HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-06, Page 12This is only a sample of the great Money saving,values we are offer- • Mg for the balance of January. I Never before have such 'sacrifice prices been offered on good season- able goods as May be found here duringthe next few weeks. Prices In some eases almost cut in half, , Look over this list, or bette c still "come in" rind •let ns show you, as we have dozens and dozens of lines that we cannot list here. Ladies' mantles, new styles $0 50 for $3 95 8 50 for . 4 95 12 00 for 7 95 Children's mantles ..... 2 98 up, • serge dresses nicely trirnmed 4 50 for 2 75 t " "0 00 for 3 75 Men's stiff and soft. hats, this season's new -} Z geode, .English fur felt reg. 2 50 and 3 00 for1 69 • . Men's sweaters and sweater coats 100 for 09 • Women's add children's house siippers 25c and35 for 19 t Men's fur -collar overcoats, reg ..., 10' 00 .for 12 60. Also several clearing lines of men's, wom- en's and children's boots at won- derfully low prices. •• • coats, underwear, fencyshirts etc, i Balanceof our fursat wholesale prices and less, Special prices on men's and boys' suits and over - i. e a are 'offering.-- —0owe n and see what w . o SMALL PLU NISTEEL PROFITS BROS.! • MORE BUSINESS • ••4NN•••4N•NN••Nt•N••••N• O WE ARF AGENTS FOR nide _PATTE S 10&15ciii,5:NONEilie I Spring Styles Ready and any Stallard PATTERN FREE Our Selling Out Sale Continues Guard Against Colds: by wearing Warm Footwear We hlive a large stock of Overshoes and Moccasins from the best makers which we are selling at prices that tempt buyers, and men who work, out of doors will appreciate the good quality of our Heavy Buckle and Lace Rub= bers, J. Twitchell 6' Son 1 1 CLINTON, - ONTARIO WILL EITHER SELL OR RENT THE STORE - 4ox mo Ias in previous years Will excel in values, i11 qualities and all quantities when you want the best that is possible in shoe- making, see - Jaekson's 1 Shoes 1 For .1913 . 1 1 FRED. JACKSON •••• •G•s 6$•.O••44•4•44 ..•4• 44144.4444••41144 4••• •••• i. • •• s 011e- All to Please Brings Cllstorners.Back Furniture Buyers at this store irevariably"cbme back when they want more and bring their friends _ with them,: • ' . To Use Our Furniture is to .prove that it is a3 good as it looks, and that is spying a whole lot,. }} Substantia Furniture can be bought ' here now at money saving prices. Why not secure what • youneed nowwhile rices are so favorable; ' pieces I • • • • 1 Atkinson Dunford Furniture Dealers andFanera'. Directors •Z Phone 104- ` Prfoi-x 127—NIotiT ANA SVNDAY CALLS— PHONE 16 444•4•N4••••••••1••••••••1••••••••••NN••••••Ne. • • • • •. • • • • • • • , i • • • • Are you a News -Record subscriber ?-- WITH EVERY COPY PURCHASED: OF 'THE, NEW,STANDARD ION BOOK. The book is beautifully illus- trated, the assortment com- plete and omplete'and correct, the variety,' large. Every article for a woman's , wardrobe in shown. Price at •the counter is 20c, by mail 10c extra, and with it any Standard Patt::n you may select is free. Buy the book for 20c, get a 15o pattern arse the book 1 nets you only 5c. Personals Miss'Edna Rollaway lett on Sat- urday lei London and St, Thomas where mhe will spend a few days with relatives before leaving ter' Chicago where she intends 'entering : St. Lukes Training Sehoo'1 for Nurs es,=Rev James Hogan of Merlin visited his brother, Rev. John Hog- an of St. Joseph's palish, on Fri- day last Miss' Elva Lavis visited with friends in Stratford over Sun- day Miss RuhrWise of the J on- don Road was the guest of. Miss Ruth Walkinshaw for ,a couple -days last• week —Mrs. 0r K. Grant has been ill .during the past week but it is hoped that she will soon be quite herself . abain.—Mr. Bart Lavis was a visitor in Stratford last week._ Mrs. L. Greig entertained a number of her ,friends .to tea one evening last week 'add Miss Jean Chidley had a few of her young friends in on Wed- nesday evening this week.—Miss Ella Lindsay, ivlio was in Pictan last season, left Toronto on Tuesday for Regina, Sask., where she will have charge- of the millinery department in one of -the large stores. W. 0. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best ,••a;c,.uocnmimnnuuuunamwuumu radii „�.f..� l�� Mrs. Henderson of Seaforth ' is the guest of Mrs. Counter. • Misses Beryl Crich and Gladys 'Can- tclon were in Seaforth last week. Miss May Rance took part in a con- cert in Zurich on "Tuesday even- ing. • Miss Jennie Robertson has taken a - position as stenographer in the Mel - sons Bank. Mrs. Robt. Mason has been quite ill' during the past week but is sorne avhat improved, Mr. Wilber Ford of G'odcrich was home' last week suffering from an purpose of forming a board of trade attack pi la grippe. for the village. This is a good idea Capt. Gibb and Lieut. Ainsworth at- and should be worked out. tended the S. A. meeting fn Elea- On the evening 'of the 270 inst. forth on Tuesday evening, the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Mr. R. E. :Banning has been reap -'church will give a banquet in the pointed by the county council a church, which will he followed"by a member of ihc 0. G. 1. board. first class program. It is a well Mr. Mc1Filliums of '1`OrO11t0 has been known fact that the ladies of this the guest during the past week of church never do things by halves end Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cantelon. that this entertainment will he cif a Mr. Lee Brown of Toronto was cal- high order. Keep the date in mffrl. led home last week on account of The Itidies' Aid of SA. Andrew's the serious illness of his father, church have secured the services Of Mrs. John Wiseman entertained a Knox church choir of CIoclertch who few friends on Tuesday evening in will present Te Olde Tyme Coneerte honor of Mrs. Agnew of Medicine in the town hall on the evening of Hat. St. Valentine's Day, .This enitrtazin- Mr, Roy Grigg of Goderich was in ment was given in Goderich in the town on Thursday and remained autumn and proved so successful that over for the Pastime dance i'hurs_, it was repeated. Do not fail to see day evening. - the ,old time costumes and hear. the Miss Margaret Mahalty- , spent a few old time nlasie. Plait at Mern,'r's clays during the past week with store. Seal'- 3It. end 21a 11't tours her sister, Mrs. Wm, Sparks of iearly. ' Stanley township, ► Miss Cora Dodds of Seaforth was in town on Thursday last and was a guest at. the Pastime Glance that evening De. and Mrs. Axon, Miss Grace chat Miss L. Shanahan, and others at- ' tended a dance in Winghanr one evening last week, Mr. Leslie J, Wasrnann was home over the vveek-encu and was ac- companied by Mr. Hone'. Leslie looks as if teaching agreed with him. itIr. and Mrs,. Poulton of Cleveland, Ohio, were the guests of the lady's sister, Mrs, Walter King of. town, for a couple of days this week. Dr. 'Axon attended the funeral of the wife of a'college mate„ Dr, Lowe of Dutton, yesterday., Dr, McGill of Mitchell , a,00mpa;nied hien. Mrs. K. Chowan and Miss Husband entertained in honor oL:.Miss - Jes- sie Radford of Ingersoll 00 Tues- day evening. Miss Radford left for house on Wednesday, Messrs, P. Cantel,on, D. N. Wst- . son and R. J. Cleft attend- ed the annual meeting of the South Hurori L. 0. L. in Exeter on Tuesday. Messrs. David, William and, 'John Steep; of town: and Mr, .Farquhar of Mullett township visited ' ilie'. sister of the three former, Mrs. Cox of Goirerieh, on Sunday. Mr.. John Pollock. and Miss Bertha Pollock of La Riviera, Man., who have been spending a 'fqw weeks with Stanley friends, Were guests Tuesday and, Wednesday of Mr, and Mrs: -John 'Torrance, Mr. Lorne Puckering and bride of Whitby have been the guests (hir- ing the past :week of the former's aunt, burs. William Robb of 'town. They also visited Goderich - and Colborne township friends, Mr. 'Fred Rumball has been transfer- red from the local to the London, branch rot the Royal Bank, leaving on Monday morning, .Mr, Weir,tak-. es Mr. Runrball's' place on the 'ledger and Mr. Clarence Paisley has joined the staff as junior. Mrs,. Wi htman' who and. M g , who have been visiting Mr. • and Mrs. Jas. Miller in town and also fri- ends in the southern, part of `the township, leave this w,eek for Bel - grave where they will visit for 'a time before ramming to, their home in the west, Mr. 1;. J. Howard of London, who is accompanied by Mr: Robt. C. Eiviood, is in town -this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Moore and other friends. It is several months since Mr. Howard's pire- "ious visit to what, because of former residence' and pleasant re-- collections, he almost regards as the old home town. A' cordial wel- 1 cocoa always awaits hiss( here. Hagfieid A number of the lumbers and ad- herents of Trinity church met at the home of Dr. , Woods on Tuesday ,ev- ening, the purpose of the gathering: being to make Mrs. Woods a pre- sentation in recognition of her ser- vices as organist during the past year. - The rector, Rev, H. J. . Con deli, read an address and' -Miss 1311 - da King presented Mrs. Woods with a purses Mrs. Woods has. been or- ganist for a ieumber of years, gi:-_ ing her services cheerfully without remuneration and this was bet a little expression of the appreciation, of the congregation. Following the presentation the evening was pleas antly spent in progressive euchre, music and social chat. Mrs. • Wm. •Govenlock and Miss Re - Dougall were tate .guests of Mrs. Wm, Ferguson for a few days' 'this week. Mrs, John McLeod and Mrs. Fal- coner are visiting friends in Toledo, Ohio. A public :meeting of the ratepayers has been called for Thursday, this ev- ening, in the town hall for the Clinton Opera douse Monday, Feb. 10 COMING I Direct from Grand Opera House, London MR. FRED,-BYERS The Dramatic Comedy THE 'C1H1' - ---null•-- - THE URUMMEH In 7 acts, telling; the story of a teag' vellir salesman's life • A. COMPLETE SCENIC 'PRODUCTION Prices 25c, 35c and 50c. Nov;—This company is play. jug all the largest cities of Canada, such as Hamilton, Ottawa and ,London. A GUARANTEED ,AT TRACTION. 6th, 19(3 STOCK.=TAKING. SALE ENDS JAN. 31st E are nearing tile end of our stock -taking and many eitds that we do not wish to call in will beut on one table . 1 p at exactly 2 price, prints, inhams, toweling, table le linens; • shirt- ing, flannelette,galatia satteehs, sheetmgs, pillow -cottons, factory ' cottons, wrapperettes, dress goods, odd sizes and ,hakes in •hose, glov- es, underwear and many other articles. Every onea huge bargain. Don't -miss this opportun- ity. Come early. Winter Coats 15 only ladies' winter' coats, sizer 34 to 40, in fancy tweeds, black beaver, etc. Regular 310 to $20, Jan, clearing sale -price $5.00, Carpets and Rugs We offer for the balance of this month only' 25 p. c. off all piece carpets and rugs for cask only. This we do that our inventory of stock be low as possible. Do it now, buy a carpet or rug and lay itaside until house cleaning this spring. It will pay you well. Men's Fur Coats Men's coon coats reg 805 00 for 319 00 50 00 foe 30 00 Men's black clog coats for 22 50 Alaskan heaver 80 00 for 24 00 Mosgow lamb 32 10 for 2S 00 Ostrition coon 30 00 for 24 00 ' Calf coats for 11 Q0 Ladies' Astrachan Coats 10 only ladies' black Astrachan coats, some with sable collars,' black satin lined, good glossy curl, reg 535 and $40, choice $25,00. ' Men's Overcoats. Regular $10 (10 for $ 8 00 1• 12 00 for 9 00 " I.I. 00 fns 10 00 15 00 for 11 110 17 00 for 11i 00 Dress Goods 200 yards dress goads in black, brown, green, navy, red, grey anu• Scotch tweed mixtures, reg. 75c and $1. We have given two good bargains this month in dress goods, this will be the last and hest. Jan, clearing prices 50c. Furs • For the balance of this month we are giving a discount of 20 p.c. oil all classes of furs for cash only, Mink, Persian lamb,' marmot squirrel, sable coon, astrachan, etc. This is the place and now the tune to buy. Everything guaranteed. Men's Heavy Underwear 3doz men's till pore wool heavy underwear, slightly soiled by handling, odcl sizes, shirts and drawers, reg. $1, $1.21 and $1.75, choice tor 75c, Boys' Overcoats Regular $ 0 50 coats for $5 25 7 00 5 75 950 '775 10 00 8 00 Cut Prices in Men's heavy mitts Boys' • ' Mens coat sweaters Boys' Men's eloth:caps gan n tlets " shirts 15c hite Embroider I Clearing. at 7c. 300. yards white embroidery, some wide and others narrow width, fine quality cambric, regular 15e, sale 'price 7c. Ladies Golf Coats $1.89, S9 25.onlyladies' golf coil balance of his seas- on's buying. We have ovule our profit in this dc- partmen1and are sat(011 5 to sacrifice what is left of oar• 5225, 3,'250and 33,0(1 golf coats during Jan- uary sale at each $1.139- 50c Dress :-Goods 25c 10 nieces dress goods, assorted colors, plain and stripe. R511, Brown, black, blue, green and grey, Just a clearing up lot, reg: 50e for 25c, Ladies'. (,luilted•Lineci C'oa's with Fur Collars $15. Good quality black beaver shell, heavy weighs, quilted lining, black fur collar, full length, well tailored and a very smut. style, Specially priced for January sale at $ 15.00 The News Fr m Londesboro Mr. R.. Croom and family of. Waska- cia `spent a few' (lays at the hanre of Mr. Thos. Miller, recently. Mr. W. A. Brunsdon, left Saturday for Sovereign, Sask. - Mr. R. • Allison of ,Estevan, Sask., is the guest of his brother, Dr, Al- lison, this week, , ihir., R. Adams, who has been ill, -is abletobe about, , Hol>tnesville Miss Georgina Ruinball has return- ed from the west where she has been visiting her sister. She looks well and her many friends are pleased to see her habit and to know she enjoy- ed the trip Constance Mr.'Roht. Clarke, moved this week to his farm south of the village. Weare very sorry 'to lose lir, Clarke and family from the" village where they will be much missed,. but; are gl" ad ;they will not be very far away. Mrs. Cook and Son Frank left for thewest on Monday of this week, Mr. Thos. Pollard has bought the lot and stable from .Mr. B. Cook. We regret that, Mr. Frank Nor- wood is laid up with a broken shoulder. We hope, his recovery will be speedy. The adult. Bible class held ° their annual At Home, on Thursday even- ing in the lecture room. The pro- gram consisted of sough, readings, etc., and was much enjoyed. The proceeds amounted to about $16. o1mi swills - Miss Ifelines was a visitor with.. Goderich friends over Sunday. The special services being conduct- ed each evening in the tenth line church by Rev. Mr. McCormick are ofan interesting and practical char-, atter and are appealing especially to the ;young people. A imale choir en- livens the serviees by leading the singing. .1r Goderich township Old Boys' a s- sociation was formed at Holmesville on Friday evening with the following officers : Hon. President, John Cox, Sr. ; IIon.-Vice, Edward Acheson ; President, N, W. Trewartha ; Secre- tary, S.. T. Walter ; Treasurer, W. H. Lobb ; Compn,ittee, Geo. Tebbutt, J. W. Yeo and Geo. Holland. It is the intention to have a re -union on July 1st, to whish wi11 be invited. the old boys and girls of the good old township of Goderich who are scattered far and wide throughout the earth, and it is expected that many will gladly avail themseilves of the privilege of visiting the scenes of their childhood under such - pleasant circumstances. 'The idea is that the demonstration will take the •form of a huge picnic. Hltelle$t Township Mr. Wm. Stewart purchased a Ono pair of three-year-old heavy draught geldings. from Mr, J. Cumming of Blyth last week and also a very, Trice two-year-old filly from Mr. Wm. Stevens. SIr. Stewart has bad a tempting offer for his fine team of greys' but as he is aidover of good horses he decided not to sell for the present. • ..+ Blake Messrs. Alex, and e Ford Sparks have another load of horses ,ready, for the west: Bit. and. ,Mrs, - James Douglas of Saskatchewan are spending;, a few weeks visiting relatives hero. Since coming east they have been suffer- ing from severe colds. The Presbyterian congregation have decided to make their charge self- sustaining. In view of the heavy, losses sustained this speaks well for the liberality of the people. Besides r des raising the pastor's stipend to $1000; betiveen the congregations of Blake and trot ,they also contributed their share of the million -dollar bud- get. A few of oar young people attend- ed the concert in. Zurich on Tuesday] evening. Stanley Township Miss. Martha Taylor of Port Jiusi- on is visiting at the hone of berf brother, Mr, Win. Taylor.