HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-06, Page 8Cli.li'rtSllt, Februarg 6th, 1913.
Total Marks 256,
Kenneth Rorse 229,
Bert McGuire 216,
Norman McNeil 216,
Jack Wiggnton 207, 1616
George E:l'ott 201,
Leo Reynolds 200,
Sadie Gibbs 109,
Oliver Murphy 198,
Jack Britton 191,
Helen Ladd 198,
Kathleen Livermore 183,
Clyde Kennedy 182,
Mary McTaggart 180,
-M, Wiltse, Teacher.
Dietsipn 8,
Total 200,
Isabel Johnston 106,
Katie Beaton 1011,
Charlie Shipley 187,
Fred McTaggart. 187, i
Clifford Carter 181,
Eleanor Plurnstcel 176,
John Nediger 175,
Fergie Carter 174,
Isabel Glazier 172.
Ruth Hale 171.
Grace Strong 171,
Russell Bezzo 108,
Wallace Wheatley 185,
Wilfrid Grant 164,
Elmer Miller 163,
Juniors, 1
Total 150.
Jean Simpson 118,
Norma Treleaven 147,
Florence Johnson 147,
Phyllis Tozer 146,
Olive Schoenhals 148,
Burton Bolton 144,
Margaret Ball 141,
Bert Marshall 1439,
Kathleen Taylor 139,
Olive Lawrence 138,
John Livermore 138,
Cecil Ashton 136,
Reesor Forster 135,
ICenneth Roberton 182,
Austin Matheson 130,
Gordon Campbell 127,
Francis Baines • 125,
-M. L. Iyer, Teacher.
C C.1. Weekly Report
Form, 1, Geography -A. Town-
shend 85, H. Stewart 83, C. took
78, E. Sanderson 78, C. Whitmore
78, M. Lansing 78, A. Petrie '77, Ii.
Cantelon 72, P. Reynolds 71, P.
Cuninghame 71, F. Pennebaker 70,
P. Carter 69, E. Shseley 68, E.
Kaiser 68, 7. Churchill 68, G. Wal-
lis 07, L. Churchill 67, A. Nediger
66, A. Shanahan 66, 1 Sinclair 66,
J. 1 Wylie 64, G. Beaton 64, C.
Johnstone 61, B. Bowden 61, A.
Giat.ier 61, 0. Philips 60, D. Ship-
ley 59, N. Sparks 56, H. Kilty 56,
W. Appleby 56, M. Smillie 55, J .
Grainger 511, L. Hanley 54, J. Mc-
Allister 51, C. Cantelon 51, 51.
May 50, G. Beatty 46, J. Forrest
43, C. Mair 42; i.. Partner 40, le.
Copp 39, F. Ed ards 38, t'. Toomp-
son 38, W. Crich 31, k.. Miller 81.
own 2, A gebra - J. Smith,
1'. Beacom, 0. Cole, V. tar-
bert, E. Wasmann, V. Hearne,
11. Mannting, S. Smillie, A. Hoare,
P. Moffatt, .1. il2.ddleton, J. Me -
Taggart -equal 100, I Rath r•:1 t. '.
M. Elliott 98, V. Evans 98, W.
Caldwell 94, P. Potter 92, K. Gov-
ier 92 C. Kaiser 92, H. Harland
90, F. Thompson 90, (1. Hoare 90,
M. Milne 86, E. Eerisson 80, E.
Wise 80, H. Shaw 76, M. Cook 73,
10. Powell 70, L. RathWell 70, S
Henry 70, M. Davidson 70, P. Rennie
70 S, Agnew 68, L Roberton 66, 13..
Rodaway 66, W. Nelson 64, C. McCool
61, I. 'Gould 62, 0. McGI11.62, A.
Matheson 60, M. Cook 58, M. Hair
58, C. Harland 58, J. Smillie 50,
K. (howen 54, L. Kennedy 50, E.
Jamieson 46, K. McNaughton 44,
H. Ilolmes 44, A. Dewar 40, G.
Hudie 38, R. Z•orroster 26, P.
Wheatley 22, 71. Johnston 19, 0.
McDonlall 14, L. Cook 6, D. Cantel -
on 6.
Form 3, French Composition H.
Cantelon 78, E. Gray 75, 0, Nichol-
son 74, A. Cooper 60, D. Barr 57,,
W. McNaughton 52, J. 'Wylie 51, V.
Lobb 45, M. Yates 30, M. Gunn 30,
W. Walker 23.
Form 3, Gernan Composition- M.
Reynolds 82, W. McGregor 74, 1!l.
Beacom 66, I3. Forrest 66, M. Gunn
Forth 4, French Authors -M. Stap-
ley . 67,-E. Torrance 61, D. Tierney
Last Wednesday the Jackson Mann-
factnring Company, Clinton, makers
of boys' clothing commenced opera-
tions at their factory in Zurich. They
have a dozen machines in opera-
tion to commence with, and as their
employees become more skilled the
nnnber will he increased.
They have rented for a term of
,vexes the old (,1ernlen Baptist church
and have it fitted lip as a modern
Factory. the sewing and pressing ma-
chines being ran by a gasoline engine.
They are finding no trouble in gots.
ting bends in the vicinity of Zurich,
and this is the reason they are branch-
ing out to these neighboring towns, as
i, Clinton they are constantly behind
with orders on acennnt of the scarcity
or labor. They are working on the
plan that ii' ichor won't carne to them,
I hey \+ 111 •an nearer to lahnr. The vil.
lege or Z•:n ich granted theme a bonus
r $2'10.
Penhale Huiiidelt-A pro it
ding rook plaeesr.'be. ry,,, . r tlr i
9718. Thos. Houlrien en J`. 'L?ml •. I .,t
aie1rdauehter.Violet Mat, ••:i -un red
1..msrriegetoMr Etigor(3 Pen ha
Hey Township. The verem .uv was...I-
formed under au at ch Ir mined ,.,lit
,.el and myrtle by Rev.() Poem,
.•. .(
Ow Themes Ro.i$. The her le wets Ilea u-
Pttly gowned .n,r.ilk dreg• vrimmed
with. over lace and peer) i inoror.gs
and ,'.d vying a bouquet of Mlle.. of
the valley. Miss U,,,e, kin,tp of the
bride. acted NS bridesmaid while 1119
kioom was assisted by his enirsiu 91,.
i(.,I eat Green. The %%wiring is
wa- played by Mrs. (Rev.) Fletcher.
After the ceremony all sat down tea
sumptuous Wedding supper. The bride
was the recipient of ir beautiful array
of presents. The evening was pleas-
antly spent in music and games. Me.
and Mrs. Penhale will reside in Flay.
They have the best wishes of a host of
District Deputy Grand Master. G. E.
McTaggart of Blyth, and his installa.
tion team composed of Messrs
S. McVittie, 141 9 Storm. W.G. Petts,
A. W. 'Robertson and A. B. Thomas
instaalled the officers of Exeter lodge
on Toesday evening. After the
stallation all repaired to W. J. Stat -
hams where oysters and refreshments
were partaken of returning again to
the lodge room where speeches and re-
citations were in order, Following
were the officers installed ; J. P. G.
Bro. J. J. Penhale: N, G.; Bro, W.
J. Statham, V. G. Rio. E. Howald ;
Secretary Bro. R., N. Creech ;Fin.-Sec-
relary .Bro. W. Sohne,Treasurer Bret,
E. N: Dignan • R. S N. G. Bro. W. W.
Tamen ; L. S. N. G. Bro. L. Wilson;
B. S. . G. Bro. H. Axt. 'L. S. V. G.
Bro. A. Perim le; Warden Bro. C.
Sweet Con. Bro. W. Brad; J, G.
Bro. R. N. Rowe ; 0. G. Bro. 8.
The officers of I -he local Oonrtpof the
I 0 F were installed on Monday night.
The following etre the officers t Onert
Deputy, James Priest, Past Chief
Ranger J. W. Ortwein, Chief Ranger,
.lohri Zenfle, Viee Chief Ranger, Peter
Stew of Rec.-Secretary, George N.
Pfaff, Fin Secretary, Milton W. Ort..
weirs, Orator, Miss Estrum, Pfaff, Or-`
ga:nist, Luella Ortrvein.
D. A. Cant.elne, of Toronto, spent
Saturday, Sunday and Monday in
town. David informs us that the farm-
ers, by their own motions, have low-
ered the price of eggs, by placing.
packed eggs on the market and try
ingtoget the,'price of fresh ones. -05-
In the death of Robert McAllister
at the great age of 80 years, the
northern part. of Hay loses one of its
earliest and most respected settlers.
The deceased was horn in Glasene /'
8entiend, and came to this coon/try
over half it century ago, Heer:dMired
the hard work and hardships of i he
early pioneer arid achei•ved the re
Snit ofthril't and ind'ostry. Deceased
was a Presbyterian and always tools
interest in the wefere of hie church.