HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-06, Page 11r„,•••••••••..NEW. • ••. . • . • ••• ••••• • • BN UST Ftfl 1912-13 •.•WEIrIELIES,e'. • f&Ml-ItOoord and ,and Empire. 51,60 •ewaltecortt and Globe • 1,60' NoWel-Recorti and Pranily itereld anti. . w/th Promiaitt 1,75 rloWs-Necord and Witness • 1•75 ..10WIllateeetel and Sun • -... .1..;...., •1.76 0W.B-A02ora and Proo Press ........ 1,75 • Nowa-Record and Advertiser •••le,,, 142 News-ltecord and Toronto Saturday . NeWs-liveord and li,ariner;s Advocate 2,26 News -Record and ll'arrn end Retry... 475 Newe•Record rend Canadian Perna., 1.75 .. News -Record and • Youth's CoMpanion 2,20 NoWs-Record ani Canitdizen Country,' DAILIES. , NeWs-Record and Mall and thneire.• 420 News -Record, Rild Glebe •.. 4.26 News-Ftecord and 'NOW'S 2.30 News -Record and Star • 2,30 Newe-Record and .,.,.,..• 625 Netvadtecord and Kerning Free Press 3.26 News -nohow/ and'Draning Proo .Prose 2.72 Newe-Iteceed al Adversiser. 3.00 MONTIAY, News -Record and Poultry Ite' View • •• • 1.22 News -Record and LiPplecottls Maga. NeWs-Record and 'Canada Monthly, Winnipeg ..„ 1.40 If whet YOU want is rat in this list let us know aboet it, Wo eon supply yon at less than n would cost you to sand direct. In remittieg please do so,lay-Post-offiee Order, Postal Note, Dx.press Order or' Reg. istered letter and address, W. J- MITCHELL, won sher Neeire-RecOrd CLINTON, ONTARIO Synopsis of Canadian Northwest 'Land Regulations.', Any person who is the sole head, of a -family, on any male over, 18 years old, may homestead a quart- er section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The ' applicant must ap- pear in jterson re the Dominion Lands Agency. or. Sen -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on cer. tain conditions by fether, mother, son, daughter, brother or Aister of intending licanesteacler. Duties.. -Six months °residence upon and. cultivation of the laud in each of three years. A homestead- er may live within nine miles of "his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his.. father, mother, son, ,daughter, brother or sister. ' In certain disticts a,homestead; er in goodestanding may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his homestead. Price, 3.00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside upon the homestead- or pre-emption- six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn home- stead: patent) and cultivate , fifty acres extra. . A hoinesteader who 'has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob. ----t4n a pre-emption may enter for 4.,a. purchased homestead -in certain ' districts. Price, $3..00. Duties. -Must reside six 'months in each of three years, eeltivate fifty acres and erect a house worth -.4300.60. ' W. W. CORY.. Deputy of the Minister of the In., terior. N.B.-Unauthorized pubfication of this adeertisement will not be paid for. " • • BRITISH SAILORS LOST. Feared That Lieut.- Humphrey and ' Nine Men Droerned. ' • 'A despatch from London says: Lieutenant Humphrey W. Smith ;and nine. bluejackets belonging to thecrew of the British •cruiser • • Perseu's are believed to have been lost while watching the pirates on, the Oman coast of the Persian Gulf. They had been detached in , one of the cruiser's cutters which, it is 'feared, sank with all hands, during a recent gale, as no traCe of ,them has Veen found. taste* MDNTREAL. THE STANDARD is thd Icalionale 'Weekly Newspaper a the Dominion ia Canada. It is national in all its , It uses the niost expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. Its articles ere da.rotully selected and ,its editorial policY is thoroughly '.A. subscription' to The Standard costa $2.00 -per 'year to any addrese in Vabuda or Great Britain. TRY1T.FOR 1912! - AGRICULTURA Series ,of Experinierits NItide With Farni Imple- ments in the Czar's KIngdOill ,• _ • A despatsh iyarn Sb. Ileersburg conditions-netably. theSe, eoming says tA ,e,xtQnsiye ,seyies of f 101&I-0terett at1:e3 •were neniS Wit4, agricultural iinpi'ements sian conditions andit is stated that was carried out by the Russian De- they can be m'auulaettired. equally' pertinent of Agriculture during 'the well in Russia. The Department of season of 1912, with a view to put- Agricultufe is "ending out c0Pies ting an end to the dependence of the report to ‚co-operative S01110- nussip., OR American manufactur- ties' and Local Government Board ers. Over 100 reapers, anower,s, all over the courrtry, as the Russi- hayrakes and other implements an farmers are largely sut,plied manufactured in Canada -and vari- through these .sourees. The' GOv- ernment hopes to induce agricultur- ists to sub2titute other iMplements for the American machines gener- anY in use. Seventy-two per cent. of the buainesa in this kind of ma- chiriery is now, in the hands (if manufacturers in the United States, eats filuropean countaies were put to work under the supervision of of- ficials the department. A con- sidera,,hle number 4.)f these imple- ments, accordibg to a,n official re- port just isgue,ci, suceessfully stood the tests underl,varied and .diffietilt - - No More Neuralgia,,, His Headache Cured A Journalist Tells of The Advantages of Keeping Nerviline Handy • On the Shelf, , itif ty yhays ago Nerviline was aged from coast tr.; coast, and in thousandi of houses thie trusty liniment served the entire fam ily, cured all their minor ills and kept the clootor's bill small. To -clay Nerviline still holds first rank in Canada among pairarelieving remeclies-searcelY a herne you can find that dean't use it. From Port Mum, Outekir. W. T. Greene. way, of the Guide newepaper staff, writes: "Por twenty yertes we have 'used Nervi. line ,im our hem% and bot.for the world would we lac without, it. As a remedy for all pain, earache, tojthreche, crompe, head- ache, and disordered stomaeh I know of no proparatiou so useful and. quick to re- lieve as Nerviline," ,Let every mother give Nervilthe a trial; it's good for children, good tor old folks - Yon can rub it on as A liniment or take it internally, _Wherever there is pain, Nerviline will euro it. Retiree anything but Nerviline. Large family bottles, 500.; trial size, 2.50,, at all dealers, or The Catarrhosone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and lUngston, Ont.. A HUGE BEaCEST. • Nearly $5,000000 Left by Robt. Ar- lington for Missionary Woi.k. A despatch from New York says : One of the largest bequests ever, made for missionary work is dis- closed in an appraisal of the estate of‘Robert Arlington of England,, ;which was filed in the Surrogate Court on Wednesday. Although the value of the entire estate is not given, the personal -property alone is ,appraised at $4,893,000, all of which in left 'to two London mis- si6nary societies -the Baptist Mis- sionary Society and the Londdn Idissionary Society. The will di- rects that the money be used for "giving to every 1 ribe of mankind that has them not and whieh speaks a language distinct from 'alt others accurate and faithful copies of at least tbe Gospel of St. John and the Gospel of St. Luke; together with the book of the Acts ofe-the Apostles,, printed in the,,, language of that tribe." The will further presdibes that at least ten or twelve persons of each tribe shall be taught how' to read. 'SEIZED: r sin ti WORTH $22,000. Provincial Officer Intercepted a " Valuable, Shi mil en t. A despatch from Toronto says:. Another seizure of ,alleged contra- band furs has been reported to the Superintendent of Provincial police, this time from Sioux Lookout. A shipment of furs aggregating .$22,- 000 it value, consigned to the Hud- son Bay Co:, was intercepted in transit by Provincial Officer Orser. consists pf silver fox, bear, skunk, Mink and muskrat. - Inspec- tor 'Greer has been sent north to investigate and Mr. Frank McCar- thy has also gone -to represent the Hudson Bay Co. SMALLPDX IN :DERLIN. Victim contracted Disease, It Is Thought, Li Waterloo. A despeteh from Berlin,. Ont., saps: A' eel'101.19 case Of smallpox was discoVered on Samirel Street on Thursday morning. The victim is believed to have eontrected the dis- ease in Watedeo, where his bro" tiler and family axe afflicted- and are in the 'Solution Hospital. The patient was removed to. Oa-lc:Cal isolation .Hospital, and his louse : qu arantined. ?.Sutchtlab„,y school, wIcie,h was atter:4M b3' the children ef the victini,.has been closed, 'and: the qmpils"htlycr'been ordered to be vaccinated. Crown Princess of Gumany. DR. MAME NESBITT DEAD. 'Was Welleknown Physician, Politic- ian and Banker. A despatch from Toronto says: At 3.30 on Friday afternoon, Dr., Beattie Nesbitt, late President of tffe defunct Farmers' ,Bank, suc- cumbed to a six Months' illness, Tle died at his home, 71 Grosvenor street, with Dr. Graham Chambers and Dr. Walter McKeown, Mrs. ,Nesbitt, and her daughter at the bedside. Dr. Nesbitt was 40 years old. His death has been expected daily for the past week, owing to themalevolence of the heart dis- ease and Bright's disease, which wasted the one-time genial doctor to a shadow of himself. At noon he became -unconscions, and at three -thirty he passed quietly away. .00 DURE ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Their Rgyal Highnesses Will Sail in the Spring. A despatch 1T0311 Ottawa says: It is believed in well'informed circles in the capital that'the official an- nouncement n\ade from ,,Goverrll ment House on Thursday stating that her Royal, Highness the Duch- es,s of Connaught would return to England in the spring for further medical advice, and -that his Royal Highness- would accompany her on leave of absence, foreshadows a labor announcement that their Highnesses are intending to leave Canada permanently, and a new Governor-General will have to be appointed next autumn. CONDUCTOR KILLED. Take Superior Corporation Em- ployee Gaught Between Cars. A despatch froin &lett Ste, garic, Ont., says : Emil Laplante, a con- ductor empleyed in, the Yards -of the steel plant of the Lake Superior Corporation, was inskentle on Thursday afternoon when he was caught between two cars while making a. metpling and his life was crushed out. He was twenty-five years of age .4.4 merried,, living on Noethiand Street, Steelton. STfOT 'MAN IN MISTARE. Winnipeg Constable Tried to Frigh- ten a Milk Thief. A despatch 'born Winnipeg .cetys: John Zcopik,: Ruthenian, is lying -id 'the. General Hospital with a bullet in his right temple, as •the eesek of a revolver shot fired on Thitesclay morning by Wilitoon Andrew Wise- ly, police constable, vat another man who stole two bottles of milk from a delivery wagon, Montreal Standard Pti,hlilhing NE w s. pA pE Limited, Publishers. Whooping Cough spAsmomc CROtJP ASTHMA COUGHS -.BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS ' e5,0ememee11170 A simple, Safe and elYeritlim treatmept for bro.. ch1.1 teoubl*s, Amitlind 0054. Vaporized Ceesolene etops,the parosysms of Whpapingtough and relieves . Spasmodic Croup 01 0000, his a BOON to imileiwra from Asthma. 'The air carryiog the antisepticanpor, hi,,eiredWith every breath; makes 'breathing easY ; • soothes 0, 0015 throat and 015 70 the cough, assuetog reetfill nights. It Is invaluable to =there with young childten. Send p00100 6.' deSeripSye booSiet. ALL DM:MOIST/3. Try C R ESOLENE • ANTISEPTIC' THROAT TABLETS Soothe Irritated thismt, lYiter Are 0101700• Org'Z glifigr= 0., 100.i0 stamps. " Cresolene Co. • 62 Corrigan St., N.Y. teeming Mlles 530114105 montreal, esit 3 iv7rrvw • Mr. Rogers of the New York Globe Says It Is, the -Best Medium Between Seller and Buyer A despetch from Syracuse., N. Y., says : In an address before the As- sociation of American, Advertisers at Syracuse en Wednesday Mr. Rog- ers of The New York't llobe outlined an aggressive poliey which the aa- sociation is embarking upon in or- der to emphasize the superiority and •importance ' of newspaper ad- vertising as against the benefits ob- tained by advertising campaigns in thc magazines. :Mr. Rogers said, in part; "Much of the lost motion and waste in modern bnoiness is represented by a misconceptien' of the 'relations which shoulfl,exist be- tween the 'seller and the buyer 'o.? publieit,y. According to my :con- ception of the proposition, :the acl- , vertiseP 44.eniel absel u tely d emend that every medium in which he spends money delivera known and proved eirculatien as a prerequisite of the contract. Unless this is done yon place a premium on the man of false statements."' Mr, Rogers showed, how newspaper atlyertising was the most efficacious and satis- factory mediana of reaching the con- sumer to -day,. and • advanced in proof of his contentions -the follow- ing main argument : Newspaper space can be bought in exact ac- eorclanee with tlie .distriblition of goods and in cotuperation witth ,errort. for 100 per 'cent. &Bole eney Trmed to the hour and eptib- hscl to take advantage of chaeiging conditiens, it400.0140001. Is A Constitutional Disease. It manifesto itself in focal aches and patns,--Inilemeti Joints. and stiff cles,--but it cannot -be cured by local applications. reqiiires constitutional treatment, and.the best IS a oourse or thee great bleod-puritying and tonic medicine Elood s arsgpari a which correctthe anid oanditlen of the blood and builds up the syistem. Gel tt teclai, Sold by an di,uggist's everywhere. 100 Dosee (Inc Taollar, ML ORDER ANL), SUICIA/E. f/itaeat Laborer liills -Wife and' • I'oisons Himself. A despaton from Qttawa says: 0,yr.ille Lepage, aged 45, a laborer ab the Booth mills, who came here' from Quebec a few years agb, shot. and killed his wife, aged forty, and committed suicide by taking Paris green, at their rooms, 87 Broact street, shortly before neon on Fri- day.. According to .the woman's mother, Lepage came home Friday morning and said he was going to kill his Wife and himself. The mo- ther rushed out to .summon the po- lice, but when assistance arrieed Mrs. Lepage, was found •with two bullet wounds in the head, anti 'the man had taken poison. grs. Le- page died en route to a hospital, and Lepage succumbed about half an hour later. GRAIN, f N(HilSTION UNLIKELY Only Possibility of Feet William. Elevators Being Filled. - A despatch from Fort William says: While there is a possibility of .the elevators in Fort William bo - coming filled before the opeding of navigation, it is only a possibility, according to J. A. Speers, manager of the Lake Shippers' Clearance Association here!. The storage ca- pacity of the elevators is approxi- mately 32,000,000 bushels, and Of the 57 -vessels in the harbor 13,000,- 000 bushels, making 'a total storage capacity of 45,000,000 bris'eels. There are about 15,000,000 bushels of grain in the elevators, -and about 9,000,- 000 in the vessels, according toMr. Seners. OPERATION FOR PILES FAILED Zeni-Iink Was Then Tried and Worked a Cure. Writing from Poplar B.C., Mrs. 0, Hanson, wife of the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, says: suffered for years with bleeding piles. The pain was so bad at times that .1 could hardly walk, and or- dinary remedies seemed utterly no - able to give' me any ease. Finally decided -to undergo an operation, and went to the Sacred Heart Hos- pital in Spekane. T.here they per- formed an iiperation and did all they could for mo. For e time I was certainly better, but within 12 reenths the trouble started again and the piles became an painful es ever. I tried finiments, hot poul- tices, various 'pile cures,' and in- deed everything 1 could think would be likely te do any good, but still centieeed.te suffer, and the shoot- ing, Mining, stinging pains, the dull, aehing and wretched 'worn- out' feeling that the disease causes Continued as bad as ever. "One day I mad about Zaen-Bult anej thought I would ,try it. The first one or 'two boxes gave one more ease than anything else I had tried, so I went on with the treatment. In .a short time I began to feel al- together different,and better,: and I saw that Zam-Bult was going to cure Inc. Well, I went on using it, and by the time I had used six boxes I was delighted to find my- Seikentirely cured. That was three years ago, and from then to the present time there .has been no re- turn of the trouble." - Druggists and steres everywhere, 50c. 1.tox, er Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price.00 6 FOR WOMAN SlIFFRACiE. , British Labor Pally Against MIT Bill Which, Bars Women. A despatch fr011Y London' says: The British Labor party oh Thurs- day officially declaied ibeelf in favor of woman' ,suffrage. By a vote of e50 .against 437 A eonferenee of the representatives of -most of the tredes unions of the United King- doin, new eibbieg in London, adopt- ed a resolution instructing the' lebee membees of Parliament to 'op - post any franchise bill in which WOITIBB were not included. . TI1E MALAY PRESENT. Contract, tor ilattleship Ras Been • Placed. , • \ A despatch from London says : The cortraet• for the battleship which 'the Malay Statics will pre - writ • to the -Admiralty lia.s been placed, and 10, is expected it will be in commission in 1915. A clever man is never a favorite, because. one-half of the world is jealous of his ability, And the other hall is rabid. -ab pot being able to under,stabd him. ' NA -DRU -CO Ruby Rose Cold Cream • A toilet delight, with the exquisite. fragrance of fresh roses: Makes chapped hands smooth and soft and keeps them so. Presbrves tbe most delicate complexion against exposure to the severest weather. Try it- you'il certainly appreciate if, ' In 25. opal jars;at your druf,mist‘ NATIONAL memento CHEMICAL CO. " OF CANADA. 10541000, • t84 THE- NEIN5 1N_A .PARAS3I1P11 liAPPENIN(;S FROM AI,I. DYED ' ..sTB NEI rls.(u)111,,Z1,11,..N canatia, the F. III Pi S and the NVer1d 1.1) General Before. Your Eves. %, Canada. London Fait will got a Provin- cial gramf, Daniel Vail teamster, was killed in the G.T.R. yards at 'Brighton. Mre: Thai. Riley ef Hamilton was shot and killed by her husbeed. 1)413s. Brian 31cEnany died at Mount Forest at- the age of 101 years. • Occupants of a rooming house in London had ..exciting escapee from a fire. • George T. Puckett, a prominent business man of Attaniltort, died at the age of fifty-three year•s. The Warden of Hastings County will pay the. fares of all members of his Council to the good Roads convention this year. The Steel Corporation is to seek incorporati& from the Ontario Legislatiire for a new city at its Canadian plant near Sandwich. Great Britain. Phe women of Ireland, are de- . mending enfranchisement. The Nationalists won the London- derry seat by a majority of 57. the House pf Lords rejected the home rule bill by 329 votes to 69. HOTS "than thirty suffragettes wore committed •to jail in London tor two weeks. • Special services will be held in Great Britain in the interests of woman suffrage. The trades unions bill allowing the use of funds for certain poli- tical purposes was read a third time in the British Commons. . United States. Chairman Untle.rwood announced that the, Democrats would reduce the duty on boots and shoes: President Taft will decide upon the qestion of the importation of wood pulp a,nd paper frorril Quebec. TREE SUED • 15 Long Years. "For ever fifteen years," -writes a patient, hopeful little Ills. wo- man "while a coffee drinker, I suf- fered from Spinal Irritation and Nervous trouble. I was treated by good physicians; but did not geb' much relief, 'I never suspected that coffee might be aggravating my condition. (Tea, is just as injul'ious, because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) I was down- hearted and discouraged, but prey- ed daily'that I might find something to help me. "Several years tigo, while at a friend's house, I drank a cup of Postum ancl thought I 'had never tasted anything more delicious: "Fiona that time on I used Pos- tum, instead el coffee and soon, be- gan to improve M health, so that now I can walk half A dozen blocks Or more with case, and do many other thinga.that I never thought 1 would be able to do again in this world, "My appetite is good, I sleep well and find life is worth living, indeed, A lady of my acquaintance said ehexlid netlike Postum, it was ED weak and tasteless. "I explained to her the differ- ence When it is, made right -boiled according t.o directions. She was g -lad. to know this because coffee did not agree with her. Now her folks say they expect to use Postum the rest of their lives." Name given upon request. Read the little..book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." * Postum now comes in concentrate ed, 'powder term, called Instant Postum. It is rreperecl by stirring a level teaspoonful in a cup of hot water, adding sugar to taste, and enough cream to bring the color to golden brown. . Ifistant POStU111 is conve.nient; there's no waste; end the flavor is always uniform. Sold by grocers - 45 50 -cup till 30 chs., 99 to. 100 - cup tin 50 Cts: ' 5 -cup trial tin -mailed- for gro- cer's name ,ancl .2-cent'stamp for postage. Canadian Post= Cereal Co.; Ltd., Windsli.m, Ont. LYING IN BED WEA.KENS. , -- Anaemic Collation Resirlts from SI u ggardly 1) ts. Lack of muscular exercise is the fil.,st result of lying in bed. As a result the appetite is weakened, the ,digestive action Glows aown ancl the muscles of the stomach and- Wade - mon cease to act upon the intesti- nal mass, V,Theli the body is in a recumbent position the hoard; w•Gilkn With the least fatigue, and the cir- Ctllat1011 and the functional activity are decreased. ' • But tniless th.e subject is excep- tionally Vigormie all the benefits &Ile eon nte rhalaneed-by- dangers. In bed, the subject is ,shut awa3f from fresh• sunshine. • The result of that deprivation is a con- dition_ 'similar to „a:peen:de. Butathe supreme Menece to tl'irs week or the. aged oonfinecrtolied is the elep,•ging • the pelinanney eirealation, 0611 thati-013 wloloh freqtrently_ maul& in passive .conges,bion of both, 'sides' of the dung.s. Her this reason the sim- ple frectereeof '0 bone may be the came ,of ,aleatile because when the patient Ileein bed there is,no'frOve- meet of the mueeles. to, n,ei aa an in contive to deep breathing„ ' Some men Make the mistake of thinkieg that experience doesn't knew what it's talking about. ' 4 ci Dralciebe -rci ANY Gli3L Expansion Bracelet is a beanty. 20 h 14441 Send us your name and 'address and warren gen enswe or roiled go43 plate and will fit,u,n7 ef you 40 sets of Easter and other ecenie ,Plen floral .pesteards to sell at 10 oonte a set tan beautiful cards ln enoh set). When soldottod as the money, and we will send YOU the Brttee- lot, all charges prepaid. • .HOM ER -WARREN CO. OEPT,_41, TORONTO. TOR3NT CORIISPPIDENCE IN'tEDESTISIC BITS OF OCISSIP PAIOM' THE OtiBEH CITY. 'ProvinCial Treasurer's Death -The Suffra- gists' Movement - Toronto's High fittildings-Polities at University. The death .of Colonel, A.. J. katheson removes from the legislature a membee who, next to the Premier hitaself, bad the iereord for long eervice in the House, lIlo 0.1MOSOO Will make a large gap, for Colonel kletheson, °STD in the days of oppoeition when -ho was only a private member, was assitluoas 1 his attendance to duty. It was a earoday whey his seat in the 1101.1110 WUS vacant.' Not only \MS he eonecienti- ous to 0 ,clegree, thereby differing from Many members who only report in the HOMO for the purpase of drawing their sessional indemnity, but he took a real perserial intereet in nertrly every topic that eame up tor discussion. This wide intereet in all eores of subjects Wes 0110 el tile distinguiehing Characteristies' of Colonel Matheson's inertial make up, and it had not a little to do with making hint such a useful member of Mei. legislature. Ile was not as frequent a epealcer as come others, but when he did epealc it was not because Ito liked to pe in tho bet becauee ho had information or an opinion, arrived at after due thought, which ho considered would be of benefit in the deliberation/ His Sincerity and Probity. I would $ay the outstanding featuto of Colonel Matheaorea eharacter was his 'ab- solute sineerity. If he made mistake:: they were mistaltbs +about which there could be no suggestio» of crookedness or double-dealing _or other unworthy motive. This fact was eccogniked by oppositibn alo well as by frimul. And while MS critics frequently attaolced his judgment they never ettacked his probity. Colonel Matheson was not a great orator. Tie spoke in a high Icy, and whir eonsiti- erable effort. Rut hie seeeches were made interesting' ancl carried weight beeause of the sineerity and the conviction behind them. A bachelor to the end of his days, Col- onel Matheson was frequently made the butt of Jests in the Rouse on this O.C. 001.111t. All these; however, Ile took in good part aed often returned them in kind. It was appropriate that whorl the 01001 call came it ehould nricl him 10 hie lib- rary, for the late Provincial Treasurer Wilt3 an inveterate render, Women Suffragists' Progress, The local Women suffrage moveMent is getting a foothold. A year or two ago when the iesue first began to liven things up in EnglaenVthe interest Imre W116 pret- ty mild and academie, and one rarely met any persou, oven among women, whtrever got excited ori the subject- Thanks to the spectacular doiegs in 'England and to it persistent propaganda by a few local en- thusiasts, this eontlition of things is changing. Suffer -tee is ilow a, live topic of diseuesion, And flOM a eenclition where nearly eveeyone profeseed to be mildly In favor of women sulfrage-"if they went - ed it" -there ere eryotallizing strong de- finite aud opposing opinion0. Some of the strongest "entis" are among the -women themselves, and when such are in the die- cuseion the argument is gerierelly heated. At an issue in 001101611111 pollilos the sof- lenge question has so far been a negligibie quantity. It is a question if this can be said truly much longer. A conference of men interested In the movement was held the other clav and a permanent men 'S organisation formed. it m interesting to noto that two of tho most p voitninent male propogandists ln the cause are W. P. Mite - lean. 37.P, 11,1 Dr. Tee, L. Ilughes, Chief „..Inspector of schools. • The Sky -Scraper Probletn. We are having a, bele ted discupsion en whether: sky-serapers ought to be allowed. With two buildings rearing skyward front 16 to 113 Merles it seems a late to lay down a degree that 10 stories shell be the hall fer the rest of the city, particularly when plaits are ready for a hotel and oue or two 11053 office buildings, one Paid to be for the Royal Bank to 'run twenty stories, The corner of Ring and Yongo streets prat -niece soon to look like oo caliyon. Yet on the -whole sentimea lo favoreble 00 the ekyeauper. They appeal to civic pride, arid they furnieh light, airy rind convenient aloes. It is estimated that the pew Royal Bank beildiug will ae- commeRate 2,000 persoes. It, like the 0. P. It building and the Traders Ilenk ins, in order before .11; will be able to announce that It is the tallest building in the British Empire, for, earimully, the Ameriean continent, the pert of the world thet hos the moot unoccupied land, is the only place wrOre the lend seeing device of building sky-sere:Imre has taken root. Wiest Eurepean eities have low buildings, on.tnit,lejare prevented by law from having any Many of Toronto's bank buildings aro fashioned after thc English model -low and ornate. This clash of English archi- tecture with Amerioan arehitecture prom- ises to make down town Toronto exeeed- Mete Illteyenting frOVI nit allebithattril standpoint, though it ruins' foyever„ 11110 prospect of sYmmetry or consistenci. Party Politics In University. The proposal to introduce party polities into the uncleegracluate body at the Uni- versity of Toronto may lead to conse- quences. Pepin the enallest times to the Arcoont da,y undergeaduate eolitics have been colorlees, and to the datsicle public meartiaglese. 'There have always been two paeties, but their platforms were melee platforme without referenee to poliltoab party lines or agything 'else of a envious nature The present itiemment geelcs te bury these old partiee re the dead past and to havethe students 11 their undergradnate bodies, streh a, tlueLiter ary Seeiety, (mine out Frankly and divide as Grits and Toriee,' diecussing and de- hattng the publie 'IMPS 00 0110 day feont this standpoint., The bookers of the movement say title would give thdin a real preparatioll for pnblie life after gradurition, that now they nee leerning ninth aboutilm ties of ancient Rome, hut nothing abou1 those of modern Canada. Also Ploy point ont that the undergreduates of Oxford discuss polities wiehout harm or niolesta, ti°10'1. 0the other hoed the University of To- ronto, being a state inetitutiou, the dila. mission of politics therein might -eels(' seine delicate situations, Sir Jamem Whit. liey inade a somewhat oracular clechtra.- tieu on the sub:loot. in which bc seemed to theeaten the whole movement with ex- 'Mut:hien. It Te.eltitinecl by Liberals thet 01 prOSCIlt, they greatly predominate, numerically ata the 'University. Whether this tact' hes anything to do with the ,movement or, with Sir James' hostfIRY cannot be stated, EnglneerIng Problems. The licarbore Waterworks' diffitnilty, mentioned last week, is Mit opo of teeny engineering problems. which are puzzling the brains of, edl citizens who are inter. eseed in municipal problems at tho nke. sent moment Per example, the nitre $750,000-111tration plant has been made the objeeli of attack. Ilia charged that Al. Is 'leaking at the late of several millidn lone a day.' The leaks rtin bethways, sometimes leading the wet& mit of fte plant and sometimes Thtaing pelleteel water in. This is VOTS,- also:1100'1g. The plant wee built -under tho directMn of Engineer Ibsen, an American expeet rea putecl' to be one of the beat in Otis bliet. nese.Be denies the allegations( and hes been Permitted the opportunitY,of proving them Wrblig, it In said, considerable success, In this cast the citizen who wants to know in informed thrat'the ease reale on the aceuraoy or otherwise of von - t -art meters, which are USed to measure the flow. The eitizen is, of onurse, im. ' mreesed, though it is doubtful it ho is Much wiser, 'ellen there it, the viaduct problem in which the railweys and the city have been locked in controversy for years past, Pere, too, there is a maize of i/gUl'OS and oughmering difficulties with which the 0.80. 511050 citizen finds it hard to grasp, though he can understand the feet that no matter what happens there in going to he 0 bill of several million dollars for the city to pay. Again, there is trouble over a voction of the - sewerage eysteru now well on to- wards completion, Ono of the outlets into the Lake which was taken off the hands of the eentractors Rome menthe ego, and whith has pryer been used, to sold to have been crnmbline to pieces and Is already practically useleea. The feet is that "noronto has such s stu- pendons amount of eivic improvements tinder Nen( that the resources ,of public) ownerehin are being, taxed to the limit. Unclee the cieetunstances it 'would not aeon to In surpriging if certain (..I.VOni of Jedgment aed of exeontion should orcep in, though the friendsof good gov- mum/lent are hoping they will be as 'few Its possible. er• TA E G OLD FOR MEDICINE. Natives of India Put It to Many Curious Uses. To the ordinary uses to which gold is put the natives,of India add a number that are curious. Accord- ing to the bullion report of Messrs Samuel. Montagu & Co. of London, England., gold in the form of thin leaf is swallowed hi India fm: medi- cinal pie:poses. A frequent form of piety is to re - gild 'the dome' of religious build- ings; such operations can easily .ab- sorb $50,000 or more. Sovereigns with a shield on the obverse arc in. constant requeet. An inquiry as to the ultimate use of some thousands of pounds revealed the eurious fact that a Rajah of rococo ta.ate,s had nnported them to form ai centre to each pane in tha windows of his pal ace. As a, contrast to the eavings of France, which are utilized to pro- mote the trade ef the world, those of Indiu ere buried el' hoarded. The world's production of gold is likely to exceed that of last year by $20,000,000 and will proberbly be ill the neighborhood of $490,000,000., The Youth-"S'cientists say thab trees cootribute to thb heat of the atmosphere." The Dunce -''That's true. A birch has warmed me many a, time." Doctor -"You admit dint I cured you of insomnia, men why don't you pay my hill!" Pationt-"Sorry, doctor ; but I sleep so soundly 110880 that, my wife goes through my pock- ets at nights and takes every penny." ' •$, Auussiniaamia.M.M•11.04m 125Eggincobatolais and Brooder %IP J.'. If ordered together. P ite5r!littfr .11f;g10000,000. Son, reCOPISCO WNCUSATOR pox 239 50,0 l, Win., U. S. A. 125rhiek odor "Yoe'll find it's so." Labatt's Lohdon Lage*r Now Perfected Best Bupable TRY IT, JOHN LA13ATT LIMITET) 28 LONDON, ONTARIO THIS ATCH FREE TO ANY oy This • durliped King" Watch is an obsoletely guar. anteed theekeeper, It is stem wind and etern set, double clustprool bank, and will be givon in either nickel or gold flnigh case, Regu- lar utnit's also. Send us your name end acedrese and wo will send you ZO eoto of Daster end other 53001.00411) to sell at 30) cents o set (six beautiful creels in each set/. When sold send us the money, and we will BOWL yeu the watch, ell charges prepaid. 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 .4 4 aa. TORONTO.