HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-20, Page 1No. 1789 --34th Year CLINTON,ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th. I913 THE HOME PAPER The For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Notice, etc. ads. on page 5 . are a feature of The News -Record and bring good results. `0 to Yielkar the jeweler far a Reliable Watch. No one , would go ou a long journey without a reliable watch.. The Hell Star, watch will render .good service! • through the longest of journeys—a life. time. W. if. Yiellgar jre'weler ana Optician - - Clinton The RoalBauk 1 OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $25,000,0 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reset re and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 175,000,000otal Assets 325 Branches, Wih world wide connectionInterest allowed en Debosits. General Banking business transacted. R,)v.MANNING, Manager er Clinton. Branch. • VINO 6.M.-. 1 sBank ls Tie Mo�► Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 BEAD OFFICE MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate on sums of $1 a»d ' upward from date of deposit. Joint accounts allowed, BRANCIiES AND AGENTS ALL OVER CANADA AND AGENTS ALL OVER THE WORLD. A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. C. E. Dowding - Manager ' - Clinton Branch. Stock- Taking Sale ! Stock taking is the next thing on the program- here and that means that it's again time for our annual sale. Everybody that is' acquainted with this store, knows full well. what that means and appreciates the fact, when we run a sale it stands for something, We always 'educe stock as low as possible, before in- ventory. There's no money in :car- rying goods from one season to the next. Every Overcoat Must Go Regardless of Cost $10 00 men's overcoats sale price •$ 7 90 . 12' 00 u n $ 90 15 00 22.00 "" 25 00 " 2 50 boys' overcoats. 4 00 5 00 ti 6 75' ,l. overcoats 75 youth's -It will pay.any man or bo .' .an well to buy Y sdle' even if you don't ar rat at the ;au,ov c, require one until next season. Come ' cal,Y1 andget your choice. • ';,; it ca 11 90 16 90 19 90 190 290. 3 90- 4 90 5 90 THE MORRISH CLOTHING CO. CLINTON, r ONTARIO FurnishersIshers To Men Who Care. dN 18l]dIGRATION AGENT. ^Mr, A, -.I, Griggs has been appoint ed a Dominion Immigration Agent, and 'will have the locating of part- ies for this district. Any person , desiring a farm laborer or domestic help should make applidation to Mr. Grigg. PAID TO FIRST .1 -,AN. 1915. Messrs. R. l3runsdon of.Hartney, Man., and John Bell of Lloydinin- ster, •Sask., have paid their subs. to The News -Record to • the end of 1914. In renewing Mr. Brunsrlon writes : "Please find enclosed ex- press order to pay my subscription to the end of .1914 as we would not like to bo without the news from Huron. We have had a very line. Winter but not enough snow for good sleighing. There is plenty of grippe. and plenty of wheat but money is slow, owing to ,;,getting re- turns for the crops," A VALENTINE TEA. The Girls' Club of Willis- church had a Valentin tea at the home of Mrs. James McRae on Friday after- noon last. '•. he house was very prettily decorated with hearts, etc., aPAroPpriate to 'the day, Mrs. McRae was assisted in receiving by Mrs. 11. K. Grant and Mrs. L. 0. Paisley. Tea, ,sandwiches and cake were ser- ved, Misses Maude Torrance, Ida Walkinshaw, Hazel O'Neil, Bessie Watt, Minnie Walker and other mem- bers embers of the Club being assiduous in their .attentions to the guests. The object of the tea was to raise money for some church scheme, a small fee being charged, and the pro- ceeds amounted to about ten dollars. 1 THE ANNUAL RIDE, The weather man was particularly kind to the Wesley. Sunday school on Friday in sending such good weather for their annual sleighride. The af- ternoon was almost perfect and the result was that nearly the whole school was able to share in the out- ing. That they enjoyed' it could not be doubted by anyoneen e who saw them n and heard their merry shouts and laughter as they were driven about through the streets of the town, ' where the sleighing, though nolle too plentiful, was fairly good. After the drive the whole company returned to the church where the parents, teach- ers and friends had a nice supper waiting for them. • A program, for the ,most part given by the junior members of the school, was gone 1 through, 'Phe 1913 sleighride was a pleasant and enjoyable affair, ANOTHER PIONEER PASSES, Death carried away another of the pioneers on Tuesday when Mrs. Thomas Carter passed to her long home, Mrs. G'arter's •maiden name was Ann McGee and she was born in 'Tip- perary, Ireland,, in 1827. When but a child the parents Caine to this country and located in Godecich township where they w%.ro among the • early settlers. Sixty years ago the subject of this sketch was united in • marriage with Thomas Carter and for two score of yeare they contin- ued to reside in the township, tom- ' ing to Clinton about 1893. Mrs. Carter, whose husband prede- ceased her hey several years, is 300 - follows : 1'i my of Tura r in'sth, vived by eight of their ten children, as Janes, John; Mrs, Robt. Menuell and • Mrs: Wm Leppington of Clan- ton, Mrs, Harry' Cooper, Iiullett, Mrs, john Cook, Cleveland, and Mrs. Robt. Gray, Hamilton, The funeral took place yesterday afternoon theservices being conduct- ing by Rev. Mr, Jeakins, the Sal- vation Army officers also assisting. The pallbearers were the sons and grandsons of the deceased. WESLEY :CHURCH. The League was addressed on Mon- day evening by Mr, H.13. Chant ou the subject of "Electricity," a sub- ject, which is engaging the attention of the world to a greater extent to- day than at any previoth time. Mr. Chant had a wire attached to the'. electric light and having Isrought a 'number 'of appliances with him he demonstrated the working of the my- sterious power by several tests, thus illustrating lia3 talk, It was all very interesting and instructive amt was much appreciated, not ,only by. the . young people, but by a number of others who had attended for the purpose of learning as rnu0h as which is possible of the, power v re- volutionizing the world. Miss Mar- ion Irwin contributed an instrumen- tal and Miss Ida Wilken a solo (lur- ing the :evening, sMiss Beatrice. Greene presided, s Rev. Geo Jewitt of Illyth oeeup- red the pulpit 071 ,Sunday, preaching very 'acceptably , the pastor being ab- sent conducting dedication services on the Westminster circuit. ' Miss b`losc'. sie Piction,took a Colo part in the `anthe i at the 'morning service ' and Misses Irwin and Greene agd Messrs. Moffatt and East contributed a quartette, On Tuesday evening next the en- nual congregational gational meeting will be neld, to which the whole eon rega- tion, members and adherarits, are cordially invited.: Supper will be served under the supervision of the Ladies' Aid at six -thirty and after- wards the work of the year will be reviewed. There will he music, etc.; and a profitable atd enjoyable cann- ing is expected.. ENGAGEMENT :;ANNOUNCED. Mr. and :Mta..Donal'd A. Kennedy announce the , engagement of their daughter, Gladys' L, to: Mr. J. E. Armstrong of Winghain, son of itIr. and Mrs. John Arnhstrong of Tuek- ersmith, the marriage to take place early in March, '1'Tlkl LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 92e. Peas 90e, to 31.00. Oats 30c to 34c. Barley 45c. to 50c. Butter 20c. to 21c, ;Eggs 200. to 21o. Live Hogs 18.05. MEETS TOMORROW, The W. C. T. 17. meets on Friday afternoon of •this week at the Wes- ley -parsonage. A memorial pro- gram, in honor of the late Frances E. Willard, will be giveu, The meet- ing will be both interesting and in- structive and it is expected there will be a good turnout of the mem- bers. ANNUAL MEETING, At the annual meeting of the Mo- tor Car Company held on Monday the following were elected as direc- tors : 111, Jackson John Jenkins, s, C. W. Whitmore, Major Ranee and T. Jackson, Jr., and at the subsc• quent meeting the officers were chos- en thus : President and Treasurer, W, Jac:r- son, t Vice, T. Jackson, J,r. Secretary, Major Rance. General Manager, C'. W. Whit- more. • VISITED Il. OF R. A goodly number of the members of the W. C'. T. U. drove down to the House Refuge Of Re lge on Tuesday al ter - noon and gave a nice little program for the entertainment oC the in- mates, who seemed greatly pleased with the attention. After the pro- gram bags of candy and other "goodies" were distributed to the Id o folk and the ladies spent an hour or so visiting with them. The little attention proved a bright spot in the day for the old people and was also appreciated by Manager and Mrs. Mutch. DEATI3 OF MISS MASON. Miss Sarah Mason passed away at her home on High street on Satur- day last afj r gen illness of consid- erable duration anti of great sever- ity. The deceased lady was a daughter of the late William Mason and is survived by two brothers and three sisters : Robert and Thomas Mason and A•Irs, Wise of town, Mrs. Fell of Seaforth and Mrs. D. C. McLaughlin, 'Aberdeen, South Da- kota: All except the latter were pre- sent at the funeral which took place to Clinton cemetery on Monday af- ternoon. The funeral services were conducted. by ,the Rev. S: J. Arlin and !Rev. J. Greene .in the absence of the .Rev. J. E. Ford, the de- ceased's pastor. The pallbearers,. were Messrs. Oliver Johnsen, H. Pennabaker, Robt, Fitzsimons, A. J. Tyndall, W. J. Paisley- of town and John Smith of Goderich township, Among those from out of town who were presort .at' the funeral were Mrs. Ilonthron of Hensall, Mrs. Step- henson and ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith of Seafortla, Misses Videau of Goderich, and , If, Mason, Young Sask; IMany beautiful tributes laid ulh0u the. casket showed the high esteem in which the deceased was held-, Mrs. Francis Wise' and other menr Ibers of the family desire through the medium of The News -Record to thank the neighbors and friends for the. 'many kindnesses shown dur'ng the' illness and death of their cis - THE HOCKEY MATCH. I. Those attending the hockey mateh in the rink' on Friday evening be- tween the "Fats" .,and the "Leans" had'a go,od!zlauglh, or rather a success- ., ion of then. The "Fat§ proved to he the batter players;, scoring two goals to one scored by their leaner breth- ren. Though the fact of having an extra "wide!' goal keeper may have had something to do with preventing 'scores being made. The game • was played with broolns and a football, and it was greatly hampered by the Interference of several suaragettes, who in spite of the watchfullness of the police, gained access to the rink two or three times and queered the game, Mayor ' Gibbings was to act as =Ore bur failing to appear on time "Shorty" Cantelon was pressed into service, i 'n so unpopular that h s rulings rove proving both teams mobbed him at the con - elusion of the match. . Special, pol- ice officers • were on hand, their ser 1vices •being required on'several oc- casions to remove loafers, sutfraget- i tes, etc, and ,keep order generally. IThe Red Cross ambulance Corps was also called into use during the • match. The "German Band" added (considerably to the fun of the ev- ening. The whole thingwas put ea e g has a laugh producer and as such was a success. Following is the line-ups of players t . Fats—John Scrdton, harry.. Bertliif,' Bert Kerr, J. E. -d LeslieKerr, Norman Fitz- oinhar t, e )1"t Simons; Ed. Scru'ton., Leans—Angus 'McLeod, Bert Hovey, W. J. Tozer, , E. Menlo J, Blaney • Aler. McIn- tyre, H. 1l1ltc3Ye11, A BIG -ONE. One day- last week Mri Isaac RatJh- wwell of Coderieh township deliver- ed to Mr. D. Cantelon a hog which tipped the cales' at 550 p011021, and for which he received, $38.50, -the price of a good cow in ye olden days. WOMEN'S INSTITU'1'E. The monthly,,ineeting of the Wo- men's` institute -will be held at •' the home of Miss -'1)p butt next Thursday afternoon when there will he a 22 monstration on "Dressmaking," also, the Roll Call responded to by My Favorite Recipe," A cordial in- vitation is extended to all ladies, A FRATERNAL VISIT. Blyth A. 0. 0, F. Degree Team vis- ited the Clinton lodge of three hull- ers on Thursday evening and exem- plified the second degree, there being five candidates. After the degree work which was put on in a very excellent manner by the visitors, re- freshments were served in the lodge room 'rand an impromptu program was given. District .Deputy Grand Master, E. G. McTaggart and Fast Grand Master a ter Popplestone of Blyth, and Pastrand Master Yates G at and Mr. 11. E. Rorke of town, each gave interesting addresses' and a pleasant social evening was spent. THE DOLL SHOW. A "Dolt' Show" was held in the lecture, room of Willis church on Saturday afternoon, when, sum :where around two hundred dolls were on ex- hibition. Dolls that had seen hi t - ter days and are heuhg carefully [re- served -by their owners on a. 1 Lunt of tender memories, with the rr.ost up- to-date and modern dolls available as well as allthe stages between, were there and truly 'twas a sight to see. A concert was also given, lit- tle girls and boys in quaint costum es taking part, and afternoon tea. was served. The singing of Masters McGregor Grant and Alex. Eagleson was much enjoyed, A large number of visiters'. took in the show, the admission being five and ten cents. SOME E-•tRI,Y HISTORY. Tn a recent , issue of a ToroilLo daily appeared a lengthy apprecia- tion of a book by the late Lady Ed- gar entitled, "A Colonial CIo,ec- ner," being a sketch of the go.'cr- norship of the Colony of Maryland by lIoratia. Sharpe from 1758 to 1773, whose private secretary was Jahn Ridout, a young Oxford grad- uate who accompanied him to Mary- land and remained until after the Governor was recalled and through- out the war of independence. 'l7re John Ridout mentioned here was an ancester of Mr. Chas. Ridout and of Miss Foote of tows, and Lady Ed- gar was a cousin. 'Ili- Ridout fam- ily later removed to Canada, one branch settling in Toronto, where it is one of the oldest families, A SOCIAL EVENING. The V. V. C's, a. S. S. class of twenty-five boys in connection with Ont. St. church, taught by Mrs. S. J. Arlin, held a very pleasant little social evening in the lecture room on Thursday evening last. It was called a "Date" social, o al, a number of im- po,rtant and interesting dates, sorb as July 1st, Robert Burns' birthday Feb. laths ete, were " posted up a- round the room and the progea:n consisted of songs, choruses, recita- tions, etc., to correspond with each. The most important date to the boys was, of course, the date of their organization as a class in Oe- tober last, •and this called out the class song given as a chorus. After the program refreshments/ in the form of date cake, date Bookies and stuffed dates' were served anis a pleasant social half hour was spent, A small feewas charged, the pro - coeds to be devoted to the needs of the class. DEATH OF JONATHAN BROWN: On Friday morning 'Jonathan Brow; for twenty-five years a re- sident, of town, passed away atter an illness of some months' duration in his seventieth year. • Mr. Brown was o1 Haggish descent his anccsters having come over in the Mayflower,•. Later- the family 'cane to Canada, settling in Elgin County where the, eubjeet of this.sketch was born. Earlier in 'life Mr, Brown Was ex- tensively and successfully engaged in business, but through the dishonesty of -business associates his entire 'sub- stance was wasted.. . The work and worry involved in .the vain endeavor to recover has fallen fortunes• under mined his bea1t11, -which has never• been the same since'. About twenty- five years ago Mr. Brown and his family chine to Clinton and for some time he - was, engaged at the electh- ric light plant here. In religion he. was a member of the. Society of ONT:- S'P. CHURCH. The pastor; Rev. S, T. elllin, iviil. give the first of a series of dfs- courses on "Temptation" on Sunday next, the subject being, "Temptation - ,and the Bread Problem, ' LITTLE LOCALS, Dr. Bali has bought 5' Ir. J.. 13 Hoover's brick residence, Itir. L. al tong has disposed of his standard " bed colt to Mr. James Boyce of Brucelield, ALLIANCE ItTEET INC. Rev. D. W. Snyder of Elora dressed a meeting of the Lord's,Day Alliance in. Wesley church on Tues- day evening, explaining the Work' arid aims of the organization. There was a fairly good attendance. THE WEE 130'Y- PASSES. ' The funeral of the infant -son of Mr. W. N. Manning of London took place from the station on the arriv- al of the London train yesterday forenoon. The child, who was loft Motherless at birth, had never been healthy and though everything pos- fible was done to prolong its life it had scarcely rounded out the half year. Much sympathy is felt for the family in view of the sad circumstances connected, AN ENJOYABLE EVENING. . The "Five Hulydred Club" drove nut to the home of Miss Daisy Middleton one evening last week. A very pleasant time was spent under the' hospitable rooi of the house of Middleton and, despite the fact that the sleighing was nothing to boast of and that one of the loads came to grief on the way honkie by turn- ing into the roadside to escape a bare spot, the outing was much en- joyed. MANY IIAPPY RETURNS. On Friday last Ilt. Will Bigassat pas - feed another milestone and now ac- knowledges to thirty-six. Ile is a na- tive of .Clinton, has spent almost all his years here, • is the head ofa happy: I '' family in which there are two hand- Soule kids, and personally, hl, lit i kindly and no extremist. 117 short, Will Biggest is a good, all around citizen and it affords The News -lie - cord a real pleasure to wish him many happy returns or the day, A FAMILY GATHERING. A happy little fancily gathering took place at the' home of Mr. rhos. Sheppard on Tuesday evening when Mr, and Mrs, J. P. Sheppard and. their son Winn., Mrs. Alex, Osborn of Merlin, Ont,, and her daughter, Mrs, 1llif)n with her two little daughters, and Mr. and MMIrs. R. J. Anderson of Godera' township, old neighbors and friends, sat down to supper with i1'ir. Sheppard and his daughter, Ilfiss Kate, It is some little time since Mrs. Osborne paid a visit to the old home and the oc- casion is one of great pleasure to the family, especially- to her father, who is wearing on in years, having passed fourscore. A SURPRISE. "SHOW GR. The young people connected with Ontario Street church and school drove out to the , home of Mr. and Mrs. C. hol- land on Monday evening Last and, in view of an interesting event to take place shortly, Miss Zelma 'ilo1- laird was presented with a miiscellan- 000S showcr,of pretty and useful ar- ticles suitable for housekeeping. i4.Ir. Ed. Welsh was also iyrese»ted at the sante time with. "a handsome chair by the members of the Young . Men's Class to which he belongs. When the "shower" had blown over and the surprised, young people had gen given an opportunity to thank their friends for their generosity, the ev- ening was given up to social enjoy- ment. Music and games of various kincl,s were indulged in ; then followed a hearty and well served lunch be- fore the .company started for home after expressing good wishes in ad- vancc to Miss - -Hol and and 'MIr. Welsh. - wr PAU('S CHURCH, :':On Sunday lat Mr. 13. W. 'Allis delivered two magnificent ,addresses on " Missions," which rivited the closest attention of the large congre- gation present at both services, in the morning be spoke on "ICan- da' and at night on the work in the foreign field, partitularly emphasizing g China. Mr: Arlin will always be a welcome speaker at St. Paul's. The rector's subjects in the Lenten Course far, next Sunday will, be in the morning, •"The Power, of •the Cross,'' Eand rect in ion t at t o. the evenhingLifc, c"I 010 .the Ties ul The A. Y. P. A. had a very Pro, fytablc ' evening last Monday. when Mr, .Treleaven gave an-xcelfent talk on "Winds, Clouds and, Rain,"It was most instructive and thoroughly- ,appreciatetl by the membersopresent. A. duet by the Misses Herman, • solo by Mr. Jas. Doherty, instrlmental solo 'bv_ Miss Lawson and a reading B furnished a,P lcasant progrgtiYMr.'n.•, ouck r AVnext Monday's meeting Rev. '1'. Charlton of Mitchell will give an address on "Astronlcnny," M. Chart-' ton isa FellowRoyal of the l A s Y. tronomical Society and his address will= be well worth listening to, h good program will also he ,provided }ill will be welcome.. His wife and e family of one ` sun and two daughters survive : H. L. Brown of Toronto;;: Mrs. IttcTaggart of Dunboyne, Elgin County, -and 1tliss Nellie at hone, The funeral on Monday l tookplace a afternoon to Dunboyne ecmetery ricer Aylmer, the .iorher:' home of the family, the 'interment being made 011 the farm onwhich Mr, Brown was born. A short service was held at the House on Sunray even'ng, • Con- ducted by Rey. Jewitt,i in the absence of Rev, 3, E. Ford,. May He Have Many More Happy Anniversaries. Mayor B. J. Gibbings, On • Saturday Mayor•Gibbings cele- brated another anniversary of, si:e natal day. • He is now in. 1.14 forties, but not very far in,. as yet. • The members of the Ontario street choir, of which he has been the painstaking and popular leader. for very many years, . marked the event by going in a body to his home 00 Saturday evening carrying with there their -very- Warmest congratulatioea. They also presented him, just as a little memento of the occasion, with a handsomely bound volume end, this with the compliments of the pastor, Rev. Mr. • Arlin, a lovely bo-. qua 01 carnations. Dr. Evans i11 e few well chosen words made the pre- sentation. His Worship 'was so com- pletely taken by surprise that 1)ia usual ready flow of speech Yoe to• moment failed hint, but only for is moment, and he heartily and elo- quently thanked hat friends for their thoughtful kindness: And then; so swiftly and pleasantly did the hours speed away in whsle, social inter - comae and the enjoyment of the. - dainty lunch provided by the ladies. that it WAS r h � s well nigh the stroke a. twelve before the company tools their departure. • Mayor IIibb ngs is 0 native (a: town. Not 0111.Y 80, 1)11t Ids father was also born within what is 110" the municipality of Clinton, his grandfather being one of the first Settlers in •the Iluron 'Tract. The - originarl homestead was situatea about where the Ontario street par- sonage now stands running eastward from that point. He has been a Member of the town council sing: since 1901 and is new serving his second term as Mayor, having I eer; elected this year by acclaimation. Mr. Gibbings is an ilddfcllow, hats - Mg tilled all the positions in that or- ganization fu the gilt of his breth- ren, and is also a member of Inc• :Masonic order, In his teens aria early twenties he took a keen inter- est in sports, but of late years lie has taken 111s excitements in helping to boost his native town. A good citizen and a man of lik- able qualities, His Worship has a. host of friends who will heartily join with the Members of Ontario street choir and The News -Record in 'Wishing. him "Many 1-lappy Returns." Let's Help to Boost Bayfield. It begin to look as if 1,513 wilt be a banner year. for .Bayleld. Outsiders are buying up village, property on which' to erect summer: Ihousesfor sale. • J'ite Dominion Government will dredge the harbor. A king of 'freight and " passenger boats from Detroit and intervening points is talked of. And it is proposed to operate a line of motor cars to Clinton clue- ing' the summer season, These dive topics aro engaging the attention of the most up-to-date board of trade Bayfield has probably ever had, and good results are. bound to ensue. With its lake and river views fin - bathing, good fishing and magnifi- cent roads Bayfield should be one ai the most popular summer resorts ire the province. Personals Miss Myrtle Reynolds of the, Ciolleg- late staff was a guest of Miss Jes- sie Ford over the week -end. Mr. J. '1'. Harland is in Hamilton this week attending a meeting of the Hardware .,,. Dealers' Assoeia- ti on. i\L•. John Sutter is attending a_con- ventioM of plummers in Hamilton this .week and will spend the week- - end at the parental home in Strat- a -figs May, Rance took part in con- cert ,programs at London and. ltnat1prd,ttyts-eveek and: spent Sat- urday r last in Detroit. Rev. 0, E• Jeakins was in. Winghan; the beginning- of the week address- ing 'e Sunday school Institute, and is in London today, giving a Len - ren address. in St, 'John's Angli- can church. i who Douglas Goodwin, n, v h o has peen spending a couple df months fn visiting' his father, Mr. A. Good- win, and sister, Mrs, W. Glen,• Campbell, left on Saturday for his= home at McTaggart, Sask, MG'05 Locale .And POrsonals Pap \'�\