HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-30, Page 1No. J766 -4th Year
Good Morning! How does your sub to The News -Record read ? The label tells the story
Aellgar the leweler
ler a Reliable Watch. -
No one would go on a long journey
without a' reliable •watch. The Hell-
yar watch will render good service
through the longest of journeys—a, life
fe'weta and Optician Clinton
I -
In remitting his sub, Mr. George
Chudleigh 'of 'Bird's , Frill; ' Man.,
writes : "I read ]'he News•Reeord
with pleasure for you know I al-
ways call Clinton my holne, 1 drSt
located there in 1854 before it was
even a village."
The Royal Bank
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Reset ve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000
Total Assets 175,000,000
325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General Banking business transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch.
cones "' lantern views taken in different eciun- been in very Pooc health for sonic
tries of Europe and the Continent.
time, is not improving and his state
Wheat 90e. .
Oats 30e to 31c, •
Peas 90c to 31.00.
Barley 480 to 55c.
Butter 20c to 210.
Eggs 20c to 21e.
Live 1 -logs 88.10.
On 'Tuesday evening in the.. recep-
tion room oi the Church, . of the
Holy Angels, St. Thomas, Rev. Fa-
ther Hogan, now , of Clinton,' was
made the recipient of , several pre-
sentations b -y his fatiner Parishoners.
From the young men of the parish
there was a purse nt gold,' A ban-
quet•followed the presentation.
The annual .congregational meeting
was held yesterday evening which
was well attended. The reports
from the various depattments were
encourageing showing progress along •
WESLEY CHURCH, all lines. During 'the year the to
tal receipts• have amounted to $1,
The pastor occupied lis own pLa_ 613.27. The expenditures •were 83,
pit on %Sunday, preaching excellent 780.68, ' leaving a balance of 0832.
the evening service Mr. L. Kerr as- AG AIN AUDITOR. '
sisted the choir and rendered a solo, -
Mrs. Andrews and Miss Ida Wilken Mr. Peter Cantelon was appointed
taking the solo parts in the anthem county auditor at the opening sea -
'Phe sacrament of the Lord's Sup- sion of the county council on Dies -
per will be administered'at the close* day. This is the fourth year that
of the preaching service next Sun- Mr. Cantelon has been appointed to
day morning. this pahition, proof positive that
his work has. given satisfaction, Mr:
COMINGIO. TOWN. .. Mawan Of Wroxeter, who was also
Mr. Ralph Tipladv of the Base- auditor last year was again chos-
Line has rented the residence . of en.
Mrs. John B. ,-Little on Orange ONT. ST. CHURCH.
street of which he takes possession'
in a few weeks.' Mr, and Mrs. Tip. The Sacrament, of the Lord's Sup -
lady are a most estimable couple per will be administered on Sunday
and The News -Record, speaking for morning next. Rev. S. J., Aliin will
the community, will be glad, to vel- preach morning and evening.
come them to citizenship Clinton. The special revival meetings that
• When Mr. and Mrs. Little move it have been in progress for some time
will be to the Miller property, cor- closed on Wednesday evening. Large
ner Albert and Princess streets, numbers attended these services every
which they recently purchased. night and much good has been done,
A COMING LECTUR-E. ' The annual missionary meeting will
be held on the second Sunday in
Mr. Abraham Knechtel, inspector of February
Dominion forest reserves, will give a IN POOR HEALTH. , •
lecture, in the town hall on the ev-
ening of Feb. 12th, on foreist nub- Mr.' Joseph Colclough, who lives
jests which will be illustrated by just north of town and who has
The Molsons Bank.
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906--11
-1906 1011
CAPITAL . , $3,000,000 $1,000,000
RESERVE .• . 8,000,000 4,600,000
DEPOSITS . . ,* . 23,677,730 85,042,811
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090 38,851,801
TOTAL ASSETS . , . 33,000,192 48.2.37,284
Has 83 Branches in Canada, anti Agents and Correspondents in all
the Principal Cities of the World.
at all Branchaq, Interest allowed at highest curaent rate.
• Ciiuton Branch - E. Dowding, Manager
aft meamessimmemem--limin I
Stock -
Sale !
Stock taking 11 the next thing on
the prograna here and that means
that it's again time for our annual
sale. Everybody that is acquainted
with this store., knows full well
what that means and appreciates the
fact, when we ru'i a sale it stands
for something. We always reduce
,stock as low as possible,_ before in-
ventory. There's no MOney i n ,car-
rying goods from one season to the
Every Overcoat Must Go Regardless of Cost
$10 00 men's overcoats sale price $ 7 90
12 00 <, " 890
15 00 • ' 1`.., "• 11 90 •
22 00 " <, 16 90
25 00 " <, 19 90
' 2 50 boysovercoats <, 1 90
4 00 " . 0 290
5 00 "• ti 390
6 75 " , ' <, 4 90 '
7. 75 youth's overcoats " 5 90
• it will pay any, man or boy well to buy
an overcoat at the sale, even if you don't
require one until next season, -Come
early and get your choice.
Furnishers "To Men. Who Care.'
wherol he has travelled estcnsiVoly causes his family and friends much
in the interests of the Forestry De- uneasiness. Owing to his condition
partment. The lecture will be free he has decided to sell his farm, ith
and as -It will contain much valu- one on which he was born, ans
able information there should be a where he has spent his life. If it
good attendance. The farmers in were so allowed it is hoped that
the vicinity should • be especially in- Mr.. Colelough might again win back
terested in these subjects. As Sir, to health and strength.
Knechtel is an old Huron boy an WESLEY CHURCH.
especial interest attaches to his pos-
ition and person.
The Sunday school sleighride on
Thursday afternoon tacit was !nisch
enjoyed , by 'the metnbers of the
school. A good supper followed the
drive and the junior members gave
a very nice little program after-
On Sunday evening the pastor ex-
changed pulpits with the Rev. W.
W. Wylie of the Baptist church,
1 The Young Men's Club met on
Monday evening when the pastor
gave a very interesting address on
"General Lee ; The Fiero - ,of the
South." The members of the Girls'
Club were invited to attend this
meeting and a number availed them-
selves of the privilege.
Major Frank Morris, London,: will
give an address in the Army hall
on , Monday •evening on "Pioneer
Work'in the Klondike." There will
sa.,, well be music and song so that a
pleasant and profitable evening is
assured tlio;e who -attend.
Miss MeVicar, principal of our
school, has Mien compelled .to re -
Sign owing to illness and. the trustees
have reluctantly accepted her re-
signation.. We will all be sorry to
see her go for she is a good cad
popular teacher.
Mr. T.• Elliott, who a few months
ago injured his right arm by a, fall
and has had much trouble with it
since, had recently to go to the
hospital at Clinton for treatment.
Au operation was these performed
and Mr. Elliott is now making rap-
id improvement and it is hoped wilL
soon, be quite himself again.
Court Selwood C. 0. F., NO. -87,
at,‚it recent annual meeting elected
the 'following officers who were in-
Aalled by past Chief Ranger, John
Huller :
Chief Ranger, W. Jenkins,
Vice, S. W. Miller.
Fin. -Secretary, S. T. Walter.
Ree. -Secretary, H. Trewartha.
Treasurer, C. W. Williams.
Chaplain, W. Stanley.
S. W., W. Johnston.
J. W., R. McCartney.
S. B., W. Pickard.
J. B., 0. W. Potter,
Goderich Township
Mrs, John Jenkins left .Tuesday for
Cleveland, Ohio, to attend the fun-
eral of her sister, Mrs. MeCullough,
who died after a short illness of
Mr. Percy Cole has sold his eigh-
ty -acre farm on 'the 7th con. for in
the neighbornood of five thousand
dollars. The purchaser is. Mr. jam-
, es Stelling who will now have some
thing like 280 acres, a good sized
farm to handle in the present state
of the labor market, Mr. Cole, who
retains his bush' lot near Bayileld,
has not yet decided upon what he
will do or where Ise will locate but
will in all proliability •continue
farming at, which he is taking goad
all right. The neighbors will •be
sorry to see Alt. and hies. Colo
We are all sorry to hear of the
illness of Mrs. Wm, Currie Sr. bat
hope she may soon be quite
;An oyster supper. 0111 entertainment.
will be given In the Sunday school
room of St. James' church, hlidd-
leton, on Tuesday evening next. The
program will be furnished by the
young people of the church and pro•
rinses to be a good one. Everybody
Mr. E. H. Wise received a
wire on Monday telling him of
the ,Ileatli of his sister, Mrs.
Railer McCullough of Cleve-
land, Ohio', and left Tuesday morn-
ing to attend the funeral. The de-
ceased lady was a native of Goder-
ich to`wriship, ,liaving been born on
the Wise homestead here. She leav-
ea her husband and. two daughters.
Mr, Hanley Cantelon of Goderieh
township is returning thanks that
the accident he met with while
driving into town on Friday atter-.
noon last slid not result more ser-
iously. While corning across the
track at the station the horse be-
came frightened and started to run.
Hanley would, soon have yanked it
down to a steady gait again but
one of the lines broke and there he
was. The best he could do was to
pull the maddened beast oil
the road and in doing so the
buggy struck a hydrant with such
force that the latter was damaged
and Hanley was thrown well nigh
to twenty feet aad when- his head
struck mother earth it was scarcely
more than an inch from a telephone
pole. An inch, however, is- sometitn- 1 Church last night,'' The Montreal
es ahnoat as good as a• mile ' and I Witness had the following :
while Hanley was stunned his injur- I "Male Coutits-Bain is a Scottish
ies otherwise were not of much ac- vocalist, well kryiwu throughout Can -
count, Blit Billy caEtekm, who ada, Her national songs were cheer -
was with him and 'also took the
plunge, did not es,pape quite so CaS-
ily and is nursing a wounded knee.
Miss Maude C. Bradley presented
her own concert company in
the town hall on Monday even-
ing. The company comprises anen-
tertainer, Helen Wyrick Shafer, E. nu""N's 01rincEn's 111BET'
Alexandra Bradley, soprano, J. Ed- The annual' meeting. of the officers
win Jessop, basso, and E, Yates of the 3851 RegiMent was held yes -
Charlesworth,' alto. terslay with the • following present,
Considering the fact that the bills Colonel, I-1. Wilson,—Seaforth ;, Maj -
were only out 8 couple 6f days ors McTaggart, • Shaw and Rance,
there was a very gond house and the Clinton ; 1-Iodgens, Stratford ; :lap -
entertainment put on Was an excellent tains, Dunlop, Sale, Naltel, Rundle,
one. • Mrs.- Shafor is an entertainer Goderich ; McPhail, 'Porter's Hil13
of a high order, Possessing to a J'ordan, Brantford ; Snider Wing -
very high degree the ability to imper- Imait ; Varcoe, Loyal ; Lieutenants
sonata, she is able to pass from Dowding and 'town, Clinton ; Stura
ono character to another with rare sly and l'Iyam, Goderich ; Maor
grace arid lightness. Her •- numbers Gordon Hall, the Imperial Service,
were much enjoyed. Miss Alexandra and Captain Brooks, London, were
• Bradley, - the soprano, who appeared present as instructors, .
In Clinton on a former occasion, The officers were, divided into 'two
has gained materially since her last parties and by' means of largq maps
appearance, her voice haVing grown on a scale of six inches to the
richer and fuller. Mr. Jessop and mile, put together in sections and ,
Mr. Charlesworth,' both of whom illustrating of county M England,
were here earlier in the season with the manoeuvres of ... opposing armies
. e1°yaiEnglish
Ringers, andWere;7ced°kititwasveryluchrle both 'thenreceivednlap- 4ilcea aneofclessandvasdecided2
Plauae, were again -well received. ly interesting to those engaged. I
Miss Bradley, the manager of the Major Gordon 5 -hall Was referee and
Company, acted as accompaniste. lectured at Intervale durlrg the
The concert was a good' one. , course 'of the war game.
The League ,of Wesley church drove
out to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Southoombe on Monday even-
ing. The young people gave a 1.50 -
grans consisting; of music, elocution,
etc:, which was followed by a dain-
ty and much en]oyed lunch served by
Mrs, Southcoinbe. Afterwards, there
was more music and games and ths
evening' sped all too quickly until
it was high time for the company
to leave for home, which they did
after voting Mx. and Mrs. South-
combe first class hosts and heartily
thanking them for their hospitality,
Mr. II. 0, Light, a student of Hur-
on College, London, conducted the
services on Sunday, the rector not
yet having recovered from his indisa
position. Messrs. Jessop and Char-
lesworth, members of the Concert
Company which appeared in the
town hall on Monday evening, as-
sisted the choir at the evening ser-
The rector will preach on Sunday
morning next 00 "The Keeping' of
Lent and its Dirties."
Lent begins on Wednesday next.
'There will he services Wednesday
and Friday evenings each week dur-
ing Lent.
Of a member of the Scottish Con-
cert Company who appear in the
town hall next Tuesday evening the
Toronto, Globe said
-''Millard Stauffer delighted the
crowded audience at Bond • Street
ed to the echo. She is equally good
in pathetic and hurnoroub songs. Her
rendering of "Caller Herrin,'in the
genuine costume of a Leith fishwife,
was inimitable, and her sweet plain-
tive song of the "Highland Emig-
rant" was rendered very expresbive-
Porter's Hill
Mr. and, Mrs. John Sterling of
Port Stanley are visiting friends
around Porter's ,
Mrs. Dawson returned to"her home
at Springbank after a visit .here.
Mr. Oliver Tichborne is home on a
visit from Winnipeg,
Mr. Douglas Macdougall returned
home last week.
Miss -Gladys; Macdougall has re-
turned home after a visit in Goder-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanderburgh en-
tertained a number of their friends
one evening last week,
Mesas, Win. Elliott and Sons have
bought a Polled Hereford bull from
Lindsay and Stone of Guelph. Its a
superior animal and a prize winner
at, tlie Toronto Fair. Tha Messrs,
Elliott have for twenty years been
partial to the Herefords and their
herd has long had a fame that was
more thari merely local._ At one
time they also made a speciality of
light horses but of rerent years have
rather confined their energies to cat-
Huilett Township
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. 31lynn oi Clin-
ton spent Sunday with Mullett fri-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reinhart of Clin-
ton Sundayed at the home of Dar.
and Mrs. Jas. i Reynolds.
M. John Ptireell of Stratford Was
in this vicinity on Sunday.
Mr. A.' J. Morrish spent ,Sunday
with Mr. °Wel), Reynolds.
Mr, Dick Brennen iiold a colt to
Mr. Matt Carbert for the SUM of
• 0100.
Mr. :And AlVtrs, Heath nymi. of Mc -
Killen spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Flynn, •
Miss ir.4',dna IVIciCaughey of Clinton
Sundayed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 1); Blhke.
Mrs, Macdonald of Goderich is
spending a few days this week at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Rey-
nolda, • •
•" London Road.
Reeve aleKay 'of Tuelcersmith • was
elected Warden of •-the county on
Tuesday. We were glad to hear 11 for
he Will make a good one;
Mr. and Mrs. Hanley vis led m-
ends around. 13elgrave for a few
days recently.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dodd of Clinton
viisited on Tuesday at the -home of
Mr, and Mrs. 11: Livermore,
hvEr,Joisisi Wise received word on
Monday of the death of his sister,
Mrs, McCtstlosigli of CleVe/and; Ohio.
'Phe cause of death was pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs, Will Eleoat went
down ,to Toronto on Monday and on
Tuesday returned with their slaugh-
ter, Miss Hazel, a University stud-
ent, wlio is ill; It is hoped that;
she will soon 'recover. ,
Miss C.'. Waldron lett yesterday on
a visit to her sister, Mrs. Rae of
Rev. J. la. Ford of Clinton gave
an. address to the League oa yues-
day evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Layton. There was
a good turnout and a profitable
meeting. Next Tuesday "evening they
will meet at the home of ,Mr. Levi
Wiltse, when the monthly consecra-
tion and roll call meeting will be
Mr. and Mrs. TIotlian of Rapid
City, Man., are the guests of the
former's uncle, Mr. George Watt.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Scarlett of
Leadbury spent Sunday the peals of
Mr. Tyner.
Miss M. Tyner has returned after a
few days visit with her aunt, Mrs.
F. J. 'Scott. •
Mrs. J. A. Reid of Carndulf, Sask.,
visited, a few days with friends in
this vicinity.
Mr. John Colborne spent Sunday
with friends In Blyth. '
Mr. and Mrs. • Jas, Medd of Con,
stance visited at Mr. Wm, Law -
son's last week.
Banfield •
Mr. Russel Sterling and wife of
amen 'were guests of their uncle,
Mr. Thos: Pollock, on Sunday last:
118, Nivens of GOderleh is visiting
Mr. Edward- Reid this week.
Reeve, Lindsay is attening county
council at Goderich this week.
Mr. .:Tohn Pollock was a very sec-
cessful exhibitor at the Huron Poul-
. try Show at, Goderich last. week,
carrying 011 three firsts, four thirds
awl/ three special prizes for white
and brown Leghorns. On tour
brown Legliorna he took three firsts,
for cockerel, hen and Millett and 3rd
for hen, and won the PresidenCa
special prize for best female Leg-
horn of any color. In the Associa-
'don he look a special for cockerel
and also for hen. Mr. Pollock is
certainly fast winning success and is
to be heartily congratulated.
There passed away on Monday ev-
ening at the home of Mr.' 'JOhn Mac-
donald of this village Janet Cowan,
relict of the .bate William Nicholson
in her ' seventy-fourth year. Her
husband died eleven years ago last
October. A family of 'one son and
four slaughters survive :. John of
Tuekersmith, Mrs. John Weston of
Goderich and MTS. .Albert McGee,
Mrs. ' Ourrie„„and Miss Jennie Nichol -
Son all of this village. The funeral'
took place from the residence of Mr.
Macdonald on Wednesday afternoon
to Bayfteld cemetery.
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
church arc .. preparing for .a grand
hall on the evening of • St. Vaten-
"Olde 'Cynic Concerts" in' the town
tine's Day. The .program will be giv-
en -by the members of Knox- church
choir, Oodssrlch, alio ati • forty. per-
formers in all. A -good program and;
everybody welcome.
The MettiodilA Ladies' Aid intend
giving a banquet on the evening of
February -27th.
. Blake
One 'of those rare and very happy
events, a golden wedding, was cele-
brated at the home or Mr. and. aIrs
Pctcr Durand, Drysdale on Monday.
Two sons who were in the west,
Paul and Henry, came home for the
°cession and Si very haP'py family
gathering was present.
Mr. Chris. Schrag is visiting at
present in Michigan,
Mr, W. H. Allies went to Toronto
Mrs. N. Pearson of Port Albert was
the guest for a few days last
week of Mr, and Mrs. Schoenhals
of 1,01.i0A.,
111r. and Mrs. Robert . Anderson of
Winnipeg are the guests this week
of the lady's sister, Mrs, J. P.
Sheppard. of tOwn.
Mr. W. II. Farquhar, who lives just
north of the town and wlie has
been in very poor health for some
time, has taken' a turn for the
better and is now thought to be
gaining steadily,
Mr, N. Naftel Or the Lake Shore was
;the guest of Mr. G. Ouningharne
ror a couple of days this week,
being in town for the meeting of
Huron Military Association in the
A ,
Surprise for His •
Judge Holt and Others.' •
The fate of the local option bylaw
recently voted upon by • the electors
of Clinton and declared carried by ,
a vote of 332 to 214, hangs in sus,
pense as the result 01' the scrutiny
conducted in the town hall on
day by Judge Holt.
Three of the wards ei00(1 the test
without much change, but in St.
John's the local op Lion i nal or y fell
from 33 10 6, that is a change of
Deputy IlleMath gave the returns as
84-51, whereas His Honor found only
69 ballots for local optiou and 04
'1'lle DeplitY'C3 return gave nia spoil-
ed ballots but 'lsidg JIsili. ound
two. •
Mr. Proudfoot more than 5(01 -11
that the ballots had* been tampered
with and asked' that the deputy and
poll clerk be allowed give evid-
ence. Judge Hol1 was not sure,
however, that he had the power te
accept evidence and as none of the
trio of lawyers had the authorities
with them bearing on such cases, be
postponed the hearing until next
If the cosnt as it new stands is
accepted local option is defeated,
The state of affairs revealed
the scrutiny places the deputy in
St. Joint's ward, ie the limelight
but he to such an extent en',oys the
confidence of his fellow -citizens that.
they 'clo not question his integrity.
The unexpected outcome has caus-
ed much excitement about town, anti
among the temperance people an in
dignation that has had no paraile:
here in recent years.
The ballots found in the box front
St. John's ward by Judge Holt
shouPd be put under the X Rays.
and if it is found that by any
means they have been "got al!' the
fair -play spitilt that is charaetris.. '
tie of the people of Clinton will not
stand for it.
Mrs, Win. East has been quite ili
during the past week and is not
even yet improving as fast as her
friends could
Rev. J. E. Ford and Mr. Jolla, Sin-
ter visited the London Road Lea-
gue on Tuesday evening, the fcr-
mer giving an address.
Messrs. A. J. Grigg and IL A. Hovel -
were appointed te the directorate
of the Huron Poultry Associa
at the annual meeting in Goderich
last week.
arr. and air:a. O'Neil have ar- •
ter a 'short stay in New York
C'itY, reached Bermuda, and are now
enjoying a climate as balmy as a
Canadian June.
Mrs, Geo. David is in London this.
week 00 legal business in mince-
tion with 'the winding up an es-
tate in Scotland of which she is
one of the heirs.
Mr. W. J. Mogan, master Of trans-,
portation on the. Wabash Railway
at Flint, Mich., has been promot-
ed to trainmaster at Pontiac:. Ile
is a brother of Rev. Father Hog-
an of Clinton,
Miss Tucker 01 ,Sadkatoon, Sask.,
has been the guest of Mrs. White-
head of town for the past weak.
,Mrs. Whitehead accompanies her
to London today where they win'
visit mutual friends.
Mr. Karl Wilken, who has Leen
spending a vacation at his home
in town, returned to Aylmer last
week and on Friday was transfer-
red from that branch: to 'the 1Wor--•
risburg branch. or Maisons,
'Mr, Wm, Jones, an old and esteeM-
ed resident of Clinton, who has
been living -in Syracuse, New Yeric,
for some months, has returned to,
Hamilton. He feels happiest un-
der the- roids ot the. good old Un-
ion Jack.
.1 -
Rev. li'ather Dunn, who was los,'
two and a half years and until meg
ceutly priest of St. Jche,ph's parish,
left yesterday afternoon for the old
homest9ad at Wyoming Whate het
Will enjoy his first real holiday in.
the decade 'that has elapsed since
his ordination. But lie expects to.
be back into harness again in a fevt,
Inuits 1 or he is of much too active ),
a nature to holiday long. There ispf,
no one more genial and kindly than
Father Dunn and in his desire to aro
good unto others he knows no de-,
town hall yesterday and today. i ti I li