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January 9th, 1915
••• •+• ••••• e•• •o•• e•• •••••••••• •
er,al lees.
• 'or -H •
Jan air
On all broken lines and odd sizes left I
over trona the Xmas trade.
Special prices on all Xmas goods, ladies'
and children's mantles, underwear and
hosiery, linens, sweaters and sweater
coats; felt, boots and slippers, furs, blan•
kets, etc.
• 0000e••oe•oeoeee•40••• eeeoo•osieeeeo•••eeoo•
For 1913
as in previous years will excel
in values, in qualities and in
quantities whenY ou want the
best that is p45sible in shoe -
�1�✓a� ��SllfE68C
We wish all our patrons
each and all a prosperous
New Year.
Our stock is complete
all lines and you will
always be able to rc-
core bargains in shoe-
wear at our store.
J. Twitchell ce Son
.0••o •4e0040.*goo®OIrY®.®®*OAp4P0 4441**0.4• 444.44.41 e�
Our Aim to Please
Brings Customers Back
+ 0
1 Furniture Buyers at this store i><.variably tomet
back when they want more and bring g their friends 4
1 with them. m
.To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is
as good as it looks and that is saying a whole lot, ®.
� now at money saving l Substantial Furniture can be bought here
rices. Why - not secure ''what ‘2,,,,
pieces you need now while prices are so ,favorable,
Atkinson & unford Isy �
Furniture Dealers; and Funeral Directors
: Phone 104'
Z (
A.LL9— l
it fb f+si'rsCt/4964+�(sA4^�?SD'3E4�4't�Pi46�'i�4^@+Y"iD"9P@'s?e'L,,�'�iQ+4•.AA®o®P@D�^m.
uaWts�r �
Are you d News -Record subscriber ?
And the heaps
we have for it.
A Pocket Dairy
An Office Dairy
A Desk Calender Pad
The Canadian Almanac
The Gist of the Sunday
School Lessons
The Golden Text Book
Tarbells Teachers Guide
Pelvubets Select Notes
We wish you
to a greater and
and greater
height. --Dickens.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
Mrs. J. Rattenbury was a Toronto
visitor over • the holiday.
Mrs. Carter came up from Hamilton
to cast her vete on Monday.
Miss Marion ,Bogie of Goderich has
been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Penne-
Mr, John Hellyar of Bowmanville is
the guest of his son, Mr. W. H.
Miss Leila Ford commenced her iiut-
ies as teacher of the Public school
at Constance on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pennebaker, Miss Edna
and Master Frank spent the holi-
days with relatives in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kennedy of
Staffs were guests'of.Mr. and Mrs
Harry Fitzsimons over New Year's.
i chell
rile B
visited his grandparents, Mr. and
1VIrs. Wm. Cantelon, over the week-
Miss Margaret Wiseman returned to
Ottawa on Monday after a vasa- homes heing : Messrs, P. Quigley, T.
tion spent at the parental home in Tighe, Jas. Brown, M. Morrison.
town, Mr, Edward Blake returned to
Miss .Mabel Rathwcll was in Torun- Detroit on Friday last after spending,
Hallett Township
We are sorry to' hear that Mr, W.
H, Farquhar of the ;Clinton Road
is quite. Ill but we hope soon to
hear of an improvement.
At the annual meeting of S. S,
No 5, Mr Wm Fear was elected
trustee, succeeding Mr, Albert Vey
mouth. ` •
Mr. James. Howard Snell, who un-
derwent an operation in the Clinton.
hospital, returned homelast week
and is improving so rapidly that it
is expected he will soon be quite
himself again. Howard promises to
equal 'his father, who for many
years has been regarded as one of
the most successful ireeders of live
stock in the county.
The very many friends of the fam-
ily, will regret to learn of the ill-
ness of Mrs, Jas, Snell and will all
be glad to hear that she is getting
The News -Record' leads for I-luliett
township news. .
The land upon which the school
house in S. S. No, 5 stands was
given by Mr. Thos. Fear, a fact
that is probably not known by many
in the section. Mr.' Fear is the old-
est ratepayer in No. 5 and one of
the best informed on various sub-
jects. '['he one that can trip him
up on Biblical subjects has not yet
come this way or at all events lhas
not encountered our old friend.
family re -union took place •at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1', E.
Mason last week at which there
were thirty-eight present, including
the old folly, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mas-
on, Sr., of Clinton, also Mr. and
Mrs. Harry .Joshing and Mrs. Cotton
and her son laddie, Detroit, and Miss
Williams of Binghampton, New York
State. The evening was a very en-
joyable one though tempered by the
tact that it was the last time the
family would all gather under the
old roof. The Mason family is a
well known and touch respected one
hut they have now all gone from
our midst, the parents to Clinton,
the two daughters to Detroit and the
son to Summerhill to "engage in bus-
iness Mullett misses them but wish-
es them well.
The Warren farm on the Gth aeon.
has been renteii by Mx. Albert Mor-
rell of Clinton who will move there-
on in a few months. Mr. Morrell
has followed the threshing every fall
for several years but has tired of
it and will now settle down to the
more congenial work of farming and
f the
one o
doingso has selected
finest places in the township.
The rural telephone has been ex-
tended along the fide con., the lat-
est to have it installed in Their
to a couple of days last wee
visiting ,friends, returning on
11Ir. and Mrs. A. Neilans aull fam-
ily attended • a re -union of the Neil-
- ams family at liarpurhey on New
Yeat's Day,
itIr. and Mts. G. D. Roberton and
Miss 'Helen and Master Kenneth
a few days at the hone of his par-
ents, itir, and M1s..fR Blake.
Mr. and Mrs Luke Lawson of
Clinton spent New '.'ear's with fri-
ends in this vicinity.
(intended for last issue.)
Miss lemma Biggin and Miss idin-
nie Cook of London were guests dur-
visited Brussels friends at Nsw
Fear's time,
Master Douglas Ball ramrod home
Saturday after spending the vac -
mg the week of Councillor and Mrs
Miller of the 2nd con.
Mr, and Mrs. 11. Snaddick and
their three chi1rren, Miss Lucy and
ation with Mullett and Gm -tench
Masters Joe met Johnnie, visited re
township friends. latives at Caledonia over Christ -
Mrs. Ja;wOs Stoddart of Seaforth
Will Brockett of Clinton and but
recently out from- England, has tak-
en a position with Mr, William
Morrison of the 5111 concession,
Mr. and Mrs. , Win, IVIedd of Trow-
bridge were guests 'at 111e home of
Mrs. M. Hesselwood during 111e hol-
iday season. •
Mrs. David Hoggart spent a cou-
ple of days last week with her cou-
sin, Mrs. Horsley of Hensel], who
is very i11, so mtich so that little
hope is entertained for her recovery.
Mr. J. L. Wasmann of Clinton has
been engaged to • teach in No. 7,
school and 1VIiss Edina Levis in No.
her hone at Stratford. 9. These are a couple of the ',ea-
ItIr, and Mrs. Alex. Elliott and Miss ohers-in-training just graduated from
Belle Brown of Toronto visited the Clinton Model school.
former's uncle Mr. John 0. El-
liott of the Bayfield Road, dun-
ire; the holiday week.
Mr. W. Grant Beaton was home
during the holiday season, leaving
on Thursday for Carlyle, Sask., to
resume his teaching duties. Grant
looks well and, has lost none of
his old time breeziness,
Rev, J. Greene left Tuesday horning
for Marll'clale to conduct the funer-
al of Mr. Armstrong, one of the
oldest residents of that locality
and a parishioner of Mr. Greene's.
in the early part of this minis -
Miss L. M. Stephenson of North
Bay, Mr. John Stephenson of Lon-
don and Mr. Fred, Stephenson; who
t riding code e• at Springfield,
is attending g '
Mass., were all home last week
and ate their New Year's diener
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Glen Campbell
have resumed their classes in mus-
ic after the mid -winter vacation,,
Mrs. Campbell teaching in Clinton
on Tuesday and Wednesday as he -
fore, ancl Mr. Campbell teaching in
Seaforth on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, and in Clinton 'Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday.
Mr, John Guest left on New Year's.,
morning inter:ling to spend the
holiday at the ill homestead in
London township, 13etoe reaching
Lucan, however., 11e was taken ill'
and leaving the train there he took
the first; train home again and has
singe been umber the earn of a
physician, He is xow improving for honouring hien with. their pre-
tence amt. aceceptecl 111e gift as a
Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson; of Al- tangible remembrance of them for
peva, Mich., returned to their home reteep days when they co11d no bon-
on' Monday -last after spentlin; tw'o, ger conic together in a body to kir:
weeks in and around Clinton; M'rs. homlo.
Wilson is the oldcr sister of Mrs. Miss TIutcllisoM
Donn broor
A. Hoopoe,' Mr, J. Atkinson Davi itetl last week at 1115 hones of Mrs,
Icaac Marwood,
Miss Lena Plunkett is at . ,reseet,
visiting Winghani feiends.
Mr. Herman'Buboltz visited the
last few clays at Seneurtt.
was a guest last week at the
home of ber brother, lVlr. 'Rost.
Pearson of the lath con.
Mrs. (Dr.) Maeeallum returned to
Tier home in Kingston on Monday
after a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiseman of town.
Misses Mabel Clark and Jean Greig
returned to Toronto on Monday
afternoon after spending a week or
so with friends in town and 10
Mrs. John 13ailey, who had been vis-
iting the parental hd;ne at Bay-.
field, . called upon Clinton (-[ends
Saturday last on her way hack to
Mr. Charlie Manning has again
been elected trustee of S. S. No. 8.
Mr. Joe Lawlor of the Soo and
George of Alberta are at present
renewing old acquaintances here.
• Last '1'luirsday evening the mem-
bers of the Junior Bible class of the
Auburn Methodist Church drove to
the home of . their much -esteemed
teacher, Mr. Wm. Plunkett, and a
delightful time was spent. In the
course of the evening at an oppor-
tune time the following address was
read after 'which Mr. Plunkett was
presented with a beautiful easy
chair: "Dear Mr. Plunkett,—We . the
members of your Sunday-scIlo l -
class, assembled .here this evening,
wish to Canvey to you our sincere
gratitude for the interest }rou have
always taken in us in every way.
You have been faithful in breaking
the Bread of Life to us and we as-
sure you that the seed sown by you
shall produce an abundant harvest.
We would be oblivious of all sense
of obligation if we failed to express
our appreciation of your labours.
We therefore seize the opportunity
of manifesting o-ur deep regard for
you in asking you to accept this
chair which may prove to you a
source of rest and comfort hoping you
may long be spared to enjoy it.
Then 1n that other Home may wo
-tack teeoivo a seat at God's right
Ittand. '
Itt:. Plunkett was taken completely
by surprise and for a titeuleet was
Without a reply. '.'hen fe a few
euilable Words he thanked the class
Mrs. John May, all of town. It
00110 <thirty-eight years' since
Mr. '.Nilson left those parts and he
notices many big chanes :and aunn-.
erous remarkable imp:evemouts,
• ••
•• •
• AA
Each week of thismonth we will advertise huge cuts in winter merchandise.
Rather than take them into stock we take this means ' of clearing them out, The
winter is only started so don't miss, this opportunity to save your pennies, Terms
of sale -:----STRICTLY (:ASH. See next week's list. Watch this space during January,
Fancy Black Dress Goods 25c
10 nieces of fancy black dress goods, double
width, regular 50c, 75e and 31. These, we have de-
cided. rius'r go, hence the first and last deep Out.
Don't miss this January sale price 25
Ladies' Winter Coats $5.
'15 only ladies' and misses whiter cloth coats in
shriek, brown, green and grey tweeds, sires 31 to 33
only, regular $10, $12 and 315, Come in and look
these over, think ol'the price's and judge the rnat-
ertal and styl for yourself, them take your choice
for 5.00
$15 Ladies' Dresses $12.50.
Ladies' evening and afternoon ready-to-wear
dresses in black, sky, navy, white and tan, sizes 31
to 10. Ten only in the lot. Space will not permit
a description. These are the very newest styles
and marked down tor January sale to...$ 1 2 . 0
Ladies Golf Coats $1.89.
25 only ladies' golfjeoats, balance of this seas-
on's buying. We have made our profit in this de-
partment and are satisfied to sacrifice what is left
of nor 3225, $25Gand $3.00 golf coats during Jan -
nary sale at each $1.89
Ladies' Quilted -Lined Coats with Fur
Collars $15.
Good quality black beaver shell, heavy weight
quilted lining, black fur collar, full length, well
tailored and a very smatt style, Specially priced
for January sale at $1 5.00
Men's and Women's Mufflers, A.l1 Col-
ors 292.
and women's mercerized Men's n w n' 1 rrerized knitted muff-
lers with dime fasteners in all the popular colors.
Neck sizes 123 to 16, fancy and plain weaves.
Regular 50c, January sale price 29
Fur Stoles at $7.50.
30 odd pieces of ladies furs in stoles and mutts
marmot, hear, seal, squirrel, tibhet, grey lamb,
paw huttb, coney, timber sable, etc., regular $10,
312 and $15. Tour choice driving January sale
$22 Ladies' Tweed Suits $1.6.50,
11) only ladies tweed suits Inn, brown, grey and
navy, satin lined, smart styles, daintily trimmed,
man tailored .'hese styles are the balance of the
season's buyingand rather than carry th in over
we have decided to put them into this January
sale at $16 -SO
Red Clliotz Comforters $1.69
Large sized red fancy chief% print coni1'ur tors
filled with gond quality fiat Ling sLitehed with silk
anc1wear guaranteed, Nine only in the loft. Be
sire von get one or more of these. Regular $2 25
and 32,50, January sale $1.69
The News From
No need of our citizens going cold
as Mr. R. Adams has received one
car and Mr. 'rhos. Miller three car-
loads of ehesnut coal this week. It
is condllusive of a comfortable feeling
to know that there is no scarcity.
Tlie ratepayers of S. 5, No. 8
will hold a meeting on Saturday to
choose a site for a new school
house. It is necessary that all
those entitled to vote on this ques-
tion should be present and do 'their
part in this matter that the ends of
justice may be served.
• Miss L. Jamieson returned to 'i'or-
onto on Monday to'resumeher dut-
ies on the teaching staff of the city
Miss E. Lyon returned to Strat-
ford Friday to 'attend Normal:
Miss Lawday Young returned le
Brantford Saturday of last week af-
ter •sponding her holiday at. her lime
Mr. John McConnell and family of
near Eiliiionton,- Allit. , aro visitkug
the dormer's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Janes McConnell of the 13th con.
Mr. honey returned from spending
the. vacation art his hemp in Souldd•
The .5. 0. L. litell then: installation
of officers and an oyster ,supper 00
Friday evening last.
meeting of L. 0L.No.
A special t t
ie t filth inst.
863 will be ]field o he
who:, a full attendance 151 re;iucfit'eil
—M. Bruce, Master, '
At the school meeting of S. S
No, 2, Mr. James Van Esmond wee
re-eleotod trustee,
Forest, to prosecute the call before
the Presbytery of Iluron. J. M.
.Mackay will represent G uthrie
Londesboro will deeply regret loosing quires.
its earnest, energetic and much
beloved Pastor,
Rev. W. T. Penney.
Jan. Jed.—At a special
;neetin e- - ofens Presbytery of t`an-
even .told to -clay a well signed oall
tv',to presented iia behalf of Guthrie
rimed, IT 1z.r,slml, in favor of the
Iter. W. 1.,.Pearcey, of roideshorp.
Aftercommissioners representing the
r,Oagrefabion had been heard the call
was sustained. The Presby bevy an -
Pointed Rev.' Win. Cooper, of Monet,
Miss Nellie Medd Lias taken 10
school at Winchelsea and commenced'
her newduties there n Monday.
t o y
Miss Milson of Buffalo spent G
vacation time the guest of
grandmother, Mrs. Milson,
James and C'aininb0l-c' So,tllerland.
visited their sister, Mrs. I(indly, in
Toronto during the holiday time.
Mr. Alex. McDonald of Staffs is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Ernest.
Mr. Wm, Stanley and Mies Bertha
of 1-lohnesville were the guests cm
Tuesday of their daughter and sis-
ter, respecti,ely, Mrs. D. Tudor.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Pollard and niece,
Miss Glazier, spent the New Y'ear's
holiday in, Clinton the gusts of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adan)
Mr. henry Colclough spent a few.
days the guest of friends at
and in Goforth township,
Mr. Ches. Allison of Forget Ire
spending the winter with his broth-,
er, Mr, I), Milson,, :
IbIr, Chas. Hall of Montreal syem'1
the holiday time with his t
s. and Mnr
Mr.. � 1 3
. 1 , ITall.
Miss Lois Holmes of Clinton was
the guest for a few cloys of 3lisr ..
Marie IIaii last week.,
Mc, Percy Taylor 10 morn g to hlin.
farm In .the vicinity of Welton.