HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-16, Page 7Weary Tiredness Changed to Vigor That Played -Out Fooling Was Quickly Remedied" and health Restored. Story of a Merchant Who Almost Lost His: flustnees and His Heath Through Negleoting 'Early Symptoms of -Die• sass. "My life for- years has been of p•dentary character," writhe T. B. Titchfield; head of a well-known firm in Buckingham. "Nine hours every day I spout at office work and took exercise only on. Sunday. I disregarded the symptoms- of ill - health which were all too appler- tint to my family. I grew thin, then pale, 'and before long I was jaundiced -ayes and shin were yel- low, my strength. and nerve en- ergy were lowered and I was quite unfitted for business. In the morn- ing a lightness in the head, parti- eula rlY when I bent over, made m e •very worried about my health. Most of the laxative medicines T found weakening, and knowing that I had to be business every daY n e - lasted myself rather than risk fur- ther weakness. Of course I grow worse, but by a happy chane I be- gan to use Dr, Hamilton's Pills I was forcibly strnok by the fact that they neither caused griping nor naueea, and it seemed incredible that pills could tenet cleanse and regulate the system without searing any .unpleasant after effects. Dr. Hamilton's Pills acted with me just as gentle as nature—they gave new life to my liver, strengthened my stomach, and won me back to perfect good health. My skin is clear, dizziness has disappeared, and my appetite, strength, spirits are perfect." Refuse anything offefed you in- stead of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which are sure to cure, Sold in 25c, boxes, five for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or post- paid from the Catarrhozone Co., "Bnffalc,..- N. Y., and Kingston, • Canada. -F The sting of defeat outlasts the sweets of victory. Slinaril's Liniment Cures Distemper. . Served Him Right. Tom—What did Betty say when you told her she was a `.`peach 1" Jaok—She said, "I do feel like something to eat," and of course I had to take her out to dinner, PILES CURED IN -.6: TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to euro any ease of Itch.' Ing, ltad; Bleeding or Protruding -Tilos fn 6.07 14 days. 60o..' His Punishment. "When she wasn't looking I kissed her." "What did she dol" "Refused to look at me for the• rest of the evening." Minard's Liniment - Cie., . Limited. 0entlemon,—Last winter I receivedreat benefit from the use of DISARD'S great in a severe attack of La0rippc, and I1 have frequently proved it to bovery ef- feotive In oases of Infiamniation, yc W. L.urs. BUTOMI3TSON. Marvellous. She -And to think I am the only girl you ever loved! He—Yes, dear. She—And to think you: thoughtI believed it I SPEND THE WINTER: 114' CALIFORNIA. Attraative'rates- will be quoted via variable routes, affording the dineet-scen- ery The Les Angeles Limited, leaving Chicago daily 10:14 p•m. for Southern Cali. fornia, the Ban Francisco Overland Lim. Rod, leaving Chicago 8:30 p.m., lees than three day. en route, provide the beat of everything In railway travel, The China and Japan ,Mall leaves Chicago daily at 10:46 u.m. for San Francisco and Loe An- geles: Illustrated literature on applioa. tion to B. 11. Bennett, 0. A., Chicago and North. western Ry., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. VIC'TIMS. OF CANNIBALS. New Guinea Natives Devoured Two Planters. Butchered by natives in New Gui- nea was the fate recently of two planters named James and Eer- mann Weber, brothers. They were set upon by cannibals, who same froiri'the unexplored regions. No race of their bodies has been and. and it is believed that they ere devoured. The news was rough:, to Sydney, Australia, by riendly natives, who stated that he same tribe has been carrying on campaign of butchery throughout he district: A punitive expedition las been planned by the Govern- nentl Poisons, the name given thela'ck's"n iebitauts of New Guinea, a ritish possesaion, under the rule the Australian Commonwealth, re; supposed to be amenable to dis- ipline, but oecesiooially an out - :reek of oantlibaliem odours and hites are slaughtered. The more. lvilized Papuans have a wholesome read of..the British law. g sinful Corns Removed By New Painless Remedy 'sere a chump to suffer a day longer vervono of those stinging oorne can be ncefully and quickly removed by paint tog on Putnwflft Corn Ex• tractor. It's really'' a mar• vel how Putnam's :Ea - treetop takes o01 the pain, how it draw out the sore. ness, bow it lifts the corn ., right out by 111e core. 11 r neat,clean job that Ell Rtn's Fiatrootor does—no remedy so ek and surto as a 22o, bottle of Put- s Extractor—sold .and recommended arnggiste, i;• critic is :the only man we know who gets paid for finding fault. INTELLIGENCE 01? ELEPHANTS An lucorreot Impression Has Been Formed as to This. English writers who have dwelt in' India assert that the many curious tales with reference to the superior intelligence of the elephant are apt to -produce a distinctly incorrect impression. Like that of the horse, the intelligence of the elephant is said to have etrange iinxitationa. There is an instance of authentic record in which the populace of a small town near Madras were frigh- toned out of their wits bya runa- way elephant whish broke from its mahouts control and ran through the town, smashing everything that lay inits path-ali because it .had been frightened by the .pattering of rain drops on its rider's umbrella. Aa English offioise in Burma, on a tour of inspection, became tired, of riding his elephant and procured a pony in one of the villages. He was oareful to make -sure that theon P Y was not afraid of elephants, but it never oocured to him to ascertain whether or not the elephant might be afraid of ponies. Early the Iext morninghe Me baggage and servans off tthe elephant with orders to halt for lunch at a village ten miles away, and when he had finished some work he followed on the pony. When a mile or so from the haltingplace, he saw the ele- phant hunching along in advance. The Englishman trotted up; to hasten the mahout's pace. As he, approached, the mahout began to gesticulate. The . Englishman and his servants, who were Bengali, knew no Burmese, and the Burman knew no tongue but his own. The Britisher guessed, of course, that something was the matter, and breaking into a gallop to see what it might be, he was astonished to see theelephantstart off at a run. Three times the exalted and angry mahout succeeded in stopping the beast after a: run of a mile or so, and three tilnos did the Englishman ride up to see what was the matter, only to observe with astonishment that the elephant fuelled off each time. Finally the unhappy mahout steered the animal off the road into swampy ground,: and thus shaking off the pursuit, plowed his way back on foot to the halting place, where he found un interpreter to explain that the elephant had been terrified by the pony's approach. , DREADED TO EAT. A Quaker Couple's Experience.. How many persons dread to eat their meals, although actually hungry nearly all the time! Nature never intended this should be so, for we are given a thing called appetite that should guide us as to what the system needs at any time and can digest. But we get in a hurry, swallow our food very much as we shovel coal into the furnace, and our senses of appetite becomes tinea- tural and perverted. Then we eat the wrong kind of food or eat too much, and thole you are --indiges- tion and its accompanying miseries. An Eastern lady said : "My husband and I have been sick and nervous for 15 or 20 years from drinking coffee—feverish, indi- gestion, totally unfit, a good part - of the time, for work or pleasure. We actually dreaded to eat our meals. (Tea is just as injurious, because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) "We tried doctors and patent medicines that counted up into hundreds of dollars, with little if any benefit. "Accidentally, a small package of Postum Dame into my hands. I made some according to directions, with surprising results. We both liked it and have not used any cof- fee since. "The dull feeling after nloala has left us and we feel better every way. We are so well satisfied with Postum :that we recommend it to our friends who have been made sick and nervous and miserable by coffee." Name given upon request. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellvilie," its pkgs, Pestuln now comes in concha- Crated, powder form, called In- stant Postum, It is prepared by stirring •a level tettapoonful in a cup of hot water, adding sugar to taste, and enough cream to bring the color to golden brown. Instant Postum • is convenient, there's no waste; and the flavor is always uniform. Sold by grooers- 50-oup tin 30 eta, 100 -cup tin 50 eta. A 5 -cup trial tin mailedfor gro- cer's name and 2 -cent stamp for postage: Canadian Postum Ce- real Go., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. K•- Precocious But Pertinent. Anecdotes of the, early manilas - lotions of .a distinguished mind are always interesting. Thisone shows thy, intellectual power, even in in- fancy, of William Robertson Smith, who later became one of 'the most learned Biblicalsoholars of Europe. Talk was a passion with him, de- clare his biographers in the recently published "Life," but even in h'is. very early years ho insisted that it must,be good' talk. Nothing wear ted him more than to listen to the conversation of the company that came -Lo his father's manse when it was not of. the Improvingsort, espe- cially since he had to sit silent him- self, a000rding to the rule then strictly enforced on children. It was on one of these eccastems,. when a reverend colleague had stayed long, and after having prosed mercilessly,; lied at length departed, that Willy is said to have drawn his Stool up to his father'st knee. "And now, papa," he said, look- ing up with the air of one whose endurance is at an end, "let us have some rational conversation." It takes a sharp man to make s tool of a dull one. ED. 4. PRIME MINISTER'S ANCESTRY. Rontishiuen Seem to Have It Over the 'Scots; Premier R. L. Borden is, of course, the man of the moment in England. Apart from the innumer- able letters which have appeared in the press from a regiment of sup- porters and dissentients, anti the daily editorial battle, of Tory and Liberal newspapers, there has been an animated disoussicn concerning his ancestry. • Perhaps it was the generally ac- cepted idea that Scotsmen made Canada which encouraged one wri- ter to claim Sootlaiid as the native country of the Canadian Pienuer's ancestors; perhaps the writer only desired to exercise the faculty com- monly credited to Scotsmen of claiming everything gaud when he described .him as a "plain, strong ataxia Soettieh descent:" Anyway, the meat of Kent Were roused. "No ane n writhe one man of Kent, "grudges Scotland any honor which she may legitimately claim, but mem of Kent and Kentish man proud if it were wouldbe roved . that Canada'ts Premier was sprung from the loyal'teountry which also produced Wolfe, the founder of British Canada." Evidently the men of Kent. will net relinquish their ground with- out effort to .Scotland. They have compiled an irresistible genealogi- cal tree, and "Osbertus de Borden" may easily rank for first place with "Henry of the While Plume," the designation so affectionately used by Sir Wilfrid Laurier's supporter's in tITo Province of Quebec during the last election. No usual work of reference gives the detail with which an ardent Kentish man com- municates the family history of the Bordens. • He traces his lineage in the direct male line from one "Henry Borden of Borden," who lived and flourished " in . the fair County oaf .Kent when Richard- II. was King iri A.D. 1380. "Osbertus de Borden," presumably of the same family, wasa benefactor of Sheppey Monastery: previous to 1234, when his name occurs in a charter of Henry III. William Borden, great-grandson of the above Henry, held lands in Borden and Headoorn. Fifth im descent from this William was Richard Borden, son of Matthew of Head - corn, who was born there in 1595, emigrated to New England in 1638, and died at Portsmouth, Rhode Is- land, in 1071. Richard's great- grandson, Samuel Borden, Vas the surveyor employed by the British Government to value the Readier) lands in Nova Scotia, where he ac- quired an -extensive estate and died in 1778. His great-grandson, Rob- ert Laird Borden, borax at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia, is the present Prime Minister of Canada. JAPANESE HEALTH RULES. Printed and Widely Distributed by the Government. The following rules for the gen- eral' guidance of the people in. health matters have been printed and widely distributed by the later anese Government: First—Spend as mush time out of doors as possible. Bask much in the ecu and take plenty of exer- cise. Take care that your respira- tion is always deep and regular. Second—As regards meals oat meat only once a day and let the diet be eggs, cereals and vegetables, fruits and fresh cows milk. Take the last named as much as possible. Masticate your food 'carefully. Third—Take a hot bath every day and a steam bash once or twice a week if the heart is •strong enough to bear it. Fourth—Early to bed and early to rise. Fifth—Sleep in a very dark and very quiet 'roma, with windows open. Let the minimum of sleeping hours be six or nix and one-half hours. In case of woman eight and one-half hour's is advisable. Sixth—Take one day of absolute rest each week in which you must refrain from even reading or writ- ing. Seventh—Try to avoid any out- bursts of passion and strong mental stimulations. Do not tax your brain at the occurrence of inevit- able lucid -cats or of coming events. Do not say unpleasant things nor listen, if possible to avoid it, to dis- agreeable things. Eighth—Be married! Widows and widowers should be marriell with the least possible delay. - Ninth—Be moderate in the con- eumption of even tea and coffee, not to say tobacco and alcoholic beverages. Tenth—Avoid places that aro too warm, especially steam heated and badly ventilated' rooms. Minard's Liniment Cures Eto. Did No. 1 Remain, Travelling Lecturer for Society (to the remaining 1i'atener)--I should like to 'thank you, sir, for so atten- tively hearing me to the end: of a rather toe long speech. Local Member of Society -Not at all, sir, 'I'm the second' speaker, HE E COLLO NOT. ` BRAINS if- THE WORKSHOP. SLEEP Al NIGHTS (fJOt'Man's Value Dependent on ' 91 Mental Qualities. It is (sometimes said ,that in the modern factory n fi me havo been Y turns ' ` d into mere machines, �ll I C and la- , • TILL HE FOUND RELIEF IN ® jl j DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Fred. Swanson, of Saskatchewan,' sends a message of cheer to those who feel the weariness and dis- couragement that comes frost broken rest. Macklin; Seek. Jan. 13 (Special). —Those who suffer froan sleepless nights and 'got up in the morning t.ee'ling tired and discouraged will find renewed hope its the statement made by Fred Swanson of this place. He could not sleep at nights. He discovered the cause. 1t, was. Kidney trouble. He discovered the. • ll c re. It is Dodd's KidneyPills. "Yes," Mr. Swa so says n n in an interview regarding his case,' I was troubled' with my' Kidneys for over a year, ba so d that I could not Y sleep at nights. After using one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills I found great relief. Four boxes ron-oved all my pain and now I sleep well and I am'as•etrong in my Kidneys as any man." If the. Kidneys are wrong the blood b,ectlmes clogged with impuri- ties and natural rest is an impoasi- bility. Strong, healthy Kidneys mean pure blood, new life all over the body and that delightful rest that` is the sweetest thing in life. Dodd's Kidney Pills always'make strong, healthy Kidneys. '3 WEDDING STOPPED. Crowd Mistakes Reason and At- tacks Relative of Bride. The wedding of a 'soldier of the Northumberland Fusiliers in St. Andrew's Church, Newcaetle, Eng land, was suddenly stopped after the bride and bridegroom and the wedding party had assembled in the church. The reason for this step was that the officiating clergyman suddenly discovered that tho banns had been published on only two Sundays in- stead of three. Roth the bride and the bridegroom were mush upset. An even more unpleasant incident followed. A crowd of women who wore waiting outside the church imagined that' the postponement haat been caused by a woman rela- tive of the bride, and they violently attacked this woman as she left the church. The wedding guests, k'howing the true state of affairs: went to the assistance of the victim and a free fight took phaco on the church steps. 91' Had Pains in Back, Side, and Chest Suffered for Weeks,• But Finally Found a Quick, Sure Relief._ Cured Qulokly by "Nervlline." , No stronger proof of the won- derful merit of Nerviline could be produced than the letter of Miss Lucy Mosher, who for years has boon a well-known resident of Windsor, N. S. "I want to add my unsolicited testimony to the efficacy of your wonderful liniment, `Nerviline.' I oonsider it the best remedy for a sold, sore throat, wheezing tight- ness in the chest, etc., and can state that for yearn our home has never been without Nerviline. I had a dreadful attack of cold, that settled on my chest, that fourteen different remedies couldn't break up. I rubbed on Nerviline three times a day, used Nerviline as a gargle, and was completely restor- ed. I have induced dozens of my friends to use Nerviline, and they are all delighted with its wonder- ful power over pain and sickness. "You are at liberty to publish this signed letter, which I hope will show.the way to health to many that need to use Nerviline.. (Signed) "LUCY MOSHER." All sorts of aches, pains, and suf- ferings—internal and external —• yield to Nerviline. Acoept no substitute. Largo family size bot- tles, 50c. ; trial size, 25c., at all dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. CITY OF SUB)ItiS.I N SP tiLia, Savo Paulo Has Some Ambitions Schemes. How mush- do you know about, the 'South American city of Sao Paulo 4 This Brazilian town, the. capital of the great coffee growing state of the same name, now lies an estimated population of 380,000; and it is anticipated that within fifteen years it will reach the mil- lion mark. Although 4,000 now houses' were erected tat the city dur- ing the last year, the demand' for houses greatly exceeds the supply, owing to the rapid increase of Po- pulation, and rents are exorbitant. A' magnificent operahouee, con- structed by the municipahty: was opened' last year with a brilliant season of Italian opera. The old cathedral is. to be torn down to give place to a new one, which will cost $2,000,000, and will bo one of the notable churches of the world. Finally a vast scheme of city im- provements has boon instituted, un- der the advice of M. Bonvard, ar- chitect for dee city of Paris. It will include splendid boulevards' and viaducts, asphalted streets, and a public garden at an estimated total cost of $20,000,000, toward which the abate government has already appropriated ':$3,500,000. It Is. A lather's: idea of being firm with the children' is being cross with their mother about it. Ivent It M UL e bor dehumanized, but the ssertion is the exact antithesis of the truth. In the modern factory, says Engi.• neeririg, it is the mental qualities of the employees on which a de- mand is inade, and it is for this rea- son (that the reduction, which has been effected in the working hours usuala century ago, has been rea- sonable and justifiable. A Chinese sawyer will spend twelve or mere hours a day in splitting up by sheer muscle a balk.of timber as much as 42 inches square. Practically no mental effort is demanded from him during 09 ,por cent, of his working hours. So far ass this portion of his work is concerned, he is a mere machine,' and an ineffective cue at that. Ri mind md may re thorofa wan- der an-der to other themes than the matter in hand( whit i st his punystrettgth oafternekfaielosf more be movethe hints 6 sitores 7 thinrochuesgh st . Leber • of ties kind s k nd may well be con- sidered dehumanized, since it masses little damned on qualities other than those .possessed by the brute creation. On"the other hand, the sawyer in a modern sawmill must keep , all his attention riveted on his occupation, sirnoe a moment's lapse may lead to irreparablein- jury to either himself or the work in •hand. The whole of his value as a workman is thus dependent upon the possession of certain mental qualities, the exercise of which in- volves a definite nervous strain. Every year, in fact, sees the intro- duction of maehin'ery which more and more relieves the workman of duties which can be equally well effected automatically, and in- creases, on the other hand, the de- mand on his care and attention. 11,msa Try Murine Eye Remedy i� Noamerting—reels Fine—Acts Quickly, Y ®if®.v- Or nal^ted FS pilau 'iia Emtca nook In 000h 00ekage. 100161Ng In own - pounded pt,ounded b9 our Oculists -note ',Patent �" `a MettleInti..bbututedlnsueeenetulPh]•sl- etn ,J ol¢ns'rmetic0 for many yeah, Now 68Y 6D Druggists rugs , , to 0010 Pum bottle. ¢nd s e en Car Ilya qSals¢tn Aseper TubeMurino Ilya Salvo In Aseptic Tubes, e60d6p, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Cu1icur Soap e ud O011htffleut Tonight rub your scalp lightly with Cuticura Ointment. In the morn- ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap. No other emollients do so much for dry, thin and falling hair, dandruff. and itching scalps, or dolt sospeed- fly, agreeablyand economically. Full directions in every package. Outlunra Soap and Ointment aresold throughout the world. A liberal sample of enab, with 82 -pogo booklet on the caro and treatment of tho skin and scalp, neat poet tree. Address hotter Drug& Ohom. Corp., Dont. 17D, noston, o. s, A. SHAM JEWELLERY IN BIIITAIN Everybody's Wearing It From 'the Queen Down. All London, from Buckingham Palace to Whitechapel, . has gone crazy over sham jewellery and everybody wears it from Queen Mary downwards. Some of it is, of course, exceedingly pretty, both designs and settings being dainty. Her Majesty purchased many effec- tive trifles, especially earrings, of this kind for Christmas and New Year presents. Some have enamel inset, but several have stones and are such palpable imitations that they would not deceive the most innocent in jewel lore. The truth is, this jewellery is merely pretty and often artistic rubbish. All the grenade dames of the moment who go to fanny balls are laden with spuri- ous preaioue stones. Cultured con- noiSseulls in everything . beautiful wear the most unmistakable bend necklaces, which they order by the dozen to "go" with each different colored gown in their wardrobes. This passion for sham jewels is due to the anxiety so many women have experienced for the safety of price - leas heirlooms, beet they fall into the hands of the clever jewel thief who of late has been particularly busy. One well-known countess boasts that she went to Court last year wearing sham stones, and says that her "gems" caused far more sen- sation among her friends and in the press than the real ones ever ooea- sioned. She adds that she intends to go again to the Court " of St. James' decorated with the same "treasures." "Life," she adds, "is far too short to be made ill with anxiety over the heirlooms of any house on the face of the earth." '3' Minard's Liniment cures Carnet In Cows. First. She (getting ready to go cut)— What are you looking at? He—I'm just watching whether that house opposite will be finished first or you. Only One "OROMO QUININR' That ie LAXATIVE BROMO QCXNINE, Look for the signature of E. W. 0i10v3. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip in Two Days, 26e. Real charity doesn't employ a press agent. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ' Then She Was Mad. "John, you never listen to half the things I say to you," she com- plained. "Well, dear," he replied "I havo to work part of, the time.'1 Apply Zarn-Bak to all wounds and sores and, you will beaurprised how 4luiclrly It stops the smarting and Stings ease. It covers the wound with a Layer of pro.' tective bake, kills all poison acme already la the wound. and prevents others enterica. Its rich healing herbal essences then built; tip from the bottom fresh tfssuce end in a wonderfully short bras the wound la healed! Zsei nuke popularity tainted on merit t IMIloan narerwo*cures, Racer, end get the reel thing, ZsusSuh"is printed' on avert' moires of the g(tenuine. Bemis pp1l ofpori, Odd c.5 dtnlggiets and storm o3 Zet auk Co., Toronto, Foolish Question. "Do you women play for prizes at your afternoon card club 1" "0.1 course we do; clo you think we'd neglect our children for the fun of it 1" Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilaw are just the right medicine for the children.. When they are constipated —when their kidneys are out of order -when over -indulgence in some favorite food gives them indigestion —Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surely put them right. Purely vegetable, they neither sicken, weaken or gripe, like harsh purgatives. Guard your children's health by always keeping a box of Dr. Morse's Indian Roos Pills in the house. They e1 •125 Eggincilbstorsgl end ireodc0 mous If entered togvetheeroR 0.l hit iid "tinig "9i' „la 1 Pf � ,melannabste Pa �l�.. $ua- resnr;ipwPro¢i nIxteaJ;n „WICOMMON rCl/0A7n Co.d l0%00 nes Soots. Wt.., 0.3.5. auto! ick FAIiMS FOR 551.E. Toronto. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. 7!")t'•IINDRIDD ACRES—COUNTY HALTON; 1.i1. Good Rouse; Buildings; Orchard,, Cheap and an easy Lerma.' (A1 EVI NTY•SIX ACRES WITfi Goo buildings and apple orchard; shout five mllee from Flamilton, H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.. ® NE IIUNABED AORES IN oxvoml hun CBoil clay and mond.loamf fifteen acres mixed timber; 2 acres 08 - chard; buildings fair. Would-oachapte for city, town or village property or tor. smaller farm. 30. L. Franitliu,Eastwood, Ont, SITUATIONS VACANT t 014NT8 :.WANTED EVERYWHERE, .L'�. .A 1 hnmodietol-Hom1ook OIt9t Pn y y. Liniment, iialltaa; N. S. STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED DY--. 7 Flerent Foreign Stamps, datelo U e Album,.ahly Seven Conte. Marks Stains Company, Toronto., MISCELLANEOUS. CANCEIL, TUMOR8, LSTMPS, ETO.. internal .and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Writ* us .before too late.... Dr. Hellman Medical. Co., Limited, Oolllnewood. Ont. (I ALL STONES, ICIDNEY AND BLAIN 2.1f der Stones, 'Kidney .trouble, Gravel. Lumbago anti kindred ailments positively cured with the '-• new. German ilemedy, Senol," price 81.60. Another new remedy for DiabeteselfeIlituo, and euro mire, is ,So,lol's Anti -Diabetes." Price 52.00 from. druggists or direct. The. 8anol Menefee. taring Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man. CLEANING LADIES' VALIUii3lC OR OUTING SUITS Can be done perfectly b, our French proem0. Try I6 British Amorioan Dyeing Co. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. IF31 " i EE rpp t ; 1 PA L 9'o Color Gray nag S%'30 II W 1', Aud Hnke [t Gt••otr, Nomr-u5p quite so glee as a beautiful head At hntr, Let ussend you abeolutoly free one treatment of Luxurine, If it Is only to prove to you that It colors grey hair and mak an It grow, stops Itching, remo- ves dandruff and motes the hair of man or woman or child heavy and beautifully' glossy. You Lave only to send us your adorns, with I Oe, enclosed for Mailing and packing, end we wilfsend you anywhere our treatment, at our awn expense.- Write to -day. A<dreee CM. PROSSE, pont 2 203' Commlctoner Street, Montreal. Sixty Thousand trappers now seas tie their ttaw Fuse. Why not you? Wo pab highest prices and express charges, charas no 00mmiaslon d 0004 moneys o day 000,o 000 0000!504. Millions 01,15) 000 oqq ssid tr0pper0_peub 1000 Dtlal with n ro110 1c. h0u�oo are tbo 1ara00L to 000 pan to cnaada. rpup FREE all' P dttrnmiantezdlllonaot HALLAM'S TRAPPERS GUIDE, a bank of 00 pages, mnilod Fft1LE. Write to -day to John Daltam, Mali Dept, ao, TOn01' TO,xx x llroat Stn. Turn about is fair play—except /leap the Children Well when applied to a hand organ, WE HAVE STARTED A PRIZE CO PET TION In the interest of purity of goods involv- ing an outlay of 460k divided into 443rizes varying from 5100 (first prize) down to Competition is limited to'uso15 of the GRIMM CHAMPION EVAPORATOR. Should you own a grove and want to get the best value out of it, and are not using one of our EVAPORATORS, write to ns, stating how many trees Yon top and we will quote you necessary cost suited to your needs. You can then enter contest and may win a cash prize, thus reducing cost of outfit. Prizes will bo given for the best 111591ea of syrup and sugar sent in by April 16111, closing date of competition, Samples from every competi- tor will be exhibited in the magnifieeut show windows of "The Montreal Star," Montreal, 'during the last two weeks of April. Don't fail to write at once for copy of our. "Prize Contest Circular,' giving the fullest information. THE GRIMM MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LTD. 5e Wctiihngtorl St., Montreal, Que. Help Y®__ rself to Health Get rid of that outside closet on your farm—it is the cause of most of the sickness in your family— because it is a breeding place for disease. You Can't Afford to Ignore This Fact It stands to reason that by allowing the foul smelling, outside closet to remain within a few steps of your home --it poisons every breath of air you breathe. You' and your wife, daughters and sons—risk ill health every time you use it. The outside closet is really a rolio of barbarism.—no pro- gressive farmer should tolerate it. Just think how your wife and daughters must hate its shocking publicity, inoonvenienee• and discomfort. Man—make up your mind now to blot the outside closet from your farm, Let 1,1ghnw yolhow 'you can install aGood Healtb Sanitary Closeteeright in your own home—at a very small cost. Imagine the comfort, convenieuoe and protect n to health it means to you and your family. Mail TAis Coupon to Us RICHT NOW EoeUPON The Good • i`leaith Co. Gentlemen : - Please lease send me It rature giriving f l partionlars' 0f. ilio Good 8oale.i Sanitary Closet, td Pre .,,.... .:...... ...........,. ,ewer.a c4Iir s o m,wmust