HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-06, Page 4Clinton News -Record 1" et runt y 6th I913' Wingham Mrs Til. 'Clegg. has been viSitirra- iler: Parental :home at Ingersoll. 'Miss Annie C. Taylor 'has gone to I-Iamilton to 'take a position on the' ladle school ' teaching stall there. yrr' position on the Wingham stall s; .been taken by Miss Lottie Bent - y of Blyth.' Wingham captain iililton, of Tilsonburg the officer in charge of the loon] f corps of the S. A., in place - o Cal p fain Pugrnire who has been, trans- ferred to London; England..' Dr, John Wilson has been very' seriously ill during the past fete weeks, THE DEL1SHTS DF q PL1iYF1 PIANU Ov1U'if 'ire now easily -.accessible Jiano owner. to every VISIT NM MYEH ['HUTMENT - See how we would make your prt sent silent piano a player, regardless of size, make or scale, Cost for Upright Player .$250. Special price for Grand Players. W, 'DOHERTY PIRNO. & alRCAN CO, LIMITED Head Office and Factories CLINTON, = CANADA. Ansautaperemossi HQ1meSVI11e Miss Jean McPhee, hon"or graduate of Hotsehold-Sciencei the McDonald Institute,' Guelph', and expert ert demon strator, will demonstrate bread and pastry making in I-ioimes' hall on Fri- day, Feb, 14th, she -lying how easy ib is to make the -nicest' and lightest bread in four hours and also easy,ane- thods of pastry -making. Miss McPhee is highly _recommended and is a pleas- ing,- demonstrator of the highest or- der. Every lady in the surrounding country should take advantage of this demonstration and hear some of the latest and most approved meth- odsof cookery, The iieeting 'u 11 be under the auspices of the We- -moil's -Institute and will liegili at 2:30. Admission will be ten cents,. Dl ILLINRRY ANI) DRESSMAKING liesseiaie-monsi.e. PRONE No. 78 READY To 1 Couch & Co. The Last Call lor Ladies' flinter Coats Only l t Black Coats Left All new this season clear these out before arrive, so put them exactly half price : $20 00 coats: $10 00 1800 it 16 00 n 15 Ori•_ 1200 11 9 00 .800 7 50 6 00 in'Stock We would like to the new spring coats on sale Saturday' at Come early Saturday and get best choice. Only a few misses and chil- dren's coats left, you choice Sat urday half price. FUR LINED COATS Only four left. These are made 'of Austra- lian bioadcleth sable collar, lined with Cana- dian muskrat, sizes 34, 36, 38,- regular $55 for $39, All fun' setts and single pieces 25 per cent. off regular price. MILLINERY $1.00. Only 11 trimmed hats to dear, These sold as high as $6 and 7. Your choice $1. Un- trimmed hats 35e. Goiderich Township We are .called upon -this week to record the death of one of C:oderich townships oldest sons, in the per son of Simon J. McCullough, only son of the late John McCullough - of the Duron Road,', -,who ' departed this lite on. Tuesday of last -week. . D:. McOUllough was born on the farm on which he died and where he had always lived, sixty-eight year ago. IIe was well 'known ,throughout the township and, tieing of a kindly itis- position, ever ready to lend a help- ing hand to those who stood in need, he was highly esteemed, He was of .0 fine type of sturdy akian- hood and never knew what sickncis was until within a few weeks of his death. In 1572 be itas married to Miss Elizabeth McConnell of Port Albert, Who with a' family of four daughters and three sons survive. The family are ; Mrs. Frail \1'iBis of .Port Albert ; Mrs. James' 3elle- Ston and Mrs. Wm, Puller of (icdet rch township; Mrs. Tustin Church of West Wananosh and Benson, Garfield and Fred, all at home. One son died five years ago aged f ighteeu and one died in infancy. three sisters, Mrs. Gabriel Elliott of Godmurh town- ship and ]firs. 0. Miller and Mrs, Martin of Detroit, also survive. ,The funeral took place from the "tam ily residence .or Friday afternoon to Goderieh cemetery- and was attended by a large nutnhc e of neighbors and friends. Tlie services were conduct - el by Ret A.. W. Brown of Benmilier. The pallbearers- were lifelong friends, Thomas. Ginn, -John McGibbon, John Holmes, John Sturdy, Chas. Fuller and Richard Chambers. In religion Dir. Me('ullough was a Methodist anti in polities a stauneli Conserya- tive. I Annual Meeting of South Huron L. 0. L. 0.• 1� . The o nun%y L, he: South Huron G , met in Exeter on • Tuesday and Was attended by a representative gather- ing. The reports 'read showed the Lodge to be in a healthy state,' fin.` ancially and otherwise; and all - its affairs to be running srootihiy, The address by County Meister W.- J. Kenny was an excellent one and was much appreciated by those present. On the platform were Ex -County Masters John Scarlett; Walter Cour-„ sey, G. B. Hanley and Fred,- Davis.,. The following officers were appointed for the ensuing year.: Master~,' W. J. Kenny, Winthrop ; Deputy, Walter Hodgins, Lucan ; Chaplain, John Sproule, Flay ,Rec.-Secretary, P. Gantelon, ' Clinton ; Lan, -Secreta y; Thos. Flynn, Zurich ; Treasurer, Adam , Cantelon, Clinton ; D. a1. C., Geo; Vanderburg, Porter's Hill ;t Lecturers, R. McMurray, Bayfield arr:l J. B. Armitage, • Luca. The meet- ing next year 'will be Meld 10 JJen- soll•, Goderich Township Editor et News -Record : -Will you allow iiie a little space in your valu- able columns to correct an uugrutlnd- ecl report concerning the ,tivancitel standing of the Godericb Township Telephone Sysent. A report has been circulated, not only through our town- ship, but also to neighboring munici- palities, that our systemlikas gone back financially during the last year and that we are one thousand dollars in debt. This report is both false and nits- ' leading. We do not aim at laying np a surplus but • when one books were audited on January. 3rd, they showed :$182,43 more to our credit Oban they did a year ago. And while we hraVe $1033.84 borrowed from the municipal council, we Have $1450.06 in cash, agreement paper, stook on hand etc„ to go agahr.t that amount, leaving a net bauance of $131.72 to our credit. Our Telephone System never was in better sliapcl iilancially and every. oth- er way 511011 it is to -day. - We have one of the tiheapest and most satisfactory telephone systems in :existauce lit thc,presemt time and any one wishing to income a subscriber to the 'sante, may do so by applying to Ed Wise, bunion, George Holland, Holmesville, oro W. Potter, Porters 11ii1.-eGeurge holland, President, 0. W. Potter, Secretcry. • Stanley Township Drysdale MI% W. J. Howard: disposed of a 'terse • this week to Messrs. Greer of • le Stan f � tern Stanley bound or the we.,L., market. s, - Mr, Mafshall Oorriveau'pprchasod .the last building in Philadelphia and has had it moved .home for a kit- chen. 'Mrs, J, . English was in Goderich this' week Visiting her brother, 1vho; is ill with fever. Mr. C'rfst Haugh has returned from a visit to Michigan.... 'Messrs. Peter Durand and Paul Cleave alre^ cutting :wood in A. West - lake's bush. Messrs.Paul and Henry Durand visited friends in Stratford and God- erich this; week. They will soon re- turn to their htfines in the wrist, MiSs Mabel McKinley-; teacher. in S. S, No. 1, spent the weok-end un- der the parental' roof. 412iss ,Florence Watkins of London Road was Keene ori Sunday last. Miss Erma Dielil, teacller'of Tieury, school,' Spent the week -end. at tlie. horde od parerils, Mr. mil Mrs. and: II. Dielri,: ; Miss McOaslin of Dloosejaw, Sask,, is the guest of Sir. and Mrs, Ma- Summerhill. The Ladies Guild caret at, the house of Mrs, C. Lovett on Wednesday after- noon. • ' Messrs Whiteman and Miller called at the home of Mr. Tyner on Monday. coils, l.larsitall and Aiisses Johnston and Marshall of Porter's hill spent Thursday with friends here. Miss 51. Clifton has returned to her. ,hems after spendiug a week with her brother, Mr. C. Clifton. A lnuriber of the old friends and neigbboes gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Govier, of Clinton, on Friday evening and all report hav- ing spent an enjoyable time. , A number from -around here attend- ed the fair in Blyth on Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Johnston of the 10th visited our berg one day last "week. kips; - The Leafier of Marlette, Mich., in its last Issue contained the follow- ing 'The late Firs. Albert ]Redmond, whose death occurred Jan. 27th, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pence, deceased, of the township of Stanley, Huron counts Ont. She was born Mardh 14th, 1850, and married to Mr. Redmond Dec. 38th, 1881, moving immediately to their farm cast of Marlette, residing there continuously- until about. two years ago when they gave up the old Borne to reside in the village, To '-hem were horn a family of four, George A., Maggie 1T., Leonard P. and Lloyd, who are happily settled in nearby towns. Among those as- sisting in the last sad riles were John and Miss ICitte l'a.l e and John Keys of Blake, Walter Pee of Bon- sai]. and Frank Keys, of Varna, all of Ontario ; William and John Red- mond of Lapeer, John Redmond of Curtfsville, Robert 17. and Leslie Redmond of Pontiac, and Samuel II. Redmond of Port Huron. Ser- vices in charge of Rev. 0. N. Beldin, were held in the Dull church W'cil- ncsday afternoon 111 the midst of a large concourse of life -time friends and neighbors, interment being in the McLeish cemetery." Mrs. Edward Johnston of the Gos- hen Line and her two sons, George and Wilbert, visited at Mr. William Maklns' on Sunday, Mr. Herhie Smith of Varna is laid up with the grippe. Mr. Andrew Reid of the Parr Line is spending a few days in 'rorio"rto this week. Mr. ,Johnny Pollock and. Miss Ber- tha Pollock and Miss_ Martha Taylor are visiting friends in Goderich and Clinton this week. . Brucefield.. Mise Alice Rattenbury is visiting. Toronto friends. Miss Edith Bowe f has returned frons a _pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Jack Grainger of Seaforth. Miss Ethel Lane, who was the guest of MrsD. McMillan of Brocksden has.. returned home. Mrs. Rodgers of Belmont is the guest of her son Dr. Rodgers. Mrs. Rowett is in Bayfield, having been called there to nurse a patient. Mrs. R, T. Dunlop and little son of Zurich are guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. W. H. Rattenbury. Miss Sadie Howey is, visiting London and Ilderton friends. Miss Alice Carr of Goderieh is the guest or' her mother, 51, s. Thos. Carr. Miss Addison is visiting her Motile*, Mr. Joseph Addison. Mr. Seeley of \,Tania is -moving -into Mrs. Walker's house,' Miss Anna Burge entertained a num-' 'ber. of her friends to tea on Thursday evening. Mr. Drew Swan is in London this week: Mr. and Mrs, .T. Caldwell. of Bayfield were the guests of Mrs. T. Simpson one day last week, There will ne dem mortion services in the Presbyterian church on 'Sunday 06x1'. Mr, Reuben Siong 1 a 1 his foot bad- ly huet while working in. Mustard's bush last week one day. Misses Lottie and Gertie Kaiser of I3ensall epent Monday with friends in Br`ucelield, Mrs. Jack Grainger has returned to her home in Seaforth after a visit here. Mrs. Wheeler spent a few days in Seaforth with friends last week, . Kippen 51r. Ed. Taylor of F11101ore. Sask. is speeding the whiter in the old home and looking out for a fare to buy. Air. Thos. Gemmell of Toxford Sask., is also renewing old acrluaiut- aneeships these days. A little daughter is gladdening, the home of Mr. Ed. ,Morrison and a simil- ar arrival brightens the Home of \L•, J10110s 51lls tltrd. Farmers are disappointed in the bean market t this y ev. The demand seems limited, prices arelowerand the beans are generally sof;. This is the January monthly school report of S. S. No. 11, Stanley, the names in order of merit: -. 5th, class - James Jarrott, Allan Fisher, 'Walter ticBeath, Sr. 451s ---Lawrence Wasmann, Anna hood, Nelson Hood, Jr. 4th --Anna Fisher, Cecil John- ston, Louisa McOlynionl. Jr. 3rd -Bella Collins, .Maggie Coor- er, Willie Collins, Sr. 2nd-Horoltl Rathwell, Norman Hood, Wilbert Sutton, Jr. 2nd -Ella Fisher, Verner \MOly_ intent, Grace Fairbairn. 2nd Part-Agued Nigh, Fred Par- sons. - 1st Part -Clarence Harvey, 'Sylves- ter Nigh, Loi'htta Sutton. The best spellers in the monthly spelling'match are : 5th and Sr. 4th -Anna Hood. Jr. 4th -Cecil Johnston. Jr, 3rd -Bella Collins. gr, 2nd -Harold Rathwell. Jr, 2nd-Eila1iisher. ANNUAL WIN ER C-leariugS A L E of all Winter Goods consist- ing of Underwear, Rubbers, Fur Coats, Heavy .,,Beaver Coats and Shoes. One _Ladies' Fur Jacket at Wiagham • Following. are the -newly -installed 1. 0, 0. F, ;,olrteeis : N. G., Roht. Brooks. . V. G., A. S Posttili. Ree Secretary, John F. Groves. Lm. Sderetary, .W J. Baines. Treasurer, 1-I. 13. Elliott. John A1n,sbury; Warden, 1tines. Murray. 11, S. N: G., N. L Fry. L. S. N. G., A. J. Anderson. R. S. S., A. 1301. L. 14. S., John Lamont, Chaplain, N. Hensclife. I. G., ,J. W. Dodd. 0. G,, .J. ,1, Cummings. R. S, V, G., J. Deyell, I,. !-.1. V, C4. CI`. 13. Elliott, a bargain. Special prices on all other dry goods. Discount of from 10 to 25, percent, Sale commences on' Satur- day, Feb. 8th. NIcASII & SON, Varna. e rotary - ays1 in small wares, stittioneiy, chinaware and well papers. Sale starts Feh'y 4l6 SEE OUR BILLS, Cooler (' CLINTON Lister Gasoline Engines . No better on the market and the best for use on the farm for pumping, chopping, etc. The Lister Lighting Plant will light your house and barn and do it well at small cost. Melotte Cream Separators • -have no superior. W. H. LOBB, Agent Clinton P. O. The eyes are wage earters. A rthinc+ short of perfect vision dimiti 'shes the earning powers, We perfect your sight. Our glalses as an in. vestment yield roe.' • bstantial returns.. . f. GILIGG Scientific Jeweler and Optician CLINTON. ONT. & Heading Wailte� HIGHEST PRICES PAiD FOR 'ALL GRADES OF ;TIMBER. , SiAFETON SAW MILL 1 ogs I44thited Highest prices paid for Elm, B sswood., Maple. Any wood bo i rat. OOHEPTY PIgNO ORO CO., LIMITED MINAGOOMIlin ��f ITH CLINTON, ONTARIO. UT ADUT YOU'LL FIND THIS OUT - IN ALL YOUR TRAVISLS ROUND ABOUT THE BREAD 'THAT'.$ 'BEST WITH ANY MEAL - IS JUST THE ONE. AND ONLY RT AL- MOTHE BREAD Better Not Bread N Coulld ot _aw e Made THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU HAVE 'PRIED TIJIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD BARTLIF F'S PHONE N0. 1 AND HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. After Stock -Taking Sale It is a well•known fact that all metal markets have advanced considerably lately which has affected the prices in every line in hardware. Stoves have ad- vanced 5 percent and furnaces 10 percent so .you can readily see the" benefit of this sale, If you need the goods even if not till later it will pay to buy now, our stock being heavy ia some lines we wish' to reduce it hence the cut on old, prices. 1 only Volmer washing machine Reg. 1 ' Ideal 1 " Connor ball bearing ` 1 " Lightning " 1 " Motor 2 " Clothes wringers solid rolls - Axes Crosscut Saws A good Java whip A good rawhide from butt to tip A few 4 gallon pump oil cans 57,50 8.50 10.00 10,50 13.50 5.50 1.00 ' 1.25 .85 4.00 .35 .50 2,00 for $6,50 7.50 ' 0.y0 850 11,50 4.75 .75 1.00 .05 305 .25 .85 1 25 We have 2 or 8 Pandora and Happy Thought Ranges to go at old prices until sold -Scissors and razors at a big redaction, Now is the time to use Dr. Hess stock food and Panacea to make the hens lay, 100 pound sack mica grit or oyster shell 51.00 Harland- Bros. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties A LIST OF BARGAINS It was announced, last week that there was a list being prepared. Below will be found some interesting prices of the best selected stock of furniture and hbuse furnishings to be found in the County. 1 8 piece parlor slut 521 00 26 50 34 00' 2300 45 00 48 50 1 8 ' 13 1 3 1 8 1 3 41 1 3 " German Leather . 5500 1 3 " " 32 00 1 .5 " parlor suit 20 00 1 5 "" 4200 245 pictures of everkind, and description at 25 percent. discount, 1 couch $. 7 75 0 1 ' 1 1 0 1 " 1 It 8 25 8 50. 900 9 50 10 .5) 11 50 1 Hoverport couch, 21 50 1 folding couch 35 00 1 Oak extension table... round top 13 50. 250 rockers of every finality and pr•iee ]Torn $1.50 to 15 00 The Store of Quality Phone 28 W. Waiker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 i