HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-02-06, Page 2G. D. MeTAGGARIsr • M. D. MoTAGGART McTaggart Bros -- BANNERS — A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS' TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED.. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- PO$ITS.. 'SALE OTES PUR- CHASED. IL T. RANCE NOTARY PE5BLTC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE- INSIJR- ANCE AGMT, REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. - DIVISION -COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W.-BRTDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY,PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON Bran, Shorts and Flour .From the Best Mills at the lowest possible prima , WE PAY THE HIGHEST TRICE for OATS', PEAS and BAR- . LET,also HAY for Baling. _CITA.RLES B. HALE. Conveyancer, Notary Pilblic, Commissioner, -Etc. REAL ESTATE and IgSURANCEl Issuer of „Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, CLINTON DRS. (UN N & GANDIER ,Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr, J. O. Gaudier, B.A., M,B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. • DR. J. W. SILAW -C)FFICE--- RATTENIII,TRY.ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON. ETO. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and eint- afile glasses prescribed. , Office and residence; 2 doors west of the Cornnaercial Hotel, Huron St. DU. F. A. AXON •• - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge, Work. Graduate of C Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To- _ mato. • - Bayfield on Monelay's from. May to lIaceniber: ROMP ,— MILE TABLE - Trains will arrive at and deport from' Clinton Stationas follows: BUFFALO ANDa COI/ERICH DIV , Going East, II 4, Going West, 4r. • sr 7.3515, 3.07 p. 5.15 p. 11.07 a, 1.25 p. 6.40 p. .... 17.28 p, m, rn, tn. m. m• rn, LONDON, HURON &BRUCEDIV: Going So,utla, 7.50 a. m. It. 423p. Going North, , 11.00a. m. II 6.25 p. ra. OVER SiS YEARS' EXPERIENCE ed0 TRADE MARKS DESIGNS -COPYRIGHTs kap any ne sending a sleetch and description mak - Ipayoy anortain,loul eli,leriontsfreeewhothert an %AAR MTN= tont ireo. Oldest Hannay tor scoqing entente. P0008 takcn througle Munn ih Do. receive ' ▪ .1alnotice, withent charge, lathe 'hcientific Rintrion A handeomely illustrated weekly. Largest M0. relatesn nt any stiumtltie joututa. Terme for made, $8.15 s• Year, postage prepaid. Sold by ▪ newwlealtirs. MUN &Co:,8610-0-y.New-York Branch Ornoe.s25 Bt.. WashInaton. D. O. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY ' The Best In Current Literature 12 COM PLATE NOVELS YEARLY 'MANY SHORT STORIES AND IsslisERSON TIMELY TOPICS '''$2.66 PER YEAR; 25 CM. A DOPY NO CONTINUED STORIES • EIER COMPLETE III ITSELF' • ,you like ;to he COM- ' '-`1-1011.11Sell as you 'do Ford & McLeod 0 IF TOTY WANT THE 'BEST COAL AND PROMPT DE -- LIVERY ' sgcuRE r YOUR SUPPLY FROM US. - ORDERS LEFT AT ROW - LAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. J.' W.STEVENSON GEORGE ELLIOTT LiCensed Mfetiortem, for the ,Colin't • ; of Huron. Correspondence preMptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at .The ' , News -Record, Clinton': or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. , D. N. WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer , • for the County "if Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Charges model'ate and satisfaction guaranteed Immediate arrangements for Sale Dates may ht made by calling at The News -Record Office, or on Frank Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. THOMAS BROWN Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- ties of iTilioll alid Berth Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangements can bo made for Sale Dates at The News-Retord, Clinton, or by calling Phone 97, Seaforth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed The Waal Fla Warm 'C amp any Farm and Isolated Town Property only Instired • - OFFICERS -- J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P0.; Jas. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderich P.O. ; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. - Direetors - D. F. McGregor, Seatorth ; John Grie've, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constar -ice; John Watt,' Harloe'-; John Benuewies, Raodhason ; James Evans, Boechwood bi, MeEven, Clinton P..0. . - Agents Robert Smith, Harlock ; E. Hinch ry. Seat° rth ; William Chesney, Eamondville; J. W Yeo, Holmes - vine. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Olin. ton, or at Cutt's Grocery. Goderich Parties desirons to effect insur- an& or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap- plication to any of the above officers acklresged to their respective post. tames. Leases inspe.eted by the director who lives neatest the scene. •• _ Clintop, News -Record Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pills are not a new and untried remedy - our grandfathers used them. f a century ago, before Confederation, '' they were on sale in nearly every drug or general store in the Canada of that day, and were the recognized cure in thousands of homes for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To- day they are just as,effective, just as reliable as ever, and nothing better has yet been devised to 48 ,Cure Commen Ilis .Forty years in nee, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recom- mended by physieians: For Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pills, at your druggiat. • CLINTON, • -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -OH per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charred if 'not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of•fhe pub- lisher. The date to which , every subscription is paid is denoted on the label Advortising Rates -- Transient ad. vertisements. 10 cents per nog pareil line for first •insertion and 3- cents per line tor each subs5. quenb insertion: Small. advertise- ments not to exceed 'one inch, ' "such as "Lost," ',"Strayed,"or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each suliserment in. sertion 1,0 cents, (crbirnusiicatione Intsnds 1, • iiest,ori must, as a 5 in good faith, be accompanied ine name' o.f the writer W. JaalVITTCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. •beg omen is interested and should know about the weadernil 6A.,„,,.„,„1 Whirling Spray "'"" Douohe Ask your dregglat foe' tt. If he cminot 6110PlY the, MARVEL., anopt (114 Illus. gra 113Obol;3'11c4itint gives full particulars and°61rectlens to halleS,VINDSOR SUPPLY C0.,Wlndaor, °Mend Agents toe CanadO. JUST A Li*TLE LIENTROLI On Your Lips— CHAPS GONE" It quickly heals Cracked hands Cold Sores Chilblains inynediate remedy for Cold in Head -and Headache , •••-. THE SL1NJAY SCH)31:ST113Y. INTERNATIONAL LESSON,. VERRUARY • 9. • Lesson NI. -God's coventtt 'with Noah, Zinn; 8. 1 10,9:17. Golden text,, Gen. 9. 13. In chapter. 8' is rercooded the de - parte -Pe 'of Noah and his family from the ark Immediately umin setting •foot once more on (ivy ground the, ,aged patriareh builda an altar and offers burnt offerings unto Jehovah in recognition o his 'protection and mercy. Jehovah, in turas is represented' as pleased With the sacrifice aincLas determin- ing in his own mind ;lever again to "curse the ground any more for mans sake," nor to "smite. ,any more everything living," as he had done. Then follows the beautiful promise'"While the earth remain- eth, seecltime and harvest, and cloud and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." In verses 1-7 of chapter 9, immediately preceding the printed portion of our lesson passage, the blessing which -Gad pronounced op- en Noah is given. Noah becolnes the founder of a new'race, and to him,• as to Adam and •Eye, is in- -trusted domipion over the lower forms of life. A new emphasis is ,e,lso place(' upon the sanotity.of hu- man life, based on the divine image gr, onv ,te.....wera.novnumnandairossammoir-....e arm You can get it at s The Nexall Store W. S. R. HOLMES, P.M.B. • , Manufacturing Chemist ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE MICK TO ORDER'. 01111001ST • IN WINNIPEG • Cured Himself With IN PILLS No greater compliment could be paid GINTILLS than to have a druggist use them. Mr. RogerS being in the business, • tried all the ordinary remedies, but it was not tintil he used GIN PILLS that he was cured of a severe pain in theback. Winnipeg, May rpth. 1912. "In the autumn of 195 r, I suffered with a continual pain in the back. As a druggist, I tried various remedies without any apparent results. Having sold GIN PILLS for a number of years, I thonght there must he good in them otherwise the sales would not increase so fast. I gave them, a fair trial and the results I found to be good". • GEO. H.-ROGERS. GIN rnEr.s must. cure you or your stoney will be refunded. 50e. a box, 6 for pas°. •Sample free if you write National Drtig and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. • 144 4:nmtVeindWe'eciih`slieciAht8e.MiyGaonfodivilospawasikn°e;jiunllnetoabiNliYee:c5lirlx-: and exhortation contained in the preceding verses. " • And to his -sons with him -It is with Noah and his descendants that God now enters into covenant relationship. . 9. I establish my povenant--Ae- cording to the promise given in Gem G. 18. The thought pf God's covehant'relation' to Inc popple is of central impot•tance in the Olcl Tes- tament. In its original form, how- ever:as here represented, this cov- enant is 'not, as • in later times, cencreived, of as a definite agree/ rnent or compact between two par- ties,„but rather asa• dealabra,tion or promise on the part of God, set- ting forth his purpose toward his chosen people. 'Year Seed-Deseenclants, here referring to all „mankind. M. And with every living crea,- ture-The divine promiseswhich fol- lows expresses God's purpose that iieve'r again shall all animal life be blotted out by a tido& and there- fore his pronnselia in a sense to the birds, the cattle, and every beast otthe earth, as well as to Noah and his descendants. - 111• 'will establish' my covenant -Seal its terms with a specific sign or token. ' , 12. This is the token -The exter- nal sign or seal by which nia,n is to be perpetually, reminded of God's premise. Compare Gen. 17. 11, where the "token" is something to be clone by mart, whereas helm it is something appointed by God., For perpetual generations -For all generations to ccrme. ,13. I do set -The Hebrew perfect tense is ambiguous, and may signi- fy either I have set (that is, long' ago, from th-e beginning), or I have just seta'I et now. The rainbow, which is formed by the refraction and reflection of light, must have been se -en before the time of Noah. If, the 'writer knelt this the; pio- ba.ble meaning is that the rainbow should thereafter be given new sig- . rofictince-be regarded as a sign or msnbol of mercy. [ybow in the cloud -Other bib- lical references to the rainbow are Lound in Ezek. 1. 28; Rev. 4. 3; 10. 1. 15. I will remember -The impli- cation -that God' might otherwise fOrget represents one of the few in - 'stances in which the priestly narra- tor attributes to God the charac- teristics and frailties of man. 16, Everlasting covenant -An ex- pression occurring frequently (compare 17. 7, 13, 19; Exod. 31. • 15; Lev. 24. 8; Num, 18. 19). In verse. 16 and 17411e thought of verses 13 to 15 is dwelt upon and You'll Know Its Quality Some Day. • Why not next Monday 'f --POSITIVELY ME LARGEST SALE RI CA SUMEWMEErtalSIMMOM r.tv. •Wi.v 461104t, CUSH PALLS UPON ONE God in His Goodness Sends Us a Child, a Friend, • a Sorrow, to 'Revivify Love All kinds of Coal on hand: . • partially, repeated, a familiar fam CTIESTNUT SOFT COAL ROYAL PURPLE STOVE - CANNEL COA I StOCIt & Poultry, Specifics FURN'AC'E COKE , We will seed absolutely free, for BLAcKsiymais W001 FREE the asking, postpaid, one of our —_ „„,..„„„,„,.. large 64 -par books (with in. in., 3 in. and 4 in Tile of thi acti. on the common disenseu of stock and Best Quality • ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station, Phone 52. • ' • WINTER TERIVi FROM JANUARY Oth 4,14 04Co/aVA STRATFORD, ONT. does mere for- its stodents and graduates 111nn do other similar eh( ,1111. Conratsa are up-to-date and instructors -are experienced. Graduates ars placed in good positions. The three applications „re ieiv ed to -day offer average sslary of 81.130.00 per ail num, Tlime clnpartmen : Comm 4, rei a I, i';;b hp ud and Telegraphy. • Write for our,free catalogue at once. D, A. McLACHLAN, Principal "What's your idea of :prosper- ita-2" "Always a little more than I have:" Lady -1 don't like this picture so well as I Slid the •lest ODD yeu took of e. Photographer -Ah Madam, I, have not the artistic tii,s,te, that 11.it.d When , I was yoult ;. and; 'be- sides, my 05 00(15 is getting ow. poUltry, Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, mach cows, calves ahd fattening steers. ales how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as In summer. It contains 060 recommends fro'm all over 'Canada, from' people who have used our goods. No farmer shotnd bo without it. You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month's len time by using our Royal Purple Stock Speeille than you could possibly do without it, thereby saving a month's feed and labor and tho cost to you will not be mom than 51.60 for six pigs or 51.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor, miserable -look- ing animal on your place try it on thio one and nee the marvellous result which will be obtained. Ohr Stock Specific will increase the milk flow three to five lbs. per cote pet day, while being fed in the stable. A 60a package will last a cow or horse 50 days. 01 ROYAL PURPLE) POULTRY SPECIPIC will make your hens lay Just as well ,n the winter as in the summer, and will keep them free - front disease. These goods are Pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap thin to make a large package, entirely differcn from any on the .market at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Specific, 60o 501150.1, 500 600 pckgs., in an air -tight tin, for 51.60. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 26c and 50 Inktts,.. and 51.50 air -tight tins that hold four '50c pckge. Royal Purple Lice Hiller, 26c and 600 tins 00e by mail. Royal ,Purple Gall Cure, 25c and 605 tins; 30 by mail. „, Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 606 bottle; 60 bY mail. Royal Purple Cough Cora 60c tin; 600 b mail. Royal Purple 121sinfechint, 260 and 50c tins. Royal 'Purple Roup Cure, 26o tins; 30c I) of emphasis. 1 • PRICES OF FARM PROOUCTS .1••••• '1310015 FROM THE t.tantria rHAO6 OVNTFLES OF amsurca. loato 01 00011., Ocala, nevem' ens :toe. *ragmen. a:t Hama unit Abroad. - Breadstuffs. 1Voron to, Feb. • 4-1119...1.11 Lobo Wheat -Lake 1,ports, No. 1 northern, 96e; No, 2, 92 1•2e; No, 3, 90c; feed wheat, 65e, Ontario Wheal -No. 2, 04.41 to 960 tor ear loortnodeosutside, rauging down to 70e for peer Ontario Oute•-No. 2 white, 33e to 340 at western points, 37e to 381 on track, To. ron ' track, bay ports; No. 3 C. W., 30.1-2e; No. 1 feed, 30 1.2c, for prompt shipment. • 35111n.itoba Oats -No. 2 0. W. oats, 410; sid(1,ocrn -American 19o. 3, all rail, Toronto, Pogs-NO, 2, 51.15 to $120 ear lots out- . . Buckwhent,-;No. 2, 52e, bz 63e. itye-le. 2, 70c. t Rolled Oats- Per bag of 90 pounds, 82.- 22 1-2; per barrel. 54.70, wholesale, Wind. sm. 10 Alontreal. ✓ malting barley, outside, to 05,5. O Minfeed Manitoba, lerall, 519 to 520, in .,;:go, track, Toronto; shorts, $22; mid. dingo, $26; Ontario bran, 519 to 520, in ,rtei; chorts, 521 MunItoba Flont--h'irst patents, $5.30 in O nto -bags; second patents, 04.80 in jute ..,e_0; strong bakers', 04.60 in jute bags. 0 .1 rotten bags, CM cents more per bar- ,' • Ontario Pleur-Wintey wheat flour,. 90 poy mutpatents, is mimed at 9.100 to .10. 7 As his coat= was.—St. Luk i- 1.8, One who had not attended church for a yeas.: came out from my service all aglow with enthusiasm. The mimic, the prayers, the lessons from the Bible, the sermon, the religions atmesphere-all zee/fled inamaring. It was the fresh enthusiasm awak- ened. by the unitcatiatomal. Wor- shippers attending Sunday by Sun- day without fail take everythiog for granted; approve without listening; are edified, Vitt,* not reahly. care. „ There is evenas, monotony in good- ness. Yet the secret of a high standard of 'hying is to ,r.lo the cgs- ton:airy with the fresh spirit that be- longs to the unusual. Two classes Ere hit by this ;truth. The clergy get too familiar with sacred things. Clergymen ought to be on The Highest Spiritual Level. As a'fact, familiarity, constant use. breed neglect, contempt.. The talk of the clergy, especially of theolo- gical students, is about religious trifles, postures, partnership, sal- aries. The only remedy is aor the student and for the minister in the parish to keep in constant touch with human life-hinnan life ia al- ways fresh, unusual. Then the faithfuh laity keels on with the same religious acts; think themselves • blessed; 0 -von pride themselves on holding on to the old ways -really stagnate. Of course we must continue the mait • Royal P,urple Worm Powder 260 tins • 30e b mail. Manufactured only bY TheW.A...TenkinsMfg.Co. London, Canada Royal Purple Supplies act liooklet may,be obtained from ' Ford & McLeod Flour and Feed; W. S. R nolmes,Drugi,Clin- ton. 0 Country Produce, Wholesaie. Cold•ctorage eggs, 20e tu 23o 'in lots; fresh eggs, 250 to• 260; strietly , al, 250 to 320. netes;;-,,Tvins, new, 14 3.4o to 16.e, and ge, rie:v. at 141-091 old •cheese, twins, ta 15 1•20; large; 160, • _ Butter- -Latest butter auefatiens arm- s ' (h•ettinery prinia, 31c to 32e; 40 so101, 22e to 10e r dairy rite, 25c to 57e; turelgor ( kttrt;'), 220. to 230. . 11oin•y-Dueltwhen 5, 90 pound is tins alitt Or in barrels; strained clover honey, •12 1.2c a poend iu 60.pound tins, -12 3.40 in 10•pound tins; 13e, in 5.pound, tins; comb • honey, No. 1, 02,60 Der dozen; etalttl, $3 Der dozen; No. 2, 02,40 per dozen. Poultry -Give ;•hieltens, wholesale, 1.00, to ^. 110 per pound; fowl, 8e to 10e; duclth, 110 e.tt-er a ver Christmas is again over, and as we start into 1913 we wisli to thank our patyons for their 4iberal patronage, ,H nd to intiinate that oar stook will always be, so kept up-to-date that you will 9iave - a feeling of satisfaction in -. dealing with us. a COUNT JIF,VVLLi-IR and ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES to 11e; live turkeys, 155 to 170; eggs, 95 to 10e,• Dressed poultry, 20 to 30 above live quotations, otteept1ng cireweed turheya, 70e toOle Beans --,Primas, $2.50 and 52.60 for hand. picked, Potatoes -Ontario pots teeS, 05e per bag; lots, 76o; New Briinewleliff, $1 pet bag, out" of store; 90c in ear 10tii. 'Spanish Onions --Per oase, 52.35 to $2.40. Soled :Ray •and straw. Baled hay; No. 1, 513.50 to -514.00; No. 59.50 to 510.50; No. 3, 58.00 to 59.50; Baled strew, 09.50 to $10,00:" • Montreal Markets, Montreal, Peb, 4.-Oate--Canadian Wost ern, No. 2, 41 1-30 to 42e; Ciumdian 'West- ern, No. 1, 401.05 to 410; extra -44o. 1 feed. Ile to 411-0; No. 2 leder wi;tte, 305; No• loetit white, 37 emits; No. 4 lecal vbtp 35c. Barley --Man. feorl, 550 to_56e, enalt;In; 755 'to No. Bu ukwheat.--No. Ole to ‘57• Flour -41a a. spring when t pate, o 8-8. '• 1,5v01,01e, r 071-'1.1101,1iVt, ,S4c.19113r; i re", r r" lers, 5425. to 85; a a 1, as- " o Rolled onte---33a;•ree5, 54 :0; ie. go. 90 ths 02.12 1.2. 111ale•-$90. • Shorts --$22. MIS. 11 Mouille-$30 to. 0,15: -Hay-No. 2, per ton, cal' 1015, $13.30 to $14.'Oheese- Finost westerns, 13; tdo easterns, 121-20 tO 12 3,4c. 13ntter-Ohdicest ercamery, 29e; 10 2s8•.°07,10c1s: ,42410eottc,od, 26192a. I.' TIld,,ggsN-0Frels181,tr.,24,70 17e; do No. 2 etock, 145, ' 'Feta boes--Fer bag, etir lots, 65o 10 75e. United States Markets. 11 in n ranoll s, Feb. 4.7-0411 eat, • May, 67 3.45; 11111'. 0911-5e to '89 1•20; No. ,1 hard, 87 314o; No, 1 northern, .85c 10 071-3d; No. 2, 833,4o 10 050, -So, 0009, -No. 3 yellow, 43o to 411.52. Ott,ts--klo, 3 white, 303-4c to 31 1,4c. N.7e. No. 2, 56e to 580. Tiran, 019.00. cliDalj;I'l'9,t11, Fob. 4. -Wheat-No. 1 ha rd, 07 1-1.5; No. 1 northern, 85 145; No. 2 north, ern, 84 1ly •40; Ju, -89 5•8;; .to 093-3r asked ; Flay, 920.40 LiVe Stock Markets, Montreal, Feb. 4.-Oltoiete steers, $6,08 to 56.05; good at $6 to $6.26, and the lower olsrttied and hopoxed ways in life. We must breathe into those, way's an ever new meaning. The modern novel .aays when•loye,becomes mar- riage love Imes its zest. It ought nob to bo so it is not true. We make it so by dropping the level of OM' devotion. "he lesson is not to quit regular churchgoing to get the benefit of the 'occasional, but %to transfigure the common by the spirit ive Pitt into it. We do not quit eating in order to enjoy food; we -concoct a new dish,. set a meal fay -a friend, spread the table with flowers, Make the amnion Meal a Feast. Sonae things are always. of value; God, as the source of our being, the complete realization of all our ideals; the Church, as the divine institution 'for men to belong_ to as the Heavenly Father's children; goodness, as both the reason and the proof of religion's value. God, the Church, goodness belong to everyday life. The best things, the things that can never lose their beauty, are the familiar things. It is the things that de not belong: to everyday life, unlawful pleasures, riotous liviiag, sinful 'self-indulg- ence, that really mall on a man. We will put now zest, fresh. ingenuity into• our daily blessings, into onr family life, our friendships, °lir day's work, our worship of God. We will find the blesseclneas and the beauty of the familial, by the belief and love we give to it. -Rev. 1)r. H.. P. Nichols. grades from that down to 54, while choice butchers' cows brought 55.50, and good 55 to $6.26, with common selling al 53 to 54 per 200 lbs. Bulls ranged. from $3 to $6 per 100 lbs. Lambs, $7.25 to $7.50 per 100150. Sheep, 65 to 55.25 per 100 lbefor ewes and at 54.26 to 54.76 for bucks and culls, Calves ranged from 53 to $12 each, no to else add quantity. Seleeted Iota of bogs were made at $9 to 59.25 per 100 lbs., weighed olf cars, and in a few lu• stances as high as 89,60 tvas paid. Toronto, Peb. 4.-Clattle-li'xpert, $6.75 to $7.10. Cattle-Choiee butcher, $6.26 to' N- 50; good medium, 55.50 to 55.75; COinmon, 53.75 to 54.71; tows, 04.75 to 86.26; hullo, 53 trl 55.26; canners, $2 to 52.50. Calves -- Good veal, 58 to $9; eoMMOli, 53 to 53.15. Stockers und Peedors-Steers. 700 to 900 pounds. $3,25 to $5,251 feeding Mills, 900 to 1,000 pounds, $2.75 to $4,25; yearlings, 53.10 to 53.50. Milkers and Springers -- Prom $60 to 572. Sheep and La1111.1S-1,101 ewes, 54.75 to $5,23; heavy owes, $3 to 93.60. lambs, $6 to 58,50. n50go-$8.76, fed and watered, rind 8840, f.o.b. . MANITOULIN GOES DAY. Iwo Hundred Majority in -Favor of Temperance Aet. A despateh from Little Current, Ont., 'says; Manitoulin goes dry, as It •carried "the Canada temper - mace act ,on Thursday by about two hundred majority or more. Several small polls are yet to be heard from, but they caamot turn the pre- sent standing. The town of Gore Bay givea a majotity of one for, and Little' Current 69 against the act, yIse township of Howland, where local option .failed a year ago. went two lie One fOr'HI:he act. The township of Sandlield'svote was 38 for and 8 against. FOUR LIVES 10815. Fire Ilamittgarl Iowa 'foto, chica. go, to Extent 01' 815,000: • A. :despatch from' Chicago Says': ,Three, man and one woman WeVel barT1D4 Itodeath, three men sexious- ly.injared ahel a dozen others suf- fered less 1uvts in 15 aye which eatly on Thuraday dastaoyed the Iowa Hotel, a lour-starY brick still -aura' at 330-382 North Street. Forty years in use, 20 years the siandard, prescribed a and recom- mended by physicians. For IVO, man's Ailments, Dr.-. Martel's Female, Pills, 11 your druggist. Operation far Hes Failed. Zam-Buk Was Then Tried and Worked a Cure. , Writing frOM Poplar, B.C., Mrs, 0. Hanson, wife of the .proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, says: "I suffered for years with bleeding biles. The pain was so bad at times that I could hardly walk, and ordinary remedies seemed utterly unabhvto give me any • ease. Finally I decided to undergo an ,opera- tion, and went to the Sacred Heart ". Hospital in Spokane, There they per- formed an operation and did all they could for me, For a time I was ser. tainly 'better, but within 12 'menthe the trouble started again and the piles became as painful as ever. ,, I tried liniments, hot poultices, various 'pile cures,' and indeed everything I could think would be likely to do any good; but still continued to suffer, and the shooting, burning, stinging pains,..the dull; aching and wretched 'worn-out! feeling that the disease chuses cons tinned as bad as ever.' "One day I read about Zam-Buk and thought I would try it. The first one or two boxes gave' me more ease than anything else I had tried, so I went on with the treatment. In a short time I began to reel altogether different and better, .and I saw that Zeus -Huh was going to cure me. Well, I went on using it, and by the time I had used six boxes I was delighted 16 find my- self entirely cured. That was three years ago, and from then to the pres- ient time there. has been no return sot •the trouble." Zorn -Bilk is a sure cure tor -piles, erizema, ulcers, abscesses, cold sotto, chapped hands, varicose sores, burns, scalds, bruises inflamed patches, and all skin inJurles and diseases. Drug- gists and stores oyerywbere, 50c. box, or Zamauk Co., Toronto,. for price. Re0.1se harmful substitates. aa BANKER'S SON SUICIDES. Cut His Throat With a Razor in a Winnipeg libtol. 4. despachifrom Winnipeg says; Twenty-fonr hours after he had cut his throat with a razor, the body of Eugene Delano a member of a prominent New inrk family, residing" al, 52 Washi'ligton squalls north, was found ' Thursday night lying unelothed on -the floor of his, laeoeltreimona in the Royal Alexandra R This Company is chartered by taw to accept the rn2025oment of th: estate of a 2ei v.ith- out a will. It is a carefully -managed, finan. c(aily-rospoosible Company, with years of experience in such matters. If appointed to aCt as adminis- trator it will assume the manage--- ment of the. estate, collect and pay debts, distribute legacies and pros perty among the hairs, Etir- 4...\\4,1haLitf,:o It will prove an honest, able adMilliSitALOr of tile estate. Every interested person -will be alloted his or her lawful share. The charges, in every case fixed by a judge, will be no greeter, more likely, less, than the 're- muneration allowed the individual' administrator. Services of 'Family Solicitor always retained. by Company. Correspondence invited and answered promptly. r- 171 R1170' '1 „ 1(,0141,,,otki„ CANADA,