HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-20, Page 8News—Record
x.50 ilanties $3.•95
This is only ii'sample_of the�greatmoney saving values e au'eMTei'
ing for the balancecf Januarys
1�ever before have such eacrifice prices been offered on good season-
able goods as Ines, be found here during the next fow weeks. Prices
to some cases almost out in half,
Look over this list, , bettor still "come in" and
m nt
let us show you, as
ctethave dozens and dozens of lines that we cannot list here.
Ladies mantles, new styles $0 50 for $3 05
„ 8 50 for 4 05
12 00 for 7 05
Children's mantles " 2 08 up
serge dresses nicely trim med 4 511 for 2 75
6 00 for 3 75
Men's stiff and soft hate, this season s'new
goods, English fur felt reg. 2 50 and 3 00
Men's sweaters and sweater coats1 00
Women's and children's house slippers 25c and35
ISIen's.fur-collar overcoats;'reg 10 00
Also several clearing lines of men's, worn-
• en's and children's boots at won-
derfnlly low prices.
Balance of our furs at wholesale prices and less.
Special prices on men's and boys' snits and over-
ver-coats, underwear, fanny shirts ete,
Come in and see what we at e offering.-----•-
for 1 00
for 60
foe 19`
for 12 11.1
Our Seliing Out Sale Continues
Guard Against -„Colds
by wearing
Warm Footwear
We have a large stock of Overshoes
and Moccasins from the best makers
which we are selling at prices that
tempt buyers, and men who work out
of doors will appreciate the good quality
of our Heavy Buckle and Lace Rub=
J. Twitchell F3 Son
For 1913
as in previous years will excel
in values, in qualities and in
quantities when you want the
best that is possible in shoe-
making, see
Lery l` {
, SPRING 19(3
11%1710,1S 11gil�SlAMAll+anl (Atl4 Bl K4tINAiOY.QXn
Price 20c at the counter
100 extra by mail,
You cell select any Standard pattern
FREE with every' copy marches -
N�1 SON N�•NNM���NtNN HN•N•�N��•l���M NN
lee toPvU� A.im
Biiugs Back 1
Furniture Buyers at this etore invariably come
back when theywant more and bring their friends
with them,
To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is •
' aw
hole lot
aisga In SS
as it'looksand that i'.
a. nod Saying
Substantial Furniture can be bought
_ now at mone • savingprices. Why not secure what.
so; favorable...•
rices are
now ,while
,� d v
ou..1 ee n
Dealers and.Funeral rah f)lre
?tea' Phone 104
•PHONE 127 Nag A
.040. 0414141.4.04 N4411.11.AA4,HN.M,.IN®64. eel* 414446 NN*ON
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
mI 111 enumnns elle
,ylh ,Ifs. 'l
Mrs. G. R. Keys was' in London roe
Tuesday. -
Mr, C. E. Dowding was in Toronto
last week.
Miss Grace Club was a week -end vis-
itor in Listowel.
Clerk R. J. Richardson of Stanley
was in town on Monday.
Miss Wiggington is in London at-
tending the millinery openings. '
Miss Ethel Stewart, G. N. W, opera-
tor, has been holidaying with fri-
ends in Mullett.
Miss Irene Brooks of Mitchell is the
guest of her grandparents, Mr. and
•Mrs. Wm. Cantelon.
Mrs. T. J. McNeil and Mrs. Cooper
of Wimripeg were in Goderich with
•friends on Saturday.
Mr. D'. A. Cantelon of Toronto ris-
ited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W•
Cantelon, on Sunday.
Rev. J. Greene was in Blyth on
Sunday conducting services hi the
Methodist church there.
Miss Jean Chidley left on Monday
for Toronto, where she will spend
a few weeks with friends.
Miss Edna Turner of the Normal
school, Stratford, spent the week-
end at her home in town. `
Miss Broder of Morrishurg is in town
visiting her sisters, Mrs. G. 1).
and Mrs. M. G. McTaggart,.
Miss Mabel Cantelon and Miss
Smith are in Toronto this week at-
tending the millinery openings.
s n of the
Mrs. Samuel John Babylon o S
Line, Stanley, is spending a few
days this week as the guest of
Mts. G. R. Keys.
Mr. James Emery of Toronto was a
visitor in town over the week -end
and assisted the choir. of Willis
church on Sunday,
Mrs. John Cooper of Winnipeg, for-
merly of Clinton, has been visiting
in town. being the guest of her
niece Mrs. T. J. McNeil.
Miss Greene and Miss Cunin imgams
leave tomorrow for Toronto. While
in the city they will be the guests
'of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins.
Mise Luella; Churchill has gone to
Detroit where she is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Geo. Harrison. Miss
Churchill may remain in the city.
Mrs, S. S. Cooper and Miss Beryl
were in St. Paul's on Saturday
'attending the mineral of Emerson
Acheson, a nephew of Mrs. Cooper.
Mr. J. E. Cool., who has been laid
up for several weeks past with a
fractured ankle bone, is now able
to get about with the aid of crut-
Mr, Wilfrid Pickett has been quite
iiiduring the, past week with an
attack of appendicitis. It is hop-
ed that he will soon be quite re-
covered, however.
Mrs. Bert Carter, who spent part of
last week as the guest of Mr. and
Ed. Carter of Princess street, re-
turned to her home in West Wa-
wanosh on Saturday.
Itirs. M. Charlesworth and her son,
'Mr. Robt. Charlesworth of
Forks, North Dakota, have been in
town during the week, uir B past the
guests of the Misses 'Whitely.
Mrs. W. S. Downs Ls repro ntin g the
localcouncil of the R. T.of T. at
the • annital Grand Council, which is
being held • for the 'first time in
the new head quaLters, the Tem
pin, Toronto, this week.
Mr, -Ed. Mole, superintendent of the
Seaforth hydro -electric system, was
'in town Monday on his way from
!Auburn whither 'he had been called
by the serious iilrrss of kis father,
Mrs John Mole, who had been
stricken by apoplexy:',' For a time
,grave fears were 'entertained, blit
Mr. Molehasnow much improved.
Mr. Ben Churchill is expected home
he latterp
art of the week after
an ,absence of nine. months spent in
'Vancouver I••sland. He has located,
at a small town nano Duncan, the
centro of an. English community
where he mny. embark mbusin
Me has sold his IIttllett farm to
Mr. Lorain Tyndall.
Mr. Geo. Ruddell of near Londes-
boro was , in tow'tt Saturday for
the first time in several weeks but
then he doesn't venture much a-
broad during the winter period.'
This veteran of fourscore years or
more is remarkably spry, keeps
closely in touch with passing 'ev-
ents and doesn't "trim" in ex-
pressing an opinion any more than
he w. wi wont t0 do.
Ate you a News -Record subscriber ?,
February 20th, I91
Mack bilk waists 3.75 and 4.00 1or2.9$'
atara Winier Vests & Drawers .25 for .19
Ladies', Misses and Children's Black
Tights .75 for .55 =
Staiifield's Vests and Drawers 1.50 and
- :
1.75 for .98
Natural Wool Vests and Drawers .82
We are cleaning up the balance of our winter stock in preparation for the New Spring Goods which are
coming in every day, hence the following deep cuts which will pay any household to carry over.
Black Silk Waists $3.75 and $4.00
for $2.98
Ladies' fine quality black tatfetta and pal-
lette waists, the very newest styles, sizes 34, 36
and 38 only, regular $3.75 and $4.00, Friday and
Saturdy $2.08.
Stanfield's Vests and Drawers 98c.
Out go the balance of Stanfield's vests and
drawers in white and cream. We are putting
them all in one lot, regular up to $1,75, Friday
and Saturday choice 98c,
Winter Vests and Drawers 25c for
Ladies' natural colored vests and drawers,
all sizes, good weight, well made and trimmed.
regular 25c, Friday and Saturday selling at
Natural Wool Vests and Drawers 82c
Ladies' natural wool vests and drawers, siz-
es 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, guaranteed unshrinkahle, while
they last Friday and Saturday the price will be
Ladies' ann tJliildien's Black Tights
75c for 55e.
Alt sizes in ladies' and children's black
tights; elastic and silesian bands, regular
75c, choice Friday and Saturday at 55c,
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets $32,50
Ladies' black Astrachan fur jackets, Can-
adian sable trimmed, size 34 to 40,'regular $50,
Friday and Saturday $32.50.
"Crums" 1913 New Spring Prints now in Stock 12§c.
"Andersons" 1913 New Scotch Oinghams now in Stock 121c and 15c.
$1 Saturday$12.50.
beaver ladies' coats with black fur collar, sizes 36 to 42, worth
Engineer Caster 'of the Hydro -Elect -
ric Connmission is town.
n today.
Mr. Henry Baker was in Toronto on
business for a couple of days last
. Dun oret hasunder
3t•11•s. J. s
a doctor's care during the past
Mr, Lea Shatter of Toronto has
taken a position with 11. Bartliff
as baker.
Miss Roselle Shoenhals has leen
visiting friends at Port Albert the
past few weeks.
Miss Rbse McCaughey left on Mon-
day For Toronto where she intends
taking a position,
Mr. John Rice of Bowmanville, is 1n
town this week and receiving a
cordial greeting from old-time ft .-
Mr. Thomas Hill of Toronto spent
part of last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Baker, the latter being
a cousin,
Mr, B. F. Streets of ,Melena, Mon-
tana, was a visitor the past week
at the home of his nephew, Mr.
Calvin Streets.
Miss Tena Matheson is lit Toronto
• this week 'attending the millinery
openings and later will take a nos -
!visit to the rectory here• and pre
filen at I3aAndrew ton.
sented the Rev. H. J. Condell with
Mr. Clifford Andrews of the Hemi_a load of oats and vegetables and
tori branch of the Royal Bank was
a - visitor at his home in Gown also a nice little purse of money,
over the week end, 1 from the people of the Saublc Line
Miss M. Mahaffy left on Friday for •
and vicinity who appreciated the
Galt where she spent a few days months held during the Cununer
before going to Toronto to the ..months in the Union church. Mr.
millinery openings.Condell very much appreciated the
handsome gift and wishee to thank
Mr. Harry Hunt, Galt. a long-time
kind f
r us -
friends whoo
all ther e svane
o tedthe old , -
generous -
resident of Clinton, visi
remembered him. yesterday 'and responded
At a meeting at the rectory of
many a corJessie
ord lefte. the young people of the congrega-
Jessie Ford left yesterday
for Teeswater to visit her unele tin, , x. Young People's Society pas
and aunt, Rov,'W. J. and Mrs. c{irganized in connection with Tri -
Ford, the latter of whom is quite silty.
members Aboutand, fortythe were enfollowingrolledofficer as
Miss Rohe' McCaughey, a recent were elected :
graduate of the Clinton Business President, R.,5. Bailey.
College, went; -to 'Toronto on Mon -
Vice, Miss Ina Fowlie.
day where she accepted a pos Sec. -Treasurer, John Parker.
itton. • Organist, Miss Kilda King.
Dr. Smith and Mr. Richard Weston Executive Council, Miss E. Nef-
t 1 Miss M.Parker,
oofn ID niafitetledrswerceoncrnerntoinwgn YtehsetergdoaoYd Harrison, Percy Weston, C.
and welfare of the: breezy, ; akehide Pollock, R. Harrison and Geo.
town. '
It is expected that many more of'sort and at pleasure grounds for
Miss r Adair, who has been the guest p y` and that Huron. County and the Province,
ill join
o w
the un e
s'ster, Mrs, Geo. •Shi le Yo g p P
her r p Y,
for some " weeks, has been called ,the meetings will be made very at- etc, The Board of • Trade is deter -
home .ofkeep at this ,scheme instil
With such
tractive and a st
ructive. W th
tra ti
tto.Oshawa by the illnesso
obtained and until Ba -
'{n aced
r ., i s ie bY
c L a b
her mother, a list. of officers it looks as
Miss M. J. Richardson of Arthnr, Young People's Society in Bayfield ! field • has some railroad and water
has been visitingat the Nome- 'nicht have a. bright future: connection. There is a large ser-
who a t'lon of excellent farm land around
stead in Stanley; has bee the: Th Old Tftne Concert •given under
guest. the past week .of her cousins, the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of, St. i Bayfield, partieulatay to the ouLlr,
Miss M. Richardson and Mrs. W. Andrew's church in the town' hall wilbout any means of transportai-
on Friday evening 'by the choir of alien ''and Litat is a considerable
Wheatley•' ? stance n: It
Mrs:.A. Osborne, her daughter, Mrs. Knox church, Goderich, was very vvdias inlovedfront anishipsecpiogded statHioastns.Lha
Mf'Itin, and two little grand-dattgh- well attended and quite successful.
tors, Eva and Lila Miffin, all of The proceeds amounted to some-• reigulalr meeting of the Board -should
Merlin, Ont., are the guests of the 'where in the neighborhood of fifty be held en rho last Thursday cf
first mentioned lady's father,, Mr. 4 dollars with which the ladies were each month.
Thos. Sheppard'. of town.
Messrs. John Pollock and Samuel
in Toronto, n busi-
last week. •
Mrs. Thos. King spent Wednesday
in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ,Johnston re-
turned on Tuesday after visiting
in Toronto and Berlin and will
Let Plvery Bayfieider Be A Booster.
concert will
A grand banquet and e o
be given by the Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist church on Thursday r.Isxt.
Supper will be served in the base-
ment of the church at eix o'clock
and a fine program will be given af-
terwards in the town hall,
spent a few days with the preparations have been made with
former's patents, Mr, and Mrs; regard to this program, talent from
Jaynes Johnston, before lcav:ng Clinton and Holmesville having been
for their home in the west. called in to assist the best home
't is expected
available, and t
talent a a a p
r' Th df rd who
Mr. J. Aldridge o f c o �
g o
that it will be the best one put
was in the village a few weeks ugo
securing names on a petition ask -1 on by the ladies for some time,
ing for a tug fishing license, has, which 15 saying a good deal. Do
been successful in obtaining the sante not forget the date, Thursday even -
and arrived on Tuesday to erect an ing of next week. •'Pickets twenty -
ice house and lay in his stock of ice. five cents, reserved seats thirty-five'
IMr, and Mrs. John Parsons left cents.
on Tuesday for Winnipeg after spend- The citizens. of Bayfield, who were
ing the past few weeks visiting in appointed by the council and rate-
�.Lhe neighborhood, payers to form a Board of Trade,
held their inauguration meeting 011
Tuesday evening. The full number
were present with the exception of
Mr. Jowett. Dr, Woods was ap-
spending this week the guest of the pointed president, Wm. Mustard, vice,
Misses Stinson. Frank 'Edwards, secretary and Licht,
Miss Hilda King entertained a Bailey, treasurer. After some dis-
nuntber of her friends on Wednesday cession it was decided that only the
evening of last week, nominal sum of one dollar would
One day last week Messes. T. M. be asked as a subscriber's fee. Dr.
Snowden and R. J. Tolbat paid a Woods' in his opening address urged
upon all the members the necessity
of working together for the best in-
terests of the town, and outlined • a
very pl'ogreSSive campaign to
that end. It was the general opine
ion that the time is ripe for Hay-
field tog et after some of the Rail-
way Companies having charters
through the county to induce them
to run into Bayfield. Then, also
Board decided, get e
t•in touch with
the passenger. and' freight line of
boats that purposes running up the
shore from Sarnia and Port Huron.
It was finally settled by the for-
mation of a .sub -committee consist-
ing or Dr. G. W. M. \5iii'ah, Robt.
Batley, manager of the 'Sterling
Bank,and Mrs Wm. Mustard, to be
called a transportation committee.
Several schemes were mentioned end,
discussed by the meeting, such as
the co-operation' of the Board with
the directors of the syndicate that
has recently . bought the property
here known as, "Lake Side Lark ;"
the systematic and continued adver-
dverusing of Bsummer re -
r, Miss Mabel Hess of South Bend,
•Indiana, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs•
' P1, Merner.
Miss Daisy Copp or Clinton is
Mr, Geo . A. McVittie, who hair
spent the past month in Toronto
returned to his 11Qlne on Tuesday,
Mr. W. L. Pelferc of Auburn was in.
the village on Wednesday.
Mr. Armstrong of Toronto
Wednesday • the hom M r.
at c oftI
Rev. Mr. Moore of Brampton
cupied the pulpits of Ilurns
Knox churches on Sunday.
Mr. Phos. hill of Belgrave spear,
Wednesday with
sister, Mrs, l
II. Johnston.
Mrs. Geo. Brogden spent a fess'
gays this week with her daughter.
Mrs• D. Floody ,of Blyth.
Mrs, W. G. Comps and Mrs. W. (i.
Armstrong visited Blyth friends on.
Hutton's mill dam, which was put,
out of busirtsls by the floods oa-
curring last • month, has been repair-
ed and is again in working order
The mill was ruu by steam while
tate dam was being repaired.
seen t
Hullett Township
Mr. D. Newell, agent for the Cain•
alfa Company, was in this township
on Wednesday
The many friends of Mr. James-
Morrison will be sprry t'o hear that
he is keeping very poorly.
Miss Lorletto Flynn, who graduat-
ed from the Clinton Business Col-
lege, went to Toronto on Warbles.-
Mr. W. H. Stevens is drawing
,b ,sand for the new school in S, S.
No. 5: The stone will be supptrr.ie{t
and Denby.
byMessrs. McCool
Mr. Thos. Fear is recovering
11 ens
the _ P
illness which kept him bedfast
for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Crawford were
in Clinton on. Monday attending 110
funeral of Miss Mason.
Mary Weymouth,grav
spent a few days recently at the -
homestead in this township,
Porter's Hill
A quite wedding took place at th,s•
Wm. home of Mr. and Mrs. FV. Jolntt-
ston last Wednesday evening wheat
their daegter Mns. Sadie Marshall
calve tate bride of Mr. Lorne Tabor
of Swerbergh. Only the intimater
friends 11 both
parties were p
Rev. Mr, McCormick of Holmesvillee
was the °Meeting minister. The
wore a beautiful white silk trimmeidl
with lace her traveliins suit ware.
navy blue trimmed with cream silk`
The funeral of the infant child 01
Mk, and Mrs, John Swantz' took
ed that the same will prove to be a
very well content All Together : "Boost Bayfield: 1" place on Tuesday afternoon,