HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-13, Page 2ter' . stale • G. D. NieTAGGART M, McTAGGART McTaggart Bros. --BANKERS-- A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. , NOTE& D/SCOUNTED,,DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS, SALE NOTES PUR- (CHASED. H. T. RANCE -- NOTARY PUBLIC1, CONVEY- • ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPR,ESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COAIIIT OFFICE, , - • CLINTON. W. 'BRYDONII, •BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,' NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan ,Block -7CLINTON CHARLES It. •HALE., COnveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Ct. REALESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN & G1NDIEW Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. Edin. • Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., ALB. Office -Ontario 'St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Ratteubury St., • f or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW -OFFICE- • RATTENI3URY ST. EAST, --(MINTON DR., C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON. ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. F. A. AXON - DENTIST -- Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Gradnate of C,C.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D,S., To - roam Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. - TIME TABLE -- Trains will arrive at and clepag from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going East, 7.35 a. rn. 3,07 p. m. 5.15 p. tn. 11,07 a. na. 1.25 p. m. 6.40 p. m, 11.28 p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV Going South, 7.50 a. na. 4.23 p, m. Going Nortb, 11.00 m. 6.35 p, ni. Going West, OVER BB YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS DOPYRICTRYS C. mne sending elieMb and description mss .1ymitertalii our opinion free a -bother an Mon M probably patentable. ConnunnIna- t Tetrietly confidential. 868513008 se Patents t.Th U700. Y ittli2g 'natal notice, wItbout come, in the " V. Jimericati. A handsomely Illustrated weekly, Largest 011,.. ciliation 05 any ,selentlfle Journal. Terms for Canada. 88.75 a year, postage prepaid. -Sold by . sti newsdenlens. MUNN &111,36tBroadtvay, New yerk Branch Offlo4 626 If sr- Washington. O. C. LIFP114COTT'S IVIONTHLif MAGAZINE. A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLItTE NOVELtil Yi3ARLY I • MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON•TIMELY TOPICS $2.80 earl 'If Can ; 25 CTS. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES "PINERY EUWISER (*smart IN rreELy -- - - ' • ----vs:.....c.eeotmxv..sxztmvvrvvs , Many a inan fools himstill wit •fi he .thinks that he is fooling his wife. Bran Shorts Ridneyw rong -• -If they are you are M danger; When and Flour through • weakness or di ease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, troublefcomes at once. _Backache,Rheinnatism, Sciatica. • Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright% Disease are some of the results of neglected kidneys. Dr. • Morse's Indian Root Pills contain • a most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the • kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and well. Try - Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills From the Best Mills at the Io -west possible price. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR- LEY; also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod THE 0111, IF YOU 'WANT THE BEST • COAL AND PROMPT DE- LIVERY, -SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT ROW - LAND'S HARDWARE' STORE PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON GEORGE ELLIOTT , Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Coeresponelence promptly answered. . Immediate arrangements can be made for 'Sales Date at- The News -Record. Olinton, or by calling Phone 33 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. D. N. WATSON., CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promPtly answered. Charges moderate anal satisfaction gearanteed Immediate arrangements for Sale Pates may be made by callinmat The News -Record Office; of on Frank Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. ' THOMAS BROWN Licenseil Auctioneer for the Coun- ties of Huron and Perth Correspondence proisiptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sale Dates at The .News-Reeord, Clinton, or by. calling Phone 97, Sea,forth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed The Molilllop lifiltual Fla Insurance Company Farm and IsolatedaTown Property only Insured - OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, 'Goderich P0.; T. E. Hays, Secretary-Tteasurer, Seafoiftb P.O. g -- Directors - D. F. McGregor, Seaforth ; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Ilion, Constance; John Watt, Hemlock; John Ben uewies, T rod hagen ; James Evans, Beechwood ; M. McEvela, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Haglock; E. Hinch• ley, Seaforth ; William Chesney, Egmondville; ,T, W. Yeo, Holmes - Any money to' be' paid in may be paid to ItIorrish Clothing Co,, Olin. ton, or at Cat's Wocery, Godericb Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on am• plibation to any .of the above officers addressed to their respective pest- offieee. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene, Clinton News -Record CLINTON, - ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; 51.50 may be charged if not so paid. .No paper cliscon- tinned until all arrears are paid,, unless at the option of the pub- lisher. The ,.,Me to which e'very subscription is paid is denoted on ' the label •' Advertising Rates - Trani:sleet ad vertisements.. 10 cents per non • pareil line for first insertion and 3 cent's per line for each su.bse quent insertion. Small advertise- ments not to exceed 'one inch; such as "Lost,'' "Strayed," or "Stole:n," etc,,inserted °nee for 35 cents, and each subsequent in- Seiftion to cents. • Communications intended for pub lisatien must, as a gnarantes f goad faith', be accompanied by tlip name of the writer W. J. MITCHELL Editor and Proprietor, very-Wenian is interested mid should knOW aboufthe wonticiTul Marvel W6iIroliufigohdporay • cess, fee f`lic Asir 3enr btu:elate far it. If be cannot supply tho 5TARV.I. accept" no oihor, but; noel 6tnnip for film- tr/1 tdtifss.'s`v1r1.Xlit=rry,Vifglaw jaa.aser, oar Forty years in use, 20;years the standard, prescribed .and recom- mended b y p hys ici an s. ' Woman's Ailments, Dr. Rartel's Female Pills, at your druggist. - - JUST A LITTLE WIENTHOLINE On Your Ups-- "011APS GONE" t It quickly heals Cracked hands. Cold 'Sores Chilblains An immediate remedy for Cold in Head and Headache - You 'eau get it at The Rexall Store W. S. R. HOLMES, P.M.B. Manufacturing Chemist ALL.KINDS OF COAL, WOOD,. TILE ICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Ooal on hand : CAT:ST/MT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 24 in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Test Quality. • ARTHUR FORBES - Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. WINTER TERM PROM. JANUARY 6th jag STRATFORD. ONT.-‘,... does 'more for its students a,nd graduates than do other similar schools. Courses are up-to-date and ilia t !factors 'are experienced. Graduates aro placed in' good positions.. The three applications reeeived to -day offer average se I ary of 51 ,133,00 pci' an n ti . ree departments : Commercial, Short ha nd and Telegra ph y. Write for obr free catalogue a once. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal s ...communsoreammaamuemsovarabaumasacrsecess.sonames uood Reason. • Bertie-What makes, you think I've got .a sense of humor 1' Gertie -Your self -appreciation. If seine men were c•onmelled .to pax as they go they would never get started. THE SUNDAY SC11931. STUDY 7 -I -I I INTERNATIONAL LEBRON, FEBRUARY 16. Lesson 'VD. -The . call of Albram • Gen. 12. 1-9. Golden text, Gen. 12. 2. . Verse 3. Now Jehovah said unto Abtani-These word -s give the se- quel of the last verses of the pre- ceding chapter, the country whiCh Abrain is commanded to leave be- ing not Ur, btit Haran. Just how God spoke to Abram 'we are not told... His veice is to be thought of, however, not as something exterl nal, but rather aa heard 'within Abram's inmost amil, Get thee out of -Depart from. Thy country . , thy kindred - 'Abram was to Jetty° both his home and his eelatives. This, command to sever his family ties, and wander NO RHEIMIATISivi THIS WINTER Thanks to SIN PILLS ON'T you want to have ONE) WINTER free of Rheumatism? Don't you want to enjoy life as other men enjoy itt' Don't you want to eat andsleep and work as healthy, nrifmal men do, instead of tieing all ciippled up with Alieumatism or Kidney Trouble? Then take GIN PILLS and conquer your old enemy for good. Mr. Beandry did, with•the help of the GIN PILLS. 597 Panet St., Montreal, P.Q. March 29th, 1922 "It affords me great pleasure to inform you that I have used GIN PILLS for shout six months, and that they have done me a.great deal of good. I have had Rheumatism for a couple of years, mad this winter 1 saved myself from it by using GIN PILLS. I highly re- commend GIN PILLS to the public." A. BEAUDRY.' Thousands of boxes of GIN PILLS are Sold every year through the influence of those who have been cured, and who recommend GIN PILLS to their friends and neighbors. If you are subject to Rhetimatisin, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, start in right now on GIN PILLS. 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.5o. U you want to try them Erst, write for a free sample to National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 545 ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics FREEWe will seAd absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of stir coommomenix0 large 54 -page books (with irm Sea), on the cornmun--diseases of stock and poultry. Tells how -to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, ranch COWS, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry HO that they will lay us well in winter as in summer. It contains 560 ,t;) recommends frifin all over Canada, from Polite who hare used our goods. No former should be -without it, You can fatten cattle and boat in a month's b lest time lv using our Royal Purple Stock Specific than you could possibly do without it, ' d thereby saving a month's feed and Tabor anti it ' the cost to you will not be more than 41.60 for ; six pigs or 01.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor, miserable -look- ing tinimal on your place try it on this one fiint and see the marvello -.ti us lt which will c be obtained. Our Stock Spee'lfic increase the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow per " day, wliile being fed in the stable. A 50e 10 package will last a cow or horse ITO -days. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC 4 will make your hens lay Kat as well in the winter as In the summer, and will IMO them five frem disease. These goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler , to make a large package, entirely different 11 from any on the market at the present time. a Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50e pews.; four 600 lickgs., in on air -tight tin, for 51.50. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 250 and 500 , pocultyocp ss5sanelcgdt., 1.50 air -tight tisthat holdi al ''5, Royal Purple Lice Killer, 0 (50 and 30c tins; 300 by mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 250 and 50c tins; 305 11 by ;nail. Royal Purple..Sweat Liniment, 50e bottle; 60e ig) by mail. 51 Royal Purple Cough -Cure, 50, tin; 600 by mail. Royal Pimple Disinfectant, 25e and 60e tins. d Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25c Sino, 860 by O.4 'yti. RoPurple Worm Powder, 200 tins ; 30e by. u. forth into an unknown land -was small deatand or test of 'faith, 2. The promise however, is great as the requirement. .In unknown land to which he is co mantled to go Abram is to bee() a great eation and an example a 1:flaming to many nations. Be thou a blessing -According the Hebrew i4iont, the imperso tion of blearing, most blessed (co pare Psa, 21. 6; Isa, 19. 24; Ze 8.1.3)i 3'Will bless thrm that -131 thee -Thus indirectly will Alar become a source of ble-asedness others, who will • be blessed w prosperity or visited with misf tune according,as they are frig or unfriendly to him. In thee ohofl all the families the earth be blesaed-A promise peated to Abram in Gen. 18. and again to Jacob, Gen. 28. The simplest interpretation is th all nations shall be blessed throe the revelation given to Israel, promise fulfilled in the later o tension of the religions ideals Abram and. his descendants to t Gentiles, -The Hebrew, 'howeve permits of another rendering a interpretation, according to whi the sense of the verb translate "be blessed" becomes reflexly 'bless themselves." The renderi would then become "All families the earth shallsbless themselves thee," that is, in blessing the selves they will use thy name as Cype of supreme blessedness a wish for themselves the blessin recognized to be the special po session of thy descendants. A cording to the first interpretatio Iseael is to become the organ channel -through which great-bles ings are to be communicated ult mately to the world; according the second, the great blessin which Jehovah will bestow upo Israel will attract the attention other natilins and awaken in them longing to participate in the blessings. In either case the pr mise remains is the wider sense the term a Messianic promise.. 4. Lot -Son of Horan and nephe of Abram. The story of his lif will be found in this and the tw succeeding ehapters of Genesis. I character, it strong contrast 1 Abram in,that he was selfish, wea and worldly. though relatively,i comparison with-lus heathen neig burs, he was still accounted "right ous," his personal character bein eufficiently free from reproach t render him in the 'sight of Go worthy of special deliverance. H stands in the Bible narrative as type of men who think too exclt sively of worldly advantage an present case. Haran -The name both Of a city and of a district in the northwest- ern mirt of Mesopotamia on a tri- butary of the Euphrates. A long range of mounds still marks the site of the ancient city. On the slope uf one of these mounds there is a modern village of email huts, and near by the ruins of a very ancient castle or fortress. The city of Hagan is mentionedsin some f the Assyrian inscriptions recent 3;- brought to light. On one oi hese Sargon, king of Assyria, oasts that "he spread out his sha ow over. the city of Reran, and as soldier of Ann and Dagen wrote ts laws." Sennaeherib also men - ions Reran as having laeen de- troyed by his predecessors. The ity of Raran still flourished under he Romans and its inhabitants 'ere among the last to give up the halda,ean, language and the wor lip of Chaltlaean deities. 5. All their substance-Consist. g principally of cattle, sheep, and erses; clothing, silver, and gold; nd household possessisIns. The seals that they had gotten- icluding children, servants and ayes. A littleal8atteiretAnberdam isservantssaid 3 Gehna.velChalc41). It -was, therefore, uite a company or tribe which mi- -abed westward under the leader- sipoafaAn-htTle ami. Canname "Canaan" is erived from a root moaning to bow iwn, and signifies "lowlands." It as ab first applied only to the ,setregitm f P a/ e s ti n e ; I ate r and condarily -to the Jordan valley • 60 114 m - me and to rta- ch. ess am to ith or- elly of re - 18, 14. at gh a, of he he r, nd ch' e, ng of by m- a nd go 0- 0, or go60 51 of a 56 o - of we ,0 k, h- 0- 55 1VianufacMred only by JU se and finally it came to be applied to the whole country, including the mountainous districts as well as the 1°.61v.i.a$nliloshein--A locality and later a city in Palestine, situated between Mount Ebel ;Led Mount Gerizira west,of the Jordan in the territory allotted to Ephi,aim, some distance north of jerusalein. One moaning of the name is "saddle' or "shout. r," and the name of the city may erefure well have been derived, om its location on the saddlelike, Ip between the twei monntains. lather suggestion is that the aee received its name from Sheol)- , the son of Hamer,' 'the Hivite, ince of the land (Gen. 33. 18, 19). ie former suggestion, however, ems the more probable, Oak of-Moreh-The reference am - ars L6 be to a sacred tree, 'the rd "Mareh" coming from Horah," the woid used regularly the authoritative direction given the priests. The word translate "oak" is rendered jn the _mar- t, of the Revised Version 'Pere - nth. The tree, elfish is one P5. nbling the ash, is still common Palestine,- as is also the °al pee- Canaanite-Lovvlander. . Beth -el -The ancient Luz, in- ately connected with the his - y of the patriarchs. To be iden- ed with the modern Beitin, about olve•miles north of jerusalem. Ai -The name means "heat." e location of Moreh was a littlo re than twa miles southeast of th-el, on the road between the Set' place tend the Jordan valley. parently 04 of importance at time of the Conquest of Pales - c by the Hebrews/ ((ampere s,Inasei7) erieyed-13y eats; stages, te ThoW.A.JeukinsMfg.Co. Londory,Cspacla Royal Purple Supplies a 11 CtBooldets may be obtained from Ford & M.CLeod, Flour, and' Feed W. S. R.. Holmes,Drago,s,elin,. ton. etter Ever Christmas is again over,. and as we start into 1913 we wish to thank our patrons for their iritronitg,n, arid to iatinlate that our , 810014 Will always be so kept, up-to-date that you wilt have a feeling Of' satisfaction in dealing with us. UN JrcvELER and itS.SUER OF MARRIAGE IL:ICENSES de "th fif va Ai ern TI 551 pe WO of by ed gi bi sce ±21 8 tim tor tilt tw Th mo 13e lat Ap the tin Jo 9 A GOOD HA13IT Tea when you are tired particularly if, it'S Goes farthest for,. the money. teasazzogazzartegsNi~tgogis Surely' you can spare a dollar or two • from your pay envelope this Week. Open a savings account and get 3% interest, payable half -yearly. Keep up the saving habit and you will soon have $i000r more, when you can buy our debentures and get 4% on your money. Issued for $loo and upwards. Terms one to five years. Do this with a safe and well-known company --with the only loan com- pany in Canada having a reserve fund equal to Its paid-up capital. , Incorporated 1864. Over 13 Miiiion In Assets 80 THE WORTH OF A DREAM The One Enduring Lesson of the Story Is that Self - Denial Is the Road to Peace " And he took one of the stones of the place and put it under- his head, and lay down to sleep, And he dreamed; ancl behold a, ladder set up on the earth and /hetopof it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it, -Genesis xxviii. 11, 12. When Jacob lay clown to sleep that bight no doubt he thought that was the hardest part of his life. But he never thought 50 af- terward. It was a necessary ex- perience and he praised God ior it. We do not ordinarily thank God for ,difficulties and adversities even when we have come safely:through them- with improved characters; but Jacob did. There are many* altars that ought to be built by itg and consecrated with costly oil that we have iiegleeted. The Law Is Inexorable; . s no stone pillow, no vision ; no bard knocks, no heaven; no struggle, no victory. The boy who whimpers for the pleasant paths a.nd must needs be lifted over the stones be- comes at last an unsteady, unreli- able and unable nonentity -never a ina,n. Ability is not a gift; 16 ia a lesson taught by blows and buf- feting winds. 13nt the boy who sets 0116 10, life crying, "Fetch me a lion to fight, show Inc a mountain to climb, set me a task that will take all that; is in me of grit arid pluck," grows into a healthy and useful manhood. Not only so, but he makes discoveries in these ad- ventures; for every hard spot in life is a barred door which when he thunders at it uhtil his fists are bleeding and his body aches opens full wide and rielmitg him to a sancLuar,y where he may heal his hurts and clip his hands deep in the shining treasnres of hope and pence and usy, "To him that over - cometh will I give to sit with Me on my throne." "Re Dreamed." Nay, but he had been dreaming disconsolate, arid he woke jubilant and saw the vision; the real man within him woke up and saw the things that stre steadfast and never pass away. The people We call the dreamers are the only wide-awake persons. Not -the philosophers but thc poets explere for u,s She regions of the real. To dream well :is to live well, Vision is a pecessity of the 'beneficent life. ThrOugh it we see the providence and friendship nf Clod and the divineness and pos- sibilities of man; we see filings in their proper proportions and' know that this is (lod's good world and that it is sentinelled by His angels, who are ever at our eervice.-Rev. M. F. Johnston. is customary in Palestine. The woad in the original means literal- ly to pluck up, that is, to move the tent or camp. Toward the South -Literally, the Negeb, the name given to the southern tract of Judah, a restriet- eeeduesitiztyLhe riaiselyli,ebringb4etweenci he1 entthe 11;11_1 derness of the Sieaitic peninsula. What kind of musk do you like beet-opern, concert Or VGAideVille? 977iu 1-1%, L.ison grap plays records covering every phase of music -records made by the world's greatest artists. A sapphire reproducing. point that won't ,scratch, a srhooth running motor -every detail contributes in briSig- ing 005 5055 the right volume of tone, clearly arid sweetly. Ask yinir Edison dealer to play sonic of the .new Blue Amberol Records on an Edison Phonograph for yon, and you'll not be satisfied until you own so Edison outfit, The C`ntertainment in your lierne is greater than you ever dreamed of. s:fi),.s..s., A comp r `"' Pjt Mirailliff&V=r 1. '174