HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-16, Page 111 No. 1764 -34th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1913 THE HOME PAPER' t How does your sub Morning! to The News -Record read? 9ewekrii f1epairing Haveyour •our watch,>clock, and jeweiery repaired at ,yEellr//:ars• 1 andY ou: will get satisfaction: AU work guaranteed.' le) . ,�. Yiellgar feweter and Optician - - - Clinton REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. Mr. James Tucker has soler' his house on Princess street to Mr. millfloor i nha ,s of the big g John Shoe who has already taken posseshion. It is a convenient place •urd will save Mr. Shoenhels time going to and returning from business, 1 ADDING THERETO. ITl News -Record has just added a numberof fonts or new type and is now in a better ' pori- tion than ever to meet the job work wants of town and country- side, "1'b'ese additions to our ' plant were made at a considerable out- lay, made the greater because of the rapid advance in the cost of prant- ing house supplies. i A GOOD ENTERTAINMENT, The entertainment given in the town hall onWadiesdaY evening of last week by. Dr, Bernardo's J3oys was one of rare enjoyment. The boys ,were exceedingly clever in the use of various musical • instruments, some ot which were entirely new ;to a Clinton audience, so that -their part of the program was very much 0"a", THE WEST( OF PRAYIIR. Tile union services For prayer held in the different churches during last each even- ing, d eat well attended were att W eek and the interest thus displayed by the members of the various cors gregatiens proved to be most en- couraging to their several pastors.. ARMY NOTL'IS. A special service will be held in the S. A. hall on Sunday evening next when there will be an enrollment of soldiers. Adjutant Smith of London will he present and eon - duct the services. A number of new eotrterts:.have been gathered in during the past feww months, who will . be duly, sworn in and enrolled, Lieut. Air.,iworth was in Seaforth on Sunday conducting the services for the S. A. there, . appreciated, Then the . work which is being done by this Home was ex.- p rained and illustrated by pictures, t=. a Bank much valuable information beingg lIoj Thea who as not large but those tend frit amply repaid by the ation gained and by the ex - 1 celleneo and unique character: of the entertainment given. OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $26,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reset ve and Undivided Profits 12,,500,,00 0 Total Assets wide connection. Interest 325Branches. id I)ebosits.Generala en with regard to it. The attend - 0000 w ' did at Information tgrta Ta:IE 1 The after • pointe committee Morris A's TOWN COUNCIL. d mem town tt the 0 hers -elect of i With world w allows B IBanking business transacted taking the oaths of office ap- pointed d the following as a ClintonBranch : Canteen, Ford and R. E. MANNING, Manager 'Morrish, Council met at noon on Monday and The label tells the story THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 000. Oats 80e to 34e., Paas 90e to $1.00. c. dcto55• Barley 8. Butter 24c to 250. Eggs 30e. Live Hogs' $8.10. WOODMPN jOl FIC'E�RS. A SPLENDID. CAR. s r to cafe th � S Mr. John Dodds 01 in town recently and in conversation tion with The News -Record said "I brought any ear up the other day to have it gone over by the Clin- ton lin ton -Motor Car Company ao that it will be in readiness when the sea- son re -opens. 1 ain delighted' with the car. It has been a time and money saver for me and my ,satis- faction'is so complete that I always put: in a good word for the builders, the Clinton Company, whenever pos- sible." loarmwoonammararowsrararemorm i • of the labours of this ittees 0 ami'h obstandsi'tt etc g committee e Ire ons INCORPORATED D 1555. Progress for Five Years -1906-11 Record of 1000 1911 CAPITAL . $3,000,000 $4,000,000 RESERVE . . 3,000,000 4,600,000 - . 23,677,730 35,042,811 DEPOSITSN LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 27,457,090 4S� �7,S?.S� ;3U OU 19. i TOTAL ASSETS a . ' s in all de nt Has I� Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents the Principal Cities of the World. A GENE&AL BANKiNG BUSINESS TRANSACTED GS BANK DEPARTMENT SAVINGS all Branebee, Interest allowed at highest current rate. at Mr the year were feet as follows, ®Q�o the first mentioned in each being Tam program al the missionary chairman Street—Ford, Paisley, Cantelon meeting .01 the League on Monday It an ,and' Mason, evening was taken for the 'nest Thomp- I r byladies of the W. M. St a Paisley and 1 p pat rU —C'luli 1 Props y , � number of whom took up the study of a chapter in the book, China," very interestingly, Mrs. -"1'. • E. East contributed a solo and Br1s. Bowlby gave a reading. Mrs. Can- telon, head et the Missionary de- partment, occupied the chair. Bylaws—Paisley, Cantelon, and DISTRICT L. 0. L. MEETING. Thompson. Finance ,Thompson, NIorrtsk and The annual meeting of Mullett pie- held on r ue sda s ha o y. was -Wet L. O.L. � --Mason. • t M 1 ;- 4 Eo to v Court of Revision—Gibbings, Pais -and was. well attended. The ley, Canteen, C1u3 and 'lhontp- 1118 officers were !elected tor 1913: son. • Master, D. N. Watson, Special—C'luff, Cantelon arid, Ford. Deputy, Rob't, Watkins. Peter :Cantelon and John Wiseman Chaplain, Rev, L'. B. Jcaking .' were appointed auditors, Ar, Cyan 'file Woodmen of tate World elected the following officers for 1913 at their recent annual meeting Past 0, C., .Chas. Witty. C. C., Onslow Crieh, A. L., . J. Cook. Banker, A. Cantelon. Clerk and 'treasurer, T. Cottle. Watchman, R. Tasker. ., Sentry, E. J. Johnson., Medical Health Officer, Dr. Shear. Personals Mr. .John Sutter was in ,Stratford this "week. Misses Shirley Bawden and Reta i av on Ird r in London Herman were Mrs, Hamer Smith of Toronto was in town for a few days last week. Miss Beatrice Greene visited Fuller- ton •friends from Thursday to Mon - FIVE TIMES ELECTED. Mr. James Ilarltley, formerly of this number � f 'anumb whohas county and c nt Y relatives in and about Clinton, , has for the filth time been eleeibd reeve of the united townships of Macdon- ald, Aberdeen and 'Meredith and by a great big majority. Mr. Batkley will 'always have a warm spot 10 his heart. for old Huron and in'remitt- ing bis sub. to The News -Re- cord friends his old fr e cord ho extends to the seasons greetings. WESLEY CHURCH.' Rev. R. J. McCormick of I•Ioimes- ville preached morning and evening on Sunday in the interests of mis- • Ecu lari r particularly, more Y p inspresenting so the claims of the Forward' Move- ment. At the evening service Mr. Lloyd Walken sang a solo in good voice. - Next Sunday 'Par. Gibson' of Lon- don, a prominent layman, will pre- sent another phase. of the question etin of missions and the annual ori g and subscription will be taken. Giuton Branch r;•*E. Dowding, Manager C dier a trustee of the Collegiate, D. L Macpherson a member of the !local board of health and Dr. Shaw to the public Ramey board.. The following resolutions were ad- opted : he ti and el l ' Ford—Morrish—The matter 1 held the t annus g son, Fire and Water—Morrish, .Ford and 'Cantelon. Cemetery—Cantelon, Mason and Thompson. Charity—Paisley:, Cluff and Morrish. Park—Mason, iiLarr01li and.Ford. rho New Mrs Higgins of lorolito is the guest of NIr,-and Mrs, Wm, Gra-; hart. ' Mr, J. A, Irwin -will give' mission- ary addresses in`Teeswater on -Sim day , next, Miss Roea Lyon of Londeshor0 was a week -end visitor witb Miss sic L•'wan of town. Mr. Geo, Ross,. Chief Superintendent of the .Post Office department, was in town on Friday, - Miss Sutter of Stratford'_ visited her Jirother, Mr,' J, Sutteeoftown,. Tuesday. n It Monday and Y Y and Miss Mar- ion : iron Mrs. (Dr.) -Thompson ion were guests of Fullatton fri- ends over the week -col. Mr. Frank Williams went to Wood- stock yesterday to attend the Cheesemakers' convention. Mrs, Jas, McIntyre Ras gore .to London to take a position and ex- pects to remain .in that city for some time. Mr, Jack McCaughey of the Onion Bank staff, Goderich, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J'. McCaughey, Mr. Alfred Owen, New York, pre- sident of the Clinton Knitting Com- pany, wab in town fora couple at days this week. Mr.. James Howe and :Mr. W. ate - Connell, after a visit' 01 some weeks at their biomes in town, left for the west yesterday. Miss Ward, --principal of the Busi- ness College, r'eterned'last - week after a holiday spent at her home In the Sunny State of Maryland. Messrs. Alex. and John Dawson of guests r the, c Pearson, Iowa, were g last. week of Mr. and Mrs. R. .1. C'lulf, being cousins of the latter, Mr. Gordon Cuninghame spent a fou- - ple of days hunting at the Lake Monday last week, returning Shore last vee morning with his game hag not ex- actly bulging, yet by no tueah8 . e1111,'ty. ale. and Mrs.' W C. O'Neil lett on Monday for a trip to Bermuda. Mr, O'Neil has not been enjoying - good health for some little i ince and it is hoped that a complete separation from business earth In e unit the balm .climate of the Y to I old his him to •e isle will restore time vigor. Mr. A. 0. Paltison lett yesterday morning for a trip to the warbler and more congenial climate of Ar- kansas, where 11e will spend a few weeks. He was aeeompanied by his son, Mr. Edgar Pattison of Brucefieid. Mr. holly or Toronto 'is relieving agoht at Clinton dur- ' ing Mr. Pattison's abseree, - Mr. W. Jackson Went to Toronto yesterday to attend the wedding of Miss Kate Taylor, daughter of Mr. Andrew Taylor, a prominent railroad' man well known in Clin- ton. The event 'took place in Blom: street Presbyterian church last evening. Miss Taylor was on more than, one ecc0sion the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson. Rev. G. F. Salton, now pastor of the Mo0sejaw Methodist church, ate at one time pastor of tie old Rattenbury street eIio 0Iu, Clinton, liah been invited to the Fort Rouge Methodist clutch, Winnipeg• 1111 wife is a daughter of the late Daniel. Cordon of Clo'derich, Miss Myna Middleton, daughter of Mr. John Mtiddleton of Goderich town - hip, was for a time legditig sol- oist in the choir of Mr, Salton's present church. Mr. Wm. Currie arrived Monday ev- ening after an absence 01 nine North Dakota, years at Gardner, o whither he first went a score and seven }rears, ago. He is a native of - Goderich township, ]las a stun- ber of relatives• still resident there and yet owns the old farm, Mr. Currie !naturally' noticed many all - Meld d' an r shot is a n s hoc l chs e rug improvement in general. Needless to say he has been warmly welcomed by relatives and old associates who will unite in making his stag a pleasant one. In reply to a .query as to 110W Pro- hibition w.orlcs in North Dakota MO. Currie said : "It's all right and we woulrin't• thiltk of repeal- ing it. To the small towns and' there is r Gt ical- Uhca ' actP rural diatr ly no sale of liquor, though: is the fall in harvest and threshing, when there is a floating popula- tion, there le some "bootlegging" done. The, outst:uldin•g feature of the peolaabitory law is that . our young people are growing up with- out any per:meat knowledge or the par-xi/elm Do you know when I' went . out into one of The other states without Prohibition 10 toot ad queae to'see people 1'ne up at a bar." . ANOTHER MAI[, ROUTE.-: - Another mail route, to be served from Clinton will probably he' as follows ' West to the lath con., south to 2nd of Stanley and to Glen's cor- ner, west -to 4012 eon., south to Makins' sideroad, east to 2nd, con„ !me- rlon north to Glen's corner, east to..on- tion Road, South to lg miles from 13rucefield, east to 2nd of TUeker- smith, north to school, west to London Road• and north to Clinton. LITTLE LOCALS. Stock- '�'aking Sale! Stock` taking is the next thing on e program here and that means th pg time for our annual that it's again sale. Everybody that is acquainted with this store, knows full well what that means and appreciates the fact, when we run a sale it stands for something, We always reduce in- ventory. as low as possible, before car- ventory. Theles no money 1 ring goods from one season to the next. • Cost Regardless of Overcoate and 1 es. hus G oR � Every men's overcoats stale price $ 7 90 $10 00 12 00 - 15 00 22 '00 25 00 2 50 boys' overcoats '1 00 " h 06 ('1 75 ,a 7 75 youth's overcoats lpayany man or boy well to Yt.wll an overcaat at the sale, even if you d require one until ne'ct season. C early slid get your choice. « 8 90 11 90 ti 10 90 19 90: 1 90 2 90 990 - 4 90 5 90 21 ; THE MORB1Sli CLOTHING CLINTON, ,, oNT.mralo Furnishers "To Men Who Cane." • r buy O0' 0 0010 Iter. -Secretary, John Bullard. Fin. -Secretary, P. Canteen. In:easuter, Fred Scarlett, D of C., D. Cantelon. Sentry, D.' S. 'Clult. .j In the evening the Scarlet Chapter Id their annual meeting ' a of e - I 'n officers: octric wiring and other. electric light C. in C. J. Scarlett. matters be left in the hands of the 1.. in , , J. Benny. Property and Electric Light 'Com-' Ex -C. in C., R. J. Cleft. mince, Chaplain, A. McCreary. 1 Thompson—Ford—That the Clerk Herald at Arms, John Duller, be instructed to procure fifty lamps Lecturer, Peter Cantelon. of each following size 25-10-80-100 1st Conductor, James Campbehl. 1 watt tungsten lamps, Edison base, 2nd Conductor, Cr. Doherty. rich ' odaMcElroy. G N4c e 7. —That the raidY Herald,Ie , •rlsh .I — of 0 ro id M Township Council be given the use I. Herald, Fred Scarlett, of the board room for the building of their council meetings free of DEATH OF D. MACDONALD• charge for the year 1918. The funeral of Denman Macdonald, I Thompson Chill—That a bylaw be wine died at Saskatoon, Bask., on prepared for the purpose of adjusting the Oth inst., and' whose remains ithe collection of taxes, that thereached here at noon yesterday,, took ratepayers may be permitted to pay place in the'afternoon from the un- their taxes in two installments in- derta'kang rooms of Atkinson &Dun- stead ot one each year as at 1�L0 • ford. It was under the auspices of sent. the Masonic Lodge,,, of which the de, 1 Paisley-Thompson.—Ttat all the ceased had been a member. The ser papers connected with the Motor Car vice of the Presbyterian ahtirch was including the agree'e left bt . the Rev, D. K. Grant. Company, g conducted -by I b e le f t same as a land the bylaw ot the In early life Mr. Macdonald w 1Ii1theC0 table to be investigated by resident on the London Road, on the I the council, pier• of farm noW owned by Mr. G. B. Han �: Cantelon -M Ca1That the o ley. In 1871 he went to Winnipi:g Drummond McCall and 0110 22 ny in and labor to tlie mining district of settlement of rheic lien he accepted Montana; where he regn,ained until pay d authorized I Y returned surf i and the treasurer filteeT' years agog when he 1.110 - to e Clintonen- ter out of the to Clinton. here he remained 1, ter Car Co's payment. til two years ago when he went Thompson—Ford—That a donation west again, locating in $askatch- of $10 he made to^ the Hospital for swan• Sick Children. Hie surviving relatives are his xis- Committee. oma ince'Al. Street C well of l r e rt of m. La] R po ter, Mrs. W The .only report your committee has 00 make this evening is in refer- ence to letting contract for snow plowing. We have received two ten- ders, one^ front Oreo Bros, and the; Both these E�11'ott'. -Bot 1 from Wm t other er fro � - tenclors are the same Arica: We re- commend that two plows he given W. Elliott and one to Oree Bros. at 30e ,per `hour.—•J: it. Ford, Chair - Popular Preacher and Pastor v does your C;ood Morning 1 How 3 sub. to 'l'lie News -Record read ? A. meeting of the Publicity Assoc ration will be held in Coclerich on Friday afternoon. will meet at the n The W. 0.T. T., home of Mrs. J. A. Irwin at three o'clock Friday afternoon, The Women's Institute will meet' next Thursday afternoon at the home ot the president Mrs. Munroe, and a full attendance Is requested. ONT. ST. CHURCH. Special evangelistic services for his 1 an being in It eld le people g young1 p week. Rev. Mt. Ford of Weal y cheat will address the meeting this, (Thursday) evening. the meet-. ings will he ' contieued on. -uuday and each evening next week: all hearty invitation is extended to to attend these services. The W. 011. 5, held their monthly meeting and tea on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Geo. fuavie. The Society is preparing to hold a celebration of its twenty-fifth an- nirer.S'ary. ^- " HURON COUNTY IS GCI::\TC1'iDR1 Of the 20 municipalities in Huron County 14 have secured local option while Goderich, Winghal'n, Exeter, Brussels and Wroxeter and the town- ships of McKillop and Stephen Have given large majorities against licen- ses, though not the necessary three- fifths tion. re lora o fitLI1S to secure p 'Ilene will likely be campaigns this year in Seaforth, Blyth, and Brus- sels ; albo Slay Township end these are. the'only places that Will vote in .January 1914, The `Town of Goclex- ich can vote in 1915, and will like- ly do so. After May Huron County will be over half dry. Rev. S. J. Aliirl eiai t c i series o u •in � a p nd t 'S CU t} hot b w services in tile Ontario street church without the assistance of any outside evangelist. uian. Lighting House of Reftege. In eonnecklon with the I-IydroEl- Scafo>rth ; Robt: McMwrray, Bayftold, ectric proposition I beg -to say thet ,� John Scarlett t Wm rious 1= Kenny oathIMS p 3 referred the question of our cup- 1ICillop: The lying light • to elle House of P,eluge I rented were of etch t as n1ii•e, 't+� Nar. Tope eta hesrnds me a te- 101ticers were elected. pry to the effect that he laid the Master, ,John Scarlett, Winthrop. 1111211x.. before the 130ard and. was ;Deputy, Wm. Kenny, Winthrop. illserlicLe1 to • say •that under the l Chaplain, Geo, Vanclorburgh, .Pot - p1 av 11011 of the Power. Commission 1 tee's Hill. Act the alunieipal1ties are authorized. Recorder, Peter Clsnteloll, illinto to fnrnisli pewee 'outside tke Muiica- Treasurer, rkos. Kearns, Bay - 4 urra r 0;14$ Itobt A'i y, +Cllr ler TS C n:, Cat e lave the a L IX, 1 1 c L ;•vu 1 Of' 1.11 iso Y �'oF tri,. townshlit the,] are seating, ( field, Jnr. Ii:utellinsan, SOeeaort8t„ Itogether wrath the consent of the Caesars, John McElroy, Blytk, Jas. ITyd1.o 1 leet1iu Power Commission 1 Campbell, "Winthrop, and there slt0t11(1 be no difficulty in Standard Bea/aces, i1cl. Mete See - obtaining both or 411ese. You12114/14 I forth, John':Bullar'd, Seaforth. lad, 1 Co,nniittee Jolla h 1 Itimdly' bring then to the attention0 t theper time.-- I Elliott T Monag an, bort, who returned tram the wea' With the remains, and one brother, Mr. Dan. Macdonald of Gloderioht. HTS. C KNIGHTS. CI MEETING OF DLA Baufield. Bayfield will sfiertly- receive better 155 postal facilities . than ever before its history, That is, 'instead for h having two mails arrive here in the evening, one en the heels of the other' - as it were, the first will arrive short- ly after One o'clock, so that we �rnay, read the city dailies when enjoying our after-dinner rest,' The seconut mail ought to reach here at 7:30' and bring in the evening papers. - Outgoing mail can then be despatch- ed the ! and i ed in the morning a ;mid- dle of the afternoon. '!'here wilt also be three rural main routes meaning out of Bayfield, two into. GOderiehtownship and one into Stan- ley. It will 'thus be seen that se far as the Postofhce Department is. mete* 3a fiCld is t0 rL e concerned L o Day field consideration and that our citizens will appreciate it we have no doubt whatever. Mr. Louis Wild ot Nelcoma, Nadia des um Dakota, is spending a few wet der the parental roof. The village council :net at Clevele a. 10. on Monday and atter tailing the statutory declarations of olMee annotated the following officers for the current year : Clerk, H. W. Erwin: Treasurer, :John Whiddon, Assessor', ('has,. Tippet; Auditors, John Pollock and ,Jolla Patoea cnr. Truant Officer, Thomas Cameron.: Medical Health Officer, Dr. Woods., The reeve, clerk, NI. H. 0. and Mr'. Tilos. Cameron are the board of health. The At home and dance to be held in the -town ball on Friday pe- ening or this week promises to be a very pleasant and 'successful af- fair. The committee of ' manage- ment are : John Parker, 5.I -tar - risen, W', H. Johnston, and 'Dr. Smith with Mr. G. E. Greenslade as secretary. Jubilee Proceptory No. 101Black Knights of Ireland, held their Ma- nual meeting tri the Orange hall oa Friday: afternoon. last, with a good attendance. Among those present from out of town were : Ed, Mole, THE NEW PARISH PRIEST, Rev, Father Dunn, who for the past two years has been priest of St, Josephs 'parbdh, has been trans- ferred s ferred to London and is succeeded by Rev, Father John -Hogan of St. 'limas, -who has already taken charge. Father Hogan is a native of Asbfield and prior to his arrival here was acquainted with many of his sew parishoners. He will cele- brate his first mass in St. :Joseph's church on Sunday next. Father Hogan has for the past four years been in St. Thomas and united parishes "aid Father West ae- ferred on Sunday to his departure as a source ' of regret to himself and kis parishioners. dile was pleased though to note that the move 'wan a prosnotioa and,he was sure sue - sew hold, i his a follow n cess would o A LITTLE SURPRISE 1 Tha Floe-Hundreal Club met at the home of lir.. and tars: John Tor- rance on Monday evening, the meet- ing being held on Monday ao that Mr: .John, Crooks, who was leaving town Tuesday, might be able to attend. The eveuing''passed pleas- antly, ae such gatherings usually do, and'Before its close Mr. y':roots was presetulted ay the Club wialn a 1ittlo. remembrance in the siiapc of a bachelor's kit, 184e preeiintateon be - made by Dr; Axon in a meat and ape sposek Mr, (awoke was ' eompletely surprised but made a i�1ds : lc his fi et thanking 1 to t ie 3 suitable su1 reply, for the gift and ler the th.ouglatlml- i ? '1'110 label tells the sCory, .aess which 'lead prompted it, find rcael ' aesurin4 them that he would ' long 1;O'I'itl OF Stamm. remember this eveaittg. lar. Crooks to pognlar wt.* 13 as area, of 'lt}iends Our Meal grocers 10pOr2 an abund- Schoen a q,. and - anal - 'the fern weeks he spend* • in 91140 ot butter offering, indeed they to W 'eh 'Ala- town daring' On winter ranettrs fit- I.sa7 they. Gannet recall a seesen the .Council a pro tp, I3rydone, Town Solicitor. CSatalay, D. `r•' PinP.noy, D. Feta >•aiyq Pootn Go Progressive. Mr. W. II, Lobb, who is well known as one of the most progres- sive tarmees of Huron County, has given another evidence of his enter- pram nter-pr o by installing a tw'o•and-a-hall' horsepower lighting and power plant on his farm on the Maitland con- cession. The plant consists of an automa- tic gasoline engine with an electric motor attachment. It is an eighty light machine, that is, it will deve- lop sufficient eleetricity for eighty sixteen candle power lamps, it to-' quarocl. Mr. Lobb is not yet using that many inoancleseents, though he has his blouse, stable and barn so well lighted that very favorable comparisons are mode, so far as. quality is concerned, with the light- ing plants ot nearby towns. power for for plant also furnis110s pumping, churning, running an em- ery grinder and is 'also to be at- tached to the washing ntaahire. and power - ' t 1 h • the 1p. Souseful has g proved to be, although in use only a short time,. that the family are already ' tvonclering how they ever got along without it. i ed Since the plant has been instal there has been an unusually large number of visitors to the Lobb homestead and now that rho way has been blazed it is very probable that other go-a1eede will install 1 similar lighting and power pants. GOOD MORNTNG 1 Good Morning ! 'dear reaitee, Ilow News -Record N,vs%'� The rt �nb to 7 , . D 0141.: s , rim Y rtgf•. Nltew it was sa p6alKtitta. Mr. W. Lobb.