HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-06, Page 2I• 1. 0. D. MoTAGGART Th McTAGGART aggar BANITERS A NEI/AT,: BANKING BUSI- NESS' TRANSACTED. „ NOTES DISCOUNTED,,DRAFTS ISSUED, INTEREST ALLOWED :ON. DE- POSITS, SALE' 'NOTES PUB-- - 11. T. -ft.tNCE , , NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL:, -REAL .ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- , ,ANCIE AGENT. REPRESENT- „ ING? 14 TIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. ' DIVISION ' CO CRT OFFICE, CLINTON. NV. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,. NOTA.RY PUBLIC, ETO. Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON 7 cumuss n. n.ta Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE 'and. INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DliS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St,, Clinton. Night calls at residenee, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. 7. W. SHAW -OFFICE -- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, --CLINTON DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSTIOLAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to drat eases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- , able glassei prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors'weat of the Commercial Hotel Huron St ran, SliQ1 ancl p: • Froin the Best Mills at he loWest Peasible e. WE PAX TEE HiGligaT PIUCE -for OATS, PEAS"- rand BAR- . LEY, aIso ilAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod 13EST IF YOU WANT THE BEST ' COAL AND PROMPT DE- LIVERY, SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT Row LAII:D'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON •-GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer fortthe County of Ilueon. Correspondence promptly an,swerecl. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton; 'or by calling Phone 13 on 157. • Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. • ' , D. N. WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO • Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed Immediate arrangements for Sale Dates may be made by calling at The News -Record Office, or on Frank Watson at Beacom & -Smyth's grocery. THOMAS BROWN Licensed Auctioneer- for the Count ties of Huron and Perth Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangementg,can be made for Sale Datea at The News -Record, • -Clinton, •or by • calling Phone 97, Elealdrtlit Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST • Specialist in Crown. and Bridge Work. Graduate of Chicago, and `R.C.D.S.,, :Po - Bayfield on Mondays frorn May to December. GRA RA . _ - TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERI-CH DIV: Going East, Going West, f I If ft 7.35 a. m 3.07 p. 6.15 p. m. 11.07 a. in. 1.25 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 11.28 p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV: Goiag.South, Going North, 7,60 a. -in. 4.23 p. nt. 11.00 a. m. 6.35 p. m. .... , .. a RADE 11515,111f6 Damana ' / COPYRIGHTS fsisC. ' ' Anyone sending a 111,0tell billd deseription may, quickly ascertain affi" opinion free 'whether an Invention te pennenly pcioulabio. .Communien- none aridly onutideinial. gitgni0s,a-on, Patents "glifgri tartf tg0f14go011IngC0=11/t i flpfaid nottnnoyi Mout can a, In the i utentifte _tuertcano A handsonany.Illustrated wooing. Largest cm cannon of nay litaellt010 JOU'Ilial. ^ Terme ter • ' CMIRda, Mas a yme, postage, Wand. Bald by an newadealoro. , RIONN&Co.381Br9ailway, New Yea • Branch °Moe. i4b' 4ts.1,74ehinetop. P.O. LIPPINCOTT • 7.011THLY A FAMILY LIBRARY 'The Best in cui'ent Literature comPixtt Moneta YEARLY MANY SNORT STORI tS" 11) PAP,ERlp ON 11MLY TOPICS $2.00 POR y,f2AO.; 5 CTS. A COPY; NO 00,93TIOUED STORMS: irYEBY r t( GS fi COM PL5Tt IN tracts oattnessza=manimeatteatai ' • A titan seldom 1tgh iL mitfi» tune after he gets a petnenal, tgoduction 10 it. • Tile 1Killoij 1Ititul Fite --Insulance Company Farm and Isolated Town Property •' ' only Insitred ' -a-OFFICERS J. B.. McLean; President, ,Seaforth P.Cnt. -Jas. , Connolly, • Vice-Prest- dent, .0ederich P.O. E. Hatt, Secretary-Treasurer,'Seaforth P.O. • -Directors - D. F. McGregor. Seaforth ; John Grieve, Winthrop; William. Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harlock; John Benuewies, Broclhagen; Jamea Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven, Clinton -• Agents -- Robert Smith, Harlock 1 E. Flinch- loily,11.5c AieSemaofneyt orth :o inmiCieasy, b nsaet be paid Egmontiville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes- vpaid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clin- ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insur-1 mice or transact other business will be 'promptly attended to on ap-' plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post - offices.. Losses inspected hy the director who lives nearest the scene. Clinton News Record 'CLINTON, ONTARIO, Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub.. • lithet. The date .to which evety subscription is paid is -denoted on the label. • ,. Advertising Rates - Transient, ad- vertisetn;ents, JO cents per -nen- pareil line for first insertion. and 3 cents per line for each sabse. ()tient insertion. Small advertise - meets not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or ' Stolen, '1 etc., inset tad once for :15 ccnta, and each subseghent in. sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be acco17pan1e.c1 by the name of the writer,. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor,. and Proprietor, Etirt.loVa am its lutotesteu nud should Irs.012 &outlaw woralerN1 Marvel rutgohp,;:y ASIc your'druggist for ft, If be inmnot aapply the' 111AIPLEIn neesla 110 othor,, but send. stamp for 111.11m' tuned book -scaled. It giros full particular...54 alrections invaluable • . '50 1atiles,W11,1n0oustro6t0 cotwinattnacan GeneralAkente fee Canada. , li3r..Morse liradiatra Root Pi213$ owe their singular effeetisieness curing Rheuniatitin, Lernhago and Seiatiea to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys. They enattle -these organs to thoroughly _filter "frotn the blood the uric acid (the product ,of waste matter) which gets into the reititaand Muscles and causes thee& painful diseases. Over half a centuryof constant use has proved conclusively. that Dr, lyloree'a 'Indian. Root Pills 'strengthen weak kidneys and 41 Cure abentisin Forty years in BSC, 20 yearsthe standard, nreseribed and recoil:a mended b y p ha, s le i ans. For Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pills, at youe druggist. • JUST A LITTLE EliTlIOLI E On Your Lips - "CHAPS GONE" It quickly heals Cracked hands Cold Sores Chilblains An hnmediate remedy for Cold ih Head and Headache You can get it at The Rexall Store W. S. R. HOLMES, P.M.B. Manufacturing Chemist ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, • TILE BRICK TO ORDER.• . . _ All kinds of Coal .an hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CIANNEL COAL FURNACE -COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 21,-; in., 3 in. anti 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. - ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the 0. T. R. Station. Phone 52, •-• CENTRAL aoTTrAtiosEL Tbe hest ' practicalttiattnink school in 'Ontario. Three de- " partreenti-Connuereial, Short; hand and 'holography. All courees are thorough and prac- tical. Teachers are experieneed and ..graduatet are placed in positions, NVe give aivitinal attention and students may enter M any time. Write for our free catalogue at mine. D. A. ' MeLA CH L.A N, Principal. Jalairopesentaleall•lealeicem•Moinel Didn't Pr attiee -What II(! Preached The :following announcement re- cently appeared in an English news- 'Thetleeture on- 'How to Be Al- ways Healthy,' announced for this, evening at the Town -Hall, cannot be 'delivered, owing to- the fact' that. the:leen-leer is,contined to his bed with ,a severe attack of gout." SCI1031. S 11.NTERNATIGNALtLESSON, nimea 9. • • Iii!SS Oa 14 -The ,deatruction of Sod - am, Gen. 19.13, 12-29; Golden ciaten.,xpioati r?, aCnndr.ve6.rset, TLe aaira,tra' edi ately preceding our lesson passages for to day record tile incidents con- nected with the birth. of Ishmael and the premise to, Abram of, the birth of Isaac, They include an account of the renewal °Hit -4 cov- enant at Manire, and an announce- ment; to Abram, of the impending doom of Sodom. Chapter 17' re= cords the change of Abram's rianite to .Abraham and of Sarai's name to Sarah. 'Vines 1 to 11 of Our les - eon chapter tell of the entrance of the two .angels into Sodom and of their reception and entertainment by Lot. , Verse 12. The men -The angels, that is, messengers` of Jehovah. They urge Lot to lose no time. in leaving the city, and to take with him• all the members of his immedi- ate family, For Dyspepsia If you suffer Stomach Trouble, and you try our remedy, it won't cost you a cent if it fails. To prove to you that indigestion and dyspepsia can be thoroughly re- lieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will do, it, we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it fails to give you satisfaction. The remarkable aupeess of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets ni`due to the high degree of scientific akin used in de- • vising their formula as well as to the' care exercised in their manufacture. whereby the well-lucown properties of Bismtith-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been properly combined ,with Carminatives and other agents. Eismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recog- nized by the entire medical profes- sion as invaluable in the treatment of indigestion and dyspepsia. . Their proper combination makes a remedy invaluable for stomach We aro so certein that there is nothing so good for stomach ills as Rexull Dyspepsia Tablets thatweurge you to try them at our risk. Three saes, 25 cents, 60 cents', You can buy Rexall Dyepepala Tableta • in this community only at our store:, W.S. R. 1-10LIVIES. - Clinton rit alga ave. onhiritt There is s Reran Store io needy wary town . and city in the United Stales. Ceasda and Gast Britain. There Is • different Resell Remedy foTasariy•avorrordinory hutass,111.- -eat% menially designed for the, particular II for which it is recommended. •" The RSX111 Morse ere America'. Greatest Grigg Stores ROYAL PURPLE Stock 8s Poultry Specifics FREEWe will se.4 abholptely grse, ,the seltiritt, PastPaid, one of .our ••••••,;•,,s, iarge 61.-pagu,booka (with in. 'Lett), -on the cenpnon dioexises . of atohltAattd Poultry. Tells how' to feed all' kind. °ethics" and light horses, wine and .Inarea; mileh cons, Calves and fattening steers,' alSe. ho.it, 10, itoan and feed poultry so that they Will lay so well in winter se in summer. 15 containi 360 -.commends frAn alt bler Ca -nada, 'from people 1,1110 hive used our &orb}, No farmer shoind he witlanie It. t . &you can fatten cattle and hogs in it month's less time• by using .our; Royal Rural. Steck Speciflit, u than yocould possibly do withoutit, thereby saving a morfih'a feed end labor and the ,cost to You' will not be more than 51.50'10r els: pigs or $1.00 for one oteer. It will keep 901.11' horses in show condition with .ordinary feed., If you have a poor, miserable -look. tug animal alt .your place try it on this ono first 'auk:lee:On inaryellaus result *which. will 1.o obtained, .11for Stock Speefic will. Increase 'the millc.flow..three,to, five Per epee per day, while. bOng fed In the' steble. ,'A Package will last a cow or .horse. 20 days. ROYAL PURPLE .rourtrat 'srECIFt0 .vtit make your Awns lag' lime nil '•well in, the Winter ati j5 ihe guinmeri and, will keep them tree from disease. These goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap fillet to Make a large package, entirely different from any on the market at the preeent time. Royal Purple Stock Specific, 60s pokas.; four 60c pekgi, in an air -tight tin, for 51.50. Royal Purple Poultry Samna, 25e and 106 page.. and $1.60 air -tight tins that hold Lour 500 pekes. Royal Purple Lice Eiller, Ole and 60e tins: • 30c by mail, Royal Purple Gall Cure, Ile and 60c tins; 304 by mall. ' Royal PUrpie Sweat Liniment, a°. bottle ; 600 by mail. Royal Purple Cough Cure, 60c tin ; 60e by mail. Royal P rple Disinfectant, 250 and 500 tins. Royal PUrple Roup ,Cure, 26e tine ;..f0e 1,9. Ivan, Royal Purple Worm Powder, 21c tins ; 30c 1,7 Manufactured only by N TheW.A.JenkInsMfg.Co; LondOn,Canada •Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from • Ford & McLeod, Flour and • Feed ; S. 11. 13, We will destroy this place ;I ,Theirt yiait'hfied been . the :intrt -pose' tit ancertaintift the- inehateent the, 'cit4e reltilted Wicked.- ness,- ,This being. established, their coinmition includes • authority- to vitittde jadgmditt upon the -city, The cry of them is waxed great belore .nTaeritrOatttaivite" Jehovah-Thtougi ho5tipto1-ho of postessing the characteristics and limitations of ;Mem This 'is one of the dffitinguishing mhrks -of the earIY prophetic naarathies of *hien Our. lesson passage forms' part. ' Compare Genesis iv., 10, wheee a similar, exprestion is used. 14. Who marriecItaOr, yfho were TIP,' get you out ,of this place - Lot himself seems to haaie fully un- derstood the, urgendy of the op:I:- mend to leave the city at once. - As one that mocked -Better, 'jest- ed. The sons-in-law are incredu- lens. To them. the dettruction of their city seeme impossible, 15. When the morning arose -At dawn. All that precedes had trent- pired while it 'Was still night. Thy two daughters that are here -As opposed to the pro.spectivo sons-in-law who had chosen to ig- nore the warning, and who were not in Lot's house.. - Lest thou be consumed -The iM- plication is that Jehovah had fixed a time beyond which the destruc- tion of the city was not to be post- poned. Iniquity --Or, punishment. 16. But he lingered -Reluctant to leave hitt home and the city which had been so long his place of resi- dence. The a,ngels appear sympa- thetic and determined to rescue him with his household. eve -n though it be necessary to lead him by the band. Thus with gentle insistence they brin'g him forth until he is safely beyond the city gate. 17. Escape for thy life -Further flight is necessary to reach a place of greater safety. Look not behind thee -Resist every temptation to return or to wateh with curious eyes the fate ofh telclitYth • Ae Plain -The valley region in the neighborhood of' the doomed cities. - 18-22. The omitted verses record Lot's plea to be epared the neces- sity of fleeing to the harren moun- tains, and to be permitted. to re- main in a little village some dis- tance from Sodom. 23. Zoar-Meaning, little. 24. --Rained . brimstone and fire -Brimstone isgthe word used uni- formly' in the Bible 'for sulphur, whiclitts a- found in "all .•volea.rilm regions both as an uncoinbined de- posit an4 ail one of the chemical constituents of gases as sulphur dioxide and sulphttrated hydrogen, which are not infrequently exhaled •front -the earth in 'such, regions or cliasolved in the, water of, . hot springi. It is frequently' referred to in connection With Jehotali's.de- nunciation of the -wickedness of nations and ,(dor,npare Iteut. Isa. 34:9; Psa. 11.„6). The extensive occurrence of sul- platr„in' the region of the Dead Sea corroborates ,the Bible statement -that this stilistance contributed to- ward- the destimetion Of the cities of the Itlain-L-Solioni "'and Gornori rah. , tthe ;work ofaJeliovah •through the use of natural means, • but, of course, was decidedly -mira- culous. •, S6.-11'illar cif salte-Great ledges -or cliffs of cryttallized rock salt ,are - to be found, at- the southwestern shore of the Dead Sea. Duringthe rainy , 'fragments of these cliffs become isolated and resemble pillars, which are in constant pro- cess o.f formation and destruction. The prOcess however, in some eates very slow, owing to. a chalky limestone covering 'which protects the. salt. These pillarlike shafts not unfrequently assume forms which strangely suggest the outlines of the human figure, especially what viewed from a distance. Late Jewish -writers, including Josephus, believed they ' were , still able to ideittify the pillar of salt referred to in onr lesson passage. 27, .Abealman-The,longer form of •the name, explained as signifying father of a multitude, is used from chapter seventeen forward. 28. Gomorrah -The twin city of Sodoin and egeally -wicked. 29. God remembered Abraham - His mercy toward. Lot ts explained by the writer as partly due to his regard for his righteous tertm,ut lohohrte13, Drug s ciin. A braharn ton. etter than Oluistinas is again over, and as we start into 1913 we wish to thank -our patrons for theft liberalpatronage, aad to „intima,te that cinr . , , stock will, always be so kept tip -to -date that you will have a feeling .of satisfaction in dealing with Is. JEWLER and ISSUER 0'14 MARRIAGE LICENSES' TIIREE )11.,TGLISII GIRLS.. Induced Twang Men , to Conne, to:Canada to Marry Them. • A 'despatch from Toronto says: On -Matitclay three ,former London (England) girls,„ ,very,.. .elose friends; and who- for the past eigh- teen Iiionths have been- residents of Toronto, were m.arried at 264 Hata ihe %Venue .to t three young men with *hem they kept company the ()V golintry prior to coming to Toronto, and whe' were' induced to come , to Canada by the young ttettlet. The' triple vtedding served as an illustration of the manner in which the population ot this coun- try is 'being augmented, lovers, folt , lowing. their sweethearts oinoI witiet their itushandsttrein the crowded centres, of the OttilWorkla TO SA VE 011TX STAG. ItATACTI. Stratheona IttOyttle Last ItittY 'Ilh4)us1to,4 , t.1„espateli :item Landon, En's - Inside: says: The: Ltiett- Mayor has 6tinoll-4eal, in teenttectiOn with- the anent:it efforts 111)*'' Wei11g,' iisa4tntb SAY° the Ory,ttalt•,Paratte atitt grOurt,cis fell' the nation; that Load- .Flirtallbeena has nnclakakan Prn- .V.Iitin the lasi 1itty theitaand of the sitrn -needed .(Ovea: a :Milieu not half ,of which it' het fortheetnieg. Jutt w 'at, you need after a hard day's. work -A Refreshing eu0 of Goes farthest for the money da%fivallotatsweicataimumoutegmaszvezeot hat Will The Settlement of Your Estate Cost? We will be pleased to tell you, if you will furnish us vvith par - deniers. No charge. - We will also supply you with , will forms and place your 'will in our fireproof vaults where it cannot get lost. ' The Canada Trust Company is a trustworthy, experienced execu- • tor that will manage your estate most economically, and imparti- ally earry out the terms of your will. %.,\• Our intimate connection with the Huron & Erie Loan and Savings Co. enables us to obtain numerous investments which come under the "Trustee Act," and of which a private party would never hear. Tbis enables us to keep our Trust Funds always invested, and Estates derive a larger profit than otherwise. • Services of Family Solicitor always retained. - Correspondence invited and answered promptly. - `,7 11 Itt\ LONDON, ONTARIO. h•A .10••=1••••••=••••.Mil 1-10W TO LIVE TRIUMPHANT Take the Life of Him Who Not Only Did No Evil, But Went About Doing Good The way to counteract' and conh quer evil in the world is to give our own hearts to the dominion of good and work the -works of God while it is day. The strongest of all ob- stacles to the advance of evil Is a clean and generous man, doing his duty from day to do, and winning others, by his cheerful fidelity, to serve the saine Master. Diseases are not the only things that are contagto• us. Courage is contagious.' Manly integrity is con- tagious. All the -positive virtues, with red blood in 'their veins, are contagious. The heavieettblow that you can strike at the. kingdom of evil is just to follow thetadyice .which the .„,dy- ing Sir Walter Scott gave his aim - in -law, Lockhart: "Be a good man." And if you want to know how, there is but one perfect and s`uprelne examPla-the life of him whet:not only did, no evil, but went about doing good. Now, take that -thought of fight- ing evil with good and apply it to our world and to ourselves. • Mere are Monstrous Evils and -Aces M society. Let intemper- ance be the type' of them all; be- cause `so many of the others are its children. Drunkenness. ruins more homes and -wrecks more lives than wart Hew shall weaoppose it? •I do, not:say that -wei hall not .peas resolutions and make, laws -against it, But I do say that WC can never really conquer it this way, I hold with Phitlips Brooks that "all prohibitory measures are negative. That they have their uses no one can doubt. That they have their limits is 'jest es The stronghold of intemperance lies in the vacancy anti' de.spair of men's minds. The way to attack it is to make the sober life beautiful and happy and full of interest. Tehch your boys how to work, how *to read, how to play, you fathers, before you send them to college, if you, want to guard them against the temptation of strong drink and the many shameand sorrows that go with it, , Make the life of your community cheerful and pleasant and interest- ing, you reformers; provide raen with xeereations tvhich will not harm them ifyou warit ho take away the power of the gilded saloon anti The Grimy Boozing Ken. Parks ,and playgrounds, libraries and music rooms, clean homes, and -cheenhil Churehes-Jthese are the efficient foes of intemperance, ,And the same thing is true of gambling anci all the other vices will0h. drag Man.down by the lower side of their nature because -the higher side has •nothing to -cling to, nothing to sus- tain it and hold it up. What are you going to do, My brother men, for this higher side of human life ? What contribution are toil going to make of your strength, your , time, year influence, your money, your self, to mikes a clean- er, tuller, happier, larger, nobler life possible for some of your fel- low men 1 I -do not -ask how you are going, lb You inay do' it in business, ' in the- laivt ih nietlieinet in -the rain-, istry, in teaching, in literature. But this is the question: What are you going to give personally to make the human side of the place where' you do yonr work purer, stronger, brighter, better, anti more worth living?. That -will be yonr best, part in the 'warfare against vice and crime, -Dr. Henry Van Dyke. WARRIORS ARE -RESTING. t Bad Roads and Wintry NVeather • Stops Fighting. • A despatch from London says: The operations of the' five atmies engaged in the Balkan War have been brought practidally te standstill by the wintry weather, which is ,aeconipanied by frequent snowstorms and by the deplorable tiate- of the loads., hh Bat011-"Hat yofir' wife a mot- to Hatch -"Yes. Her motto is 'Never put off till to-morr na what, yOU can say th-day 1' • Educate Your children musically. Start with The iso on.graph An appreciation of music is as essential as technique. The wodd's masterpieces are on Edison Records, clone by the great- est artists. You can play them again and again, until y9u have familiarized irourself and ‘your children -,Fith.the sort of nnisic they oughtkilow -classkal • and pep,ulaiv. Stop ili at your Edison dealer's 'and have hirn play some Blue Amberol Records. They will 675 dellght the family. . Thomas A. Edison. lac., 100 [Alto:aide Ave., Orange, 3..1., U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Recordo will be found a