HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-13, Page 3or Wcai or for % Or, A Dark Temptation CHAPTER XVIII.--( 'Omani) In an einstent the gtenteef, 3144-0110(001prevailed. Paseongere lied left (ho 000017 and were hurrying breathleenly to th pot that might 1111131) Wi1dleiilik:(1 ouch 'tragedy. The bright, glarieg light fro the engine fell Kull upoti t,he p1iid fac orowded in the 04141.111144 rings of golde heir elnetered theat at; that lovely 012 fat fairethan over poet dreamed of o 141t painted, wo Tdaelafiguree, one faultlees ie /tree had hurried toward Ole GCOTI-0 freni genes; tho shadoWt, of .the &telt ,pines, and ha mingled with the exeited" passenger's, Harold Tremaine-for ono in fan] • 1088, 110008 wee lie -ground' his teeth i impritent rage as he realized ,that 111 , seheme hre ad bet thwarted' bY seme•yout girl who heel dlimovered t,ho 1)000110tiee rand ;saved the train. , "Perhaps it wee blot Ito well after ell, he coneluded; for Percy Granville did ne 'appear to be 1110110044 the pas/tenger/a h -had net taken that grain. Again /land ' soma Percy Granville , heel eeceped 1711 t,errible fate 11111 relentless foe had niarke out for hien. • Tremalne pressed forWard eagerlY wit the reet to behold the young girl wh had saved the train, mentally wonderin how in the world ghe had clamoVared 11- boas she happened to bo at this lonel plebe at this 1.104100410144hour-and if slz lead by 81044 chance heard his COMP/mile and himself plamiing the affair vrhe they had fancied themeelves so 8000001 alone • in. the dense 8017,00,One -glance at that lovely white flute ewatea and despite the golden hair and th frreat oh:angel; 11141098se had made, Tee- maim/ reeognited her -Gay Esterbrook whom lie beneved .to be in the Z44(11012r011d ruins of the old briok /tome) on the 7.1131. rOadmEhlY in the flesh ee sure as fate. , No one not -Mee lthn in the great een 'Meets aem bout th. A quick thought flashes through the villain's brain,. hie black eyes glitter with a devilish gleam he 8110111410 to-ewes/1A, raise) Gay in hie strong athletic 100207, and in. an inetant quite unnoticea, he has gained the dark shadows -beyond with hie lovely uncon burden.9011008 ' .01IAPTER XIX, --a—se 1 , Whe over I elle lo to 1 N I will eurely ao ' `„ °out 001 You, _ - ,iL`,.(1ce,g,"‘,,u4n,,,,,b,.. 11,esegi.y„,'tLit,1:, filtny. boy," retn reed f II • "'")..et maim 0 # parting woede of the /Meter esehe quitted - * death a lo 1410141 °twice" to boar." Ie that momeat Perey etene2ilbetZ,d, '010 the' room: ' ' '.`itay dear young'man," he had said gently, "I meet remind you that your uncle'o lite hangs on a mere t14123041. ,TIle leam, excitement, the jot a /site I., on would sond him into 31031) 442v beforo you lissom aggro heti rho not re1011)110011e1011)110011him „ with a etingier, blow, just as she had 1' done ones before for 1110 6111110 (11t0111,0, e'3 617r/tight upon his aristoeratic 14400ee with o 1)01' 11421440 clinched white baud. 0 "Stand bash -do not, toucli me," the pantedg'oe will throw myself 04101'011113 e, dOW11 into the water below." n The handsome villain 101,44114, 174141 that ° 111012111641 130)11(1)eroze the blood le poor t" helpless Gay's vetus• a peaserse little 11511.114411511.1144 you are s, to be' sure, to stand oat so bravely 0(111 7)043'defy me. By ()barge, this 111(111)011 wooing gives a. soot to it; but from tale Era yens. 110011-00417041110011-004170411114111m 1414)110 1180 all the more 0111311441801113114418 aeo win you and 1111110o 41074, and n elin your wings, my beautiful, 8421104144141144,8421104144141144,g, hiad paradise whose beauty bee be- g., witched ine; 441101)08 "nothing tame abOnt this 1010101100, by the eteruall But, 113:7 , charming Gay, my bride to be. I Inst exact a kiss ter the brave you dealt me, ° here end. 11.0W, Why struggle when you e know you meet submit to it?" I No wonder the aeilliehre breath upon 0 her cheek and the elitep' of his arm d Around. her 100(111111011d poor Gay and made , her desperate, sho had suffered so, a With a 'low, frenzied cry she flung off • the deep. of the arni wound about her, g seareely realizing la her terror that she was pressing him bank With almost 8101)00- 3' human strength 1141811181 the railieg, of 44 ' the bridge, eilelle he seemed nearly para. n lyzed at the suddenness of the attack. n , There waa a °reek and a terrible' ory, and the thin boarde that formea the rail- , Parted, and Gay's pee/mentor wag pre, ipit ted down."dewn 111(170' 421e seething rs that lashed the ('0111(0 below in their relentlees fury, • . The thrilling, aNfIll ory, "Murder!" rang out shrilly on the night air, 41)11011144 fele , 1041440(1 1444 the splash of a 'heavy 110111111body, and in the fearful despair of that ' terrible moment poor Gay, Who had peril- ed her soul by au nevi al °rime, realized -what slue had dote. 1 The pan le moostruggled out from the black, heavy cloude, and with bated / breath Gay peered down into the angry 40484408. • "Oh, Heaven! 14111(1 not mean to de; it!" she gaaped, wringing her little white hands itt mortal tenor, "but heedrove me to it; lie goaded sue to madneeg. • One of our lime would have ended in a tragedy ,--evhat doee it matter that it wee hie -in- stead of mho?" She looked at the little hands, white ae lily-le/tyes, clutching the broken rails, and it almeet seeinetiao her exelted fancy that there were okirreson ethane of blood upou them. Would the angels up in heeven 40110 1441(1 witnessed What she had done take 'tense. /ince 1111011 1181',? eho 'wondered vaguely. Like one fasoinated, Gay gazed inte-the dark, angry watere, tamed by the goldeu light of the Oen:Ding Stia'S 1 made/11y the waves parted, and in the flickering lighe the ricatv Harold Tremaineaa white face, an! the 11110140172312ry g cof "11101'11001"-1)01441 help!' reee up from the Waves. • A hurried efep was answering the call. It was too late 170 684"8 111111, but she would be discovered there and acotreed of it; yet, it'her very life had depended 11110T1 it, she could 1104, 221.0440 hoed or foot , to IlYr evaiy nerve eeemed paralyzed. As in a 44101S9 •darlrly, 13, picture of the 1 future rose in a ghaetig vielon before her -site mild see heaself In a ,Drisoner's box, her golden head bowed on tho eail her-swhite wrists reanaoted, tho wordc; "Chared Ivitlt 'the inurtler of Harold 'Pre. 71101110' 'written in letters of lire againet her name -even the picture 01 -1111141 hang- man and the boagold -roue before her mental vieton; and elle raised hor lovely Youlig face to the night sky with euell infinite terror attd such piteous moans that the 'white" angels muet have pitied veld wept for her. She 'realized that elle should ily from they terrible spot, but fate seemed toecloese In ground her and bind her there. "They will lind me here and arrest me," elle moaned attlrivg down on her knees; and coverthg iser white face and etartled ca'ae with her poor „little trembling hands, sho tried to utter a prayer, 'but tate wortlo died on her lite in a moat, Oc terror. one can help him now,' muttered *Gay, as ;3110 SAW hiD did not riee again. Would the dark *eters ever roveakthely terrible secret metal the day of judgment come P Nearer, nearer °ante the swift footsteps, and again the horrible elw of "I/larder!" wee faintly repeated, 010110011 weirdly hack through the waving Dinee. 1. - CHIAPTBR XX, We must now ,return to "Percy Gran- vitt° and Bvelyn, whom we left bidding a hasty adieu -to their friends and hurrying back to Redetono Hall in reeponse 10 tbe telegram Percy had, received, Searcely a word wae spoken between them during that long, swift 111(01 E % <I- lya eould have been content to sit for- ever by his side gazing wistfully into his tan zone face, wonehously pale now Ili 1.110 ilickeritig light of the carriage lemma .1(28 1712840 neared Redstone Hall Percy ob- served a great contufiion among the sex, vaute, a murmur of voicee, and ligine moving te and fro. • "Oh, I am afraid we are too late!" erted Evelyn. "I fear the dear old gen- eral is dead! Oh, Peroy, burry ,to his room aud tell me -if I can come too." One of the servante mot him at the' door and told him how the fearful 11001). 110111 had happened. 4411 018140100013' handling a loaded revol- ver which lie had :always kept in one corner of his wardrobe, it, Isad been cacti - clematis, Ofecharged, the bullet ledging 111 0120 of hie lungs, Intermit hemorrhage heel set In, and now his death wae but, a question of a, few eltort hours, 1,11ce ono in a dream, Peroy hurried along the corridor. ' The sound of his Own name fell upon his ears: 11 He knew it was his uncles Velem calling In the exeitement whioh prevailed, the • passengers hurrying hither and thither, ell' anxious to view the eDot which, but for a young girra bravery must have been the scene of a 'terrible disaster,. Gay was for the moment' forgotten. The engineer had torn off his coat, lay- ing the slender, 'inanimate fork upon it. hurrying to the baggage -oar for a flask of spirits with which to revile -the heroio little heroine. The peaeengers as well as the engineer were mystified; none of them. had Be011 her depart. They come to the natural eonelusion that, upon regeining conseiousuess, the young girl had tied; why, no one could even conaecture. She had saved their livea, yet they eoUld 11011. oven express their heartfelt gratitude to lier. One childless old mil- lionaire on the train avowed, if the beau- tiful young stranger coul(1 be found, and her name learned, that he would "make her his heir. -'. . They concluded, that the beat plan would be to put pereonals in the leading journale o11 tile morrow to that effeet Meanwhile iho train hands were tautly repairieg the rails; 48 few momenta more, e and the train, which had escaped, diea.s- ter in so miraculoue a, manner, went thundering on its way. Harold Trentrane, who awn held (.hon. oenseious form of Gay in hie 01070. 4081710111- 1 ), from a safe distanee, with a covert *Mile playing :about 1110 curling, 1009- o tivalled lipe. "Rogers, the coast is clear ncev," hlo said, turning to hie eompanion, who stood near him leaning against the trunk of a tree... "You out go to Itackensacir for the coauli as soon as you like; mind you, make oulek time in driving back hero, for we "meet not bu,round here when day breaks.' "All right, chief," returned the man addeessed 017 laugera; "Ill be baok in a trice. It's a pity you hadn't a little chloroform about yeti to cattle the little beauty in ease she should come to while I arra gone aud give you trouble." "rn attend to all that," retorted Tree maine, imperatively. "She eimaped me once beforiee but I shall take good. dare that it donl happen again, afake haste, Will you, and briug 44 coeveyance at oasts; confound your Infernal slowness." The mon moved otr with alacrity: while Tref/mine carried his unconecione burden on the bridge. ' A. few 11101001110 later Gay's eyelida ant- tered feebly. for an inetant then flew wide open, encountering the triumphant gaze -of the handeome villain bending . over her. .17 ehriels of terror buret from Gay's lips as she etruggled out 044 44110 arme, but he still meant:slued his hold of the slim, white wriste. "Your" oho pante with blazing eyes, at- - "tempting to 1(0430011 her delicate hands from hie firm graep. "Heaven help mel 44 ala In 440111' 7)011'et aCatn," "31.40411 801.11:1 strike me dead with those beautiful eyes of your% I am seep you would do Its" he said coolly. 17 "Ifes, 4001101114*131," flashed Gay, bit. terly. "You have wrecked and spoiledmy life -entede my VOPY existence a torture to me. Only Heaven Ithowe how I abhor YOU -You WhO aro the wickerleet of men - 4 couateyfeiterannd a wouid-lie 'murderer -yes, a murderer, Who would have sent many a, soul into etereily to -night if I had not heard 440111. nefaxious plane as 9011 41044185011 thene,-and thwarted you.' Teerealne'e haudsome foe flushed hotly ander the ilee of her scathing words. a "I weald have informed upon you, and brought you 1l to sPeetlY iustiee en the night I made my elseape front the lone brick hottee in which you held nie cap. tive, had I (2017 110010 stricken down on that very night by a long and serione Illnees," Gay wept on rocklegely. a "You 5410 not yrige 112 pereistently an. series. me," returned Tremaine, 'You ,know too much eoncerning me to ever eseepe feom me, Take care how you spern my proffered friendship, Beware lest, you make at enemy of me my beaus, tifnl, defiant little fairy, X' am your mastaie but love would make me your Gay shrunk from- him in. the moat tn. tense loathing. "A. wicked man 10 ineapable of the pure, holy sentiment called Iowa", the Cried. "I warn you and your love alike." "Notwithstanding thatayou are destined toehe my bride by fair means or foul," retested Tremaine. "I would kill myself area" panted Gay, define tly Tremathe mania emlled at this bitter outbreak: aare Shall have to move ee to. ward the road," he said atly, 11341040- '1(141 her arm within his 0, 11 d moving away"from the 41111041013117, "hI"I 0111)0050 you are wondering hew you fel 411-10 my 0,01110 agate,I lie said mock. t s.` Maly, and in 5.4040 words he eeplained 11 Per houre the general had lain In Pal 11110.0110010UB state, his burning, staring eYes flied intently on the wall, and the (looter who wetehed 111 1)10 bed,side feared that he woula pass away without, one W01(1 to the nephew whose coming be had so ardently desired, ' The sound of the 00011112410 wheels =Timed him* 410 nothiug ease could have dune. "Send my nephew to me," he moaned, "and leave 114 1110110 together," , Another 000,00711 ami the dootor open- ed Itueriedly, and Percy Granville swiftly eroseed the chamber of death and was kneeling beside his uneleat couch. The doctor quietly withdrew to an ad, joining T001/1, as he had been hidden, leaving th en; alone together. • A half houreliaesed, and as the doctor paced the luxurious room back and forth ,estiesely, VMS it, onlY falleY-or did he hear Percy Gyanville ery out exeitedly, anything else of nue and I will gladly do it, uncle, but this which you mese uptui me I omelet do. I—" The reet of the sentenee-that'isf if it vere not an hallneinaeiou of the doe, 01':1 Morbid fa/toys-was drowned in the loaning of the erees that stood like grim the, matter to httr, addieg that elmeehould' /lever eeearie him again. Gay vonedisnfed, him no answer. She ewes bitterly inceused. - On tbe bridge 141o,± epanned„the rock- s e lap a Gay row suddeulsa back. a, "Oh, if she cenier bet die" and 011C1 it, all tn the dark, seething waters below," she s '421100144111 114111714444. o Treme,Ine drew nearer to her and would" . have thrown hie arm about the slender, n • eseeemeeeseeeeeeeesesesaaa"S"m. 5 sensme guarelieg Redstone 10411 The large, 1004411(1100111 TOM in 18111011the old general 1ay, was quite in ehadow -the white statattes gleamed in the soft sereielaranese; one blind \vat half drawn nil through it (mine - the clear, white 0000(11321)1.A laro eilver night-I/tine toed upon the ceeteyeaele; but it was aref ally shaded. • Paint glimmers of light fell emon the ed with its cestly velvet,hangings, and 11 the white, drawn faee that lay on lie p;Ilow with the, flinty look that comes nly ineo eyee that death has begua to oaken 'he omdying e.eneral 1,0,1 held out his .744.7w-4,44.46, 4,ceriageal. ezeigeeseell , kr1/44.44.4 ONE Defeeel elf10$0188e icommAga,manrar W. the CLEANEST, SIMPLESToaal 13115T)10a5 DYE, one can buy -Why 'Y.,, ao:,..0 0000,,k8e. kntriv,vh..t gem of Crolh yzna Coo& *a snot Atiotatces aro Propagable, ' 00n4 (00 1,,G.e Crlur :Rory BOlbIot, und Book(nt1,41.1uaragulte 0,11,Dycitkover tabor orlon+, yolINSoNatalliAlt1)6/.7 00., Limil.d/ liana feelilY to Percy 415 he- entered the "You have come, Percy," he said feint. 1Yev • "Tbanh :Efeen you ere here." ' , The stern old getieral had never been deinameteatiye; DOW /10 seemodato trezeble ;with emotion se he eating to the eteenge halide that held his, • "I ant dying, Perey," said the old 44071' 44)211, gaspingly, "my eyes grow ,dim -4 00-7)1104 see you."'" "Ileolaa eruld Perey. tromulouely, "if I could sutra every pang that you endure, I would gladly do It for your wake." The gendial laid hie hand on thehanca souse bowed head. ' "Heaven bless yeti, Pony," he murmur- ed, "you nee a great comfort fe me -my hope anel nty tenet are in you. Perey,° •he cried, etarting up with energy that started crimson ileohe of -blood to his month, "T have one last dying request to in ale oayou--you will grant 1313, prayer, inY bote-saroly ,vou will net refuse my Mot regtanq." . "i'dy deitrest unele,"' cried ,the %young 2114811, with great 'emotion, "yOu know I WOuld die POP yon, if dying would benefit ute Why ate yon doubt 1113' willingness 0)3ey your wishes witeeteVer they may could nail aemistance, No meteor what he may have to say to you, llgtet, and aa cede if it be in your power." "I will remember," Perey bed answe07 ed, gravely; -"tamely you 101813, 11111017 ole, !ir"I. do," the 41001,01' 12021 1404111011. "Yeue 71,10108 life. for the present, hes in Your hands.. "Yes,44 am dying., Percy.' whispered' the general, breathing Namely; "but for fleel 44 ehould not utter the one Wisheathe 01)0 edgmairoc oyfoun3.5 71144)1 0(13' vforyLerIttap..a 771e:rots "10e). queet, Percy)," he motenurod. "You. need not doubt it, ' the Young Mlan replied eareeetly. 'I eennot irepf,ase anything yen maY asIP-why should :As he spoke, he had not the faintest idea, of what he wouhrbe &eked to do. At that instant he raibed hisetroubled eyoe'to steelentgeaving 11101141(44141 upon theeeinlosite Wail, and his handsome face - 11101011. • The picture repreeented a bridal Delta' emerging from an tvy-covered etone church, and iu that menieirt his thoughte traaeled bash to 17)101 811(011 an episode in his own lira; and in the shimmering moonbeams that stole in through the wilt- dOw he could 41(10 17110 fan of Little Gey. He 1'emc3mbered how the lovely young foe looked as it was "ratted to Mg tte they parted -the Memory of it, as he knelt there, brought teare to 1416 eyes the sweet little bride item whom he had parted at the very altar. "Was ever a anan's fate 100 0441181 as mine has begat?" he thought. "Who eye% lost a wife on hie weddieg.day?" Surely there had 1108411. been a ,love - dream 00. sweet, so peasionate, or so bright as hie; surely there had never been one so rudely broken! Poor little Goy, his bride, cold now in deatlit Vic feeble pressure of the general's hand's recalled hie wondering thoughts. "Lieten, Percy," he murmured faintly, 'My moments are prceimes." '"Go on, my- clear unele," replied Percy, gently; "I am nttentlieg elosely to Ithat You bare to eay to Inca e r "Percy, nay boy," he whiepered gimping la, "I oould net die andleave the worde unspoken. I Want 1:113, raoe to live long generations after me, iests with you, my beet:loved nephew -you who 'Weawtar name and inherit my fortune. You un- derstand ate, Percy --fou know the last re., quest I would make of you?" A cry broke from the youug man's lips; the worde pierced like a Hamad to hie heart. "Surely, uncle, you do not moan that you wish me -to ---e" The very agony crowded into the word "marry" gamed to unman 141,0, "To marry, Yes, PeroY; that is what I want you to promise me to do." "tiy Gad, uncle!" he burat . out, "ink anything but that; my heart is torn ttnd bleelilig; have "enemy; epare and, pity met' Great drops of agony stood on his brow. hie whole frame "shook with agitation. Put another in laay's 310ce7 Marry! Heaven pity him; how Geed he barber suth a fancy, 4400 a einglo^ inetant, when he thought only of the cold, Dale face of Gay, hie fair young bride, 44110111 .110 had loved so madly, lying in her fleeey shroud In theaoy embrace of death, like a broken lily bliglitad in the bud, • "Answer , me, my hog," sallippered the old general, hie breath growing fainter. "It is the common 'fate of all teen to merry and to love; it is not a hardship, rather a'bleesing:" • (To' be continued) SIR, GERALD LOWTIIER Sir Gerald Lowther, the Britiah Arnbaseador at Constantinople, has been undergoing 04440177 anxious time during the past twelve months. Be is one of Britain's most experienced diplo- onats, and has served at Wash- ington', St., Pet- ersburg, Madrid, Paris, Tangier, and other p12018 011 the world. He possesses. a -perfect Anibasse- i&&ilea] manner, antlethis is well 11 - Sir Gereld lustrated by an Lemur. incident evIdohec- - curled at a dinner loartyehelel at the British Legatioe in Tangier, It wee a few days af- ter the capture of Raid Maclean by that notorioas individual Rai- suli. One of the Ambassador's guests, a fascinating- French lady, enxioes to know Svlaat England would do, -called across tle him during the repast, triVliat are you -waiting for, Sir Gerald?" "A lamb cutlet,: medame," was the ready response. Sir Gerald married in 1905 ,Miss Alice Blight, of Philadelphia the granddaughter of Richard dreen- ough, the famous scelptor. Her charming pereonality, and her abil- ify 'es a hostess, -have been of the greatest assistance to her husband in his diplometic tareer. +1, ' Row KIN GS REPO SE. The Corriere delis Sere of Rome, Itady, pints an interesting se(1iole 011 how famous millionaires Glee?) in' palatial bedchambers, wheeeas, the reigning monarchs of the world axe simple felk M the ma'am; of their night's rest, Thus the Kaiser fa- vors an ordinary camp lied, while the sovereigns of Italy and Austria, sleep in small -irlon beds. The now Mikado 'cleans on a) .rug on the floor with a oouple of bamboo sticks fer a pillow, while the King ofehe Bel- gians cen only be, assured of a good night'S rest in a lieminock. Kieg Alfonso, oh ,the other heed, has a- luxerious bed, whilo Geargc 111114f13' tyre particular 42114 their 011 1'-' rounding fbre b &corn itg to all air sleute. The Czar and the Popo have small resells and beds. Tbe only one 40110 1.11111.$ the key in ;the door is Alf en et) • (31 1, however, have een. tries 1 servants pacing up area eat) on I ei e eleophig A pa rtments pf Reyaity Simple With Few Exceptions.; eirtegctaC• ielreeeirMesseeereeetesegN];01 GOOD kraBILT Tea when. eou are tired) particularlY if it's ° igpo Li coesfarthest f or the rraOrzey Wirlb 11~111.41,100,6. 110:111E eeesseseseseatesees. ea-eessess lffiscellaneops Reeipes. 'Dice Pudding With FigeSance. -- Press loot belled ripe into buttered cups ethen slip out on a hot diets 'and pour the sance ever. Look carefully over the figs to be used; place them in a pan and cover with cold water; took until lender; chop xery fine and press ough a ceases eieve. To this pulp add ;the juke of -one-half lembei and sugar if not sufficiently meet: Chicken Tetrnovers.-Make a rich baking powder biscuit 4ough; out one-feurth lea thick; cut into squares; place a spoonful Of minced chicken seesoned with herbs and 01111141, - and moisten with -cold gravy; Iced dough over; brush with milk and bake aboat fifteen mieutes. Serve with left over gravy, to which add the ohopped.-giblets. Apple Grahani Puddieg.-Place layer of graham crackers in bottom of buttered -pen e'then add layer of pared, cored, and chopped sour as.o= sfies; continue with more (sac)1ers and apples until pen is tovo-thirds full. Beat one egg with one-fourth teaspoonful * salt ; add one pint cof milk; turn over the apples and crackers and bake in moderate oven until puffy. and beown. 0,range Sauce. -Thicken one piesit of orange juice with woe tablespoon- ful of cornstarch; cook until trans- parent and sweeten to suit. Boiled Beef, Duteh Style. -Wipe three pounds-- of beef out from the riunp, then place 42(1 '4211 a 'kettle in which is some hot suet drippiegs, browning well. Add a. medium sized onion out in slic' es a large carrot scraped and outinto slices an inch thick, a, level tablespoon- ful of salt, and cover ovith boiling water. Place on the lid and sim- mer until the meat is tender. It may be left whole, but will require less time to'cook tender if mit into P0088 about the size of Brasil am- ples. , Stuffed Lamb Choes.--Twelve lamb ()hops, one and one-half dupe soft breaelorurabs, milk, one table- spoon mincedepareley, one-quarter cup grated cheese, one-half tea- spoon onion juice, one-half ;tea- spoon celery salt, few greens pep- per. If possible, selectechopa from the loin „and bens) and roll them. Make s stuffing of the other in- gredients, moistening with milk as is uecessary ; pan broil the chops lightly, browning the underside and seasoning them as they cook. Then cover with the stuffing and bak-e for _fifteen minutes in a hot oven; when -the stuffing should be brown., Serve oh toasts With a browo saute. Currant Tea Caltes.-Three-quar- ters pound .flour, half ounce of yeast, one 'teaspoonful castor su- gar, 1 ounce butter, one and one- half gills tniBreone egg, our ounces currants. Method.-Pni the flour and a teaspoonful of salt into a ba- sin; cream the yeast and castor spger uneil licjuid. Molt othe blot- ter, add the milk, and make it te- pid; pour on to the seed, and add the egg (well beaten). Stir into the flour, mix to „a dough, sprinkle in the' currantee and set to ;rise one hour. Divide hate two perts, arid poi t in eo two well -greased cake tins. Let the dough rise to the top of the ties. Bake for 20 minutes in a well -heated oven. Turn out of tins when hall baked', and 1)1,11011 over the tops -with egg or milk end meteor sugar mixed. Replace and finish baking. . Apple anti Rice Prulding.-One pound sour ooking apples, twe oun- oes sugar, one-half gi,11 water, piece of cinnamon, one clove, castor sugar, 0110 <3111)1014 eke, 2 ounces cur- rants, one pint millt, sugar to baste, two evliites of eggs, ground 01111111. 10101). Methede-Pee1, coxe, and slice the apples, and cook them till tender in a stewpan with the sugar ance.ovatcr, a clove, and the piece ofeeinnamon, 3?ut the washed rim into the milk, and cook till soft; eoveoten taete and add it to the apples. Cook both together for about ten minutes, and let cool a .,,Whisk stiffly the Whites' of eggs, and incorporate them with 'the above mixture. 'Castle, stir ito the cleaued •ettrrants. nelnove the elove and cinnamon and pour the mixture into a buttered deep souf- fle 'or bakinedisle -Besprinkle the top with a little ground cinnemon and (meter spgar, end bake in a; meclerate oven for .about twenty miputes. ,Seree, very hot. Cilerant Flapjaeits.-Fone ounces opte enlace sugar, one egg, one -11011 pine milk -end -water, two ounces currants. IVIetheel. -. Mix t'he flour with a pinch of salt and the sugar; break the egg into the center, and add the milk' by de- grees until the bettee is of t/ie eon- sistency of thick 0100420. Spainkle in the cleaned" curraees test. Leave to stand ono hour. Melt a smell pleee of laid in a little frying -pap of about feur inehee width. When eineking het, pour in enough better to cover the bottom, fr,y turn and blown on the other side. Coneinue eles until all the beeter has been used up. Drain each flap- jack free, from ;pease, dust over with it little gritted nutmeg, and roll up pancitke «fashioh17 Serve very hot, Tilled cone on 17110 042114111. + Many a great man has exclusive knowledge of the feet. NA.) LAXATIVE* 91)0entirely different from others both In their composi- tion and their effect -complete . evacuation without purging or discomfort, ' 25o. a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL Dlital AND 014E1111,00, 04108880*. 8130025, Cakes., Fruit Cake. ---One and a half Cups butter, half cup 0,14111) of better and of laece three eggs, e gratednut- meg, a teespoon ground cloves, three ;teaspoons gl'O end cinnanion, a teaspoon aid a hell baking &oda, 017 01144 eac h - of cn t -; 1 te ared ,of .rai- sees, the latter coukad -in a little wetter until tenner and all the weter cdolece away, 0- cup sour. milk, a cup nut/meats, ovalmii, or any kind you choose, three, cups flour. Apple Sallee Cake. One eup clear six tablesesoceis shortening, one-quarter teaspoon sate tine pup raisins, two cups floor, one-half tettspoon ground cloves, one (teas spoon cinnamon, one-eighth tea- spoon nutmeg, one teaspoon soda dissolved one tableseeon warn water( one pup sour apple sauce. Cream together sugar and shorten- ing. Mix; toiether flour, s -alt and spices and-aclol raisins. Dissolve 90(118 ,107 water, add to apple sauce and beat into creamed butter end sneer' alternately with flour mix - tare. Bake in a moderate oven. LeftsOver Coffee. Never serve warme'd-over coffee. It is one of 'the worst of warmed - overt and has little justifieation. 12 111 =et be done poer the coffee teens the -grounds, strain a,ncl seesin a tight glass jar in a cold place. -When reheating tie a little fresh coffee in a lawn bag and bring to a boil with it. This gives more of the fresh -made flavor. , Left -oyer Ooffee ie good strained :end kept on the ice until lunch, it serves as iced coffee. This sheltie/ have whipped cream and sugar passed with it. Have tied tea glasses half full of shaved ice and pour the -Gold coffee over it, Occasionally the • whipped cream sweetened is mixed with the coffee, but tasees vary too decidedly to make this -feasible when strangere are to be consulted Another use for left -over coffee is to turn 11 111170 a desseert, 441110118844, gelatine or ice creamethe ceffeehe- ing the sole flavoring, though some- times it is improved by adding a tablespoonful of sherry or brandy. Moro limeade, left -over coffee can be sealed in glass jars and be ready to dilute to give 'lace cur- tains, nete and narrow laces a creamy tint after laundering. - . Rome Dints. For ink stains on the -fingers try lemon and salt. ' Never 11eep where the light hem a window- shines directly on the eyes. Never leave a Metal spoon in a saucepan if you wish the contents to boil quielcly, for the spoon is the 20044116 02 cerrying off a great deal of heat. If toasted bread is put in a double boiler and pieced where the water in -the outer kettle is kept warm, the toast will beIdelioious after an hour or nlere. In stitehing long pleats a gummed label the exact width of pleat or hem required fastened on the pres- sure foot of the sewing machine, just back of the needle, keeps the ;tuck even. When the- window shade falls down and thr; spring roller unwinds with a whirr it may be easily put into commission by slipping the flat piece of metal at one end between the prongs of a kitchen fork and turning it until strengthened. AIRQUAKES AND CAUSE. Violent Explosious of Meteorites Louder Thad Thunder. - The suggestion that there,are quakes, dine to explosions of me- teorites and quite independent of eerthquakes and Volcanoes, °anus hem no less an authority than W. leer, It. Denning, the Bielish a/serene- Tlhae etch explosions ate some - tepee audible is well known, W, M. Foote has juse Toectsded thab a, large meteorite, belling nese- HodePook, Ariz., ae e.e9 3111]., 011 je.*-3.0.) 1912) bloke up with a loud noise thee lasbed half a, minute er more, and scattered over 1± stretc.h of three mites,of sandy deiscat, more thoh 14,000 of the fregments-sof a total weighe 011 nearly 500 pounds-ihav. Mg been pickeel up end peesented. 13110 eeploding bedies, of oourtee, are not always seem. A violent air eneck on the morning of November 19 easieed the isheicing of ovioclervie end other effects in th vicinity of Baglend, hitt coulel not be connected with tiny eiutliqualce, end this hes led to the conclitelop, that it was due to the steel -eel -on ef a fireball high in the air,- ' The view is ceefirined by the fact bloat aNt1'01/1,01110ri recognize' a few Dona' the middle el: November as a period oT clotemeting fireballs. Other similete instances luxe been noted ih 1877 -on November 20 and 23-18e4e estimated:etc) ha,ve. cleated air clistereances more than a ball- ch,ecl times as violent as a loud, peal 're 1111i:eider. Co,.(periktive Mexie)in Baiting. In nearly every Mexisan village may 131 110)1111<1 a rounded strudel'(; of et v ted 11) eel 11(11111 0.1 0-301. fashioned bee -hive ;with a, mat17 opening nette the ermine!. It is (he ()Veil ie 114211(111011 lee 41112(14; foe general101101)11,144 - 1/1.11:114ai0 b. Early in the 'elay the, oven is thor- °uglily hearted ;by building a fire in it, and after the ceale ale brushed down etil thl pots and pane con- taining the feed to be, epoleecl see plated in.sicle aoct the <wen is closed up. NO fuether -attention ie paid to it toren dinner time. ' Stating the Case. . "Do I look lilee a 'Melt, I wouldn't say that. But 1 will say that you look like a men thinks he leeks when theewind has blown his hat off and a ceowd has gathered to watch him chase it down the street." Every or ie shows Ole dealer a larger Profit' but Pfil II) AB 11J none pOSSCSS the'fiaV0eIr of , 008 or give the same satisfaction to the tea drinker.' Black, Mixed -and Green. SOiled load !Nickels only. A JAPANESE PEARL "FARM." FailleliS Experiment of a Zilologist and Marine Scholar. The pearl oyster "farm" wee founded by Dr. IVIiltimoto, a fa.motts Japanese zoologist --and marine eoholar.Its headquartere are on Totokujoime Island, 04 Ago Bay. Here on a little peninsula jutting out into the by a)re the many buildings which comprise the insti- tution, consisting a a taborets:try for experimental work, sorting 9410de, packing emcee, offices and nianages'e residence. In wimples, PartioulaelY, it is a charming little place. The faron proper bee a total ere& of some 29 nautical square nai)es. The pearl oyster found on the.se grounds belongs to ehe species ISI martensi, which is very abundant in the bay, end found more or less in all poets of japan. The oysters reseal -hie the specimens • found en Ceylon, famous for peodueing tlae finesb peerla in the world. Dr. Mikimoto began his experi- rnenbs 90L110 twenty leers ago. Al fleet it seemed almost like pursuing o fleeting shadow, ancl ells Lien& laughed se him for "throwing hie nioney into the sea." He persisted in his work, however, -teeting 011 $orts of theories and changinag his methods firozn time to time, results -were obtained"Which seemed to promise encoese. In 1896 things had so far progressed that the ex- perimental stage was a thing of the Pest and -the enterprise was put Oil oammercial basis, A patent for the new method wee obtained from the Government, and the eultivae Mon o the pearl oyster on an ex- teitsive scale was undertaken. At the end of 1898 the first smell crop *11 pearle was ;harvested and placed) 'upon the market. The manner in which the peerls B110 0111thivated is simplicity itself, very year, during the months of July and August, small pieces of reek and stone are placed at those spots where the larvae of the pearl oysters have been found to, be most abuttelainrt, Soon small oyster spat is founcl attached to them. As the reeks are placed in shallow water, not more thane few • fathoms in depth, the osostees would die .,from cold if left elms% during the winter, so the rocks, with their adhepent colonies are moneyed to deeper wa- ter,end estaefully laid out in beds prepared for therm Here ehe oyee tees lie until ;their thirdYea,r, when they are taken niit of the sea and undergo an operation which leads to pearl fenteation. This consists .chiefly in ineroducing into them the email peals Or round p11:4e40 of name, which serve its the nuolei of the. pearls -to -be. The sh elle o are then put back into the sea and lefe undisturbed for at lea"sl four years more. At tale end 011 1711101)1 time thes- are taken out, and it is then found that the tuolluae has covered the s- 101431(10(1 nucleus meth many levees of 1110.0310, iti. ether words, has pro- iclueed pewit -Wide World Maga- zine. Ropmattian Grim Crown. Roumania's royal crown is per- haps the grimmest 4n. the woold. 11 Elia made, by oommend of King Oltarles, from the steel of a Titekisl; grin etteetured Plevne, On. Mas 10, 1881, after this and the simp1 goklen orown, without jeNveds sem.a.ments, made for the queen, had aoten consecrated, King Chalice , took'his ore -en late hie hencle with ; the words 1 1).1. ecsume with pride ' thie sleeve, w;rought, teem 0, ceensse- spriekleclewith the blood Of aier 1401'- -0011 and ixineeeireteel by the church; I aeoept ±1 141 a ;symbol of ;the Indio; 3)41(11(1011100 end power of Roumania.' Meet of ue ovould nether accept anotlier inan's cigare' tban acl- vice. LENGTH OF DAYS ON MAR% tee -- Year Hee Double Number of Days Year on Earth Ras. BdrhurtelncYlrel,,,:iorm,awrt,c, ollaftltr;e subject In Tee Nei th American Re- view, is niere distant ;thee the earth from the Sa13-160,000,000 miles on the aveinage;, instead of 100,000,000: It is therefoxe a little solder ; the more so a.s its central hese is less because the diameter of the phoniest is only 4,000 maws inetead of 8,000. Martian days have almost the earne duration as ours, but the teode of -floe planet being MOT° inclined on the plane of the orbit by about four degrees, the polar regions, where the am remains tnore than one day on er below the horizon are more e)0te1414ed, 145 110 also 10471411 zone. The inequality of days and Metes 5.1 thoo same letitude is greater on Maps than on tho eerib; at, the late titude of 45 degrees our ,shartest day is eight hour a and forty-three min- uteand' the longest fifteen hours and thility-eight minutes; these are, on Mars, 'respectively, seven hours and fifty-six minutes and seventeen - houps and fifty eight minute.s long. The duration of the year on Matos is almost double, being 608% daye ipiteadlet. omf ,338053eirbitehloyis, maaas.sonisthiame elongated ellipse ineboad of being alatost 18 c,irele like the earbles. Therefore there is more clafterence between the ;seasons hello in respect of duration and- of temperature and the nofbhern hemisphere fav- ored by a long summer, is warmer than the _se -6")\-n hemisphere, Not Such a llineh. wife writes Inc from Lon- don that our daughter was present- ed' at court over there." said Mr. Bragg. "This is a great honor tted it cost me nearly a thousand dol- lars." 12 "I was presented at court in this oountry some years ago," replied Mr. Stagg. "It cost me five dol- lars and costs and I don't see where it is such a great honor." — Don't iss This It'S the "Beet Meer" Send Post Card to -day for particulars. 74 §t. Antoine St., Blontreal, Can, Any Mine Orli cavil do the chumang /Favorite Churn. 072001101 the smoothest, richest, most delicious butter you ever tasted. The roller bearings -and band end 100)1003044 -make churning tut eats -task even tor a child. 17 Ail sizes from i4 io 30 gallons. " Write for cetalogue 17 440141 dealer does not handle [Mechem and Plaxwell'e "Champion" Weeher, Bevel Illaxwell &Sens, be Mary's, One 1 044 " Canada's finest sugar at its hest - Your love oT cleanliness and 1011. purity will be gratified by this 5 - Pound Sealed Package of Extra. Gralulated. Sugar, it's cgnadg's finest sugar, fresh from the Refinery, .untouched" by human hands._ Eac.th Package contains 5 full pounds of sugar Your Grocer can supply you. Canaaa Sugar Reainiarig • 'C Inpany, Lfridted, L. ItAloratreal. 9