HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-30, Page 5nuazZOtb Clinton News -Record iresi wenn (By PATTY,), l4lave you eyee eeeeaeound. a• cOsY 1,40• stele, levbere the coals were •sParleling and ellaPPene While You eihetted ?, Of metes° you have and, .eyou knew •What a pleasant thing it ! At ffest the , conversateen•was ,genaral bet b)- •iand - • by you •dreee your chairs closer and became eme. Real -Hal. Finally you grew silent, of appeared do, while all the while you. were conversingwith yourself, seeing pictures in the fire, and enter- ePreting the sundry ,snaps and crack- , • les of the flames. These Fireside (Maks • will be just • among ourselves—You 'and ,I, Some= :times we will be • very, Very Conn& ential ; sometimes • very general ; sometimes we will rause and try and • interpret these gleams and craleles we. see and hear. Our Fireside is most adaptable foie tilde is room for • all and ev,e welcome newcomers. So let us draw our chairs closer and , be- -come.. acquainted. 'The Weather'I 'hear someone • whisper. Capital ! Is not it a most natmal stibject in the world on which lo become acquaieted ? Lis- ten to the hub -bub already, "change- able," "gloomee" • eiunseasonable" are the terms 1 hear. The fields are flooded with water and the Reynold 'Road near the railroad bridge in near- ly covered. "We have been having one • long fall • since the last winter broke , up" said one, "Yes" saki the Merry 'Maiden, who always looks on. the 'bright side, "but just think of the ' :splendid skating there would be if it would Only freeze." Sure eneugh ihe very next day eine weather man 'relented, stopped his rains and Bled winds and the laughter of the Merry Maiden and her companions echoed across the fieldsand ponds. • I heard the question 'asked "Why is it that more of our older and married „people do not join in the rue of skating ?" It was pointed -out that they did in Goderich and Seaforth. Patty could not venture a safe opinion for she respected, to -a certain extent, -the example set eee hy the sister townspeople. After e" call, years is a mere matter let num- ber ; it is the -feeling which goes .with the years that counts ; Surely, the exhilarating results of an hour or two on the ice would amply repay the trouble " or hunting out our old-fash- • loned 'skates from the dust of the storeroom, Or tile attending aches of --the following • morning, Jtest try it. —You-who-lie-notetteen-on-skates-for -years. Our rink is so small" grum- Mee someone. Never mind I I pro- phesy there will be a eplendid, airy and rockery one sometime in the fut- ure, and should it some in our day WE will be in condition to use it — —pATTY ANSWERS, Mary B.—Yes 1 of course ! You can cure round shoulder, and it will not be by shoulder straps either. Watch your standing and sitting positions, keep chest high, shouldere back and , down. One excellent exercise is the "----lielbow 'circle" with fingers tips on ehoulders rotate elbows in a large circle forward and hack, expanding chest with muscle—not breath, T. A. Melee—Space • forbids a full arfewer, Send a stamped addressed letter and I will do the best I can. (All letters intended for this col- umn should be addressed to "Patty" The News -Record Office — Editor • News -Record.) Bluth. • Mise Lottice Bentley lies.accepted • a position • as teacher in the primary rooth. of VVieglearn Seeool. •At the annual Meetieg et el1Pub- lic ,Lebrary recently held ,elie inc officers evere.'ielected e • Preeicientl, Dr, NEcTieleert: Seeroyary, W. J. " --Sime. ' .. Tree:serer • end • Librarian,- • Stotiers. '• "el Directors; Dr. Charlesworth, Dr. • -.MdTaggatt W. Sims,• et. • Eider, A. Sloan, Ge. M, Cham- • bers, .J. Seothers, A, W. Rob: ,inson and James, Mcielutehiee A. few of the friends', of Mrs. Wet- lauffer and family ga‘thered prier to their departure for Landon • and pre-, sented theth with a cabinet eit' sil- ver and an address. ,-- Auburn • About fifty of the members and adherents of the 'Beptiet eliuech and Sunday school mat at, the 'home of Kr. John Raithby en Monday even- ing of last. week and 'Presented to him a fine secretary and to Mrs. Raithby a handsome rocking chaix accompanied by an address which was read by IVIr W. 0, Robertson, the Sunday school superintendent. Mr, Raithby replied in a few well chresen words,en ;behalf of his wife and thriself. • He said he was completely taken by surprise as he had•had no in- timation, nor did he think his fam- ily had, of the intention or the pre- sent gathering. He said that owing to his hearing having' become so cle- feetive he had come to,. the conclus- ion that it would be to the, best in- feresets bf the class rot him to- step aside ariel make way for someone else, and after' thanking his friends for this token of their appreciation and love he assured e them that What- ever he had -been .able to do for the school had been` done willingly and gladly for Christ's sake. The even- ing was then given up to the enjoy- ment of games and music which wee followed bier a sumptuous repaet 'pre- pared by the ladies. The address was as follows : • - "Dear Mr. Raithby :—As a Sundey school and friends 'we are here tonight to express to you in our own inad- equate way our appreciation . of your efforts in our behalf as Bible Class teacher. We wish you to know that your efforts to make clear to us the teaching of the sacred word and to create in us the sure hope of being; partakers . in the great blessings therein contained were Mit unavailing enci we arc, confident that this as- surance -will conpensate yeti to some extent for yoteeeassidions labours to that mid. Not can we let this op- portunity pass without. expressing to you thvalee we attach to having before us, not only your verbal tes- timony but the more effective tes- timony ot a Bible class teacher, Who is as far as he enay be able to do so, giving an example of a Ohriet- ian life. We are all stimulated to the achievement of greater good, not only by your teaching but by exam - ;Ie. As we present; this secretary.to von ansi chait to Mrs. Raithby: We pray you may long be spared to- gether to direct. and assist us in this good work and may the - Most High prosper our united efforts." Kippen Mrs. Card and her niece, Miss Bay- liss, of Castleton, North Dakota, re- turned home last, week after spend- ing a pleasant, visit with friends • here. Mrs, Sterling McPhail ef Goderich township returned home after a few day's visit withher patents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Ivison. , Robert „Daman has come back at- , • ter a happy three 'weeks' visit wttis friendS in 'Detroit. . • Mr. and Mrs. Melleurtrie after a • long and prosperous career on 'the farm • here have retired to 1-Iensall where they will spend the remainder of their life. The neighbors Imre. have been loath to lose them cm • they have always been the kiellest • arrd most thoughtful of neighbors, St. Andrew's Presbyterian clinch lose two of their staunchest and most helpful members. The best • wishes of all follow them for a long and happy life in their new . Mime. As Mr. IVIMVItatrie retains one hundred acre grass faenehe -will eee still retain kis *interest in the • cat- ' ellee' tle business in which be bas been e very successful. He is succeeded by his second son, Hugh, on tile farm ' here. Mrs. Phillips who has been .confined • to her room for the last two weeks is improving slowly. Her many friends will be pleased to see her around again. . • Little Mary Nigh is very low with pneumonia. 4- Slight hopes . are entertained for her recovery. This is the third time for her to have it. • Her family have the eynepaelly West .VVitwatiOih. and' °Steepled:resid- ent:4 West %the person ofthe 2issl &me, ,oesSiolt r:41.00::„ oit §..hdai.:..y.q•607 as ' the - result , di received 'the eere-, vieu!. 'evening; Ale. -$''PrieUte Was •-• in lshe .sable:.piiting 'a ,bia,n1cep' oik.:„ +horse,: ,Wlicieb'.iihq,.j*, Coned: inee..freme ti"-tietP, tie MeGaw Whei,i the anbpsV kicked' lindekeil him dOlia and 'cifetiliee ect. hint" ,e,everely.., Re lingered, until. SetellileY". 0'0748, ,deatle The feeetelteekeplecesidDlingsiioni eenictiere- en -Wednesday:. • 'ailierieiciii• mule Woes' conducted With' the believe • • 'oe, the Orange 0Xder. . Of whioh the deceased Was a meraliet, Owing to .the ,iliridaa of deceased's .pastor, Poe.. Genum• ReV. J. Ee Itufitet . was' the efficiali,ing. clergyman. " Mr.'" Speettlee 'Was seveneyecene, yeare • , ot age met is survived by three . sons and two.'slaughters: David -and es, of West Wawaneelie, Mettliew, Of leucknew ; Mes. Thee.. McIntyre of Ashfield, -and Mrs. W, J. Davison, of oi Stirlingville, Mich. East Wawanosh • ROL, Harrison has eold 100 map - e times to Luxton JIM of Blyth, .J, J. Mason and Chas.. Matting" arc cutting wood for T. 11. Taylor. John K. Elliott of Vancouver, B. C., Is visiting under the ' parental ioof. Geo, Kerr is doing as well as can be expected with his broken • limb, but lie will be laid, aside foe some time with it. The.township council met on Jan. 13th the members • thereof being—J. N. Campbell, Reeve, and Messre. Buchanan, , Currie, Irwin and Stone- CotincillOrs. The Clerk, Treasurer, and Asseseee were again appoieted to their :res- pective offices.' ' John Gillespie, ex -Reeve, along with the Reeve, .01erk and Dr. Ste- wart, Belgrace, M. H. O. will . te the Local Board or Health foe 1013. J. We Ben and John S. Scott were appointed auditors of _ accounts or '1913, . on motion of -commill!ors Buchanan and Irwin. The Sum of $5 was allowed jor :4-1; of each polling booth for ' the nisti election end also similiax amount for use of Delgrave school for Nomination ineeting. Seven copies of the "lVitinicipal World", NVOre ordered for the council clerk ,and treasurer,. on niptioh of Councillors Currie and Buchanan, • Mr, John Workman has also been but his friends will be pleased to , hear he is recovering rapidly. • Measles have made their' appear- -, ance and attendance in echool is .somewhat reduced, e Miss , Alton of Belfast returns to ',her home this week after a pleasant month's visit, with friends in Stan- • • GOderich •- , Marlton was 11 Toroat 'lest week. •' Mr. M. C. Cameron was irt Boston last week On legal. business, ;. Mr. W. H. Ertglish of Detroit is vleIPeekeite„Ieephew,.Magistrate t 11 c -1 1.,+.414111.4111 Marriages bleCeLTIRE—GAELAGHER—In le/Ing- ham, Jam 15th, by Father A. McG titre of Toronto to 'A n- . niei Gallagher of Delmore. RUSSELL—SANDERS—At Exeter, Jan, 2Is1, by the bride's brother, Rev. C. W. Sanders, '-'61 Brant- ford, George Cameron Russell of North Battjeford, Sask., to Min- nie Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanders, Huron street. •: PENHALE—HOULDEN In Eketer on Jan. 22nd, by Rev, 0. Plet- cher, Violet May, daughter ot - Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Houlden, to EdgarO. Penhale of Hay. Births McCULLOIU,GH—At.,elevelhnd, Ohio, oli Jan. 27th, Elizabeth Wise, • wife of Robert McCullough of Cleveland, and sister of Mr. he. H. Wise of Goderich town- AWDE—In Winghatn, on January 19th, le) Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Aczde, a son. RE-IS—In Wroxeter, on January 9th; to Mr. and Mrs- Con. Reis, a SOIL WILSON—In 'East Wawanosh, Jan. 130, ' re Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. Wil- son, a daughter. Deaths NICHOLSON-e-In Beyfield on Jan. 271h, Janet Nicholson, aged 74 years. ELLIOTT—On the CrOSiletl, Line, Stanley; " on Jan. 25111, Robert Elliott, aged 77 years, WHITTY—At Goderich, on January 23rd, Julia Shea, widow of the late Marlin Whitty, agee 62 years: WALLACE—In Ternberry, on Jan. lath, Richard Wallace, in bis 87th year. • (101'MR—en Ifullett, on Jail. 15th, Jane Margret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. Govier, • aged 2 • years and 5 months. STEIN—In Wingham, on lan. tSLh, John Stein, aged 82 years. . DEVEREUX—In Tuceersmith, Jan. 16-th, Thos. ,Devereux, in his 8811s year. Grey Township Mrs. James Johnston, o Jarvie is a visitor with the families of Rich- ard Cardifi, Jno. and Wm, Lowe, of Grey, ander. 'Stewart, elf Brussels. 'elm 100 acre fame of Robert Dav- idson, .121,1i Con., has been leased to James Cameron, now of the 14th con,, who %vet get possession in the near futute. ' William Beown, of Miami, Man., formerly of Grey, has been calling on relatives and oM friends. He ls a son of the late Rebt.lerown and has spent a good many., years in the SERVANT- -WANTEI).-e-APPLY TO. Mrs, 'Malcolm JtecTeggarte —57 :TENDERS' WILL BE RECEIVED by 0 -IC Meek& •",eeeTreatees UP the Peinainry fiee' the deem, 'el:deicer; S, and.':,apeCifico Plige.MaY p seen a sny';',4011§P:4--' 110 61.0001,; Pe Morris Township . Frank Martin, 51h line, was at Fergus lor a feve days during • the past week.. e. Miss Ella AL lare, of the 5th line Morris, spent last week with Wm. and Mrs. Hoy, or Grey town- ship. APpi:ILIATIONS, 'FOR, - Applications addrosed to 11119„, lisi- ;-'--.'defsigned and marked, "Applica- tfohs, fox Officd,ir Will bd received , up to 'noOfii on reriday, Jan. 31st, foe the following positions : •Clerk, ' • eereasemer, • Aseessor, Chief e'en- • stable, etc., Talc Collector, Night • Watchman, Ceinetery Seperintend- eat', and Po'undkeeper.—D. L. Iliac - 'Pherson, Clerk. Clinton, Jan 22, DANCING CLASS EVERY TUES- day Night in T,own hall. Instrue- . tion .given from 7-9, Hall open io all after nine for ' dancing. Parties eveleome. Terms upon ,applicaeion. Under, management CM Miss M. Rance, Owing to the Sedech Con- cert in Town Hall, oa Tuesday Feb. €1,1111, the dancing class. will be postponed till Thursday of saine week. . —100. ' LOST—A 'BLACK FUJI GAUNT - let. The finder will oblige by leav- tug with Rev, W. W. Wylie. • —66. TEACI-IER WANTED FOR 116L- mesville Public School, duties to commence March lste Applica- tion e %stating salary and experience received up. tio February 20th. - 1). Gliddon, Secretary, Molt -nes - Austin Rapnerd has meeed to tee old helnestead which had 1..ir,en leased •to -W. afire :Fe Stepheneoe. Mr. Ray - nerd disposed of his heteseon tee "424Oteeelleel farm to John Lake Who ,eerii eye it to bee • farni ' acimes ehee road and, falli 'Veneer it. • 4..arnes Boti, Ilth. con., Sold :one di his lalims,, k o 'ehe "Pat ;Blake: to Thomas Alcock and haaleaSed the old."'honiestead to Jarn',, .es Dickson, of the sanse. liia. Mr. Botz- will fake a wet!. eafebtleholiaay and will Visit M"the Neethweet ansi the 'United Statee, 'elle. father . „Betz. i,ybis ameng and early , Bet-' teere Jibe teeth eene MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. —MISS Fernlee ADM will give vocal les- sons to a limited number of pup- ils - at her home. --Ontario St, Methodist, Parsonage. —01 FOR SALE -3 DRAUGHT, COLTS, I rising 1, 1 rising 2 end 1 rising 3 years, the latter two being well matched.—Apply to John Holmes Heron Road. —61—. SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. grand young bulls' from • eows that, we reserved at our saleal-. ter the fire and sired by the elm - ported bull Best- Boy. -Prices rea- sonable. Come and see them.— Wm, Grainger ee: Son, Londesboro. —64-8 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. — ALL persons owing accounts to the late Thomas Beacom aro hereby notified to pay the same forthwith at my office.—W. Brydone, Solicitor. _Dat- ed 14th, Jan. 1913. e-44-3 USTOM SAWINCe WANTED, AT Thos. Wallis 4th con., Golerich Township. Also sawing contracts at other places—McEwen Bros. Bayrield. FOR SALE—A LARGE 6 OCTAVE piano cased organ, as good as new, ; only in use 3 months. Will sell cheap. Terms to suit purchaser.— Apply to :Wesley 'Walker. —61 MISS EMMA LAST'S, TEACHER of Piano, is prepared to take pup- ils 106 piano • ins,trucidon at ber home, corner Isaac and Joseph 'streets. Intermediate Standing. o' , . IVIAIL ;CONTRACT. , , , • ' „S,ealed Tenders-- aced:reseed to tne • POStrnaster General', Will be received' • at Ottawe until Noon, on Friday the Ilth ,Ma.reb. 1913•for the conee mice d -lis 'MajestYis',•' ,1VIails • on ,1(5 proeeeed 'Conteact. 'for .,four yeetee ,Tinses per week over leueal Mail„ • Rente, Olintoe • (Aetna! Way)eieullett .TownShip,. (Marie, '60, Commence at the 'Postmaster -Gen. „ eeal's Pleasure.' , , Printed notices, containing itirther information as:, to conditions of pro- posed Contract; • may be seen and blank teems of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Office of 'Clinton and at the Office of the Pose Office Inspector' at London. 0, 0, AND'ER'SON,, _ Superintenaeret. Post Office Depar talent, Mail Ser.- iv9i73. Branch, Ottawa, 20th, January HELP WANTED—THE JACKSON. Mfg. Company—Hand sewers and operators. Steady work, Short hours, Well lighted and ventilated work rooms. Good pay. --Apply at office or to J. McLeod,' Supt. MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster Cleneral, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 7t1i, Mareh 1913 for -the convey- ance of His lefajesty's ,Mails on a proposed ' Conetabt feie tour years' six times per week over the 011ie- t,on Special North West Rural Mail Route. to commence at the Post- master General's pleasure. Printed notices, 'containing further' information as to conditions of pro - Posed Contract,. may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be Ob- tained at the Pose Office of Clin- ton Holmceville and the Office or the Post -Office Inspector at London. G. C. ANDERSON: • , Superintendent, Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa leth Janualey 1913. HONEY FOR SALE.—I IIAVEFOR sale about three hundred pounds of clever honey. Orders ,protinptly Stinson, Varna., —06 MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed • 'Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 14th, March 1913 for the convey- ance of His Majesty's Ilifaels on a proposed Contract for four years six Tithes • per week over Rural Mall Route from Clinton (Summer- hill Way) Ontario, to commence at the 'Pleetmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices, containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed. Oontreet, may be seen and 'blank forms i -Of Tender may be ob- tained at Post Offices of Clin- ton, Summerhill and Constance and at the Office of the Post Office In- - specter at London. G. C. ANDERSON, Superiatendent. Post Office Department, Mail' Ser- vice Brance, Ottawa, 17th, January 1913, MAII, CONTRACT. Sealed 'renders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 715, March 1913 for the convey- ance of. His Majesty's Mails on a Proposed Contract for four yeers six times per week over Londesboro, Special (Huron W. R.) Rural Mail Route, to commence at the Post- master General's pleasure. Printed notices, containing. Maher information as to conditions of pro- posed may be seen and blank- forms or Tender may be ob- tained at the- Post Office of Londes- boro and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at London. • G. C. 'ANDERSON. , StiperMtendent. post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa 1515 January 1913. FARM FOR SALE :—THE ' offers for eele • oue ,hundred acres ot as good land as there' is in the County 'of Huron, being part of Lots 25 and 20 on the , 17 eh Con. Goderich township one • mile north ' of Clinton le miles •feeem School', 'On the farie is a Mettle. bare 136.1e60 with •good • cem- • ent wall -also' e stone stable 25x 50 With hay 'tore •above ; coffildrt• „able LI room , frame house a nev- er -falling Wall and one acre of or- chard, . Reas.ohe' 'Poi • •selling, For • particulars apply oli. the, premises Or ,adelress—Joseph 'oil, CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addressed to the •Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon; on Friday, the 7th) March 191,3 'fed the convey- ance of His Majesty'sMails on a ,pedposed • Contract.. foe four years eix, Times per, week, over; Rural MaO 'Rodte friem • Seaforth (Coe - Stance Way), Oiitario, to commence at the Postmaster General's Pleas- . Printed' nOtices,,,,..bontairting, fur-ther Mfor.roatioti as, to ceediekens of pro- posed • Coletract; may be ,seen and bleak fornie of...Tender .may be ob- tained at the .^Pciee Offices of • • .S,ea- forth, Cdnstance ata at the -Office of the Post Office InspectOr,. t, Loa - don, • „. , ' C, ANDERSON, . ,, • : • Snpekintendeit, Post 01115e Department, Mail Ser - 'vice Branch 'Ottawa 16t1IJatinaky. ColitioUgh .C1linton P, 0, '-•-66, „ , • WOOD WA1TED.-209 cords of first elms wood cut 14, 16 and 18 inehee -elong.—A, Forbes, Coal Yards. ,—,03 NOTICE TO •CREDITORS. — IN • the matter of the estate of Thom- as Beabom, deceased,—Notiee •is hereby given pursuant to Sect 55 of The Trustee Act 'that all persons •havirig clainis • against the estate of the "said 'deceased who died on or , about the 24th day of December ,1012, 'are 'required., to send liy post prepaid • to the mndereigned Exec- ueors or their solicitor on, or be- , fore the 8th day et Febreary 1013 their names and adclre.sees •with particulars in writing' of their "claims, and statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the .se- aurities (if any) held by them, duly yeeified by statutory declare - lion. And. tali° notice that after the said 8th day of February 1.913 the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the patties entitled • thereto, having regard' only to the claims of whiele they shall ehen have notice and the said Execu- tors will not he liable for said as- sets or any part thereof. to any per- son or persons 'of whose °lathe notice seal' not have been received by them or their said solicitor at • the time of such distritition. Dated January 9, 1913,—J. 'I'. Harland arid Elizabeth Beacom, Executors. W. Brydone, Solicitor for Executors. —6-1-3 MAIL • CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaeter ,General, will" be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 7th, March 1913 for the convey- ance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six Times per week over Rural Mail Erode 'tram Byfield, Ondario, to commence at the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices, containing Nether information as to conditions of pro- pesed Contract, may be seen an'cl blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices of _ Bay - !Mild Porter's Hill and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Lone don. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Department, Mail Ser - Ottawa, lath, January Post Office vice Branch, 1913. MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addressed to - the Postenaster General pleasure. at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 2811 February, 1013 for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for tour years six times per week. over the Bayfield Special (Lake Shore Way) Rural Mail Route to commence at Postmaster General, will bo received the Postmaster General's 'pleasure. • Printed 'notices, gentaining further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Pose Office of Rey- nold and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at London. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice 'Branch, Ottawa, 13th ,January 1913. —65-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE, ' Estate of Stewart Grafton Plum- hear.—Notice 'is horsey given that all portions having claims against the estate of Stewart Graf ton Plummer late of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron yeolnan, who died on or about the eighteenth day of September 1912, -are required to deliver to the un- dersigned executors or their solici- tors on or before the fifteenth day •of February 1913 a fill! statement of their claims together with part- iculars thereof and the nature of the their securities, If any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. 'And take notice that at ter the said last Mentioned date -the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled there- to having regard only to such claims as they shall have received due notice and in accordance herewith. Dated at Clinton this 18-th day of January 1913.-8. J. Andrews and Martha E. Scott, Executors. W. Brydono, Clinton, solicitoe for the Executors. —05-3 MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 7th, March 1910 for the convey- ance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Coeeract for four_ years six times per week over special retir- ed Mail Route from Godetich (Lake Shore Way) Ontario to commence at tlic Pestmaster General's Please co, Printed notices, containing furbhar information as to conditions of pro- p.osecl Conitracte may be seen and blank forms or 'Fender may be ob- tained at -the Post Office of Gorier- ich and at the Office or 'the POSt Of- fice Inspector at Londbn. Cr. C. ANDERSON. 'Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa, llth January, 1913. • MAIL CONT RACT Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday - the 7t1s, March t913 far the convey- ance ofHis Majesty's Mails on a • , proposed Contract; for four years, ix times per week, over Rural Mail Route from, Goderich (Porter's nibi way) Ontario, to ,commence at ihe Postmaster, General's Pleasare. ,..Printed notices, containing further information as- to. conditions! of pro': Pased Contract ,may., he 'seen •' and blank , forms of Tender may :be oh- ealned air the 'Post Officee oP Godee rich • Porter's. Hill and •ate the Office of the Post Office Inspector' at -Lea- doff, • C. :ANI)ERSON,, . , • . •Superintendent Pest -Office • Deperement, Mail Ser- - vice eiraneh, Ottawa, lith, January FARM - FOR SALE ON THE CUT "Line, Goderich township Amile - from Helmesville, de miles leom Clinton, cOnsistiree of 80 acres, The farm is in a good state of cul- tivation, well watered by nevine- failieg spring and well. Good or - chars', Buildings all first Mass and in good. repair. Owner desires to sell owing to 01 health, Bae - gain for quick sale.—W. Pickard, Hohnesville. —65 efivertieing be The News -Record pays, 'ARM FOR' SALE ESTATE OF Thomas Beacom, deceased. The Executors oriel; for immediate sale lot 30, Daytield Concession, God - oriel' Township, 76 acres more or lesseleor terms apply to J. T. Harland or W. Brydone. 'ARM FOR SALE—LOTS 20 AND 27, con. 3, Eullett. Watered by well and spring creek, euitable for all kinds or grain or dairying and considered one of the very best farms in the township. Three ac- res good orchard. Frame house, new barn 4.0x96, le miles from Clinton and of a mile from sehool. For further particulars apply on the premises or address— J. G. Churchill, Clinton, P. O., or B. Churchill, Duncan, B. C. —61. FOR 'SALE --•-• A GOOD COAL range,—Apply • lo Wesley Walker, Clinton. —62. vatm Pon, sA.LE--THE Ing: DER - _signed -'.olfer s tor 'gale Isis lino farm er about • lea acres adjoinfne the town of Olintral.. The farni is hi a good • state cultivablOn •niul has good bnildings"7-brick house, hank barn driving hOuge pig pen etc—all comparatively lieev. A first class yeung orchard oontaining alt kinds, of fruit, ' ,also small fruits. The farm, is 'well fenced and well" • drained and, is a very desirable home, For , further partieulars apply on premises or address Jobe Torrance, Clinton P. 0. FARM FOR RENT.—LOT 14, CON. 6, containing 100 acres situated It metes south of the .village of Var- na, near to good selool and chin-. ches. Will rent for term of 3 or 5 years, to suit the renter. Pos. session can be given at once. ' For further particulars apply to Mr, Andrew Reid, Varna P. Q. or. to Rev. R. Murray 3827 North Heyne Ave., Chicago 111 —19. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and eopeirs kept on hand, also age ency leer new machines.—A. Hoop- er, Albert sereet. • —30. Ancient Order of Foresters, The only Legal Reserve Fraternal ociety doing business in Canada. Incorporated by special Act of the )9minion Parliament, Full Government Reserve :nein- ained ,on every policy. Fixed rates and tiered -le contract with special privileges. Whole Life' 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30. Pay Life Policies and Endowment. Comparison Invited. No Raise in Rates, No Assessment. wee -- For further particulars enquire any member or Court Prosperity., of A. F. Cudmore, Secretary Good Health For All the Family. You can secure good health for ilil by letting us install ono of our sanitary Chemical Closets. Every, house should have one. EASILY INSTALLED. PRICE IS MODERATE. Call at R. Rowland's ifitailware ,see for yourself or Phone 52, THOS. HAWKINS. •••••••• OOOOOO 0000•00: • : CRISCO : • • ..: Have you ever tried It? i • ... • For frying • • • • ' For shortening • For cake making : • • • The- newest up to date • • • shortening ou the mar-: : ket today. Makes the : : lightest cakes. There can • • • be no possible failure .; : where crisco is used and : • it is equally suwessful • 0 • 4 for pastry bread and his- • • f . • .; i cuits. We 'have j ust receiv- • .. • w o ed our first consignment : : of Seville (bitter) oranges ' for marmalade. : ' • • • • '• We serve the best f:. • : people because we : : serve people best. • • • • • • . "The flub Grocery." o - • • • :••••••••••••ese•••••000 A HEALTHY HOME Is guaranteed wherever a PAR - FARM TO TtreNT OR FOR ICYTE SANITARY CHEMICAL Sale, known as " SprInghill OLOSET.is used. It is the only per - Farm " on the Bayfield fect appliance which .can be used in Road, Goderich Ilownship, beaue5an rebtleic(i ing 175 acres, south half lots 51. and 52 and part 53 and 51, ewo miles from Clinton and one from school. A first-class stock and grain farm. 35 acmes of good pas- ture land. Well watered and has newer ladling spring at barn, Good wells and cistemi. Bank barn 63x52, with stone stabling. 15,0 apple trees just beginning to bear and ail kinds of small fruies. Reason, for selling : • Owner In poor health. Terins to suit purehaser.--Rbbert Marsball, Clinton P. 0. —36 with' a water oreaewerage pipe. • 16 is perfect odorless, easily fitted and so inexpensive that it, may be in- stalled:into the hunoblest homestead, Sold only by BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary, Plumbers Phone 7,1 FARM FOR SALE—The Executor of the Southcombe estate, offers for , sale 50 acres, 'being east ball of • loft 28, con. 6, Hallett. This is a. • iirslo-cless farm, wen watered and improved and with good buildings. ; Also 'Alio undffisigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, nutlet!, consisting of 100 • acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. - Apply to R. J. Southcesabe, Clin- ton P. 0, ,• --89 Horne Study Thousaude of ambitious young people are being insttuoted in their homes by our Horne Study Dept. You umy finiSh at College if you desire. Pay when- ever you wish. Thirty Years Expel, ience. Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any do -y. Positions guOrenceed. If you wiSit to say° board and 'learn Nthilo gee nun, write particulars. NO VACATION CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE CEO. SPOTTON, PRESIbENT 118/0/0/M111.1.1.111111111.1111111.1111111.1111.