The Clinton News Record, 1913-02-13, Page 1No. I788 -34th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I3th. 1913 THE HOME PAPE) If your label reads Jan. I4 your sub. is- paid to the •1st of Jan. I9I4. The label tells the story. Immininstamiswesoniese t to . iellgar the jeweler , kr a Reliable Watch; No one would go on a long journey without a reliable; watch. The, Hell yar ,watch will render good servicer through the longest of journeys—a life time. To7. �E. ,�Eellgar /mete, and Optician , Clinton Bank The•Royal OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 Total Assets 175,000,000 325 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits, General Banking business transacted. , R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. "amino: :raJ1111110I111611PIe• � BankeMolsons INCORPORATED' 1855. Record of Progress for Five Years -1906-11 g 1900 1011 CAPITAL . , $3,000,000 $1,000,000 RESERVE . . 3,000,000 4,600,000 DEPOSIT:9 , 23,077,730 35,042,311 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS , 27,457,000 38,854,801 TOTAL ASSETS , • . 33,090,102 48.237,281 Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities of the World. A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRA"'SACTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest cur•'entrate. CiipAton Branch ",. E. Dowding, Manager 11.1.111111111110 Stock - Taking dale 14. oesnmmlissmilows Stocktaking i9 the next thing on' the program here and that means that it's again time for our annual sale. ' Everybody that is acquainted with this store, knows full well wh'lt that means and appreciates the fact, when we run a sale it stands for something, We always reduce stock as.low as possible, before in- ventory. There's no money in car- rying goods from one season to the neat, vercoat Must G O Regardless D/ Cost Ever 0 S Y 1 .•$10 00 12 00 15 00 22 00 25 00 2..40 boys overcoats 4.00 5 00 6 75 7 75 youth's overcoats men's overcoats sale price rr rt. (r $ 7 90 8 90 11 90 16 90 19 90 1. 90 2 90 3 90 4 90 5 90 It will pay any man or boy well to buy er axt at the sale even if you don't an OV e , require one until, next season, Come your ch earl and get yoice.o , Y SHE CLOTHING CO. CLINTON, ONTARIO, Who Care." Men Furnishers� { '1'0 THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 90e, Oats' 30c to •34e. Peas 90'0 to $:1.00, , Barley 480 to 55c. Butter 20c to 210. Eggs 25e to 26e. Live Hogs $8.50. • LOOKS ON BRIGF-1I' SIDE. , Mie' Edward Keine of London has passed another milestone; and is now three years past three scoreand ten, but his activity and general appear- ance would' indicate a titan at least ten years younger. During his Tong life Mr. Kemp has no doubt had his ups and .clowns but he has always, looked on the bright side and his optimism has tided lthn ,over the dark places. He is a former -and well respected resident of Clinton, father of Trustee S. Kemp, and the num- erous friends here will join with The News -Record in wishing hint many happy returns of the day. OFFICER?S, COURT PROSPERITY. Court Prosperity A. 0. F. is, as• its name would imply, prospering. It is large and still growing and finan- cially, too, it is in a healthy con- dition. At the meeting on Wednesday evening of last week a P. C. R: jew- el was presented to Mr. J. E. Rein- hardt an$' during the evening the of- ficers for the current term were in' stalled by the District Deputy, Mr. A, F. Cudnore, and are as follows : Chief Ranger, J. 1;. Reinhardt.' Sub. Chief, Gordon Bowes: Sr. Woodward, Alex. Slontan• Jr. Woodward, Wm. Slontan, Sr. Beadle, Jas. Appleby. Jr. Beadle, Walter Swinbank. Sec. -Treasurer, A. F. Cedmore. Organist, J. E. Doherty. - Trustees, W. Brown, J. Appleby, Theo. 1l'remlin. SURPRISED THEM. On Tuesday morning Rev: C. E. and Sirs. Jeakins received a surprise when a dray drove 'up to ,the rec- tory door with a lou d of tin _ and graniteware, etc., things useful and ornamental, but mostly the former, and all suitable for the house. Thr rector was out -at the time and Mrs. Jenkins was somewhat at a loss to account for the donation 'until a letter was handed her containing the congratulations of the congregation of St. Paul's; on the attainment of ily pass as at least ten years the tends anniversary of their mar- younger than he is. Unassuming and riage, with a hint of a "Tin West- kindly he has 'many friends who will ding" and the whole thing Was ex- joist with The News -Record in wish, plainer'. Some of the ladies of the ing flips 'Many Happy returns," congregation learning of the Minivcr- sary had planned tis° surprise which O:. T', ST, CHURC'Ih was successfully carried out. Mr. and Mr. C. D. Bouck, principal of the Mrs. Jeakins very ineech appreciate Model school, addressed the League the kindness of the people of St. missionary meeting on Monday even - Paul's, which is ever finding new ing, the address being listened to by ways of eg.pressing itself. a large . number of the young people THE BURG LAI25 CAUGHT, with pluck interest, Miss Stevens presided. A letter addressed 'to the The men who recently broke into League from Rev. Mr, Harris of the store at Brussels and stole a China was read by Miss Shipley. quantityf, of furs toted their booty cn Miss Helen Ross gave a recitation a handsleigh to Blyth and froth that added much to the pleasure of there sent it to Goderich by express. the audience. A' few days later the residence of The "Y, V. C's" of the ' 'Sunday Mr. McFaul of Seaforth was enter-. school are giving a "Date" social in ed during the absence of the the school room this evening, Them - owner and a whole trunkful of val- day, to which they invite their fti- uable articles stolen. _ ends. These two robberies happening so The official board at -its recent meetingav • c the e P actor Rev, S J •g close together putafter strenuous id • AIIm a unanimous and heartyinvit- es on edge and after a few strenuous days he effected the` ariest of Ed- ation to remain in charge of the ward Burling of Goderich; who soon work for another year. weakened aril told Whitesides the The morning and evening service whole story. next Sunday will be conducted by the pastor."The Angel and the Iron The Brussels and Seaforth robber Gate, and its Modern Meaning" will fes were made by Burling and Thom- he the: evening subject. as Murphy and Burling also contnss- . ed that they had broken into a WESLEY CHURCH. large brick house at Clinton 'and The pastor and the Ret', W. W. taken a quantity -of silverware, Wylie of the Baptist church excha - They left behind two valuable robes because they were too heavy but in ged pulpits on Sunday morning, the tended going back for them. '. latter preaching very acceptably in This pact of the .confession brought this church. The pastor occupied his own pulpit in the. even`. ng, Miss the detective to Clinton and he soon There passed away on .Thursday at Greene contributed a solo alter clic found that the theft had been n;ade the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jam - ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. WATER 51010R INSTALLED: A PLEASANT OUTING. • Mr: and Mrs. 0. H. Holland an- A six-inch cylinder Ross Ovate a sot- The- Lad'les' Aid of Ontario .street. pounce the engagement of their or and pair of large feeders has just church held._ their ineet:ng last WO - daughter, ' eti daughter, Lelma, to Mr: Edward J. been" ' installed in, Wesley church for nesday at the home of Mrs. James Welsh; 'the , wedding to take piece use,; in connection with tite pipe or - the latter part of; February, gan, The outfit has been tested and will no doubt be greatly appreciaterl- CARD OF THANKS. by organist and congregations. Mrs, Robt. Marshall and family , „ - ; desire through The News -Record 10 MAYOR BU1 S N7JWSPAI ER. (hank their many, friends for the I Mr. George Snotton, ex -mayor of kindness shown them during the. 111, Wingham and proprietor of a chain ness and death of the late Rohn of business. colleges, has bought the Marshall. The kindness will neva be Winghant Advance of which- he talc - forgotten. es possession on March 1st. For fir- . teen years Mr. Theo, 1 ell has own - A DOLL'S SHOW. )cd and eorrhteted the Advance which Is to be held in the school room is acknowledged to be -one of `'• the of Willis church' next Saturday after- ;brightest local's in the, province, noon at 3:20 o'ciock. 200 dolls .will be on exhibition ranging in ages from twenty-eight years to three weoks,old. A concert is also to be held at the same hour at which character songs in costume will. be tendered together with other inter- esting features. 'All are cordially invited to be pr'esen't. Admission 10. - Children 5c. Afternoon tea will Ise served. , LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE, The nniversarof t local a Y the al branch of the '';Lord's Day Alliance Will be held in Wesley church on Tuesday evening nort, when an ad- dress bearing on the objects and pro- gress of the Alliance work will be generally acknowledged about - the delivered by Rev. D. IV—Snider of House that his speech will, rank"with Elora, and an opportunity will be the best. delivered in the Legisla- given for offerings tin support of the ture for years.- Mr. Musgrove Fos - work. As the Alliance is inter -de- sesses the happy faculty of express- nominational and the work vitally ing tersely What he wishes to say connected with the proper observance and of doing so in a pleasing and of the Sabbath, no doubt there will conviacing manner, be a good attendance, SEVENTY-T'OUR TOMORROW. Mr. William C'antelon, the •seni.or• member of the lire. of Cantelon Thursday last, his fifty-second, and Bros., tomorrow passes his 4eveiity_ in the evening the members of the fourth birthday. ,Mr. Cantelon is a Ontario street choir; of which he native of Goderich township; the has been a member for many years, good old' township being little more took advantage of the occas.on and went out t his s h m c n r « v' home to o at than a v ilcieri mss when i''•, t- he nr,t saw g the' light of day in it. For many late him. It was a complete sur years 'past he las been a respected prise but Mr. and Mrs, Shipley heart - citizen of town and the dame of sly welcoined their friends to ' hair Cantelon Bros. is well 'mown „in hospitable home and soon the whole business circles much 'further afield ,company were cn'oying themselves than town or county. Alert and ac withoutjstint. During the evcnlag tive, keenly interested in all that Mr. Shipley was presented with a transpires about hint, he might cas- hands'ome volume, just no a little !souvenir of the day, and afterwards oysters- and other good things to eat were prepared anti en;oyed, gauz- es and music were indulged in, and a thoroughly, enjoyable evening was spent, Mr, and Mrs. Shipley are a. E. HURON; PROMOTION EXAMS. I On account of Easter- coming unus- ually early this year, it has been deemed expedient not to hold the Promotion Examinations before that time as usual. The dates have there- fore been fixed for April 171h and. 18th. Teachers will kindly notify the Inspector at as early a date as pos- sible of the number of papers re- quired for each class, A CREDIT TO NORTH HURON. In the Legislature last week Mr. A. II. Musgrove, member for North Huron, moved the reply to the:ad- dress from the throne and it was MANY HAPPY RETURNS, NIr, Geo. Shipley of the Huron Road passed another milestone : ou WH -AT SHALL THE HARVEST BE ? The deputy* . in St: John's ward Cornish of the Base Line, : '1'hou];h gave the vote on local op'tien as 11 the day 'wtss•cold and stormy, being for Iend 51, against and the fudge en about the fust real winter' day this scrutiny finding only 09-04 respec- soasan, a goodly number or the lad- tively ballots in'the.box, 8C1,01107-- nine event7- nine electors Have made sworn de- claration that they votcrcl for the bylaw, Two or three more are said to be willing to so declare if it is found necessary. In view of this a higher court- has been applied, to for a mandamus authorizirig Judge Holt to take evidence: Then what '1 ies took advantage of the outing and they all felt amply repaid, so pleasantly dict clic afternoon pass in social - cliiit, followed by a surnpt- ttollS supper. WILLIS CHURCH. The pastor - pastor eonducted, the' after- noon. pre -communion service- on Fri- day, Rev, D. N. Turner of Blyth tak- ing the evening service. Seven new members were received, three by pro- fesson of fiiith and four by tette;;, and one- was given the rite of I;ap- tism, Communion was observed on Sun- day morning, 'when a large number of communicants, partook of the Lord's Supper;, A very good representation attend- ed the lecture of Mr. Abraham Knechtel, inspector of Dominion For- est .Reserves, in the town hall yester- day ester day evening; Mr. I{necklet; who is a native of the county having been born at Brussels and being a grad- uate of Clinton Public school ar,l Collegiate, has a vary pleasing de- livery and spoke interesting'}' and in- structively on the subject of re-for- estry, o•for- estr subject winch i �•'nuin a s li e ) y g to' have an interest Inc Canadians .which the grandfathers, or even the fathers, .ot' the prascnG gencraLian would hardly have thought possible, The lecturer had some excelLut views, photographs taken in different parts of the world, which served to illustrate his very' interesting talk. S'1'. PAI.'L-S CHURCH. I v_ITEt1S• To REMAIN. At the February meeting of the board of the Empress Avenue Meth- odist odist church,- Loudon, a unanimous invitation was extended to the Rev. '1'. Wesley Cosens,. formerly pastor;of Ontario street church, Clinton, to remain `for the coining.'conference year. The resolution,; spoke in the highest terms of the'work,of Mr. and Mrs. Cosens since er ming tit, tee church in July List :tn.i ,melcrc of the board heartily -endorsed. it, LAST NIGHT'S LECTURE. Bagfielcl Mrs, Clark -is ,visiting friends in, Goderich this week, Miss Lizzie Ferguson of Toronto is visiting under the parental root Mrs. John Pollock is visiting hen' daughters in Coderich this week. Mrs. James Spackman attended the - funeral of her father, Mr. Gram of Hillsgreen, this week. Don't forget ye Olde Tynte Con- certe in ye town hall° on Friday evening of this week. Mr. John 11'liiddon left last week for Clinton, Iotea, to visit leis daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Brown. sloe harvesting has begun in the vil- lage and a large number of our cit- izens are laying in their stntnnet' sup- ply. Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong of the Bronson Line, Stanley, entertained' the choir of St, Andrew's church on Friday evening last. Mrs. (Rev.) II. J. C'ouclell enter- tained a large number of the young People on Tuesday even'ttg, wl)eu a very plennant time was spent. ,lir. Geo_ Rowntree of London vias.' . in the village last week on business regarding fencing and wells one the property •lately purchased from Er- win Bros. This property has been , subdivided b aided intoflots ut fifty-one building nc, h t ritn 3 g with park and lawn tennis and bowl- ing grounds in the centre and will he -known as "Lake Side Park:'' A number of the lots have already been sold and cottages will he er- ected on them in the .spring. 21 public meeting of the council and ratepayers of the village was held in the town hall on Thursday evening last for the purpose of forming a The preacher at both uereiccs on Iboard of trade. Atter a good deal Sunday next will be R. W. Allir,, of discussion the following were Esq.,of Toronto, Field Secretary for' named as -directors : Dr. Woods, the Missionary Society of the Church • James Thomson, Dr, Smith` Edward couple very highly e teemed by their of England in Canada, Mr. Allin is ;Marnee, F. A. Edwards, Samuel friends and it is those who know one of the greatest speakers in the Moore, John Pollock, William alus- thent best who hold Uletic in highest Cliurch in Canada and will be e ell tard, William Jowett, Robert Bali - respect, . wort') hearing. ley aid H. W. Erwin. As the above HAVE 00101E TO CLINTON. The meriting service will he of a 'named gentlemen' are all pcogreseivc memorial character out of reverence I and up -to date *lulls there is not Mr. Walter Morris, who has lien for the memory ancl the heeole a doubt but that their being charge of the action -finishing in the' death of Captain Scott in the Ant- formed into a bddy for the further- Kern-Morris urther Karn -Morris piano factory here since artie regions, ing of the prosperity of the village the factory was rebuilt, left this A recent meeting Of the A,Y.P,A, Iwill bear 'fruit, Watch Bayfield `week for Clinton, where he has as was addressed by Rev. D. K. Grant, .boom.' cepted . a , position with the Iso- who gave a delightful talk on ''Ocr- herty Piano and Organ Co, On Sat- nucha,'' Last week's meeting was conducted by Mrs, J. McLeod, It was urday afternoon last has fellow work- ers in the factory -assembled to bid the regular missionary evening, the him farewell, and as a slight token subject' being, 'Japan." Besides the of the high esteem in which they leader Misses Draper, Bawden, Dil- hold Mr, Morris, they presented Hint fon and Mr, Ernie Walton took part with a gold locket and chain. In the program. "Short -as 1 e is a 1 t famtl r "Shorty,"Y � Next t' '1 eon- , \e. t Monde �'s meeting will on known, in a few words .thanked his y g friends for their kindness and good I wishes, During Mr, Morris' long htay in Listowel he has made many warm friends who regret his depart- ure from town. Ile took alt active 'interest ing the sports• of the town and lodge work, where his absence I will he keenly felt, He takes , with Ihim the hest wishes of his large cir-- cle of Friends. We understand Mrs, Morris and family wi.1 remain le I town for the present. — Listowel Standard, PASSING OF I1013T. MARSHALL- _ es rvermore o mon, o be S. S. Cooper. but which has not been Marshall, for many years and until � sauce of the pastor who will conduct occupied since they moved into the a few weeks ago, a resident of God, Hotdedication services on the Westmin- been Normandie. hpu fc. whey had noterieh township, ster circuit, the Rev: Geo,' Jewett , been in' the house for several.. weeks ' of Blyth will preach morning and and their first inkling of the robe .evening bevy was obtained from Whiltesides,: TheW. M. S. are holdingtheir, On going to their home,: they found. it had been stripped of silverware, including all of Mrs. Cooper's wed- ding presents, and a quantity of their best lime, etc,, to the, value o1 about three hundred dollars, , In connection therewith the follow- ing dispatch appeared in the dailies of Saturday'last "Windier, Feb, 7 --Chief Constable Wht tckide, of Huron County, 'arrived today for Thomas Murphy and Done Holmesville. Mr, .1. 1. Brown of the Gunn, Iau- glots Co„ Montreal, came up last week to confer with Manager Tre- wartlta concerning the poultry, tre.de, which is to be pushed with even sist of a --musical program with an greater diligence next season, the address by Principal Treleaven on, Past season having been a succeasfui "Winds, Clouds and Rain," One Service every Wednesday and Fri- Interest spill increases in the spec - day evening during Lent, - All are sal services now being conducted in, welcome. the Methodist church. On Sunday evening the choir was made up of ' about twenty-eight male voices: Mr. McCormick, brother of the pastor,, " rendered a sole with much teceP- ttuzec and Mc. Brown, who remained' over tiie week -end, took part in the reading of the Scripture lessons. The continued cold and stormy weather has no doubt interfered with the at- tendance somewhat, but the 'met - Inge have been generally well attend- ed. The Cheese and Butter Co. are got - ting in their supply o; ice, Mr. Gs baldeston leaving taken the contract of putting it in. It is of a fine quality around Bridgwater and .the Company' is putting in a good sup- ply" as they intend 'braneht1 • out next season and taking in a larger territory'. Owing to the high price of cheese it has conte to be consider- ed a paying -concern. The quarterly official board at Ls regular meeting on Friday last 01 a highly complimentary resolution "'ex- tented an ucuuunoos levitation .io the Pastor Rev. R. J, ,i5Ic otnticlr, to remain another year coupling with it an • increase in salary of $100, making it now $1000. London Road Mr. and Mrs. Harriston WCltse Imre been visiting friends on the Road this week, The League held their monthly lit- erary meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win.` J. Hardy on Tuesday ev- ening, when a very pleasing program was given. At the conclusion of the program Mr. H. Livermore read an address- to •Mrs. Claallenger, formerly Miss Edna Hardy, setting forth the regret felt by all at her intended de - The late Mr. Marshall was • born in Enniskillen, Ireland, in 1845 and partare from lite community, ex - came to 0 ainida forty-four years ago: pre• sing good wishes for her future He was a stonemason by trade and and asking her to accept as a small monthly meeting at the home .of token of the good Will of the young worked at it in conjunction with his Mrs. tl . S. Harland this: afternoon, farming optrations until about 1000, . I People of the. League, a pretty silver The Sunday school sue ghride ta..- fern pot., Mrs. Challenger thanked es place tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Marshall was a warm Hearted the friends; not only for the hand - The missionary department of the Irishman, one who always had.. a some' gift,. but for the. kind. wishes Leaguegave au entertainment, in kindly word and cheery greeting for. g ' b exloressed and the words of apprneia- the League room on' Monday evening his friends. His cheerfulness 01 die- tion. FIer husband :also spoke in her, to which a small adntiss:an fee was position did not;leave' him oven dur- char 'ed, �1n excellent it,t ot" ing his Mast illness, as hose wlao behalf. The. presentation ;vets made g prow .,t.t. by Mrs. Hanley. The remainder of music and elocution was:presented, visited hint cat testify. During 1 the past few Dior '18 his i:he evening Was very pleasantly Art orchestra of five pieces gave'" a sprnt im music -and social -chat and con le of. selections, Miss ` Hellen ltoalth lies laecn failing and his fri- P ' the en'°ymcnt of ,a,`clainty lunch pro - couple MciTonald, arrested last weal: 111 13owlby of Windsor, who is a guest , ends, could ••see that the end was not Tided• bythe 'la lies of the company, far ofY.p< y• Detroit on cusp ci7n of the theft of re Wesley parsonage, m give several Messrs Peacock and manes of Het- $500 worth of furs, Whiteside says' readings hiclr were .much a reciat- 1 ID. is survived by hfs \vlte, vv p utas , and not onlyteen g w PP the widow Ofthelate William Churc- part were presenta that the men ar.e wanted for many' ed,' Miss Gertrude Clans cotttrihnted part. in the • program but- enlivened burglaries. The furs were :a violin solo, Miss: Pernlee Atine1 t 1' the evenin with several selections oil ' W: J. Matsflall, of g - three daughters ,_ -_ other hill, and u faint• y of two sons and Stolen from a close at Brussels Ld sang a solo whtclt was much en uy, t the ban;0 and violin and altogether a ward Burling, of Coder'o1i, 'who ,was ed, as did also Miss -Matta Ceo!t,: Clstiton, John '1 ajail,Mrs, 1. i_. very enioyable evening toes spans arrested in connected wttia robceries; qtr: C. J. Kntlor., orglnfst of rte :' 11Irs. C)�tllenger has been a avert ;e 1Vhitesides in •vvJtfch he says lVluroh cleverly and it mixed_ quartette gave . Jackson of town. r r coeval is matlter Inc Y y y q l= t ft and he e was with him tvifnn ho stole the a selection. The program nam regret, tof Mt 1 PI L" l ' C 1 Colo of Goderich township atld'Mrs f i hos made a ,confession to Constal>Je chstrch Played an instrumental very JtiRuns 7 evermore and Mrs Ernest with flue younn peopld of the ovens The funeral too' place tion rho y die ,Saturday afternoon,. ,c disPosmg of them. The arrests are the national anthen led by the of c ,Mind that McDonald aided in hrorght to a close by the slnl;ing of tome T:.anr 1rS. ivermoro 011 services, Many conducting the Y constdcred important by the Caned- chests.. Altogether it was ,a most '.ins fan constabulary, as the mon, it is pleasing program and those having it beautiful floral -tributes- were placed claimed, have been implicated in a to charge are to he :congratuhated upon the casket by sympathizing iti- doaen robberies. After the robbery, uponpits success, During an Inter-' were his' two Said, the men: dragged the sons, ' ends, The pallbearers sons-in-law and an old it i gval of the program there was a pale , x. El - curs 20' utiles on "a small clod and of keine 'made candy, the booth be- 'neighbor and friend, Mr, Alex. then shipped them to Sarnia, from;fng presided - over by 'sirs. 1Vfi.t.ca- Hat, of Goderich township, Whence . they were brought to De- Hell en'4 Miss Cdnipsharne, the pro- And thus are passing one b'y one unit wliera the palieo' recovered ..cods being devotes e, ihz Forward the early settlers tet whose, eget, thein;" went fund. tions RllN oottnty, owes -so. ruwcL. rose H' aICefleld. Miss Aetna' V. Ken:, wlto ;las been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. W. Mor- rison, ties, returned to Hamilton, Mr. W. Edwin 10o11s of Dray tea is vlsi,tin3 •bis sister, Mrs. D. W. Mar - risen. Advertising, in The News -Record pays Keeps Up With the Times. Mr. J. W. 11111, a former towns - ratan; and father of 1VIrs, Will. Plum - steel, is not losing energy with rho• passage of ,time but from ft recent. copy of the fiiorald 0;how, Suck,,: wo.°learn"that he is keeping tight up. with the times. To quote ; "J W. 11111, our local horse and cattle..li.ty cr, has signified his intention aF keeping abreast ,of the times during the eon -zing season and to make such an intention assured has purchased -a sew Ford 1913. - Model T. touring, -car " In the same issue of the raper to notice apersonal v ers nal to the effect. that Miss McCartney of Souris, Man,. 'tad been visiting Mr. and Mrs, 1•1111,, Thus do the old friendships form9dc bete continue in the westland, ",