HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-06, Page 6WHAT A REAL TONIC WILL DO
Strikes at the Root of Disease and.
-Gi reek New Health:
'If you look in your dictionary pen
will find the word "touip" :demised
eieclicine that increases the
etrengt and vigor of the system."
Thett i1 j Dr. Williams' Pink
a a real tonic. Thousand's
'el men ancl women are ailing tb!.
day, eet sick in bed,/ but without
stiength and ambition, -utterly
tired out after a day's work. No
one organ seems to be at fault, yet
the whole system is lacking in health.
They do not sleep well and are al-
ways tired and nervous, raw have
headaches, backaches and stemach
tonic help of Dr. Willisies5 Pink
trouble, All these people need the
Pills. The beneficial influence of
this medicine reaches the whole
eeystem. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
dc;re than relieve the symptoms,
they actually remove the cause of
the trouble. --,The ease a Mrs. J.. H.
Sharpe, London, Ont., is one in
proof of the aboyessetternents.`Mrs.
Sharpe says: -"I was so ren down
and weak that life was a burden.
The least exertion ;would exhaust
inc so greatly that 7 coed hardly
breathe. If going up stairs, I
would have to rest .several minutes
when I reached the top. My heart
, would palpitate until I felt as if it
vs, ' -ie. I was extremely
„ nervous, ite feet a ecanplete wreck,
" and would sometimes have to re-
main in bed for a couple of days or
more at a time. I kund no help
lfrona medicine until I began using
Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills, and my
experience with them wits that they
made a complete cure,
weight and my friends tell ffie
--look younger than I did ten years
ago -I know I 'certainly, feel youn-
ger:- /feel sure that what Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills have done for me
they will do to other women if given
a fair chance."
If you are at all unwell do not
fail to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills;
and you will.find new -health an
ntrene,-th. Sok] by medicine deal-
ers on by mail at 50 cents a box or
six beires for $2.50 from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Regains Prestige in A.rt and Set-
, once in Past 100 Tears. -
This year the little kingdom of
Hal1e d celebrates' a hundred years
rogress after years of despair.
. In 1813 Iloilanel was a cripple. -
The nation which hacl been one of
the teachers. of Europe'which de-
spite its small size hael been'the
oraell# of the arts and sciences,
• *schieh boasted great Painters like
Rembrandt; Ila,is and De Hoogh,
great dialecticians Erasraue
and .scholans like, Grotius, --this na-
bion ,sunk almost, to the level of
a neglected province. •
Bet in the 'hundred yeans that
have gone by Hollend, despite re-
• verses, both at home and alereed,
has reasserted herself, and the
Dutch, though a small people
'hemmed in by large railitary Gov-
•ernments, held a high place aanong
the natione. In the ninetee,ntla and
$went,ieth centuries Europe has
been their debtor for lessene in
ecienee, in internationel law, of
, which the Dutch, wore the fouadere;
In hortioulture and agriculture.
Her ancient University of Ley-
den lias produced in the lasiegener-
cutioh De Sitter and Eamerlingh
Onnes, who equefied helium'end et
her neetheen University of Gronin-
gen the greait Kapte,yn sits in the
ohair of astrermine-whence pre-
ceeAed the twentieth century theory
of Ate double drift of the stem.
It is not .serprising that Holland
• should ;hied the oppoitunity`of cora-
, memerathig her hundred years of
eemarkable preerese by holding a
Thecentenary. chief feature of
this centenary will he thq inauguere
tien of the perms palace at The
. .
Baby's Own Tablets are the
one sale medicine to make
baby well and keep him well. s
They are guaranteed by ass
government analyst to be.free
from all injurious drugs and,
are absolutely safe to give
even th thenewborn babe.
Concerning them 'Mrs. °Sear
Bedard, Manseau,
writes :--"I have used Baby's
Own _Tablets and have to
thank them that my little one
is living 'f,o-day. I know of
nothing to equal them as a
ehildren's medieine." The
Tablets are sold by rne,dicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents
•a box from The D,r. Williams'
Me e Oo., B re ckyill e,
"Lid youse gib anything?", whis-
pered the -burglar on 'guard as his
pal emerged' from' the window.
"Naw, de bloke, Wob lives here is
. lawyer," replied the other in „ens -
gist, "Dat's ha,rd, luck," said the
first, "Did pause lose an,yt'ing 1"
A tlieultive rates will be quoted via
variable roniee, affording the fittest seen.
my. The Los Mercies Limited, leaving
Ohiettge daily 10:16 p.m. for Southern Cali.
forma, the San Francisco overland. Lim.
itocl, leavite Chime° 8:30 p.m., lose than
Niece days eu emit% erovide the best of
everything in raelway `travel, The China
end ,Tarfrin Mail leaves Mileage daily of,
10145 p.m, for Sate Francisco and Los An.
geles. Illustrated literature on •ttpplicn.
tion n, Emmett, G. A., Chicago and
iVestern Ity„ 46 rouge St., Toronto.
05 3.
e put off until
, ---
Custom Is the Dictator of What Is
0041d Form.
There is a dispiae among the
•gentlemen yrhe ransack the/past ,as
to the origin of clothing. ,Did it be-
gin as a string of 'beads, rsolely for
ornament, and ;did inodestY,finally
result frem the 'wearing .of clothes 7
Or did some social leader in the
cave dwelling days,,dehroe that it
Was bad form net tdevear anapr on 2
And so did the habit re,sult from a
dayming sense of modesty?
• le is an obscure eubject and one
which may be argued about at great
length. For there are wild' tribes
theday iti• the' tropics- Wile> regard
clothing as a useless impedimeet,
but who wouldn't for the world ap-
pear in public without a cord deco
rated with shells around the'waiet.
Also . there 'aro savage gentlemen
• who look on clothing' with scorn as
soinseellieg effeminate 8,nd will have
nothing to do with them. In ,ja,paii,
art, least until recent years, nobody
paid any atteneion if one went to
an outdoor bath in the alteglither.
All of which is nierely preliminary
to the reflection that antiquarians
in England scliscoveied • thate lest
year, was the centenary of tronsers.
Previous to that blissful year Dien
Wore fOrodel to encase their legs in
breechee which came just to the
'times sor in pantaloons, which stop, -
ped above the ankle konnetihing af-
ter the feshiee",ef the rah -rah trod-
sers of to -day.
Numerous gentlemen not hiving
lees that could be .theivia to advan-
tage in -the tight germe,nts of the
peried, the idansition to trousers
ewe the more readily. At first,
indeed, there was prejudice. An
English investigator has discovered
that the Duke of Wellington was
one of the firet distieguiehed men
in •Greet Brifain to wear trousers
wed that he was refused admittance
to his club in eensequence by the
conservative hall porter.
But the trousers had such obvi-
ous advantages in the way of com-
fort and conveniente that they were
bound to win. So far as human
fote.sight goes, they seem to have
come to stay.
Under general French*
flood Advice for All Who Have Indigos -
time• or Stomaoh Disorders, e
• In his home at Waldegrove, N. S., no
one is better knol;lb, than Beret -Major
Croes, late of the 4th Queen's Own Rug-
gers. Speaking of the 111.effeets of a cam-
paign upon a men's constitution, the
SergteMieicir writes: "r* eerved under
General krench7laring the late Boer war,
In the capacity„of SorgtAlajor. It was
perhaps owing to a continued diet of bully
beef, hard taek, and bad „water, but at
any rate my etenuteh entirely gave out
I wee In such a Mete that I coulri eat
nothing without the greatest euffering.
The army doctors did not help ms much,
and since leaving the serviee / have beee
very mitterable. Some tow menthe 'ago a
friend told me be had been a great mut-
Meer from indigestion until he tried Dr.
Ramilton'e Pills; they Mead him. I eon.
fess it was without much faith I bought
a box; but theefIrst dose made me feel
better than I lute been for a long time.
Or. Erimilton's Pills completely ured,
and now / can eat everything and Rey -
thing. I have recommended them to
others and in every case the result has
been eimilar to mine."
9u6e1, sure results attend the use of
Dr. Ilemilton'elpille. Tbey cure ,dieorclers
of the stomach, correct indigestion, make
/you feel uplifted end itrengtheeed. To
renew or maintain 'health, Dr. II:mitten%
Pille always 51056 a good preecription.
25c. per box, five boxes for 8100, all deal.
ere, or•the_Oatarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., and Kingston, Ont. .
Plays Football at Oxford and Dines
• With Fellow Cotnuioners.
'Last week 'the Prince of Wale -be-
en his second term *at ()xfoocl.
His first teem wa,s an undoubted
success. "He' e getting over his
shyness now," field a Magdalen
undergraduate reeently, "which
everybody notieed but him when
.eame up. It eeemsstrange,
though it is uncleubtedly teue,`Ithat
abnormal shyness, was characteris-
tic of all King Edward's ehildresi,
though no two peoplewere ever less
ailliete,d with that clietreseing com-
plaint than Ring -Edward and Queen
Alexandra. But , by some mystery
'of• atavism their children all suf-
fered from it, and the young Prince
of Wales has evidently inherited it
from his father.", .
The Prince, after all, in spite of
equeery and !private tutor'5001115. to
have spent a fairly 0011015,1ai tender -
graduate's life -for a prince. Ho
keeps chapel, or xolleall, at 8
a.m., breakfasts more often in the
Junior Counnop room mess than in
his own rooms, aucl lunettes and
dines, 'except for eertain .special
vitatiOns, .as •de other underiTadt-
ates; When h,e. dines in lac 001Iege
Hall he •sits with his fellow coin:
mtnets, and not at -High Table with
the dons as King Edward did. He
has pi iseyed easeeietier, fo o Lb all
pretty regularly for •the Magdalen
second eleven and has run with
beagles, which are kept up by
Magdalen, New College •a,nel Trin-
ity. He has, studied lustory-mod-
ern-witih Profs, Greet, Robertsen
and Lionel Smith, -and "civies."
7Vith Sir William Anson,
with M. P,erthen, and Germ:tan with
Prof. Fiecllete Of undergraduate
clubs he belongs to. Vineent'e, the
club of "Edges" and good fellows
pullingcle.n, the. horsey dub,
which King Edward joined, and'the
Gridiron,,W mainly a dining
club. thing more
1101[0 CUP OF TEA
DISEASE. -.- •
•Dodd's Kitthey Pillcured her aftee
. s
five years sufferik-lilelt a beet,
• lit after first box.
• Toronto, Ont., Feb. 3 (Special). -
Mrs. Alberta 'Coffin, a nurse, liv-
ing at 40 Wright Ave, this city, has
been interviewed in regard to her
reported cure ,of nervous or Kid-
ney Trouble by Dedd's Kidney Pills.
She states that the report is true in
every perticuler.
"My siekness," Mrs..Goffin says,
"wes caused from a nervous break-
down and what the doctors called
ineurable Bright's Disease brought
en by cold and long weeks ef nurs-
ing. I suffered for five years.
"I was treated by three doctors
and was a patient in two -hospitals,
but gradually get weaker. Reading
the experiences of other sufferera
like myself lewd me to try Dedd's
Kidney Pills. At that time I was
so weak and nereous"I eould not
hold b cup of te.a without spilling
some of its contents.
"I felt a benefit after taking the
first box el Dodd's. Kidney Pills,
and eieht or nine bees eured me 84
demplaely I-ean nnw 'walk a mile
without fatigue." •
If you haven't used Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills yourself almost any of
your neighbors will tell you they
.2a0111,vinay.s cure Ridney'Disease in any
' —
Said. to Be Cause of Infants' Die.
Recent action of the health au
thoties in England against a, -drug
gist, or, as...they eall-them in Eng
land a /Wm -Met,' for selling an
infants' food that centained a. shift
dent quantity of eiteerCli. Ito Make it
pOisOlioUS, has created widespread
interest iri this eountry.
It may be that the ,general inves
tigatiens and ex.annnation "of in
fa.nts' foods which is expected ito
follow this pantieular preeeeution
will result in eimila,r investigations
in the T./tilted States, although as
far as is known no American-made
infant foods have proved inpu.rieue
through excess of sternal.
The British )1feclic,a1 Journal has
the following to say in conaeotion
with this cese:
"Thole is overwhelming evidence
that the digestive disorders to
which many young children ate ssub-
ject have resulted from feeding
them upon footle largely coaripesed
Of stareh. Hitherto no very great
effort has been made, to. preverit
t.hese foods beibg sold, beyond the
general advice -Whirl/ is given to
mothers and nerees by doctors and
health visitors as to the herinful-
nese of them.
"The medical officer of health of
the County of Rutland, Dr, Chris-
topher Rolleston, has, however,
succeeded in obtaining a conviction
before the local justices against a
chemist for selling a preparation of
infants' food which contained up-
ward of 70 per cenrt. of practically
unaltered starch and whioh was
therefore held to be not of the na-
ture, substance and quality de-
manded by the purchaser.
• "The preparation was described
as being 'suitable for an infitne only
a few days old. A dess,entspoonful
el the mixture teas directed te be
pukinto a basin "to be mixed to the
thickness of a emeoth cream with
colt' milk or water; to this was to
be added half a pint of millt and
water Ili:equal prieti; andr'it, wee
then to bc brought to the. boil. It
was ,scontereled by the chemist. that
ithe boiling would) sconvert the tarch
into sugar, end this view Nees sep-
ported by a member of the Society
of Public Analysts. There are
some artifieially prepared infante'
foods in, which the convensiori of the.
starch -into saccharine bodies is
complete, but they do not contain
70 per emit, of starch."
Wa.terloo in Leindon.
Waterleb Bridge, which has be.en
badly damaged by a,_..motor-bus, was
pronounced by Canova the noblest
bridge in the world, says the Lon-
don Chronicle,. Ile declared OM
if there was nothing else to see in
Lendon; the -sight of Waterloo
Bridge was well worth the trouble
of a journey from Rome, The Mar-
quis de Vermont, who was a con-
temporary of panova, alsoadmired
the bridge. bet -its name grated on
him, "Wherever I go in London,"
he writes, •"the name of Waterloo
ge'eete me, Beeides Weterloo
P, r (sp eci ally re -christened) to
S our defeat, 'Waterloo
Road and Waterloo Street, there
aro Waterloo hotels, «Watculeo aca-
demies, Waterloo public houses,
Waterloo eating houses and Water-
loo shops ,of, all -kinds and descrip-
tions. The ladies wear 'Waterloo
bonnets and th eaorielelnen
ten boots."
• orders in England.
ISSUE G -4.a.
Do You Wish to Im-
prove Your Complexion,
Hands or Hair?
you, wish a -skin clear
of pimples, blackheads and
other annoying eruptions,
hands -soft and white, hair
live and glossy, and scalp
free from dandruff and itch-
ing, begin today the regular
use of Cuticura Soap for the
toilet, bath and shampoo,
• assisted by a;n occasional
light application of Cuticula
Ointment. NO other method
is, so agreeable, oso often
effective and so economical
in treating poor complex-
ions, red, rough hands, and
dry, thin and falling hair.
Cuticura Soap • and Oint-
ment have been sold through-
out the world for more than
a generation'but to those
wishing to try them 'With-
out cost, a liberal sample
of •each will be sent free
with 32-p. book on the care
and treatment of the skin
and hair. Address (Cuticura,'
Dept. 25D, Boston, U. S. A.
PrOillifiCS to Be a Great Wheat and
• Cotton Country. .
To -clay, if the history of the past
ten years has not already enabled,
it to dos so, the Stirlen fully justifies
it existence end the money that
his been expended on its develop -
meet. To -day the Sudan, thaterrie
to17 about which Col. Stewart, in-
dorsing Gen. Gordon's opinion that
it "leo melees possession, ever was
so and ever will be so," wrote that
no One who has visited it can eacape
the refleetien, "What a uselesrepos-
eeesion asicl what a huge eneum-
,hranee on Egypt," gives the 4ie di-
rect to all the pessimistie views ex-
pressed ao to the possibility *2 ever
succeeding in converting it into ,a
working an,d profit giving 'concern.
To -day the Sudan is freed from its
financial dsepeedenee for current
expenses on Egypt.
A great future lies before the Su --
clan, greater perhaps than meet
imagine even to -day. As it
stands the Sudan -premises in ,the
near futiire ±0 become one of the
greatest cotton and -wheat produc-
ing countridi of the world.
Chest Colds Bronchitis
Can't Be Cured
By Cough Syrups
The' direcebreatbing pure, "cater he
, zone," mita Instantly reaches ati
• affected parts Is best Remedy.
just note the following chart -it clean-
ly shows how' the vapor of Oat:inlet:ono
when inhaled covers all the breathing ;m-
eans in the nese, throat slid lungs --that
Oa why Catarehozone always ottree-it gets
where The trouble really le.
"I can emetic of trio wondees Oaearrho.
zone did for me," Weitee Y. P. Fernandez,
afi important figure in;moren.ntile life in
Georgetown. "I had all thee -distressing
,.syreptering of eatarrh--head was stifffed un
-had a profese discharge from the nose
-I hawked and gagged. and had a weak
throat. My ears buzzed mid I had eon.
stant pain over. tim oyes. Clatarrhozone
cleared MY bead, strengthened my throat,
took away that rank breath and sorenees
In the neee,'"
If you haVb any foam of caterrh or
throat trouble, m1 out all expOrireents-
use CAtterhozone-les reputation le world.
wide. A complete outilt with sufficient
letedhlaiden te latit' two months and an
indistructible hard rebber inhaeee costs
31.00; smaller sixes with elaee ,inhaler,
25c. end. 50c: AD rleaggiete. ab.(1 stern,
keepers, or poet paid from Ole CetatTho.
zone 00., Buffalo, ,x/, Y., awl Kingston,
Weevil Crop of Beets In Europe
Thia Year.
' The high cost of living has trou-
bled Europe almost...tni • much as it
has this country. There seems to
be one roe., O. comfort for 1913,
'The peke's& sugaiis likely to fall.
Most of the sugar In Europe is beed;
sugar, ener the. ondp of sugar beets
last year has been 'enormous. For
the whole of Europe the crop ex-
ce,ects by thirty-six per cent, that of
'last yeax. '
In addition, tho tplaaity is -extra
fine; in Some tests tire beets were
found to have seventy-one per CeDit.
more sugar than those .grown last
yeae, 13etwee.n the great yield and
the supeagor .quality the amount of
auger produeed will be nearly 'twice
as greet,.
Red end Black on Black Back-
ground Will Distort Distaitee,s.
Ifon 0, screen *I hla,ck velvet wi, 15
clistance ao feet from the spec-
tator letters are, pasted; some blue,
,sorne red, they will not appear to be
at an equal distance from the eyes.
To some persona the ',ea laters will
seem nearer than the blue lettere,
while to other persons the contrary
effect will be Manifested.
To produce this effect both eyes
must be employed. 'When one eye
is closed the letters 6,10 all seen at
the same distance: Oh opening the
other eye One 41k of letters immedi-
ately appears to' take a position in
advance of the others.
The explanation offered' for this
effeet is that a sort of sthreeseopie,
illUsion is depending upon color.
'Tlierimage of a blue objeet is shifted
by the eye toward one, side and that
of a red object toward the other
Isf onlooking at blue and red 'et-
o\a black background 'placed
14 or, 12 feet away you -see the red
letters neerer than the blue, screen
ciffetne-half of the pupil of each
eye on the outside and you will ,ea
btlimue orednes.letters retire behind the
,'If yen screen the pupils on the
side 'toward the nese, you will see
the red.lotterse advanee apparently
still further ahead ef the blue ones.
If,,en the other hand, you -naturally,
see the blue in advapce, scre.ert the
inner sides of the pupils of your
eyes and the red will come ±0 the.
Beautiful effects are produced
with ene eye alone when, instead of
letters red or'blais rings are Pasted
en a lackgeound of the opposite
color. Placing recl rings on blue
paper and using the right eye with
the inner side of the pupil covereel
the appearance is that of eireular
red hilloeke meting en a' blue
To produce this effect in the high-
est degree the paper•must be held
to the left and eloping in that <tithe -
tion, When the outer' side of the
pupil ±5 beoome =1.1 `'t7T,
blue paper.
Ion caret be disappointed with Putnam's
Corn Bxtraotor, it is not only
the oldest Corn Doctor, but as
thousands know, 11 le the but
Putnam's Estraetor le not a
greasy balvo that runs all
over the foot end inflames it.-
/ no, Putnam's is made to Co
,rieht at corns -to root
e/1\. them out for all time 30
come. You can remove rour
earn quiekly with a 210. bottle, sold and
recommended by druegiste,
Putting 1± It Ile To Him.
"Patience is a virtue," said the
man philosophically.
"True," replied his wife, who -
thought he ought to be earning
more. "And I'll provide the pati-
ence for this family if you'll only
provide the hustle."
Tile Nova Scotia 'efaunber King" Bayne
"I consider KINARD'S LINIMENT the
BEST linituent in use. .
g'ot WY foot mime minuted lately.
bathed it well with turtenn's LINI-
MENT aud it was as well as overnext
• Yours very trnly,
T. G. IffolieTLLEhT,
Mother (sumraoned by defeated
mirse)--"Oh, Manclie, darling, how
on you be so naughty?" "Ea.s:
Your 'druggist will refund Money If PAM)
OINTMONT fails to cure any ease of IWh-
fee, Blind, Blooding or 'Protruding Plies le
(30 14 clay's, 50e.
"This letter from your eon at
college is short.",„ -"So's my son.
That's why he wrete it."
mineral Liniment cures mune in cows,
Bennie, aged Lour, met Henry,
aged five, and the following op -
venation ensued t "Whatsrea,tter
your headI". "Bumped it ona,
ceiling," "Om stepl adder 9''
"Kb. I was playin' 'ith my papa
ona. floor an' I teas sitting on his
tutanny." "An' nen what?" `Papa
s -
When Your. Eyes Need Cr
Try Untine Eye Remedy. NoSmarting-t'eels
Fine-Aets Quickly. Try .it ior BM, Weak, ,
Watery Eyes arid Granulated Eyelids. Illus.
"tread Boolciin each Package. Merino is
• comphunded by out Oeulism-not a “Patent Med.
Wine- but used in $11C0043fIll PhYSICIR119' Frac-
111.'171gitnrsYgPrg'isi',17t, egal:03,Maa".
/AMMO 11150 Salvo In'Asootto Tubes, 2,si line 505.
Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
No man is ever so geed bet what
there is some cau.se te be sorry for
the -woman whe married him.
MInard's Liniment Cures
,Easier Way.
`!1-T»r. pareots sent her to Europe
in tholepe that she would 'get ove0.
her infatuation for young Flub-
YAT1 easier .wae would be
for them to let he nisory hint"
• Sample free If you write National Drug
e-• chemicat co, et Darlene, Lieultml
In all oases oE
' Of all harms, broodmares, colts, stallion,
on their tongues or te the feed put SpOltIl'e
COMPOUnd. Cele the remedy to all
of them. ft ;tete en the blood end glands,
51 routee the disease by expelling the die-
eme germe. It wards off the,trouble no
mveter how they are "exposed," Abe°.
lutely free erem anything injurious. A
;Mild oa,u safely take ,11. Sold ity drug-
• gists and Minim; dealers,
Spohn Medidal Co.,
Chemists and nacteriologiets
- COSHED, iNEL, U. S. A.'
"That wasn't a bad epigram on
the Megiatratee part," said the
somewhat educated tramp whe had
been eenviete,d for vagrancy. "What
did he say?"' asked the trardp's
pal. "Sevee days," game the re-
ply. "That ain't no epigram, is
it?" "I'M -Sure it is.s I asked a
spatson once what are epigr,ain was,
and he saye, 'It's a short sentence
that souncla light, but gives you
plenty to think about.'"
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
'LW with Throe Rouses; large Bank Barn,'
Kust be sold quick Price is very low.
aaaitil re. Alberta and Sa,sktutehewan
Into, gak. bought. Worth the moneytfo
that e
terms inedifferent seetione of Ontario
on my list. If you want a farm consult
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto,
Take LAXATIVE BRolvto Quinine Tablets-
Druggises refund money if it faile to mire
a W. DROVE'S eignature is on each box.
Success may be a mystery, but
hard work will solve it.
evunanrs Liniment Cures Distemper,
Percival Ii,ePTI-y---ster, , says that he
is 'positively teighteted when he
thinks what would have ,when
to him if he hadn't beee given rich
RI ui ngs
Makes the Clothes as
Whiteas Snow
Try If 1
Manufactured by
Tho Johnson.RIGhardson co
Limited. 1.1..tnad,
and Oleaning. This is n.speelalty wulliths
British American Dyeing CO.
solid particulars by post omit 000t'0 sure t. • ..tisfy.
Gold Medalist, Address fax 233, Montreal
When buying your Piano
insist on havenq at%
Piano Action
Comity; mil gravelly loam, frame
houee; frame bank barn; other outbuild-
ings; elotte to railway etatiou and xuaeket.
Apply Geg. Kora, Thameeford, or Weetern
Beal Betate Exohange, London,
ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue,
Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stems
Conipany, ToTOribo,
all kinds. Pearson, Poultryman,
Guelph, Ont, •
J5) Musk at tyliolebtdo, EamPle CODY 60.
Specialties Agency, Box 1816. Winnipeg.
!manna and external_ cured watt
ont naip by our borne trentment. Write
as before too late. Dr. Bellruan Medical
Co.. Limited, Collinewood, Ont.
1..7C der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel,
Lumbago add kindred ailment:, peettinaly
cured with the new German Remedy.
"Sated," price 8150. Another new remedy
for DiabeteseMellitue. and sure cure, le
"Sailors AnteDia.botee." Price 32.00 from
dotIrrr,•,sta or direot. The entice Menefee.
Living Corapany of Canada. Limited.
Winniptig, Man.
BOILERS New ancl Second,
. " hand. 001 beating
1 and power purposee. i'AreKS 41017
SMOKE STACKS. Asinvs fet Stints -
vast Vantllatiag and Iloating System i.
Engines end Shipbuilders
FREE TRIALLPWring,9,!,7.
Nothing quite 80010 or
o benutaul head et luta,
Let us send you obsobitoir4
free one trestmeni aS
Luxurine, If it Is only to
prove le you 411 00 colors
(ray hair and makeslt
mew, stops itching, WM-
ves dandruff and makes the
hair of mob Or ‘Vonlan or
child heavy and beautifully
glossy. You have only to send us your address,
with 801, enclosed for mailing and packing, and we
will send you anywhere our trearMent, et our own
expense. Write to -day. Address 010. 881058080,
Dept 2 203 Commisaioner Street, Montreal.
from ail owe U. S. and Calladh.
Why not ;deb to ihee You will
sooeer or later. :lend for eriee
list and slap to
At F. Pfaetzer 1, CM
6 E. 12011 St. (Deo), 711.
NOM York flitY.
=zza;a2m=ra. =vmm..
/u the interest of reurity of goods tnvolv.
05 an outlay of MOO, divided into 44 prizes
sysarathy.ing foot» 6100 (first prize) down to PR IZE CONTFST
Competition is limited to usere of the GRIMM CRAMPTON EVAPORATOR.
Meted you own a grave and waut to get the best value out of It, and aro
not using one Or our F,VAPORATORS, write to, uSa,stating how many trees
You tap and we will quote you neeeseary rest netted to your needs. You
can then enter contest tind may Will ,'ah prize, Owe reducing cost of
outfte Prizes alit 408 g2±eui for the best samples of serup and spear font
in by April lelh, ;fleeing date of etimpetition, rinMples front every romped.
ter will bti exhibited in the magnifieent Silew windows of "The Montreal
Star," Montreal, during the lest two weeks of April.
• Don't fail to write at once fee cotey of our "Prize Contest elroular," "eying
the fullest inforination.
Ss W'ellIngton St., Montreal, pee.
nmizi.......,metzatemcimemmemeery., etearzetereseumeemeezerrerm
ememmazarea.. mmeagessimerstraireattareassete • • '
Every farmer wh o allows an outside
closet to remain on" lth farm is Looking
for Trouble --disease Med fer
himself and his entire family.
It ilas Been Proved
That ninb out of every ten ca.aes ef illness on the farms are
directly treceable to the outside efoset-that horrible sink of
disease and filth.
Jest think 1 You allow this horror to remain within a few
-steps o9 pour laornee-stel force yetis family-3,one wife end
, daughter to use it -in all weaehors-W-inter and Summer.
Why, man, it's outrageous 1 Especially when you esonsider
how little it would 'cost, you to install a Good Health Sanitary
• Closet -right in'your ewn home. Imagine how your 'tunny
will an p reciate its p isle ney ,encl cony en fence. Make up- your
mind sow t get rid of that outside privy. We will ehow you
Mail TVs Coupon to Us RIGHT NO -W
The flood
nealtb Co.
Please send no literature -
miring full particultire . of the
Good Nealth Sanitary Closet,