HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-23, Page 4Clinton News -Record January 23rd 1913 GOOD MORNING ! Stanrnli✓rhill. Good Morning ! dear reader, flow- does your sub. to The News -Record read ? The label tolls the story. , eee ')'he Ncivs-Record leads for Town and Township Mows, Mrs. John Jol netonc lies had .bwo of her daughters visit her of late, Mrs, FI'ofimeni of Port Huron r and Mrs T. Smith of Crosswell, Mich. The latter was aceompanted by her two daughters, Hattie, and Stella. Town The News-Jitterd leads for 1 vv and Township News, sasiUmassussraistUattissis THE DELISHTS Of OVINING II PLAYER PIANO are now easily accessible to every piano owner. ViSIT OH PIMYER DEPARTMENT See how we would make your present silent piano a player, regardless of sire, make or scale.. Cost for Upright Player $250. Special price for Grand Players. W. DOHERTY P1AN0 & ORCAN CO, LIM1111TE0 Henri. Office and iP actories' CLINTON, CANADA. • 1 .V1ir.1.JTt;nr .AND Dtu'_esrt.vlL '(' PHONE 1o, i r.ne.mnwams>e"aaeoe.n READY To WEAK h Co. January the Month of i ar gins. All WoolgDress Goods Regular $1.00 for 55c. We put .on sale 500 yds all wool dress goods:45 to 54 incites wide in brown, navy, grey and black. We. are anxious to clear these out ..before stock -taking, so otter you a genuine bargain. Come early, Saturday for best choice, Coats at Almost'% Price. Just 1 dozen coats left in stock, lncstly black. Coats that sold as high as $16, now $0, Coats that sold as 'High a5 $20 now x$1.2,50. Just five last year's coats left, all good styles, sizes 34, 30, 38, reg. $12 and $15, now only $4, Odd Furs $3.98. Just a few "odd pieces } left, We would like to :clear these out before stock -taking. Some of these sold as high as`. $7, $8 and $9, choice, 3.95. 25 per cent. off all better ..futs and fur -lined coats. Millinery at $ i.50. Just 12 trimmed hats to choose from. Some sold as high as $7, your choice only l$1.50. 1 Holmesville Rev. ' It, J. McCormick exchanged pulpits with the Benmiller -pastor on Sunday evening, Mr2' McCormick preaching at Bethel and Rev, tSr, Brown preaching very 'acceptably at Holm esvtlle. The ,Tannary thaw whieb visited us last week did consldcrahle = , dam- age ° hereabouts,' flooding cellars, etc. Theflood also cut a huge hole half way across the road at Bridgewat- er, making a very dangerous spot af- ter (lark. A 'great treat was given oa Wed- nesday evening when the choir of North street church, Goderielt, gave a fine concert in the Meth- odist church here tinder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. The ladies spared no pains to make the affair a success and as se'v'eral of those taking part had appeared here before there was a good tem - out. Goderich Township Mr. J-Iirrry Thompson has been quite 01 for the past fortnight with nu attack of grippe. It is hoped h e may soon be restored 'to ,his wonted health, Mr. Mel Mrs. McCartney have also both hem ill witb the prevailing cold, but it is hoped their recovery may be rapid. Rev. W. U. Dunbar of Bervic has accepted a call to Thornclale and will commence work there the first of February, i1 few years ago Mr. Dunbar was in charge of the Midd- leton parish. Mr. II. Il. Canlelon delivered a fine colt to a Mensal]] buyer on J Fr.ida' last valued at about 41240. It pays to keep good horses. The young people of the neighbor- hood had a surprise party at the home of eIr. Clea Miller of the Otto con Tuesday evening, when a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Izrard on Monday last celebrated their golden wending, the fiftieth anniversary, Sunday was the actual date but it was considered more conven- ient to have tie celebration on Mon- day, when the fancily and a 1'ew in- timate friends gathered to offer emr gratulations and rejoice with them. Their fancily eons:lots of five daugh- ters and three sons : Mrs. Clrum- mett, Tuckersmith ; Mrs. Flick, God- crich township ; Mrs. Joslirg, Iiul- lett, Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler, Toronto ; Miss Eliza, at home ; Percy and Ernest of Toronto and Albert at home. Six grandchildren were also present It was a very happy fame ily gathering and sons and daughters were glad and Wrinklo1 for the pt•f- vilege of coming home for this cele- bration. Sdr. and Mts. Izzard are highly esteemed members of the com- munity and have been for many years so that their many friends all loin in. congratulalfone and good wishes on the occasion of this happy anniversary. Mr. Harvey Ellwood has secured a position in a brick yard et Grim bey. Mr. Xtison Yeo of the Baylirld Linc left this week for Toronto. Mr, Jas 'Sn'iieer, we are sorry to hear, is under the weather. Mr, Percy Weston is sporting a new cutter. 11Ir. ,lames Memo has the phone in- stalled in his house, having taken over MrNelson Yco's number. Master 'Phomas Mose has returned from 01101550 where be has been en- gaged 1n a brick yard. He intends remaining on faun, poi: liking oily life. Mr.. Warwick (ole and Master Earl Manly are cutting wood ill Mr. Ransford's Bush near Varna. They have put up ten cools in one week, alr. George Manley visited on the Hayfield Line last week. Mr. Rebore, (.Club spent a few days last week with friends at Windsor. alt. Frank 'Marshall is sporting a_ now driver. Mr, William Robinson and Mr. Jacob Marshall are busily engaged cutting logs. The following persons were ap- pointed pound -keepers at the meeting of council last- week : Wm. Rath, Isaac Salkeld, W. F. flick, Andrew McGuire, biro. A, C'oopct and John Connell. Feucevicwcrs, Isaac. Saliceld, John Sowerhy, , Geo, Lejthwaite, John Sturdy, W. F. Elicits, ,James- Yuill, Hall Rutledge; Alfred i\aftel, Ed- ward Wise, Guy Slicks, Frank Pow- ell, Chas: Lovett, 0'. W. Williams and Thos. Chrchill. Sheep 'Valuators, C. W. Williams, F, W. Sturdy and Alex. Welsh. Pathmasters, -pest. Meenwain, Wm. Fuller, Rich, Burke, C,eo, Young, Jas, McCluskey, Wm. Sowetby, Vic- , tor Elliott John Woods, G. Nev-- tole, .James Yueil, iSdward Jordan, John McGuire, Wm. Patton, Leslie Cox, John A. Cox, John Mudie, Ed- ger Trewartha, John Dempsey, John Middleton, Jr., Guy flicks, henry Graham Con. Bissitt, David Prowse, S. T. Walter, Joseph Proctor, Chas, G, Middleton, ,Jas, McCabe, henry Swect, John Teteett, Joseph clough, Albert 'Townshend, Chris. Beacom,' James Rapson, Jolla Wath, Wni. J. Yeo, John (Gardner, . Janies Harrison, Robert Pearson, -Henry Oakes, James Mese, John McGee,. PeterCole, Wm. Middleton, Robt. Trick,' Janice Bamilton, Wm, Jtow- den. Joshua Sharnan, Frank Pow- ell, Wni, Meanings, Bert, Lobb. Reeve MoOluee was appointed . to investigate the damage claim of Dr: Hunter and report at the next meet - The, following accounts were pas-,, sed : T. Colclottgli, gravel, $1.28.; election expenses $50; municipal' World, election stippljes, 117.20 ; (tod- erich Star, printing, $12.80 ; 0." 0. Lee, cement, 116.78 ;, Geo. Hays, gravel, $3''.08 ; W, T,ebutt, refund of taxes, error in assessment, :$7,16'; pouting treasurer's statements, $2.00 Sick Children's Hospital, 810 ; Chil- dren'S :Aid Society, 55, The council will meet again the first Monday in February at hall past one. Bagtield elr, Win.Ferguson of Seater eh Moved his family to the village last week. buss 13, Revell', who has spent the last few weeks the guest of Mrs. Cleo. Castle, left for her hoene in Brewster Orr Sunday. My. and elm Robert Johnston left on Tuesday for Senithsvillo, ebeing called away by the serious illness of the fernier's brother, leer. ;Janes Johnston. Capt. J. Ierguson is attending the an eel meeting of the Ship Owners' and Masters idssoaiation in Cleve- land thio week. , Messrs, James Spackman and Son have started the business of grinding and rolling grain in the old Presby -j terian church and are prepared to do good work. The annual meeting of the Bayfield Cemetery Company was held in the town hall 011 Monday afternoon. when the following directors we've appointed for the year ; President, 'James Thomson, Vico; 'Janes Campbell. Sec. -Treasurer, A. E. Erwin. Director's, John Middleton, 1l n, TJ . to Marks, John McNaughton, Robt. IIanley, Thos. Brown- ett , and John 11IcDonald. Sexton, Richard .Elliott. The annual'. meeting of the Bay - Kiehl Agricultural Society was held in Lite town hall on Wednesday af- ternoon of last week when general business was transacted and the following officers elected : President, I5obl•. Snowden. 1st Vice, Richard 1'enhalc. 2nd Vice, Dr. Woods. Secretary, A. E. Erwin. Treasurer, b. A. Edwards. Directors R Delgaty, Win. Stin- son, D A, MeeVaughton John Stewart, Ileo. si: Cooper Samuel Huston,John 11'Ic- Clure, J. W. Reid, James Mose, T. M. Woods, Louis en- derson, John McKinley, R. R. Biggins, Robert McMurray and Geo. Copeland. Auditors, Thos. Cameron and John Falconer. The management is desirous of making this Society come up to the top-notch of perfection and intend, according to resolutions passed at the annual meeting, to discourage in future the enhibiting of anything hue new manufactures, the year's pro- duct, ate. We are called upon this week 10 record the death of one of Bayfield's most respected residents, in the Ber- son of Mr. William King, who pas- sed away o(t Sunday morning at 'the age of sixty-nine years. flie deceas- ed was born in the township of Clark, York County, in March of 184.1, but eanie to this village when' quite young, and has lived here and in Stanley township ever since. In 1867 he 'was married to bliss Chris- tinc McDonald, who still survives with four of the nits children born to them. William resides in Win- nipeg, Edward and Mrs. Miller are in Moose .Jaw, and Lorne is at liaue. The funeral took place from his late residence on Tuesday after- noon to 13aylield cemetery and was very largely attended, Rev. Ii .l. Condell conducted the services and John Ferguson, John Falconer, Wm. the bearers 1,Verc : W. II. Woods, Elliott, James Aurns and Geo. Cage tic. The widow and family have the sympathy- of the community in their bereavement. Stanleg•-Township The annual meeting of Stanley Dis- trict L. 0. L: was held in Varna on Tuesday of last week when. the, Col - lowing officers were elected for 1013 : Master, Robert McMurray, Bay- ield. Deputy, John .Parke., Bayfield. Chaplain, Itev, .II. J. Condell, Bee - field, Rec:Secretary, Thos. Johnston, Varna. Fin -Secretary, A}her t Robertson, • Varna. Treasurer, J, W. Reidy Varna. D. or 0„ Lewis Clarke,Ilensall. i,ectuter, Thos. Stinson, Varna. The nen' officers were installed by. Past District Mester Mts. 0aster. The Scarlet Chapter hale their an- nual meeting on the same date and elected the following officers : C. in C'., ;Root. McMurray, 13ay- t'.fole, P!x,-0, in Cl., Lewis Clarke, Hen - sail. Chaplain, Rev, W. Runde, Bay- rtcld. Scribe, Geo Beattie Varna. Treasurer, Wm. Rathwell, Varna, Herald al; Arms, Thos. Stinson, Varna. Lecturer ,:Robe. Bailey and D. C. Galbraith, Bayfield. Conductors, Clifford Pollock end John Parker, Bayfield, Inside Herald, Rev. H. J. Condell, Bayfield; Outside Herald, Chas. Foster, Var- a.. Stanleg. Township Owing ethe off recurring soft weather the bays have had (lard luck with their skating rink; Quite a :number 01 our young peo- ple attended the dance 01 )3ayfie d on !'ridgy evening anti -enjoyed than se1'cC inlniensoly:.' Mr. and Mrs. J. D.' Barnwell spent' Sunday at Mr. Geo. Olark's un the Bahi'loe Line, Rev. Mr: Murray of .Chicago preach- ed an able sermon at Varna . on Sunday evening. Miss Flossie Stephenson has re- turned hone after spending a week at Mr. Arthur Stephenson, London Road. Mr, Will Dowson of the Babylon Line is crushing the season by hav- ing little chicks out in the . month of January, Will says they are doing fine, Rev, Mr: Murray of Chicago and Mr --Andrew Reid spent Monday vis- iting friends in Croderich. We are sorry 'to hear' that Lee McConnell is' laid ilii with a broken shoulder but . (vc hope to soon bear of his recover, ML and Mrs. Will Dowson spent Sunday at Mr. Wm Willey's. Miss Emma Stephenson is spending a few days at 'IIensall Mf:. William C'oiclough now owns the Murray farm on the Parr Line l'or which he gave as part payment his fit'ty-acre farm. Tho deal was trade through Mr. Andrew Reid. Mr. C'olclough will now have greater scope for his energy and Rev. Mr, Murray of Chicago has a smaller in- vestment on the Parr Line. Special services are being held in the Methodist church at present, Chicago Rev. Mr. Murrayi tray of C! tc go is an- sisting the pastor, Rev, Mr. Snow - dein, and the services are being very well attended each evening. Mr.and Mrs. All'. Ings spent Sun- day at their former Home. Mt Wni. 13. Stephenson spent the week -end with friends at Blake. Mr. W. J. Taylor shipped a car- load of cattle to Toronto on Mon- day. Mrs. '1'. Johnston is spending a few days under the parental roof. Mr. Tilos. Stinson has bought an- other farm on the 10th con, Wood cutting 18 the order of the day hereabouts. • Retch for kijor1iscMeu1 ot Next week. Cooper Co. CLINTON The eyes are wage earners. A, -,thing perfect ion linin( h s the earning powers, We perfect your sight. Ouraluvscs as n in- vettncnt yield you substantial returns. d -7-.------, A. J. GxigIE".Cx Scientific Jeweler and Optician h CLINTON, ONT. minnennee 1 Logs & ioadiag Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL GRADES OF TI11BER, THE STAPLETON NNW MILL GRANTS TO HOSPITALS The followingis' a list ofgrantsgiven b " o 3; County Councils in Western Ontario to Hospitals. Aat'i' OP ,; C ut � l'o>?a, Amy, No: cur. net •. >r' a; ", o A I\ . L < . Iles rl.vr GT. ro EACH 'QIP GIOAN'e. FIOSPITALS.. el oenreee WATERLOO $2,500.00. 2 Berlin hospital ..........$1,250,00 Galt hospital i,.,, ..,91,250.00 WELLINGTON 92,880 00 3 General hospital G(telph .:$051.00 St John's ' 9900.00 BRUCE $2,000.00 Meseta!, 5980.00 $2,000,00 2 Walk erten Hospital $1,500.00. Kincardine Hospital ,$500.00 SIMOOE $2,000,00 1 Collingwood Hospital ,,$500.00 Orillie Hospital .. 9600.00 Barrio Flospital 5500.00 Midland Hospital 9500.00 PERTH 9700.00 3 Stratford Hospital 5700.00 GII.B'.4: 91,000,00 1 Owen. Sound Flospital $i 000.00 LAM BTON $1,000,110 1 Sarnia Hospital .....„...$1,000.00 '51,000.00 OXFORD $1,000,00 2 'Woodstock Elospital$1,000.00 Ingersoll Hospital $500.00 FIIJRON $000.00 3 (Minton Hospital... $100.110 Winghani Hospital.,,.. ., 9250.00 Goderieb I3ospital 9250,0e Although the assessment Ththe County of nron is very mulch higher than any or the other counties, its assessed valise being the second higheol iri the Province, its contributions to Hospital maintenance is the lowest, e gs anted !I Highest prices, paid for Elm, Basswood, Maple. Any wood bought. Wt DOHE�.RTY PIANO & ORGAN CO., LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO. WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL FIND THIS OUT— IN ALL YOUR TRAVELS ROUND ABOUT THE BREAD THAT'S BEST WITH ANY ME.AL— IS JUST THE ONE AND ONLY REAL— MOTHER'S BREAD, Better Bread Could Not Be Made —THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU IIAVI3 TRIED THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD I3ARTLIFF'S PHONE NO. 1 AND HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR IHOME -EVERY DAY. niiininlitattlantellannalet MA Siock—Tating Sale1 The following lines, we wish to reduce before stock -taking; Lamps regular $3 >5efores2,7a .00.for Lon 1,00;for .85 .75,for .65 50,for .40 Washing machines and wringers Storni doors a good thing Chaff baskets• Scist .. s and razors Ham? -teighs Poet t knives 011)t' s and mitts Mrs Potts' irons, regular $1.10 for $ .98 A Few lanterns ,05 for .40 Grit and oyster shellseemr bag 1.00 A go, el weatherstrip, 25 feet .20 A kw nickel plated crumb trays and teapots to clear. 1 hand powereclipping machine, reg. $10,50 for 98.5(1. Seo-' ' lie big table of granite ware at away down pr ices. 38111A 11 rifles at 50e redaction, 10 per cent. discount Harland Bros.. Stoves, Hardware and. Novelties A LIST OF BARGAINS Ii; was announced last week that there was a list being prepared. Below vlll befouled some interesting prices of the best selected stock of furniture and house fur uishinge to be found in the County. 1 3 piece parlor suit $21 00 1. 8 " " 26 50 1 3 " 3400, 1 3 ` .,.,45`00 1 3 e .. . 23 00 1 3 . " 0 48 50 1 8 " German Leather . 05 00 1 3 ,. 32 00 1 5 " parlor snit 20 00 1 5 " " " ... .42 00 245 pictures of every kind and description at 25 percent. discount., 1 conch $ 7 775 7 e 1. „ 8.25 8 50 1 .. 9 00 50 1 .. .... ,.,....... . 10,50 1 ... . 11 50 I Hoverport couch 21 50 1 folding couch35 00 1 Oak extension *table._ round Lop. ....... 13 50 290 rockers of every quality and price from $1.50 to 1.5 00 The Store of Quality.:= Phone 28 Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140