been oommorb for
centuries. There are some curious
pa,ge.s in Henri Fatenue's "Apology
for Herodorfolo," and thatbook was
alibi -kited in 1586. Rut offenders
were often punished and in mast
appropriate maneer. Witnees an
edict xecently found in the ciao:hives
of Puy -de -Dome; "Whoeoever ehall
have sold 'watered snilk in his mouth
shall be eel a tube, ond into the said
tube shall be poured the watered
milk till the dootoo or barber there
present than assert that the eulprit
cannot 'wallow more without being
put in danger of his days. WhosOT-
ever • shall have oold butter con-
taining turnips, stones or any other
foreign eubatanee ,shall be seized
aed attached in a vela-- curious man -
nor to our pillory of Pontet. Then
the said -butter shall bo ploced on
'1118 head, till.the atm shell hove
melted it completely, and in .1,1-te
meantithe- the children - ond. roeatter
folk of the 'villageo shall Moult him
with euch motrageous epithets as
alma (pleaee them—subject to the
respect of God arid his mejesty.
Whosoever ,shall have Sold evil or
'rotten eggs .th,oll be oeize,d by the
body and eepoo•eet la our pillory of,
Pontet. The .taid eggs ohall be
'Oven rta tbo ,ON1drpn of the vil-
lages, who hall; by Way of joyful
diversion, throw them in ohe face of
the oulprit, eo that all may be full
of meroiment and laughter.''
Setiout Enough.
'Was Mr, 1Prosun& illness' a
to ono 1''
,'`Woll, he Married hiss mirie,"
PI, W. DAWSON, PlInety Colborne street,
‘..A with Three Rouses; large lilauk Barn.
Must he sold quick. Price is very low.
Manitoba, Alberta and Raskatehewan
that can be bought. Worth the money for
quick sato. •
.1C farina in different seetione of Ontario
on my lint. If you want a farm consult
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto,
.1- County; soil clay and clay loam;
11-2 acme orchard; good buildiuga. "
Twenty-seven hundred dollare. Would ex.
Change for lorger faxen. The Western
'Real Estate Exchange, London, Ont. -
My reaeon tor selling is that I have
more than I COM handle. In 1912 my
thoeshiug lasted for thirty-two clays. Will
sell on eniall payments down. The forma
are ready for the drill. Will eell horses,
hareem, machlimry and farm. CM the
farrus are good water, house, barn, im-
plements, shed, weigh scale, windmill.
Write Peray-Love, 33 Fairview Boulevard,
Toronto, for full pantieulars.
ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue.
Album. ouly ficven Cente. Marks kale°
Company, Toronto.
Barbers and Live lien lit towne only
100 Pepulntion make big' money. Be first
to write for book, "Dow to Start a Bil•
bard Room"-Cset. Easy Terme, ctn. Cent-
lognee of tables for Home and ChM free.
If you have a table tisk for our supply
catalogue. Brunswick,Balke-Collender Com-
papy, 1019149.
4GEN f 1.1.0elE Y ARER I 0 UR
Illustrated Dollar Book "Dieeovery
South Pole; Tragic Pate of Scott ExPedi.
tion." Counnission Fifty Per Cent.
Vrcight paid; eredit given; free °rant;
postage ten (lento, Nichols Limited, Pub.
, liehers, Toronto.
V internal and external, cured with.
out rain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Bellrmin Medical
Co.. Limited. Collinewood, Ont,
Ocr Stones, Mitiney troable, Gravel.
Lumbago and kindred aiirnenta positively •
cured with the now Orman ttentodY.
-"Sanol," price 81.5e Another new remedy
for Diabetee-Ifellitue, and sure cure. le
Sanalo Anti-Diabetee." Pique 92.00 from
druggists or direct. The Benol Manatee. ,
luring Company of Catiada.
n Meg'. Mail.
When the seven days of the week
have been renamed, "Presently,"
"By -and -bye," "Poetty - scion,"
"To -morrow,"'
"In -a -minute" and "Right -away,"
how busy we hall all be with
postponed duties if , we oare at all
mindful Of past promiseS.
Minard's Liniment Ceres Carget In Cows.
flubby—Of eourse, dear, it'e only
o rough -idea of mine; but do you
thin'k it's possible that there's ever
such a thing ae a printer's ereor in
that cookery manual of YOUra
" zro you, 114-1211"1.-
S ift5 CrIA'
Overheard ln a Street -Car.
There's a lesson right there! ,
Little" blemishes of coon.
plexion, small sores, eruptions,
spots, are not only unpleass..nt
t� the person afflicted, but are
the first thing noticed hy other
A little Zum-Bnk applied at
night to spots, eruptions, sores
of any kind will do Wonders.
Zam-Buk is not a greasy
preparation which will go ran-
cid on your dressing table.
It is made from healing, herbal
extracts and essences. Always
pure, fresh and ready for use.
Doesn't hue its power, Keeps
indefinitely. Healing, soothing
and antiseptic all the time.
Try it
• obo. 6ox 01 druggists and stores.