HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-13, Page 8News -Record February. 13th, I9 3.. 5OUa1itIcs$3.95!IY ai011tI;llO S This ie only a sample of the great money saving values we are offer lug for the balance of January. Never before have such sacrifice prices been offered on good season- ♦ ihle goods, as may be found Bete during the next few weeks, ,Prices • to atnne eases almost cut in half, "• ♦ r Look over this list, or better still "come in" and let us show you, as ♦ ; we have dozens and dozens of lines that NO3 cannot list here. x. $305' Ladies mantles new styles.... $e 50 ,for can •e.:.. nnK 12 00 Children's mantles .1 ` , , , r.. .. 2 08 " serge dresses nicely trimmed.... G 00 Men's stiff and soft hats, thie season's new sh fur fel'tre 2 50 and 3 00 goods English g Men's sweaters and sweater coats 1 00 Women's and children's house slippers 25c and35 Men's fur -collar overcoats, reg , .. . , ... , 16 00 Also several clearing lines of mews, wom- en's and children's boots at won derfully low prices. 13ahsnee of our furs at wholesale prices and less. Special prices on men's and boys' suits and over- coats, underwear, fancy shirts etc. for 7 95 up for 2 75 for .3 75 for 1 e9 for 69 for 19 for 12 10' 2 ♦ • • offering.--,- • - Come in:rtiidsee what weale of g ♦ A•' SMASMALLPLU STEEL MORE• • PROFITS B ROSBUSINESS • . ♦ ON♦N♦O♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N•N•••••••N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦ Our Selling Out_Sale Continues Guard -Against Colds by , wearing Warm -Footwear _ We have a large stock of Overshoes. and Moccasinsfrom the best makers which we are selling at prices that tempt buyers, and men who work out of doors will appreciate the good quality of our heavy Buckle and Lace Rub- bers. JTwitche11 see Son - CLINTON, -_ ;ONTARIO WILL EITHER Valen Tines. W. D. FAIR CO. Often -Cheapest Always the Best rill111, 1 Iel+punpW,nenelllp Dr. Thompson was in Toronto on 'Monday.;. Mrs. W. Ross has been been .it Tor- , onto this week. Personals Miss Tannin Hibbs has returned from a visit with Auhutn friends. Mr. J, G. Medd is visiting his bro- ther, P.ev. Dr, Medd, Goderich. Miss Marion Harland has been visit- ing Stratford friends for the past . couple of weeks ' Mrs,' Combo and Miss Maggie have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs.' Latornell,of St, Thomas. Miss Leila Powell returned last week -to Toronto after a month's vacation at her home in town. Mr, and Mrs. E. M. McLean of Lon- don have been in townduring the past week, the guests of Mr. 'and - Mrs. W. Counter_ ' MiGs Maud Lyon of Londesboro and her cousin, Mr, Joe Lyon of Bran- don, don, Man., spent part of the past week as guests of Mr: and Mrs. J, G. Medd. Mr. Jos. Lawson and' his brideof Cheviot, Sask., have been spending a few days; with ' his sister, Mrs. James Finch, wed other • Clinton relatives, • kr, Henry Cole left' on Monday for Toronto to resume his old position• as inspector of the ' industrial branch of the Union Life Insurance Cninpany,-K inoardine Review. Miss Jennie Taylor' was up front Loudon last week for a couple of days in connection + with the sale of her property, which has been pur- chased by Mr. Geo, McLennan, Mr. A. 0. Pattison returned last week from a fortnight's stay . at Little Rock. Ark„ he and Mrs. Pattison taking a little trip to Buffalo later. Mrs. Cleveland AIIin was the guest over the week -end of her husband's parents, Rev: S. J. and Mr's. Al - lin at" Ontario street parsonage, leaving Monday too join Mr. Allis at Halifax, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. " Jackson, Sr,, have bothf been suffering front grippe during the past week and are under the care of a physician. It is hoped that they wi,l - soon begin to amend. Miss Mary, Chant left Saturday after a vacation of several weess at her home in town to visit friends at New Hamburg and St. Cathrinos before going to Toronto for the millinery openings. taIr. and Mrs.. Westacott, who have been visiting their sisters, Mrs. John 13, Little and, Mrs. W. 11. Farquhar, for the past few weeks, left on Friday to visit two other sisters at Orangeville. Before re- turning to their home at Grand Forks, North Dakota, they will spend a few weeks at the hot sprirgs, Mt, Clemens, Mr. Westa- eott has lived at Grand Forks for the past thirty years, the greater part of that time enraging exten- sively in real estate, in which he Mr. and 14Irs, Janina Do`g Ie.♦r ca has suecceded very well, Mr,, West - Mrs. .Tares Shepherd left on Satur= day for a visit with Toronto Di -- ends. Mr. J. D, Atkinson and Miss Eileen were in Exeter on Tuesday visit- ing friends. Miss Jean payment went to Toronto on Tuesday to6atteind'the millin- ery openings. Mrs. L. Lavis and children- of -Wine - ham were in town a few daya last week with friends. Miss 'Helen Hibbs left on Thursday last for Toronto, where she in- tends spending several months. Mr,- and Mrs. H. Wiltse have been visiting friends and relatives on the London Road during the past few days. Mrs, Johns, Sr., has been spending a Jew days of the past week with her son, Mr. Ira Johns of Tucker - smith. Miss -Ida Boles, who has been spend- ing the winter in Florida, has re- tttrneid and is visiting London friends, • Manday afterneeti to+`'wend a feta adott speaks highly of the advan- 1 Weeks with the, latter's parents in it Toronto, Rev, 0, E. JeakinS' is in Stratford vcntion of the Prudential Life As- - today addressing a district eon- sociation. Mr. and Mrs, 0. R. Keys and Miss Wilena were guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs.. Jas.,Graham of Goderich township Mr. Geo ,W, Pearson returned to Toronto on Monday atter spending a fortnight under the parental roof, that of Mr, R. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs, W D. Fisher of Den- ver, Col., spent a few days In town this week the guests of the fern- cr's Lister, Mrs, R, E. Manning. Miss Mabel Clutf, who has been engaged with the Hodgens Bros., Goderich, for several months past, is now 'holidaying at her home in % Jaekson's Shoes For 1913 as in previous years will excel in values, in .qualities and in quantities when you want the best that is possible in shoe- maki.ng,'see FRED. JACKSON %__,i.._________#t ...e4.0.e....-qN®0.9---.- ...OP .40).0.40 • /e.. I 1Ploase- �OUlel 3 Brings Customers Bask s w - i Buyers, at this -store 'rivariably come 1. 3 Furniture back when they want more and bring their: friends Y i with thein, ee e To Use Our Furniture. is to prove that it is . toin $ e asgood asitlooltsand that is y g a whole lot, e Substantial Furniture can be` bought hese . • -now at moneysaving prices, ' Why not se..ure. what pieces you need now while -Irises'so favorable . �� sare y l o • A • - tk•d P 1 1'i s 4, •.o � pp 9 . Furniture Dealers and Funeral' Directors e Phone 104 ' A P130r1 � o �* e E 127 -NIGHT AND tiTc�1DAX CALLS- .►..•4ew••••••eAM1e,e.••.f.eee...•s.•ss•.e.+.N4►•s. Are you a News -Record subscriber ? Cages of living in a no lieense- town, Dakota being a prohibition state, and thinks local option would he a good thing for ClintNi. Mrs. Rofit. Barber of Snowflake, Man,, who was accompanied by her son Robert and daughter- Alice, was the guest last week of her nano, Mrs, Iddo Crich, Mr., and Mrs. Barker were former residents of Tuckersmith. Mrs. E. G. Iiolmes and little son of Saskatoon, Sask., , have been in town during the past week visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doherty. Mr, John Lindsay and Mrs, Callen of near Ilamilton were here the be- ginning of the week attending the funeral of their uncle, the . lute .James 11. 'Lindsay.. Mrs. 11 B. Chant returned on Fri- day evening after a fortnight's Vis- it with her son in New York City. She stopped off at St,. Catharines with her mother for a couple of days on her way home. - Miss Grade Com -Lice and Mes rs,: Thos,, George and James Coprtice, • after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. 'J, I•Iardy of the London -. Road and Mr. -and Mrs. John Lov- ett of town, 'left on Tuesday to re- turn to thein home at Mariposa, Miss Katie Hardy, who has been visiting Clinton London 'Road and surrounding vicinity for the past couple of months, left on Tuesday for Toronto where she will spend a few days before returning to her home at Lindsay. o e 1 • Mrs. J. S, Evans returned on Mon- day day from 'a visit with Wiarton friends, • While there Mrs, Evans had the misfortune to have her face frozen and itis giving her some trouble but it is hoped that she will soon' be quite herself again. Rev. Mr. and Mrs: A. E. Allin, after a few weeks visit with relatives and IS:lends in Clinton and at other. points, left last week to return to, their hoine at Quill Lake,', Seek,' En' route they spent. a day or two in Toronto with Mrs. AIlin' s brother, Mr. A. F, Johns. Miss Hellen-Bowlby, who has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs, J, E. Ford at Wesley parsonage for the past six,zveeks, left today for her 'home in Windsor, Miss I3owlbyhat made many friends during her stay in Clinton who regret her depar- ture ar- ture and who will welcome her - on any future visit. M r. JohnGuest, who is- in Toronto• having undergone an ' operation there is now progressin% nicely C C. I. Weekly Report Form 1. Art . --.1. forester 82, A. Petrie '74, D Shipley 6S 0. Johnston 68, 0. Whitrnni a 66, J. Wylie 64,''F. Edwards 61, G. Wallis 60, P. (Jun Ing- ham 58, A. Townshend 58, 0. Cantelun 56, H. Cantelon 54, A. Nediger 52, E. Raiser 52, M. Smillie 50 G Beaton 48, M. Lansingg 46, 13. Rowden 40, E. Car- ter -40 A. Shanahan 46, L Shealy 44, I. Sinclair 44, Z. Churchill 44, L. Han- ley 42, J. Grainger 42, F. Copp 42, 0, Mair 40, A, Glazior40, L. Churchill 40, E. Sanderson 40, C. Thompson 38, W Crich 88, E. Miller 86, F. Pennebaker. 30, G. Beatty 31, E Parlmer 34, IL Kitty 31, M. May 30, 0. Cook 28, F. Reynolds 26, H. Stewart' 2I, L. McAl- lister 22, N, Sparks 22, O. Phillips '20 W. Appleby 18. Form 2, Science -P. Moffatt 92, P. Potter 89, S. Henry 89. L' 'Wheatley 87, O. Cole 87, M. Elliott 81, J. Smillie 81. 3. Middleton S3, M. Cook 82,`13. Davidson 82,' ilia NeTaggart 81, V. Oat beet 81, E. Manning 78, C. Beacom 76, 13. Rodaway 76, V Evans 73, 0. McGill 70, E Brisson 63 E. Wasmann 67, 14. Shaw 65, I Roberton 64, A Hoare 63, C. McCool 62, H Bohn -es 62 S. Smillie 60, 0, Hoare 60, W. Nelson 60, M. Mair 50, 14. Hai -land 56. V. Iiearn 54, F. Thompson 53, M. Cook 53, 0. Harland 52 Uhowen'52. M. Milne 51, S. Agnew 50, G. Hudie 50, A. Ma- theson 46, O.1Caizer 42, E Jamieson 11, K. Wider 41 W. Caldwell 39, I. Rath - well 30, E. wise 38, E. Powell 36, L lathwell 26,. L Cook 24, 1. Gould 23, It Fou ester 23, D Oantelan20, From Composition -J. _Smith 74, I'I (1tC1 H. Shaw 73. E. Manning 73, M. David- son 73, M. blcTaggart 72, H Johnston 71, E. Wiseman 71. 'R• Ohowen 70, 0. Cole 09, M Cook 60.E Powell 69, A mtabe sun 69. 0. mcG'tll 68, C. Harland 88 C Beacom 68, •T7. halmeson 67, G. Hudie 67, V Carbert 07 T middleton 67, 0 mc0nal60 S. 'Morrie 60. in. El- liott 66, S Smillie 06, W Caldwell 65, It Ronnie 65, 0 nreCool 64, I Roberton 04, 3 Smillie 03. F Thompson 63, P. moffat 03, C may 62, 11 Rodaway 02,- V Hearn 61, I Collins 01, L tncNeugh-. ton 60, L'Rath well 60, in fnaie 69, E" W'he 59, 0 Hoare 59, D A Cantelon 58, L (look 57: D Brisson 56, 1' Pollee 50, A Dewar 55. I Rath well 54, in miles 53. A. Hoare 62, 11 Forrester -51, 11 Govier• 50, I Gould 50, uraude Cook 79, S Ag., Fury 49, V Telens,48, L Kennedy 46, P Wheatley 45,VII 4` 11 T3 1 e 1 er: toek TAK That our Stock of Gloves, Lees and UNDERSKIRTS is too heavyand have deeded to reduce these lines. Hence the big savings for FRIDAY -and SATURDAY. 1000 yards Valancens3 Lace at 5c. Valancense Lace and inserticn dainty designs length- run from 5 to 15 yards in white Linen and two tone Persian Regular 10 to 25c per yard Fri- day and Saturday clearing ut 5c, $1,25 Perrins Kid Gloves 98c, 100 pairs of Perrins 'Cid Gloves colors black tan, grey and red. Sizes 0 to 8. Regular prices $1,25. We do. not have to recommend these gloves as our patrons know its, wearing quality Friday and Saturday. 98e • 11.25 and $1.50 Heather bloom Skirts 98., 25 only Heather -bloom petty coats, three and four rows of Flouning good quality. Guar- anteed wear length 38 to 42Reg- ular$1 25 and $1 50 Friday and Saturday selling 98c $2.O0 and $2 50 Heather bloom Skirts $1.38. to only Heatherbloom skirts trimmed; t bothem with scents - ped insertions length 36 to'40 Regular $2 00 and $2 50 black only Friday and Saturday sell- ing $1 88 500 Top Skirts $3.79. 22 only Ladies Top odd skirts in paean= serge and Cheviots in black only all sizes Regular $5 00 Friday Saturday selling 83 79 NEW SPRING GOODS Our New,Spring Suitings are now in stock - ready for YOUR INSPECTION. To the men of Clinton who appreciate good tailoring we recommend an. early sel- ection of cloths. We are showing this'seasou the largest and most important range " ever shown in Clinton and we would strongly advise placing an early order only which insures better wordmanship than in the rush season. Made to order ,prices from $22,00 to $25.00, - iarER4_. CZrrorow . i Reynolds 74, G Draper 73, IC Reid 73, N. Garrett 72, E Grey 71, in neeAllister 71, L Ford 6S, V Lobb 08, W incGregor 67. D Barr06, W Walker 63, h mccros- tie 63, :T+' Brown 62, A nwconttell 02, W mcNaughton 6I, c Nicholson 60, D copp 54, h eantelon 56, It harland 65, m mcGowan 55, Is Forrest 54, m car- bon 53, E Leitch 50, N Robinson 46, m Yates 49, A cooper 31. I.'.ornt 4 Eeglish literature: -e Kilty 81, h Turner 77, D 7 lernay 72,' h mid- dlcton 08. B Dewar 67 m Shidley 03. Goderich Township Mr. Win, Matt of London spent a few days at Mr; John Cox's. last' week. ' Mr. James Switzer has bought a t,eam of two-year-old colts, a pretty nth solidi built pair that will ;smooth, Y look well in any company. James has an eye for i good horse, knows one when he sees it and keeps no other kind, West s of Miss MaryRichardson isvisiting her sister, 1 Branch, Mich., g , Mrs. J. J. ,Smith of. thei 1.tth con., and other friends in the'township. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keys and 14liss Wilmeua of Clinton visited at . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Graham on Sunday.The little child >. of bit. and Mrs. Hanna, who are 'hero visiting Rom that west, has been very ill. It is hoped that a change for the better may soon be noted, Miss Mary Smith 'of. the 16th, who ea ey earn �, o nt a has been visiting her. aunt, Mrs• J. 40 Form 2 Geogra,play -J Smillie SS, in H. Worsen of Goderieh; has returned, Davidson. 52, 1J rnatrning 32, inat+eTa - home, garb 73, O'tiolo'70114T (ilniee75, c Hai, Mr. Percy is by .degrees moving his hirci 74, V,Evans 71, 61 Rollaway 78, sneers waver to the ,Hector Juror c Bencont 72 W Caldwell 70 P Wheat'- 1 Clinton. where he expecte 111 to take up. Ms abode in the course A Ilea S,'rn, 13 conic 6 , ntci 67, has, however only Heave n taw weeks, life , eiZr. neSn Smillie ebt 1tx00y m e A'H(tll , •• lease so as to r 't, on a short s ulcer i � a fii S Agnew t,, ll CC eun•u14,64 J middler n g 61, L Kene',ily 02, P Better 62,;W Wel- give.him time to look around and son 62,. 1'5',lamieson 01, I!: Brisson 60, ptek up a farm to' iris. liking, 1i' Thompeon fi0, o mecool 60,' V I7carn , ung, the p Quietly and without warning :H+, TT Sbaw 58, 8 I:Tairy 57, -';in' l,lliot6 '"' rit' .Dower 'spirit of James I -I.' Lindsay Passed v.7, i•1 hiwli[,nd 55,'rrt final 5l„ 4 5', I Roberton 52, If Forcl.Sll, It Rennie into the other world on Saturday h 16th coin. onto his Home qu. and 'being able to read a short 50, 0 ncDonga,ll 48. 0 hudie 4tS, SV`-Inoruing at time every day- requested that The ehowden 44, E Powell 42, h Johnston of (Iodation township. rded to hurl 40. ;L I:athwell" 38, 1n Wise 37, L cook The funeral; which was very largo- News -Roe -Old m be •fknep 22, 113athwell 3P, 1) caution 30, K me- so that he aright peep in Loath with . Naughton 30: R Forrester 20, K Govior neighbors thus paying the last tri - Clinton happenings. It Is hoped that. 27, .1 Gould 25 ly attended many o d fri-noir end• he will be able to return home in a `Forrrr ,'3 English lit;nratnre-14 Bea- Mite of.:oespect to the departed, took. fortnight ism com 82, G Walker 78, J Wylie 75, ut place from the family residence to ley 70, P nrcflat 09, V c te'hert 09, J la ace guar m OF The News From Londesboro Miss Jean McPhee, honor graduate of: Household Science, McDonald In- stitute, Guelph, and expert demon- strator, will demonstrate bread and Pastry making to the ladies of Lon- desboro in Forester's hall on Satur day, Feb. 15th, showing how easy it is to make the nicest and lightest bread in four hours, also easy meth- ods of making pastry, Miss McPhee comes highly recommended from all parts of Canada and is a pleasing demonstrator of the highest ` order. The meeting will open at 2:30 p. m. and will; be under the auspices of the Women's lnstitute. Admission ten cents, the g Mr. A. 11, .Radford was tl guest of 'Toronto friends over the wesk- end, Mr, W. Vodden and Miss Gertrude returned Monday after spending a few weeksweekswith Braulpton and 'Forma to friends. Mr:and Mrs. Joseph Lawson are visiting the former's parents here, Mrs. fired Johnston spent Monday at the home of iter brotheir, Mr, L. Hill of Blyth. Mrs, John W. 'I'antblyn left bat Mondayfor Leamington to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Ainslie, who died on Sunday even- ing. Mr. 37. Cocke.rline of pilot Mound, Man,, is visiting at the home of Mr, Geo. Brogden. Mr, Thos. Miller visited friends at Corrie and Fordwich, taking in the annual meeting of the Howick Fire Insurance Co., at the former place this week. Mr. John Ilutton is busy repairing the break in the dam Caused by the recent flood. Owing to the water be- ing so low since the damage to the Hutton has been obliged to -. Hut o g dam Mt run the mill by- steam. Clinton cemetery on Monday after- noon, Rev. D, K. Grant conducted the services, the pallbearers 'being D. Malswan, W. Taylor, J. Walkin- Messrs. J. Cuningkame, .1. Scott, shaw and W. CH Smyth. Whence The Water, 'Then ? The bright little daughter of one of Clinton's business Hien is evid- ently being brought im to regard with some degree of. importarl^,e the opinions oxprossed by the local press The other day she was startdin� watching theoperaticin of the pumping „lar all Al- �m actl f tbiC�tvtte r from 4 bort street. She watched the play of the' big hose curiously for a few minutes then turning t0 a lady who was near she asltecl, e'Whar those men fining ?„ "Theyayt are pumping the water out of that cel- lar," el-lar,was the answer: , "Oh" she exclaimed "I 'thought the paper said that -131-111 town was going dry." She, had no doubt heard read -the verses published in The , Ncws4Record two , weeks ane under that caption. Br>tncefiefd Mr, 0, 131. Shannon of Hamilton was a guest at the beano of Mr, E. W. Morrison over Sunday, Porter's Hilll. A 'pretty wedding ill Willch many people at Porter's Bill and vicinity will be interested took place at the home of Mr, Nelson Irwin of Stoughton, Sask., on the evening_ of .Jarl:iary 22nd, when Miss Florence Elliott, youngest daughter of M'i.. James Elliott of Porter's Hill, sial: united in marriage -to Mr. Edgar Gib- son of Vt llowbtucd5 ask The ers-- uoiy was performed by the Rev. 4r. Stewart, in the presence of a num- bet of friends ofthe contracting par- ties, After the ceremony the com- pany sat down to a sumptuous wed. ding, feast and afterwards t he even- ing was pleasantly spent in games and music. Mr, and Mrs. Gibson have taken up their abode at Willowbuneh and the many friends of the bride: in this vicinity waft congratulations and good ri3'ielies,