HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-13, Page 5A i 3Februar) 13th, 1913 rest insert (BY l.After, adelightful faltsfinatert :evens: &Owl Was'-hilirryring, litiate,.abadt. half •-past nine rinrime ernpad y thelnaitatild •of. My hostess: who • ipSrated hould net- go atone." Let me.tellay00 what We seAr in Huth short distanee,- •. . Not very Tar*. froM Mohr Lairreet'a •Yinsua Ootadess(childreu real-iy, foethe. trlWoro,Short *kW -trod had her hair : -410-wri)Were. eannterlhalliker ii an •.attitude of Unhaneniing- familiarity which.they boldly keneven while ave. ,-passod. ly :.tionipainen -' Castle hes:: • Marked “Wheire is thati,girretniathee?"- -,,' As We .hurried by the Pen Offiee A . number of small, boys: Wh�. shonld, have beer -shortie and: deleeP, an hoer be- . fore,- were talkingmlisly; chasing one --atiOther aodsorrie Were even: smoking, AgainsthemieStion nry,comparrionhad ',asked dameto iny nand-sarlkee are these heirs' Parente; Can they know *here their- children aae-adii they. : ...care? You -Sity that is a superficial • and perhaps's-instating remark;-4do: • i,hey care'? Well; the evideoce speaks for itself. Maybe the parents are Well intentioned, but there muat he either • a Careless indifference or an .inswise udulgeoce In their attitede tewards their children, , JuSt because Mabel sit.y.s she is going over- to stay at Maud's; that is enough -Arid you are satisfied; you parents. Be', yoe are going out, and. yea *Pect your children to be home and a- sleep before yon collie in.Quite likely - they Will be ; but was it necessary -for them to go ont? Did you know where they Were? Granted that. Mabel does ;. study ah Maud's, I am -riot saying. that ,she Avould. not tell you the absolute truth, granted this, when she studies Maud's is it right for her to come , florae alone? Perhaps she meets, by - amen, a 13 -by friend and they come home together. The next time it is not quite, by chance. Then it grows to be a custom and ,there follows a minimum of studYing and a maxium of street walking andfamiliar talk. Oh, do not raise your brows, you parents. I have seen' it and likely you have too. -Whcre lies, the nouble ? : Bove parents no influence, no aothor- itys with theie children. or has their sense of propriety, of duty, become' so moderized that the good old fashioned motto "early to bed and early tit rise" is a figure of speech only? Ohl then is a great need of more horam life, more family circles' in the evening, more realization of responsibility -among parents! Surely the Curfew Bell wonld be an acqnsition. -There is always someone looking for a good story. If you have not read "Corporal Cameron", Ralph Connor's latest book, try that. Ralph Connor's' stories are always interesting. They are essentially Canadian: -Canadian author, Canadian characters, There isnue regret in Corporal Cameron and that is that we do not again meet some of the splendid Scotch characters in -1 trodueed tolls in Book I for they are ' very likeahle, I -heard a girl say ion week that she had never read 'Little ' Women" or 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.' She has two treats in -store for her. Tomorrow is Cupid's Birthday. Here's to long life to the little man, who never grows old. If you haven't met him, watch out, you may soon,.. 1 • OORRESPONDENCE. A. B. 0,-Tbe course is six months ; het it depends very greatly upon yoile ability to apply yourself. Call head. quarters and they will give you full particulars, Mrs. MclCss-Yes, and at once! Pro- crastination is evidently one of your weakness. • (Letters intended for this colmen should he addressed tiff "Patty" News Record Officea-filditor News-ReCord. • Goderich • Miss Mildred Smith cif Simeoe has been visiting Mr'. and Mrs. a H. Hum- ' bee, Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing ate in Leamington visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. D. CoX. .• • Mr. 'Harry Washington of Dayton, Ohio has been visiting the old -home in town. Judge and Mrs. Doyle left last week. for Savannah,. -Georgia, when they . wilispend the remuspdee of the win - Mr. and Mrs. ,Tohn. Cutt of Grey township have sold. their farm and are coining to reside in toWn. • Goderich will get $200,000 for harbor improvements this year, On Tuesday of last week Miss Chaistina Marie, daughter of Mi'. Sam- uel Ayers of town, was married in St. Peter's church to Mr. Edward- J. Kentz of Saltford. Rev. Father Mc- • Rae peeformod the ceremony. John Hillier, en old and esteemed rds sident of town, passed away on Sim- ; day week after an ilhiosa• of some dor- •' ati.on, He -was seventy-four years of age and leaves his wife and 0.family of ' ten, seven daughters and three sons. ' The Marriage toote place on Tuesday of last week at the home of Mrs: jee- seen Goldthrope, Sr. of her daughter, Ethily, to Hugh J, A. Maarvan,, son of the late Peter MacEwen and of Mrs.-. shlite.Ewain of town. Rev. J. B. Faber- inglutor performed the ceremony. Clinton News -Record 1111111•1010.111.1111•1111.10.1. ettsall ll'Er. ,Llyd Steaoy loEb Ian Week for Alriristonahaving hoer t.traneferred to that brawls of the' MalsonaBank-;: Mies Ella McPherson ,has -return pleasant ,,fortnight's *.visitea, -with Hamilitoa'frieads, s Mr. Cahn Hudson fellnir an ley walk he otherday fractueing his hips' Burglaea entered the' post -elfin at •Crediten the Other:night "find tilist0-, ing the- safe open aroused the bank • clerks who Ivere occupying reroute ovei • thelsank.opposite, who fired their re- • volvers. 'the thieVes frightening -them • Miss Hattie Sutherland was a visit - Or in Clinton last weels. Mr, mid Mrs. Rea of St. Mary's vis- ited Mr. S. MeD. Wilson last week, • Those desiring ice haye beep gather- ing in •their harvest during the past -week or sto - Setxrth. . : • Mre. A., -D. Sutherland and libido Soo have returned'from a visit in 'Ana loss Mills of Woodstock Mid Mies .Grade Sntherlahd ol Hamilton Were in town last weok attending' the rtineral of the -late Mrs. Lunisaen, Miss McGann of sWallanhurg and Miss Mahon of London have rifilatreed to their homes aftersa pleasant. visit with Mrs, Alex. akLennaa of town. 1. Ivies. 1, L. Mental hag retained from 'a visit of several weeks with her son, Dr. McItaal of Toronto. Mr. McKenzie, Who has been in Sea- -forth for seine time on the staff of the Dominion Bank, has gone to Sask., alroorG Sask., to accept a position in a real estate office. Mrs. Harvey and daughter have re- turned to their home in Detroit after fg visit with friends in Harper -hey. Ili, Harold Best cif Weyburn, Sask., has been visiting in town. • air. and Mrs. W. IL Golding were presented lir the Edelweis. Rebekah _Lodge with an address and a hand- some elude, in- view of their recent meatiage, at the meeting of the lodge one evening last week. - Mrs. R. Lumsden, a very highly es- teemed lady, passed Away 00 Sunday week, after a lengthy illness., Rev. James Argo will be inducted today Unto the pastorate Of Egmondvi le Presbyterian chilirch, which was ren- dered vacant by the lamented death of the Rev. Neil Shaw. • Miss May Bennet of Mona, Michi- gall, has been visiting her aunt. Mrs. Jamieson. Me, and Mrs, R. McKinnon of Cal- gary. Atha., have been' here visiting the lady's parents, Mr, and Drs. T. Carney. , Miss Fergus Campbell has gone to visit ,her sister in Nashville, Tenn. The following officers were appoint- ed in the Seaforth Turf Club at Urea,' recent annual meeting. • President, D. '1'. Pinkney., Vice, Frank KIing- "t'reasuier, W. C. T. Moran'. Secretory, M. Broderich. Directors, W. Govenlock, 0, Al Henderson, . H. Colbcrt, W. Oudmore, John Bell, — Marriages GIBSON-ELLIOTT-At, Stoughton, Sask., on Jan. 22n5, by Rev, Mr, Stewart, Florence, youngest daughter of Mr. James Elliott of Porter's Hill, to Edgar Gibson of ' Willowbunch, Saslc. KUNTZ-AYERS-In Goderich on Feb. 4th, by Rev. Father McRae, Christina Marie, daughter of Mr. Samuel Ayers, Jo Edward J. Kuntz of Saltford. MacEWAN- G OLDTHROPE. - At the home of the bride, on Fdb- - ruary 1.tb, by Rev. J. B. Pother:- • Ingham, Hugh J. A. MacEwan to Emily Goldthrope, daughter of. Mrs. Jane Goldthorpe, all of Goderich, Births 13IGG ART -In Clinton on- Feb Stli, to Mr. and Mis W. Ifiggart, a daughter. ' MERRILL-In Goclerich township on Feb. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Merrill, a son, BRYDGES-In Belgrave, Feb. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brydges; son. • , GINGERICH-At the Goshen L Inc Hay, ,on Feb.' 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Giagerich, a son. BEOFILER-At the Bronson Line, Hay on Feb. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. SolomonBechler, a daugh- ter. PARK S. -A t Dungannon, on Febru- ary lth, to Mr. and- Mrs. Rich- ard Parks, a son. 'Deaths - WILSON -I n Wingham, Feb, 4th, John Wilson, V. S., aged 51 years. LUMSDEN-In Sea:forth; on Feb. Snd, Elsie Guthrie, relict oil the late Robert LuniSden, Godeirich, on Feb, 2115, -.John Hillier, in his 7411 year. MARSHALL --In. Clinton on Feb. 61-11, Robert . Marshall pt- the Hayfield Road, aged 68 years. P - LINDSAY -In Goderich township on Feb. 8th,-Jaines H. Lindsay in his 77th year. Wingham Mims Helen Wilson has gone to Mil- ton to take a •position on the Public eehool teaching staff. Mr. Thos, Hart has gonesto Toronte to spend -a few weeks. Mr, A. H. Musgrove left last week to be present tut the- Ontario Maisie.- ture. It was his ditty ,this session to move the reply to the speech from the theone. A couple of rinks of curlers from town took in the bonspen„ nt Londou ,ancl Harrison last week. „ Dr. :John Wilson, after a brief but painfal illness, passed away at his honk here last week. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon. West Huren Farmer's] nstitute will meet in Wingham on FridaY after. noon and evening, Mr. fa Ponders Road Mastee no the, G. T. R., who, has had. his office in Wingham for some time, has been transferred to Palmerton. . Mr. Robb. A. Currie has purehased the furniture and- undertaking, bus- iness of the late Mr. Samuel Grace:sr:- Min-Mulvey was in Toronto foe a few days last week, Wise Laura Rich of LOndon visited Wingham friends last week. Mr. Thos. Appleby of Turnberry has purehased the farm of Mr. 3, T. Scott -of the 10th con, . - WOOD -WANTED. -FIFTEEN cords of hard maple, all body weed 22 inches long wanted for the Clin- ton Model School, Tender's re- ceived up to Feb. aoth.,-. Kemp, Chairman Property Committee. . -68-1. POO, SALlilLaA' 'QUANTITY' , sOE* "gocid :Tintathy le -Levi -Sttong Haeetine, "08, , ,s'rbolcgrt.P031 AL1t.-.TWELVE good: . twriSyear-oldS, • grain' IiIngeire. at News-Reedrd Office.,:" , *MEDIATE PRIV:4TE,, SALE- ••••01s • good , diningsroorn,, 'bedroom and- .1111.-: rosy -furniture, , also nrinitli - bed, lgentlesnans' • Swardrobei and sewing - -machine', all as good. as new. 'Call', afternoons or :evenings at the res sideneeL of J.. 13. Hoover:. 76 -Rat- , , tennury street, West. FOR SALE.---T1-1E UNDERSIGNED • haS.' for sl-th 1 mare 10 years old in foal, • 1 mare 12 years old, 1 • colt risiog 2 years; 1 colt rising 1 year:, 1 cow in calf, 2 spring cal- ves.-J,^Perey Cole, con. 6, 000e- rich- Township, Clinton, P. 0. Phone 1 on 1513, '--68, FOR SALE. ---THE UNDER;SIGNED- • will dispose of ,by private sale the following : horse 10 years old, ags . ed driving mare, :farrow cow, buggy nearly ' new, binder nearly new, hay fork, car a and 100 feet rope, set -single harness and ,other articles. -F. 5-1 Powell and ` W. Glen, Executors .Robert Marshall Estate. -68 _ CUSTOM SAWING WANTED AT Let 6,, Sauble Lin'e, Stanley town- ship, the farm of Wm. Evans, by MeEwan Bros., 'Hayfield. $3 per thousand,' custom work. ,-63. TO -RENT OR' . two-story brick 'street known as ectric light and acres orchard. felon's - FOR SALE -THE house on Raglan "The Maples." El - waterworks, Two Stable. -D, Can - TEACHER WANTED FOR . HOL- mesville Public School, duties to commence after 'Easter. Applica- tions ,stating salary and experience -received up to February 20th. - 13. Glidden, Secretary, Holmes- ville. -66-3. - DANCING CLASS EVERY P13355 - day Night in Town hall. Instruc- tion given from 7-9. ,Hall open to all after nine for dancing, Parties welcome, Terms upon application. Under management of Miss M. Rance. CO SERVANT WANTED. -APPLY • TO Mrs, Malcolm McTaggart. -57 DRIVING HORSE FOR ,.SALE, four years old, also buggy good as 'new and set double harness. -Harry Hayes, Clinton. • --67 COTTAGE TO RENT OR FOR sale on Mary street. Electric light -C. 1, Giew, Phone 15 on 114.-67 WOOD WANTED -200 cords of first class wood cut 14, 16 and 18 inches long. -A, Forbes, Coal Yards, - -63 THE ZEN 'S _ BAND WILT., present Stella Mackay's roar -act drama, -"Hamel Kirke," in the , town , hall, Clinton; be Thursday, -March 27th, under the able -Mike- . tion of Miss May Rancefasts or good music. • FOR SALE. -TWO HORSE POWER motor, 500 voltage,' direct etirrent, Price $00 freight prepaid. --J. 11. Chapman & Co., London. -68-1 00031 MORNING I • •. Good Morning I dear' reader. How does your sub. to The News -Record read? The label telle the -story., MISS ISI11141A LAVIS, TEACHER ot Piano, is prepared to take pup- ils for piano instruction at. her home, corner Isaac and Joseph streets. Intermediate Standing. -66- MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. -MISS Fernlee • Allin will give vocal les- sons to a limited number 'of- pup- ils. at her home. -Ontario St. Methodist Parsonage. • -64 F011 SALE -3 DRAUGHT, COLTS, I rising 1, 1 rising 2 and 1 rising 3 years, the latter two being well matched. -Apply to John Ifolmes "Itueon Road. -61-. SHORTHORN BULLS , FOR, SALIC. -4 grand yohng bulls from sows that *we reserved at our sale al- ter the fire and sired by the im- ported, bull Best Boy. Prices rea- sonable. s Come and see them. - Wm, Grainger & Son, Londesboro. -01-0 FOR SALE -A LARGE 6 OCTAVE • piano cased organ, as good as new, 'only in use' 3 months. Will sell cheap, '1'erms to suit putchaser.- Apply to Wesley Walkers -61 HELP WANTED--TIIE JACKSON Mfg. Company -1 -land 'servers, and *operators. Steady work, Short hours, Well lighted and ventilated work rooms. Good pay. -Apply office or to J. McLeod, Supt. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCIL and Implements, Mr. Gs. R, El- liott has instructed the Undersigned • to sell by public auction at Lot .23, Hayfield Line', Groclerich • ship on Wednesday, Feb, 261h, at -1:30 o'clock the renewing, 2 work- ' ing horses 10. years Ohl, 1 mare lO • old in feat, 1 driving Mare :*6 years -old,- 2 COWS to calve 101 April 1 cow to calve lith, March , , 2 'dry cowS, 1 newly, calyed cow, 1 cow to calve 111 May, 5 steers 11• years old, 6, heifers'13 years, 2 -yearling, lieifers, 1 calf 1 month old, 1 Frost &, Wood' binder 6 ft , Cut, 1 FrOst ,& Woad mown 15- ft cut, - 1 has; rake, If aisc. .1 -rays row, 1 spriog° teeth cultivator., 1 set of diamood harrows, 1 seed - drill, 1 gang plow', 1„wanting ploW, 1 roller, 1* seufffer, 1 wagon, 1 top buggy, .1. cutter, lt set of bob sleighs, 1 set _double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 pea harirester, 1 Mg. rack, 1 hay rack, 1 'gravel box., 1 fanning mili, 1 pulper, 1 Massey - Harris cutting *Boil, 1 10 -horse' power in good running order, 2 set of whiffle trees, 1 neck yolte, 100 hen:s, forks, shoveli and other - articles too numerons to mention, -Terms :-10 months credit or • 4 percent. straightfor Cash. 'Phere , will be no reserve as • the proprie- tor has disposed of his farah-G. R. Shepperd, proprietor, G. El- • liott, auctioneer, - AUCTION SALE OF FARM,STO OK and Timilements, IVIr. Albert Rum-, , ban has instructed the undersigned to sell by public antion at Lot 9, Cori. 11., goderich township, oa Friday, Feb. 21st, at 1 ,o'clock, p. m., the following : Bay niare in foal 12 years old, Gelding rising 2 -years, by Border McGregor, filly rising 2, by Red Ticket, Filly riss ing 3, by Flasliwood, Filly rising 3 by Lockenhar, 0115 rising 3, by _Forster's hackney, colt rising 1, by Skeken Stamp, mare ris- ing 9 years, in foal, 6 cows sup- posed to be in calf, two to come in about March 1st 7 spriag calves (Choice) 2 steers rising 3 years old, 2 heifers rising 3 years, 4 heifers rising 2 years, 2 steers ris- ing 2 years, 1 brood sow in pie, 13 sheep. Binder, Frost & Wood Massey -Harris mower, nearly new, Sulky rake, Cultivator, Coulthard .& Scott, Disc Harrow, Massey -Har- ris seed • drill, Land roller, Walk- ing plow, Set of team harness, Set bob sleigha, Wagon, Hay rack, Fan- ning mill, Cutting box,Pulper, Set harrows, Massey -Harris manure spreader, Buggy, Cart, Cutter nearly new* Grind stone, Daisy churn, Illehstte. cream. separatir, Iron kettle, Slings, ropes and pul- leys, Whiffietrees arid neck yoks. chains andhoes, A. quantity of hay, A quantity of grain, 'Grain bags, about 100 young hens, Some furnitute. There \yin be no reserve as the proprietor • has sold his farm and is giving up farming, Terms -8 months credit or 8 per- cent. pee annum for cash. Hay aod grain cash. --Albert Rumball, pro- prietor, Cleo. TI. Elliott, Auction- eer, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements. -Mr. W. T. Henry • has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot, 23, Con, 6, Mullett on Thursday, Fob- rualy 20th'at 1 1010011 p. 10, sharp the following : Black Perch- -eron mare rising 5 yeare old, Black Percheron gelding rising 1 years old, matched, black roadster - gelding. 8 years old, Grey roadster gelding 3 years old, Bay roalsser gelding rising 2 both broke, Bay Clyesdele filly rising 1 year old, ol Impor ted • Stock. Fresh COW, COW to freSlien in ...May, Cow to freshen in July, Cow to freshen in Oetober, 2 heifers 2 years old, Heiner 1 year old, Steer t year Old, Steer' fisilig 1 year , old, 4 young calves, 5 fat hogs, 50 hens, 5 cockerels, Massey -Harris binder, Massey-Ha,r,ris mower, Drill and cultivator (combined), Sulky rake, , Turnip _drill, 'Purriip eutter, 2 plows, twin plow, Seidner, Fantring mill, Scales 2000 lbs., Limber wagon with box, Set of hob sleighs, Trucks combination box, Top buggy, Open buggy, 2 mitten's, 2 set of healry hotness 1. nearly new. s Set al plow harnses, 5 good col- lars, Set ot single harness, 'Car, lope, fork and slings, ',Wheel bar - retry, Crow bar, Gravel box 2 twenty ft ladder, Grain *bags, 4 augers .and saws, grain cradle, Cedar posts, 1 -lay and Oat:3, Crearn separator, Daisy churn, Cook stove nearly new,: Parlor stove, 30 yards linoleum, Side -board, Dresser:, Table, 3 bed steads, chairs, -50 glass 'jars and other 31 101105 too iminerous to ,mention. Thera will be no reserve as the proprietor, has sold bis farmand is giving , gip farming. 'Perms: All stuns- ot $1.0 and under cash, 'on over that airiount 10 months credit will -he given On approved jaint notes orssa -discount 01 4. per cent. straight her cas_h. Hogs,„ hay, h_eas and eate cash. W. T. Fleury, Proprietor. T. Guncity, 'Auctioneer. FARM...FOR Si.a1-1,6:i-TRE UNDER - signed offets tor sale Cale hundred acres' of as good' land as there is in .the County nf -1-turon,,- being part of 'Lots. ,25 Mut 26 on the 17th .Clon., Godericlt totynship, -Doe mile north of Clinton, 1.1 miles front school. On the, farm is a . „ frame. bare 3.8x30.. with , good: Cern- ent *all also a stone. stable 2 ' 50 with hay •lort, .above ; comfort- able 11 rOOnt frame house, a nev ger-falling svoll ,and one acte oE 017-' r chard -Reason . ter selling, ill health. For -particulars amity on • the , premises Sm address -Joseph Colclough, --P. -46 EXECUTORS' SALE OP P ARM property.-Thc executors of the estate of Thomas Bea00111 • WM of- fer for sale at public forchisin 'at the Commercial hotel, Clinton, on , Saturday the '1st • day ot March at 2 o'clock p.m., lo,t number 30 in the,Bayfield concession 'of the tOwn- ship of • Goderich containing 76 acres of land more or less. The property is wen located aad would make a geed graaing farm. Terms of sale 15 per cent. on the date of , sale- and the balance 30 days there- after. For further particulars arid .conditions of sale 'applY to the en- dersIgned.-John T. Harland and Elizabeth Beacom, Executors: W. Brydone Solicitor for the Execu- • tors. Dated the 51)11• day tif Feb- ' nary 1913. 4-67-3 HOUSE 1.i'0R SALE ON ONT ARIO _ street„ eight rooms; hard ard soft,' - water, Ass acre et land- Well roc- abed—Apply- to Mrs. D, Connell, --60„ SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines, -A. Hoop- er, Albert streot. --30, FARM TO 11E NT OR POR Sale, 7 known as - ", Springhill Farm " on the. Bay f ield Road, Goderich eownship, consist- ing175 acres south half lots 51 , „ and 52 and part 53 and 51. 5 wo "miles from Clinton emd 'one from school. A first-class stock and grain farm., 35 aeries of good pas- ture land. Well 'watered and has • nevee failing spring ,at barn. Good wells and cisteres: Bank barn tax52, with stone stabling. 150 apple trees just beginniog to bear and all kinds of small fruits. Owing to„ the death bf 'the owner the farm nthat be sold or rented. -F. Id. Powell and W. 'Glen,, Executors . Robert Marshall Estate, Clinton, P.O. -39, MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster- general, will received at Ottawa 'until Noon, on Friday the 11t11 March, 1913 far the convey- ance of His:Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract -for four years six times per :yeek over special Rural Mail Route S, W. from Clinton, On- tario, to commence at the 'pleasure of the Postmaster Genere,l, : Printed notices; containing further information as- to conditions of pro- posed Contract ' may be seen and blank forms of Tender maybe ob- tained at the Post Offices of Clin- ton, Holmesville and at, the Office of the. Post Office InspeCtor at London. G. Ci ANDERSON, Superintendent. Post Office Department,, Mail Ser- vice Branch Ottawa, 27th January, 1913. ' MAIL CONTRA ea*. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General,- Will' be received at Ottawa until Noon, , on Friday the 710, March 1913 tor the piracy - ;inn '01 His Majesty's Mails ou proposed Contract 163 four years sixton t.SIPP1;:iapl "No r t‘sheekM°iAsrtP Rtthi ral Hall Route, to commence at the , Post- master sGeneral's pleasure, printed notices, containing further' information as t_o conditions et pro- posed Contract, may be seen and blank forms of Tender inay be ob- tained at the Post Office of Clin- ton Ilolmceville and the Office of the Post Office Inspector at London. • G. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent, Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa 1501 January 1913. MA I I CONTRA CT.- - Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received 10 Ottawa until Noon, 011 Friday the 7th, March 1913 for the nitre). - fine or firs Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week over Londesboro Special (Huron W. R.) Rural Mail Route, to commence at the . Post- master General's. pleasure. Printed notices, containing further _ information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract, may be seen and blank forms of 'fender may be o.b- tallied at the, Post- Office of Londes- bore and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at London. • 0. C. ANDERSON. Superintendents Post Office Department, Mail Ser vice Branch, Ottawa 15th January 1913. FARM FOR SALE ON THE OUT Line, Goderich township ls mile from Holmesville, 4Sa miles from Clinton, consisting of 80 acres. The farm is in a good state of cul- tivation, well watered by never - failing, spring, and well. Good or- chard. Buildings all ,first class and in geed repair. Owner desires to sell owing to ill health. , Dar- ' gain for' (Mick Sale. -W, Pickard, Holmesvil Ie. -65 "ARM FOR SALE ESTATE OF Thomas -Beacom, deceased. The Executors offer for hunted -tate -sale. lot 30, Hayfield Concession, od- elicit Township, 16 acres more or less. -For teens .apply 1.5 T. Harland or W. Bryilone. FARM. FOR SALE -The, Exedutor of the Southoomhe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being eastshalf el lot 28, 'con. 6, I-Iullett, This is a firat-class (arra, well watered and improved and with good buildings. Also Ma undersigeed offers for sale tat 29, con. 6, Bullett, consisting of 100 acres. „These farma may be bought together or separately.- Apply- to R. J. Southcombei Clin- ton P. 0, • -89 , MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed Tende'rs addresSed to Ole Postinaster General, will be, received at Ottawa until, Noon, on Friday the 1410, March 1913 for the convey - a1100 of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four , years Ex Times peg week over Rura Mail Route from Clinton lAhna Way), Hullett Township, Ontario, -to commence at the Postmaster .Gen- eral's Pleasure, , Printed notices, containing further information as to conditions of pro- , Posed Contract, may be seen and blank terms of Tender may he eb- tained at the Post Office of Clinto and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Lon,don.• 0, ANDERSON, , Superintendent Post Offices Department, Mall Ser. - vice Branch, Ottawa, 200, January" 1913. MAIL CONTRACT. Seated Tenders addressed to the postmaster General, rvill be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 7th, March 1913 for the convey- ance ot His Majesty's Mails on a prOposed Contract for four years six Times per weelf, over Rural Mail Route from Seeforth (Con- stance Way) Ontario, to commence at the Postmaster General's Pleas: - tire. Printed notices, containing iurther information asto conditions of pro posed Contract, mar, be seen and blank forms or Tender may be ob- tained at the . Post .0ffices of Sea - forth, - Constance and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Lon- don, G. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent, Poirt Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa, 1610, January 1913. MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed 'renders addressed to the Postmaster General,- will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 14th, March 1913 for the convey- ance of His Majesty's Mails on a reposed Contract for four years six Times per week over Rural Mail Roan from Clinton (Sunlit -ru- t ill Way) Ontario, to commence at the PiAtmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices, containing further jadormation as to conditions of pro- rosed Contract, . may be nen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at! the Post Offices of Clin- ton, Summerhill and Constance and at the Office of the Post; Office ire specter at London. - G. C. ANDERSON.' Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Ser - rice Branch, Ottawa, 17 th, January 1913. MALL CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addreSsed to -the ostmaster General, -will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 70h, March 1918 far the convey- ance of His . Majesty's Mails on' a proposed Contract tor four years ix Times per week over Rural Mali Bolide from Bayficla, Ontario, to commence at the Postmaster General's Pleasure, Printed notices, Containing further information as to conditions of pro posed Contract, may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be rib- ,ained at the Post Offices of Ray- ' eild Porter's and at the Office f the Post Office Inspector at Lon- . on. • 0. C. AN'DERSON, Superintendent, Post Office Department, Mail Ser - rice 'Branch, Ottawa, 16th, January 1913. - FARM FOR RENT. ---IDT 11; CON. 6, containing 100 acres situatn,d miles south of the village of Var- na,' near to good sehool and chur- ches. Will :rent for term of 3 or 5 years, to suit the renter. Pos- session can be 'given at Once. For farther particulars apply to Mr., A R id Var P to Andrew e , na P. or Rev: 11 Murray 3827 Nortk Moyne Ave. Chicago Tat. , s , -19. sdvortising in The News -Record pays. MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders 'addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the Ith, Marche 1913 for the coovey- once oil Nis Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years ix thnes per week over special Run - 'al Mail Route from CI oderich (Lake Shore Way) Ontario Lo commence at tire Postmaster General's Pleasure, Printed notices, containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract, may be seen and blank Terms of Tender rimy bo ob- ,tained at the Post Office of (Soder- oh, and at the Office of the Post Of - doe Inspector at London. • 0. C. ANDERSON. " . Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice tranch, Ottawa, 14111 January, 1913. MAIL, CONTRA CT. 19011 SALE - A GOOD COAL range. -Apply to Wesley Welker, Clinton. -62. FARM FOR SALE-TIIE UNDER- .. signed oilers for:sale his fine tarns town wnaboofut011.0310torai.cresThaedif°airnmiligis a good state of cultivation and. has good . buildings -brick house, bank barn, drivinChouse, pig pen, etc -all comparatively neW. A first class young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable home, For , further particulars apply -on premises or address Joint Torrance, Clinton P. 0. " .•••••••••••••••••••••• • AIR • • , . 41 If you wete to ask for the : loan of our little hatchet it: we would be compelled • to tell you qi is Lent. • • And we have a full as: • • • sortment of Fish on hand • • -FRESH. HALIBUT -FRESH SEA SALMON , * -FRESH SALMON TRO'T * • • • FRE --SII SMELTS • a • ° - FRES a FIERRING ' • a • . • --FRESH WHITE FISH • -FRES LETTTOIS •. • * • Wednesdays • • • • • • AND : • • • • . : Fridays • : . • • • • • W. T. O'NEIL • • • • • • “The Hub Grocery." • • • • • Good Health For All the Family. You can secure good befalli ifor all. by letting us install one Of our sanitary Chemical Closets. Every, house should have ore. Scaled, Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the' 7th, March 1913 for the' convey- ance of His Majesty's Mails on a Proposed Contract "for four years, ix times per week, over Rural Mail Route from Goderich (Porter's Hill Way) Ontario; to, commence at ` tho Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices, containing furtker information as to conditions of' pm - posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices of Gode- rich, Porter's Hill and at the Office. of the Post Office Inspector at Lon- don. G. 0, ANDERSON, Superiatendent. , Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, . Ottawa, 11111, ,Tanuary, 1913, EASILY INSTALLED. PRICE IS MODERATE. Call. at R. Rowland's Hardware and eee tor yourself or Phone 52. THOS. HAWKINS. Any You want done in the 111)0 01 Plumbing, Heating, Tin= sm:thing or Metallic' Work call and get our prices. Jobbing and Repairing done promptly. Skates sharpetie±_l_w_hi_leyou wait BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Pltimbers Phone 7; Ancient Order of Foresters. The only Legal Reserve Fraternal ociety doing business in Canada. Incorporated by special Act of the fominion Parliament. Full Government Reserve main- ained on every polies,. Fixed rates and definite contract with special privileges. Whole Life 10, 15, 20, 25 and 36, Pay -Life Policies and Endowment. Comparison Invited. No Raise in Rates. No Assessment. For further particulars enquire of any member of Court Prosperity, et 01 A. F.Cudmore, Secretary Home Stuay Thousands of ambitious young people are being Matt noted in' their homes by our HOMO Study Dent. You may finish at College if yott desire. Pay when- ever you wish. Thirty YearS' Exper- ience. Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. PosItionS anarataead. If you Wish to eaVo board tind learn while yoU earn, Ivolte for particulars. • NO VACATION CLINTON BUSINESS coLLEoS CEO. SPOTTON, PRESIDENT 11111.11111111111.11