HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-23, Page 6I LA GRIPPE'S 'VICTIMS Left Weak, Miserable ,and Proy to Disege in Many Forms One of the meet treacherous eases afflicting the people or On - 4a during the winter months is la eriPPe: Or influenza. It almost in- variebly ends with a complication of troubles. rt tortures its victims with alternate fevers and ohille, headacbes and backaches. ft leaves lien an easy may to pneumonia, bronchitis, .and even consumption. Indeed the dehrily after-effects of griepe may leave the victim a chronic invalid. You owl avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the blood real and red by an occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, If you have net done thie and, the disease atteaks yea, you can ;banish its deadly after-effects through the use of, his 'same great blood -building, nerve -restoring medicine. Here is proof of the wonderful power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills over this trou- ble. Mr. Emmanuel Laurin, St. Je- rome, Que., es,y,s : "1 WaS3 Seized with a severe attack of la grippe. I was obliged to stop work and re- main in nay bed for several weeks, and while appeared to get over the first steges of the trouble, I did not regain my usual health. I suffered from headaches, loss of ap- petite and extreme weakness. I did riot sleep well at nights, and • would arise in the morning feeling eked /slid worn one -This continu- ed for about two months during • which time I was taking treatment, • but apparently without email. Then Was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got al half dozen boxes. By the time I had taken three boxes there was a decidedim- povement, and actually before I had completed the 'sixth box I was enjoying my old-time health. I was strong as ever, could sleep well and eat well, and no longer suffered from lassitude and headaches. I have proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for the pernicious after-effects of la grippe, and can therefore recommend them to other sufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the trouble in the blood, which they enrich and make red and pure. These pale cure all troubles due to bad blood, and if you are ailing you should start to mere yourself to -day by taking this great medicine. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boees for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BURYING IN "PIGEON HOLES." Pretty Hard . to Mourn at the "Grave" of a Spaniard. A rather curious -and to our idea, says the Wide World Maga- zine, somewhat unpleasing--ottatom obtains in Spanish cemeteries. All round (the burying ground a build- ing is erected whose design cen only be compared to that of a nest of pigeon hole, often seen in post offices and similar institutione. Each pigeon hole is a tomb. When a persen dies his relatives hire a pigeon hole for fivo years, and the body is placed inside,. The end is then sealed up with mortar and a memorial tablet affixed on the out - aide. The lease of the pigeon hole may be renewed at the end of the ftvc years, but if it is . allowed to expire the tomb is unsealed and the bones removed to make way for an- other tenant. Needless to say, the (mange - meat has eonie good points. The space taken ftp by the 'pigeon hole cemetery" is comparatively smell, as is also the cost of burial. Pic- turesquenees is, however, oonspic- uously absent, nor is sentimental grief eatered Sor, as it would be im- passible to go and mourn at the grave of a person buried in a pi- geon • hole eo high up that a ladder was needed to reach it To suoh as prefer the old-fashioned graves the central space ef ground is offered, but the "pigeon holes" are the most popular. Children's Questions. • Education is erroneously sup- • posed to be had at school, The most ignorant children often have been constant in their school at- tendance and there have been very intelligent ones who never sew the inside of a schoolroom. The child who always asks an explanation of • terms or phrases it -cannot under - •eased, who is never willing to re- peat, parrot -like, that which is in- comprehensible will far outstrip in "education" de ordinary routine echolea. "Education" goes on with chileren at home, in the street, at • church, at play -everywhere. Do • not refuse to answer eheir proper questions, then. Do not check this natural intelligence, for which books can never compensate, though you bestowed whole librar- ies. • CONSTIPATION CURED BY 'BABY'S OWN TABLETS leaby'e Own Tablets are the best medicine a mothee can use to relieve her little ones from constipation • and all other stomach and bowel troubles. They aiet as a gentle laxative, are pleasant to take and are absolutely safe. Concerning • them Mrs. Philippe St. Pierre, St. • Perpetue, Que., meta "My baby was badly constipated and was cross all the tits, Nothing I gave •(her seemed to do any good till I leg= Baby's Own Tablets. They are the best medicine in the world 'for little ones and queerly relieved ray baby." The Tablets are sold :arm by medicine dealers or by mail se 05 cents a bee from The Dr, Wil. Medicine do., Brockville, • Ont. MIDI] MILLIONS TINKERING. Moscow Character Enjoyed Howl - fag Like a 110; alsteessereby. There has eerentle, died one of the bestknown ohareasere it, Mos- oow, the yory wealthy Ilahreheff, whe worked bis way up in the world ham a mere tinker who mended the gantovars (tea urns) to a full fledged men of rotenone. That the vale more teen a bit "cracked" is inedersineble. At 'times he would crawl into one or other 'of the two dog kenuele at hie door and would bawl and hark as much like a dug as his talente wood allow at all the passersby. Another idiosyncrasy was to go round to a theatre just before the end of the performance and hire every one of the -sledge drivers and get theni to drive away, while h remained to enjoy the sight of the people shivering in the cold and trying hard not to believe that they were abandoned to "Shanks's mere." Meet of the begging it - tens he received he had printed end distributed the .books free to all comers. One of hie lest freaks of fantasy was the burial of his (two feet thae he had to hare amputated. He had them buried with all ceremony and erected a monument inscribed, "Here reat tho feet of Balaeheff." • ROYAL COShIETICS. What Their Majesties Use in the Boudoir. The lovely and perennially youth- ful complexion of Queen Alexandra makes the feat plain that her Ma- jesty the Queen -Mother is partic- ularly chows as regards her selec- tion of ballet eoaps, perfumes, and cosmetics generally. So careful has Queen Alexamdra always been in tais respect that she hes never used anything of the kind without having first had it analyzed to ,be assured of its purity. Her favorite perfunaes are those of the lily of the valley and the violet. The German Empress has a pro- nounced partiality for the scent known as 'nets -mown hay," whilst the Queen of Italy has a liking for Bomanoreara and Palermo cream, with a patriotic prejudice also as regards. perfumes. The Czarina loves the odor of fresh trielets, and every day a lav- ish supply of these modest flowers is arranged in all her Imperial Majes- ty's rooms, and even scattered among the articles in her ward,. robe. No asveet scent seems too powerful for the Czarinas and she deliglats in laving about her suoh blossoms as these of the heassinth and the gardenia. The perfumes she chiefly .uses -a11 of Parisian manufacture -are the jasmine and the jonquil. Queen Wilhelmina of Holland em- loya, both ha her boudoir and the ItoynI nursery, a specially fabra catecl English soap :scented with heliotrope, while her favorite per. fume is eau -de -Cologne. Stomach Always Baulked, Had Constant Indigestion Sntell of Cooking Illaile Him Sick -Bilious Two Days a Week. Cured by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. err. Clemmon,s' experience is not unusual. Nowsa-days poor seornaclis are more the rule than the excep- tion. But the proper treatment is sure to make a muck cure. You ova always depend on Dr. Efamil- ton's Pills, they reach the trouble at once, go right to business, work while you sleep and have you feel- ing better if not cured next morn- ing. "My food seemed to (decompose in my eternath, writes Mr. Ralph Clean:eons, of Newbridgo P.O. "I had a stomach that failed in some way to perform its werk. Diges- tion seemed more or less arrested .h,nel I grew thin, yellow, nervous. The stomach became distended and iinpecied, apparently the action of the heart, for often at night it would do great stunts. At times my heed ached most terribly. A friend whoa had been cured of a sinbiiar condition, advised me to take Dr, Hamilton's Pills regular- ly, which I did. The result in my cam was simply marvelous. Dr, alarnillon'e Pills removed the cause, strengthened the stomach, excited the lever to normal action, the kid- neys were released of excessive work. Health soon grew within me. I can now eat, sleep and live like a live man." Be advised -use Dr. Hamilton's Pills -they are eure to do you good. 25o. per box, five for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers or ley mei from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Om - ENGLAND SOBERING hiT's Consumption of Wine Ileaaessel 30 Otte Bottle Per Capita. England is becoming a imeresesa ber, though, perhaps nee a seere' godly. nation. About -thirty-four years) Geo else populatioa of the lanifsed, Kingdom consumed about three asottle:s of wine per head, and tare leis little more than one battle, ,The popula- tion is larger and so the wine mer- chants are net all amined, and (they seli whiekey, what/shag a great deal to do with the desaline in wine drinking. It le arn age ;of ;realism, and whis- key and evee port are not treated now wieh proper re,spect. Wel have: according to Messre. Gilbey, a "curtailment almost to ye/a:seine isnleo- oistofthe after dinner -setting"; el days men would rever- entially empty the decanter before lighting a large cigar, but now they take small ones, or even a cigarette, arie it is to be fewest sometimes smoke them before finishing their port. A. BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. Prim:eels Marie of Roumania Is But Thirteen Years Old. One of the most, charming young royalties in all Europe is Princees Marie of Roumania'who is scarce- ly more than ehirte,en years old Beauty ia her birthright, for her mother, the Crown Princess Marie, after whom she is named, is ne- nowned for her beauty, her amiable mannere and her delightful dispo- sition. The mother married Crown Prince Ferdinand of Roumania when she was eighteen. Reports from Bucharest have it that already young princes and grand dukes have come a-eourang Prineess Marie. - In her veius flows English and Russian blood, which perhaps ex- plains why she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her grandfather was Prince Alfred, Queen. Victoria's son, Duke of Edinburgleand Sa,xe- Coburg-Gotha; her grandmother was Grane Duchess Marie of Rus- sia. Prineese Marie exid her two sis- ters and brother have been brought up on essentially modern methods; between the broad Imes of know- ledge and savoire faire. The Princesses are devoted to outdoor sports, in which their mo- ther joins them enehusiastically. Nothing can be prettier than the sight daily in Bucharest, -the Crown 'Princess riding with her elaildren. The mother, slender in her stela, fitting habit, looks like a girl, the Princesses ride like lovely Ama- zons, their golden locks dreaming in the breeze. or; A GOOD BREAFAST. Some Persons Never Know What it Means. A good breakfast, a good appe- tite and good digestion mes,n ev- erything to the man, woman or child who has anything to do, and wants to get a good start toward doing it: A Southern man tells of his wife's "good breakfast" and also supper, made out of Grape -Nuts and cream. He says; . "I should like to tell you how much good Grape -Nuts has done for my wife. After being in poet health for the last 18 years, during part of the time scarcely anything would stay on her stomach long enough to nourish her, finally at the suggestion of a friend she tried GrapaNuts. "Now, after about four weeks on this delioioue and nutritious food, she has picked up most wonderfua ly and seems as well as anyone can bet "Every morning she makes a good breakfast on Grape -Nubs eat- en juet as it oosnes from the pack- age with cream or milk added; and then again the same at supper, and the change in her is wonder- ful. "We can't speak too highly of Grape •Nuts as a food after our remarkable experience." Name given by Canadian Postern Co., Vindsor, Ont. --Reed the little book, "The Road to Wellville," itt pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter/ A new one appears front time to UM. They aro genuine, truo, and full ot huinan IntareSt. :Ty HOBI3IES OF NOTED FOLK. Foot and Headgear Colleeted by Dowager Queen of Italy. Colle,ctore gather together arta cies snore or less interesting ebut probably few go in for such bulky objects as those ehosen by a distin- guished Britisher says Tit -Bits. Old doors are the object et his desire. His doors come from old houses, castles, and abbeys of historical in- terest, Some time ago he obtained at considerable east a door through which, during the Frenoh revolu- tion, Marie Antoinette Charlotte Clorday, Denton and Robespierre passed on elieir way to the guillo- tine. • Probably nobody of to -day has a •strong desire to bring together a great variety of teas and snuffs. Lord Petereham, however, a noted men in hie day, had se hobby for ac- quiring various kinds of tea and muff, All around his sitting -room were shelves, on the one (side laden with canistere of Souch.ong Bohea Oesageu, Pekoe, Russian and other teas, gad on the other with head - some Jam contemn:1g every kind of seuff :that the collector could lay bis hands on. The Dowager Queen of Italy is the possessor of an odd -collection, one that has the interest of associa- teen. It comprises the foot and heedgeres 'of royal personages of dif- ferent .periode, at is said to in- clude a ;Handel 7411`11 1"'" ..k.r.ro peir of where slippere that belonged to Mary Queen el Soda'shoes worn by Queen Anne and the E.npress aosephine and gloves that were the property of Merle Aseteincete. The British aeroplane raet Gan - prises about fifty machines, of which some thirty are practicable, mod- ern creft. ED. 4. ISSUll 4-'13. HE FOUND'THINI. •NO FAITH CURE BUT DODD'S KIDNEY • PILLS CLEANED OUT W. F. BLACK'S SCIATICA. Ile was In an agony 1141.0n a friend gave lam a box. Now he reason. monde them to everybody. Newcasele, N.B., Jan. 20. (Spe- cial). -In these cold fall days when the chill winds crystallize the uric acid in the blooit and cause the pa:ngs of Rheumatism and Sciatica to being sleepless nights to many a home, a man's best friend is het who can tell his neighbor oS a etre cure for his torture.s. Such a friend is Wm. F. Bleck, of this place. He suffered from Sciatic& end lame back. He was no bad that he could not lace his boots or turn in bed. lecelda Kidney Pills oured him earl lie events all his neighbors to kaow of the euro. "Yes," Mr. Black says, in an in- terview, "I was so bad with Scia- tica and Lama Back that I couldn't la.oe iny ehoes or teem in ;bed, when a friend gave me about a third of a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I startei taking them without much faith in their curative powers, anti found them all they were recom- szended. "Wow 1 am recommending Dorld'a Kidney Pills to all sufferers from Kidney Diseluse." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no faith cure. They're a, simple but stereo cure for discasedri kidneys. THE AGE TO WED. Turkey Carries the PO,IM Inc Youth of Beides and Grooms. The ideal age bo marry is said to be -in the British Isle, at any rate -at the age of twenty-five Inc the man and twenty-two for the woman, although legally a by of fourteen may, if he so desireatake to wife a bride of twelve, providing both have parental consent, says London Answers, In Austria a girl and boy are al- lowed to make a home for theme selves at the early age of fourteen; while in Spain the intending hus- band must have passed his four- teenth birthday, and ;the bride that of her twelfth anniversary. Irt Ger- many the man must be eighteen, and the same age Inc husbanes pre- vails in Frame and Belgium. • The man and women in Hungary adhering to the Catholic faith may he fourteen a(nd twelve seepeotively to enter into the holy state of Mat- rimony; while those of the Protes- tant religion must reach the years of eighteen and fifteen. The same rule obtains in Portugal as Spain; but in Russia °me Saxony the stan- dard of the marriageable age is again raised to eighteen years of age for the man, and sixteen for tloo woman. Fourteen and twelve for the two erxes is the minimum marrying age in Switzerland. But perhaps Tur- key carries all before it in the youth of its brielos and bride- grooms. Efere; the girl and boy who can walk properly, and who are capable of follemeng the religieus mar/sorer, are permitted to be united, in wedlock. --,s, How to Cure Horse Distemper An Experienced Horseman Sol- emnly Declares Nothing is So Satisfactory as Nerviline. Says Noriftlide Is Fine Liniment. "After fifty years' experience in raising horses I mon eafely testify that Id remedy gives such good re- sults for an all-round stable lini- ment as Nerviline." Thus opens the very earnest letter of J. J. Ev- anston, who lives near Wellington. "I had a very valueble horse that took -distemper a month ago, mod Was afraid I was going to lose lain. His throat swelled and hard lumps developed. His nostrils ran cad he had a terrible cough. I a lied different remedies, but was unable to relieve my horse of his pain anel :suffering till I started isa use Ner- viline. 1 mis.-ed a bottle of isTervi- line toed sweet all anal rubbed the mixture Oil the throat and or est three times a day, and you would scarcely believe the way that horse picked up. Nerviline eured him. I also have need Neerviline for colic in horses a,nd cows, and earnestly ecconamend it to every man that is raising stock." For strains, (sprains, swellings, colic, distemper, coughs, and e,olds, no liniment will prove. so eeicaci- ous in the stable as "Nervilbre"- it's good, for man or beast, fer in- ternal ( s' external use. Wherever there id pain, Nerviline will cure it. Rehm° substitutes. Large size bottlea 50c.; trial size, 25c., at all dealers, or the Oatarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and ICingston, Ont. China's Code of Manners. iteCZCIOTof manners has beeri is- sued by President Yuen Shileic'ai, including rale following erticles : 1. To siolute : Take off the hat and boa. 2. At important ceremonies, such as funerals, marriages end national feetivale, take off the hat end( bow three times. 3, At every- day ceremonies take oE the het and bow once. 4. When meeting in the street bake off the hat without be w- him 5. Women must obey rat/soles, 1 wad 2, but they will tort take off their hats. The same decree fixes the etyle of men's and women's epeeist es. About 100 street accidents occur daily in the United Kingdom. IVlinard's Liniment Cures Garda In CoWa, A Cluster of "Dont'e." Don't sprinkle salt on the tail of temptation. Dona try ta got the better of a man weo hesn't any. Don't be satisfied to pay as you go. Save ,enough bo get ;melt. Don't get married with the sole edea that taiesery loves company. Don't follow the beaten 'Crack un- less you are eatiefied to remain beaten, De:net aceept adviee from a man who never offers you anything else, Don't expect Opportunity to cense to you with a letter of intro- duction. Don't trest to luck. Nine -tenths of the x.u30,13113 in the weed guess wrong. - Don't buy your fries -Ida They never last as long as those you make yourself. Don't envy the rise of 'others. Mis&li2eYreafrmaoth.nwho g°68. to tile top n Don't geeet misfortune with a smile unless you are prepared for a one-sided flirtation. Don'e make geode resolutions un- less you oonstently -carry a repair kilt with you, Don't place too much confidence in eapeareames. Many a mem with a red nose is white all t,he way through. Don't forget in times (of peace to prepare for war. That's about the only use some of us ,seera to have for peace. 'Don't fail to; have an object in view, Mazy a. man leads snob an aimless existence thee he could fire at ;random without hitting it. A, WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. An eminent scientist, the other day, gave .his opinion that the most wonderful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think! As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or sore, such injury is in- sured against blood poison! Then again. As soon as Zam- Buk is applied to a tore, or a cut, or to skin ;disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends ;of Zam-Buk. Again. As soon as Zarn-I3uk is applied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surfece aro so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk's secret of healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and liter- ally oasts off the diseased tissue above it. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the ether day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, (sailed man the Zam-Buk Company and told them that Inc over twenty- five years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To -day -over three years af- ter his elm of a disease he had Inc tsventy-five years -he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50c. box, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a le. stamp (to pay realm postage). Address Zarn-Buk Co., Tomato. Gleanings. Ab every aceion ask yourself this question :-What will be the e,onee- gueace of thee to me? The greater part of yeur trouble lies in your fancy, therefore you may free yourself from it -when you please. Let every action tend to some point and; be perfect in its kind. Happiness lice all in the func- tions of reason, in warrantable de- sires and vietarous practice. Ramon and the, reasoning faculty need no foreign assistance, but are eufficient Inc their own purpose. Love affirms; its own worthiness, it imparts to °there its good, and finds its life again in the well-being of others. What eels be more delightful tha,n prudence? To be furnished with that buculty oS underetancling which •keeps a man from messy a felse ;step, and helps him to good fortune in all his business. Sustice is one of the primal obli- gations which proceed from love,- Mercue Aurelitia Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. The "Triple Allience" is the name given to the understanding be- teyeen Gerinany, Austria anel adopted in 1882. -- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tette LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Dlugglsts refund snovoy if it fails to oure, E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25e. Patience may be a virtue, or it may be simply lazinees. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. `t - The largest battleship under construction is the Japanese ship Fuso. When completed, she will have a diaplacernent 01 32,000 toes, and be able to fire a broadside of over 20,000 pounds -nearly three times as much as that fired by the Dreadnought. samnie fres If you Write National Drug & Oheinical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Nall Knells. It believes one to bo careful even DIsriolliiED in so prosaic] a matter an the pre- plan ,day upon which one manieures FACE one's nailp s. For it is opularly [HupTioNs 01 eimpoeed that Isrim them on Mon- day ansi you will receive, news be- fore the week is out. Do them ors a Tueselea, anti it is almost certain you will inherit Or buy a new pair of aloes somewhere. about that time, For (sustained health, do your par- ing an e Wednesday; but, to ob- tain veealth'elefer the operation till Thursday, ff you would avoid trou- ble of any kind, never touch your fingers .with eciesers on a. Friday. Miss Saturday, toe, if you aro not a good voyager, But of all other days in the week, beware of cut- ting them meths Sabbath Day, HER HEARINQ RESTORED. Astonishing Deliverance of Woman Thougat to be Hopelessly Deaf. NEW YORK (Special Despatch). -Fully oonvinced that her hearing has been permanently restored af- ter years of torture with heed noises and almost total deafness, Mrs. B. A. Barry of 655 W. 170th St.,N. Y. City, has now been per- Suacled to tell the story of her won- derful deliverance, After hexing spent hundreds of dollars on meohanical devices, medi- cines asid ;doctors' fees, he decided that this latest discovery, however simple and inexpensive, should be the last she would try before re- signing herself to the hopelessness of permanent and total deafness. Those interested in Mrs. Barry's case and the ;hope it holds (out for them may write ix; her in confidence for full details, which she offers to send gratuitously. Eight hundred and eighty-one thousand, two hundred and forty- one births and 527,864 (deaths were registered in England and Wales during the year 1911, Millard's Liniment Oo., Limited. lt.eve used Year Kn'TARD'S LINIADINT for the past 25 years, road whilst I have occasionally used other Ifni - manta I can safely Bay 'that I have never used any equal to yours. If rubbed between tit° hande anti haled frequently, it will never fail to cure cold in the head in twenty-four hours. /1 is also the Bost for bruiSes. sprains, ete. • Yours truly, Dartmouth. G. LESLIE. Great Britain carries on more tnade with Germany then with any other country. France and the United States are her next best euetomera. When Your Eyes Need Care TrY Murillo Eye Remedy. No Smarting -Feels Pine -Acts quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. Marine is ?%1-lot 0 sr„141‘t,h3 5180 fo any are. Now edlcated t o the Pub- fIv18slAbiVJd°41intg&n„.gagA:g1teg3i: Murine Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago Body Covered With Running Sores, Could Not Sleep from Itching and Pain, Cross and Fretful. Tried Fifty Remedies Without Result, Cured in Nine Days by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. ' GO Champagne St, Montreal, Quebec,. I have a five-year-old boy who was Buffet,. Ing *OM what the cloctpr sald was gratelle." His body was alt covered with running soros. The trouble started with pimples and opened up into sores. Of course scratching naade It worse. The anna- Dons appeared OA his face and disfigured him awfully, The boy could not sleep ab ',night from the Itching and pain, and I did not know what to dO With, him.' It made hina cross and fretful. If have tided one, I have tried fifty remedies; without result. 5.5 last 0 got samples of Cancans Soap and Ointment, and after using them two days 0 noticed a change. I then bought a full-sized cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Outicura Ointment and I used to give the boy a hot bath daily using Outicura Soap freely, and then applied the Cutioura Ointment. Ea had suffered three months with the horrible disease be. fore 5 started to use the Outicura Soap and Ointment, and nine days after the boy ISSIS cured and has not been troubled since.tl (Signed) E. Cloutier, Doc. 12, 1011. Outictua Soap and Cuttings. Ointment; are sold by donglsts and dealers everywhere. A single set Ls often suillelent.: Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card .Potter Drug & Ohom. Corp., Dept, 4011, Boston, 15. S. A. Gibbs-"Steut people, they say, are rarely guilty of meanness or crime." Dibbs-"Well, you see, it's so difficult for them to stoop to anything low," FARMS FOR SALE. R. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. 11 UNDRISD AMES-COMITY 11.4.11rOkl; Good Rouse; Buildings; Orchard. Cheap and on easy terms. QEVENTY-SIX ACRES WITH GOOD 6.7 buildings ahd apple orchard, about five miles from Hamilton. ft W. DAWSON, Toronto. VI WTI' ACRES IN xcen, C017NTY- ,22 Soil, sansi and clay loam; buildings 'In good repair; close to market and rail. way station. Price two thonsand. The Western Real Bstate, London, Ont, STAMPS AND COINS. 655.111? COLLBOTOIt51-FLIIND11122 11110- ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp 0011I pally, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CANGER, TIIII011S," LUMPS, BTO., internal and external, cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Reitman Medical Go., Limited, Collingtvood, Ont. 11 ALL STONES, InD14212 AND GLAD. ‘1,71- der Stones 'Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured witis the new German Remedy, "Salta" price Stn. Another new remodY for Diabetes -Mellitus, . and sons „curea Senors Anialetcs. Prise 5200 Nom lrTg18tAlreetThe Sabel Mannino. ting(Sontrir of Canada, Limited. Winnipeg, Man. YOUR OVERCOATS A good way to have all the !rivals and faded Snits wonld look better dyed. If you need is not to need „„ no agent of ours in your town, write direct '""",f• to Montreal, Box 35. Gold Medalist Bsh minaras Liniment Citrus 011ihtheria. ritiAmerican Dyeing Go. ;Seven ihausssnd six ihundred and eighty-ene persons were iieprison- ed for debt in England and Wales during 1011. PILES CURED IN 6 7'0 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money it FAZO OD4T.112f4: fails to cure any ease of itch- ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60e. "Your hair wants (slotting badly, sir," said the barber ineinuating- ly to a customer. "No, it doesn't," replied the man in the chair "it wants cutting nicely.. You cut it badly last time !" SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. Attraotive rates will be (footed as variable routes, affording the fineet seen. Qty. The Los Angeles Limited, leaving Chicago daily 10:16 pm, for Southern Cali. fornia, the Son Francisco Overland Lim, ited, leaving Chicago 850 p.m., less than three clays on route, provide the hest of OVOVSithillg tit railway travel. The China and Japan Mail leaves Ohicage daily at 10146 17.111. for San Francisco and IAos An. gales. Illustrated literature on monitor,. Mon to B. IL Bennett, G. A., Chicago aud North Western It 48 Tonga St., Toronto, On t. 45lfif .„. and Second- hand, for heating 1 and power purpores. TANKS AND SA1OKE STACKS. ayes., for Stuns. rant Vertritating and Heating Systems. PUSH 1R211,;r5,1" TOP,ONTO Engines ard ShIphrtiders The Soul oiaPlzanoieathe, Action. !insist on the -OTT) MGELI FREE TRIAL Igttlf'agig Nothing stifle So nice as beaulthil head of link. Let us send you absolutely free ono treaPtient of Luxurine, if it Is only to Prove to you ihst 1 celore gray hair ansi mak es it grow, stops itching, remo- ves dandruff and makes the hair of man or woman or chlid heavy snd besutlf05iy glossy. You have oniy to send us your address, with I Oc. enclosed for mailing and packing. OM we will sand you anywhere our treatment. id our own expense Write to -day. Address OR. FROSSE, DOW 2 203 Commissioner Street, Montreal• 1,400 Manufac- tuPers of tn 0, 3'. City hove sold their old stool; and are bausgry for fresh goods. We sell to them Send for nriee list and ship to M. F. Pier/Nor & 6 East 1251) fit (Desk 95), New York thy, 9200.00 IN COLD MEN AWAY FRE' elasMealai •- LPsaP11J PIREOCIA P,Talfi8INIG2112 OPANE NOVREinl YORAPRG ff ER A ns,,woim.s Can you arrange 110 Shave sets of jumbled letters Into the nsrnes of eight well known frollA 5100500 CAN SNARE ThE DISTRIBUTION OF VIII ABOVE PRIZE. It is no easy task. 500 1)' patience and pent 000,0000 flU 15 0111."1712,1'ljg17:4.50a2llahgessTrit,reParsrl71)1°:,`,0,1ell'aglo15gAr;g:Ignr:;%14 u.kiare.' poison marklus 151 5100110,051 largest number Ike Wm 00 Thirty Dollars. 10 110 touul making the Pc0000500dassw�t, oqoll 000,00 010 fi:YAe 50, 050 arTib% 'i:r'faE°'f';101 0'11:rneeleagoslomc:ecl„ssoir 05,0015,,,, prig., will havetobe ahittid,osetreeelNnriColo). 5h:iota four persons send eq13ally correct enovarm 151t!2WC°I*fet 5515 00 m14h"owazi/yL7r , 0011 05 Oti i%.;7.VA ANT15010.01 YOTR 5,500155 WHEN YOU ANSWER 1HIS ADVERTISEMENT. Itycaeim 0,510o5x?t I:T1!itaeomoote11st.w10eatolceocIo31Aetstanpor ttteply.00 noT ,iTgA0N,,dd..,.ANA1Tmnro?Nlc070vrs1womnitQnt r, DELAY, 1ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTEL TRAYMORE E 06." "...V.1"--...,VF•W'''...1, _ , A nitignificent ton -story, gra-proof addition is Just being completed, maki»g this famous hostelry the newest nee most uestoeses of Atlantic, City Hotels. A new feature is the unusual size of the bed rooms, averaging 19 foot squi14,6. Every room commands an ocean view, batla attached with sea and fresh water. Chevalglass in every ohamber, Temperature regulated by Therrnosdedt, tho latest, developraent in steam hording. Welephone in every rootin. Golf Privileges Capaoity 600 Write for illustrated booklet. CliARLES 0. MARQUETTE, TRAYMORE HOTEL COMPANY, . Manager, ': n. 5. whlvg, President ..............................................................;;;;:..ssms;;;;;;;s;sss.....;;;;;;;:..m.,......sts;:ms t