HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-30, Page 6PALE ANAEMIC GIId Hnd New Health 'Through 1) William's Pink Pills for Pale People. There must -1343, no -guesswork , the treatment of Tale, anaern girls. If your daughter is langui has a pato, sallow complexion, ehort of breath, especially on gei upstairs; if she has palpitation the heart, a poor appetite, or tendency to faint, she has anaeln —which means poverty ,of the bloo Any delay in treatment ma,y lea, - her weak and sickly for the rest Lei life—delay may even result (oeaumption, that 'most hopeless d eases. When the blood is pe an watery, there is only one ce tsie cure—that is Dr. William Pi ilc Pills, coupled with nouns ins food and gentle out-of-door e .e. Dr. Williams' Pink P11actailly make •new blood, whic flow: ig through the veins stiniu la a he nerves, increase the app ti-eive brightness to the eye, gl• ; of health to the cheek, an rn a weak, despondent „girls fu of teealthy activity. The ease o Ni.s1 J. if. Lassalle, Sorel, Que is typical of the cures made by Dr Williams' Pink Pills. She says : " was weak and all ran clown. M face was pale and covered wit pimples. My lips were pale. 1 suf fered from pains in all my - limbs which would at times be swollen I was hardly ever free from head aches, a,ntl I found work about th &mite a bueden, as the least.effort left me fatigued and breathless. had no appetite, and aotwithstand in that I was eunstantly doctorin I s,eenied to be growing worse al the thne. One day mother said alia, she thought 1 ought to try Dr. Vii hams' Pink Pills, and I decided t do so. I 1:0011 discovered that I ha found the right medicine, and atte using nine bees I was once moi. enjoying the best of health, and have not been unwell it day since.' You can get Dr:1Vil . liams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes, for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "COLD LIGHT" DISCOVERED. 'M It ay Revolutionize Electric Tliehting. r. in io a, is ng of a la d ve of in f or r - s' h- x - Is e- a 11 M. Dussamd, a French scientist, who ha e discovered a meae‘ for the picduetion of what he terms -"cold light," gives some details of his discovery, which, it is thought, may revolutionize eleetrie lighting. Starting on the principle that rest is as essential to matter as to animal organism, ;he has construct- ed an electrie lamp in which the light is concentrated on a single pont by filaments working succes- eivele ; thence the light is projected through a lens magnifying a thou- sandfold. Thus he has sueceeded in concentrating a 2,000 candle- power light on one point by fila- ments working successively; the* the light is projected through- a lens magnifying a thousandfold. Thus he has asoceded in concentrat- ing a 2,000 candle-power light on one point, and in passing 32 Voltd into an eight -volt lam.p, which with the ordinary light would burst. Experiments with this lamp have established that the new light is • absolutely without danger, as net heat is given off, and it requires a hundred times less current than the ordinary lamp. It can be work- ed be a tiny battery, or sufficient motive power can be obtained from a jet of water from an ordinary faucet, or even a squirrel -turning a; cage. The light, if is said, offers 'great advantages in photography, as its photogenic power- is kur times Shat of the magnesium flash light. Ib has been tried with great suc- bess at the Biarritz lighthouse, and M. Dussaud is aforkihF on its appli- cation to searchlights for the Min- istry of War. IF YOUR BABY IS -SICK GIVE BABY'S OWNTABLETS The little ills of babyhood and ehilelhood should be treuted prompt- ly, or they may prove serious. An ocea,sional dose of Baby's Own Tab- lets Will regulate the stoniaeh and bowels and keep pour little ones well. Or they will promptly restore aealth if sickness comes uneispecte et.dy. Mrs. Lenora M. Thompson, 011 Springs, Ont., says :—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little girls as occasion required, and have found them always of the greatest help. No mother, in my opinion, should be without the Tab- ' lets." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 28 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brock- ville, Ont., When a person gets to thinking that nobody loves him, it is tinfeao. call in a specialist. illinard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. Statistics show that of children born of parents at the age of forty- one .ane -third' die. during the ,first year; while the rate of mortality. among thote born of parents be- tween the ages of twenty-one' and Shirty is lees than eight per cent, BIN RILLS DRIVE AWAY, Theare Pains In the Kitinoys,, Mr. Thomas Stephenson, of I,achute Mills, P. Q., writes "I was frotibledfor.inariy years with Kidney Disease, and a friend toldme to take Gill PILLS: After taking a few, hoxes I was greatly relieved; and after finishing the twelfth box the pain. cosu. pletely left me. My wife IS nay using GIN.,1'IDEAS end iinde that she ' has been greatly relieved of the pain over her kideeys.", goo, a box, for Ila.go. Sample free If :ou write Me:tient:1- Drug. ard dhemiCal Co, of gensida,•Litnitea, Toretto, 133 FAMOUS PEARLS OF HISTORY. • — Largest Is Two Inches Long and Is Worth $60,000. The pearl is the only gem need- ing not the hand of mon to bring to perfection, and history affords ample evidence of .the intense fas- cination it has alweys exercised among, the people of every age. It is the oldest object of personal adornment. Indian mythology often speaks of the pearl, attributing ita discovery to the -god Vishnu, who is said to have caused it to be drawn from the ocean for his daughter Pandaia. The records of the Romans:Baby- lo, Persians . and Egyptians also make mention of it. There was the wife of the Emperor Caligula, who, . for a,n ordinary betrothal feast, decked herself with pearls to the rano of £330,000, and Julius Caesar presented Servilia, the mother of Brutus, with a specimen valued at 250,000. ' Coming, to more recent epochs', we find • that Philip II.) King of Spain, paid 240,000 for a ail -10,e pearl known as "Peregrine. ' Found in Panama, it was pear- shaped and weighed 4 carats. An, other King of Spain, Philip IV.,: purchased onie weighng 26 enemeee, 15. Was brought froin India. Fra ' France, also owns Seme exquisite examples but the biggest pearl known is that which was 'once :the property of the banker Henry Phi- lip Hope.. Cylindrical in form, it is two inches in circumference at one end and Vitae and a half inches ,at the other. It weighe 1,800 grains aad is valued at $60,000. , It is known that :the beauty of the natural pearl sometimes eroYes evanescent. To retain its shimmer- ing isiplendoeit needs Air and light,. Acids ean affect them, and emanst- tions fisora the skin can destroy the precious bleoiri, whith, *nee gone, cannot be revived. Sometimes, too, owing to their compaegive soft- ness, they become scratched, and thus a aouree of anxiety to the own- er. There is little wonder, there- fore, that possessors of valuable necklaCes should eeek to 'provide themselves with duplicates which may be worn without fear and trembling. Hurrah, No More Lame Backs This Case Proves That the Best and Strongest Liniment Ever Made is Nerviline. When it comae to determining the•real merit of a- medicine, no weight of, evi- dence is more convincing than the straightforward statement of some reliable and well-kncern pereon who has been cured. • For thie reason we print the verbatim statement of Juan 15 Powell, written from his home in Carleton. "I am a strong, powerful man, six feet tall, and, weigh nearly two, hundred. I have been accustomed all my life to lift great weights, but one day I overdid it, and wrenched my back badly. Every tendon and muscle was sore. To stoop or bond was agony. had a whole bottle of Na. viline rubbed on in one day, and by night I .was well again. I know of no liniment possessing one-half the penetra- tion. and pain -subduing properties of Nerviline. I urge its use strongly UV all invaluable liniment and household euro for all minor ailments, such as strains, sprains, swelling'e, • nouralght, soirstica, lumbago, rheumatism, and musoular • No bettor medicine for =ring pain was over put in a bottle than Nesviline-rub It on and rub it in -that rubs out all aches, pains, and sorenese. Large family Size, B0c., trial Mee 250., all dealers, or The Catarrhozone "" Mittel*, N. T.„ and Kingston, One TELEGRAPHS A PHOTOGRAPH. French Inventor Discovers Way: to Sen,d Pictures by Wire. Edouard Belin, a Trench inven- tor, has succeeded in telegraphing a photograph from Bordeaux to Paris in four minutes. Instead of using selenium he prepares a pho- tographic plate the basis of which is bichromated gelatin and the eur- facie of which is uneven. A araill metal point passing over the uneven surface of the plate causes a variation of the electric current, which makes possible the transmission over a telegraph or telephone wire of the lights and shades of halft,one plates with re- markable regularity and speed. The most interesting feature- of fd, 13elin50 invention is that it is possible to carry about a email ap- paratus, weighing about, ,sixteen pounds, and immediately attach it at any telephone 'station. T,his makes it pessible to phone pictures over long distances. The' results obtained seam to be 50 advanee of anything yet done ih this direction from the point of view of the clearness \ of the pictures transmitted. The wonclerf,a1 era of prosperity Shat is now being enjoyed in Can- ada, is exemplified by, tho report of the; "SALADA" Tea CO., which states that, during the year just ended, there were 1,223,437 poimcla more "SALADA" tea, sold than in 1211. This INCREASE would sup- ply every household in the Domin- ion with one pound of tea. Pustighed the Pretender. A man who was reamed from pie Seine tut Paris was recegniked by is bystander as an individual who, macleat, comfortable imeome out of pretended attempts a,t drowning, Charitable people who sawhini saved always, gave him money. 'The impostor did not deny the charge, and the crowd gave hien, a, wind beating and threw him back irsto the Seine, leaving him this time to get out without assistance. Mrs. Ohurch—Are youv childree being, brought up to help them- selves 7 'Mrs. Gotham—Are they 1 Why, I -can't keep a particle Of jam in the house mere than a dayl , y IT IS N[11113,1111ORT GME .10.111 WORLD HOW RAVAGES OP 1CIDN]1Y DISEASE ARE CHECKED IN QUEBEC. Mrs. Julien Patinchaud, for seven years a sufferer, ends quick re- lief aad complete mire in Dodd's Kidney pills, Whitworth, Temisoouata eke, Que., Jan. 27 (Special), ---With the owning of winter the ravages of Kidney Disease are again felt in this province, and the fact that a sure oure is youehed for in this vil- lage is news worth giving to the world. Mrs. Julien Painohaud is the person cured and she .states without hesitation that she found her eure ±0 Dod;c1's Kidney Pills. For seven years my heart and Kidneys bothered me," Mrs. Pain- chaud states, "I was always tired and nervous. I could not Sleep. My limbs were heavy and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. MY eyes had dark eirolee under them and were puffed and swollen. I was so ill I could hardly drag myself around to do my housework. "A 'neighbor advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, acid I found relief in the first box. Siiss boxes made me perfectly well." If you have any two of Mrs. ,painchaud's sympthrns your Kid- neys are diseased. Cure them and guard against serious, it nob fatal results by using Dodd's Kidney Pills, LOSS BY STRIKES ENORMOUS. Great Total: foe Last Veer, Bu Worse Expected in Britain. e What Great Britain is coining ;to ia on industrial sense cam be guess- ed dimly from a :study of some stag- gering figures concerning the loss of time that resulted from labor disputes in the year just ended, taken in -conjunction with the prog- nostieationa for the future that are being made by the leaders of organ - zed labor. Up to the beginning of 1912 the eoord for loss of time in the oourse f is single year in Great Britain as result of strikes was about 10,- 00,000 days, and this total was enerally regarded as an alarming ne. Early in the year, however, am assurance that this record would e beaten hollow within the next twelve months came from Tom Mann, a,nd this prophecy by the vice-president of the Workers' Un- ion hes been .abundantly fulfilled. During the last year the number f working days lost through strikes was 40,139,400, the loss in wages wing to one dispute alone amount,- ng to $78,927,800. This, waa the iggast strike in the incluetrial hie tory of England—the national trike of coal miners in March last or 0 minimum wage. The stoppage was complete in very coal field of the country, 1,- 96,047 workers underground amel n the eurfsee of the pits quit work nd the strike, extending over the ull month of March, involved the oss of 31,567,000 working days. The eas in wages p-robably is put too ow at 215,785,500, or $78,927,500. As if this were not enough, how - ver, huge industrial disputes warfing tlie great strikes of his- ry, are promised in the near fu- ure by -Ben Met, the English la.- or leader, who has just, completed a organized :tour of the country it behalf of the transport weekers, r o a 0 g o a 0 wTri-Z—n Try Merin Eye Remedy No an...nem-Pegg rine-e ots euleier. Your MX:isid"Cras!'=Itrlin! jee_e_ la eeSII ream.° k, corn. 1111711W reVedell'Utug3114',`111:Piarpt,t'T Nee d TAltiZrglirpmaxmri; P:ggit0:TvTCare ;:4171,ag,, 15 U,ho marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago The surest thing in this world is a friend you can't depend OD when you need him. ellnarrni Liniment cures Distemper. Many a man becomes resigned to fate alter he finds himself all in from fighting it. PILES mem) IN 6 TO 14 DAYS nee druggist win refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any ease of Itch. Ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding nee in 6 to 14 days. 56e. Toads become torpid in winter, and take no feed for four or six months.. • • Minard's Liniment Cures Carpet In Cows, "What do you think of my new hat'?" "Very pretty. I hope it'll setis,fy you for awhile." "Of course it will. The color ia not quite what I like, wad the trimming doesn't _come up to my expectations, and the shame is not as good as it ought to be, but otherwise the hat is a splendid bargain, and I like it awfully 'ehl'' W. IL FARRELL, Who has been appointed Superin- tendent of Freight Service, over the Grand Trunk System, a new office. Mr. Farrell was formerly Superintendent of Terminals in To- ronto. I Smart Boy: Willie was is smart boy and anxi- ous to get en. His first job was in a bank. "Well, Willie'my boy," said his uncle to him as he met him in the street one day, "how are you getting on in business 7 I sup- pose you'll soon be manager --eh?" Yes uncle," replied Willie, "I'm getting on nicely.' I'm already a draft elerk." 'Really'!" replied his avuncular relative; "A daft (dark? That's very good." "Yes, uncle,". remarked the bright lad "1 open and -shut the windowd ac- cording to order and close the doors after people have left 'em open." "Head Feels Fine Breathe Freely Now" Improved My Voice, Strengthened My Throat, Cured Me of - Hawking and Spitting. Mist Emma E. Norton Gives Croat Praise to "Catarrhozone." "I iusi wish I had known, years STICO about the wonderful effete, of CATAILR- IIOZONIV writes Miss Norton, from her home in Georgetown. "MY nose and throat "Were continually stopped up, and 1 was seldom free from a gag in the throat. I cone/led and hawked and often at night couldn't Bleep. Jerre a few breaths from a Catarrhozone inhaler and my head was cleared right up. My throat trouble le now vrell and I haven't a si»gle voyage of catarrh, Catarrhozone made a perfeet cure," As the only Way to reach catarrh is by inhaling medicated air, it follows that the healing balsams of Catarrhozone can't fail to euro. It is a purely yen. talele antiSeptto-soothes and heals wher- ever it goes. The gorm-killing vapor is inhaled at the mouth and instantly spreaele through all the breathing organs. Every cake of bronabitie and eittaxrh is rooted out, and suoh health and,,strength is inn:meted that them troubles never again return. Geneelete °utile eldficient for 2 Months' me, pries SILOS, including the Inhaler and liquid for ailing: smaller trial eine 26e. and 50e., all druggists and storekeepers, or 'Phe Cata.rrhozone Co.. Midlieect. N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. CHA.R1f1 OF YOUTHFUL ONES. Children's Minds Full of Uncon- scious Poetry. Children are been with a, taste for knowledge. They want to know, and they want to know the right things. They ask questions, and are not easily rAtisfied. They are fond of imitating what they eee around them. They are highly irnae gingiva. They clothe their ideas in concrete forma. There Was et time when they wee° regarded as Immo,- ture adults; we have learned that the main aim of a teacher must bee to give the right tone to the feel: inga—geed:ness in the .abstraet is of little avail; the imagination must be stirred. We are accustomed to believe that there is little reflection on -the part of children, gleanui of thought which suggest a hiddee mental pow- er working almost uneonseiouely. The little girl who "gathered sun- light in her ham& and put it on her faee" knew soartething of the effects of heat. And how full of humor are some of the sayings of children. It was Punch, we belie -ye, who depicted Tommy after he had been ,seyevely coarected as exclaim- ing, "I fink Pil go back to heaven, where I came from." And what a fund of trag•gestion WaS conveyed by the little girl who, on hearing a running tap, saiel that "the water wae 'coughing." The poetry -ef life is frequently seen in childhood. We have this illustrated in the description of butterflies as "paamies flying." "A star le s cinder from God's great star" has a wealth of unconscieue meaning. I3ut perhaps the finest approach to poetry wits made by a tiny tot, who defined dew no "the grass erying," "Oh, auntie I" said a•-littl egird, "I've just, seen a pala- tal walking." the nurse, who had grown but of fairyland, explain,ed that it was only an ordinary worm, , The success of the self-made man' Zit, is elite isaeelf-made opportunities. • HANDS COVElitil WITH PlisIPLES lichee So Ket from Sleeingl . 'Passed, the Nights Scratc lag.' . Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment Stopped the Itching at ' Once and Entirely Cured. 60 3r1 Ave.; Ville Eeaard, Montreal, Que. -P My trouble etarted with smalepimples CIA my Jeands, which Relied BO MO 15 kepi, me from sleeping, and I passed the nights scratching it.' I did not know what to do with myself. I became so disoburaged that / did not have the' heart to do my work. , My bands were all covered with little watery pimples. For three weeks, I heel My hands done up to keep them i'rem touchleg the bed, for I tossed and scratched so that I inadethere all bloody on the bod-boar.d. / Ned suffered for three years like this whoa I sew an advertisement for Outieura Seep and Oedema Ointment. I decided to fiend for tutinplee Of them. ' "As 000n as I received them, I applied the Oulleuras Ointment andwashed my kande with Outlaws, Soap at night before Being to bed. 'Phis stopped the itching air 011C0. I continued to use them, using not Quito two boxes of Chrtioula Ointment with the Outlet:tea Soap, and I was entirely cured. My husband had a burn on one of his hande. .11131411.0Inte4 15 two nights With °unman Ointment and has not felt it since. We bays great confidence in Outteure Soap and Ointment, and I assure you I shall tell all who suffer 'with the same disease about) them." (Signed) Mrs. Roger Hebert,. bac.. SS, 1911. Outleura, Soap and Outloura Ointment are sold bY druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample Of each, with 32-P. beck, send post card to Potter Drug 5.4 Chem, Sleep., Dept. 81D, Boston, U. 8. A. 20,000 FELL IN ONE DAY. Surgeons Tell Seery of Awful Car. nage in Balkan Streggle. The first real iusight into the aw- ful losses sustained by the Bulger leas, the eonditions under which their wountded were cared for and the, present state of the ehalera epi- demie is given by Austrian Red Cross eurgeons who have just re- turned to Vienna from the battle- fielels and Constantinople. Professor Clairmont, 'who geom. paged the unit sent to Bulgaria/ declares that the Bulgarian losses before the Chatolja lines we -re very great, no less than 20,000 falling in one day. Aceording to Some of the othor &eters the transport ar- rangements for the wounded were appallingly inadequate. The Austrian unit stationed near Kirk Iffilisse, where the mast severe cases were treated, had on eome days aver a hundred operations, a hair -hour eaoh. The work was carried on under great difficulties, often with insufficient food. The surgeon% and nursing sisters ander- went great hardshiris on the jour- ney to Kink Kilisse, and en arriving there spent the first five nights in the open air and with only tea and beead on which to eubsist. Speaking of the cholera outbreak the Austrian Reel dross surgeon Dr. Wimmer, vrho has just returned from Constantinople, declare,s that the disease is still rampant there stnd that it is all over is entirely erroneous. Wheal he left Constam- titople fifty to one hundred deaths were reported daily. Hundreds died without reeeiving the slightest care or medical attention, Desert- ers were apparently with deliberate intent allowed to die) like dogs with- out any attention being given them. Dr. Wimmer states that Austrian &dors found that injections of Vienna, Paltaufselien serum gave eases ie oa, wonderfully auccessful results, say- ng 45 per Cent. of thchler In wkich it was used, while the ser- , urns used by the English, French and German doctors saved only 40 per cent. It takes three secondfor is cable message to cross the Atlantic. Cable costs about $1,000 a mile to lay, and the total amount exishing at She 'bottom of the sea reps/meats a value of $250,000,000. HOCKEY SKATES FREE , These aplendid'ealished steel Hockey Skated free of all charge to any boy or girl. All sizes. Send u s your nam' and addreas and we will send you 30 sets of Easter an d other postcards thasell at 10 cents a set (six beautiful cards in eaoh as 1/), 'When -mold send us the money., and We will -send you the 4mi:we all charges prepaid:. AVIlit0 to -day and tarn your skates noW. Address HOMER -WARREN 00. - DEPT. 13. 'CORO-NT:O. e The Woret Yet. • - Johnny handed the following note from his menher to the teacher one morning: / Dere Teecher You keep tellin' my boy to brethe with his digram. Maybe rich children has got die- frams, but how about when there father only makes 01,30 a day and has got five children to keep? First it's one thing, .then it's another, and now it's diabetes. That's the worat yet. SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. Attractive rains vrill be quoted yin variable routes, affording the -finest seen. ery. The Los Angeles Limited, leaving Chicago daily 1016 pen. for Southern Cali fornla, the San Vranoteco Overland Lim- ited, leaving Chicago 830 p.m., leoe than three days en route, provide the best of everything in railway travel. The China and Japan Mail leaves Chicago daily at 1045 p.m, for San Francisco and Loa en. geles. Illustrated literature on appilea, tion to B. IL Bennett, G. A., Chicago and North Western' Rye 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Out. There are forty-eight ldnels of house flies. H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne strait, Toronto. G00D STOCK FARM OF 600 ACRES With Three Homers; leave Dank Barn. Must he sold quick. Price is very low. EVERAL DESIRABLE eAmes re' Manitoba, Alberta and Seekatehewan 4tlulaktketailbee. boueht. Worth the money for IHAVE OVER. ONE HUNDRED 000,D A, farms in different emetione of Ontstsi0 on my het If you want a farm commit 11. W. DAWSON, Toronto,. IPTY ACRES IN • MIDDLESEX .12 County; eoil eplenelid nay loam, Ave sores' timber, 11 warm orchard, oement block home; frame bank barn; 6 miles 'to market and Railway Station, Wines Forty-eight Hundred. Owner anxious to Sell. Going 0, Nerthwest. The Western Iteal Eetate, London, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS, TAMP COLLECTORS -HUNDRED DIP. ).0 feront Foreign Stamps. Oabalogne, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. • llIAT ANTED - LIVE wire) ANnfees. kind% Pear/ton, Poultayman, Guelph, Ont, - 31510325 Minard's Liniment Cures taphtberla. B ARIA/kJ:No at-vailriesGaiITLeAltsamfbpoi.. Specialties Agency, Box 1536, Winnipeg. "-So you have been to France ',et AMMAR, erosions, temps, .nro., again, Mrs. Oenneur, V, ,ryns, I planitnerbnvalatanndhoenixteernael, cured. with. , s IncTolate,. De ti13..iitigritrital seems; like we can't keep away from.' us b f r dear Paris. Indeed, my daughter Co, Basmitos. centime -oat, Ont, says we're regular Parasites. K/DNEY AND SLAT.. el ALL NES der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positiyale Only Ono "BROM° QUININE" Taendoi,,wigtiw,hirt.50.nev/..C:10,re,marLII;oeteedie That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININEO Look fax the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day, Cures Grip 50Two Days. Inc. The upper deck o- f - H. M. S. Iron Duke, the new British battleship of the Dreadnought typo, which will be ready for oommission by -Janu- ary, 1914, is to be specially armor- ed against airship attack. The publisher of the best Fttimer's eater in the Maritime Provinees in writing to ne states: "I would say that I do noteknow of a medicine that hee etood the toot of time like lefINAR/efi LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has out- lived dozens of would-be competitors aud imitators," "How many of these ghee') got out of here?' asked the angry fanner. "I, don't know," replied the new hired man, rubbing his eyes. "After I had -watched five or six of 'em jump over the fence I seemed to lose the count, for that alwa,ya puts me to sleep." VW - 25 Bluingss 10 cents. ON Wash Day Makes the Clothes as White as Snow Try It I The Jrhntlr Z11%1%1 rbdIlut C Limited, IlIontrout, uen, 118 Why Not Sive t Middleman' s.Profti and Ship Yottr or Diabetee-Mellitue, and euro Cure, ie "Sanol's Antellialeetes."Price 5205.from druggists or dieeet. The Sanol Minutes. tering Company' of _Canada, Limited. Winnipeg, Man. m s suits mENOVLIANsio DYED Bost Work in Canada, Gold Medalist BRITISH AV:El:ADAM DYEING G�. P. 0. Box, 333, hIONTRFAL FREE TRIAL '141°ZkIftg,Ivr. Nothing guile so nice es a breeiliel head of hair. Let us send you absolutely free one treatment of Luxurine, if it ie only to prove to you that it colors grey hair and =tree Ste% stops itching, remo- ves dandruff end makes the hair of man dr woman or child heevy and beautifully glassy. You lave only to send US your ;Adresse with 10,. enclosed for mailing and packing, widen, will sand yoll apywhere our treatment, at our own expense Write to -day. Address DR. PROSSE. elee, P .103 Commisemeer Street, Mennen!, FREE TO GIRLS 4.1 • ROLLED GOLD BRACELET We will give tbie beautiful Bracelet free of all ellen°, to any girl or yonng lady , who will sell 30 sete of our handtiemo Easter and other post-oards at 10 nets a oet (rex beautiful etude in eseh set). Send your 11001e and we will send you the cards. When. sold Amid tee the $5. and we will ,end YOU the bracelet. Address HOMER -WARREN 00. . DEPT. 14, TORONTO, ONT. 1 "These kids I teach aren't a bit : slow," observed a school teacher 1 recently. "In fact, I'm afraid they !reed the papers. The other day It I proposed the following problem bo 1 my arithmetic class : 'A rich man I dies and leaves $1,000,000. Oae-, I fifth is to go te his wife, one-sixth Ito his son, one-seventh to his daughter, one-eighth to his brother and the rest to foreign missions. ! What does _each get/' 'A lawyer,' said the littlest boy in the class, panmet,IY," 15z105&o01401 .. to where they bring most? eTo market like New Yerk. Send for pews list end ship to M. F.' Pfaolzer & Co, 6 B.12th St. (Des], 75) es York CitY. IC) fai? id.si Are your hands chapped, cracked or core? Have you "cold cracks which open and bleed when the skin is drawn tight? Have you a cold sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a "ravv" place, which at times makes it agony for you to go. about your household duties ? If ea, Eam-Buk will give you relief, artd will heal the frost -damaged skin. Anoint the sore places at night. Zarri-Euk's rich healing essemes will mink into the wodnds, end the smart- .. ing, anal will heal quickly. Mrs. Yellen, ef Portland, seem "MY Wends were go sore s-nd cracked that it was agony did to put them neer water. Whn eI so they would smart. and , burs, as if I had scolded them. 1 seemed quite unibleto get rehof from anytMng 1 put et them until I tried Zatn.I3uk, and it succeeded when all, else had failed. ,eleeed thel'hig make, gave me ease, sentinel the inflammation, end in, a very ohorti time healed ety hones." gam.Bak abo tiaras oftsflag, mhos, Wean' 'scums, piles, Mears, Moiler cora, sore heads and backs, abeam, pimples, rias:coorta, eta, acts, burns, bruMrts, 2551(10, sprawls, Of «b urns, storm, or.post free frost tho Bak Ca, Toronto, Pries Otte kw. ' WE HAVE STARTED A PRIZE CO*ETTION In the interest of purity of goocbs lcvois- an outlay of $500, divided into 44 prizes , varying from $100 (first prize) doWn to $5.011, • MAPLE SYRUP' PRIZE CONTEST Competitioe is limited to.users of the GRIMM CHAINP/ON EVAPORATOR, Should you own a grove and want to get tin best value out of It, and are Pot uollIg One of our EVAPORATORS. write to us, stating how many treen you tap and we will quote yort necessary cost suited to *our needs. You oan then enter poll test and Mae win a earth mem, thus veducieg oost of outfit Prizes will be elven for the best samnies ef syrup tuel sugar ecei. in by Awn 15111, closing date of competition. Samplea rrssi every competi- tor will be exhibited in the magnificent show windows of "The Montreal Star.' Montreal, during the last two weeks of April. ' Don't fail to write at once for copy of our "Prize mien Ciroelar," giving the fullest infornietion. • 'THIE.ORIMA/1 MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LTD. sae Wellington St., Montreal, Que. eeeemeeeramerm y . • MOVING PICTURE MACHINE FREE We will give this splendid largo Moving Fie -hare ilachine and Magic Lantern combined free -to any boy who will sell 40 sets of our beauti- ful embossed 13aaber and other post. cards at 10 eents a set (6 beautiful cards in eaeli set). This macildne is eomplete with, 2 filnis, 8 slides, lamp, chimney, good lense, anq everything all ready for giving a dhow. , Send us your Marne to -day and we will send you -the evade to sell. When sold send us the money end we will semi you the whole outfit, with ell cherges prepaid; . HOMER ;WARREN el DEPT. 15a TORONTO.