HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-03-06, Page 1r;•
No 17 71 -34th Year
Place your For Sale Wanted, Etcads., on. page 5 of The , News -Record -7- You'll get -good results.
t to Xellgar the Jeweler
for a geliable 'Watch.
No- one tvorild go,oit a liong journey
• without •a reliable watch. The Hell-
, yar watch will reride.r good service
• through the longest of Journcys—a ,
W. Y. Ie1tqar
fer.veler ana Optician . - Clinton ,
The Royal Bank
Capital Authorized 825,000,000
Capital Paid-up , 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 .
Total Assets 175,000,000
, 325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits1 General Banking business transacted,
• I
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
1 'We.. Molsons Ban,
Incerporated :1855 " Established .in.Clinton 1870 -
, ,Intereit allowed at highest current; rate onrsunes of 81 and
upward from date ot . deposit. -Joint. accounts allowed,
, .
C. E. .Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
_We've made great preparations for your Easter Outfitting
we've the best of everything. Vhe rule that eberybody
must appear in something nab on ,Easter Sunday is be-
• coming more firmly established each year.
If you want to appear in a New Suit for Easter get
your order in early.
• is in full swing
Suits Made to Your Measure
$22 to •$28
Trou6ers Made to Your Measure
to $7.50
A new Easter 7 ie ancl Bat e7.)ery man and. boy must
We've all the new and correct spring blocks in stiff
adsoft Hats. ' '
25c -35c -50c -75c ---11.00
Big bargains in glen's and 73oys overcoats, It will pay
you Uell to buy one for next winter. -
Furnishers "To Nen Who Care."
Mr. C. D, Bona' conducted the ser-
vices both morning and evening very
acceptably on Sunday test in the ab-
sence of the rector. '
In renewing his sub. •te The News -
'Record Mr. C. S. McDonald of Tor-
en -to remarks ' "'Though I have not
•been • a resident of the county or
Huron for many years I am always
glad to have youn paper, •as it keeps
me in „touch with the happenings, not
only in , that part of it in which I
am 'most directly inteiested, that is
the village of Bayfield, but has also
a great many interesting items about
other parts 'of the county, I have en-
joyed very. much the hiqorical ,sket-
ches which you have been publishing
The pastor occupied his own pulpit
on Sunday. ;
Next Sunday being the. church an-
niversary' the Rev. W. H. Harvey of
London will preach' both morning and
The Ladies' Aid -are having their
meeting thih afternoon at the home
of Mrs. H. B. Chant.
' Mr. J, A. Irwin addressed the Lea-
gue meeting on Monday evening tit
the Subject of the "Work of the
Special music is being prepared by
the choir 'for next Sunday. Mrs.
Norman Holstein of Stratford ' will
sing at both services,- .
The League intend bringing Mr.
Cyril Hayes, reader, here for the
evening of Mar. 27th. •
Mr. A. E. Turner met with a re-
grettable .aecident at tlie Piano: lac,
tory on Friday morning last, While ;
operating a saw the board -he was
handling sainted .and .this left hand
cainiing in contact with the saw, the ,
thumb' ',Vas- severed' above. the ..first '
•joint. As Mr. Turner intended re.turn
ing to the tvest.verS, shartly.the ac-
eident interferes very ,much. with -Aim
plans and cd: thus all the moreun- '
fortunate. -
.14t Harry' fIllfzler:' as v iota" ar
the icy: condition' of 'the'stradts Whibh j
.nrevailed; all Mit weer:- tibining d'onif
'tewei after .4dinner one day, with' ;
handshis' Peolibts• he slipped, nifttin
'falling Sprained •Itis riglit shoulder j
end in conSetinenee wak compellriVto
tak'n"a fewdayS' lhilidayd aoliday-
ing 'doesn't suit Harry, especially
whne it is' crifbreell, 'he'd' tod'energe-
tic 'to enjoy himself juSt "hanging-a-
•ibitild" 'so it is hoped that hea" will
soori" be „quite" himself' againY--;
THE TOWN COUNCIL. .. " • • •
According tq a communiation from
11, B:Morphy of the C. P. R. read
at the council Meeting on; Monday
.evening, it is "up to" the coencil
Clinton is to have C. P. II, conned-
tion within any reasonable time, as
, is clearly not, the intention' of. the
Company just now to make' any move
in the 'matter unless pressure is
brought to bear. It was suggested
that Clinton council get into com-
munication with St. Mary's and oth-
er towns interested and thus work-
ing together something might he ac-
complished. The committee having
the matter in hand are by no Means
discouraged and will continue to
push the scheme. '
A communication was read from
the Hydro -Electric Cominission pro -
wising help in the adjusting and..an
ranging of matters connected • with
the taking over of the electric sys-.•
tem by the town.
-A grant of $50 was given to the
Clinton Spring Show, as has ,been
done in former years, and $2000 was ;
ordered paid to the C. I. board from '1
the allottment for 1 0 13, thus saving ,
the board from paying interest on
money for the running ; expenses.
The home' of Mr, and Mrs. James
S. Orange street, was the ,
scene of a very, pretty wedding on
Wednesday of last week when their /
eldest, daughter, .Annie p., was iy en- I
ited in marriage to Mr. Wilber L. ;
Cantelon of t MoOsejaw,' Sask. • The j
bride entered the parlor leaning on .!
the arm of her father, who gave Inc j
away. She: looked charming. in a '
dainty gown of cream serge with sat-
in and pearl trimmings, wearing the ,
ggoom's • gift, .a, pendent of pearls
aed rubles, and carrying a bouquet of
carnations and teens. ...The ceremony
was performed' by the Rev. C. E. Jea- '
kins in thepresence of only immed-
iate friends and relatives, the bridal
couple • &landing under 6I1, arch., of
ferns and evergreens,. They were unat-
„Ceremony and congratulations over
the newly -wedded pair led the Way to
the dining remit where a .dairy weal- I
ding feast was served. '
Ainongst the •ninnerous wedding ,
gifts which testified to the esteem in
which both are „held by their many
friends,. were cheques from the lather
of ,the bride ancr father of the groom
and also, one front the bride's uncle
in the west. ;
After spending a few days:with
their friende Mr. and Mrs. Cantelee
are leaving thie week. for their hotne
at Moosejaw. The bride's travel
ling costume was a handsome suit ol
navy blue with batto match. ;
The •News -Record adds Rh geed
wishes to those of the Many friehds j
of :the 'ceng eouille,
At the Sun
Sunday evening service the
local officerS Were assisted by Major
Moore or Toronto who *as visiting
his ‘, mother. His assistance was
niuch appreciated. ';
- Wheat 92e.
Peas 90c to $1.00,
• Oats 30c to 34e.
Barley 45c to 50e, • - •
Butte 20c to 21e.
Eggs' 20c to 21e. • •
Live Hogs $9.00. .
Considerable 'interest has been tak-
en in the series of or hundred..
games of checkers between J. Cook
and Win. Grant, which resulted' in a
tie; thirty-two wins each and thirty-
six draws. Playing oil Mr. Grant
won by onem
, gae and three draws.
Mr. J. Howson also won from the
local players and those of HOhnes-
The Rev. D.K. Grant exclang.d
pulpits with Rev. Mr. Larkin of Sea -
forth on Sunday last, the latter
preaching very acceptably both morn-
ing and evening. Miss McIvor ren -
deed a solo very nicely at the ev-
ening service.
The Women's Association . held
their regular monthly meeting yes-
terday afternoon. , • .
On Sanday evening last the pas-
tor, Rev. S: J. ADM; 'preached the
second sermon in the series on
"Temptaticm,,,? based on the words
of Matt: 4 ; 5, 6, 7, and which relates
to the second' temptatiou of Christ.
Rev. Geo.. W. Sperling, B. D.• re-
cently . front „China, will preach . next
Sunday Morning , and evening in the
interests of • the young ,peoples' "For-
ward Movement for Missions.''
• , • .
The. TraveL'Cliiii end a:number . of
invited guests had 'the pleasure of
bearing the Rev, Mr. ,lancMillan of
Toronto give a lecture on the
"Home' and 'Haunts"- of Sir Walter
Scott; Yin Tie' 0. P. hall on -Mon-
day :evening, • Mr'. MacMillan is well
mielitiedth to' speak bn thih subject,
having • spent some • time in, these
same '.'hauntePt taking on local', col-
or arid obtaining material at. first
hand. Sb 'Heti 'arict,'r re:tied are
the web af %Scott, . toe,, ;that
it • N.. .contpar,atively
easy matter . for so gifted. an
terpreter as Mr. MacMillan to make
pleasing 'mka • profitable e v e
jug's'. study. of Aim, Those. fortunate
enogye.be.prepent,„„ok', Mapday ev-
.ening thoroughly .eiijoyed ' the pri-
vilege. • a
Mr, 'MacMillan, remaining over • for -
a day, give a 'little talk tie
Barrie to the members .of the Trav-
el Club at the 'Manse on ' Tuesday af-
ternoon, •
Mr, E. G., Eagleson' Writing from
Morse, Sask, to renew • his sub.
says "We always look forward to
getting the home paper as it is like
a letter, giving us: the happening's a-
round the old haunts. This , has
been an ideal winter in Saskatch-
ewan for marketing grain and finish-
ing up the threshing in districts
where it Was not coilipleted earlier
in the seasofi. The amount of
grain marketed in Mork this year
was estimated at a million and half
bushels. We are situated on
main line of the C. P. R. about ley-
enty miles west of lefoosejaw.
This district is settled with
Canadians, A,niericans, Germans,
French and a few Norwegians, all of
whom are good citizens. Some c,ame
from the homeland with little to
start on bpt gookilealth•and ambition.
I have •noticed from time to time
in The_ News -Record- Reins regarding
the keeping quality of apelesa I ,had
in my cellar Golden Ruisets grown
at Lucknaw in 1911- and bought of
my 'local dealer here,, some of which
were in a guund condition to Nov-
ember of 1912,1i anyone can beat
that just let 'me hear from them.
. A pretty wedding took place. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A..
Kennedy, Rattenbury' street,...yester-
day morning when their daughter,
Gladys L., was united in marriage to
'Mr. John E. Armstrong or Wingham „
The bride - was daintly gowned in
hhic satin and lace and wore at her
girdle a hunch of cream roses. She
ah e 'wore the groom's gift, . a pen-
dant of pearls. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. D. IC. Grant
and w,as only witnessed by members
of the immediate families
At the coeclusion of the ceremony
and When the happy couple had Le-
ceived the -congratulations of • those;
present, • a dainty wedding luncheon
was served and Mr. and Mrs, Arm-
strong left ' on the eleven o'eloc's
train ter thetr lima 111 Winghain.
The bride's travelling costume was a
handsome suit of toupe whipcord
with whieh sbe wore a large bleak
hat with willow plume. ,
• The bride is well known and • very
popular inher circle' of friends in
town, a fact which was teitified to
by the many and beautiful wedding
PRO1VIPTLy PAID. . • . ,
Mrs. Reit, Marshall desires throagh
the medium of Thd News -Record to
thank the Clhaton Council of Chosen
Friends for their .promptness in Pal,-
ing the policy held by her late hug -
band, Robert Marshall,
Editor News -Record ,-Will you
kindly allow me space in your paper
to thank the town council for the
five 'dollars donated to a needy one
at my •reauest at the last council
meeting and also for two dollars
sent by "A Friend." -H. Newcombe,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Harris of Ful-
lerton annouace tlie engagement of
their daughter, Ada Matilda, to Mr.
•Wilbert Roy Lobb of Goderich town-
ship, the marriage to take place
next week at their rchidence "Pleas-
ant Arbor."
Mr, John Eades, • who 'formerly 11111
a barbctr shop in Clinton, was in-
stantfy killed by a 0. P. R. train
at a level crossing in Toronto, on
Monday. He was driving a delivery
wagon, and was warned of his dan-
ger by the crossing watchman„ but
with the rernark "I can make • it,"
he started across, with the result
that the train caught the rig square
in the centre.
The Pastime Club held ono of their
very enjoyable and informal datres
in their rooms on Friday evening.
The Q. C. I. hookey team wah de-
feated in a friendly game by the Sea -
forth C. 'I's in the home ,rinic
Thursday everdng last and again at
the return match: in Seaforth on
Winter, Mkt. modestly keeping in
the background until the more optinnr
istic among us had begun looking for
the advent -of the ' "First Robin,"
seems, to be trying to make up for
lost time since laarch came in.
James Munro, a respected resident
of Goderich, passed 'away at - Ms
home. in that, 1,916. on Wednesday. of
last week at the age el_ seventy-
eight °years. 70.,!..cleccased had been
a resident of Goclerich Inc practical-
ly all his ,life. Ile had followed the
behiness" 'et lilecksmithiug but for
several yeard Vast • lie has 1v -
ed privately. Death was due 11) a
general Jireaking up • Of .•tlie system.
He is survived by a 'large family,
one son being Mr, le, Munro ; of
town. The funeral took place on
Friday afternoon last to Mai Hand
cemetery.. .
, Miss Gladys Kennedy, who yester-
day, Was married' to 'Mr. .1, E. Ann -
strong ,of Wingham, was the recip-
ient of a Couple of "Sheiersn from
her girl friends last week. On Sat-
urday evening having been invited to
tea at the manse the members of the
Girls' Club of Willis church came in
later *and presented the bride -to -Lc
with a granite shower, consisting of
almost everything neceehary for the
kitchen. Earlier in the week Mrs.
W. Wheatley was the hostess of a
Limoges shower in honor of the
same lady, when a large number
of her girl friends made her the re-
cipient of many pieces of dainty
china, hnd a Very jolly evering was
Tom Brantley Fowler died at his
home, Bromley Place, Galt, on Feb.
22nd. The deceased was an old re-.
sident of 'Clinton and was well
known here', being a Son of the late
Samuel Fowler who conducted a
jewelery business here, and who lat-
er conducted the business himself. A-
bout thirty yearh ago, however, he
moved to Galt and there for many
years,, was engaged in the sante line.
For some years past 'he has been liv-
ing privtcly, His death cable sudden-
ly after only a short. illness, though he
had not •been etr;oying the bcht of
health for some time. Mr. Fowler
was in town last autumn attending
the funeral of his brother the late
. • .
Francis Fowler_ when. he met many
of his old time friends and associ-
Mr, FONVIer is survived by las •tye
and one sister, Miss Fowler of town,
who is now tlz,e only surviying mem-
ber of the family. 'Ile funeral took
place in Galt,
. Personals
Miss Elva, Levis visited in Godericli
over the week -end,
Mr. C. W. Whitmore is ea a bus-
• iness trip to rl'oron•to this week.
Miss. Mabel Cluff was the guest of
• the Ipses 'Ounne of London fast
'2/11rvsee, Connell, who underwent a
serioes operation In the hospital
• the begiening of the week, is new
improving nicely,,_ the many friends
lot! atrhe. fareilY will be pleased - to
• •
Mr. Ernest McLean, who Iia been •
//spending the winter: with his en -
Mr. Hiram Hill, left on Mon-
day tor his home at Pilot Mound,
• Man. Ernest made many friends
' Personals. -
Henry left yeatexaae t•(>
spend a few weeks with London
Mr, Fred Jackson 15 spending -a few
da yh this week in Brantford.. and
Toronto. '
Miss. Ida, Walkinshaw visited her
aunt, 1VIrs. McKnight of the London
'Road, during the past week. '
Miss IVIarion Harland 'returned • on
Monday °Act a pleasant month's
rvoirscrit, with Mrs. S, March of Strata
Mrs, le. G. Henderson of Seaforth
and Mrs. Ilauslaugh of Winnipeg
were guests this week of Mrs, W.
It. Counter.
Mr. John Moon,• a former Olintonian
has given • tip tbe tailoring , busi-
ness and gone into the more pro-
fitable one of handling Toronto
real estate.
Mr. E. Miinro was ill Goderich last
week owing to the illness and sub-
sequent death of his father, Che late
°James Munro, whose funeral tUok
-place on Friday last. '
Mr. John Wise and family are mov-
ing in from the London Road and
are taking up their residence in
the pretty cottage recently pur-
chased from Mr. MeClacherty. 'the
News -Record welcomes them for
the citizens and trusts their So-
journ here will be pleasant.
Mr. Will Watson, • of Los Angeles,.
cousin of Mrs. If. 13. Chant, is vis-
iting relatives in Toronto and St.
Catharines. Over 40 years ago he
resided in, Clinton, his father then
being employed with Mr. Fred
Rumball and living in the house at
present occupied by Chief Wheatley.
Ile is just on his way back from
Florida. In Los Angeles. lar. Wat-
son works side by side ,with Mr.
William McKean' a former well
known Clintonian.
Mrs, Clark who has been visi Ling'
friends in Goderich the past tow
Weetlf,,- returned to tbe village on
Sunday, ,
'Cleave • Erwin of -Prince. • Albert,
Sask., is visiting friends „ in the vil-
lage this week': • ' -
"Mrs. lVforrison,of lectrno,nterai...v.isa
iting her grand molliar,..Mrs,, Wil-
liam -Ring., • .
Mr. Geo. Leitch, who spent the
winter with'his pa.Mnts, retiitrisci to
his; hoine at' Swift Curreet, • Sask.,
bait week.' ' , .
Mr. and ' Mrs. Wigle or htrattroy
'are.' the guesth of the latter's.. 4.ar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. - James Sturgeon,
this week. .
Mr., John Worsell of Gull Lake,
Sask., spent , Sunday and, Monday : in
the village. , •
Mr. Rolic41.'Penbale,lef t' cm Mon-
day for Rosetown, Sask., With a
car of horses. • ' • -
Mrs. -Love of Ilillsgreen was the
guest of Mrs. 'James 'Speakman a
few, days the. Past week,
Mr. and Mrs. John Govetdock of
Seaforth are visiting their daugh-
ter, Mrs, William Ferguson.
' SummerhIll.
Misses A.. and M. Straughan of Al-
berta are the guests of Mr. and Ers
W. IL Ball.
Mr. A. and Miss Ethel Lovett vis-
ited at the home of Mr. J. Scar-
lett one day last week.
A number of the young people of
the vicinity spent Friday, evening at
the home of Mr. J. Strauglian and
all -report en:oyable time.
Mrs. J. Goldthrope of Goderich is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. W.11.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Lawton spent
Sunday at the home of Mr, Wm.
Lawson. , •
Mr. John Colborne visited Blyth
friends on Sunday.
Miss Mandie McGratten of Goderich
has ,been the guest of Mrs. T. E.
Mason. .
Wood bees are the order of the
day. .
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Medd of Con-
stance visited at the home of Mr,
Wm. Lawson last week. -
Mr. and Mrs. M. Adatns were
guests of Mx. and Mrs. W. J. Me-
l3rien recently,.
The Ladies' Guild met at Mrs, 0.
Beacom's on Wedresday last.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Watkins enter-
tained a nurnhor of their friends one
evening recently. All report having
spent an enjoyable evening.
Mr, A McLaughlin has returned to
Seaforth after a week's holiday's at
his home.
Hallett Township
Mr. Loren Tyndall has bought • the
Ben, Churchill farm on• the Gravel
Road. It contains eighty-five aeres
and the price paid was $6;000, • Mr,
Churchill and his two sons with their
wives left on Monday for Duncan,
B.C., where the intend to loeate,
While gegretting their 'departure tram
the neighborhood, their friends wish
them continued prosperity.
• Mi'. J. Vocidert,- after spending
the winter at his aid ;tome, Mr.
John Vedden's. lett on Monday to
return to Big Stone, Alta,, his horne-
stead lacing nedr that place. This
Is his thircl season so he will take
• • out his Patent, He is an Indust -
ging she received, ••• • while in IoWn , who all eXPress the ;ions young man, the kind that are
• The News -Record- adds its - gaed wish- that bp may collie back Scion ' needed to build up the prairie , pro -
wishes and congrat att aaalyt,
•' ,ln loving memory of oe dear
motheg, Catherine, Smith, laillert, 'who
•departed this life March •lst;'-' 1913
The room Still edifies With. the, ?Id
time music, •
As singing sot ainl' low; .
Those grand, sweet „hymns', ill.,
• Christian% consplation ;
A foretaste at the lal'iss she , now
cloth know.
• -the daughters.
The following memorial noticri tak-
en frcen; the Comber Herald has re-
ference to a native or Londeo9r0..,
whose maiden name was Susanna
Hiles, a sister of Mrs. Elsley, Airs
Tainblen. and of Mr. WM., Hiles 1 at
this village
In memory of the late Mrs. Geo.
A:inslie';' 'born 1856; 'died Feb. 91.1i,
1913. From the beginning .01, her ill.
ness she had a premonition of the -
cording change,. but to her faith-illurn-
ined mind'iblis was no trial. In mem-
ories about her of leaving them only
obremaaluii,sliesy,..ai‘,;o:rdN.sieshe spoke to the deac
had gone. before. • As het: illness
the way, then the end catine, sudden -
hall radiant with tilowers breathing,
contorting messages et love and hope
tbe Ladies' Aid of the home church..
ends, embowered her in living,
to be with those mutually dear who;
she expressed -iii her friends her. lov-
should be markebl • by sorrow, but
cred to Say a lit farewell entered a
progressed and weakness increased
ing ' appreciation , of them and or
what they hacljuteant to her all along
not by gloom. The friends who gath-
An exquisite pillow of roses from
with sprays and wreaths, tokens ot.
the passing of so , bright a spirit
love, and esteem from her many fri-
ly and gently. It was fitting that
hol of Blyth was, the
guest of her cousin Miss Rose Lyoa.
over- Sunday,- - - a - --- --- --
Rev. Mr. Reid ot Alma occupieo.
the pulpits of Bees anti "-Knox clam-
°hes on Sunday. last, .
Miss E. Miller gias taken a posi •
tion .apprentice in Couch Co's
millinery in Clinton.
Mri: Roberton and Miss Ivy ef
Clinton spent Sunday tit the home of
Mr. Ctlet. Riley. '
Mr. J• A. ,l,arnieson, is .„.vis4,ing
brother, Mr. Artlite:JamidUou.
.aressrs. -.John Taintayri,' Man-
ning, ,Lyon,. it, Scott
and' Thos,' a,ttended !the, Liber-
al convention at (lorlarieh Nfon-
Mr. jf:"cote of4
itdd with friefas here Ova Sunday,
Mr.' -Wm. MoOtilqind'.711eaVe• Setyler
were ln Strathroy bu Saturday. ,f•
Mr. R. Townshend of Waterloo .is
a guest at the home of Mr. F.
s E. Lyon, who is attending'
Monne at Stratford., speet the. we,ek-
end at home.
• Mr. E. Lear 'of Auburn. visited iii
mother, Mis. S. Lear, on Moriday,
• Mr. Wm. Lyon of the 13th con, is
laid up with an attack or lumbago.
Miss AI. Garratt entertained a
number of her friends on Tuesday
On Friday *evening of last 'Week
about thirty of the young nest& (A
the 13th ;eon. gathered at the home
of Mr. H. Lyon and •a very pleasant
evening was spent in games and.
music. During the evening Mr, Wm.
Grantham was made the recipient or
a handsome suitcase and tie, just.
as a little remembrance of the pleas-
ant times spent together. Will leavea.
for the west about the midrite of the
Month and will be much mihsed a-
mongst the young people..
Mr. Kerslake of Exeter spent the
week -end at the home of Mr. Janies
Shobbrook. '
Read the News -Record for Londes-
bore news.
Constance '
Mr. W. B. Cook and -eel, James
Cook, are about "to leave for the
west. They will be greatly misSed
as they have long been residents of
the village. • •
• Mrs. David Weir, and children. oi
Kinstead, Sask., are the guests', of
the lady's mother, Mrs. John But-
1VIrs, 13, B. Stephenson • and Miss
Charlotte Millson spent a few days
with friends at Staffa.
Mr, Chas. Milson and Miss Ruth
Milson left for the west on Tuesday,
the latter intendin3 to go to For-
get, Sask., to keep house for her
uncle, Mr. Fred Milson.
Mr. W. B. Cook is busy packing his
blacksmith tools preparatory to go-
ing west. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cook'
are also preparing Inc the journey.
They are going to Yorkton, Sask,
Mr. MRS. liuggart orTuckersmith
has boeght Mr, • Chas. Rogersan'S
farm, and will get poSsess'on shor*,
Mr, Regorson and family intend go,
ing west.
Mr. Elliott Spooner let for „as,
west on Tuesday after visiting his
sister and other friends hereabouts.
While going out (tom her own house
with a friend the other day Mrs,
D. Sutherland 'slipped and falling
broke her arm above the elbow. It
was a most unforturitte accident but
we trust hhe may recover as speedily
as possible.
Quite a number of the young pee-
ple of the neighborhood went over to;
Walton on Thursday evening last and
sarprised Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tay-
lor with a miscellaneous shower. Alt
report basing had an enjoyable time-.
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