HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-20, Page 6t
Caused, by Lumbago, a Form
, of "Ill'iscuIar Rh_eumatigiu.:
Litinho go is sudden in its attacks
tend is so intensely' painful that the
'sufferer is often unab1i3 to move,
'oven to turn in bed or rise from a
chair. The trouble chiefly occurs
;DAnong working men, among whom
it numbers thousands of victims.
148 the attacks come on quite fre-
quently and are so torturing, this
disease means much loss of time
and money as well as the 'endur-
ance of mueh sufferingo.victim
needs to be told that liniments,
plasters and outward treatment
will not cure the disease. Thi
icind of treatment is merely a -waste
rof thne and money. The tronble is
teeny a „species of muscular rheu-
taatisra, and is due to poor blood,
and can only be cured through the
blood. It is for this reason that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills axe so
successful in curing this trouble,
and those who are afflicted by it
should lose no time in giving the
Pills a trial. If the treatment is
persisted in the disease will be
.driven from the system and the
cure be made pernutn.ent. In sub-
stantiation Mrs. Alfred Derby, Et-
tyville, Ont. says: "A few .years
ago I was atlacked by excruciating
pains in the back which the doctor
called lumbago. I was not able ato
do a bit of work about the house,
and suffered dreadfully every time
I moved abdut. I took the doctor's
medicine all winter, an used Dui -
menta, without getting any relief.
In a thoroughly discouraged con-
dition I began using Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. After using six boxes I
was better and able to do all my
own work, and have not been af-
flicted with the trouble since. I
now always retionamend Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills to those ailing."
These pills are sold by all medi-
cine dealers or naa,y be had by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 ftom The Dr.
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
' •1.
The Ghost and the Meat.
We have all heard of the French
schoolboy who, asked to translate
into English the French of '"To be
or not to be," evolved. thia : "To
:Was or not to am."
• Another schoolboy has equaled
this translation) aecording to the
London Chronicle, in recovering
trona German the text, "The spirit
indeed is willing, but the flesh Is
weak," in the form, "The ghost, of
course, is ready, but the meat is
feeble." •
Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902.
Ifinard's Liniment Go , Limited.
Dear Sirs, -Wo wish to inform you that
sve consider your atifrAnive
a very superior _Fatale, and we use lt as
sure relief forasore throat and °hest.
When I toll you d would not Ise without
it ,if the pries,' Wan one dollar a bottle,
Inean it.
Yours truly,
Mts. TrinnoN.
.• She -"What do you mean by Say-
ing that Elsa is, more or less pret-
ty' ?" He ---"Well, she's more pret-
ty than most girls, and lelis pretty
than yonnn,'„,,..
PILES cunt') IN 6 TO 19 OATS
our druggist will refund ,none a if PASO
tINTMENT fails to onre any oaso of INA.
Blind, Bleeding or Protrudatg Piles in
to 14 days. 500.
13etter vivo ;filo fails than one
who iev-er)-fiCies.
Mina -rats Liniment Cures colds, Eta.
A Snowy Waste.
"Oa,n you imagine," demanded
he returned explorer, "the enorm-
pus extent of those vast snow -
, "I kin," declared the statesman
from Waybaok. "I had the same
'Sensation the first time I appeared
In public wearing a dress shirt."
Spread on Limbs. Red and Inflamed.
'Became Sores. Had to Tie Hands
While He Slept Well, Thanks to
Cuticura Soap and Ointment.
St. Colaire, Quebee.--" My child was
scarcely two months and a MIS, old when
hie fate sad arms became covered with little
red pimples which a little
later SPreati mahls limbs.
a A
-The pimple§ were very red
and Inflamed. They -were
IAMat a little red spot which
oon became alittle k.rger
/PO Rod raised up., There
were four or film together,.
Those pimples caused lam
, . to scratch so that we had
to tin ids hands while he slept. The itching
Made him stiffer so mush that he cried part
of the night, waldng up most of the people
' tho hone°, The pimples becarao sores and
were YOU painful.
".11.1g8t1 wIthouiasaceeas seVdrat remedied
Which Wei* .repotinnended to '0 then
wsed Outlaws. Ointment and Seep, givhig-
Aim a bath every rooming with hot water
and buticura Soap, and then aPPlied a 'Oda
layer of. Oedema' Ointment on the parte.
affected, They gave great rener with the
first apilleation. After ,using ono box of
Ialuticara Ointment and a`little more' thou
• 16, no.callo Of OutiCura Soap my child was
ompletely cured. Thanks to the Cluticura
ettir Mitt Ointment 'my pony' isnperfectly
on, and I Shall alWaye have them at hand.'l
igriad), Mrs. N. Jobln, Jan. 4, 1912, .
Outictira.Soap and Outleara,Ointment aro
aold throughout the world. .a single set IS
• :ten •s1101e/ene• , ,Liberal sample ,of • each
ailea,free, with 82-p. Skin aidola Address
post card Poliir Drug Zs Ohm. Corp, Dept '
4711:3304g. IT.• -•.0. • -
Progress of the Groat West T
In a Few Pointed
Chinook is the IMMO Of a town.
Alberta,. '
At Carmi- the sawmill b
Permanent industry.
Ail Sapperton there is an e
demic of scarlet fever.
It has snowed ' nearly every
this year in the Slocan.
Last year. there were 108 cases
the Police court at Bla,innore.
A Government fruit packi
school will be opened in kelow
next month, -
Fred Nash, the surveyor, was
oeutly wedded to an Indian raaid
at basset.
During Deeember there were
von girls and seven boys born
Prince Rupert.
Lynn Creek furnishes North V
°olives •dalay -with 25,000,000 gallo
of water.
A. Clemes, of Spenee's Bridge,
building a hotel in. Vancouver at
co,st of $250,000.
Recently. in Ashcroft a fire w
started by using a flat -iron b
warmer that wee. too hot.
This winder robberies have bee
frequent in the small town on bo
sides of the Fraser River,.
At. Merritt all the ooal mines ba
their paydays nposa the first Salto
day after the 15th of each month.
Last year there were 404 eases
the police court at Vernon, as
more than $3,000 were collected f
A &normal& destroyed Her
Gibs•on's hotel an the Forks, not f
from Stewart, without causing i
jury to anyone.
Fruit 'growers at Notch HiD we
the tariff raised on fruit until it
equal with the rakes charged by tl
United States. .
Willjean Fletcher •was recen
killed at Savona by falling under
Oaaaadian Pacifio. railway trai
from which Ise was trying to 4E4;h
Snow in the Fraser valley h
made it difficult for pheanants
get their regular meals, owing
the fact that they feed thenaselv
from the ground.
An old gun was reeently faun
near Clinton 'that bore the date
Barnett, 1801. The gun had sato
60 years against a tree, and w
well preserved.
Bill Springer, superintendent
the Idaho -Alamo mines in the SI
can, etetes that has has been in si
enowlide.s this winter without get
ting injured.
Panthers are being shot in th
Similkemeen. The bounty for ther
is $15. These animals destroy
great many deer, but have neve
been known to, attack a man.
J. A. Menzies will build a stimmil
at Merritt in the spring. It wil
have o oapacity of 20,000 feet dail
and the tinaber will be eut on th
Pninceton range and hauled snthi
the mill in wagons. . •
At Woodlandp•not fel- from Ed
mouton, a 'fanner foUnd gold *i
some clucks that he had killed 101
the market. He has engaged My
prospectors to test the locality 11
the spring for the yellow metal.
-Mrs Emma Cornavall • recentil
lost her life in a blizzard while r
ing from Kamloops to Rose Hill
Her horse ran away, upsetting the
cutter and compelling Mrs. Conn
wall and her daughter to wander
night in the blinding storm.
When. the baby is ill; when hi
little etomach is oub of order an
he is oross and refuses to smile
don't dose him with castor oil
There is no need to torture him
give Baby's Own Tablets -they d
everything castor oil is supposed t
do only they do it better, an
what is more the baby will like
them, The Tablets are absolute]
safe, Leine guaranteed by a gov
ernment analyst to eontain no opi
ates or other harmful drugs. Sol
by medicine dealers or by mail a
25 cents a box from The pr.
Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
IS DRUM "110 GO 4
French First to tist Sins of Ancient
and Honorable Instrument.
It was some time ago that, acting
upon the reeoniraendathion embodied
in a report by a military commis-
si,on, the French Government
reached the conclusion that the
drum was 110 longer a neeessary
article of Military equipment, , The
report se,t forth that the drum was
a .aerious'ineumbanitica in in:arching;
that istin impaircd its Usefulness;
that; its eall,s eced,cl notbe distin-
guished in time of be.ttle; that it
consumed a period of two years 40
t111•11 oat an eiTionneit drummer, ea -id
thait by .1:chandelling the; 115,0 of the
druni many 'holism:4aof youths.
end men would 'be rolna,and fel no
tive ..aenviee.
Since the decision' ef.rthhe Frebeh
Governinent other Euxentannpow---
ere hone followed ita elmimple in de-
creeing that the-P",c1,rum &nit
The history of. --the drum is both
•ancient and honorable. The Egyps
tiane• employ•ecl it, and the Greeks
ascribed its invention to Baeohne.
The Spanish conqueror Pizarro is
said to have found drums in South
.American temples., The snakes, of
Ireland, we are toad, fled from the
&mania Isle before the drum boater
of' St. Patrick, The Punitans of
Now England used the drusn sis
church boil, and it figured, troquent-
• ln• and roanantioally ali th•rougli the
warsnaf the, Revolution and Rebel:-
. ,
ni IHE 'WESTING /f0 1.1 SE liTtAKE
Haw is Little Child Helped Hint lit
the Invention.
[X Great 'thingia, ' ii.a.e aohneve,d
through persistenee and'hard work,
but a rthe eritinal moment there is.
often a bit of 'something that, eoanime
„ near being' -"good luck.", A rail=
'I" road accident, mays P., contributor to
th.e hTew, York Sun, that4reeked
the train on which retie George
Westinghouse, then an Allert, 'young
in follo.v? with: 'the inventor's bre.An
and large . poWers of- o.baernation,
, a sot him to. thinking 'how Such am-
. dents °Cold.. be averted. • '.
pi- As ho *at6he4 t'lie trai41-'ers"
struggling with the in:efficient hands
an brn'kes, .`th' ides flashed int° ilis
' re 4 - ,
in If tne,re, was only 'same 'icay bY
which the engineer could' brake the
3g train l'.' . . •
Eon months Inc thought of little
else exeept this question, but the
"411tien,.., Seenled ag ' far ' awaY e's
en ever. une hot day, as Inc -was sit-
tins at bis desk, a little ginl.thimidlY
e.. approached him with a request that,
in Inc subscribe to a magazine. Young
Westinghouse, busy and absorbed,
an; boblitaUnorliiPicia,bpleui":::harsedea'k:11. 0%1p1;:igloahni,3c71
turned bac.lc to his work. ,
is 131,. the, 6,1,1 of th, task was st
O hand, far. in the anagazine at his
, ,,Jbo:w jaythe, phrase that wae, to
as solve the problem of tile air -brake.
d_ His 7nodel for the nrake had been
30 eweemspulpntasl.i,sbit,uptbotIrs.ey,epienratiidrley ptouwren, r.,
RI ing ever the pages of the magazine,
Westinghouse saw an account of
ire tunnel-huilding Lin vvhich. the nvork
r_ was done by tiompreSsed air. In a
• flash Inc hs,d, foam' the soneine,e- of
Da his problem. .
A °nano% aeoiden,t, fatte_wbalt you
nr will -bad .serrs a child into his life
to point out the Nvis6, to, a great
7 name and still greater wealth.
or Although young Westinghouse
1,- realized Isis indebtedness to. the lit-
tle maga,zine agent, and tried hard
la to find her, henever •sann her again.
is Her insinn. was done. .
— .
. 411- '
pn * II
. ,
WHEN nutlunti.Tisn .
GO1 111111.
' ----
Plasters, ointments and sulphur
were alike useless, but Dodtl's
•,-.. .-.
Kidney i aus mane a new man os
. . ' -
Princet,on 13 6 Fobmuar- int
(Spacia,15.-All over, Canada ple
,a „„. 2 took, g' of. ther. great . work
"Dodd's kidney Pills 'are' deing and:
even in the -Rocky Mountain 'feat-
nesses where nature hides her mines
• . •
men are telling of cures made and
suffering relieved by the great Oa-
- -.. , - . - -
neaten Kidney remeoy. Wm. Nur-
i. • • • .-
ay, ,sixty- six years.. old„ who has
tramped the frontier nes lumber
jack, rancher .prospeetOr, miner,
hunter a a t'.' , ' ,_ . •,_
• T1 rapper, and .wn0 nas
friends all oyer the west, is one of
th ' M 't 1 of hardship d
dangeres' Ileany a a e. and
.. can tell, but . his first
real -trouble came when Rheuma-
tism claimed him. -
, I slipped on the mountain sill:
and strained My kidneys and th
.my troubles all seemed to set in
t once I had nearly all the synap-
'''' . •
toms of Lumba. 6 .Sciatica Neu-
, . . - g , ,
„DDlias.ehasetees,b Divirro.Pey Murrayand
state. , . .
"Then I broke out in a terrible
rash that spread all over My _body
and kept me in tortures. I tried
a, little hades of ,•my. own. *Ent it
was 011 no use. Then I tried
11 rld'e Kidne -Pills a ,1 all 7
_.c,_ y ,. n _ n can
'say is they made a new man of me.
.—ax.-...__-... "
, .
Crowds Exelted Over Inetrument. at
., . •
English Science iluneum. •
Among the many wonderful in-
struments which attreetea • go"sat
crowde- of visitors „to -the 5ciencegsie.9
. Museum at South Kensington Eng-
, , ,
land, moonily, note 'excited
- , N -V.
..... . ' r,„
nor rt Ir,...1" Cr lifi ri.b.r, rl, Pink Rye liiiiimootle. Ship/And
rao ; aa MI 'I- Sa.111, Fever and Oa trimilini Weyer.
eSgu,,reIfTicr?„7%,,,,nabB' dP°014v,:xPpt.:7,6,/n...t.,i"L' icln,i°1ri'gti°4?1,1e2o'nh°t'lle.'itig,
a.ets on tho Blood Ditld (+lands, expels the poisonous germs froni
the body. aurae Dieteinper'in pogs and Ftheep, awl Cholera, in
Poultry. Largest sollink live stock remedy. Chlt.68 L. Gripm
tialionK human beings and is a line kidney remedy, Cut this
out. Keep it. fillow it to your drugabit, who will timt it for
you. Free llooklt, "INstemper, Censea and Cures."
POohn itiodicel Co., Cbeinists and filoctsrialegla s, 0,sheai...d.U.S.11
, ...... ,..... „ . ___
interest than, ci, ,strange-loolcing box•,.
reserolaling, nothhing so roach as MD
elongated ' magazine ' camera in
oanne by itself; devoid .of all miner
- t.issement eave. Et single label ao.
' • • •
non/icing. the time when . a demon-
stration. wooki be given by the in-
vent°r, E. E. Feirruilier-CVAlbe' (rf
Iter,he'im'e,' Bittnizighem, .end yet,
says the London Daily' News and.
Eaodar, of 'all `bile 'elxihillik's thde was
the 1Theilb htrhajniY inft'el"fA1116' f'D.:•
that b°' is t° be "e5'" t°- the
blind.", ' , . •
- t • . • •
The Invention „,
's h.a6ed eh the
well-known ,property of ned.eninairt of
. •• •
oha,xigang its re,sistance to light.
• . . •
Ton_he blind person °imPlY hada the
c-i-oranlike box • in his handl arn
, 'bathed to it are two telephone .re -
ceivers, which fit over the hea,c1; 'and
a° '64'4 blind stibiect an"Proonhen a
windrow a di.stinot note is emitted by
the au. strument, Witch at ones
• on,,,,,,,g" if „ onjent, animate .or
is interposed.
and Poultry
' Eq2yS
„, i'* --11
at once for our
handsomely 11. "
Catalogue of n .
Plants, Bulbs, .2. ,
Supplies, etc. ,
' s4 D5
noteA introghintenthiee,,gmiopw.gio7sa fia,;e4:ffaeardelt
•Reats Hannan Watchman.
... ...______
is said gal -tat evnn the outline of ob-
jeets may be trisced. ,
' By taking advantage of the-p.ecu-
14...i.ar.,;,130A.weeN, ninety esinerne Street,
• For the inveption a . wonderful
mfuetauhreanicis panredd iocted.horlayteethhenietaanglpiti
pr•operties -of the rare metal
• • • •
selenaum at is possible to do aoane
great wonders. A "selenium eeli,"
ii .owritnu itil,ThOmOlstRoPuIltalli 101.0F,, B5.00,kABOIatgl.
Meat be 'eld rink*, e,PrICO is yery low.
. ____,4
is:±Itigiis,lealighiriin, .16,ios aero,oterairisa, oolutrir.a:mno:6
it ' ,
....4 vlonAL .intsinABTAI. inAtims iti
t'`jhat Mean': uAgtlbbertwa °strand .tflhoeskrnitotourywfaonr
. .
as- were; 'that is, the electrical
nulok Balibetee.h.,bao„
nn tile %tide
Warts. vu Rall.U.3
Corns..on .the Feet
ooncluotivity or eeileniuna varies
with the amount of light it receive's.
Thus, a selenium *ell, may be made
to turn lights on at night and shut
• ua Y () R. 01.T. E IilaDD GOOD
I -iiiiml5s. in 'different seetiOne of Ontario
.cTe.rar aist. If you want a farm eonsult
Removed Without Pain- ,
th6ln 'off to the Morning, to. A
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
Just , aPply Putnam's Corn and Wart
DI:treater • it' does the whole triok; does
- • l' it sure, doe it in a real hurry
4 i too. Putnam's mariner
n.n•-••••lnleans off a wart or lifts
• Ann_ ,
a , -.out a corn without any /ea.
i .r.sn.s.n.. after effect. You don't
Frenchman has now sl.esioned a un-
, - a • 'a- . b i.
glee' ''t'Ae•ran en emo Prat:el-Pao. 11 -S
a hind of nens-t•`-m•-•-i''''''""n "eye," ""•••,•.-1-teld
keeps on -watch. all night. If a bus-
glen comes in and opens his dark
, , _
ienterr: or even ,strikes a match MB
aahnium "eye" will se, th, light
0 Nn
Coanty--Soi/ nice clay loam; frame
ohu°Catseullefitagenr betel% °ton 11°'°arlewst'yv.alkta°11111r;
11-2 miles to largo obtese faotory. Rural
man delivery. Would exchange for 'city,
town or village property or for 6maaler
farm, 'The Western' Real Estate, Lonaon,
A Few Hints As to lloai You Hay
Enjoy a Good •Night's Rest.
Before 'going to bed, at iiight nhe
viatinl of insomnia, should bathe.
with cold water hls head and the
back of lais neck, and especially
. around his throat, for four or five
minutes, Take a wet handkerehiel—
or cloth th hed; if the back of the
neck .aanth head and throat aze more
or less heated later, tie tills wet
handkerchief around the neck or
bathe ,the beck of the head anti nook
as before.
,Another good remedy is never t,o
go to bed hungry: alirs,ys mut some..
thing or drink hot milk. After the
food is digested, naturagY the
blood goes to the bnain and this
nrontioeis ake„iewite„.„. isfoym. sloop
t`,„ „ ,„„,,,,,,, ...e.:,,,, Keep' the windows
L"' `" '''''''". '''''-'-'
open in order to get fresh air.
fies•Aiiii.°13thruesrli gfredelyr6,--n171.9c1Grevelsr t.6°hell'iroclya
before going to bed or. during the
hours of wakefulness, • '
Another remedy is to ' 'breathe
fresh air deeply and after going to
bed bieeithe ba,r,d end as deep as
possible. ' •
Ano.ther good rem-edy is to get
b f bed a,nd ' tend n nd read
,,,*11. ('' . • a 11- a - •
"'°111 etaung for ten ex flftecn nun_
utes or_longer in a cold room,
Another :good remedy is to ab-
stain froni holic nksebefore
aleo dri
going to bed.
., Another good remedy is to make
a,- ill f th 'Id 1 ..b• •
p ow o hops aa seep Ola 1, .
Stial &nether is to buy five cents'
MOP o ,lops, op a, an.
th f I make h to d
drink ,,,,,,e „r two cups before' going
to bed": or any time dinning sleep-
leasness. It is harmful.
' These are all simple and pnactieal
reariedies for aleepleseness and any
one inclirl.ging in them will find
great, benefit.
; to lay up -no inoore
ventenoe, pain or distress. Putnam's
anal anal a„,,,,,e,a a al , 4 4... „,,,,,
"'""'" "L'... ''''-"*".. a .A3."''' ''''. l''`ng "'" '''''Y
y Ciire.d Stomach Gas/
. •
a Stopped .11icconolis
as Pains in the Stomach That Yield
0 to Nothing Else, Pans Away
° Quickly If .Nerviline
Is Used. •
d Read Mr. eraun's statement.
If —
d • "A. few weelte ago I ate 801110 greenMarten
vegetables and some fruit that was not
a auite ripe. It first brought on a et of
,. 'indigestion, but unfortuhately, it develop.
'1 cal into hiccoughs, • accompanied by natl.
.- sea ana cramps. T .
- von dreadfully HI
a for two dans-my bead oohed end
- curetted; I belched gas continually; and
I woo unable to sleep at night. A neigh.
e nor happened in to see Ine and urged Me
O to try; Nerviliee. Well, . I wouldn't have
1 believed that any proparatioa could help
no quickly. I took half a teaspoonful of
r Norviline in hot sweetened water, and
. nay stomach felt bettor at anon 1 unea
1 Nerviline several times, , ana was COM'
a plet,ely reetorod." ' •• ' ' ' ' '
f The 8130,70 ie from a letter written by
3 G. II. Braun, a well-known stacknutti and
a farmer hear Lethbridge, Alta. Mr.
Braun's favorable opinion of the high
, merit of Nerviline is shared .by thousands
, of Canadians who have, imeyed, Nerwiline
issimply a
r . maivel for oramas, diarrhoea,
flatulence, /imagist, and stomach disorders,
' sato to use, guaranteed to ouro-you oan
1 make no anistake in keepitig„Nerviline for
your tannin remedy, .
r Large family- BiZO bOtt100 600, trial
7 Idea 25e. All des/lens, or the Catarrhosone
Go., 33effele• 'N• Y.' e"" Hilloe'en, °am
t ada.
Extrantor min round the whole world,
Mo. per bottle, sold and reocanmended
Ian druseisto.
place It will also .see and
• ,
• report a fire. Thus at earl take the
place of a lauroan watahanan, and it.
never goes to sleep.
mnr:reonti vgerlItgon oesnitial.mv;israllastakii:11;
. l' I
eon pans, inmate.
The Dance WasIntrodueed Into
EllOt1 E
• - FINGERS. '
Wr; An -TM) - 1.11VB WILD ANIMALS,
v v all kinds, ' Pearson, Poultryman,
Guelph, Ont.
, England in 1812. •
It is an iDterenting monied fact,
Zant-Buk Worked a Hiracle tit
- Healing.
B AY/71'1We at-wholeGsale. Snarpt 005115190.2.
specialties enemy, Boit 1836, Winnipeg.
in -view of ths great and lasting
popularity of waltz music, that it is
just a hundred
'yeans ago that the
waltz was introduinto England.
The name and tune of the dance
were known somewhat earlier, but
Royecend Gentienian Fully
, Corroborates.
. ....—
Miss Kate L. 'Dolliver, of Cale-
donia, Queen's Co., N. S., says • "1
Ant RAlle1,1 BROS., TOR anunonsms,
'nit wante all your live, uninjured,
Black, Silver, Cross Foxes, also Mink,
and Fisher. State prase expeoted.
Give fall description nd nearest expressed
°flies in first letter to save euro 00110.
(vendetta), Dougal 0. Graham, poplar
the waltz As we know it first alppear-
ed in England in /812 and became
very popular in 1813. • .
No event produeed a greater seal-
must add my testimony .th the value
of ZaTa-nuk. Ulcers and sores
broke out on my arin, and althongh
I tried to heal them by using vari-
et aNCER, unions, rionns, . into..
jun:, s0;tto.r. al and extara n.1, cured , with,
In by our home trestment. Write
no before too late, Dr. Denman .11edical
Co., Limited, Collinrewood„ Oat,
amnion in England than .the Intro-
dilation of rthe • n waltz.. Many
influential people of tihat time con-
sidered the &roe very improper.
Even that great humori,st, Theodore
Hook, fought a, duel about in Wil-
liam B. Husk, the librarian to the
ous preparations, ncthing seemed
to do me any good. The sores
spread until from fingers to elbow
was one maim of ulceration.
"I had fire different doctors, and
faithfully carried out their instrtio-
t,ions. I drank pint often pint of
LuUrtnbadgeor antodnektndEroiddneaYihntrenutbsien'oseillvveelah
for Diabatearaellittus, !tad gore euro, le
'113.1141°1s Ao"r".g.‘acig.tes'hel`,11,rol'10„f,Wg
lorgi'Conipann of Canada. Limited.
svise sig. klon.
London Sacred Harmonic SneietYi
says "It 'Nibs at. first 'greeted with
a storm of abhee its a 'fiend of Ger-
man birth,' .„'clestitute ,of, fit ,
dellea4Y., nebd PoePreetY," 'a disgust-
in Pra'utieei' and called forth a
blood rae,dieines, .tried salve after DYEINU ! ' CLEANING I
ealve, and lotion after lotion:. but Fertile Very f)..st, sendt 1 t ti
yo 1r 550C 0 1 to
it was of no avail. '
o . father h . k , . , BRITISH AIVIERIDAH ovEmc co."
My t en too me • -moray. Look teragetsi
.0 your town, or send throat.
miles to see a well-known doctor. Montreal,' Toronto, •Ottawa, Quebec.,
savage atta,ok from Lord Byron,
In sPite .of this it seemi3' to have
won a opeedY viotorY, and its' at the
present clay more in, favor than
ever." s . • ... ' ''
hp to the year lei3 th.e ohief
dames were the Errglieh • eourrbrY
<lance and the Highltind reel. But
when the waltz was introduCed, nc
amount of opposition eould stop its
Popularity. Althe Same time, one
can undernband the English -try
photographed the•arm anti hand,
This photograph Was sent to a New ,-...-.." 1:3T,7 Mt lel
York inspital te the specialist; but
they sent word IlanY could do nfis • SEND ter •THAF.F,
thing lurther for me, and I was in JOKES, PUZZLES,
„ or TRICKS and our
despair. '
"One clay a friend asked me if I beautiful illustrated
bad tried Zarn-Buk, I said I had • 28 -Page 0 a tato gu e .
not, hut I got a box right away. only 26 eta. Special
That first box did me more good k i prices to merchants,
than all the medicine I had tried ' 'IS 0 VELTY HO II SE,
up to that time, so I continued the 334 Notre Dame West, inONTREAL
Meal Fiona' Seareely Exists for Wo-
nteli in Hills at -Shanghai.
The triensitient in China from
' small business, which WItS 0 fami,ly
affair, to the -corporation, which the
mode -nu scale sif production de-
mends,. has • raised problems which
• CIO OhilleSC as yet have nob 'solved.
' 110 (311h1(358 °e1.13(3Ttuti.en hale as Yet'
' been a complet.e euecesa. The rea-
. son is made ,apparent by such ac-
tion as that reeentay; taken in a
aneeting of Chilies° ,stookholders,,
when, iTi the face of heavy -knees,
due to the revolution, a 10 per cent.
dividend was votecl. One of the
yices of Chinese management ia the
neglect of upkeep. Evers•thing in
China appears to he going to rack
.and riiin, 'and plants are allowed to
deteriorate, while -th,6 funds that
,saaida Inc used .id repairs am pain-
out in dividends. Stidh conditions
will make ib even Inere 1:;eseible
than it was in Ani.erioa for throa•e
who first master the lic,w machinery
of business to aneriprilate 'corpora-
,n build fottiinos
,befone the people awaken to th.e
danger and lentrn to protect t•liem-
, , ,
The humlain harrosla of tne 3.11tettP-
trial revoqution. in ot.laeir lands &VP
being repeated and. na.agnified here.
Ib 15 ,s.b,91cci,•0111 ,g0.0e.1 authority that
of all the big 'cotton mills 'in Shang-
hai only one allows as long as fifteen
minutes fo.rsluneheon at noon. In
the resl. women work from early to
hits, ofte,n with babie.s in baskets at
their feet,, and oath when they OM
while tending' the loons, ,
making objections it, if it was
den'eed es 14 Wia'S in. Franiderd
twelve years before„ A gentleman
who saw it danced im that eity in
1880 's4id' "The man Plthee'e the
palms of his hands gently agail!st
the sides of his. partner, Tb°6 far
from the arm -pits. His Maer
treatment. Every box healed the
sores more and more until, to 'make
a long story short, Zara -Bak healed
all the sores completely.
Minister Cerroberates.-IThe Rev.
W. B. M. Parker', of Caledonia,
Miss Dollover's minister; writes:
"Thissis to certify that the testi-,
meniaof IVIiss Deliver is
New ancl Second -
Er "
.band, for .heating
suet power purposes. TANKS AND
55'10.1<$•• STACKS.: keenis tom Stmts.
, Ventilating' and Waling Pryielm.
''''' •
POLSON 'e2r2srst,e-tes ToRetag
EuglneS and Shipbuilders •
Welt Tired folks
Given New Viwor
, —
Strength Returns Health Re-
„wen., Titidity of youth.
EahaustIon anti Bodily Tiredness 'Every'
Day Being Turned into vigor and
' Ambition by Or. Hamilton'', P1118*
From Cheboaue Pt., N. S., comeS tho
fallowing from ler„, W. 4, Reynolds; ..4
Year , age ma henvlblo began to fail, I lett
itenettie became nervous and sleepless.
my weight ran down, I became thin, hal.
nywoheen-ad, and had black rings under
n13' •03'00- ? roallY felt as if the alarm'
,2 nes Ilan left an, and when eariaatane.
"''''1`.°e- 0 wae l' ' tale .blue''' 1 m''''d ef
Dr. Hamilton'e Pills and got five boxes
at anae. '
' .
-within a month my appetite and color
wore good, I gained strength and felt
inn a „an, no Now lif 1 vigor
-- - " "t"' e an(
returned, and my friends 'scarcely knew
me. A medicine that vial do this should
be in every home."
ood health moans much to inc Sac- •
(4 . , ,
cess and happiness depend upOn it. 1.he
matata„anaa ,,,,„L „,,,,,aa .az hattith ;„
anted ii, D. a 'Dhiaittana Pills0
, u. por.
box, or five boxes for $1.00, at all aalla-
gista and' storekeepers, or by mall from
the caterrhocone Co., 114111alo, N. Y., and
Kingston, Canada. '
does ithe same, and insta•ntly, with
as tu,helty iblt
muorooias posse, hey
d a.,
In &roue , an at t•i 18 ,Flagll "e t, 'r"
gradually glide arountl the loom."
' Aecording to all acomints, it was
rn,ainly through the influence of the
Ean, ' . Al d f 13; ' th 6
peror extan er o nano a
the waltz finely became recognized
0.5 far. AS my knowledge goes. 1
have known her for a, year anti a
half, and her cure effected by,.Zam-
Buk is reniarkable."
All .cl,ruggiste and stores sell at
rip D. . hex Or DaSt free from Zarci- •
'' 3, - e'l ' - ' ' • • •
Buk Co Toronto for Dried
" ' - '
. .----....*...a.,...nnax
The nieant of a Piano is tile
5 Action, insist ora 'khe
“0111'0 HIGEL"
Planao Action .
8.8 a strictly clreco,roue aeoom,pitni-
talent. . • •
rro 36, introduction ws 0a,,,3 the
I did If; f Sb• les rid
sP •ell wa zes o- Ian • a
Walciteuf•el and itis rythrn an,d form
have inettirect many of our great
.. ... . ...
'1' '
Some men merely nhave• the gift - • Golan Enquired, •
of gab an•cl others are• successful Any man can work for a living.
after-dinner speakers. It takes, genius to get some other
TO CURE A COLD' IN ONE DAY fellow to earn • it for you. •
001,11 oser•:-
s from Chopin, nehub ert,
ta,,nd,P-Webor dawn to tine present
• —
Take LAX ATIVID BROMO Quiniae • Tablets. .
„,„ Minercas Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
E.vusr.leltarfsil.Wierg'graf 111 .8tlthe'atc°11u1;;*.7-t: .----
25e. • An Occasional Visitor.
0 •
When Tera.Eyes Need Care
Try Aniline Bye Remedy, No Srbarttng--Peels
• 4 • .v +17 001 R d'W ok
ti'ill'.'tej•;,1Asttysee aultdideittlulall yoilas'.' I?lus:
tinted Book In each 'Package. blindne is
compounded by our Coullsts-•1pet a"Patent Med.
loina., ens used In succesetni Physicians., Pram:
tam for many .years. Now fMdicatod to tu est,
IKsulig, 7913110 bgtt?'AVTililit.ii'4,1tU5,kdn'railTitnt
ilfiU rine'nye .Remody co. ctaicago.
. , ' '
No Joke. • • . A notable housekeeper of the
Good luck's a thing •thet we, all, past generation, before' the days of
hunt, • screens, had just announced with
We seek it day by day, decision that she never had any
Forgetting in the eager stunt fiies. .
. ' '
That work wall always 130,3'• "But, Aunt Augusta," faltered
the timid visitor, "it seems to me
0 that I saw a few in the dining -
L w Colonist Rates to Pacific coast
Via Chice.go and North 'Western Railway. room', .
. . .--
Some ne,snle make light of strou- ill:elusive,
hien e 0-1-0 re heeP ±1 dark. n
MInard's I.Inlment Cures Carget in Lows. coaver,
, . Never Your Own.
r cpst, fn. full
On mac daily. March .15th to April 15th "Oh, those " replied her aunt,
from all pornie 171 0.... ada, to with ' ti 1 bli. hand
Los Anaeles, San Francisco, Portland, wi a muJes c wave o e ,
aalt . Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Van -'were the neighbors' flies. They
itielson, Rossland,, and Many oLher ,11, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4., occasional] .
Through Touriet .ideepora and . . •'-'.,... ,.... y But as I
free reclining chair care from Chicago. i was saying, We never have' any of
Vo.riable routes. Liberal atop oyes's. For 1
information as to rates, routes and . , .)ur own."
write or call on la H. Bennett,
After Electric Shock.
In dealing with nemesis suffering
from electrieal shtick, if the victim' low
rernain•s in &intent with the oirciiib,
his body roust DOP Inc touched by
the negation, but the ,latte.r. may
pull him ourb of contrieb by hauling
on are clothing, or lie may take. off
his own coat, :leanest his liand in the
sl.esve and thnn. handle the victim
vairtni little or im risk. Almost any
nandele of olothang or anatenial may
be need, provided it is dry and of
mo thickne,se. Denten, Mor-
poi,nts rout that death from, aloe-
:Shenk 10' oitay apparent death:
first, and that Shore iri p•raetioallY
a, time skirting -whieb, it -in
to nesinaditato tbe .vietiria. by.
artificial nenninntion. ''
. . . . . , •
"Yes, my son."
"Whet is sordid wealth?"
General A ent 46 Yon o 'Street, 'foronto.
g , g ,
. . .
...... . ..........,-•-.F......."......'
- n
. 4
• ' 'e'll
. 61
j trivia_
, liOre.80)18
"Why it's the kind the other fel-
has, my boy,"
Ritter Word.s. .
• .
. ON
IV - sh Day
A singl,e bitter word may elis.quiet
on -nri
sn the
I Xiii '
an entare family fon a whole day.
One eui4 glance casts a gloom. oven
hougehol•d, while a: smile of -s,un-
nto.y.light up the darkest and
wea,rtiesth hours. Like .unexpected
s- ,i' 1,3'
E • '
a' • n
•.• '
# it
r • ,
whiala •Spriog up- along oun
4 ••:. kl„ rtle
path,' flail 01 freshness, fragrance,
and beauty, 'so kind Inc:Idsand gen -
acts.and aweet
%lir •
' .
----sip •
, .saniles
• _._ ---towards
glad the sacred spot ca•llect home.
No matter how humble the abode, if
be eave.etened with kindness and
the' heart wiall,,,turn longingly
it final all the.. tumult Of
makes the Clothes as
Wi-d kte as Snow
, Try IL I
.sarnpie •ts'oe it -you tonna katiallat DrUtt
,WOrld, ancl heroe, if it be even
71u, Yohnscu.dishur,non kw,
lamina, mearrni Gni,
ED. 4. 1E81511 .8--'13*.
. 111
a •L chemical Co. et (Meade, Limited,
h011.10,1y, ,wi:11 be, the slea.resit snot
henotni,h •-tho ,oitnn,.. .,,. ., .
Iumu (n toe. sun.
• • - ••-• . n•-•-- • • . '
I n a r cr a Liniment ',Cores, Distemper.