HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-06, Page 5February 6th, TM
(13y PATTY.'
.Oh'! but `twa.sa blowy, sleety
sniglA and. Nye were shivering under
• the protectioa of the glowing 'coals/
just as the Htisy Man harried
looking tired and Wet. We quickly
made room for him and he sank
• down in contentment under the
soothing atmosphere. ."Jove ! this
is Comfort" he. murmured. "Why !
our fireplace at home is very _inuch
like this, but Somehow, */..ii.eVer
• use it," dni his voice, trailed off in-
to silence, ab he rested his tired
:head on his hand.We didn't qUite
-Understand ; but just then ;the large
-Coal • in the corner gave a sympath-
etic bang aral burst. open • and we
saw in the fiance the following pic-
ture :••
The Busy Man coming home after
a tedious _day Of -Work and worry,
of :persistent saleannia, of trouble
with the clerks, a annoying ems -
tanners. The result was a headache
and' an intense longing toy a • quiet
homey :evening with his wife, -a lit-
tle chat, a little reading, maybe a
little musie, but inahily symPathetic
-understandiag; The longing hed pic-
tured the need so clearly. He facrui.d
upon arrival that his Wife was • go..
Mg out to "club." •:fust which club
he was uncertain; for he had long
ego ceased - trying to keep them
clear in his ;iniad. Once, be had
suggested that they spend some ev-
enings together at home ; but she
'had said, 'she would be lett out ot
everything if she kept refusing in-
vitations, and besides she Couldn't
stay in all day,and all evening
too.' . Ile hadn't meant that, exactly,
• only he Wished. they could he to-
gether more. But Oh ! that was
some time ago., We could see that
their fireplace was empty now, most
of the tem ; and the busy man had
drifted MT to his Club where at
least he had 'companionship. We all
saw this Picture so plainly in the
coals. that we could undetstanll and
sympathize when the Busy , Man
said" "I th'nk husbands and wives
should be pals, sharing theirout-
ings and then, - :sometimes, staying
'together, at home." We kn'ew that
the last word held a great deal of
-unexperienced pleasure 'for him. We
rubbed our eyes and looked again
for the pietism but there was only
the new blaze bursting forth. •
"Lent comes earlier this season
'than it has done for 95 years. Isn't
it just too mean ? It stops all our
'fun and we, have to stiffer toojust
'because some of the Churches keep
it'one of the young .girls said. I
agreed with her and was about to
say so, when the young man -who be-
longed to the Church of England ex-
plained two or three things to us in
his quiet way ; and I believe it did
til• good. He said it was the time
set aside by the Church every year
for special self-examination. "You
sweep and clean your houses every
'week don't you ? Yet you always
reserve some time in the year for
;special or extra house cleaning and
;housekeepers say it needs it."
(We nodded agreement, for already.
•vve -were anxious to have the sitting
room carpet beaten and the con -
'webs behind the pictures removed.)
"Well, we are just the same, only
the -cobwebs and dust gather 11100h
more quickly on our inner selves
than it ever does in your houses ;
•so we need, sadly need, this time of
•the year to clean them, out. Then,
-besides, it is a splendid test of our -
:selves and helps determine just to
'what extent our pleasures, --eating,
!drinking, and social festivities etc.
hold upon us. Can we sacrifice
them for- a short while Inc some-
thing better, and use that time in
some unselfish way and in ilinking
'upon things, Real Things ? It
'docs help us along somehow though
-there is no intention of spoiling oth-
ers' fun" We were all quiet for a
time, even the giddy girl, each of us
feeling the need of a little Lent of
• our own, even if we didn't agree
with all the young man believed.
"What do you like the very best,
.about .. Clinton ?" was the question
,popped to me on the street the oth-
er day. It • ' is worth .• • considering.
What would you say It asked?
The Blues. -Never mind, my, dear,
try again. The higher the fence the
better climber you will be when you
''i•eacli the other side, It is a fight
and at present,- looks discouraging.
I know ; I have been there myself,
but you, will win out,. Yes write
again if you 'wish.
Mrs, James Brown, after an ill-
ness of some duration, passed away
at her home in town. A family of
two sons and two ,daughters tur-
vive. Her husband died several
years ago.
• .Mr. John Brophey, one of Gode-
rich's most respected citizens, slipped
on an icy walk the other day Mid
fractered his hip. Itis a serious ac-
cident to one advanced in years and
muoh regret is being expressed with
regard to it. ,
1VIrs. George E. Ross is 'spending et
• few weeks with London friends. ,
Mrs. Ernest Stewart and her lit-
'tle daughter of Winnipeg are viSiting
Mr, and Mrs, James Stewart of
town. •
' Mt. A. N. McElroy of Toronto
• has been visiting his brbther, Mr.
D.A. McElroy of town. -
Miss Begley of Blyth vtsited. Miss
Ella Ortwein` lest • week:. •• -
Mrs. Priestly of Ailsa Craig . was.
the , guest of her -,sister,-MrS. A. •
Case, last week.
Miss 'Kathleen Blackall of Both-
well 'has. been visiting itlisa Hattie
Mrs. John .Dick of Oakville and'
Mrs. D. A. Cantelori Of -Toronto were
in tOWn last -week attending' the fun-
eral cif their sister, MrS, John HaWs
Mr. John Medarther; who recently
refrosved from Hensall to London, is
now ill in the hospital there. His.
friends regret _this earl are 'Toning to
hear of a speedy improvements
The :funeral of the late :Mrs. john
Havickins of the Louden Road
took place to ExetOY on Tuesday
week. Mrs. Hawkins Was the -second
daughter of Mrs. Chapman of to...Cm
and Was, Well .known here.' Her hus-
band, One' scary four sisters and four
brothers survive. ;
Mr. G-eb. Welsh; Who has beelvvira
iting ' his parents in tOwn.., lor sortia.
weeks, left last week f or Vermil-
lion, SasI(. . •
Mt. T. Murdock has_secured the
contract for the noW, mall route
running east and south oast of
Will Local Option. Be
Knocked Out in Kincardine.
As a result of, an "eaquiry conduct-
ed on .behalf of the hotelmen by Mr.
James HaVerson, K. cis of Toronto,
the local option measure in the town
01 Kincardine is not' likely to be -
„come effective for three years at,
least, although the required majority
was polled in favor ot the by-law
when. 'the voting look place' last
mon th. Al. the instance • of the I iqs
uor interests a reeount was brought
on, as the majority' over the three-
fifths -requirement was a very smell
one, but when it took place on Fri-
day before Judge Barrett it was
found that the temperance forces
had gained two votes. Mr. Haver-
erson, however, then 1 ook up the
question ot the qualification of the
voters, with the result that six
and possibly seven of them were con-
clusively shown to be, not entitled
to exercise the franchise on the loc-
al option question. The whole mat-
t •
ter, as it stands now, rests on the
decision of the Supreme Court of”
Canada in regard -to the West Lorne
case. If this tribunal upholds tbe
!decision of, the Cour t of Appeal,
which found that a scrutiny et the
ballots included an investigation .of
Ithe qualification of the voters,
then . Kincardine will remain "wet"
luntil another local option. campaign
brought on at least. On the
contrary, if the Supreme Court
finds that a recount merely constit-
utes the tabulating of the ballots
,over again, then the decision will
,favor the temperance Hien. In the
event of the decision gaipg against
1them the hotelmen have the alterna-
tive of making a motion at Os-
lgoode Hall ,to have the election' in -
'validated on the ground that illegal
ballots were cast. In view of this
• it is scarcely probable that the by-
law will stand. •
The Votes Attacked.
Of the seven votes attacked by Mr.
Havethon it is understood that
three are in favor of and four are
against the by-law: Under the West
Lorne decision if the Court of Ap-
peal judgment is upheld, all wilt be
deducted from the total vote in fav-
or of the measure, It is understood
that six of the votes were objected
to on the ground of non -residence.
The seventh, that of Robert' T. Wal-
ker, a hotelman, on account of his
having voted in two wards. Walker
awore to having done this, stating
that he had always voted in two
wards on by-laws.
In taking this action, Mr. W. E.
Raney, counsel tor the local option-
ists, said that Mr. Haversoa was
adopting a depperate expedient, anl
one that was only !made possible "„ by
the judgement of the Court of Ap-
peal in the West Lorne case. Col.
Scott, of Walkerville, assisted Mr.
Judge Barrett reserved his decia-
ion in regard tothe recount until
the Supreme Court, which sits on
.Fehreary give a ,judgment.
two-story brick
street known ,as
ectric tight and.
acres orchard.
hbuse on Raglan
"The Maples." El -
waterworks._ 'Two
Stable. -D. Can -
furniture on and after Feb. 7th, in-
cluding' bedroom suite, toilet sett,
• dining chairs, hanging -lamps, par-
lor lamp, - pictures, etc. -James
Tucker, Princess street, west. 6'7-1
street, eight rooms, hard and soft
wafer, acre of land. Well loc-
ated. --Apply to Mrs. D. Connell.
• ' -66.
mesville Public School, duties to
'commence after Easter. • Applica-
tions stating salary and experience,
received up to February, 20th. -
D. Gliddon, Secretary,Halrems-
ville. -66-3.
day 'Night in Town hall, Instruc-
tion given from 7-9. Hall open to
all alter nine for dancing. Parties
welcome. Terms upon application.
Under management of Miss ' M.
Rance, • 66
AdVartiaing in The News-RecOrd Raze MalcOltn ,McTaggart „ a-57
residence of the bride's parents,
Feb. 5th, by Rev. S. J. Allin,
Edna L., only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. J. Hardy of the
- London Road, to James E. Chal-
lenger of Edgerton, Alta.
TAYLOR -BELL -In Seaforth, on
Jan. 29th, at the home of the
bride's parents, .by Rev. F. H.
Larkin, George `Percival Taylor,
of Walton to Louisa, eldest
daughter, of Mr. R P. Bell.
PAPST--WEIR-In Seaforth, on Jan.
19th, at the home of the bride's
parents, by Rev. la II. Larkin,
Martin „Robinson Pepsi, of Lon-
don, son of Mr.- Christopher
Papst, of Hamilton, to Myrtle,
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Weir.
• .Birtbs
CARfaa--In Wingbain, January 25t1t-,
, to Mr. • and Mrs. 'Geo. Carr, s a'
RYANa-In Duyigannon, on January ,
24th, ' 'to Mr. and Mrs. Harry
' Ryan, a daughter. '
O'BRIEN.s-In Hay, on J-a,25th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Bert O'Brien, a_
I-IOWELL-10 Goderich, on Jail. 26th
to Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Howell, a
daughter ,
IENDERSON-In East, Wawanosh,
on January 26th, Geo. Hender-
son, in his 60th year.
CHELLEW-Suddenly, in Myth, ' on
Jan.. 270, J: 11. Chellew, aged
,59 years. •
HALPIN -In Seaforth, Jan. ''hth,
_ Alice Mulcahy, relict of the late
Patrick Halpin, in her 82nd year.
BROWN -In Goderich, on Jan. 27th,
• Mary J. Brown, widow ot the
late James Brown, aged , 74
-years. .
McGULLOUGH-In Goderich, town -
all), on Jan. 28th, Simon G.
McCullough, aged. 67 years and I
four years old, also buggy good as
new and set double harness. -Harry
Hayes, C'linton.
sale on Mary street. Electric light
-C. L. Glow, Phone 15 on 114.-07
property. --The executors ot the
estate of Thomas Beacom will of-
fer for sale at public auction at
the Commercial hotel, Clinton, on
Saturday the 1st day of March at
2 o'clock p.m., lot number 30 in
the Hayfield Concession of the town-
ship of Goderich containing 76
acres of land more or less. The
property is well located and would
make a good grazing farms Terms
of sale 15 per cent. on the date of
sale and the balance 30 days there-
after. For further particulars and
conditions of sale apply to the un-
dersigned. -John T. Harland and
Elizabeth Beacom, Executors, W.
Brydone, Solicitor for the Execu-
,torh. Dated the 5th day of Feb-
ruary 1913. • -67-3
apprentices to learn millinery. Al-
so strong boy to learn dry' goods
business. -Apply at Irwin's. 67-1
FOOD WANTED. -200 cords of first
class wood cut 11, 16 and 18 inches
long. -A. Forbes, Coal Yards. -63
of PianO; is prepared to take pup-
ils for. piano instruction at her
home, corner Isaac and Joseph
streets. Intermediate Standing.
sale About three hundred' pounds of
clover . hoeey. ; Orders proMptly
filled. -Thos. Stinson, Varna. .."435.
Fernlee Allin will give vocal les-
sons to a limited number -of pup-
ils. at her home. -Ontario St.
Methodist Par.sonage. -61
I rising 1, 1 rising 2 and I rising
3 years, the latter two being well
matched. -Apply to John Hoh.aes
Huron Road. -6I-:
-2 grand • young bulls from aows
that we reserved at our sale af-
ter the fire and sired by the im-
ported bull' Best Boy. Prices rea-
sonable. Conte and see them. -
Wm. Grainger as Son, Londeaboro.
'• -64-8
Thos. Wallis 4th con., Goderich
Township. Also 'sawing contracts
at other_ places. -McEwen Bros.
Hayfield. ' -63-3
piano cased organ, as. good asatew,
only in use 3 -months. Will sell
cheap. Terms to auit 'purehaser.-
Apply to Wesley WrslIter. -61
Mfg. Company --Hand sewers and
operators. Steady vvork, Short
hours, Well lighted and Ventilated
work rooms. Good', pay. -Apply at
office Or to J. MnLenfla
Clinton News - or
signed offers:Tor sale one hundred
'acres of as ,gooci land 'as there is
iimthe County of Huron, 'being
part of Lots -25 and 26 on the
17th Con., Goclerich township, one
mile north of Clinton, _1+ miles
from school. On the ;farm is a
frame barn 36x0,0 with good cem-
ent wall, also a stone stable 25x
50 tvith hay loft • above ; comfort-
jahle' 11 roomframe house, a nev
er-failing well and one acre of 'or-
chard. Reason for selling, ill
health, For particulars apply on
the premises -or address -Joseph
Colclough, Clinon P. 0.. -06
Sale, known as " Springhill
Farm " oil the Ti ayfield
Road, Goclerich township, consist-
ing 175 acres, -sleuth half lots 51
and 52 and part 53 and 54, i'wo
miles from Clinton and one from
school. A first-class ' stock and
grain farm. 35' acmes of., good pas-
ture land. Well watered and has
never failing spring at harm Good
wells and cisteadi Bank barn in1x52,
'with stone stabling. 150 apple
trees just beginning to hear and all
kinds of small fruits. Reason for
selling : Owner le poor health.
Terms to suit purchaser. -Robert
Marshaltr• Clinton P. 0. -36
and Implerrients.-Mr. W. T. Henry
_has instructed the undersigned' to
sell by public auction at Lot, 20,
Con. 6, Hullett on Thursday, Feb-
ruary Nth, at 1 s'clock p. ni.
sharp the 'following Bleck Perch-
eron mare _ rising 5 year:3 old,
Black Porcheron gelding rising 4
years -old, matched, black roadster
gelding 8 years old, Clrey roadster
gelding 3 years old,. Bay, roalsser
gelding rising 2 both broke, Bay
Clyesdale filly rising 1 year old,
of Imported Stock. Fresh cow,
- Cow to freshen in May, Cow to
freshen in July Cow to freshen in
October, 2 heifers 2 years old,
Ifeilter 1 year old, Steer 1, year
old, Steer rising 1 year old, 4
young calves, 5 fat hogs, 50 hens,
5 cockerels, Massey -Harris binder,
Massey -Harris' -Mower, Drill and
cultivator (combined), Sulky rake,
Turiii, drill, Turnip cutter, '2
plows, twin plow, Scuffler, Fanning
mill, Scales 2000 lbs., Lumber
wagon with box, Set of bob
' sleighs, Trucks conffilnalribn box,
Tea buggy, Open buggy, 2 cuttertt,
_2 set ot heavy harness l' nearly new.
-Set -of plow harnst-is, 5- good col-
lars, Set of single harness, Car,
rope, fork and slings, Wheel bar-
. row, Crow bar, Gravel box 2
twenty ft ladder, Grain bags, 1
- augers and saws, grain cradle,
Cedar posts, Hay and Ocilla Cream
separator, Daisy churn, Cook stove
nearly new, Parlor stove, 30
yards linoleum, Side -board, Dresser,
Table, 3 bed steads, chairs, 50
-glass jars and other articles
too numerous to mention.
There will be no reserve as the
proprietor has solil his farm and
is giving up farming. Terms :
All sums of 010 and under cash,
on over that amount 10 months
credit ,will be given on approved
joint notes or a discount of 4 per-
cent, straight for cash. Hogs, hay,
hens and oats cash. W. T. Henry,
ProPrietor, T. Gundry, Auctioneer,
Estate of Stewart Grafton Plum-
mer. -Notice is hereby given that
all per:sons having claims against
, the estate of Stewart Graf tdn
Plummer late of the Township of
Goderich in the County Of Huron
yeoman, who died on or about the
eighteenth day of September 1912
are required to deliver .to the un-
dersigned executors or their solici-
tors op or before the fifteenth day
of February 1913 a 1011 statement
Of their claims together 'with part-
iculars thereof and thenature of
the their securities, if any, held by
them all duly werified by affidatcit.
And take notice that after the said
last /mentioned date 'the said ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute'
the estate of the said deceased
amingst the persons entitled there,
to baying regard only to such Claims.
ai , they shall have received due
notice and in accordance henewith,
Dated at Clinton this 18th day- of
January 1913.-S. J., Andrews and
Martha .E. Scott, Executors. W.
Brydorte, Clinton, solicitor for the
Executors. • -65-3
the matter of .the estate of Thom-
as Beacom, deceased,s-Noticeis
hereby given pursuant to Sec. 58 of
The Trustee Act that All persons
• having claims against the estate of• ,
the said deceased who died on or
about the 24th day of December
1912 are required to send by post.
prepaid to the undersigned Exec-
utors or their solicitor o11 or be-
fore the 8th day of February 1913 ,
their names and addresks with full
particulars in writing of their
, claims, and statement of their ac-
counts and the nature of the se-
, carities (if any) held by them,
duly verified by statutory -declara-
tion. And take' notice that after
the said 8th day of February 1913
the said executors will proceed to
distribute the issets of the said
estate among the parties entitled
thereto, havifig regard only to the
claims of whith they shall then
have notice , and the said Execu-
tors will not be liable tor said as-
sets or any part thereof. to any per-
son or persons of whose claim
notice shall not have been received
by them or their said solicitor at
the time of such ,
Dated Janhary 9,1+713,-J. T.
Harland and Elizabeth Beacom,
Execators. W. Bryclone, Solicitor
• for Exeetitors.
Sealed Terriers addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the
1411i March, 1913 for the convey-
ance of His Majesty's Mails 00 a
Proposed,. Contract for folk years six
times per week over special' Rural
Mail Mute S. W. from Clinton, On-
tario, to commence at the pleasure of
the Postmaster General. ' • :
• Printed notices, containiag _further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be 'seen. and
blank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post; Offices • of Clin-
ton, Hohnesville and at plie Office of
the Post 0•ffice Inspector at London,
••." Superintendent.
Post Office Department, Mail • Ser-
vice Branch Ottawa, 27th Jarmary,
1913, ,
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will. be received'.
at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday
the 7th, Marchs1.913 for. the convey-
ance of His Majesty's Mails •cal
PrePosed Contract 161' four- years
six times per week over the Clin-
ton Special. North West Rural Mail
Route. to commeace at the Post-
master General's pleasure. s
Printed notices, , containing further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract, may be seen and
blank forms of Tender may be eh -
Joined at the Post Office of Clin-
ton Holmcaville and the Office of the
Post Office Inspector at London.
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch Ottawa 15111 January
• Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmasthr Cleneral, will be received
at Ottawa until- Noon, . en FriclaY
the 7th, March 1913 for- the convey-
ance of His Majesty?' Mails on a
Proposed Contract for four years
six times . per week over Londesborb
Special (Huron W. R.) Rural Mail
Route, to commence at the post-
master General's pleasure.
. Printed notices, coataining further
informatious. as to cenditions of pro -
110500 •Contract, may be seen and
blank forms „ of Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post Office .of Lenges-
boro and at the Office of site- Pouf
Office Inspector at London.
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa 15th January
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will- be received
at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday
the 7th, March 1913 for the convey-
ance of His Majesty's Mails on a
praposed Contract for four years
six Times per week over Rural
Mail Route from, Seaforth (Con-
stance Way)" Ontario, to commence
at the Postmaster General's Pleas-
Printed notices, containing further
information . as to conditions of pro-
posed Cenctraet, may be seen and
blank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post Offices of Sea-
folith, Constance and at the Office
of the Post Office Inspector at Lon-
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 1.1th, January
1913. '
Line, Goderich township -?•,f mile
• from Holmesville, 4S, miles from
Clinton, consisting of 80 acres.
The farm is in a good state of cul-
tivation, well watered by never -
failing spring and well. Good c.r-
chard. Buildings all first Class
and in good repair. Owner desires
to sell owing to ill health. Bar-
gain for quick sale. -W. Piekard,
Holmesville. -05
Thomas Beacona, deceased,- The
Executors ottei for immediate sale
lot 30, Hayfield Concession, Gods'
erich Township, 76 acres more or
less. -For terms apply to J. T.
Harland or W. Brydone.
FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of
the Southeomhe estate offers for
sale_ 50 acres, beistg east halt Of
lot 28, con. 6, Hullett, This is a
• first-class farm, well watered an'd
improved and with,- good buildings.
Also the undersigned offers tor sale
lot 29, con. 6, nutlet'', consisting of
100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately. -
Apply to R. -J. Southcombis, Clin-
ton P. 0
6 containing 100 acres situated It
•Miles south of the 'Village, of Var-
na, near to good soho,o1 .and chur-
ches. Will rent for term 'of 3 or 5
years, to suit the renter. Pos-
session can be given at once. For
further particulars apply to. Mr.,
Andre* Reid, Varna". 0, or to
.Rev. R.' Murray 3827 North Rorie
Ave., Chicago III. -19,
and repairs kept on hand, also ag-
encY for new machintS.-A. Hoop-
er, Albert street,
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until- Noon, on Friday
the 14th, March 1913 for the convey-
ance of His Majesty's Mails, on a
Proposed Contract fOr lour years
six ' Timea per' week s, over lintel
Mail Route from plinton (Alma
Way) 1-lu lett Tciwnship, Ontario,. ' to
commence at the Postmaster • Gen-
eral's Pleasure.
Printed notices,, containiag further
information as ,.to conditions of 1/re-
posed Contract, may be seen and
blank forms of Tender may be Ob-
tained at the -Post Office of Clinton
and at the Office of. the PQ51; Ofliee
Inspectoi at London.
• Superintendent
Post Office Department, Mall Ser -
3173, laXanch, Ottawa, 20th, JanearY
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa mitt Noon, on Friday
the lith, March 1913 for the convey-
ance of His IVIajes'ty's Mails on a
propesed Contract for four years
six Tunes per week over Rural
Mail Route from. Clinton (Summer-
hill Way) Ontario, to commence at
the •POStmaster General's Pleasure.
Printed notices, containing further
information as to cohditions of pro-
posed Contract, may be seen and
bla,nit forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at, fhe Post Offices ot ('lin-
fon, Summerhill and Constance and
at the Office of the Post Office In.
speetor at London.
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Cittatra, 17th, Jentiary
•Sealect Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until • Noon, On Friday
the 7th, March 1913 for the convey-
ance ot His Majesty's Mails on a
proposed Contract for four years
six Times per week Over. Rural
Heil Rohde from Hayfield, Ontario,
to commence at the Postmaster
General's Pleasure.
- Printed notices, containing further
information as to conditions 01 1)00
PoSed Contract, may be: seen and
blank forms of Tender May be ob-
tained at the Post Offices of Bay-
fieild Porter's Hal and at the. Office
of the Post Office Inspector at Lon-
don. ,
- Super in tendent.
Post Office Department, Mall Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, ieth, January
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postariaster General pleasure.
at Ottawa • until Noon, on Friday
the 28th February, 1913 for the
conveyance of His Majesty's Mails
on a Proposed Contract for four
years six times per week over the
Hayfield Special (Lake Shore Way)
Rural Mail Route tocommence at
Postmaster General, will be received
the Postmaster General's pleasure.
Printed notices, caintaining further
information as' to conditions of pro-
posed Contract •may be -seen and
blank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post Office of • Ray-
field and at the Office of the Post
Office Inspector at London.
Post Office Department, Mail_ Ser-
vice 'Tirane'', Ottawa, 13th January
1913, •
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
-at Ottawa until 'Noon, on Friday
the 7th, March 1913 for the convey-
ance of His Majesty's Mails on a
proposed Contract for four years
six times per week over special Rur-
al Mail Route from Goderieh (La.ke
Shore Way). Ontario, to commenee at
the Postmaster General's Pleasure.
Printed notices, containing ' further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract, may be seen and
blank forms el Ten -der may be ob-
tained at the Post Office of Goder-
Mb and at the Office of the Post Of-
flee Inspector at London.
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, Fath January,
. •
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until. Noon, on Friday
the yth, March 1913 Inc the convey-
ance of His Majesty's Mails on a
proposed Contract for four years,
ix times per week, over Rural Mail
'Route from Goderich (Porter's Hill
way) Ontario, to corumence at the
Postmaster, General's Pleasure.
Printed notices, containing further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed_ Contract may be seen and
blank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post Offices of Oode-
rich Porter's Hill and at the Office
of the Post Office Inspector at Lon-
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch 14th, January
range, -Apply to Wesley Walker,
Clinton. -62.
..signed. offers for sale his fine farai
ot about 130 acres adjoining the
tOwn of Clinton. The farm is in
9 good state of cultivation and
has good buildings --brick house,
hank barn, driving house, pig pen,
ete-all comparatively new. A first
"class young orchard containing alt
kinds of fruit, also atrial]. fruits.
The farm is well fenced and well
drained and is a very desirable
home. _ For further particulars
apply on premises' or address John
Torranea, Clinton P, 0.
Ancient OrcilOt
Theonly Legal Reserve Fraternal
• ociefy doing business in Canada.
Incorporated by special Act of the
)ominion Parliament.
o -•
Full Government Reserve Main --
allied on every policy. • , •
Fixed rates and definite contract
with special privileges.
Whole Life 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30.
Pay Life Policies and Endowment.
Comparison Invited,
No Raise in Rates.
No Assessment.
• FOr further particulars enquire of
any member of ('our( Prosperity, cr
A. F. Cud more,'
. _Secretary
Good Health For All
the Family.
You can secure good -health"
by letting us install one of our
satin -au Chemical Closets. Every
house should have one.
Call at R. Rowland's Hardware and
see for yourself or phone 52,,
Have you ever tried It?
For frying •
For shortening •
For cake making
The newest up to date :
shortening on the mar-
ket today. Makes the
lightest cakes. There can •
be no possible failure :
where crisco is used and
it is equally successful •
far pastry bread and bis- •
cui cs. •
We have just receiv- • •
ed our first consignment :
of Seville (bitter) oranges
for marmalade: •
We serve the best:
people because we
serve people best.
• -
"The liub Grocery." •
•••• ••••••• o • 000 ••••„••
W. T. O'NEIL •
Is guaranteed wherever a PAR-
CLOSET is used. It is the only per-
fect, appliance which can he used in
countty homes, or in any public
building, which cannot. he connected
with a water or sewerage pipe.
It is perfect odorless, easily fitted
and so inexpensive that it may be in-
stalled snto the humblest homestead.
Sold only by
• -
Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7,
Home Stuov
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being instmeted in their homes by
0111' Home Study Dept. Yon may finish
loft Oeblage 11tyQou desire. Pay when..
ever 000 Wish. Thirty Years' Expel,
101100. Largest trainers in Canada.
Neter any day. arauceed.
while you oar