HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-20, Page 4inormeuwairetameasestau Clinton News -Record February 20th 1913 Goderich Township Reeve MCC1orL went 10 Wmgllam , On Friday last: in his Capacity as a nether et the road and:bridge :vom- mitfee of the t'ounty Cliuncil, ,There is censirlerahle'work asked for `n the vicinity it of tint!, town and the comu- u:10,ee rilale this official visit so as to have a general, knowledge that. will better ''enable them to deal with the subject..', THE DELIGHTS Of OVJNIN& R PLYER PIANO Goderich Township On Friday evening last alrilost two .l 11 15 assembled at f the nc bo s score o S U neighbors i'` the lemic .of Mr, and M 4. C R. Sheppard of the Bayfield Line who intend shortly' leaving the faun to, take up ;their abode at Flolmesville Mr, and •Mrs, Sheppard aro' a Most hospitable `couple and their departure leave a gap„in the eoinnlar by that will be hard to fill. In games and music the hoits tidied; away all too quickly and it was getting along to midnight When thb company the members o, this 'family have sat doivn'to a well-prepared , spread completed the called -for residence and of 0} sters, Needless tc say the improvement they will own - ai 'big gathering was a most ennyatpe one. block of •Saskatehevdan• land. Mr. Mortimer Clark of Toronto, paid a flying visit to Mr. C 41 - Holland's and also spent an evening with his cousin, Mrs. J. P. Cole. The late James H. Lindsay, who Passed ' 'avV at at ' his home on the Lith on Saturday week, was born at Dundee, Scotland, nearly seventy years ago and came to thie country with his parents when still a child His father, the late John Lindsay; was one of the early 'settlerin C,odcrich township, the old home- stead on the Huron Road being now occupied by a grandson, Mr. David with Holmesvillo friends on Sunday.. Lindsay, son of Mr. J. 13, Lindsay of Clinton, On geow- ing, to ,manhood the subject or two sketch ' settled 111)011 the 1.6th, which continued to be his home until the end For several months past Mr. Lindsay had been in tailing health, so munch so first of February, returned on Fri that his family and - friends were day last and ' will take up house - very anxious cnncern ng him, but Int- keeping in the brick residence for- cly he had been improving and was eicrly owned by the Rev. John Me- so munch better that immediate dan- ger .was thought to be past: He had been going about on Friday week as notal and retired apparently feeling 1 are now easily accessible to every piano owner. VISIT OUfI PURR DEPARTMENT See how we would make •: your present silent piano a, player, regardless of size,' make or scale. Cost for Upright Player $250. Special price for Grand Players. •DOHERTY PIANO & ORGAN CO. LIMITED Head Office and Factories CLINTON, _ CANADA. Goderich Township 1 Blake Mr. W. II. Jobb returned on fifes• Mr, feint Erb has bought a large h a car-the,fourteenth concession. ibar on township ' we fr ri Almabarn du of 3 which and Moving 111 l0 i r i caul wl 1 a townsl ' a i P e 1 nun II u g load of wows ant young y Pr 'Mr. he will dispose of at auction on the the farm lately purchased from 28th nst. 'he cows were carefully Jattzi. • selected 1n one of the';, best dairy and Mr; Joseph Douglas, wife v and stock townships and are said ily have returned, to their home in to be an unusualLI good lot. thg west. • Mr, Wilfrid •Tnom.psora, :who recent M. Eglesom Ester' is busy buying, ly, .returned to hie homestead near stock. Ha has now ', purchased a Macklin, • Sask. will take out - Isis team of horses iMd .a few,'bettle;' Patent the, denting season. When. all Quite' a iiumt(eJi of the children are laid up With 'Severe colds Our school c was closed on Wednes- day while the teacher was attending the marriage of a cousin, Emma Drysdale of Idertsall. The sad news announcing the , suit. den and untimely death of Dr. Mc- Dougal of • near Embro was received by Mr.. F', Canting; his rather -in -late. With IIohilesville fuend5+ The cause of death was heart trouble. Mrs, .Jas• Johns 'has, been ” r(mte' Much sympathy is Felt ror the bar- ill and we• regret 110. report that slid caved widow, who it left. with throe is riot improving very rapidly. small children, and also for the fri- t 'ell wore Mi and Mrs.J:36. Ila nw ends here. la Clinton on Tuesda Quite an exciting tine was esper- Mts, Ted Chutet is now imploring fenced by Mr• Geo t Moyer whose after her severe illness. horses • while returning hone from Mr. Walter ICoys was a ,visitor the blacksmith shop, ran away, it seems some colt which` he was leading in some way got into the wheel . of the buggy causing an up- set. his 'caused a general stampede No harm resulted however. Mr. John Thirsk is busy cutting wood in C. /irk,s bush.' M:as Mary Johnston spent a •few days in London this week •visiting;:' her, sister Mrs, Liudeteld, Mi P. Marrion spent a 'few days visiting friends in Toronto this Neil, They are a most estimable week, couple and the whole community,, Miss Jessie MacArthur. Iiensali joins in -wishing them a long and visited her sister, Mrs. P. Manson happy married life. over Sunda. as well' as he had fat 00100 time but Miss M. J. Richardson has been Ml .1. Beckler met with what in the morning it wits found that visiting relatives m Clinton.might have proved a serious' accid man of kindly disposition, having al- life had fled. Mr. Lindsay was a Mr. and Mrs.\'Vm. Wheatley of Lent on 4atuula} last t\hile cutting Clinton visited et Mr. A, Peck's the corn with the Horse -potter leis hand past week. came in contact w ill the knife cnus- at- •1 •t� ase A number iron this township ing a nas } g tended "Ye Olde Tyme Musicke," giv- Tho bean market seems dead at en byithe Ladies' Aid of St Andrew's present. No one seems anxious, to church, Bayfield, on Friday even'ng. buy though'many are anxious to 'Pile following is the report of 5. sell. S. No. 4, North, for the month of i Otto. John Siecklc is on the sick January, the names in order of mer- Ilist this week. it. Part 2,—A nnie Dewar', ilessie War; 5011, 2nd, Sam Mel twain, Rosie Foster. J r. 2nd,—Harold Scothinner , Noy Scotchmer. Sr. 2nd, ';Iva Dewar, Russel Sparks. Jr. 3rd,—Alice Stinson, Edna 4cot- ehnter. Sr; 30d,—Jack Watson, ('1111011 Scotcluuer, Walter Westlake, Susie Westlake, Mabel Foster:. Jr. dth,-1laz.el Sparks, Ruth Flous- ton. —Mary MacDougall, 'Teacher. 'elle following is the report of S. S. No, 1), Stanley, for .January : 4th Class—L. Manson, A, Finley, C.Zapfe. Sr:. 3rd—W. Manson,. A. 7,apl'e, (equal) G. Douglas, E. Finlay (equal) C. Parke. Jr. 3rd,—L. Meyers, J. Mover, 1,, Clingerieh, (equal) R. ?Ark. So. 2nd,—A, Meyers, L. Oesch, 4, Erb. Jr. 2nd,—Harvey Moyer, Cl. Me- (llirichey, Herbio Moyer. Part 2n,c1-A, P. Douglas, (1. Mey- ers, A. Boyce. —G. S. Howard, Teacher. Varna 1\liss Effie Snowden ;pent Silnila'1 Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. Fred McPw*au; whose marriage look place in St. Andrew's church, London, on th 1 Logs & Heading Walltod klIGi-IEST; PRICES PAID FOR ALL GRADES OF TIMBER. )Itci,lN111v AND Dl2PoSMAt:1se PRONE No, 75 ItSAuv To \YEA is Couch & Co. Ladies' SUITS HALF PRICE. Only 2 Ladies Tweed Suits to clear. They are neatly tailored, satin lined. Sizes 34 to 36. Now is your chance to buy a good suit at half price. REGULAR $i5 NOW ONLY $7,50 Bargains in Fur Lined and Fur Collared Coats Only 3 For Lined Coats left. These are i'nctde of good Australian Broad- cloth, best quality sable collar, best quality muskrat lining, , 52 inches long These were extra good value for $55. as fur lined coats are advancing in price this is a good time to buy, ONLY $39 EACH. Only 2 Fur Collared Coats left. Reg; $25, your choice Saturday for $17, MILLINERY ONLY 1.00. As we expect our milliners back in about to weeks to prepare for our Spring Millinely we want -to clear the balance of our Winter Hats, so -take your choice at $1.00 each. Untrimmed fiats 25,c. See these in our window. LADIES and Children's Coats Half Price. On all Fur .Setts and Single. Pieces 25 per cent. discount. MILLINERY APPRENTICE WANTED; ways a good word for all. in re- ligion e- l i n h: was a Presbyterian, hav- rg o L '15 ing been a 'member of Willis clench, Clinton, since. 1864 and being among the three of four oldest members of that congregation. He had also been au elder for a great many years and had t1terespect and esteem of his fellow church nicn.hers to a marked degree. His wife, who was Bliss Ann Churchill, with then family of 1bree sons and one daughter, survive, Dr. John Linday of London, Thomas of the Rase Line, Charles at home and Miss Lillie, 10110 rS nursing in 'Por- oma. Mr. .J. 13. Lindsay of Clinton was his only brother. 1 The funeral took piece from the family residence to Clinton cemetery on Monday afternoon. 'rev. D. N Grant conducted the services, the pellthtrers being Merasrs. ,J, Cueing - flame, 1 Scott D. McEwan, N. Taylor, J. Walkinshaw and W. C. Smyth. Many beautiful -floral tri bit les were sent from friends and relatives, among them being a lovely wreath of orchids and lily -of -the -valley from the session and Sunday sehdol of Willis church, The family and fri- ends have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. The township council mei on Feb. 3rd. The auditors' report: was pre- sented by Messrs. Gould and Aches- on and was adopted and the Alai number ordered printed. A motion tendering a hearty' vote of thanks and appreciation to the Clinton town council for the offer of their council chamber for Goderich township couu- oil meetings was passed and the reeve and clerk were appoiutod to convey the sante to the Olin - ton council. The following cban-. ges were made in the List of pathmasters David Kasom instead of Henry Oakes ; Fred Pickard in- stead of John Gardener ; and 'Ed- ward Welsh for road division No. 31. The following accounts were passed W. 1L Elliott,refund utat- nto labor, 85 , auditors, $5 each; Joseph E. Whitely, postage and sta- tionery, 85.50 ; John R. Holmes, two meetings of judges' Pourt of re- vision, $10. Council thenadjourned to .meet the first Monday in March at 5:30—N. W. Trewartha, Clerk. The following is the report for S. S. No. 9, for the month of January Names in order of merit • Jr. '5th,—Willard Gray. Sr. 4th,—Bert Findlay, Sadie Cook, !toy Connell, Hattie Ostrom, Jr. 4th,—Lola Mudie, Loyde OLiilrr, Emma Connell, 011ie Cole. Sr. 3rcl,—Edythe Sterling, Tom 'ludic, Irene. Harrison 31:. did, Winnifrod Nelson, 13ruce C rigg, Charlie trooper, •Earl Cooper:. Joan Cook, Blanche Nelson. Sr. 2ncl,—Rota Harrison, John OS - tree). • Jr: 2nd, -Willie Sterling, Elfred !•ludic, Gladstone Grigg, Cecil Con- n e ll Sr: lsi,-Ila, Grigg, Wilber Nelson. Jr. 1st,—Charlie Harrison, Harold Connell. HLonoiRoll—Irene Hauisen,' Edy- the Sterling, Lola Iludie, Wirinifrod Nelson,. Rota Harrison, Earl Cooper, Bruce Cerigg',' Blanche Nelson. Edythe Peddles, Teitelier.: SEED OATS • Blake ' Our sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob kennel, who this week lost their infant, a girl ten months old, Up to a few weeks ago the Iittle one was, in perfect health ' but then became attacked with fits which caused its deatii. It was interred in the Bronson Ceme- tery on Thursday afternoon. This scents doubly sad as it is the second infant they have lost, their little boy' about the 'same ago dying two rears ago. The sad news has reached his fri- bnds here that Louis \Vaiper, Jr., who went out with his parents to the west loss than a year ago, is dead. We have a quantity of choice, white Banner Seed Oats, oweighin; about 40 pounds per bushel for quick sale at 60c. per bushel. These Oats are an .extra fine .wimple of bright, clean, heavy Oats, We wi 1 send, samples to any one re - on ring Seed Oats, Dent delay in getting a sample. Write to either of the undersigned, , as, McCool, J. L. Awde, Londesboro. Wfag ham Auction Sale Register Friday, Feb. 20t..at lot, 0, ion. 1.1, Goderich township. — Albert Ruuiball. Monday, Feb,:kith at lot 26, Clin- ton Road, Flnliett.—J, G. Churchill. Wednesday, Feb. 26th at lot 23, Bayfield Line, (1odcr:ich township. -•- G. R. Sheppard. • Friday, Feb, 28t11 at lot 17 con, 16 Goderich township,—W, H. Lobb. AIITNUAL WINTER Clearilla Febinary Ilargain Days THE STAPETON SAW MILL in smell wares, stationery, cliimttviu•r and Wail papers, • Sale start;. Feb'y 4th SEE 0011 BILLS. Logs Wartted/I Highest prices paid for Elm, Basswood, Maple. Any wood b ought.. I. D HERTY PIANO & ORGAN CO,, LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO. Cooper Co. CLINTON WAYS OF A WATCH' WITHOUT A DOUBT The ways of a watch are past find- ing out, Don't try. 1t your watch is lazy and wont rub,, let us repair it for you, Ten to one you neglect- ed it,—let. it got dirty,or it stops from lack of oil.. Whatever is the reason, don't delay ; Delay costs Money and often spoils the watch. We give thorough examination and regulating free, anything, more costs as little as satilaetory work can be done tor. of all Wintar: Goods consist- ing of 'Underwear, Rubbers, Fur Coats, Heavy Beaver Coats and Shoes. One Ladies' Fur Jacket at a "bargain, Special prices on all other dry goods. Discount of froth 10 to 25 percent. Sale commences on Satur- day, Feb.'8th, MeASII & SON, Varna, A. J. GRIGG. JEWELL111 AND OP'l'ICLIAN. ISSUER 'MARRIAGE LICIENSES. : ,,:,,, Lister Gasoline Engines No better' on the market ".inch, the best for use on the farni for. pumping; chopping, etc. The . Lister Lighting Plant. will light your house and barb and do it well itt Small cost. Melotte Cream Separators have no superior. YOU'LL FIND THIS OUT— IN ALL YOUR TRAVELS ROUND ABOUT THE, BREAD Tri1T'S BEST WITH ANY MEAL - IS JUST THE ONE :AND ONLY REAL— MOTHE BREAD (Better Bread 'Could Not Be Made —TFIA'1"S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU IIAVE TRIED THIS CRISPY; CRUSTY, MOT'HER'S BREAD BARTLIFF'S PHONE NO. 1 AND HAVE IT DELIVERED T() YOUR HOME EVERT' DAY. W. H. LOBB, Agent Clinton P. 0. After Stock -Taking Sale _ ..maim It is a well-known fact that all metal markets have advanced considerably lately which has affected the prices in every line in hardware. Stow have ad- vanced 5 percent and furnaces 10 percent so you can readily see the benefit of this sale, If you need the kgoods even if not till later it will pay to buy now, our stock being heavy i.1 some/lines we wish to reduce it hencelthe:cut e,cu ono prices. jth ' t ld'- H 1 only ' olmee washing machine Reg. $7.50 for *8.51) 1 " Ideal 41860 7.50 1 " Connor ball bearing " 10,.00 ', 97..00 64 50 Lightning "0.50 " . 1 ;Motor 113.50 118.606U 2 '• Clothes wringers solid rolls '• 3.50 " . 4.75 1.00 " .76 1.0fJ Axes 1.211 .86 Orossrnt Slaws • 4.00 " 305 A greet Java whip .35 .A pod rawhidefron) hart to tip •.60 A few 4 gallon pump oil cans 2.00 " 1.211 We hat 2 rn 3 Pandora and Happy Thought Ranges to go at old time to ices fuser 11 . � Ilesseissors st stock food and Panad razors at cea to maketion. Now is the the hens lay, 100 pound sack urn a grit or oyster shell $1.00 .05 e .25 0 35 Harland Bros. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties During the month of Febuary we wilt place on sale All Lines Furniture at very greatly Reduced Prices 1 It will pay you to inspect our targe stock of up-to-date goods. The Store of Quality, Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence' Phone 140