HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-20, Page 5Feb/liar) 20th, 1913 Immessisimma Clinton News -Record fireside Glimmerings. How fortunate,those who can sit 'before the cheerful blaze of a cosy :fire -place on these 'cold and stormy • days. Can you imagine anything More agreeahlY delightful, . more sug- gestively comfortable than an open ,firc-place, glowing with light , and heat; a low easy chair, a, good -hook ; and depending upon the sex, a lioxof candies Or 'crone of. cigars, whilst the',storm rages wi Bloat , . whirling snow and howling wind ? . Yet, do you know 'there are peo- ple, mot so, very far away' either, • who in order to 'Spare the carpet spoil the fire. They fear to muss " things and cause dust. Let me ill- mstrate. 1 wa:3 at a home spending ta day and the; 'head pf the house, was ill with Grippe and obliged 1 o stay in, something. he found . Ntry hard to do for he was a big brisk, ,energetic, business man. The weath- 'et was all that I have described .above, and the house was cold. Sev- eral times The Man confided in me his longing for a cheery fire as he looked on the shining blaek grate Whiell was marred by no speck of ...dust, I synipathized and' my, fingers, --"fwere • aiching to 'change the scene frons one of chilly riaatness to' live, able untidyness.As his wile came in he meekly suggested ,the possibil- ity of a fire, His better half tilted • Icer nose to that self-righteous de- gree and explained that she was not going. to make work for nothing, be- sides the carpet was new ,and she ;had just polished the front of the grate that morning ! ' She added as a concession that it 'company came in Sunday and if it • was •cold they might have a fire.' The man sighed and said nothing ; I shivered in sil- ence and endeavored to striae' agree - /ably, 1nit could not help recalling a question once heard asked 'Do 'you .make your house your slave or are you a slave to your house ?' • The world has been shocked by reading of the fate of those nraVe men -Scott and his followers -in their quest for the South Pole, 'Here are two views of it which I 'overheard, A said "0 personal honor and the desire for glory was all they wanted. They took a . chance and if it had worked out 'O. • K. they might have lived .00 easy 'street and been feted for the re- mainder of their lives. They lost the chance, that's all' B. said It seems to Inc a sacrifice of their Hy - •es to good, which we may not at present see. Science may be mater- ially aided. She has demanded 'many lives in her advancement in the past but those lives were not .1110,......lost in ram. Surely something high- er than personal glory was the in- spiration for the hardships and the sacrifices, endured by the bravo men •who have been willing volunteers." • Thosfire-side chats, as has been 'explained, are open for all. Our readers are invited to contribute their views, or suggest topics they desire to have discussed, in these 'columns, All letters will receive . careful consideration and be welcome- ly received. instructions below. , 11 (Letters intended for this coltann /should be addressed to "Patty': News -Record Office. -- Editor News - Marriages MeEWIEN-PECK-In St. Andrew's church, London, on Feb. 1st, by Rev. Dr. Ross, Emma, daughter of Mr. Henry Peck, to Fred Me - Ewen, all of Stanley. ITHITE--HARVEY - In Exeter on Feb. 12th, by the Rev. W. G. H. McAllister, Ethel May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Harvey, to Lawrence Is. White of Harwell, Soak,, Births TILLIO'PT-In Stanley on Feb. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington El- liott, a daughter. MANNING -In London on Feb. 15111, Wilber Alexander, only Son of Mr. W. N. Manning, aged 0 months. REICHERT-At the Blind Line Ilay on Feb. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed, • Reichert, a daughter. Brussels, on February 7th , to • Mr. and Mrs. David • Smi,th, 0141 line, Morris ,township, a son. ANDREWS --In 0 oderich, on Febru- ary 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Char- les R. Andrews, a daughter. HYSLOI'-In De fro t, MiCli., on Feb- ruary 12111, to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hyslop, a son. .LOST., -Al OFFICE EEY, WILL finder pleaSe• leaye at the Post :01- : flee, -89, FARM LABORERS AND DOMES- , tie PerSollS desiring farm -laborers or domestic help, should make application to me at the efirli est possible date as iirst conie are first served and parties will aeon begin , to , arrive from the Old Gountry.A.. J. Origg, Doininiaft, Immigration Agent, 01 irlt011. -69 SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. - Manehurian No. 2h, good bright seed. 70 cents per bushel.- John Woon, Cloderich township, Clintoii P, 0 FOR SALE -THE NATIONAL, FER- tilizer, best on the market Large stock on hand to be sold in large or small quantities at reasonable prices. -F. W: Evans, Clinton P. 0. Phone 101. -69-2. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAL.E.- One of the best locations in town corner Princess and William streets. House contains 7 rooms on ground iloor,- second floor not finished. Hard and soft water. 1- acre land, -fruit trees, etc. - For further particulars apply to D. S. Cluff. -60. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT, corner Frederich and Dunlop streets lately occupied by Mr. ' Mc- Murray: Ten, rooms, hard and soft water. Acre of land; fruit' trees, good stable, -Apply to R. Thompson or at Newt -Record. FOR SALF.I.-THE UNDERSIGNED has for sale A quantity of White Danith and Dew Century oats for teed, about 200 bushels of 0. A. C. No. 21 barlefy, mare 10 years old has for sale 1 mare 10 years old in foal, 1 mare 12 years old, 1 colt rising 2 years, 1 colt rising 1 year, 1 cow in calf, 2 spring cal- ves. -J, Percy Cole, con. p, (lode - rich Township, Clinton, P. 0. Phone 4 on 158, '-63. OWNERS WANTED -- FOR STOla on Watches. Ladies Gold Watch ; hunting case ; No. 743011 ; Walton movement ; monogram A. B. D. en- graved on outside. Silver openfa- ced watch ; Am. Walton more:tient No. 1074168, Silver hunting -ease watch ; old ; stop watch ; N. Nor- den, Locle (apparenpy maker's name) engraved on inside. No. 1163. . Please Telephone A. White- side, High Constable of Huron, Hensel!. -69-2, Deaths t'ARTER-Tri Clinton on 'Fele 18 th , Ann McGee, relict of. the Is Lc Thomas Carter, aged 86 years. MASON -In Clinton, on February 15611, Miss Sarah Mason, MaellONAU-In Duluth, Minn. on February 8111, Jane IsabelM Clerk, wife of Mr, Alex. Mac• - donald, aged 45 years and 7 months, daughter et Mr, Daniel Clark, Egmondville. McKillop, on Feb'. aea, Thomas, son of mt. sod Airs. Thos. O'Rourke, aged 5 months and 7 days. • Macdonald -In Grey townehip, oa t'thrttary 8156, Jamea Macdonald, aged 72 years, 5 months and 21 days, NOTICE,. ALL PERSONS IN- debted to me on store accounts will please settle at once, -Robert Clarke, Constance, 69. The NeWs-Record leade for 'Posen and ToWnShip News. NO'rECE-Yo ereclib' must be given to any one. 111 my nanie unlea, on a written order signed by Milt: - James Carter, Clinton. -09. • STOCKERS FOR SALE. -TWELVE good two -year-olds, graia fed. - Enquire at News -Record Office. -66 • AUCTIOn SAL?. OiF COWS AND Young Cattle. Mr, W. 11. Lotb has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at 1:30 o'- clock sharp on Friday, Feb. 28111, it Lot 17, Cion. 16,Goderith Pp, (kaowu as the Nesbitt Farm) the following: 1 cow with calf at foot, 3 cows to calve about time of eale, 18 cows to calve in March,. April and May, 2 steees' rising 3 years, 6 steers rising 3 years, 3 heifers rising' 3 years 1 heifer rising 2 years. Thafe eows were purchased in the township of Alma, the of the best stock and dairy township's in Western Ontar- io. They are 6mostly high grade • Durhams of extra quality and were carefully selected, TernA ; Months credit on approved joint notes or 6 percent. per annum for cash in lieu of notes. W. IL Lobb,, Proprietor, 'P. Gunclry, Auctioneer. FOR SALE. r- A QUANTITY OF good Timothy hay -Apply to Levi Strong, Base Luke.. -68. FOR SALE -12 TONS HAY, 275 bushels oats, 0101e or less, a quan- tity of good oat straw Well saved and cut. My farm of 80 acres, well watered, is offered for 'sale, Good buildings. If not sold will be rented fOr grassing, I to re- serve the ,house and orchard unless the tenant desires, them. --Robert Beacom, Porter's Hill P. 0. -89-2. lMEDlATE PRIVATE SALE OF good dining -room, bedroom and Illi- rary furniture,, also mantli Led, gentlemans' wardrobe,- and sewing inaehine, all as good as new. Call' afternoons or , evenings at the re- siderice of J, B. Homier, 76 Ttat- tenhury 'street, west. -68. FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDFE- signed offers for sale .his fine farm of about 145 acres in Goderich Township on Lake Shore adjoining the village of Bayfield. The farm is in a good 7/tate of cultivation. well fenced and underdtained and has good buildings. Good water in house and stables with windmill and tank. 10 acres first class or- chard with other small fruits, 10 acres fall wheat, about 35 'acres ready for spring crop. Telephone connection and Rural Mail Delivery for- !either, particulars Apply to -D. C. Galbraith, Hayfield P. 0. Telephone 1 on 159. -69-2 NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS - In the matter of the estate of Ro- bert Marshall late of the Town- ship of Goderich, yeoman, deceas- ed -Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 55 of Thci Trustee Act that all persons having claims against, the estate of the said de- ceased who died on 501: about the lith day of February 1913 are i e - (mired to send by post prepaid to the undersigned executors OT their • SOliCitbr 011 or before the 19th nay of March 1913 their 111511105 ant ad- d resaes with full par Limiters in writing of their claims, and slate - meat of their aceounts and the nature of the securities (if any) 'held by them, duly verified by stathtory declaration. And take notice that after the said 1.5611 day of IVIarch 1913 the said executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets et the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, Intving se- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and the said executors will not lie liable for said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them or their said solicitor at the tips of Such distribution. Dated at ,Clinton, 13th day of February 1913.--3i'raficts II. Powell, William Glen, executors, W. 13rydone, Clinton Ont., solicitor for executors. ` ..* CUSTOM SAWING WANTED AT Lot c; Sauble Line, Stanley town- ship, the farm of Wm. Evans, by McEwan Bros., Bayfield. $3 per thousaad, custom work. TO RENT OR FOR SALE -THE two-story brick house on Raglan street known as The 1VIaples," El- ectric light and waterworks. Two acres orchard. Stable. -D, Can- telon, 67. DANCING CLASS EVERY TUESs day Night in Town hall. Instruc- tion given, from 7-0.- Hall open to all after nine for dancing. Parties welcome. Terms upon application. Under management of Miss M. Ranee. 66 DRIVING HORSE FOR SA LE, four years old, also buggy good as new and set double herness.-Harry Hayes, (Minton. --07 COTTAGE TO RENT OR FOR sale on Mary street. Electric light -C. 6. Glow, Phoite 15 on 144.-67 WOOD WANTED. -200 cords of first class wood cut 14, 16 and 18 inches long. -A, Forbes, Coal Yards. --03 STISS EMMA LAVIS, TEACHER of Piano, is prepared to take pup- ils for piano instruction at „her home, corner Isaac and Joseph streets. Intermediate Standing. -66- MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. -.MISS Fernleb ARM will give vocal les- sons to a limited number of pup- ils at her hotne.-Ontario St. Methodist Parsonage. '-61 HOUSE FOR SALE ON ONTARIO street, eight rooms hard and soft water, 1: acre of ;and. Well loc- ated.-Ap-ply to Mrs D. Connell. --46. FOR SALE -3 DRAUGHT. COLTS, I rising -1, 1 rising 2 and 1 rising 3 years the latter two being well matcheci.-Apply to John Holtnes Hueon Road. -61-. SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. -3 grand young bulls from cows that we reserved at our sale af- ter the fire and sired by the im- ported bull Best Boy. Prices rea- sonable. Come and see them. - Wm. Grainger & Son, tondesboro. -61-8 FOR SALE -A LARGE 6 OCTAVE piano cased organ, as good as nier, only in ase 3 0)e/4115. Will sell' cheap. Terms to suit pnrcinteer.e- Apply to Wesley Walker, ,-01 T HE .011'1 -ZEN 'S HAND WILL Ptesent Stella Mackay, 's, four -act • drama, "Hazel Kirke," in the • town hall, Clinton, on Theraday, • Marcie 2751, underthe able direc- tion of IVIiss telay Ranee. 1,015 of good 111 05iC, ' • FOR SALE, --THE .UNDERSIGNED will dispose. Of by privAe sale th follawiIlg : horse 10 years old, ag- ed driving mare, farrow cow, buggy nearly new, hinder nearly new, hay fork, Car and 100 feet rope, - set single harness and other artieles,-F. H. Powell and ('len, Executors . Robert Marshall Estate. .--68 , AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCIC /Ind Implements. Me. G. 79, El- liott has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot. 23, Bayfield Line, Goderich town- . ' ship on Wed'nesday, Feb. 26th, , at 1:30 o'clock the following, 2 work- .• ing horses 10 years old, 1 mare 10 years old in foal, 1 driving mare 6 years old,. 2 ' co -Ws to calve 151 April, 1 cow to calve 15th, March, 2 dry cows, 1 newly calved cow", 1 cow to calve 01 IVIlty„ 5 Steers, 1,?, years old, . 6' heifers 11 years, yearling heifers, 1 calf 1 month old, 1 Frost & Wood hinder 6 ft cut, 1. Frost & Wood mower 5 ft cut, 1 hay rake, h dtec har- row, 1 spring teeth cultivator, 1 set ot diamond harrows, 1 seed - drill, 1 gang plow, 1 walking plow, 1 roller, • 1 smaller, 1 wagon,, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, 11. set of bob sleighs, 1 set double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 pea harvester, 1. pig rack, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel, box, .1 fanning mill, 1 pulper, 1 Massey - Harris cutting Box, 1 1.0-horset power in good running order, 2 set of whiffle trees, 1 neck yoke, 100 tents, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention.. Terms :-10 months credit or 4 percent, straight for cash. There will be no reserve as the proprie- tor has disposed of his farrn.-o. R. Shepperd, proprietor, 0-. II. El- liott, auctioneer. kUCTION SALE OF FARM ,STOCK and Implements. Mr. Albert Rem - hall has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 9, Con. 14., •Goderich township, on Friday, Feb. 21st, at 1 o'clocic, p, in. the following : Bay mare in foal 12 years old, Gelding rising 2 Years, by Border McGregor, illy rising 2, by Red Ticket, Filly ris- ing 3, by Flashwood, Filly tising 3 by Lockentar, filly rising 3, by Forster's hackney, colt rising 1, by Skeken Stamp, mare ris- ing 9 years, in foal, 6 cows sup- posed to be in calf, two to come in about March 1st 7 spriag calves (Choice) 2 steers rising 3 years old, 2 heifers rising 3 years, 4 heifers rising 2 years, 2 steers ris- ing 2 years, I 'brood sow in pig, 13 sheep. Binder, Frost & Wood Massey-IIarris mower, nearly new, S'ulky rake, Cultivator, Coulthard & Scott, Disc Harrow, Massey -Har- ris seed drill, Land roller, Walk- ing plow, Set of tearo harness, Set bob sleighs, Wagon, Hay rack, Fan- ning mill, Cutting box,Pulper, Set harrows, Mossay-Harris manure spreader, Buggy, Cart, Cutter nearly 11013', Grind stone, Daisy churn, Melotte cream separator, Iron kettle, Slings, ropes and pul- leys, Whiffietrees and neck yoke, t chains and hoes, A quantity of hay, A pantity of grain, Grain . bagsabout 100 young hens, Some furniture. There well be ao reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm and is giving up farming. Terms -8 months credit or 6 per- cent, pee annum for cash. Hay aod grain eash.-Albert Rumball, pro- prietor, Geo. IT. Elliott, Auction- eer, EXECUTORS' SALE OE FARM property. -The executors of the estate of Thomas Beacom will of- fer for sale at phblic aection at the Commercial hotel, Clinton, on Saturday the 1st day of March at 2.' o'clock p.m., lot number 30 in the Bayfield coneession of the towns ship of Goderich containing 76 acres of land more or less. The property is • well located and would make a' good grazing farm. Terms of sale 15 per centon the date of sale and the balance 30 days there- after. For further particulars and oonditions of sale apply to the un- dersigned. -John T, Harland and Elizabeth Beacon), Executers. W. Brydone, Solicitor for the Execu- te& Dated the 501 day of Feb- ruary 1913; -07-3 FARM FOR SALE UND16R-1 signed offers for Sale ono hundred acres of as good land as there ,is in the County of Huron, being part; of Lots and.26 on the 1716 0011,, Goderich township, one mile north of (Hinton, LF miles from school. On the farin is a frame barn 36x60 with good cem- ent wall, also a Stplle stable 25x 50 with hay loft above ; comfort- able 11 room frame liouse, 151109' er-failing well and one' acre of or- chard. Reason for selling, ill health. For particulars apply on .the premises or address -Joseph Colelough, Clinton P. 0. -66 .dvertising in The News -Record pays.• -ARM FOR SALE ESTATE OF Thomas Beacom., deceased. The Executors offer for immediate sale lot 30, Bayfield Concession, 0 od- erich Township, 76acres more or less -For terms apply to J. T. Harland' or W. Brydone. — '4111 'A SINKING FUND. intuit be provided for the mainten- ance of some plumbing work. Its ori- ginal condition 1 ust have been bad and it is always in constant 11ee61 of repairs. Why not use, OUR MODERN PLUMBING ? Our work is of high order and im- pairs will not be necessary until the firfat cent has been aply re- paid. Ilstimatee do not cost mach and they will give you a good in- sight into our molto/V.4. Either phone or call. FOR •,SALE A GOOD COAL range. -Apply to Wesley Waiker, , Clinton, -62. ,HELP WAN TIllD-THE JACKSON , Mfe. Company-Haad sewers and FARM To RENT 011 POR operators. Steady work, Short Salo; known ' Springhill hours, . Woll lighted and ventilated r work 1:0 Ms Good pa -A )1 at Perin " on the Hayfield office Or to J McLeod, Supt. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• I • -LENT- • and repairs, kept on hand, also ag- ency 'for new machines. -A.. Hoop- er, Albert street. -30. . Y. pl 1 .FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcombe estate offers for sale 50- acres, being east, tall of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett, ' This is a firsa-class farm, well -watered and improved and with good buildings. Also ilhe undersigned offersfor sale t lot 29, con. 6, Hullee, consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be .bought together or separately. - 'Apply to R. J. Southeonto, Clin- ton P. 0. -89 FARIVI FOR SALE ON THE OUT Line, Goderich township mile from. I-Iolmesville, Vs miles from Clinton, consisting of 80 acres. The farm is in a good state of cul- tivation, well watered by never - failing spring and well. Good er-: thard. Buildings all first Mass and in good repair. Owner desires to sell owing to ill health, bar- gain for quick sale. -W, Pickard, Hohnesville. -65 FARM FOR SALE -THE 79183)11211 .,.signed offers for sale his fine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and has good buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, etc -all comparatively new, A first close young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and . well drained and is a very desirable home. For further partieulare apply on premises or address Joint Torrance, Clinton P. 0. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. Home Study Thousands of ambitious young people aro being instmeted in their homes by our Home Study Dopt. You may finish at College if 5011 desire. Pay when. ever you wish. Thirty Years' Exper- ience. Largest trainers In Canada. Enter any day, Positions guarouceed. u.lf you wish to save hoard and learn while you earn, write for particulars. NO VACATION. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, enesioster Road, Enderich Ilovenship, consist- ing 175 acres, south halt lots 51 and 52 and part 53 and 54. 3'wo miles from Clinton and one (rem sohool, fixSt-cla.se stock and •grain lapin. 35 amsesaol good pas- ture land. Well watered and has novel' failing spring at barn. /Wed wells and ciatean. Bank barn tax52, with stone stabling. 150 apple trees just beginning to bear and all kinds of small fruits. Owing to the death of the owner the farm Must; be sold or rented, -F. 61. Powell and W. Glea, .Execetors Robert Marshall Estate, Clinton, p.o. -36 • MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, 011 Friday the 4611 March, 1913 for the convey- ance of I415 Majesty's Mails on a reposed Contract for four . years, six times pef: week over special Rural Mail Route S. W. front Clinton,. On- ario, to continence at the pleasure of he Postmaster General. Printed notices, containing further information as to conditions of pros osed Contract may be seen and lank fern's of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices of Clift- on, Holmesville and at the Office of the Post O'ffice Inspector at London. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch Ottawa, 271515 January, 1913. Anythin - You want done in the line of Plumbing, Heating, Tin= sm thing or Metallic Work call and get our prices. Jobbing and Repairing done promptly. Skates sharpened while you wait BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. • • • • If you were to ask for t.he • loan of our little/hatchet We would, be cEmpelled • • to tell you 'It is Lent.' : • • • • And we have a full as : • sortment of Fish on hand 0., • -FRESII HALIBUT • ". • -FRESH SEA SALMCIN • • -FRESH SALMON TRO'T • FRESH SMELTS • s • -FRESH HERRING • • -FRESH WHITE FISH • • • • -FRESH LETTTUE ° • • • • a :Wednesdays • AND • • , • : Fridays t • . • IV 4, ................ • • • . VV T O'NEIL •, . "The Hub Grocery." o; a •.. • 4s' •••••••••••••••••••••, Ancient Order of Foresters. The , only Legal Reserve Fraternal ociety doing business in Canada. Incorporated by special Act of the koninion Parliament. Full Government Reserve ;nein- ained on every policy. ' Fixed rates and definite contract with special privileges. Whole Life 10, 15, 20, 25 and 80. Pay, Life Policies and Endowment. Comparison Invited. No Raise in Rates. __— No Assessment. For further particulars enquire of any member of Court Prosperity, or of A. F. Cudmore, Secretary swim Nomeammimnomire 11111110Berria e Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited Head Office: 43-45 King Street West, Toronto The Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, was held January 31st, 1913, in the Company's Beard Rooms, The President was requested to act as Chairman, and the Manager as Seeretary. The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting were read and confirmed. The President then presented the Sixteenth Annual Financial Statement BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 31s1, 1912 LIABILITIES Uartrrat. AcCOVNT Stock subscribed $ 2,000,000.00 - Dividend doe Jan. 1, 1913 40,320 72 Sundry accou tits payable5,029 89 Balance at credit of Profit arid Loss 304,510 80 --- $2,350,482 41. 0 W1SLANThildr) q'St:ST Accoux•rs Trust Funds, NVirh lnteeoet accrued to date.. ..... $ 3,599,141 01. HSTATT,'S AND AGENCY Acommn 3,500,141 04 ' Estates and Trusts undee administration by the Company $ 5,700,383 42 5,100,383 -12 -- • $11,146,006 87 • ASSETS 0.kPITAI. ACCOUNT Mint gage loans, Call loans Debentures and other • Securities with inter- est accrued thereon ..$ 1 Office premises at Toronto and Calgary, safe de- posit vaults, fixtures, etc Real Estate Cash an hand and in bank Uncalled capital stock.- . ,251,024 15 2-;19-020:--,772761-8.1 425243 $ 1,895,383 07 855,090 36 - $3,599,141 04.. 0 USRA1,,ZTEED TRUST .A.CCOUNT Securities on real estate, stocks, bonds, deben- tures, etc $ 3,457,682 00 °malt on hand and in hank 141,458 1.4 hISTA.T111$ A.ND AC:tINCY ACCOUNU: Mortgages on real estate. $ 1,30.3,099 60 Other securities, including unrealized orighial as- • sets 3,509,761 11 Gash in 13111116 228,522 62 5,196,383 42 $11,146,006 87 Table, showing the substantial and continuous progress made bu the companu. Estates Total Paid -Up Trust Fonds . Assets Capital Net Profits Year 1005 1900 1997 1908 , 1909 3910 1911 1012 Trust Funds 4.1uaranteell• $ 82,022 50 294)528 35 78/6,421 52 1,341,660 37 $ 644,442 (52 $ 2,870,906 16 $1,037,883 71. • 1260,603 78 3,728.023 51 1,0013,485 59 1,851,013 14 6 4,830,482 13 1,128,002 22 4 5,883 677 58 1154,584 92 . 7,431,689 29 1,251,109 57 8,937,780 81 1,303,359 57 10,128,109 48 1,321,882 97 11,140,000 87 1,214,000 Oft , 1,038,233 72 3,251,479 94 2,882,212 12 3,801,378 86 2,237,894 80' 4,279,048 73 3,599,141 04 5,196,383 42 A vote of thanks to the Board of Directors, Advisory Board to the Albeela branch, and the officers and stun for their efficient and painstaking services in the interest of the Clompany, was passed. ' The following were elected directoes for the ensuing y0155': .1. II. Adams, Toronto, Ont; W. D. Bell, Chesley, Ont A.. C. Eltunerfelt, V1al:n.10,, 13.0. ; Lloyd 'Harris, Brantford, Ont' D, W. Karn, Woodstock, Ont; C. Eloopfer, Guelph, Ont ; .A. F. IlItteLaren, Toeonto, Ont ; Hon. Senator Iticillillan.'Alexandria Ont; C. E. Ritchie, Akron, Ohio t, G. P. Scholfield, Tomtit°. Ont 011. H. •Stoeirdale, Toronto, Ont ; W. Thoburn, M. Almonte, Ont; James X. Warren, Toronto, Ont; Matthetv Wilsen, KO., Chatham, Ont. • The 'Board subsequently rnet and elected unanimously Mr. James J. Warren, President.; Messrs. D. W. Korn, CI, Kloepfer, U. E. Ritchie, Vice -Presidents;, 38. H. Stonkdale, General Manager, and C. S. Hamilton, Seeretary of the. CklalPanY.Preeident, Genet al Manager, JAMES J. WARREN, 16, 13, STOCKHAEE, $ 68,002 87 78,234 22 86,000 87 89,729 60 97,590 55 '104,869 91 110,194 42 '117,906 75