HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-13, Page 6, • ITTLE 'VICTIMS OF • , ST.VITUS DANCE it is Most Common Among Chil- .dven of the School Ate' I yen v sihald-whether boy or,gml 'evais ft. 1E40'; emotional, and awls - :Wand, you shonld wateli it came - tally as it nmy develop St. Vitus 'etence. Erequently cluldren can - ',not keep still they MOTO with eteange aelainue their 'limbs jerk etntl thaie features twitch nervous- ly. Speech • is couftieed and the 'itshole muscular .system net under •,S5ojitisa1., These, are ameng the .rinIstoms ef St, Vitus dance, a 'rouble the:: afflicts growing girls iSnd boys, Most frequently duriag Pie school , age. , Dr. Williams' rink Pills are such ea splendid )serve tonic that they have oured .the worst cases of $t. Vitus danoe, They do this beelnie the new, rich Wood they make feeds and 8404- thens • the starvednerves, thus throwiam eft, the disease. Here is sea example. Mrs. L. L. Gifford, Westover, Ont., says: "For over two years my little girl, Gonatance', ,as a sufferer from St. Vitus dance. • She \yes' frightened badly by a Log, which monied to bring on the 'trouble, aaid notwithstanding ,all we did for her it seemed to be gm -w- ing worse. She grew so bad that he oould not feed herself and her speeoh was so badly affected that ^we 'could Boarcely understand her. The twitching and jerking of her limbs was pitiable. At this jun- un we began giving her Dr. Wil- • liams' Pink -Pills, and to our great joy they have completely cured her, and she is now as healthy a ehildas you oan find./!, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are aold' by all tnedioine dealers or sent by - tmail al 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 0o., Brookville, Ont. RAYS FOR GOITRE CURE. German Doctors Claim It Is Very Successful. It wasn't eo many years ago when a diagnosis of goitre svas the equit- alent of a sentenc0 to death. The .e."Lase was found eventually to be in rthe VINOUS activity of the thyroid glands and surgeons began treatiog. the disease by the partial removal ' of these glende, with more or less kelteCOSS. The latest step in the treatment of this disease ie cleecribed by Drs. Schueler and Roaetsberg, of Berlin, !Germany, who have been working - lagi•tiNhe Roentgen andallied rays :la an effort eause partial etre- 'phy of -81-ie glands. After long ex- perimentsthey sag they have suc- ceeded in causing the rays to pene-, trate deeply irtto the -glands without Sony harmful effect on the skin.. A. married man's manners are , never so satisfaceory as when his wife' e relatives drop im for a visit-. -- • PILES CURED INS TO 14 DAYS •Lour druggiet will refund money if PAZO INTMENT falls to mire any 0040 of Doh. • g, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Plies In t to 14 days. 80e. The troubles of marriage only begin when a man trios to shirk its tesponsibilities. Millard'. Liniment Cures Distemear• •-1` Wise men sometimes ehenge • }their opinions." "Yes," 'replied ltIr. Growcher, "But what a lotof people mistakefor an opinion is imply the mental echo of some other man's loud voice." ifighen YourEyes Reed OHO TrMa y urthEye Ileum y., No Smarting -Peels rinc--AtttS Quickly, Try it for lied, Weals, Watery h'yes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. trated Book in each Package. Moline is [e/Tended by out Goalies -not a, °Patent Med- einkee -but used in stmcosseel PhstioiancoPrao-w loo for moor imNow oe!ltoaed to the Pt- t'WaVldb4v9flZ4irn'"1°'A"llni:kieyea0iiT,go1,2alsea figurine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago Iliinard's Liniment Cures Olphtheria. • Prospective Tenants - There's one great disadvantage about this house; it is damp. Landlord -- Thab's no disadvantage. If a fire were to break out it wouldn't burn nearly so fast. • SUFFERED 2 PONTI-IS •WITH HEMORRHOIDS Began with Itching Sensation,. Kept Awake at Night. Caused Great Pain. •Thought Operation Only Cure. Cuticura. Soap and Ont - rent Entirely Cured' in 6 Weeks. 64 strange sts Toronto, On6arl6.-"I suf. ' Cored for two months with the plies. They first began with a sudden ItchingmenSation which used, to keep mo avrake 00 night16 tried tiff- _ ferene kinds of blusteent to stoc-tlie itching- which did nob prove vaiizable 600 the least o,ud 4o roY eureriso I after a few weeks they ise- ...gen to bleed. I did not • .1 know what: to do as they caused me great pain. I began to think that an operation was.'the only :cure for them, 4 heard of Outleem Soap mid. Oint- ment anctsiecided to try them. I sont, foe manihie and after using them a few, tirose ,/ found out to my great relief they' gave io los:s pain and later on the bleeding began to ceasa • LgOt POMO More -and Oontinaed with thP, Outieure, Ointment and Son,p.s / §egarl 'to get better slam at night and after gix weekst carehil treatment I find that I ,gra entirely cured." (Signed) A. Bennett, 1,2hs, 25, 1912, If.youwisti a skin dear of pimples, bleak- ispocis.aod other annoying orupdons, lion& Soft and svhfte, Itair live and Mosey, tind Scalp ftpe Dem dandruff .,atui itching, begin, to -day the regular uso it Onticura Soap kir 40 toilet, bath and at1ains/06, aSsifitOd bY 0ces810nal light applictsi,ion of dutieura, Ointment. Said thrordshOut the world. Lib. mai sample of oach mailed 0400 -with 32-p. • Picin ,Atidreastiskist card Potter Deus Oheln.004),. Dens. 4113, Boston..17.6.A, •MAR AND CZARINA WORRIED '14001i of Jewels Thought to; Foretell' " it03411 • /The °sag and 'CZ/Mina Of BOSSilit are niore than tiet0,11?' Perturbed over a Mast unfaverab OMS11 thEvb hs oocurred in- the Borel pail&Ce. You have heard before how 'super - &alien& they -are -the Ozer peraeou- lerly-and' his wife, being oontinu- ally surrounded by it, hive beeome •IsIgnest as bad as he. Every, now and the,teseihe mysterious monk is b,notfght to the palace, and as long as his luck lasts, the is in plover, but onee things begin te go ,is'IsrSe he is clisraiseed without delay, end • his Royal master begins bo look for Sane, one &lee tek, guide him. POP_ nothing f lament is undertaken - by the Czar 'without some supposed preternatural, guidenees 116 18 their inability te reeovee a diadem of brilliants, which has a, curious history attached to, that is troubling their MejeSties at pre- sent, It -was lost unaccountably by the Billipre6S arb the funerierof the Grand DukeSVIadimir, and though almost the whole staff of this HU,S- eian secret polieo have been seansh- irig for it einee, not a trace ,c5f irt can be found. The meal -origin of 'the diadem is wrapped; in myetery, but treditiou says it Wag cliecovered on the head Of a saint in Si. Serafina'e Cathedral in Illoecosv, and °ether-, ilia wore it to Ward off evil spirits, though it doesn't eeens to have been very .atiocealful in her case.' But the great thing absent this diadem is-II:hat the peszle and diamonds, of which it is composed are said to feeetell by their' eenditioe the well- being -or othersvise-of the Rus- sian 160:yail family. If danger im- pends the diamonds le their epoxide and the pearls their soft lustre, while if the prospect bright- ens the etenes resume their pristine - beauty. Whet makes them particularly anadous to have this talisman by them just now is that the Ceara - vital, though partially recevered from his illness, is still in a delietste state of health, and She loss of the diadem 'seems to their Superkstitious minds, to have the- worst signifi- e0410e. A Bad Heart, Its Cause and Cure Many Firmly Convliteed They Are Dying of Heart Trouble, Have Of- ten the Strongest Rearts. Sometimes you wake up at night, lieart throbbing like a atm= engine. Your breathina is short and irregular; Pains shoot through the cheat and abdomen, and cause horrible anxiety. Your trouble isn't with the heart at all. These sensations are the outcome of indigestion, which bag caused gas to form on tho stomiteli and press against the heart. Just read what happened to Matte Malloux, of Belle River, Ont.: "Three months ago I was a weak, sickly man. My appetite wao poor, food fee mented in my etomach. I had eour buts and indigestion. At night I would often waken with gas in the stomas:1h and heart palpitation. ' "I consulted- say doctor and used reme, dies Mutt my friends advised. Nothing helped. "One day I received rt. srOmple of Dr, Hamilton's Pills, and MY Imre ooramene. ed. To -day I hove a vigorous appetite, strong heart actiou, and no sign of in- digestion. I feel younger and healthier than ever before.' Your druggist or storekeeper sells Dr. Harailton'sP611, 200. per box or five hazes for 61.00. By moil from The Oatarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y,, and Kingston, Canada. 'MAKE PLANTS DRINK IRON. Amount • In Spinout' Increased Sevenfold by Experiment. Experimeate are under way at the agricultural baoteriological sta- in Vienna to inerease the qual- ity of iron earried by, certain plants, with a,eview to the effects on the humus emstera when those plants are used ars food. Artificial- ly prepared foods containing iron do not always produce the desired effect, because the iron is. not oom- pktely Thi s diffectilty, it is thought, may be avoided by caueing plants to take up an in- creased quantity ofiron clueing their natural growth'. By edding hydrate of iron tothe soil in which it was growing the experimental% have suoceeded in producing spin - :soh oonteerving a percentage of -iron seven times as great as thee found in ordinary ,spinaoh. It is believed Must the /amasser, will prove success- ful with other ferrugirsoas plants. • CLASP KNIFE IN MOUTH.. Prisoner Admitted Its Usefulness in Pieking Pockets. Some years ago, in :the district of Jalpaigre Bengal, there wee a sud- den epidemic of petty' thselts end herglarie.s. 'Pike oompletelly baffled for some time, fleetly 80'- im.-ste'sc-1 al' On s aspici,oe , who, after a pteliminevy magister- ial investigaeme SVMS remanded In custody with a view to further hi- quiries ae to his senteeedenta, Go bearig vsearc.hed, a police officer, GM, peoting he' had eomething coneealed in his mouth, :sectored him to open' its \ellen, embedsle.d round one of his back teeth,wee found & herd sub- etance, which, an being extracted, proved es be a conallessentiacinoulee deep -knife. The stemect, \vhe had liitherto Peotested his innocence, new -made a Mil confession, and eventually tureed eat to be s mern- bee of the notorieue minima tribe ef-G-Oeidal, in, Ouchh, aud had already Imen eonvickesd of foriethen previous offeneeee He admitted thaa She knite had beeaa specially made for. 'Ilion, and that ho used it 4hr•on'tifillf open balms of -doth and' also tor pocket picking. • 'Many a roan who claims that the world. owes hire- a Irving can't prove the debt. - OgEO ONLY. • 11If 0E11 • HOW NOVA Scorn. wonkts WAS *RELIEVED OF 101371 '• HEART DISEASE. Made her Kidneys: right wIth Dodd's /Kidney Pills ,and all her troubles vauished speedily ' and einnPletely. - • Eel Oreek, °timberland Co., S., February 10. -Buffering from Female, kidney and Benet Trou- ble, es: run down, n'ervous and de - Pressed that all the brightness had gone ont of her life,, and never-ex\- pecting to be a healthy woman' again,' Mrs. J. W. headbetter ' this place tried Dodd's Kidney PUS, and in Saltee‘ more in ,the best of health. Iler shinple stateraent is the best _evidence that nk:k oase •of Kidney Disease is so bed that Dodd's Kidney Pilisowill 0016 cure it. • e "I was treated by five dodoes," Mrs. Leadbetter states. "Four of 'them did me no good. The fifth operated on me and that gave me relief for a tired. I had Female, Kidney and Heart trouble. I was so nervous and run down that my friends did not think I would ever get better. 1: "An acIvertisemeht Ied me to use Dodd' s ICklney Pille, end I have found in them a cure for all my troubles. I cannot ,preise Dodd's Kidney Pills too -highly." Febiale Trouble and. Heart Dis- ease are caueed, by Kidney Disease. -The natural way to cure them is cure the ICkIneys by using Dodd's Kidney -Pills. IS sMOST THRIFTY NATION. From Savings Bank Standard Switzerland - First. Th'e SWiss Government 'has just published the results of an inquiry it has been making into the 'savings of the Swiss people and the means of thrift at thole disposal. 116 ap- plied direct, to She sevings ba,nkvi160 supply the information .required. Seven banks out of a total of 1,054 refused to oomplly with the- Govern- ment's request, etatemithe Manche - tar, England, Guairdien, but the other 1,047 all sent in full particu- lars of this work. Everywhere it is. apparent Must thrift is very much oar the isiereese. For instance' in the tem years from 1897 to 1908the average mien. in Savings -banks per head of the Swie.s popeletien rose from 309 to 442. fra,nes. In other words, Switzeao land, from the .savings bank sten- :dead, is the thriftiest nation, Next to her comes Denmark, with 391 frames awed per head of popula- tion, and then, a Long way behind, the German Empire, with 291 (Prue - 0160 308, Bavaria 99, laxony 405, a.nd Wurtemburg 231), Norway 270, the United States. 220, Austria 211, Seedden 197, Hungery 159, France 133, Belgium 129,1 Great Britain 123, Italy 108, the Netherlands 89, and Rusiala 20. Switzerlend ati yet has. no pest - office ,savings bank, and no penny savings bank, -although thirty-nine of her savinge banks wild open an account for a sum of 1 franca or. lass, while only three require 10 frame* or more as a deposit. PAt the end of 1908, the year in question, the auras, lying in saviegs banks to the ore;dit of Swiss eub- Seas &mounted to nearly 67,500,000 francs, aa compared with seet quite '40,000,000 francs in 1897. 65. FIER REARING RESTORED Astonishing Deliverance of, Woman Thought to be Hopelessly Deaf. New 'York Special. -Fully con- vinced that her hearing has been permanently restored after yeasee of torture with, heed noises and al- most total deafness, Mrs. B. A. Beery of ,5515 W. 170th street,' N.Y.' Clity, has now been persuaded to eell the etory oilier wonderful de- liveranee, After having spent hundred e of dollars on mechanical devices, me- dicines and doctors' fees, she de- cided that this • latest slimovery, however simple and inexpensive, should be the last she would try before resigning hereelf to the hopelessness of permanent and 'total deafness. Those interested ha Mrs,. Barry's cifee and the hope it holds out for them, may write to her in oonfi.deece for -full, details, which she offers to send gratuits ously." It enually costs -a, man something to listen to flattery. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, 580 -- Vicar-Amid all your troubles, Mrs Grundy, I ara pleased to see that your gratitude to Providence dos Not fall. Mere Grundy - No, sir; rhemnatiz is bad, indeed,. but I thank 'eaves' I still 'aye a back to 'ave 11 ±0-.'' Ell. 4. 5 LIE, 6-'12. . • LO GIN (4 MLAStIt. greatest' Menace to British Colton. .; Ma's Forestiti , '1.4astb October tlite.T'orestry, Branch of the 'Department of the Interior calle,de, meeting of Aloe ilre.-rangess of 'the' Revelstoke district of tho Railway Belt rto discuss more aft, cient foiret fire protection: IlbIa conferenee decided that there cara be no certain hope of ema eerving &west resources Mil the dash; •left after logging operations, le disposed of, The experience of rangers show thief; 011ee a fere gets a S1 barb In Slash tun of men cannot eheah .A fire at Golden, B.C., last Stine was quoted aa an example.. This fire started' in ,elaela where logging operations were being carried on. I'anned by a strong wind,' It ob- tained such tr•eadwity that a large force of men eMployed by the luin- ber company, collo were right on'the ground, had te flee for their lives. This fire raged up and down Noe Columbia River for miles, destr,ey- log many nahlon feet of timber and burning up logging eagnIpit and a, logging railway. A large force of fire-fighters proved helpless to stop its reyages. The cenference assented that this eleshpeoblem is becoming MOTO in- sistent and ciangorous every year, BS the,quentity ef slash Ls increased by lumbering operaitione: Much satisfaction. was expressed by the coliferenee at a statement made by the forest inepoct-or, netieg as 'chairman of the meeting, that the Forestry 131'4163016 was to ineti- tube experiments aiS 00011 as poeei- ble to determine the eafeet and most economical method of dispos- ing df logging slas-h. N. More Bronchitis Throat Distress Cured Life -tong Sufferer Tells of Quick Relief From "Catarrhozone." Every breath carries healing balsams to the stok sore Glues In the nose and throat. Montreal this time gives selondid praiso for the modern way of curing colds, ca- tarrh and bronchitis. Instead of taking ,sickening drugs! Into the stomach, or using an old-fashiOned spray, the sensible man now.a-days breathes the soothing vapor of Catarrh- orone and seta well right away. This is meetly what Mr. Joseph Daoust did, and vatting from his office at 57 St Paul St, he says:- "/ suffered for years from the worst form of chrorsie bronchial throat an4. nasal eatarrh, I tried all kinds of syrups, ointmente, tablets and washes, but they proved ineffective. In foot I could get no relief, I read in the Montreal Witness of Chstarrhozono an4 bought an outfit. In a ?ow hours I got relief. The air pas- sagce of my nose were cleared out, and X was able to breathe freely. My throat wee streng,thened-tuy voice improved - and no longer gagged and coughed. The effect of Catarrhozono was wonderful. Now / an, well -no bronchitis -no throat dietrese. I urge everyone with a weak throat, with a cough, a cold or a touch of catarrh to uso Catarrhos'eno freely." Prominent men in all loathe of life use and endorse 0o,tar5hozono which is a solentifie preparation for throat troubles and Catarrh, It is not a "cure-all." The ololler outfit Contains an Indestruotiblo, hard rubber inhaler and medication for two months' treatment. All „Osamu or post paid from the Catarrhozone Co„ Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Clahada. NOw They Don't Speak. Maude-21So Jeck compared me with something semet, did he? The dear fellow What was i167" Marie -"I don't think I should tell you." Maud -"Oh, do, I insist." Marie -"Well, he referred to you as human marshmallow.' You certainly had laid- the powder on thick, dear." The Import•eit Question. "Does 'she' sing-/" ••-ye,,,e "With or without?" "With or without what? Her music 1'' "No, with or without coaxing." Minard's,Liniment Co., Limited. Some time ago I had a bad attack of Quinsy, which laid me up for two weeks anti cost a lot of money. , Finding Um lump again forming 'in my thiooat 16 bathed freely with MIN- AHD'S LINIMENT, ancl saturating a cloth with the liniment left it on all night,. Next, morniug the swelling was gone and I attributed the warding off of am attack of Ominsy ,to tho free 060 Ot ARD'S LINIMENT. - G. P. WORI)EN. St John.. pared -down three ateries : "I'll have her on the ladder in a minute, chief; I'm \visiting for her to curl: her hair." ' 'An Arab went to his neighbor and aaid, "Lend me your rope." ``I ean'te" said the neighbor. "Why ean't you?" "Beceuse I went to use the eases myself." "For what purpose?" the other persisted. "I want -to tie up five cubic feet of water with it." "Bow on earth," sneered the svoted-be borrower, "-Can yee tie up water with; as eope7"s "My Iriend," said the neighbor, "Allah is groat and he permiSs tie to do strange things with a rope when we don't wa:nt to lend 'it." WHAT FOLLOWED' A CUT. A MagIstrate44 'Wonderful Expert. tome With Zani-Buk, - Mr, J 13. Arsenault, o us Vise,. Of the Peace, and station master Wellington, on the Prince Edward Island fLy.6 has had ii wondeTful pr,00f of the healing power of Zam- Buir, Ile says 1 "Four years ago / had an acci- dent. I ;dipped m the station and fell on a freight truck, sustaining a bad cut on the front of my leg, I thoorght this 'would heal, but,,,tn- stead of doing so It developed into O bad ulcer and later into a form of eczema which spread very rap- idly and also started ,on the other leg. Both legs became 80 swollen and sore that I could only go about my Work by having them bandaged. My doctor 'said I must 'stop work and' lay up. "After six monthsof this trou- ble 1 consulted another doctor, but with '''no better result. 1 tried all the salves, liniments and lotions hoard' of, but instead of getting better I got worSe. • ' "This was ray -condition when'I got , my first 13oX of Zario-Buk. Greatly to Mio delight that firet boxs gave me relief. f siontinued th ap- ply it to the sores,, and' day by day they got better, I 'could see that at last I had 'got hold of something which would mire me• and in the end it did. 0s It is now over a year since Zatn- Buk ,worked a -cum in my Oalle and there has been no return of the ees, zeine or anytrace of it." All -druggists and storee sell at 50e, box ox pest free from Zara -B uk Co., Toronto', upon reeeiptef prioe. 65, CITY LIFE 'AND PHYSIQUE. ' Town Mon Bettei. Developed Than Countrymen0 oA good deal used to he •said and written about the debilitating effect of urban life upon individual phy- sique. It was, indeed, so far taken for granted that the ru•rel militia- man was phyeicelly superior to the townsman, that one Of the stook arguments for the encouragement of English agriculture by oorn laws - and ether peetectie-e legislation was the necessity of preserving that yeo- manry of England which was al- leged to furnish the military sinew of the kingdom. When one attempts to adduce aocurate .statistical evidence a this rural prowess in pint of physical development, howeve:r, one does not find the expected proofs so readily forthcoming. Statistical data to prove or to disprove the elaim are not to be had in this country. We must go to, ileose oountries. of oontinental Europe, such as Branco, Germaney and Italy,. where universal military -servers 18 cora- palsoeye and where, in conse- quence, pra.etically the whole adult male population is subjected, sec tion by .section, to physical examins ation of exactly the :same scope and nature. Now, the evidenoe that comes from all these eountriese-and it is based- upen the measurements of many millioes of men &emu from all motions during the last quarter eeetursm-gives no conclusive sup- 's:mat to the notion that city life is physically debilitating. On the contrary, the percentages of thoee who aro rejected each yew for failure to meet the minimum re- quirements in height, weight, chest unea,surement, a,n•d so forth, is in many eases higher among' ree•ruits from the rural than a.rnong those drafted from the population of the Serge eities.' Military leaders -have frequently, in :the great wars of the mth cen- tury, eommented upon the 'superior powers of physical endurance dis- played by urban, regiments. If the erbenization of a people means phy.skal degeneracy, 151ie evidence now Obtainable gives no conolusive proof of it. Health, strength and vigor evi- dently depend less on place of resi- dence and ocoupation than upon oleandinessvariety of diet, and prompt setention to minoe bodily FOOLISH TO KEEP COS Putnara'S Extractor Removes 'Erg No way to extract a cons like painting on Putnam's Corn Extractor; it's the surest Corn Doctor eyes. known. Eases up that a NV. ful pinoli over night, brings out the hard icor- ', not of the corn and 10aNati tAlti t..00 811100th ha silk, . Millions of people have //;.BDIX.3tvrneedior PttltugaemB itu'ine Cs°131.:- d„. „ ,eess; it will renfove your • 6000011,orne, warts and callouses s, old in 200. bottles and recommended by , druggists. An Ambiguous Question. "That's' a ,well unabeella you cer‘ims14 ,Iit?" "Did yeu come by it honestly 1" 'I haven't quite figured out, It started to rain the other day and I stepped into a doorway to wait fill it stopped, Then Issaw a yoeng fellow doming along with a nice la,rge umbrella„ and I thought if he waS "gbing as far 80 Dv house I would beg ehe shelter of his Mere bersheot. So I stepped out and asked, `Where time you going with thato umbrella, youtg fellow V and he dropped' the kirnbrelia arid ran." SRI SIXTY MILES FOR - Gl PILLS Mr, Sid, Castleman, of Larder Sake, Ont. needed Giu Pills badly. He says; "I had been autterin spine thne With sny_Kidneys and Urine: The pain vvas something awful, and no rest at night. I heard of your Gin Pills and sent My chum 60 miles to get them - and in less than six hours I f elt relief. In tvvo days Ehe pain had left die entirely - and to -day I feel as well as etrer":-.. soc, a box, six for $2.5o. $atuple frail if you write National Drledad Chemical Co., of Canada Limited, 'orOssio. 134 • GARDEN OE EDEN, Theory of 13Ir William Willem:51m Regarding Its Location. , Forty miles west of Old Bagdad, In the vast level ',valley of the hie., forte Euphrates, near Ilk ef the Hittite, lies the traditions/ Gar- den ci•f Urea, POWS o.W,r&ber in the Christian, Etertild. Such Is the in- terestin'g iinclin,g of Sir William Willeocke,„ the furious Egyptian en- gineer a.ncl Bible student, and many other authorities: agree with him, "Out of F.4061 Ortuxu3 a river which wate.red a garden, and from thence kb VMS parted and became four rtirefe," Anei theee four rivere, known in,Bible <lees LVE. the Pleon: Gihon, Biddekel and Etiphraths, the ancient "River of Babylon," have been idenkified by Sir William. It was w-hile studying, surveying and mapping Chel:dea ,provio.us to etarting 'work on the giant tion seheme devised for Meeopoo tamia, that Sir William De -came eon- vinoed that -the reel Garden of Eden lay iss the ee,gion desseibed. The Garden of -Eden lies away over in Tiirkish Arabia, too far from the beaten touriat treil to draw enemy eightmere. Probably not a clezen white travellereee it inst. Whole year. To reach Oheldea, the eafeat and eureet route lies through the Suez, over "Plutraoh'S bones in the Red Seas through the Straits of Babsea Mandeb, up the hot- Pensiest Gulf, and, thence five hundred miles; up the winding Tigris and Euphrates. . Mr. Niggard -I'm Derry to say, dear, regarding--er--that, birthday gift I promised you -or -diamonds are up in pike now, higher than een affor4-- Mrs. Niggard -I'm sorry, dear, Mr. Niggard --Yes, it is disappointing- Mrs. Niggard -- Yes, it's too bad that you'll have to pay more than you can afford. Ettir ESEP" 064 Wash Day 25 Blul reign 10 Cents. Makes the Clothes as White as Snow Try 60! Manufactured by fohneon-PJahardson Co Limited, Montreal, Can. CHENILLE CURTAINS .04 0)1 56(58, 08 Immo lainalnge, elso LACE CURTAINS °"1.440000ANEla WrIte tp 80 AbO0t yonts. mei etecialist. tTlsK A0101110001 DYEING 110„ Dos 233,Montroal A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Pierre Lambert, Paquette- ville, Que., says "I reaZ in the pliPers of What :Baby's Own Tab - lots were doing for other children, so decided .10 try there for my baby, who was suffering from oon- stipation and stomach trouble. They worked like a chaem and now I always keep them in the hoese and recommendthem to all my friends." Baby' a , Own -Tablets mare constipation and indigestion; they camel worms, break up colds and allay simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail al 25 cents a box from The De Williams' Mediciee Go., Brockville, Ont. Griggs -It is mid that coal left exposed to the elements loses ten P020 eent. of its 'Weight Briggs -I left some expesed and there was O much greater lees than that. • Only One "BROOM QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO cienrreis. Look for the signature of 11 W. GROVEL Cures a Cold irk One Day Cures Grin In Two Days, 28e, Easy come, easy go, is as true of seccess as it is of money. Liniment-C--ti;e-s Caoget In Cows. FARMS FOR SALE. Fl. W. DAWSON, Ninety comerne Street, Torohto. OOD STOCK FARM OF POD ACRES ‘tif with Three Houses; large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN kJ Manitoba, Alberta Wirt Saskatchewan that can bo bought. Worth the money tor .rtulck sale. HAVE OVER OND HUNDRED GOOD 8. farms in different eectione of Ontario on my list, If you want a farm consult 1018. It W. DAWSON, Toronto, 000 HUNDRED AGRES, MIDDLESEX County; soil clay loam; frame house; frame barn; close to railway sta- tion. Amily to Herman Wilson, Cold- stream, Ont., or Western Real Estate Ex- ohange, London, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS, 05 TAMP COLLECTORS -HUNDRED DIP. 1,3 ferent Poreigu Stamps, Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents Marks Sterne Company, Toronto. el ISCELLA MMUS. ANTED LIVE WILD ANIMALS, all kinds. Pearsou, Poultryman, Guelph, Ont. In/ ARGAIN REGULAR. 25o. SWEET ALS Slusic et wholesale. 50,11.1p10 COPY 50. Specialties Agency, Box 1836, Winnipeg. 11) OTS ANT) GIRLS -SEND TEN CENTS -16-9 for twenty-ftve pretty poet cavils. lloorworth, Staustead, Quo. C00)04101, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., Internal and external, cured with, out pallt bY our home treatment, Write us before too late. Dr. Bollman Medical Co„ Limited,' Collingwood, Ont. GAOL STONES, KIDNEY AND RIAD, der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred aihnonts positively Mtred with the new German RemedY. "%mei," priee $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure W "Sailors Auto -Diabetes." Price 62.00 from druggists or 'Brea. The Banal Marotta. Luring Company of °anode, Limited. Winnipeg. Mau.. Of All Fine worn in tho United States are manufactured in Novr York, the world's bem st arket. Send for price Het and ship to M. F. Pfaolzor & Go., 6 E. 12th St (Desk 75), N. Y. 50 WE HAVE STARTED A. PRIZE CO PETITIOR In thi interest of purity of goods involv- ing an outlay of 8580, divided into 44 prizes varying from 1100 (first prize) down to 4 n MAPLE SYRUP PIR1ZE CONTEST" Competition Is ihnited to users of the GRIMM CHAMPION EVAPORATOR. Should you own 'ra. grove and want to get thc boot vole° out of lt, and are not usingone of our ETAPORATORS, write to us, stating bow many trees you tap and yrs, will quote YOlt neoess.ry cost suited te your needs. You nen thou entor eeriest and !soy win o °ash prize, tilos rednoin cost of ousot, Prizes will be given for the bast samples of syrup and sugar eent In by April 1511s, closing dote of competition, Samples from Q1017 4,1,1peti- tor will be eslithiled in the rmsnifirent ,,how 1,11,30N.9 "000 Montreal Star," Montreal, during the lnst two weeks of April.. Dont Tail to write at once for copy or our "PrIzo Contest Circulltr," giving the, fullest information. GRIMM MANUrACTURING 001111PANY, LTD. Se Wellington St., Montreal, Que. • • • 2SULii="11g.,M, 00 THE CU 5E4 OF FARM LIFE The outside cloSet — that abomin- able accumulation of disease -laden filth—is the curse of faim life— directly responsible for nine -tenths of .the diseases existing in the rural districts. There Can Be No Doubt About This Rat consider. Here within a few seeps of yourhome's-poison- ing every breath of air you breathe -you have built a post house -a foul-smelling sink -which -must be used by you an yoUr family. And you willingly subject your wife, daughthrs and sons th this risk of disease, publicity and discomfort -in all weathers -winter and summer. Probably you nevor thought of the outside closet in this light bofore. Now yeu know. Make • up your mirel '1.:;sehlet, if oil your farm ab once. In:it:Ill a Good Ilealth. Sanitary Closet -it doesel cost much -end you can have it right in yew: home. - Think of the convenience, QOM- ' fort and protectioe Mom ill health.- Make up your Wed to hav., one withou± another dee's sielay.-La no toll you more abeut the Good Health- bio. set's Mail This Coupon to Us .RIGHT IV 0 TV COUPON The Good Health Co. THE, GOOD HEALTH COMPANY Broekville Ontario Gentlomonl- /Ema outli mne literature giving full pardonless of the Good Health Sanitary Closet. Name, ........