HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-20, Page 2G. D, MCTAGGA. RT M. D. MCTAGGART McTaggart Bros. • . --- RANKERS - A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED . ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED, - II, T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. B11'YDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Oiiloe- Sloan Block-CLINTON CHARLES B. HALE. Cenveyanrer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc, REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. 0.S., Edin, Dr. J. 0. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J W. SHAW -OFFICE- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. W. TIHOMPSON PHSYIOIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose. and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. F. A. AXON - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of 0,O.D,S. Chicago, and R.C.D,S., To- ronto. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December, -4TIDIE TABLE - Trains will arrive at and 'depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO'AND,GODERIOH DIV „ Going East, . 7,35 a. m, 5.07 p. m. 5.15 p, m. Going West, 1i.07 a, m, 1:25 p. m. id .ti;.. 6.40 tt p. to. 11:28 p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV Going South, 7.50 a. m. u tt 9.23 p. m. Going North, 11.00 A. m. it o 6.35 p. m. tt OVER 136 YEARS' EXPENItract. TRADE MVMARhs DESIGNS OPYRIGHTS Anyone sending a sketch and•destinption may q,tdkiy ascerttgh our opinion trey n ether an b.vet amn•le prooaniypateutat3t�lo onttmndes. Lletle ntr1047y commensal, tili5Unbnson entente .entfree, ttde9 q enoy for eapunhg pDntanL . I' onto tak(ad tOtrouah Diana & Co. L'n, etvt •veelstaottce; wttkout obnrg6, to ttte ��tiflc Jiel'lcane A. bsqndsomely illustrated weedy. Largest olry ve._attaa r pry sctentldo jn,m,ol. Tar,nO4pr f:ahnda, 86.76 a your, paster prepaid. gold by all nelvsdsnlora, t CO 361Sroadway, New York nrAnab Omo*. 62611' SL. Waabtnzton. D. C. [LPP MONTHLYIuiAGAxily A FAMILY L1BRAHY 12 CDMPLs"TE' NOVELS, YEAR Nil�NY SHORT STORIES AND P61r'�Ef33 f�N 'riYVIEi.X TROP w2; 6O PER YEAR; 25 cps: A c idc rcanlrlrevcl� STORIES The Best In Current literature LY ICS OPY Kern eUneen 0OMPLETE IN trse*j Rslttt,es of a newly married cou- ple tae vF l i.»te.r fere --if they haven't any. Bran, Shorts and Flour Prom the Best Mills at the lowest possible price. ( WE PAX THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod THE BEST CONI IF YOU WANT ,THE BEST, COAL AND PROMPT DE- LIVERY, SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT ROW - LAND'S HARDWARE STORE " PROMPTLY "AT- TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Ilnron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News-Rsoord, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.' D. N., WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed Immediate arrangements for Sale Dates may be made by calling at The News -Record Office, or on Frank Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. THOMAS BROWN Licensed Auctioneer for the Conn. ties of Huron and Perth Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sale Dates at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 97, Seaforth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed The McKillop Mutual fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured - OFFICERS -- J, B. McLean, President; Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Viee-Presi. drat, Goderich P.0, ; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer,' Seaforth P.O., - Directors - D, F, McGregor, Seaforth : John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, 'fiarlock; John I3ennewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Hariock; E. Frisch ley. 'Seaforth; William Chesney, E.-mondville; 3, W. Yeo, Holmes,. ville. Any money to be paid in rhaybe. paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Olin ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insu.r once or transact' other' business. will be'.prtomptly attended to on ap. plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post- offiee;•, Losses ' inspeeted by • the director who lives nearest the aceno CIint011 .News -Record CLINTON,' ONTARIO Terms of subscriptioo---s1 per'year, in advance ; $1.50 may he charged' if not so pitid. No paper-disoon. tinued wild) ail arrears.'are, paid,; unless at the option of the pub- lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label Advet [.sing. fates - Transient ad. tertisetnents. 10 cents. per non pareil line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subse• quest insertion. Small advertise • menti; not toexceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted ones for 35 cents, and eachsubsequent in• serticn 10 emits. Comm unicdiious intended for pub'' I kerion mast, aa' a guarantee el • faith; good be aceompanred'•by the' name of the 'writer, W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor,- Ivo View is tnteres ed and should know about, the wonderful Mary&I 'Whlrl(np spray DO1uohs Inti four dtngtijst for it. It be nonuot simply the' MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for tllne- trat.d book --sealed. It glyes full, particulars and. dlroctloes invaluable' � Indlos Wla:.n80Yta0•r'PINCO,,w*nasor. Oaf Gedoral Agents for Canada. Dr. Morse's - I�elliaia Ro'ot,Pills cure many common ailments' which are very different, but which all arise from the same cause -a system Dgged with impurities. The Pills cause the bowels to move regularly, strengthen and stimulate the kidneys and open up the pores of the skid. These organs immediately throw off the accumulated impurities, and Bili: ousness, Indigestion, LiveComplaint, Kidney Troubles, Headaches, Rheum- atism and 'similar ailments vapish.. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills 46 Save : Doctors' Bi$$s Forty years in Use, 20 hears the standard, -prescribed and recom- mended b y p11ysielan s. For 1Vmnan's Ailments,Dr. IRartel's Female Pills,at your druggist. JUST 'A LITTLE MENTHOL! On Your Lips- "00HAPS GOf'4E" It quickly heals Cracked hands Cold Sores Chilblains An immediate remedy for Cold in head and Headache Yon can get it at The Rexall Store W. S. R. IIOLMES, ,P.li1.B. Manufacturing Chemist ALL, KINDS OF GOAL, WOOD- TOLE BRICK TO ORDER. SOME OF THE MEN WITH SCOTT EXPEDITION .� Try it when you're tired. Yon will: find. it wonderfully refreshing Sustains and cheers. zotzielkatzglozzattratztoulazaagrotiono E ENTURES Four Scott seannen, showing, on the left, Seaman Edgar Evans, the first of the party to die, February 17, 1912. Permanent. Maud -Are you engaged to Jack far good? Ethel -It looks that way: I don't think he'll ever bo in a posi- tion to marry me, He's 'a good man who sleeps ail the time. AT 60 EJ JYI PERFECT HALT( THE SHNJAY SCHHJL ST119Y INTERNATIONAL LESSON, FEBRUARY 28. Lesson 'VII. -- Abraham and Lot, Gen. 13. 1-18. (Golden Text, Prov. 10. 22. The portion of our narrative in- tervening between this and the last lesson recounts a visit of Abram o Egypt and assigns as a Because He Takes GIH PiLLS son for Abram's sojourn in E the prevalence of a, famine in A prominent Consulting Engineer of estine. Egypt wee known in New York City, thus heartily endorses tigtlity as a land of plenty, bee GIN PILLS : its fertilitywas dependent no 29 Broadway, New York. "I bought some of your CAIN PII,I,S , 11 't af>i and scanty rainfall at Victoria, B.0 lastSeptenlber, Your ryas the case in Palestine, bu remedy I find, at 6o years of age, to give the regular and unfailing over perfect relief from the Kidney and of the Nile. In times when fa Bladder Tronbles incident to tumor my visited surrounding regions E age. I nrgentlyrecozuutend GIN PILLs became, a place of refuge kr m to friends as being the one thing that mesad different p does e good." E. G. WOODFORD, peoples, I1y the time a man or woman is 6o, ably, the Hyksos came into E the Kidneys and Bladder need a little as early as B. C. 2200, since w help to keep in good working order. time;theland of the Pharaohs hes GIN PILLS are what they need. GIN been as am and again overrun by P1I4I4 keep the urine neutral, prevent • people principally of Canaanitish colds settling on the kidneys or bladder and ward off Rheumatic attacks, Remember, every box of GIN PILLS.The account of A.bram's deoep- is sold with a'positive "guarantee to give ton, in seeking to safeguard him - perfect satisfaction or. your money self in Egypt by means of a delib- promptly refunded, a este falsehood regarding the Iden se. a box,6 for $2,5o. ample freeif tity of Sarni, his wife, reflects in a you write National Drag and Chemicet remarkable tray the general leni- Co, of Catania, Limited, Toronto. All kinds el Coal on hand: 135 envy of Orientals toward the prao- CHESTNTJT SOFT COALtine of deception. The weakness in STOVE CANNEL COAL ROYAL PITRPL t' Abrain's character at this p FURNACE' COKE Stocli & Poultry Specifics must be judged in the light of BLACKSMITHS WOOD FREE rem-, Pal- an- anise al- an- a Ise t on as. t on flow mine gyne OVER. any is- Millions rob- gypt hich SECURITY Put your savings in the safest form of investment you can find ---- the 4% debentures issued by this solid and prosperous company- established 1864, Issued for$too and upwards. Interest payable half -yearly at the rate of 4%. Depositors and Debenture -hold- ers have the first charge on the entire assets of the company. Since incorporation over five million dollars in interest alone have been paid to Depositors sand Debenture -holders. Reserve fund equal to paid-up capital of $I,goo,000.00 and assets over thirteen millions. descent. ASSETS. Coat' Savings Co. sCont3oq 4 St Yho as.. This is the 'specific name for th basiniike lower•'and broader portio of the Jordan valley beginnin about •twenty-five miles north of the river mouth and including ap parently the Dead' Sea basin itself as well as the small plain at the southern end. Sometimes the name is restricted more especially to the southern portion of the larger area in the immediate vicinity .ef the ofnt Dead Sea. The Jordan valley, the 'once a sea bottom, contains large patches, of salt and barren soil; but in some parts, especially about Jericho ' (where ancientlythere were beautiful palm" groves) and of along the banks of the river i5 is extremely fertile, and produces ex- uberant vegetation; and the writer, it seems, pictured it as being still more fertile than it was in 11i8 own is day, "before Sodom end Gomorrah i;t- had been destroyed." (Compare Gen. 19. 24.28. In) oil), Like the gagden of Jehovalh--The garden of'' Edon; for Like the Iand of Egypt =, The type and ideal of fertility. ,l a 12. The cities of the Plain -Five the in number, including Sodom,iao- en morrah, Admah, Zeboum and as- .Zoar, (Compare Gen. 14, 2.) ad e a young man any longer. That n causes him, to take thought. What g has he achieved Urns far 1 Is his life going to be a'suacess or a fail- - ere? A man, not a young man , now, eh? How fast the years have flown! So he muses ruefully. ['The third milestone is a tra- gedy. It is when he is first called an old man. Ah, how that stabs him. An old man. He will never forget the inn000nt person --the child, the youth, or, perhaps, the gird --who first applied that phrase to him. Ide will never forget the scone of its applioation, a happy scene, perhaps, which suddenly turns funereal, dreadful. An old man --he who. first hears these words applied to himself quivers,. for all his wrinkles and gray heard, for all his fat stomach and bald head. with an anguiah more poignant than youth has ever felt. An old man -how it cuts and tears., How it saps the strength. What a hea.Yy, limp, hopeless feeling of des- olation it leaves behind it. "I airl 80. :f have heard myself called an old man for a good many years now. But it always tortures me, It is 'the literal truth that, even at this late day, I'd rather get ;. a blow in the face than be called old, It would hurt less," We Will se,.d al/Whitely frac, for general attitude of the early He - the asking, postpaid, one of our hrewe, 10 common. with other 0r1= .o.____ tares-eipage books (with tn. entals, toward.. the moral ques- ertl, on the common diseases of stock and tIena involved. ' and /i5, Tails Low to feed all kinds of heavy Verse 1. And Abram went out and light horses, tolls and marks, unlet, cows, salves and fattening. steers, also how to keep Lgypt-Tse fact 1s 'he was sent In dr feinted r oast nso that they summer. It will contains wellas away with grave :reproaches by recommends frulrl all over Canada, from popple Pharaoh for having eougilt t0 de who have usedourgoods. No farmer should:: bo eeiee the king. without it. " You can fatten cdtle and hogs in n month's He, and. his wife. -His wife less tuna 5y' using our. Royal Purple Stock here --specially mentioned, dtu Specific than you meld possibly do without it. Jess, because Of the incident thereby saving a month's feed and labor and h0 coat to you will not be more than 21.501or which she had just played SO pT x pigs gs or $L00 for one abler. 1t will keep � inert a part. or 23i in., 3. in. and 4 in, Tile of the s Best. Quality. ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone '52. t WINTER at ♦ r I NTE your horses in show condition with ordinary t - R• 'TERM foci. Ii .you have a poor, miserable -look- Lotr--Cotrtpare note ill lenede Ing animal on .your place try if on this one I February le FROM JANUARY 6th a'' be Our Stock Specific wi increase : rite the Sq nth -Thr* souffle CN.rUn st and see the -marvellous "result which will .I I obtained.. • t th milk flow three to five lbs, per cow per •palet of Palestine, known as day, 'while being fed in the r obis. A 50o N'e Cb, a dry dine will last a cow er horse 70 days. g S and almost barr ROYAL PURPLE rotme rt SPECIFIC ' tableland affording only scant p • win make your hens lay just ns well in the turafor flocks and herds. winter a6 In the summer, :and wi11 keep then[ free from. disease. These. goods are,.. pure and 2. Abram was 'Very rich -He h unadulterated. We do nonuse any ebe011 filler been richeven before journeyi to -maky a largo paokaget entirely dtfferent into Egypt, where his wealth h 1 from an on the niarkett the prawont. time, Royal Purple Stook Spec- iflo; Gua nrkga,: four leen g'retitly angiuent(d by gif 50e pekgs„ in an air -tight tin, for 51.50, from the king, of whom it is said Royai Purple Poultt•y Specific, 25e and See (Gen, 12, 16). that he "dealt we pokge„ and 51.50 sir -tight tins that. hold n four Iso aokga. with Abraham. Royal PurpleLiceIfillemy 26e and 500 tine: 3. Beth -el -Compare. not in le 30e by mail, son for Feb nary 16, Abram slow Royal .Purple Gall Cu,re25a and See: tins; 300 j . by man. ly ietraces.11±8 steps-noftlaward tin Royal. Purple Sweat Liniment, 800 bottle; 000. 511 the comes unto 'the place whet 1 by -mail.. - j Royal purple cough Gule, 'OSa tin; eoe by' his: tent had been at the beginning I mail'. that is, shortly after his arrival i Royal Purple Disinfectant 25c and 60e tine STRATFORD. ONT, does more for its students and graduates than do other similar schools. Courses are up-to-date and instructors are experienced, Graduates are placed in good positions. The three applications received to -day offer average salary of '$1,133.00 per annum: Throe departments Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Write for our free catalogue at once. THREE "HILIiSTONIS. ng ad, How v; Feels to nti First Called is an Old Man. An ootogenariau sighed and said: "There ate three urilestenes in a s. ,man's .life. The first, a very joyous _ milestone, is when he tenses to be. _ *ailed a boy, ;and Lir the fhhts't time e hda.ro himself called a. young When.' Ah, how happy that intakes him ! A. u yanng man. "The second milesto•tie is a nine - h stone of.. gentle melancholy. It al when he ceases to be called a young man, and, for She first time hears norms runes Roan cure, 25e tins;. 30e by Palestine from Mesopotamia. D. A. McLACFILAN, Roy Principal r11 un•d. Cal Leel on the mine o£ Jrtiova al Purple. wean, Powdery280 .tine ; IDs by ull: =1%eferrirlg' ho Abranl's habitu, lIanufactured'only by custom of worshiping. Jehovah. eV.A-Jenkjnsimuco. (3. The land (the mountainous o It Depends. "Could you learn to love me?" 1. o "I don't 'know," replied the girl, "What is your particular system of g instruction?" T Even if a man is the head of the family it doesn't follow that he's the brains . of it: ✓ himself called a m,bn. A lean'' -not London,Caraad rugged tableland of Ephraiut)' was yal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from ord McLeod, flour and Feed; W. S. R. Roltnes,Drugs, Clic - ton. etter t Christnicil,s 1s abain.'over, and as we start into 1913 sve, wish to thank .our patrons for their • T liberal? trr111 roe Paid I ,. to n intimate ' that otli•'' stool: %trill always be so kept up-to:dil,te that you will' 110,1'e a, feeling' of satisfhction o 1Di dealing with us. a UNTE JEWELER, ; :4d. 5. 5SuE1. OF MART lAte-F LicENSL:S not able to bear them -Not fertile or prod let-ive enough to sttstain the whole company of the .com- bined `families, with their numerous flocks and herds. This was doubt- less especially true after; the period of famine through which the cuun'try hacl just passed, (Cotrtpare Gen. 12. 10.) 7. A strife between the herdsmen -A most natural oecnrrcnce when pasturage for the herds was scarce, The Canaanite and the Perinzite -Two of the six or seven peoples often enumerated when Old Testa stent' writers characterize the land' of Palestine 'as lb was befure the Hebrews took possession. The other' peoples usually mentioiaed with these two are the Amorite, the Hittite, the Ilivite, the Jebn•- site, and sometimes the Girgasbite, (Compare Execl. 3, 8, 17; 23.'23; 33,. 2; 04. 11; Dent, 20. 17; Josh, 9. 1; 11. 3 ; 12. 8; Judge's 3. 5 ; Dent. 7. 1 ; Josh., 3. 10; Nth. 9. 8.)' The C Lnaanites and Pcr lrzites are fre- quently associated with +each yther in the rt atYes of Genesis Ys 'ttn o :ledges ,erspeciaby. trent stone •.,t' these narratives it would seem that the latter occupied a district about Bethel and Sli:echem particularly, but the probable derivation' of the word from "pei'azi," meaning conn try folk or peasantry, makes it seem jirobable that the name refers to the village population of Canaan, the tillers of the soil in general, rather than to any par- tieular. tribe or mace. For no'besen Canaan and Canaanite see Text Studies- for February 16, 8. Brethren --In, the wider sense of kinsmen or relatives, 10, Lifted, up his eyes -Surveyed the land, Plain of the Jordan -•Or, circle. Half the world 'is on the .'song scent in the pursuit of happiness. They think it consists. in having and getting and in being 'served by others. It consists in givi..g and serving others. Mrs. Kawler--Isn't this sofa tush iou the one I saW you making for Clara's Christmas present? Mrs. )(aye -Yee, but when I got it fin- ished It was entirely too pretty to Five away, so I bought hera ready- . one, Hearing the new E' diton A b IR ero ecor is more convincing thaw -hearing about them In tone production .lies the real test of arty record. The Blue: Amberol is the dearest, sweetest,' most lifelike 'record that has yet been made. But it is more. It is practically unbreakable. A fall from the table won't smash it. .And it is so sturdy that the results of the thousandth time you play it are as perfect as the first.' - Ask your dealer to let you hear them.: Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N, J„ U.S. A. A complete line of Edinon.'Phorlogmaphs and. Records will be found at 'osr 38