HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-23, Page 5Januar) 23rd, 1913
Mr. Pollard, who purchased Mrs.
Wetlaufer's residence .has moved in
Kiom Morris to take possession.
Miss A. Maude King has rettirned.
to Portland,. Maine, alter a visit
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs, Wetlaufer, who has been a
resident of town for a nunrber of
years, has moved to Berlin and in-
tends making her home there in
Mr., and Mrs. W. F. Moser and
amily of Saskatoon Sask., visited
the former's sister, Mrs. P. Carr,
last week. They were returning
from a visit to 'New York.
Miss Marion McKenzie of .Buffalo is
visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr.
And Mrs. W. Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A, King of Chip-
pawa Lalce, Mich., visited the par-
ents of the former, Mr. and Mrs.
-Geo. King, recently. :
Mr, R. Sloan was in Toronto
last Week attending an executive
meetings of the ,Ontarffi Erna Grow-
er's 'Associatiou,
'Phe annual meeting of Morris 'Dis-
trict L, 0, L. met in the Orange
hall, Blyth, on Tuesday of last
week, Past Master Matt. Bruce of
Londesboro in the °heir. Al ter lhe
receiving of• reports and routine bus -
'Mess the following officers were el-
leeted and installed :
Master, Robert Owens, Belgrave.
Deputy, J. E. Taman, Blyth, • ,
Chaplain, F. Haggitt,
Ree. -Secretary, Bert Bradburn.
Ells -Secretary, W. H. McElroy.
Treasurer, EL R. Robinson.
"D. of C'., Alex, Bryans.
Lecturer, W.
Mr. Roy Stone, a member of Al-
lendale L. 0. L. was preseat had as-
aisted in the meeting.
Miss Reynolds, . of Hodgens' Bros„
:millinery department, has returned
Trom Wingham, whither she was cal-
led by the death of her mother,
Mrs.. J. R. Reynolds, who leaves
two sons, one at Winnipeg and one
at Duluth, arid six .daughters, all of
whom are at home expect Miss Rey-
- nolds of town.
Magistrate Kelly the other after-
noon had to deaf with the case of
a young boy, a pupil at Victoria
school, who without any provoca-
tion struck his teacher in the face
with his fist with such force as to
cut 'her lip badly, several stitches
'being required to close the wound.
The lad appears to have an ungov-
marble temper, and as he is with-
out a mother's cafe it was decided
to make him a ward of the Child-
ren's Aid Society, and he was eom-
.. /flitted to one of the Society's shel-
The other afternoon a horse owned
by J. Flick, of Beniniller, ran away
while in town, throwing Mrs. Flick
out on • the road. The horse started
to run from iu front of Shaeinan's
shoe store, which Mr. Flick
had just entered. It ran down
East street, with Mts. Plink in the
cutter, and oil turning the corner at
Victoria street the cutter was up-
set and Mrs. -Flick was thrown out.
'The horse still continued to run
along Victoria street and turning up
Hamilton street ran back to the
Square, and finally was stopped in
front • of the 'Bedford hotel, The
cutter was damaged.
Mr. McIntyre is spending some
time with his daughter in Toronto.
Thos'. 1301 of Winnipeg has
leen. here visiting his father, Mr.
William 13e11, Sr.
Mrs. A. H. King has returned to
her home in Ingersoll after a visit
with her parents in town.
The new council have decided to
put two loads of crushed stone on
Front street in the spring, which
ought to be an improvement.
Miss Yuill, who has been visiting
her parents here for a couple of
months, has rammed to her nursing
duties in New York,
Mr. P. Madden, recent teller in the
, Molsons Bank here, has been trans-
ferred to St. Mary's.
Garnet Case is home from Toronto
nursing a broken wrist received
while cranking up an auto,
Hellsairs new -hoard of health con-
sists of Reeve Ortwein, Clerk Scott,
Dr. MeDiarmid and Mr. Cl. 1. Pet -
TheOcldfellows installed the follow-
ing officers at a recent meeting,
District Deputy Grand `Master Mc-
' Taggart and his -team from Blyth
officiating :
P. N. C., E. McQueen,
N. G., W. Perkins.
V. G., A. COark.
R, S., G. Petiy.
P. S., W. McKay.
Treasurer, C+. Brown.
Ward, P. Clark,
Con, W. Dougall,
R. S. N. G., Dr. McDia mid.
L. S. N. G., .J. Stacey:
, D. Fisher,
L SVG, E. McLean.
It S. S. 1, S. S., C. Jinks.
, 1 W Latta.
O (.4 , (I, Glen.
Chaplain, G. Sutherland.
Supper and a social program was
onoyecl after the lodge work,
Clinton News-Reeord
Mr, C. C. 1VIenary of Melita, Man.,
has been visiting friends in town,
Miss Kate Broadfoot of Hamilton
visited her mother and sister in
town last week.
Mr. El W. Murray has returned to
Regina after sPencling, a'' pleasant
holiday with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. W.' Tramley and
family of Manliest', Man., are the
guests of the lady's mother, Mrs.
Wm. Wescott. 5
Mr. D. Shanahan of Seaiorth and
Mr Geo. McCartney of the Mill
Road have gone to the Old Country
on a trip and to purchase some
heavy horses.
Seaforth will be represented at
the big bonspeil at St. Paul, Minn.,
by two rinks : 1VIessrs. Will and
Goo. Bethune, Frank Kling and Wm.
Ament, and Messrs. Stewart, Smith
Kerslake and' Tovell,
Mrs. Dickson entertained the mem-
bers of the Ladies' Aid, of -which
she is president, to tea 0110 evening
last week.
Mrs. Eggleson, who left Seaforth
only a few weeks ago with the in.
tentiod of spending the winter in
California, died at El Paso, Texas,
last week where she had stopped off
to visit friends. Her remains were
iaterred at Stilton, N. Y., her for-
mer home.
Miss Grieve, who has been in
British Columbia for some time, has
returned to town and is with lice
'Brother, Mr. John Grieve,
Mr, Win. Smith left last week to
visit his sister at Flint, Mich.
Mr. A. W. 'Stobie was standing in
front of the post office the other day
when a horse which was being led
past on the halter suddenly kicked
up and jerking the halter from the
hands of the man in charge ran
against Mr. Stobie, knocking him
clown. The result might have been
very much more ' serious as Mr.
Stobie was not injured other than
to receive a shock and a few mils-
ises. •
Morris Township
Mt Jas. Barman, M. le, retched
to Ottawa last week for the re -op-
ening of Perliament.
Mr. Woods of Regina was a visit-
or at the home of Mr. S. Walker
during the past tel
John Watson, who has been -asses-
sor in the township for a number of
,years, resigned and Mr. Thos. Mil-
ler was appointed,
The whole amount of Collector
Proctor's roll for 1912 was 027,-
543,38, and it wae colleeted without
Very sudden and sad was the
death on the 12th, concession of
West Wawanosh, of Hugh McPher-
son Watson. On Friday when at a
social gathering he was taken sud-
denly ill, but later recovered and
was able to come to town on Sat-
urday. On Monday morning he
started across the field to his own
farm from his brother's but
when about half way across he
became very ill again and
immediately retraced his steps. On
a chair In his brother Peter's house
he expired a few minutes after-
wards, before medical help could ar-
rive. He was just in the prime of
life, being only in his thirty-fourth
year ; a quiet, respected young man,
against whom no one :menu 11, Two
brothers, Peter and John and three
sisters, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Web-
ster, and Mrs. Pritchard, the lat-
ter four of Lucknow, survive.
One of the most familiar figures in
Luanow is Tom Webster's slog,
Frisco. Frisco walks about with
the kindly yet dignified air of an
old resident who is perfectly satis-
fied with the town, Local Option
and everything else. One day
among ' the parcels that came to
Lucknow Post Office was one ad-
dressed to Mr. Frisco. Our Postmis-
tress west not puzzled for a mom-
ent ; she knew the party. The hox
was duly sent, up to canine Frisco's
place of abode, and its contents
were fed to him -a lot of nice
creamy chocolates such as young
men across tlie line buy for their
sweethearts. Also a postcard from
an old friend in Windsor, wishing
Frisco a Merry Xmas. Possibly no
other dog in Lucknow was ever re-
membered in quite the same way.
Frisco is ae modest as he is 'fame
ous, and there is no likelihood of hiS
ever sacrilicing, his days of leisure
to become an aspirant for any of -
finial position- ether than that of
night watchman in his master's
Grey Township
Miss J. 13. Robb, teacher of 13. S.
S. No. 12, received an acknowledge-
tnent recently of a gift sent by the
school to the Hospital for Sick
Children Toronto at the Christmas
School No. 10, was discovered to
he on fire one evening last week but
was taken in time and extinguished.
The fire was- set and the trustees
are offering a reward for informa-
tion leading to the conviction of the
guilty party or parties.
An old Lind respected resident in
the person of Mrs. Phillip Beaver,
died last week in the 71st yearhf her
age, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, Wm. Snell. Deceased with her
husband inoved here, about 30 , years
ago. Thcre remain to Mourn her
demise, her husband and five sons
John of Bayport, Mich. Frank, Chas.
and Samuel of Dashwood and Ed-
ward in the West, and one daughter,
Mrs. 'Wm. Snell of our village.
Mrs. E. Richart, Mr. Henry FUSS,
Afr. and Mts. Elmore- Thiel, Mr.
and Mre. Alf. Reichert and: Mise
Mary Reichert, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reichert near
Hillsgreen. •
A great game of checkers was play-
ed at Hemel! between Mr. David-
son of Listowell, fornietly,sof Bruce -
field, and six ef GUI 1,4q PlaIerg•
The lopes sat around a table with
a board in front of each and Mr.
Davidson! walked around playing
them in turn. The visitor won out
by Intro 'itt tbe round. The acme
was as follows R. 130lithronc, 2-1,
S. Sian 2-1 J. Robinson-, 14 T.
Brintnell, 2-1 J. srlitiefle, 0-2
Leach 0-2.
London Road.
Mr. John McKnight delivered a
horse to Mr. Wesley Harvey of Kip -
pen on Tuesday for which lie receiv-
ed a fancy figure.
Miss Bella Tasker of Mullett is
visiting friends hereabouts.
Mr. .John Stanbury of .Bayfield at-
tended the funeral of his brother,
the late William Staiibury, on Sat-
urday last.
Mrs.. Mattison, who has been visit-
ing her father, Mr. Harry Liver-
more, for some time, leaves this
week for Toronto where shei will,
loin her husband and where they in-
tendin future to reeide.
Mr. Stanley Whitmore gave a in-
teresting talk on, 'Tho Seamy Side
of Sociology" at the League Meet-
ing on Tuesday evening at the Immo
of Mr, J, P. McKnight. .
Next Tues day evening' the League
meeting will be held at the home cif
Mr. ,and Mrs: -Geo. W. Layton when
Rev. J. E. Ford of Clinton Will give
an address on 'Canada's Non-En-
glishing Speaking Peoples,''
Miss Caroline Deacon has returned
from, s the west.
Nies Florence Maxwell of Winnipeg
has been visiting Mrs. T. Forbes.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sparrow of
Calgary have been visiting relatives
and friends hereabouts.
Mrs. .(Dr.) Agnew and Miss Mar-
jorie of .Medicine Hat, Alta., visited
Mr. John Agnew last week,
Mr. H. H. Wightman of Fort Wil-
liam, a former resident, renewed old
acquaintances here last week.
Miss Bella Wilson of Turnberry has
gone to Iron City, Ga., to visit her
Mts. Cosford and son of Offic
Lake, Man., have been visiting the
lady's sister, Mrs. A. Nichols.
Mr. Joseph Anderson of Winnipeg
has purchased the residence of his
brother, Mr. R. Anderson of Vic-
toria street.
Miss Elizabeth McTavish of Rip-
ley. visited Miss Margaret 'Huston.
Mr. M. R. Beckwith has accepted a
position in Aylmer and has gone to
that town.
St. Andrew's church will hold their
annual congregational meeting next
Friday evening.
MT. Kearns, who has been teacher
in some of the nest regimental
bands in the Old Country, has been
secured as leader of SVingham
izen's hand.
Mr. R. G. Kerr of East Wawanosh
while hitching his team one day
recently hati the misfortune to have
Itis leg broken. .
C. C. I. Weekly Report
Form 1, Composition :-K. Mee
Gregir 82, E. Sandersou 82, EL Copp
80, H. Cantelon 80, A. Glazier 76,
I,. Cunningliame 71, A 'Pownshend
74, J. Wylie 74, G. Wallis 74, E.
Kaiser 72, L. Hanley 72, C, Cook
72, P. .113(1War(IS 72, A. Petrie 70,
1. Sinclair 70, 14, Stewart 70, 11.
Kilty 70, C. Whitmore 70, D. Ship-
ley 70, Z. Churchill 68, E. earler
08, J. Forrest 68, (', Cantelon 68,
L Churchill 06, ,O. Phillips 66, 0.
Johnstone 66, J. McAllister 64, M.
May 64, E. Miller 64, M. Lansing
64, A. Shanahan 82, 5, Sheelcy 62,
G. Beaton 60, W. Crich 60, C.
Mair 58, W. Appleby 58, C. Thomp-
son 56, 161. Smillie 50, F. Reynolds
56, 5, Rowden 52, N. Sparks 18,
L. McConnell 38, E. Parlmer 31.
Form 1 and 2, Shorthand- A.
Townshend 88, J. Morris 73, E.
Parliner 56, 11. Rowden 52, 1. Col-
lins 46, C. May 45, 0. Johnstone 39
M. May 12.
Form 2, French -M. Cook 89, E.
Brisson 86, M. McTaggart 81, J.
Middleton 84, J. Smillie 84, V. Ev-
ans 80, J. Smith 80, IS. Wise 80,
F. Thompson 78, S. Henry 72, W.
Caldwell 71, E. Manning. 71, C. Bea-
com 69, S. Smillie 08, Cf„ Hudie,67,
1. Roberton 67, R. Rennie 66, H.
Hieland 65, K. ,MoNaughton 66, 0.
Harialla 63, I. Ratlevel I 63, R.
Chowen tie K. Oovicr 58, A. Math-
eson 58, C. Hoare 55, 1'. Wheatley
51, S. Agnew 51, H. Shaw 48, 71,
Rodaway 13, H. Holmes, 39, 115. Mair
38, D. Cantelon 35, F. Ford 35, L.
Rathwell 35, L. Kennedy, 20.
Form 3, Domposition-J, Wylie 88,
V. Lobb 85, H. Cantelon BO, M.
Gunn 80, K. Reid 78, fr. Walker 77,
W. Walker '77, D. Copp 75, 413
'Gray 75, M. AleGowan 75, W, Ade-
Gregoe 74, E. Beacom 73, I. Within
78, S. Scott 70, H. McCrostic 70,
M. Yates 68 L Ford 05 H. For-
rest 65, AT. Reynolds 65, C. Nichol-
son 63, D. Bare 62', A. 'McConnell
62, N. Robins° 62, 'N. Garrett 81.,
A. Cooper 68, H. Leith 60, W. Me-
Nadghton 00; F. Brown 55, M. lilde-
Allister 52, M. Carbert ,50, G. Dra-
per 48, S. Henry 48.
Form 4, Latin.R. JllaetehborU 66,
E. Windsor: 60, M. Sliipley 53, I.
Glenn 44.
If you weal, to take a eity week-
ly, monthly or daily you can save
Money by accepting one, of the ef-
ffirs in our dubbing list. That is,
foe instance, you, can get 'The
News -Record and Weekly Glebe 11.50
News -Record 'and Mail ahd
Empire ' 1.50
News-Reened: and Family Herald 1.75
News -Record and Toronto News 2.30
News-Recoed and Toronto Shan 2.30
Mr. lildveards Bauer of Tavisboek,
11.1r4, Hy 13ader.and Mrs, Hy Fakir': of
Crediton, spent Saturday with the
former's sister Mrs. Peter Woolley.
Good Morning 1 dear reader. FloW
does your sub. to The NewaReeerd
rend? The label tells the story.
Rent and Living Very High
in Victoria.
Victoria 13. C Jaa 11311 1913,
News -Record, Clink" Out.
Dear Sir. -We are receiving The
News -Record quite regularly and
find it a very welcome letter. Like
all who leave that 'County we like
to read the old hoene news.
011 glancing at ma label to -day, I
found our subis just out and in
accordance am enclosing you 0 re-
newal for another year trusting you
may receive , it ,in due time.
We like this couritry very well, the
winter so far has been mild A lit-
tle snow and light frost has prevailed
the past week but all gone and nice
to -day.
A great many people from the
prairies have 'flocked here -for the win-
ter, making tenth iiird living very
high but the day is prosperous look-
ing at the present 'time..
We are all enjoying good health
which I may say has been tile case
ever since we landed.
Wishing you and all the old fri-
°lids a Happy New Year, I am.
Yours Traly,
J, T, Reid.
The Toronto Daily News is recog-
nized as one of the best papers pub-
lished in Canada, and 'The News -Re-
cord ' has been fortunate in making
en arrangement under which sub-
scribers may, upon PaYnlent of $2•30
receive both papers for twelee
ALLIN-SINCLAIR-Itt the resid-
ence of the bride, Parkhill, on
, January 16th, by Rev, S. ../. Al -
lin, father of Mid groom, Mary
Stewart Sinclair to Cleveland C+,
Allin, B: A., R. C. N., of Halifax,
N. S., son of RevsS. awl Mrs.
Allin of Clinton.
WILSON -In East Wawanosh, Jan.
13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wil-
son, a daughter.
A BERHART-In Egmondville, oa
Jan. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hen-
ry Aberhart, a daughter.
NORTHCOTT-In 'Exeter, Jan. 411,
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. North-
cott, a daughter.
HILL -In Clinton, on Jan. 19th,
Mary McIntyre, relict 'of the late
Thomas Hill, aged 76 years.
KING -In Bayfield on Jan. 19th,
William Ring,. aged 69 years.
HUN'PER-A 1 Carievale, Sask., on
Jan, 4th, Mrs. James Hunter
formerly of Hullett township, ag-
ed 67 years and 10 months.
nRown-ht Clinton on Jan. 21s1,
Jarnes Brown, father of 1STrs,
Thos. A. Grigg, aged 85 years.
SHURRIE-In Brussels on Jan. 4th,
Mary McKenzie, relict of the
late James D. Shurrie, aged 85
years and 5 days.
HORTON--In Goderich, nil Thursday
,Jan. 10111, Mark Hortou, en bis
32nd year.
choir have been successful in secur-
ing the renowned Staufler Coutts -
Bain Scottish Concert Conmeny to
appear here Tuesday evening, Feb.
4111. • -05.
sale about three hundred pounds of
clover honey. Orders promptly
filled. -Thos. Stinson, Varna. -65
Estate of Stewart Grafton Plums
mer, --Notice is hereby given that
all pethons having claims against
the estate • el Stewart Grafton
Plummer late of the Township of
Goderich ia the County 'of Huron
yeoman, who" died on or about the
eighteenth 'day of September 1912
arc required -to deliver to the un-
dersigned executors or their solici-
tors on or before the fiftednth day
of February 1913 a full statement
el their claims together with part-
iculars thereof and the nature of
the their securities, if any, held by
them all duly verified by affidavit
'And take notice that atter the said
last mentioned date 'the said ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled there-
to barring regard only to such claims
as s's they shall bane received due
notice and in accordance herewith.
Dated at Clinton this 181ir day sef
January, 1913,-S. J. Andrews and
Martha E. Scott, Plsecutors. W.
Brydone, Clinton, solicitor for the
Executors. -65-3
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General pleasure', -
at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday
the 28th February, 1913 for the
conveyance of 'His Majesty's Mails
on a proposed Contract for four
years six tinses per week over the,
Bayfield" Special (Lake" Shore Way
Rural Mail Route to continence at
Postmaster General, will be recei,sed
the Postmaster General's pleasure.
Printed notices, eentaining further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be seen and
blank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post Office of Hay-
field and at the Office cif the Post
Office Inspector at London,
Post Office Defeartment, Mail Ser-
vice !Branch, Ottawa, 13t1) January
sneeting uf the Clinton Spring
'Fair will be held in the e01.111011
chamber, Clinton, at three b'clocle
on Thursday afternoon, .Jan. Stith.
'A full attenclanire is requested.-Cn
E. Dowding, Secretary ; Jas. Snell,
President. -65.
by the Board ot Trustees up to
the first of February for the erec-
tion of a new school in S. S. No.
5, Hullett, Plans and specifica-
tions may be seen at my house. -
James Snell, Seeretaey, Clinton 1'.
0. -03-3.
Applications addressed to the. un-
dersigned and marked, "Applica-
tions for oflice,'r will be received
up to noon on Friday, Jan. 31st,
for the following positions : Clerk,
Treasurer'Assessor, Chief Con-
stable, ete,, Tax Collector, Night
Watchman, Cemetery Superintend-
ent, and Poundkeeper.-D. L. Mac-
pherson, Clerk, Clinton, Jan 22.
Line, Goderich township A- mile
rrom Holmesville, 4,S; miles from
Clinton, consisting of 80 acres.
The farm is in a good state of cul-
tivation, well- watered by never -
failing spring and well, Good or-
chard. Buildings all first elass
and in good repair. Ownee- desires
to sell owing to ill health. Bar-
gain for quick sale. -W, Pickard,
Hohnesville. -65
Fernlee ARM will give vocal les-
sons to 0 limited number of pup-
ils. at her home. --Ontario St,
Methodist Parsonage. ' -64
I rising 1, 1 rising 2 and 1 rising
3 years, the latter two being well
matched. -Apply to John Holmes
Huron Road, -61-.
-2 grand young bulls from bows
that we reserved at our sale af-
ter the fire and sired by the im-
ported bull Best Boy. Prices rea-
sonable. Come and see them --
Win. Grainger Si Son, Londesboro.
on Queen St. Nine rooms., sumther
kitchen, woodshed, good. stone cel-
lar, hard and sail; water. Ss sere
of land with all 'drib of fruit,
good. garden. For further particu-
lars • apply on the premises. -Mrs.
John 13. Little, -64
persons owing accounts to the late
Thomas Beacom an hereby notified
to pay the same forthwith at 107
office. -W Brydone, Solicitor, Dat-
ed 14411, Jan. 1913. -64-3
Thos. Wallis 1th eon., Godmich
Toweship., Also sawing eontraCts
at Other places. -McEwen Bros.
Hayfield. -03-3,
range .-App I y to
Wesley Waiker,
Mrs. 'Malcolm McTaggart. -57
WOOD WANTEs1).-200 cords of first
class wood cut 14, 16 and 18 inches
long. -A. Forbes, Coal Yards. -63
2 am starting a Teiegraeli School.
Parties wishing to learn will
please call on me at my flour and
and feed store. -A. E. Matheson.
piano cased organ, as good as 0055',
only in use 3 months. Will sell
cheap. Terms te suit pm:Chaser,-
Apply to Wesley 'Walken -61
the matter of the estate oi Thom-
as Beacom, deceased, --Notice is
hereby given pursuant to ;Sec. 55 of
The Trustee Act that all persens
having claims against the estate of
- the said deceased, who died on or
about the 21111 day of December
1912 are required to send by post
prepa,id to the undersigned Exec-
utors or their solicitor on or be-
fore the 81,1) day of Felnie,ry 1913
their names and addrethes with full
particulars in writing -' of their
claims, and statement of their ac-
counts and the nature of the se-
curities (it any) held by them,
duly, verified by statutory declara-
tion. And lake notice that after
the said 8th day of February 1913
the -said executors will proceed to
distribute the assets 01 the said
estate among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard, only to the '
claims of which they shall then
have notice and the said Execu-
tors will -nothe liable for said as-
sets or 'any -part thereof. to any per -
SOIL Ot ,perponN. of Whose clattn
notine shall not have been received
by them or their said solicitor at
the thno of such distrilhutien.
Dated January 9, 1913.-J. P.
Harland and' Elizabeth Beacom,
Executors. W. Brydone, Solicitor
for Executors..
silvertising in The News -Record pays.
Council. -The council of the cor-
poration of the County of Huron
^will meet in the council chamber,
in the Town of Goderrich, on Tues-
day the 2811), day of January. Ac-
counts for settlement must Ire
placed \\nth the clerk before this
date, -W. Lane, Clerk, -04-2.
forblowpipe work, Good post-
tioas for those who understand
this work or are willing to learn,-'
Sheldons, Limited, Galt
Thomas Beacom,deceased, The
Executors offer for inunediate sale
lot 30, Hayfield Conceesion, Clod-
erich Township, 70 acres more 01
less. -For terms apply to J. 'P.
Harland or W. Bryclone.
27, eon. 3, 1•Iullett. Watered by
well end spring creek, suitable for
all kinds of grain or dairying and
considered one . of the very best
farms in the ',township. Three
rcs good orchard. Frame house,
new barn 40x911. lels miles from
Clinton and it of a mile from
school. For further particulars
apply on tho premises or address -
J. 0, Churchill, Clinton, P. 0., or
13. Churchill, Duncan, 13. 0. -61.
0, containing 100 acres situated 1.1
miles south of the village of Var-
nas near' to good sehool and chur-
ches. Will rent for term of 3 or 5
years, to suit the renter. 'Pos-
session can be given at once. For
further particulars apply to Mr.,
Andrew Reid, Varna P. 0,. or to
Rev. R. Murray 3827 North Hogue
Ave., Chicago Ili. -19.
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday,
the 7111 February, 1913 for the con-
veyance of His Majesty's Mails on a
proposea Contract for four years,
twenty-four times per week each
way, between Kippen Post Office and
Grand Trunk Railway Station, from
the Postmaster General's pleasure.
Printed notices containing further
intormation of proposed Contract
may be seen and blank forms of
Tender may be obtained at the
Post , Office of Kippen and at the
Office the Post Office inspector
at London.
" Superintendent.
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa 20111 Decem-
ber, 1912. -03-3.
and repairs kept on hand, also ag-
ency for new maaines.-A. Hoop-
er, Albert street. -30.
Sale, known as " Springhill
Farm " on the 13 ay field
Road, Goderich rownship, consist-
ing 175 acres, south half lots 51
and 52 and part 53 and 54. invo
miles from Clinton and one from
school. A first-class stock and
grain farm. 35 acie,s of good pas-
ture land. Well watered and has
never ladling spring at barn, flood
wells and eisteeur. Bank barn 62x52,
with stone stabling. 150 apple
trees just beginning to bear and all
kinds of small fruies. Reason for
selling : Owner In poor health.
Terms to suit purchaser. -Robert
Marshall, Clinton P. 0. -36
FARM. FOR SALE -The Executor of
the Southcombie estate offers for
sale 50 acres, being east half of
lot 28, can. 6, Hunch. This ie a
firse-class farm, well watered and
improved and with good buildings.
Also ebe undersigned offers for sale
lot 29, con. 6, Mullets, consisting of
100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or senate -toter. -
Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Cline
ton 'P. 0. -89
Ancient Order
of Foresters.
The only Legal Reserve Fraternal
ociety doing business in Canada.
Incorporated by special Act of the
ffirninion Parliament.
Full Government Reserve slain-
a.ined on every policy.
Fixed rates and definite contract
with special privileges. ,
Whole Life 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30.
Pay Life Policies and Endowment.
Comparison Invited.
No Raise in Rates.
No Assessment.
For further partMulars enquire of
any member of Capt Prosperity, or
A. F. Cudmore,
.„signed offers for sale his fine farm
of about 130 acres adjoining the
town of Clinton. The farm is in,
a good state of cultivation and
. has good buildings --brick house,
bank barn, driving 'rousse, pig pen,
etc -all comparatively new. A first
class young orchard containing all
kinds of fruit, also small fruits,
The fano is well fenced and well
drained , and is a very desirable
home. For further particulars
apply on premises or address John
, Torrance, Clinton P. 0.
Alle. Company -Hand servers and•
operators. Steady work, Short,
hours, Well lighted and ventilated
work rooms. Good pay. -Apply aU
office' or to J. McLeod, Supt.
Good Health For All
the Family.
You can secure good health for ell
by letting ut install one of .our
sanitary Cheniical Closets. Every
house should have one.
Cell at 'R. Rowland's Hardware and
see for yourself or Phone 52.
My but they are •
• •
• goo. •
• •
• •
▪ See the display in I,
• our south window. •
• •
• •
Did you ever hear ••
• that olives are •
• •
• healthful ? •
• "The Hub Grocery."
They are -
An aid to digestion ;
and wholesome too.
lf you are fond of e
olives yoa will be
glad to know w e
have some extra
gm-010Ra to offer you
just now.
Is guaranteed wheeever a PAR-
CLOSET is used. It is the only per-
fect appliance which can be used in
country homes, or in any pablic
building, which cannot be connected
with a water or sewerage pipe.
It is perfect odorless, easily fitted
and so inexpensive that it may be in-
stalled linto the humblest homestead.
Sold only by
Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7,
1 rebuilt buggy $25.00
2 " ( 4 35.00
1 heavy democrat 25.00
1 1 -horse heavy wagon 25.00
1 rebuilt cutter 4.00
1 ,i . 7.00
1 . . 12.00
Clinton, Ont.
Home Study
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being .instruoted in their honies by
our Horne Study Dept. Tou tnay finish
at College if you desire. Pay when.
OVer you wish. Thirty Years' Exper.
tonne. Largest trainers in Canada,
Enter any day. Positions guaranteed.
If you wish to save board and learn
whileyou earn, write for particulars.